HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-10-21, Page 7HURON NOTES. -Dipthetio, is prevalent in Mail - lop just noW, several cases being re- ported. 1. • -Miss Ratcliffe of St. Helens, has been engaged as assistant teacher for U. S.'S. No. 5, Hullett, for the entitling year, -.Mr. jarnesTobin, of Milburn, has purchased a faint in therear of his own, for the suni of $1700: The farm con- tains 61 acres. . . -Rev. Air. Thompson, of Brucefield,' Las received wean from Cavan Church Exeter, ata stipend of $800 per year, and free manse. ' • • _. likivkin.s, of Turnberry„who has been for some time past an iuwate of the Lunatic; Asyjtw, Loudon, has recovered sullialeutly to he returned to hi a hem. -Mx, WifliaLPerkins has. sold ifS farm on' the. Oth concession. of' U shorn°. .tov1r. Liddicot, of Hallett, for $7,00.0. • The farm contains 100 mires and is one of the hest in the township, .and bas splendid buildings, but considering the nay laud now sells, it was. well sold, -As Air. Thai, 8traeban, Reeve of Grey, was working around his thresher . fast .-week, ono ofthe pinions- of the • • tumbling rod taught his Dant leg near his foot.. -Mr. • Strachan braced, hits self to prevent being wound up,:. but the clothing give way, itlid hisleg was considerably •bruised. -Mr, Francia • Coleman,. of Hills 0reen, has &H bis two year old hety draught stallion, to- Mr. James Turner, Brucefield, for the -um _ of -'$1,800. Mr..Coleman. importedthis horse from -England about 4' .weeks -ago. He is a dapple b.ay, and .as the price Indicates. is a_ very superior animal.' • .. • •.' Friendleea in Springfield, and came to join her daughter and Allyn, who were boarding in this city. With the inother'a money a boarding house bad been started here. Allyn would do no work, but lived with Mrs. Harding and her Claughter in idleness. Degpite repeated request of the mother, he did not produce:a certificate f the alleged marriage, Mrs. Harding finally threat- ened to drive him out unless be obtain. - ed a certificate that ho .had anarried Ler daughter. Then it was that on, Wednesday last, he took the girl to justice Haye's °Mee alai had the cere- mony preformed. Mrs. 'Harding did not notice the date of the certificate, and her daughterivas so completely in Allyn's power that Ae kept quiet the fact that she had just learned, viz., that tlie New Britain one had been a meek one, The newspaper publieation of what had occurred in. Justice Hay's oflic.e opened the mother's eyes, and the ejectment of the couple from the hoose followed after Allyn had con- fessed that the other ceremony was a • fraud, That marvelous purifier, Burdock -Breed Bitters will speedily change the allow face to one of freshness, health and beauty. It regulates the bowels, acts promptly on the liver and Kid- neys and strengthens the system when broken down by Nervous or General Debility. Askour Druggist for a Trial Bottle, the :est is only 10 cents, Large Bottles $1.00 - • -Mr. John Latimer, of Seafortk, was entertainedby a• CoMplimentary• supper .at Carroll's .hotel, • last week,. prior to his reineval., to 'Manitoba, at which e. large number W,pre in attend; once. During the evening, Mr. Lat- imer was presented with a costly silver tea set, ed. accompapiby a compliment- ary address. •• • • -Mr. John Leslie, for several years a resident of Jamestown died on day, the the 17th ult. Early in the spring a' growth of ...suspicioua 'character began to.. develdp .itself at the r,00t .cif. the tongue and soon .extended. intothe adiftgellt parts, when it was, observed .to be f eancerouS• origin'. • Toronto,; •Hamilton; andnther places were visit-: ed, but .. medical • science.aotild brad ne liope to the unfortnnate':victim, • who • for several „months subsequently suf7 ferell extremely; *and tei, this •dead.ty disease progressed • he was able to re- ceive but a very' insufficient amOunt Df nourishment of 'several WeolrS previ- ous to his death. 'The subject of this notice was a Oatiye of Sande, One.of the 'Orkney Tslatels; .:where lie, wasborn in the year 1.821, lie had followed a sea -faring life spending a number of years in the whale fishery. previous to his coming to Canada, ten years aao. He was a trian of aaquiet, generous dis- position, and was • much esteemed in the community. He 'leaves a. wife and several sons and daughters to mourn his departure, • • .. , . . . • A School Eloponent., • • . FIRST A mopK•mARRIA0g-rIvE m0a4kfi5 AFTERWARD A. .:L11GAI0,, ONE --DRIVEN • FROM U0111E. • • • NOW, Haven,- Oct. 26, -Justice. of tlie.Poace Hayes, on, -Wednesday last; Lrkarried George Clayton Allyn to. Fier- ce E. Harding; Allyn is 34 aud the. Bride 18. • Allyn told the jtice•that he was a commercial traviilier from Philalielphia, and that -the girl lielona- ed to Boston, After the ceremony ie said that. he .forgot•to bring -any money 'With hint, but would return the • next (lay and pay for the trouble the Justice had been tof • did not keep his word, and it was subsequently learned 'that the coin lie:paid the Registry Vital Statistic s for a•lieens6 haat it bele imit that had been pluged up -with tin foil. These facts were published tin a local Sunday • newspaper, and • were read by the girl's. mother, M.S. E. C. Harding, keeper of a boarding house at • 187 George street, this eity. She at once :ordered Allyn ani bet daughter. out --of Lek house, and the couple have not been heard • from sine• Sunday night. It seems that Allyn at onee • ped- dled a catarrh remedy through the Hardinywalringifter; who. had been .at a boarding sehool, re- • tureerl'ie her Jnother's Immo in Spring- field, Mao,s, last spring. ' :was. All AJWIllplighod i811I18. Allyn met lier at a muslealein Springfield, and thr, o weeks after she eloped a/itli • him, , and for six weeks was lost to' her mother. She thee then Wrote that she bad been tied.JeAllye. In New, Britai'!; Cqt"to 1.Ah ie as.,•4 lest. In • A il.gost Mrs, Harding gave up her po. sltioo as Matron of the Homo for the FOR SALE. •• Agood, ono story.and-a-half, frame, house -0 rooms -well finished, au., . with good- garden, well and pump, and all ' modern conveounices, Lot No. 845, on Mary street, near the Groat Western sta. tion, occupied at present by Mr, Wm.. Davis. Tlio promises can bo inspected at any time. Terms Easy. • A. IL MANNING, Vendor's Solicitor. Clinton 8th July, 1881, FARM FOR SALE - • OR .TO RENT, MONEY TO LEND. The CANADA. LANDED CREDIT COMPANY', To. ronto, Is prepared to lend on Mortgage on the secur- ity of Improved Forel pOperty, at the folloWing rates : SIX PER PENT, PEIt ANNUL Payable half yearly. SIX AND A HALF PER CENT. PER ANNUM, ' Payable yearly. For further particulars apply C. FiArttittrTQN, BLYTH, BEAUTIFUL 0/IROMOS. • A LR(} STOCK WM= 1 A31 SEC -LING OFF CHEAP at from 20 cts, to 25 cts: and eta per pair, for frame, glass and picture, . , . COWIE.. AND • SEE TIIE111, .AT A. HALE'S, Two doors south greeSt(Akos130fnillitery Store, Victoria t Ont. 6 -4eryt. S HORTIIA D k Full Course of Fonograry i pUblished every year in the new monthly magazine ; • THE AMERICAN SIVIRTRAND WRITER' and the Exorcises of all subscribers corrected thro' the mail free of charge. The only periodical in the world.from which short- hand mit.,) be learnt without a tutor. The Plan of In- structions is original and the Lessons comprebensiv. Those desiring to learn may begin at any time, back -numbers to lesson 1 being supplied new subscribers and exereises corrected whenever receiv,ed. sonsonirnort ; Oxs Titart(Course 01 12 Lessons)) - 81.50 • Smote Noma, - • - 150, • American Agency for Pitman% Shorthand books and Reporter's Simply Depo. Circulars tent free on appli. •ItOWEl.d. UIOKUOX, Vineland, N. J, IN TIIIE TP. OF GODERICII. OM POSED of Lot. 30, llth con. and. Lot 30, 12th • L IN E io a goostate of •Althation; the remainder is good . . . . residence, frame ,barn, stables and sheds; two good . - TUE VERY' -ussr hardwood bush. oa the farm' is it commodious brick . wells of never -failing. water; also three aurae of Oreh• ill'd, oi selected (reit trees. Tho farm is situated three • ACHINE OIL miles from the town of Clinton, the leading market of the west. ..Titte inclesputable„. Immediate posession • •• . .. - . fn For further particultirs *apply on . the . prem. ' ' sievsuto... RAIN DEMPSEY, • 'or to .* • . IN.THE WORLD,. is menu factured hy.,-.. . ' Ne0011-Br049. & CO., Toronto. ,' CodOrle.h. ToWn'ship;Aug, 25, I. 831, .n; P. .°' ; . Ccon.,containi.. 100 acres, 120a acres eloared and ' • Thos, Stevenson 1 HALLOO! 'Rub Are YouGOillg ? UNDERTAKER, FURNITURE. . 450 054mte. ne licmovityPirL A Special iscount Sale FOR 30 DAYS. .FAR ilfd FOR. SLE. North-enst part of Lot No, m, (on 13, Tawn- bliip o Htuilctt,, contaiiiiii,1 acres, 30 acres @eared .and in a good state of cultlyatioir. • The place is well fenced. The soil is fIrst-olass. It is two miles from the village of illytn. and win, be sofd. chap. this is 511150 chance to purchase it first-class 50 acre farm. Fur rag partieufars uppiy to • C. namivroX, • :‘ • : •Auctioncer Blyth. Biyth, July, 1881. FARM FOR SALE • • ' • " . ' 11 of East Wevanesh, dontathing 101) acres; fitl cleared a d COMPOSED of W; of let NO. 88, con toiwr wrisi t ion. The bLute;f•irif gOtotAnhlit'll'ilTeakt" (114itusittAi)1U-i ' saw mill 011 tIia next lot. There is ontl!ii plaeea good log dwbeitriiii'ellin:rndliii fianiler's1.3a1!)41T...urali 1:f S:1)(.: on reasonable tenni; of payment. For full p.rtieular: n , enquire. on the preullses or to. • 0. 11A3111.1FON, - • . • Auetioneer, Blyth.Blyth, ,Jul11S1. ' • , - FARM FOR .C4ALE,, • noliposnp of N.1, of 8 1 1 ot No 37 tionce*Ssion . . East wawanesh; 60 ttereS,:38.aereaclearodapil 1)1 a good suite of eultIvatiOn, good rail . bearing •chard with choice ' variety of. fruit, a. log dwolliug, two log,Stal)lcs and small frame lba!rn, good •vote end Munn convenient to house, a 1Wing astreaan -rnns across thelmek of the • place; tlie soil is black mold with clay bottom, it Is tl».cc'from Myth, andeonyenielit to-school'This is a 'firstelags place' and willfie soldelicap, Apply to Myth,' June 10 • 1881. • • • • " Boot auff Shoe Making. MR. H. B.EAOONI Shp° Making cg Repairing Wlidtes to inforni the inhobitahts of Clin- ton and vicinity that he isprepared to do •-all kinds of • , On the shortest pitiable notice. lest French Kip or Calf Skin sBo6t,s; • Made to OraQr, $al to $4.50. twYall eind get other prires. Pince of ittillSiDICSS-Altnost Oppo- site Fair's Nth. .Clinton.;, April 29th, 1881. . CLINTON u-- IfE undersigned begs to ,iniunineo t41 thP 111114 (VI . • tants 011linton told surrounding 'Pown..ht,i4 that he has (811. l"I'I'!'J(l 3 tbti 1(1,050 establishment, and is "now prepared to manufacture. ail klitils of mil. for sale by all' dealers.: Ask , your Merchant. for' LA,RDLNE and • take nos other., • • .Tilfg on, 'under the severeSt test and Moat active competition, W48 us t the Toronto Industrial Exhibi; ion award9,1 the Ifighest ako the Cold Medal at theProvincial Exhibition, Iiamilton, and the high - tout Award tit the Dominion Exhibition, Ottayra-the Silver Sledril.. . Farmers and all ;who use Agricultural Machinery Will tk.tvemoney and machinery byaising none but-, LRDINE., Sons. • .•• NEW FURNITURE ARRIVING, and moro expec‘ed-also, a fine lot of new Coffins, Shrouds, 'Undertaking Goods. Come and see, Ip • RACEY'S OLD STAND lately omitted by Shepherd and Gooper, Albert Street, Clinton, 1 OLINTC)N PLE WARE -ROOMS. LIFE D FIRE • INSURANCE. , generrd: bUsiness trankaeted for,, the following . , •Companies. Canada Life Assurance Company. • Capital, $1,040,000, Dead Office, Harnlitm. • • •Nortltern Fire Assurance Co. OF' •• , LONDply; ENGLAND. Capital,.$/5,00,000; ' • . Accumulated li'unds, $.1;000,000... TaYleiftlies ;Montreal, general %genie for Canada: Scottish Imperi1 Fire InssuranceCo. . . • ..ept obt,grow. " co,itetz, $5,000,00o • .'Paylor Bros., Montreal; general agents for Canakhi. Well and -Cistern Pumps- OIST,ERNS and TANKS, on the Shortest possild notiee. Davit g on halal s. 385)' 'heavy stoelt, 110 arx, , confident ef ovteg, good sattonattela cvorr it .I11(614%.mOiktgit,8141 atfattiP M" 1Y • • JOHN ROSS,. • (INION FIREINSUR/INCE. Iledd Office Toronto Covernment.dovish' larger than any other clutarlocompany.. ' • TINDALL GAVE;Agents. • . • PRIDE' OF: TIIE VALLEY. MEDICINE; . . (TrLie Mark Registered Mereh, 1881. • The only medium that acts atthe same Buie on the Liver,, *the Bowels and the Kidneys. Th040 Great organs are the natural cleansers, of tho system. • it they work well health will be perfect; if they become elogge , dreadful dbainm nises aro ate follow, witli ter-. rble ifa-dieting. liettditche, Dyspepsia, ComtipatIon, 'Kidney Complaints, itheutnittie Pains, and Aches are develoi11ts1 because the blood IF; poisoned (085)011(11 Piltr Z.t1;4/.= hletivf:linTa cure for the above. For sale hy all principal drug, .•gtsts, esti l, had at J. If. 031111)0;1.nd at Watts druggists, Clinton, and A. hi Shrieves," tin Bathurst trot, London, Ont., .0010 proprietor or the mated, _states and Canada. . • Cart ing had wholosato at Lyman flros. di Cio., .r; Milburn 4; CA., and Northrup -and Lyman, 01 Tomtit(); also Archdale WIlson At Co...of Semple peoltaiice, watts; Ave fot ft, 111 AM going to D.Cantelon's GROCERY AND Provision Store Opposite Fair's Mill. It pays me to get my Orneries there the goods are so cheap, and the quality 4. ,Aro. 1 / ATO old Quoda all new and fresh / • His' Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Boneless • Codfish, Geld Flake and Fine Out. Chewing Tobaccos, cannot be excelled. • Some new designs in 'Crockery anti t4.1aseware, Wooden Ware, and in fact everything you, want. • .• P.k. 0 Ple/.8170./4 • - . Agent for , ELLIOTT'A SON'S Me.: -hinted' M cCorm ack'a Self -Binder," "Mead- ow -Lark Mower and Reaper," " Triumph Reaper". and " Warrior Mower .;" 1?. J. CRAIG'S • " Strathroy Harvester" , and " Humniingbird Mower,",qNew. Canadian Thresher," with engine. All kinds of PLOUGHS and other Impleitients. • • • • . . . R.E.PA.111 Cons:4111y. on • • . • Remember the place, . . NEXT DOOR .SOUTil -0IP FAIR% MILL.. Clinton; Mit 13. 'AI. •3m. GREAT learpag Sale • • GiaSs .Setts from • 400 10 • Celery Glasses. Fruit Bowlsrwith Covers.' - 'French' Eureka, " compact Atter Dishes and' Individual But- - tem 'Cabinet ..Zb' apics. Goblets, • . , Tumblers,• • ' aequery • CHEAP to clear out the ' LAMPS complete, large ' size 115c. eack. Full. Snort - Moat of Groceries, .Fruit6 40. Coarse 1101)1111(551 d lb. Tins Mack erel, splendid: • 0 0 0 tstv "Nof o' • " 045K Farm ProcNee tam in exchange. • f - D..: C A N TELON...c CLINTON. :'llousehold Word! THOS. COOPER'S -,GROCERY , . • Has become a Household, Word as the " BEST and CHEAPEST place ha dr000rie81 lieet4 • w Flo, , Crockery; Classthare, (to., &c. .:0•10 4.49-1 , , • .et THOS. TREWIN Desires to infritin his patrOns and Wends that he • 4 ."' riiM tT_i.^*A._]EtS in pints, quarts, and half-gallonS. SPECIALTY IN • 60 Cent, Tea. • IWCash paid for Eggs. Farin Pro- • duce taken in exchange. *, • • - ,, ' THOS.:COOPER, ' Corner Albert' and Rattenbury Sts.? • CLINTON 0NT. . ar(1 re' Tailoring1lltabiishinnt Over Tawrnc & tiracq Fulmituro Store 3:3 Ti ' Where 134) 61)) be pleased to promptly attend tilt oats osiers to may bo favored with. • 4.1 'ft Eque tieUgh Oqnclactor Pipe.; BUILDERPiStIPPLI4S; Harvest Mitt, BRASS KETTLES, EiameIIed Guns ••Betvalue eVer offered. , . . •. •.... • WHITE • warranted gennine.and ' • 1?13)1V.F; -Ap le Parer's, • Parer, Corer and Siker combined, CANNOT gr out OF ORDER; Every Machine. Warranted. • ReclucedTinware. :Prices Shelf Hardware, -A Th- • -131[IIIBERS SUPPLIES. specialty. 4. Phoenix Block, Clinton, tt.ntarlot V . • • •