HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-10-21, Page 5• .t• Volume 3, iVo 36. TERMS:-- $1.25 per 'Annum in. Advance, CLINTON,. ON T., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4; • 1881. 4 s ERWARD FLOQDY, Publisher. WALL DAPER, VT ALL APE in endless variety, from 5 Cents a Roll. baby tirriages Cheap and Stylish. _ .use, a Fino and Cholao•Lane of • CIGARS, TOBACCOS, •And Cigarettes.. Cheap and First -Class, ' o QU W. H. Ransford''s City. Book Store, Clinton, Bates Book Stoic .where yaat get Value for yoitr Money. LOCAL • NEWS. ° Rouse and VM finity.. A wagon loaded with grain, belonging to Mr. Geo. Castles,. Deputy -Reeve of Stapley, ,broke down .on the street on 31.onday last. ...• 1 Tin words ".Corn Exchange" have been very neatly. and tastefully print; i±d `on -fee Wiikdows of" =that- broom in the town hall. StamoN.=-Rev. W, McDonagh 'will' breach a sermon in the C, M. Church, on Sunday evening 'next on "The life and history df Judas Iscariot." SEitvieE.—The quarterly services in connection with the Methodist;'Church, of this plaee, will .be7 held.. on Sunday next, commencing at 10,30, a. in. MR. 'Wm. Keyes, • one of Stanleys. staunchest Conservatives, favoured, our sanctum with a visit last week, and we hope he may often do the same ''thing; NEw ,Sroir.—A.new toy and fancy' store has been opened out in the stand lately occupied by J.. ;T. Cooper as a bakery.. We haveno' doubt, a - good i trade can be done' n that line. • The party comes frons Toronto. ENGAGED.—Mr. John f;.. Steep, of. this place, has been engaged as teacher of. Benmiller school at a.• salary of $450. Mr. Steep, isa live,' energetic , teacher, and no -doubt, .will give the Col- borne people good' satisfaction..• Advertising is the fashion this year. There is money in it. The advertiser who advertises'` Most, makes most -cash.' His balance sheet at the end of the year, shows the best result. He may congratulate himself. He has good standing at the bank. : • A7 msrrIox,--.Your attention, is call: ed to the • advertisement of Messrs. Metcalf & Stephenson, gf,13lyth, • this week. They have reinoved to their new store in Carter's Block,; and are showing a first-class selection.of, 'every. thing in their line of goods. .. FOR M:ANITOBA.=-14r. Rebt Henry who for the past year.. has worked 1)r. Upshall'sfarm on the 2nd con. of Hullett, left ori Tuesday last for Mani. to,ba% Mr. Henry' has been an honest straight -forward fellow during his stay in this part of the country, . and we wish hitn success... PLOWING MATc$,--The annual : pro- vincial plowing match; under the aus- pices of the Huron Union. Plowing Match Association; will be held on the farm of Mr. Roland Jenkins, lot 27, 16th con, Goderich Township, on Tues- dasyjNov. 8tb, when a large number -of prizes will be offered.- A large turn- out is expected. For particulars, gee bills. FooT BALL Minn.—A friendly game of foot ball was .played on the High Seheol' grounds last Saturday afternoon, between the High and Pub- lic School pupils. The time agreed for the match was one hour, in which the Iligh School won •five straight games. The High School had four players less than the Public School. ]loth sides worked hard and took a good sweating. Mr. F. Corbett and Mr. R Stanbury acted as umpires, and Mr, < C Dickson 'Citassees,—Messrs. W, Jackson,and Jas: Twitchell have changes in their advertisements this week. ,Readthem. Snirsissrr.—Messrs. Thompson & Boles ship three car loads of apples and one of turnips, to Manitoba,tfiis week. Tile London Herald and the REcoi n Will be given from now to' the ea.i of next • year for the small SUM :two dollars. Subscribe at once, Our grand offer, on the inside, is still open, and a goodly number are taking hold of it. We want a good agent in every vicinity to get us a Sub. MIt. W; Young, son , of 1'1:r. FFLYoung, of this place; left on Saturday last for Glengairn, near Barrie, where he intends residing during • the win ter,, ' ' oo OUR High School Football ei g c ball assoa: ation • wily play a match game tomor- row (Saturday) in. Seafortb, with the Seaforth High School Club. May suc- coss•atteiid them. SOLD OTIT.—Mr. T. Boles, of the firm of Thompson and Boles, hes,sold out his interest in the. concern to Mr. Ben. Switzer, rf this place; who takes pos- session on the let of January next. The firm will then be under this old nano of Thompson & Switzer. •• MUS;CAL.—We understand Prof. Roolin eshas in contemplation for practice in vocal music,' this whiter, the Cantata. of •" Belshazzar" or sono equally good musical production: We trust he will have the liberalsupport of our town singers. His adult class meets in the Temperance . Hall Tuesday : evening next. • • '.foie Caneiia Presbyterian. for 1882, promises to be as ,interesting and in-- ' structive as ever. `. The Rev- W, Inglis continues to be.Editor-in-chief. Xis agent is wanted in .everycongreation, to -whom liberal inducements will be offered. We club ,•the REccm» with and the: elanada .Presbyterian at $2:75 the price^of the the alone is $2.00.. The balance of the year'TREI:..• ILL�.:-Weare sorry to hear that Mr. A. M. .Taylor is unwell in. 'Termite, : whither he bad gone to •transact some' business.. Mr. Taylor has lately -been working too hard, and, his; system for the time seems to have sucuinbed. ]3e - sides the strain, of his new ventuie'in publishing a book of his poems and his us4al work; he had the , past few weeks ec t r allttlie work. in -conn tion with he - e. cent; Teacher's ,Covention: to dos 'and these combined have provdrttoo Much. We hope he will be soon fully 'recover ed. In the Meantime' Mr: C: • Dickson able supplies his place. ' PREST IPTION:-Two weeks ago wo hadan item to the effect that no other papor•but the REcoiw published' the prize list of the 13elgrave' show • The. Blyth Review severely took us to task, and made us feel bad last week; by stating that'. the said article was untrue in -.every particular, as the. Wingliam Ti hes published the .prize•list.' We ways:thought theT`inres was properly qualified to speak for itself, but then the'Review:is;so very considerate and. takes•the place of 'a friend in need. We, however, mast inform the Review that the said item was' 'true , in, every particular, and that the REamtD was the only liver that, received the prize list from the Secretary en the day of the show, and published pit 'the sauce. week as the show was held. ' Both the Advance and the •T•inies published it the week after, on the same week the; item appeared in our issue,' and 'thy; Re- view never published it• 8t;alj. NNET,SootsTr--A lodge 'of the An; Order of ,United Workmen was organized in this place on Thursday evening of last 'week. This is a ben- evolent and mutual insurance society,. which is makingrapid headway through out this Province. . The average cost of membership in, the society will be about $12 per annum, `the initiation fee being the same, but a. dispensation has been grouted to the lodge for re= ceiving Members for 30 days at Chart- er rate of $8, so that it will be to the advantage of parties wishing to become members of the society, to do so with- in that time. The scan of $2,000is. paid out of the Beneficiary' fund to the widow or relative, as the'uase may be. It is a Canadian institution and as a consequence, will be without much ex- pense. The lodge was organized by 1 `cputy Grand Master Inwood of Tor- onto. Officers have been elected, azul as referee. a everything is 'Working very likely. Chances has been constituted a Port of Entry, which will prove a great con- venience to our business men, No particulars have, as yet, been received. Now.—Now is the time to subscribe for your local paper, Try the HunoN Hscortn for a year. It has,market .re- ports from all parts of the county and is the popular paper for county news. - TEACHERS IN COUNCIL, The Semi-annual Meeting of the North Huron Teacher's Association. On Thursday and Friday of last Week: the North Huron Teacher's asso• dation, hold its semi-annual meeting in Winghani. The attendance was very good, and the interest wes. sus- tained throughout.• The executive had --mnade:all arrangeiuonts in their power. for the • success of the meeting.: Tho President; C. Clarkson • Esq.. of Sea - forth,• presided courteously and wisely,'. whilst the other officers were all in their places and doing their work. The president after calling the meeting to order and making a few introduc- tory remarks. introduced .thio topic as-. signed to him:—" Chemistry." During the remainder of the day, the following subjects were introduced ; • "Introductory Geography," by Mr. A. H. Musgrove ; Teaching Decimals," by Mr. Cameron ; -and .Professor Wil. son's address, read before the .Ontario Teacher's Asseciation, by Mr. Mcraul.: Before closing the day's work Miss 13ryers read a selection in an artistic manner and was.loudly, applauded. The evening meeting was held in the Town Hall arid the pnblic wore ip- vited. At; the hour for commencing,. -the hall was crowded and ninny had to stand throughout. . Several pieces of music were given by Mr, and Mrs.' Dixie Watson,:which Were thoroughly: appreciated, .as their singing always The Chairman, Me. •Clark-son,••then . in- troduced Mr.'• A: lq. Manning, Bar= sister, of. ;Clinton,, who had been in- vited by the Association'' to d'elider an address. He - took for his sirbject. 0. Steps"and . dwelt more especially' upgn these points' -1st, a:good start ;' ,"2nd,. a 'oneness,. Of aim; 3rd, the dig- �nity, of labor ;: 4th, . overcoming ' ob- stacles, and 5th, standing up for the bat- tle.' The speaker was frequently 'ap- plauded - throughout his address, which occupied one hour in delivery, and on taking his seat and, was given a perfect. ovation. ''Mr. Shaw moved a vote of 'thanks seconded. by Rev. Mr Barr•in= Most complimentary. terms. • After sim- ilar votes to. the .singers and chairman the meeting closed with 'the National Anthem. : • ' •• FRIDAY'&' SESSION. • 3, Tiirnbul Esq 13:As took up the " subject, Richard II. After .a few preliniiiiary • remarks, dwelling• upon the importauce of literature, and the necessity of. the teacher becoming well acquainted with the subject. He re- ferred 'at some length to the personal history of that. monarch, and • the anther of the play, explaining that a thorough knowledge • of the same is necessary. to ' 'a clear 'conception of the play under consideration, The • ex- -tract, beginning with :" Of comfort no • 'Man. speak;" was taken up in ,detail,` and an interesting and ` prod a "il dis- cussion on the parsing of the more dif- ficult words in the extract, and -in sim ilar• constructions,., was elicited.. Tho consideration of the "subject occupied an Lour and'a half,' and was disposed of in a ' ery.instructive and satisfactory ,manner. After Mr. Hicks had, ,discussed •" Mathematical Geography," the 're-' inainder of the session was taken up in' hearing a• report from 'Mr., Mattel, who was the delegate to the 'Provincial Meeting, and 'b: iefly . discussing . the questions brnoght .up there. Votes of thanks were tendered the teachers for their papers:aud readings. • ; Woman's True Friend.' A friend in need is a friend. indeed. This none can deny, especially when assistance is rendered _.wleelr-`e-ifs sorely a licted. with disease, . more par- tieularly those complaints and . weak- nesses so'iincoutntott to our female pop- ulation, Every woman should know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when all other remedies fait A single trial always.. proves our assertion, they are pleasant to the• taste and 'only Costs fifty cents a bottle. Sold by J. Combo. MAGISTRATE'S 'GOMJRT. A, Ilitl', 3. Cruikshank, R. New - march and G. Cross were arraigned be- fore the " Beak,"` on Wednesday even- ing, on .a charge of swearing and act- ing disorderly on the streets on „Hal- low e'en. A; Tliff was first called and pleaded' guilty; Geo, Cross pleaded guilty to one of the charges, but not -of the other; • J. Cruikshank pleaded not guilty. Geo. Robinson. was sworn and stated that; be was passing • down the street with two ladies and saw a crowd stand- ing at the corner at Cooper's grocery. They were acting disorderly and follow- ed theins down to Wilkie s, where he left one of the ladies,- and thought tlio crowd would 'pass on, but when 'he came up street again, they followed him and his umbrella Was snatched from his hand which he asked for. Recognized J. Cruikshank in the. crowd, also no- ticed him at Jackson's shoe store when. coming back, A. Iliff sworn.—Saw the crowd re- ferrea to; Cruikshank wae-ensitho coi- ner; did not hear 'hitu• swear; did not hear him. acting disorderly;' he wee not down at'Wilkie's;-caw him when. they came up . to the corner. He acknowl- edged to dancing ou the sidewalk; also •giving the umbrella to.Mr. Robinson. j. Cruikshank sworn Baia: BIT land l came up the street together and met a crowd at. Cooper's corner: They asked us to join them and we did so,. I. could not dance; did not, know how, but just walked through it, . Did nets •know 'whether there was any slionting. ' J, • T. Wilkie. sworn, ,-.' Remembered: the circumstances but could not identify any one, Heard a •• number on the street making a;noise and using profane language. Ho was mach annoyed' He then heard' Mr.'Robinson and the two, ladies coming. ..down the. street -then heard the crowd coning .after them. The crowd stood in the street speaking, tauntingly, with intention'to'annoy. Iliff, Newmarch ; andCruikshank were fitted each $1 and costs,.amounting to $3.15 each. Cross was fined $2 and costs, 'the $1 extra for being tonsmart,. amounting altogether to .$4.15. ;IIIBURON' RIFLE ; ASSOCIATION. We were pleased. to :'bo present at thotonth annual meeting of the Associa- tion hereon 7uesday.last,at the Athol- ecotc Ranges, in Clinton, There was a very large attendance both of spectators and nieinl;ers. The shooting was con- fined to members only, and 'the follow- ing nlem'orandum'of entries will show the actual shooting: strength of the •as sociation, as there are many. : members who do not care to fry :their.skill at a' large public match. Entries to the let 'match 37, 2nd 39, 3rd 37. 'First match, 100 hint 500•yards...5 shots 'oath, • PRIZE WINNERS. 1 $8.00, Major Wilson,- _, _43. 2' '6.00 N. Robson; _ .40• 3 5.00, Lieut. J. Young, -_..-._- 40 4: '4.00,:Li'eut. J. C} Wilson, 6 .3.09, P. Hawthorne,... .. ,. _ _..35 6 2.60, • E. G. Co utice, . 33 7 2,00, ' Capt. Sheppard,.. - - - - :....33 •8 1.50, Hugh Scott,_-- - ....32 0: 100, J.. A. Wilson, 32 "10 1.00, 'P. ,McLaren, . -31 " . Second match, 200 .and 400, yards, 5 shots each. 1'$8.00, Staff Ser;,+,'t1. 2 6.00, Lieut.. Young, . . ; . , 41. 3 6.00, Major Wilson, . 41 4 4.00, N, ' Robson, ': • .41 5 3 00, Capt. Sheppard, . ▪ 40, 6' 200, E, •(1. touitice, 7. 2.00, 3. A. Wilson, :.,.,.38 8 "1.00,.Hugh Scott, 0 1.40,- Col. Sorg. Thos.Beggart, ....36 10' 1.00` P. •McLaren Third•ivatch, consolation. Seven shuts. at 200 yards, • ' 1st Mayor Forrester, 2r t, W. .11. Raosford, 3rd Dr. Young, 4th John Johnston 6th Col. Sag, Mercer, Lith O• Pennington, 7 S. Faitburn, 8 `Jas, 1Vcstcott, it Col, Sorg. McDonald, 10 Corpl. Wright, • We must congratulate our frieucls P. McLaren, of the Queen's Hotel, and 8. Fairburn, of Hensall, on the sploudid scores they'soyorallyt made its an extra, matchnot reported above, making.: 24 points out of a possible 25 at t00 yd It will be noticed that the prize list covers $90, and we are pleased to,learn that the treasurer, Capt: Sheppard, has still a nine sum in. his hands, , showing that the public have contributed more. than their presence to the prosperity -of the Association. We are requested to give notice that a meeting of the 'Association will be h iktata the Qnoen's •l=iotel, on Tuesday evening mistral' 8 p. re. Godcriclh. The Orangemen of this place, will celebrate the anniversary of Guy Fawlre's day, by a ball and supper, at. Mr. Jas, Vivians, this (Friday) evening. A good time is expected. Our young friend, Mr. John • 14l'c- Gillvary, has won the first scholarship, of the 2nd year in Knox College; • .His brother, Mr. D. 11IcGillvary, has suc- ceeded in winning the second scholar- ship in the 3rd year, • Mr, Jas. Mitchell, of the Bear, has entered into partnership with Mr, Oswald Carey, an employee of the office for some time. 1%fr. Carey is a first clase workman and' we', wish the new firm all kinds of success. " : ] LuuiI Ts,—Fall wheat, $1,25 to $1.= r6 ;. spring wheat, . $1.25 to•.$1.26 ; • •flour, $3.00 to $3.25 ; oats, 36c., 37c;; peas, 65c., 700,; barley,. . 70c,, 80o.; potatoes, 50c., 5.0c.; hay, $14.00 to $16.00; butter, 1So., '22c.;. eggs;' 12c., 15c. Gq deri ctiTownship. ' The couneil meets on Monday: next 'at Holimesvillo. 1llessrs. Matthews and Meposh ex - damaged pulpits on Sabbath last: Mr..Robt. 'Marshall, I3ay Con,, is fencing the front 'of his farm with El-. lion's Patent' fence. • 111,ossrs. H, Young jr., P. McGregor. - and Jatnes Cox of this township have. . returned from Dakota'_ Mr. Jos. Sperling,of the Cut Line, had' .a colt badlyhurt by getting en. tangled in a barb wire fence. ' The sale of Mr. E, McLean, •on.the 3rd con„en Friday last, was very well attended, and for the stock; good,prices were paid: ' . •. Mr. 'Gabriel 'llio.tt, Reeve, .will -let • . the contract -of :• reducing ,the hill at Craig's. bridge, :16th con., on. Tuesday, next, at 2 o'clock O. i» - •. While' Mr. W. Col'clough, .of the lith con.,'' Was. endeavoring'. esti catch soma of his sheep,' be was 'thrown againsta barb -wine fence, inflicting a nasty 'round on his head; • The following is the monthly report. Of:S. S. No. 11, . for the. month 'of Oct. A:drrision .first class;first section—lst,_ • E. .Doves, 2nd, J; `H;Robertson ; second section -s --1st, Mary :Oburcliili ; Third'. section-=-lst;. W. Cornet, 2nd J. G.. Cornet.. B division, 1st section=- 1st, H. Parker' 2cid, O. Walker ; 2nd section.—.1st, 3. Wigginton, 2nd, (;."`”' W. Churchill;" Junior_ seconit clay. 1st, M A: Sharp; 2nd, D, •Churchill'; senior second—lst, F.viu Jenkins:,., 2nd; Annie `. Jenkins. Junior third -=1st, Sarah : Izzard, ' 2nd, Clara. Jenkiiiti i • senior third—lst, Mary Jenkins, 2.,d, Carrie Robertson. • • (2itlruAxY.' It' is with feelings of the steepest regret, .that we. are called upon to chronicle the death of .:Mrs. `Rebecca Cantelon, wife of Mr, .Samuel, ;Cantolon,•of the 7th concession, which occurred on'1'huraday'0 Hat week, at the age of 77 years; aftera very 'short ill-. Hess.. 'Deceased avas born in tate county of Tipperary, Ireland, andwas parried.. to her bereaved husband in .18.24. They emigrated to.thiseountryin `1831; and settled down in the township of :Toronto, and sifter "resii.ling there two years, removed to their present lionie- stead in Goderich.townsliip. -She was an affectionate .wife, a dutiful 'Mother, and by her kind and affable manner she won the esteem of all wlio-knew her, . She was a very .inilustriotis wain an, -enol. lived an upright ehrist'ian life. "Diligent inbusiiiess,.fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.". She liad eight eons and two daughter's, nearly all of whom -- survive lion` The funeral took place on Friday last, when a large number of sorrowing •friends and relatives fol- lowed her remains their last resting - place' the Clinton Geinetery, • A Vexed Clergyman. . . Even the patience of Jots rvould•be: Dome exhausted ,were hoa preacher and endeavouring to interest his audience while they were keeping up an inces- :,• sant coughing, makina.it ilnposyible for him•to be heard, yet how very easy can all this be avoided at lamp y using . r. king's New Discovery for Consume,. Coughs and colds, ' Trial .13ottli•s given away at. J. ]ri, Conibe's • Dreg. 'State. . .Rem cntbee the reduction and get -your ',kip boots at IiAt,I.AxI>,';s. 1" farlaucl Trois have just r.•.. ceived a large stock of American cc;tl oil.