HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-10-21, Page 11• WIT A11iD EH1IM3R. '' 'Before marriage she WKS tleai'land lie wait her treasure]• but .afterwards she iwcawe dearer and he treasurer; ' A. Mormon never ipeaka ohie better Haff, but of his better' eigi til or, si > •t'tatmtls, as the Case may be. 'Seubrett-"]low is the prettiest way to hold the hand V' Wlly, so. that the other side oau't see what csr(is ,you've go. • • . Advice trout •tits Greek t "Itnew thyself" is good ad 'ice.. And to find out all about yourself'. in the shortest - time get nominated for otlice, A prominent New York lawyer cun- tidentially informs us 'that during his experience he has never met \vitt ale divorce but what there was a wom- an. in it. 11. W. Roily has u, poem . on .«The Lost hiss." He dosen't make it very plain as to how be lost it, but'.it is pre- sumed that hvr mother clinic into the room just in, time to catch. Iter at it. "1 rE'nl>:+ntber,': said brewer, "I re- member two young ent:n who used to board at my ]louse -they are both dead row." The crowd broke into .a' nitaam ing sinilN,'and Brewer woniiereel why they didn't wait for the featly part of the story to Coale., • "This butter, nlr. Spicer.," said tiie t'1•oaler, "carried off the prize at the farmer's fair," and Seth spat out a taste of the compound.and remarked': "Un- less the prize was a ship's anchor and utixin cable,. I should. think the butter, could have carried it off easily." 1iThnt new girl is smart lookini'v and. a, good figure, but she is too confound- otlIy frank with the customers," - said -Mr. I+'lemishell; the dry goods merchant, "You ought net to • eXpeot`' anything• different, sir," answered his confidential• clerk. LeWhy not 1"°: "Why, sir, you say she is a good figure, and . figtfres, you know, sir, won't lie."" • The barber's children are little shay-' cera; the upholsters are • little tackers; • the butchers' are young lambs; tlie car- penters are chips fromthe old, block.; the baker's are clam baby tarts; aria the angry'. man's are little pits:=lCew Yurk.Daily 'Yews, And the. printer's are pious;.th.ehotel:keeper,'s.iit.tleb-e-ars. and the pork packer's grunters n,Hagyard's. Pectoral Balsam,'; tt:few doses relieve the moat aistressing cptugh, and a twenty-five cent bottle has cured Charly a sufferer from Asth- ma, , Bronchitis, Group, Influenza, Hoarseness dud Soreness of the Voest.. It is the grand specific for all throat and lung complaints leading to Con. suaupticn. "'flail beauteous„ bounteous,lad- soslte Spring" -this was Mark Twin's prize ,L)oew---but the dire' diseases in- cident to spring, spoil the romance. Burdock Blood .Bitters is the prize remedy, the remedy prized by all who have tried it as the nest Blood Purify- ing Tonic and System • Regulator in the market. It cures all Blood Humors trout the worst Scrofula to a common Pimple. Sample 13ottle 10 cents, for sale by all iihtilers in medicine. '-Six Nevada widows, each worth oyer $300,000, have formed.a. compact and solemnly agreed to take no mon-but edi- tors for second husbands., 'The reason for this•'is that they know editors are' • above pecuniary considerations and will • only wed for love. And we'. wish to. add that every editor in the land •con -siders all those ladies as ,..among the` loveliest of their sex and= h:it;hly',intel "iectua). THE HURON,' RE QflD 1S 1'0651811HU Every Friday lnhTO>rnitng, At the othee, Victoria Block, (near. the Post Office) • CLINTON, ONTARIO, E. I"LOO'pY,° PROP. TERMS ••--7'nn 1trcOan wi11 be sent to subscribers (postage fere) for 31.25 if paid inadvanct ; 31.50 if paid in 11 months; 82.00 if paid at the end of the year. No pupa discontlnned till all arrears 510 RATES 017 ADVERTISING. -1st Insertion, per line, tic.; each.snlsegnent insertion, 2c l'rofeosioual t'ards,.not exceeding six ]sots, $4:0011er tuntuui.' - ",frAdvertisentcnfswithout specific dereetwnswill. be inserted until forbid, mad charged aceorQutg1y. 807' Our rates for yearly contracts will bo outdo known 00 applicationat the ufllee, • .1011 PRINTING,- Rook' and Job Printing of every description executed with neatness and despatch, on thtl shortest possible notice Orders by mail prompt- ly attended to. Charges moderate,' CHURCH D1I1tEVT011 % Canada Slcthodist•;•tierriees'at 10.30 to 111. and 0.80 p. 1n. Sabbath Sehool at 2.30 p. tn, 1li v. Ws. Stcl)uvaen,, Pastor, • Canada Presbyterian,- Services at 11 non. and 0.30 nii7,lPuestur.ath School, 2.3o. p.m. ' 1'H\ A1,ox, Srrsw- Et, Paul's (Episcopal). --Senecas at 11 a., m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School and Bible Class, 3 in, Rte., \V Canto, Rector P. . Bible Cluistian Serviees at 10,30 a. 1n, and 030 p. m. Sabbath School, 2,30 p. 10. •.R a...11. "rnwIAs, Pastor. . Baptist Cbureb .-Service at 10.30 a.m. and 0;30 pan: Sabbath School. 2:80 p. m. Rev: J, Gans, l'it'ter, ,An Interrupted Wedding 'Uniontown, Ky., -society has' been given a shockfront which. it will take a long time to'recover. The trouble cumilated at a weeding. The about.to• - be -bride was young, refined, and, as her masculine acquaintances aver, was beautiful: The groom had been intro, dnced- :into the :'best chole of Uuion- town-people' a few nio ftlis before, and, had ,completely won'the cotificlence of the young woman's parents, He Was handsome, scholarly, and of fascinating. manners. A. week or so ago' the friends of the bride mei 'at .the church where the ceremony was to be per -- termed, and soon ithe bride herself en- tered, with flowing veil and rosy cheeks; The clergymen, whose services had been secured for the occasion, eyed • the. llridegro'om elese)Iy, and, :wheh the lat- ter drew near, the good man dropped hiss book as though ,atnazed.,and hor- rified. '• "I . cannot ,rlxy this man," he said, recovering quickly. - "Why not, sir l" asked the .bride's father, rising ' ger and moving toward the elEgyman. "Because I married' this Man to another' woman .at Evansville; 'Ind., lass thana year ago.".' • Some of the ladies fainted, the bride- groom -elect gesticulated violent .pro- testations, and the wedding• -party col- lapsed. Investigationshowed that the charge was well-founded. TRAVELLING. GUIDE. ' • r aatai 'f'riuik EAST. • Pass Exps Mixed, ,]fixed, l oderne Ly 7.00ana. ,1800pui..3l5pin•..0.00 RIO llolmesttllo.. 7.20 " .,12,80 .,3.50 " ..9.40 " Clinton ; 7.30 " .12 45 :.4.15 " .10.00 Sen3p{ith 7.50 " .. 1.10 ..4.45 0 10,50 " Dublin .. 8.03 ' . 1.30. 'e ..510 11.25 " Sli.tehell .. P 16 " .. /.45 ." ..5.85 " 11.55 debringtille..8.35 " 205 ! :,010 '12.35p1n Stratford,_Ar8.45 " .? 215, `,:050 "; . 1.00 " VALUABLB Village Lots for Sale,. IN BLYTH.. . 1. Part of Lot No, 3, Block "A," Qae0n Street Mc- Connell's survey. This lot is in the centre ,oj the business part of the Tore, and has frontage enough. for tierce stores 2, Pert Nos. Two and Three, Quoon Street, Drum: 11744)11's survey-- ery conveniently situated. deueos. 5. 1058 Nos, 11 Rod 12, Block " C,"l,fceonnell's sur• vcy very suitable, on Wheeh to erect private resl- Pass. $tritlord..Lv 1.20 p in Sohring\•elle.. 1.80 Mitchell ,.... 1.45 " Dublin ..200 •Seaforth 2.17 " .0,liuton .. 2.40 " fTolmesville.. 2.50 ` pot18r1uh.: Ar3.15" t' "Arkansaw or Arkansas." It is im- material which pronunciation is adop- ted in this case,. but quite material that the citizens of Arkansas with the. rest of the United Status and the Vo; minion should be supplied with good pens. Bsterbrook's are •popular, re- liable and standard. Why. become 'a suffering martyr to headache, \Mile Burdock ' Blood Bit ters +will surely curet' the cause of all varieties of either . Sick or Nervous Headache, cleanse the system, regulate. the serrations, relieve Constipation of the Bowels, purify the Y31ood, renovate the liver, and tone up the Nervous System, and distressing 'headache will be unknown 4 Sample Bottles 10 Cents, Large Bottles $1.00. WEST. Exp's. ]Mixed: fixed.. ,.7.50pm..7.00am..3.48pm ..8.0.5 ' 7.30 ' ..4.10 ." ..8.25 " 1:8 15 " ..4.45 ." ..SAO a' -8.45 ' • 5.10 " 8.55 " . 915 " .5.4a " ..9.15 ".. 10.00 " .0.15 '" 9.25' ' . 10:2.0 ' ..6,35. 0 :9.50: y •11.oa '..7,15 " Grein Western NORTiI._; • •-' TERMS EASY. For further particulars, r.pply to or to the C, FLOODh, Blyth. RECORD OFFICE, Clinton fitil FORFEIT. Immix Cancer (ere Depot, Caaticook,,1'. C,1.,.Canada. ANGER CURE. Vii✓ without tae use of the Entre. .8.8 The only Permanent Cure in the World, For particulars enclose two 3 :cent stwnps to 8. C, 5111111, Gattieoult, 1'. tars, Canitdc. l7.0 Ilighest references. GITILE4 - bly'I}FT ANO PERTAIN.. Any payer can pnhllclt the above for 35 a year, with. this note ands paper regularly. Express. - Mail.. • ' EFpress - LOntloh ._ 7.40 a in. .2,20 p m....0.25 p m Ilydelark,. 7,50 "' ..2.80.'" 0.35 Etteiek. 6.44 " llderton 8.0;1 {` 49 " 0; 2• Brecon .. 8.15 " 300 : " 7.08 .Clandeboye 8.20 315 " 7.14 " .Centralia 8.40 '" , ..8.25 " Exeter 8.52 .3.38. 7.40 " 1lcnsall 9.05 " ..8:52 " 7.53 " ,T;ippen .- 0.11 " ..8.57 " 7.59.' " lirucoheld , 9.21 " ,:4.07 " .8.08 '• Clinton ... 9.39 " • .4.23 • " 3.25. '• Londesborough 0.53"' 4 41 . " 8.45 "' Blyth.. .10.00 " . ..4.50 - 0 ....3.52 " Belgrave 10,24 " . ..5.00 ' " .:9:09 " wfngham.. 10.45 " ..b.25 " , ..0.25` " SOUTH. , . Exprese. . Mail. • Express -- Whe hair . 700 a to .2 55 p tn....0 20 ji • m Belgrave -w 7 15 " 313 ,' " _....0 38, Blyth .. .735 " ....8 28 " ,051 •' Londonborough. 7 44 " 2130 " " ...7 04 ". Clinton 802 ".364••c" ....7 24 "' Brnceleld.. - 8 PO " „. 4 07 ` :7 43 " Iitppen 830 :.4 i5 " ..7 59 " Hensel].. .,. 830.:" 420 " ....800 " Exeter -- 8 52 " • :.4 82 ..8 25 . " Centralia.„ -. 9 02 " .4 42 r .„8 42 ' Clandeboye.. 016 " . 4 54 _ ' 002 -• " .Brcuon ,,. 9 27 `• -'..5 04 "..918 . " ;Merton 938 " _ ..6i 13 " 'x ...9 35 "" Ettrick �_. '9 47 " 11ydo Park ..' 046 " 5'20 " . 10 00 " London • -.10 05 ' ,a 65 " ...1010 " -AND- [i�i� �1°�l�I'CiCS FOR SALE. GOOD -BARGAINS. That firstelass Tarn, on the Ilin'on Road, near • 1larpurhey, Lot 33, in the first concession of SfeKillop, 101 items, (b0 cleared) adjoining the pro.. 'perty of L. 51eyer, Esq. Log and France ]louse, large Frame Barn, good Orchard, Sc, Apply to SL'. WM, Wij1'1'ELY, lDurbn ]toad. Techorsmith•-=•0r 50 the unde.rsie urd () Lot 29,. fn the Twelfth Coneession -01 Oocicrlch, N. Township, near llolmesville--80.acres, about. 40 cleared, balance Well timbered. Frame house and stable Well suited fur a dairy or gazing farm. Only 3200 reetfired down; Or would he exchanged for Town property. Apply to Sir. 11. 31OLNTCAS'TL1i, Blyth, Cir to the undcrsiunerl i) The valuable llotel proliertv'on Victoria Street, e), (linte,., known as Lane's Betel, now oroupied Thy Mr. George, Knox; comprising a forge hotel .build- ing,•d1'iving• shed, four choice T.,Wn lots, 1,e. • ' - 4That elc ant two-story frank dwelliri-11OUSc on I ilurnn Street, (llntun;• formerly held by J. C. • Miller, 110W Gnelllnetl•b,y Mr. John 1'. patten. t✓ The comfortable frame enttage on 'North Street, e), winch belonged to the late Jaden Pugh, now 00 copied by 51r..Jahttwail tw0•13rge lots, good garden, are,-near.th.Tiailey o Flax ax 51111. ' (/+ Thu good f rune cottage and large lot No. 903, 0. on Eno 4treetr (Hutton..- The lot is near the Junction of iho.v o rain al's, and may hereafter "he valuabloaS•it factory situ,. .lr•+IT Also other lots and buildings for sada. •Apply to _ Hi. HALE, Clthton;'April 11, 1831, Buren, St„ Clinton Ear's for .the 111111 10n 1 Foe Cltoo'S,1Rals•un of Shark's Oil, X'ositiveM Restores the IIear(ng, and is the Only'dLsaluI, C ei'e for, Deafness •Kneen: This 011 Isextractcd !roma pectillar species of small Sunnit, 'naught in the Yellow Sea, known as. Carcharodans Rondeletii, Every Chinese flshorman" knows 1t. Ito virtues as it restorative of hearing Were discovered by . Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its eureo Were 80 nt111terOtls and MA\r HO BMr01801.0 MntA6t'LOns, that the relpody Cia8 n111ela1ly proclaimed' over the entire Empire. Its use became Ho tlnt0orsal that for ovale 300 VRARs 00 Do,tvxlmms IIAH MIMEO .50000 1101 CIIIgai/a"Lisor1Jf: Sent, charges jlrel9lald, to any address, at $1 -per bottle. only Imported by 1.1AYLOCK & CO. 901.7E AO1STS you minim 17 my$t., Now Yerk Its virtues are 4eldgt1P.stiitl able and its curd tier char- acternti3oltete, aA the ureter peen personalty tcst(f'y, MA front exprerienee and obserodtion. Among the many readers of the Bbviow in ono part alul another of the country, It Is prohahl0 that num/ bets aro oftictett with dulness, and to such ft stay be said; "Write at once to flay lock. & Co., 7 Day Street, 10ow Ybrif, enelosing 81,"and you will receive by re- Mint a remedy that will enable you to hear like any. body else, and whose ehrath'e effects will be perms- , nont. • rode. You will never regret. doing so."--Ettitor ill Jew 1 ork Yeroantile ]ttroicre, Sept. l+s 1880., John Smith. MERCHANT TAILOR ANI) G neral - Outfitter, (Carson's CLINTON. Clinton Marble Works,. •HURON• STREETI CLINTON. W.' H..C'0 o'PER, Jr.,• -tfanefacturer of and •dealor in all kinds of Marble & Granite for. Cemetery -Work, it figures that defy competition. , Aloe -lllanufudturer, of the Celebrated ARTIrIc1A7r SroN.E 'lot. Building pur- bposes and Ceinetery.Work,hvhich roust e semi to 1)e appreciated. -A11 work. warranted to give satisfaction, CLINTO arrI-a.g-4 D. CANTELON NANUFATU1tER orks. PROPRIETOR, OF. BUGGIES, CIJTTERS, WAGONS, SLEIGHS, &C. LTTI1,f BEit -ANT) SHIT GLPS taken in exchnnge. Clive me a call and 1 will give you pric,:s that cannot be bep,te11 in the Comity... e....11epairing and Iiorseshoeing doiae with despatch. - • _„• Harness, Light, •-==AND=, Ti. CANTELON. Harness j-/eauy, Can always bo'had at the LOWEST RATES, at.: . NEWTON 84 DENNIS'. PHOT 'C A HER, ' - Beaver :lock, Clinton LATEST STYLES 1 ' FINEST FINISH 1 also a Large Stock of C g • which will be sold CHEAP. 'We. are giving Special Bargains in Trunks and Valises. Our stock is very much enlarged this Spring, in all the above linos. .All we ask is for the pub- lic to call and inspect our stock and be convinced that 'we ate selling cheaper' than ever before known. We have al- ways made Ligllt 'Harness a specialty, and warrant all Collars. NEWTON dt DENNIS. FURNITURE!! - FURNITURE!! Clinton Furniture .Ware -Rooms, .No. 77 Brick Block. Owing to the increase of businossduring the past year, 13 IR, 0A•1)IP00T 8z T3.0.7r Vale taken out a DOW lease of No.' 77, and will continue to do business as formeri 4 • Wo have on hand at the present time as tine a stock of,h'urniture as was ever on exhibition in this Town, 'which we will sell ata,very SMALL ADVAN(•T: ON COST, As we manufacture all our 0011 Condi WO arc the pared 500'0011r Customers BETTER 0001)8, for LES�SLtylr,ONEEY than caul jo oobtainedd .sewhere: , ' - ALL... GOODS �ty�� ARRANTEDI. P..ROBR, Manager ; ' A. BENNETT, Salesman - ' .tar Don't 1n1ss'the place -No. 77 nrlekBlock. `irh BOOTS AND SHOiES,; TRUNKS, ETC., ONS 1/M0N''T J: Z'WI'T'C LL'S, ICT RIA •BLOCK wrr5 CHH MISTS AND DRUG ,ISTS GREAT IVORTIU-'ii STERN TELLGRAPfl OFFICE, ALBERT STREET, ' CLINTON,. -DEALERS IN Pure Drugs, Dye S.tufs, Perfumery, -Genuine. Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicines, and all Articles Generally sold by Druggists. PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RECIPES CAREFULLYP[1EPA.`ESED:' Agents for liarris' Glove Cleaner., • BroadfoottBoa, ll�Ul l�Uld Our stock of 'Undertaking Goods is very large _ and coin- plete. -.A,ny person requiring anyth•ing•in this line will find it to their advantage to call and see us: as we have just re- ceived a large stock of • WAIrNUTaAND ROSEWOOD CASKETS. Also COFFINS, of every des- eription,'frons the best Ameri- can and Canadian manufactur- ers, also a stock of Robes and - Trimmings, which we are pre- parod to furnish at Ralf the price formerly charged' for these Goods, NO,17 BRICK B OCK1 LYTH : SAW MILL. • GOSMAN•& DODOS`: - Are now'propared to do'all kind of work' in their line. lhwingput; 111 a grain erushor,•We ere :aisle to do cbopping'at Shy time :and on the shortest iloti00 • GOSMAN S D01)DS. Blyth Dec. 17 1380. 42-tf. - Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick •nessand Summer Complaint; also Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults' or children , FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. • T. MILBURN & CO., Proprietors. Toronto.