HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-30, Page 7FASHION fillIT•CIIAT. Stripes run lengthwise, Oriuoletsw are bustles, with a new HARM Dolmans Will be the leading fall wraps, Ounbre will be used as trim- ming ell ehstumes There will be to rapid tlel»and for dolmans and dolman -soaves this fall.. Some of the Slew plush goods have immensely long pile cut ins irregular depths to form the figures.. Low quartered buttoned half boots will be worn throughout September. The popular out -door sports for the months of September, October and No- vember, will be archery and lawn -ten- , P nis, The hair is most fashionabla when . dressed low and close, but worsen with large necks. and fat faces should , wear it high or off the neck. PIeated .collarettes of mull, plain white, dotted, embroidered, and polke. doited in black and colors, are Much worn, with scarf bows to match. Soine o£ the striped goods, in bright colors, with gold and silver Bair -lines,, are crossed diagonally with 'stripes formed by the weaving of the cloth,. The Princess of Wales wore a toilet' of silvergray tulle„ much pub, pleat- ed and draped, and brightened with diamond ornaments, at the Queen's last ball, WIT ANO i2@3Ciil[t/lt. A facetious young lean calls a cer- tain female a"Vennor weather predict ion" -because it contains so finally iiiis- see,. , When a boy gets into trouble, there's generally. a stick in it,. when he .•grows. 'up and gets • into trouble, it's the same old thing; but there's generally too many sticks in it. A Scotch schodl-master having re- peatedly, and at last angrily demanded. • of the pupil's, '4 -Who• signed Magna, (Mortal" a little girl tremblingly replied, "!Please sir, it was iia me." She had a most terrible tongue; " And right in the middle it hongtw; It went like a mill • Ni ht. and day never. still And when it stopt talking it songue - Whitehall 2'in)es. There is anawful state of.affairs in •a little Michigan -town where .a type- • setter trubstituted,.the "word "widows" • for "windows:" , The.. editor wrote : irhe windows of thechiu.rch Beed Thwash- ing They ing badly. ey are too dirty for any use and are a disgra"oe-t" o the, village." A Leadville pian :in one week, was attacked and scratched by a catamount hurt by an explosion, hada boulder. rollclown on him and stave in two ribs and was kicked by a Mule,. And a loc- al editor -remarked that be had "beef somewhat annoyed by circumstances lately." . 4. There are thirty-two divorce cases for trial at the next term of the court at Ottumwa, Iowa,. and 'there: is strong:' talk of lynching the man whu 'intro duced the'ganie of croquet into: the hith- erto peaceful ith-ertopeaceful burg .• It .pays. thelawyers, but it is: terrible trying on the nerves. of same families. . ; . - A lady, .in' describing to an irrever- ent,boy anoccurrence in which lie figured, closed by remarking, "x 'ani tobrry to say • that thething ended. by your father losing his,temper." " Did. father lose his temper l" exelaiuled the scapegrace ; " then :I hope he'll •never find it again, for it was the worst .tem- per I'ever heard of." A Request.*Deacon• have arequest to make of you, Brother. Potts." .Bro.,.Potts-" Happy to 'Oblige you . if I can" -Deacon.. Stiles" You kissed Mrs. S..bellind'an elder hush at. your last Sunday .school picnic'V' I3ro., Potts " Yee:" Deacon Stiles*" Don't do it again, ,please, as it might breed a, coolness between . the families. My luother-in-law objects, •• A rienver girl advertised for pro- posals of marriage, Her father pub- fished to say.' that her advertifeement was a foolish freak,,and that nobody should "regard it seriously, Alen the girl cause out with a declaration that, being of legal age to clfoosse a husband for herself, :she had taken her own means of getting suited and, did not mean, to abandon the 'plan. Boss in his own houses 1Te waltzed nut of the front' door, followed .by a wash -board and . two bars of soap and as he straightened himself up and walked firmly flown the street- lie re. :marked : " A man must, draw a •line somewhere, or .he can't be boss of the house ; and d Ial.be hanged •ff I+ll pomp snore tban one tub of water for no wash- ing, and there ain't a woman can make 'sine do it nes slie locks the in.' Do not lose courage be cotlsldering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them.' Th , FQWLER's EItTRAt1T or 'WILD ST,ttewBERRY.-+-Cures all foram of bowel complaints in infante or adults. The moat Safe pleasant and perfect remedy known. Purely vegetable and free from opiates or poisonous drug Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry is the bast remedy for infants teething, it itsafe pleasant end reliable and cures promptly all forms of Bowel Complaints. . , For Canadian Cholera or Cholic Dysentery of either children or adults there is no0 better remedy. THE HURON .RECORD IS 1't'IWI8IIItp. Every ;Friday Morning, At the price, victoria Block, (near the post Office) CLINTON, ONTARIO, -BY-- E. BY -E. F LQODY, PROP. TERSiS. �Tnl liscdxn will be sent to subscribers (postage free) for *1.25 if paid in'whence ; 83.501f paid in 6 months.; $2.00 if paid at the end of the year, No o paper discontinued till all arrears are paid. • RATES OP Atl\-ERTIS3NQ.•-.1st insertion, per line, Sc.; each subsequent insertion, 2e. Professional Cards, hot exceeding six lines, 84.00 per annum. Ire Advertisements without specifi6 threetsons will be inserted"until forbid, 'Mid charged accordingly. ter Our rates for yearly contracts will be made known on application at the office. JOB PRINTING. -1300k and Job Printing of every description exoeuted with' neatness and despatch, on the shortest possible notice. Orders by mail prompt- ly attended te. Charge3 moderate. I,1IL'ilViCl! bIRECTORY. t'anada Jjetkodist - -. Servfees at 10.30. a. m. and. 8.30 p. tn. Sabath Sehool at 2,30 p. in. Ray. W.M. MIttDo.raen, 'Yastor. Canada Presby''teriar., Services at 11 a.m, and 6,30 p. ut, Sabbath 5011001, 2.30 p. nt.. rise, ALEX. STEW - ART. Pastor. St. Paul's (Episcopal). -Services at 1,1 a: m. and 7 pp m. Sabbath School and Bible Class, 8 p. tn. RE\'. w' Came, RtictOr ' Bible Christian. -Services at 10.30 'a. n,. ' and 6.301 Pyin, Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m, Env. R. Tl1Ottas,. tstor. . Baptist Church, -Service at 10.30 a.m. ant) 8.30 p.m.. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. in. Rsv..7. GRAY, Pastor., TRAVELLING GUIDE. Grand Trunk EAST. d Pass _,Exp s. Mixed- Mixed. Go orieh Ls 7.001m 1.,05f)m .3.1i,p,n.,9.00ant Ilulurnskdie . 7.20 ,.12,70 ' :.3.50. " -.9,40 ".. Clhiton' ...7v40 " ..12.45 "'..4.15 '1! 10,05_" Seaforth :..7.50 " .. 1,10 " ..4.45 ". 10.50 " Dublin • 8.03 " .. 1.80 " .5.10 " 11.25 " Jiitchelt 8.15 " 1,45 " 5.85 4 11.55 Sebringville.8,35 " . 2.05." .0.10 " 22.35pttl Stratford.:Ar8,45 " ..'2.15 ".:68,0 " '1.00 " WEST. Pass Exp S. Mixed. Mixed. Stratford Tv 1.20 p.m .7.5u p m.7,00 a in..3.46 p rn SehringgMlle 130 ' 8.05 " .7.80 " .,4.10 Mitabell 1,45 " ..8.25 " ..8:15 " ..4.45 " Dublin .. 2.00 ' .,8:40 1 ' -,8,45 " . 5.10 " Seaforth 2.17 " .8.55 " •- 9,15 " 5:40 " Clinton 2.40 " ,9.15 " 20.00 " 015 " • loltnesville 2,50 " 9.95 '' 10.23 " 6.35 '. C•oderich .Ar3.15 " ..ff.+5o " 11.00 '4,-7.15 " • Express. Mail, • Express London .: 7.40 a in.. --S.25 p .0,25 p',n•. Hyde Park... : 7.50 '.'. ;.,. 2.30. " ,;.6.35 "`• Ettrick.. ....6.44 " Merton 8.05 • "..,-.2.49 " .6'52 " Bolcom i. 8.15 " -3,00 .. " ' -7.08 " Clandebot a 8.26 ''.....8.11 " 7.14' " Centralia : 8:40 " ....3.25 " .7.28 "' Exeter. .. 8,53 " ....3.38 •" 7 4p " Hensall 9.05 " , 3,52 ` .7`58 " Kipper ....0,11 " ....3 57: " 7.59 is ' '13rueofield .. 9.21 " ..407 ' "`.....8.0$': Clinton ...,. 9.49 " :..4,23 .•' : .,.8.25 Londesborough 9.58 " ...4 41 '1. ..8.45 ", .' Birth:. 10.06 " .. 4.50 " ' ..as • "i Belgrttl'c• . :10.24 ., 5.06. " ..,9.09 '." winghatu . 40.45 " 5.25. " 9,25 it SOUTH ' • Express. Mail. Express i\.ingham . 7 00 a m....2 55'p m...,6 25 p to Belgrave.- .. 718 " , .313 " 6 38 " Blyth.„ '. 7 25 " : ..3 28 ,r 0 55 ." LOtidesborough 7 44 " ....A 30 " .., 04 " Clinton 802 " ....8 54 "' ...724 " Mtn:011eld.. .. 8 20 " ...4 07 t ..7 43 " Iiippen • 8 30 ": ....415 " 4:...7 39 " Heua;iil 8 36 " . 420 "• ,..,8 06 " Exeter .. 8 52 "..4 92 " ...:5 25 Centralia ., 002 "".-...4 32 " 842.. Clandebu}tt . 910 " .454 " ..,90,1 " Brecon . 9.27 ..5 04 t0 ...1) 18 •" llderton 933 • " ..,.513 ", .,.935 " Ettriek „ 9 47 " Hyde Park,,. 0 56 " ,...5 28. " 10 00- ." tondos -.10 05 ,.535 " .. ,10' 10 " BLYYH. Alt A'.MILL. - GOSM'I.AN & r ODDS Are now prepared to do all kinds of wbrk in their Tine. 1lavine put in a grain brusher, we are able to do chopping at any time arid on the shortest e, notice_• • GOSSIAN DODDS. • With Den.. 17 1880. ,42-tf. Great Western NORTH.' Ears for. the Million.. too Choe's Balsam of Shark's' 011,. Pooitizelli Restores the Hearing, cold is the Only 11bsolute Code for Deafness Known. • ' • This 011 isextrnctcd from a pecutiar species of small der n Snails, caught iu the Yellow Sot, known as Carchurodens Iloiideletii. Every Chinese fisherfinan knows It. Its virtues es a restorative of hearing were discovered by Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures tore 80 humbrous;.and MANY Nb' atnimijol.Y MIRACULOUS, that the remedy was ottleially proclaimed over the entire Enlltire. Its use becianne so universal' that for ovine 300 }EARS • No •Dsa si*i, nAn sxlsis» AMONG THE Cn1N8Nn Ln9r'LI5. Sent, charges prepaid, to un • address; at 81 per bottle. Only Imported by HAYLOCK & CO. soi tS A0148Tt4 roil AMERICA. j 7 11ey t„ itiew York • '1 svi t • Its virtues ire 'unquestionable its citratiuc char. (tete. absolute, as the 'writer mitt personally tre"liftl, both from exlierfe,ee and observation.. Among the many readers of the Review in oho part and,}another of the cotuitn, it: is probable that min - boy airs ,ftleted with deafness, and t0 such it nay he said : "Write int Once to 1143 leek h Co., 7 Day Street, New'tork, enclosing 31, and you will reeett'eby re- turn a remedy that will enableyon to hear like any. body Om, and whose curative flitch will be permit, bent. You will hetet' caplet doing tb." -Edit t of Joh i ork )lerldd.ta, Jiteosew, Sept. 8b 1880. 17ALUABLB Village . Lets for Sale,. IN S LYTH, 1, Part of Lot No. 3, Bleck "A," Oueon Street Mc. Connull's survey This lot is in the centre of the bualness part of the Town, and hal trontage"ortough for three stores. 2. Part Nos. Two and Three, Queen Street, Brun- mond'ssurrey-very+ conveniently situated. 3 Lots Nie, 11 and 12, Bloek "•0," 31cOonnelresur. d veented,y very suitable; on which to erect private reef. r TERNS EASY. For further particulars, apply to or to the C. FLOQDY,131yth. RECORD OFFICE, Clinton. 61,900 FORFE'IT, inimix Cancor'Curo Depot,. Ooat('cook, P. Q., Canada. NCR CURS. . i without toe use of' the Knife.' The only Permanent Cure In the World, For parboil ars +2nelese two 3 cent stamps t0 8, C. SMtrty Coatieook, Ix. Q., °swida. `.or Highest references, crRES . SWIFT AND CERTAIN. Any paper can pu'bilsh the above for es a:year, with this note and paper regularly. owe Prorties FOR SALE, p�.. GOOD BARGAINS. 1 That first-class Farm on the Huron • Road, near• 5 . Harpnrhey, Lot 33, in the firsk concession'of 1Jchillop; 101 acres, (80 cleared)' adjoining the pro- pent of L. Meyer, Esq. Lo;rand'Frtune•Itousc, large Fra,::c f;nrn, good Orchard, 40...'Apply to 51r, WM. WHITELY, Huron . I8033. •2'nckorsmtth•_wr. to the uudtrsit*ni'd O Lot' 20, in the Twelfth Concession of 00d014011 Township, near Ifohncsville- a0 acres, about 40 cleared,' htllance well timbered. Frame house . and stable. Well suited for a dairy or grating farm. Only 8200 required down; or would bo exebravol for Town' property. Apply to 1Ir, }.SIOCNTOAS'17.E,Blyth, or to the undersigned 4) The valuable hotel property. on Vlach -la Street • e� Clinton, known us 1 uno's hotel, now occtrpicti by Sir. George Knox., comprising a large, hotel build - big; tlrh•inu shed, four aholca T,,wn Iota,. he. ' ,+ lhiit elegant tw•o•story frame dwelling -house on •i Buren Street, Clinton, formerly •bold by J.O. • Stiller, new occupied bI' Sir, John I" Martin, ' .' Tiheeetltfortable tratno cottage on North Street,.. e) whielr'belonged to the late. John Pugh,' now 0a eluded by 1dm. John 1laiiey-with two t rr e lots, Good giir111n,10. -near the hilt Mill. ... • ��.a Tho goon bream cottage min large lot 230,: 903, 1.i, on .Erie Street, Clinton: Tho lot is near the yJhicatbiolin nos wthfeacrtotvor'rsaiiw ays, and:mayhereafter be a0Also other los and•buittings for sale._Apply• H...HALE‘ • Olinton,April 11,.1381., Heron St„ Clinton • John Smith, MERCHANT TAILOR 11 AN1) General ' Outfitter, (Carson's Block) CLINTON. OlN C1inton:IYIarble Works., • HURON STREET, CLINTON, W. H. CDO,PER, Jr., Manuf:seturt+r 0'550 dealer inall kinds of Marble & .Granite for Cemetery Work, at figures that defy competition. ' • Also manufacturer of the Ceieilt7ntetl ARI1Frci<11 SIONI. tor .Bisiltiital per.. poses alicl-(;L1l ter IVerk, which lutist. -be st'en to be al)ple('ititt 1.---A11 work warranted to give 543tlsi'Itetlon. • . Harness, ,Light, ., • •-^Alli li-- /arness . Heay.�� • Can always be had at the hOFVIIST BAT E8, at NEWTON & DENNIS'. also a Large Stock of Eno which will be sold CHEAP. We are giving Special Bargains in. Trunks and Valises. Our stock is very much enlarged this Spring, in all the abbve lines, All "we ask is for the Pub - lie to call and inspect our stock and Ise convinced that we .are selling •cheaper than ever before known. 'We have al- ways ways made Light Harness specialty, warrant all Collars. N�ONsDE DENNIS. C.. LINTON a.rrIa..g c Otitso,„ . 5 H. CANTELON, MANDFATSIRER PROPRIETOR;k OF BUGGIES, CUTTERS,' WAGONS,, SLEIGHS, -&C.. T,TTMBER AND SHINGLES taken in .exchange. •Give me a call and I will •give• you plisses that cannotbe beaten in t11:e Country., tom„ Repairing and ]lorseshoeing.done with despatc. -I.1 H. CANTELON. FOSTE PHOTOGRAPHER, . Beaver Beck, - Clinton. ECF' FINEST FINISH l LA'TE$T .STYLES l FURNITURE!! FURNITURE!!. -o. Clinton Furniture .mare -Rooms, NQ. 77 Brick Block: Owing 36 the Increase of business during Sho"pust year, " . 0 ' D:F0 0T & 330 Have taken out a neve lease of filo. 77, arid will continue 86 do business as formerly- • We have on hand at the present time as 3no h stock of Furniture as was,ever 04.exhibitiob in this Town, w•hieli we will doll aka very SSIA1.1. ADT'ANCE ON COST. As 5.emanufactitre all 'Our own Goods, we are pie Pared to gine our Customers BETTER GOODS for,LESS MONEY than can be obtained elsewhere. ALL GOODS WARRANTED:. 1'. R01311, Manager , • A. BENNE.TT, Saleisuualri tL Don't miss the place -No. 77 Brick Bloat. l ' TEAS ! : TEAS ! TEAS . ! P*EAT.IIEDITCTIONS IN TEAS, Heuer .Such Good Value as :at.. the. Present Time. Ne*season, biltflav'er, Young Hvson, 50 Bents. • New se: son,'Spring Letif Japan, (,flayicking) •60 :cents.. New Season, Black Tea (PCono�ou) 50 cents. New season, nEfll.;:isil Breakfast, 60 cents. New season .Sonching, Congos, Orange 'Pekoe, Fun tai, Assam', 'konlossa, New stock just Received, -and put up in 6 1b, Caddies; at City Prices. Liberal dr count to dealers. S. PALLISER &.•CO., 99 IIRICX BLOCX, CLINTON. . b. Paillliiser, T.'White. To this Eleotora : Of the. County of Huron; TWITC' ELL'S. 'HARNESS DEPOT: is the best' and cheapest place In the county. to buy gout LI GMT A:N•D HEAVY. QH.•• . .& • Whips, Trunks, 'Valises, ,&e. GREAT B tAR,r AIMS .IN .BOOTS AND SHOES Y e invite your Inspection end very coldallysolicit your lyttronage. .LAMES. TWITC$1CLL,.'Victoria Block,C 1,nton, Oxatarict, tisATL" c.Q.. CO 11 I T& AND • DRUGGIST , 31ONTREJIL TELEG,RJ9P11 OFFJCE, • ALBERT STREET, -CLINTON, ONT., -DEALERS tN- Pure Drugs," Dye 'Stuffs, Perfumery, Genuine Patent Mledicincs,. tiors'e and Cattle Medicines, and .ail Articles Generally, gold by Druggists. PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RECIPES CAREFULLY PREP:A ; S Ib. Agents fpr Ilarris' .E1oNe Cleaner FOR SALE -The tilti1'+rs gned his en hand' a quantity. r F.r st las HI • • L� Class S NG S which he will sell 'very' reasonable far cash; � E. GRAT.,■ a 34j CJo:atractorr twd Builder, ' CLINTON . Pim: Factory • t TMITE Undersigned begsto announce 80 the inbato- tants of011i,tonaut3snrrouridln 'fuw•a.nlpstt,.tt he has RE•FITTEl the Above eatabllisliuieht, and is • now prepared •to manufacture all kinds of .Well and Cistern Pura c CISTERNS an TAXIES, NIfS, on the shortest podslht Notice. paving on hand a f ory heavy stut'lt, wt• art confident 01 giving good satisfaction in every east. CHARGES MODERATE. Orders b • mail promptly attended to. /or Your pabOnage• sofreited. JOHN 'ROSS. ar