HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-10-21, Page 3(1A>v'ADIA:1i NEWS, - Stittsville, Oct ,19. T- % kisy at>tiuJER.oRMc.US. et; years old, the only child. of J. Lat- finer, farmer near .ti'tittsrille, was run .{ver and killed by :Isis father's, v�agoti crisis afternoon. Broughton, Oet. .19:,; --The carriage shops, stables and contents belongtng- to Torua:.4, Newport were completely def;troyed iy fire, whish In'ake out in. rear of the carriage shop. ;The Canada , �tetItoili,s�t,f'llurola ettcs d With having wane sitl,e.greatly ilamagt•d. huoav .storm c+GI.R euced ou.11londty night AtICamp- itellcowll, and: lasted through yesterday, and last night. In thett.(iods 'the' Itfww-fall. amounts to about seven 'inches on die level. It is fate and the snow'is rapidly disappearing. Brookville; Oct. 19.--TIie dead finely of an unknown matt t�;is found half a toile east of here to -day'. Ills age tw:ati Wont twenty -tit's years; atoll : he was well dressed. The loan is supposed to. r)tave, fulltal from souls+ passing lioat., d r1 n 1u'lueat \will he Melts t)1. evanine. • • L:ingsto,n, Oct 19,--13utdaa;.i}tz at slobs 1 lie hardware establislltlteut.of Tbon,ag :Rudd was burglarized, and a ouantity of kuivcs and totrrteen revolvers.te.en. The silt:, nce was tooth: throe J. tt hacli wludo.' . T.lti !the burglar's hasty re- treat several revolvers, were lit'opped. The 1lurgiars are, i)eli:uved.. to be pre. c°ocious youths. Iralifax, Oet. 19,-- Angus meLeod,.of the Iulaud Revenue 1)tlpartmett,' was arrested to•dav in connection with the investigation tvhic'h lias li(rc.0 goitig on for the last fitw days iii that department, It is- said drops+, aro • innels f)j;issing• winch h,i'wcl iini ,acee)dwnte4 for. Rlei.00d )las givc+>r. ni.:i:tli'l me! tour en.Tuesday., i;ii.'ruus,.. ?14!.1.0011In Clinton, on the t1r Inst 00 wife - of .11r.- 1).fit, Mattoon, heath ter' 3tutjul School,,, of usun-Sial bet4. ' 1);IJATIIS. • lt! tO, 4n C.dhorno,'en the 13th.inst., George Mid, aged 17 years,and 8 u+onths .. . .Sale Rt gistct." • Parties getting their Sale lnllti printed at this office w t14, remise a•uotlee rider -this leading ulitil'the d.ttu f sale, fi'e,. • Dr Flunky, • O arr 21. --The farui stock Inlpieinents, anad 110U5eugla fUl. ,suture of AI)'.. Jelin Upshall, oct'J t 18:, con. 3, Huuett,o—Jets. rlowo', Au et: O SATuliDAx OCr' 24.—The farm steel. antitu•p1e`ncr:ts•flf DIr,M 'Kealy, south hal f lot 8, coil, 7, } tivtiship .of 'Morris,. also at the,sartle _time will ,be "asetl; two Valuable farms. -C. 11.51 1LTOV, Auctioneer.. ()!;,- MornAY OCT,' 9.4..—The farin u.toek and ii plenlents of.. lir.. 'John' 1;urwash, south half 11(4;1,- fitly .eon. of. l.1orris,--C. liA.51 LTON, Adt:tionecr. • ON :MONDAY, Gor, . 24, -The farm stock of Mr. G. U.. Wood; lot 33, 1, ,?1ullett, :near- I oildesboro.=t.J s. .1Uowsox, Auetioueer. "uuk'tid(t 28 The talual3le faro) stock and nup'kulenti of-T:t wild :iluLean, on north h al'f • df:1,¢t . 20,•, rd coil., Godericlr To\dnship; ,. 'How - sou, How -sou, AuctiOneert -- - ON I't ronAY, Na l 100beautiful-: lv situated town and. part .;lotsaiLt tillage iii Iiinlough, County; of J31uce.- i'1:1lts LAT.I. & PAXTON': prop ; : c\ 4'1•Itvim 1&nctinee°rs. • • • • Q'1LINTON'11M.A.R.ICLETS. ' .(Corrected every Thursday itftcrnoon,.) •' '4\•huat, fall per bush.; - Ltal, ' • - • Spring, );letjchaff, Fife, • lab, ••- Barley, - Pens, Flour, Potatoes, flutter, Linn' theles, • Sheepskins .Beef, I•il)lothy, \1'o -A. • - '$1 30 t'D 32 • 1 30 tl, 13.2 • 1 33 to 1 35 - 3 all Ir+ 1 35 J so tie 0 31 -. 0'70'. to, 0 82 • 0 711 to 075 • .0.50 to 7 00 d0 40 to- •0 45 -. 0 20 to . 0 ,q 0 10 to 0 17 • 12')0 .to 14'00 ;450 to 8015 • 0{00 to 6 75 <, "00 t0 7 50 5') • to 3 .75 • 0 22 ,tn 0 2� YYANT`ED,1 A COOT) 017N Ir.\1, SEI1VAh7. A161+1+ 10.• • • 11 AIRS. 11, ItANSFUR1),•stitpldtotl. Cawmm, out 21st. . BALL D PiJBQRAES. —0r--- YGO.O Pay & Wiseman. WE EMPL9Y ONE 0;1 TEE BEST MANTLE ..AR. ..: IN ONTARIO. 0 T ' •■ FINEST DISPLAY EVER MADE IN .THE COUNTY, , 0b ItXI IBITTCh>w AT read Importing .11ousp, TITE 1)J3Ir GOODS STORE OF CLINTON, TII?r • GREAT .STOCF?v op Dress Goods, e� Cashmeres, Wincies;, Shawls, Mantles, Millinery and Fancy .Goods. Greet ,rives wok' Bargams ie ering', 011 ..L QDa-IN 11 to all c& Ste,T,hetnson, A Qu1Ql0.tl L1+t.1 lll,' . trill, retuova to their =rend e\ tinlsiv0 Pei:Misng In tttu CARTER. :BLDG :. U'S.'(% '(I)T11R'S. on.oraboutthe 1st of • Oot' ger,. a•ilen vu .tr111' shun` one of the lardest and nt.ist suteet steide of 11;k!'C'JIIs,), 'I)0f1IiSy ,sv'4iTTO1I,Rr, •T015, (C.c., ie'a, .c c. in•the-sound: -" 11405 1 t'l'oltll .11 '11.41,4011,1.14 .Word 'as 'tilt, 131 -`l.` and. Otits\i'.L',rplus.{+11,1 ",i Deet ce,,' • ;School Books anti ;wchoe) 'Requisites. • S'pecialtjes.' A full line of the celebrated W.AL.THAo'� ' WATOI- ES • • at eery close prices.' • REPAI1tINU A. SPECIAL1r,CY. neineolptsr, we.buy• duect•fsom'the in.u(Ofacnrers largo quantities and for Bash. Parties visiting( the t3ly;th felt .a) old Dalt told see our M ploy... 10 ,trotblp to show, goods. .. . • ME1"1ALF 81.'STEPHEN8ON, • • Suc•cossor to S•\lotenl[+ .14 IIIYYYYYY N.OTIC ;' ;i •CONTRACTORS. (1Ii.\I.En'1'ontters, taddressed to tho nndc'+lgiied, ' .at) and endorsed."Tmidurs for port Elgin Works," will be roc iret1 until 11!CBsl,t , the 3001 day of " 1))'I'4SHSit Hemi ado011t(11y, tor iheslrnnstrnotlou of a • t 1.rcakwatcr nodal -.' (gilg at'Port hagtn, !trace Co., ()Mario, according, to' avian and epecilk'ation to NI Sero on•appnlmtioii t.the.olliou Of .the Town Cleric, Port tagin whore printed forms of tdnder tan los eb t liuul. _ i I'oi.,ns tendering' etre notified that tenders wil' sot he considered unlsss uncle en the, printed form sup. plui, the' blanks ,property filled h , and signed with their liana/ signatures, Eaeh tGndor lutist ho accompanied by an acet'ph'd l, wk. chcq te, made tray able to do order of this iI n Ole thu \inister of euh0c \vorks, egngl 1011)1P Per I 'w.. wt. of the '{{hunt of the, 'tinder, Which will ho•t,sr• , silted if the'p.irty decline to enter into 5 contract { ' r r ttheu ended upon 'te do so, or if he fall to complete ; C ' the work coutraeteli fol'. if the tender fs)iotaecepteil 1 the cheque Wilt be rt;; urncd. - l`Pu Uepattmunt Will not be bou;id to ee:opt thtl 1 •/Js; est or any tele. •7 137 order, • secretary el34parttiligtat of Maine Works; f Nitta;4r'q- W,I S �ptuluber,1b"1t,1..1' ' er0(1. Cr`/cl8StUct9 e,,: • . in pin ts,.gututs,:and.li:df•galluus. • • 'A ..SPEC IA TY IN 6.0 Tea Wireasli pawl fin:Eggs. Farm Pmol duce taken 111 e.\Cllanaea. Cotner Albert .and. '13o;ttenliury Sts:, 'CLINTON. ONT. BLYTI .00LLO- DEPOT WE MATiE . IT A SPECIALTY GIVE, US A'.TRIAL ORDER. A PERFECT FIT . G CJARANTEED 6. ti)-•2'ERs AT THE DRY. GOODS EMPORI-U14I OF PAY ' & WISEMAN.. A GRAND OFFER: 0 E "HURON RECORD" V Lill 1e kont ,to Any address '- from now- till•the•.e1.et ,of 82 -action Sale Bills : printed on the rho Shortest possible.:notice and at verb= l:.ow rates,. 1een: . ha X11 • � •,The United StatesfOoulten11ia1. Commission. 11.av:0, upoii .the ,recomanettclatioii .of the Judges of Group No. FXV., :hate unaullliously awardeii•.to $Ulil•[E11, tl Col, manufacturers .of Grand, Square• and Upright z'iauo-1?ortes; FiiftST MEDAL O -F I ,IiER,IT mitt DIPLOMA OF HONOR, for the ,E, toutistl Qualities' of a PUrfect 1 iatio-ltorte, tlz:--� olu'tiie; 'Purity, aull.. • `I %'eilnoss of Ton(•, :I Iastioity.:of $'rlus`la, and Superiority of. Workmanship. t. . • • • (Signed) d T. (xOSIIORN, J 1.. C.`A.MP131:1 L, .1. R. HAII'T.ET, •_ .j�itud�kor-C4onerai. • t c;.l,ttu) 1'rcaull tit. 'rhe undersigifell bsaitg ilnught nut the eLo-k and • good will of -elle 5 11, Stet ens, 43j.heri to intro+)n tits pointe that lioltrs.4iillann,it lilst'classstook of VITIPS , . BItUSII1;ti . :• CURI'tY COl'BS, 'y "ir3tkUSES; - and everithtllq' tls05113' mato 11) tt first -lana bnrli'ess. sitop..1'*Mild alsowall •the attention of 410i public nS . . COLLAR MAKING DEPARTIVI NT, Ni 1 innicu as good ft colks hi the county. T am prepared iu' ntiny o,givo satlsfwetion, t'stll and get a pair of Vly Iitirfaced Scotch Collura: li:effleiiiber4 Waarraait »say C'o17:trs. lietoesnbcr the sittott . ram door north of the 'Coln. mureial.h(;tul, Ulyth, sign tlf the mammoth Cellar. �J..Z. CARTgrii Nave, goA ed the A ency,of the ob vc fur .Ontario, and . wW beet{ constantlyop baud 4 IFUL ,, STOCK. • ••Iai o, word, the hOII1\1,E1b PIANO is made to stand; not increly':as au o')1it • mental piece of 1+'urti tnrc, but as ft Musical Tust Ul lcsalt, not for n, day a1 _a_ytat'_.... onjy, but for a„ lifetiIUe 7:t 15 honestly anacle, so that continuous •and severe use • will not iippait its fine clu:alities.of ;Cone and Action, and owing to i.11, extra anti ,substantial ease: W01114 it Will r()Maift lougti1 in tune than any `other .{Naito, and (,fldUre'ls,.a:;fiiithfu)'li)Lll,us,. 'the harmonious' interpretations o£..•Au beautiful 1 3 music. '*?j'' We will guarantee satisfaction 30. every -respect.. N $.----The Company gives with each Piano a: Warranty; to a PERFECT' INSTRUMENT IN EVERY—RESPECT, made of the best Sea- soned Material, and hold themselves respolsibe for the term of 6 Year's: econd-Hand Pianos and ..prgan8 Taken in Exchange. • HE'TY Trai.Q1.8 b S • LI KIEV