HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-30, Page 6a
ui I am m I 1 r lr
Worths Of Wisdom I from her, her clothes torn into ribbons
An old tnan repents of that of which
a young manikoasts.
He who waits to do a great deal of
good at once will never do anything.
It is to live twice to be able to enjoy
the retrospect of your past life;
Have patience with all thins, but
chiefly have patience with yourself.
efford made for the happiness of
others. IMF; abeve-ourselves,
The qualities we posses% never make
us so ridiculous aa those we preteut to
Education begins the gentleman, but
reading, good company, and 'reflection
must finish him.
Wicked mien stumble over straws in
the way tO heaven, but climb over hills
iu the way to destruction.
Gold can buy pretty nearly every-
thing in this world except that which
a man wants most—viz, happiness.
The two powers which coseitute a
wise man •are.thone of bearing and for-
bearing. . . -
Neither a man 11Or a Wmilati is en-
tirely safe until' he or she an ndure
blame and receive ,praise .without ex-
The chief properties of wisdom ase,
*o be mindful of things past, careful of
things present, provident of things to
Though avarice will preserve a maxi
from beim-, necessitously poor, .it gen-
erally makes him too poor to be wealthy.
In the affairs of life activity is to be
preferred to dignity, and practical en-
. ergy and dispatch to premediatecl com-
posure and reserve.
Let those who would affect singuler-
, ity with. success, first determine to be
very virtuous, and he will be very sure
to be very singular. -
`.:WaSte tands in Ireland. -
The Movement for the 'reclamation
of waste lands in Ireland IS likely. to.
he productive of great good. A stook
• company was recently ferrnectia Lon -
doe, with a.large capital, for the • purr
pose, and in the 'sited Billjust .pa,ssed.
a clause provides that.. Government
funds may be used With the object df
increasing . the food -producing • area.
Out of the 'Total Area Of.Ireland (20,.
80S,271 acres), betweenfive and . six
millions of, acres are ..cultivated.
Nearly ,000,000 of acres ef thhisvaste
land' have beeii pronounced.. by .most
'excellent Irish dud Elfglish authoritlea
' to be reclaimable, the 'stoat of 'it'being.,
in the West of. Ireland and in the dis-
tricts where the greatest-serfering . .pre -
ailed in 1846 and 1847, and 1476. and..
18,80. Half. of .Connaught is
\ited, although 1,500,000 acres of it.
can be.orofitably -cultiveted. Of the
1,364,000 acres In Mayo, 500,000acres
are waste land, nearly all'ef which is
reclaimable. Kerry has 1,168,000
acres, of which •700,900 .are waete,
and 400,000 acres of that are reclaim-.'
iJjle,. The. scheme • of reclaiming this
vast territory is not .neW: .As .• 'far
back as 1846 -a recensinendationstor.
the improvement ef Waste lands in Ire-
land wasmade in Parliament, •and
•bill Was -drawn up, 'but it 'fell through
on its secondreading, :In 1849," Sir
Charles Treleaven demonstrated that
. Ireland was able to support a'nsuch
larger population. The proposition
has been repeated several 'times since,
hut nothing practieal has. come of it
thus far. It has teen pointed out that
the landlords own .nearly s.3,000,000
acres of bog land, .1sthich.can.beelrained
as effectually as. the sante kind of 'land
has been drained in'England. The re-
clamation of .the bog land •would of
.• itself furnish an areal() produce food
7for 6,000,000 . of people, about
' 000 more than their are'now in fin- •
lafid. This proses eonaluifively that
there is soil enough to.support abun-
dantly .three or ,feur times the present
population. • . . •
.A Erato,' Orttrage.
Montreal Sept. 22. --.--,From :pollee
(irles this evenitio come; a tale' of the
iliost revolting °character. Alongside
t he Provincial-Exhihition Building 'are;
I occittid •es duster of . garoblieg booths,
shuck-leck fables and ,a wheeta of for.
tittle, owned'ainl run, by the most de-
praved of gamblers. A servant named
N exits Berrie, engaged in Victor's'
taurant, was required to do work after
liners on. Monday night, . and was ac-
rompanied outeide the Eehibition
;grounds in one of Victor's men.
order to reaeh.the street cos he was
compelled.to pass these demi of gambl-.
I er,s. and in doing,so, .according.to her
tesvorn atatement,si,heoasstpOuncedtrpon
11.)"five drunken retlatts, overpowered,
I forced into the cab, .and despite her
tsatubborneresidance.svas , treated in a
likwast44411.11114741104 4/10,444t Was ttan
and her cries silenced by the heavy
hands of her captors. They refused to
allow her to depart, and sold or traded
her to another party of friends for sev-
eral glasses of liquor. By these she
was made to suffer' further indignity,
and at length, more dead than alive,
she escaped to the Exhibition Grounds,
where the police found her on Tuesday
morning. She requested to go to her
father's house in such a state, and be-
ing tillable to walk, was driven home
by the police, who told ler she must
make a deposition before the Police
Magistrate in order to hasten the ar-
rest of her persecntors. She appeared
at the Magistrate's offiice yesterday, but
could -find no one to give her any satie-
faction. To -day, however, upon hear-
ing her story, Mr. Dugas, Police Mag-
istrate, issued warrants and ordered a
doctor's attention. The medical Melt
pronounced her in a terribi t c'ontliticon,
and she was sent home. Previous to
this she wes"driven to the scene of the
gambling booths, IN here she identified
a /lumber of her ass uilait, I'ivs of
them were arrested on the spos, anti
afterwards five others were captured.
Deputy Content. and detective U lad u
made the arrests, and are now. looking
for others, some thirty men con-
cerned in the shocking affair, . What
the end may be none can tell, but
should the fellows be proven guilty of
a tithe Qf the charges in the deposition,
the lash and the whippiing post are too
lenient for them. •
'Eo Buda better remedy for dyspepsia,
indigestion, and purities of the blood,
than Burdock Blood Bitters. 'Price
$1.00, trial bottles 10 ceuts.
.All unite in praise of Dr. Fowler's
Extractor Strawberry who•haiu
tried its effieacy in Curing Cholet a Mor-
bus, Cramps, Dysentery, Nausia, and
:Stumach. and Bowel •Complaints, 'gen-
erally in children, or adults.. Every:
person should keep a supply on hand.
' One who has fairly tested Dr. Fow-
jer's Extract of Wild Strawberry
:though prejudice against proprietory
.nieclicines in general, Nvrites—" 1 would
hot reel., over night without this -reliable
remedy, tpr. q„mddop,,. 4ttaeke of
Cramps and Olfoiera Morbus so preval-
ent in the suriner2sea.son I keepa bot-
tle ready at hand. •.
"A -score of.years ire a long thne,bacls
but , when attended ' with -• centine.
ual stiffering, It weMs almost a century,:
and allthis pain -could have beenavoi&
ed if, when your er • Comnienced to
trouble.you, if yeti n •Burdock
Blood •Bittere. Price. $1.00, trial size
IQ cents. . • s.
• .
Huron Record
. •
will be sent to any address from now
till the end of tlie year for 25
Boot and Shoe' Tilaking.
. , .
Wigles inform -the inhabitantorClin
ton. and vicinity that he is prepared to do
. . all kinds or , .
• • • • ; . .
8hocMakingc Repairing
On tlae shortest possiblenotice..
Bet French. Kip or Calf Skin Boots,
Made to Order $4 to.$4.50.
gar- Call ani ggt"other pica%
Place of Business—Mountcastle's
*aid stand.
. .
Clinton' April 1881:
. .
iroadfoot 86 Box,
Our stock of Undertaking.
Goods is very large ..and com-
plete. Any. person-requiling
anything inthis him will find
it to their advantage to cdI,
and soe us; as we havejust re-
ceived a large stock of . •
• OffET
AlSo COFFINS, of ''‘'("Or aVS'
cription, been the bud Ataeri-
Can and Canadian nianura.etur-
ers, alsoa stouk of Babes and
Trimmings, which we are pee -
pared to furnish at half the .
price formerly Charged 'for
Daniel F. Beatty's Manufactory,
Cor. Railroad Avet,Ois Beatty Sto
Washington, New Jersey, United States of America,
(Over three (3) acres of space with eleven
(11) additional acres for Lumber Yards &c.)
TheZargest end Most Complete E.9tab- •
lishment of the landau the Glebe.
GRAND ORGAN, New style
No. OM. 27 STOPS 14 Oct-
avos or the Celebrated �T
is the Finest Organ ever
made, es Caveat is filed
at the Patent Office, to pro
tect it. No other inanufuct-
nr,,iliZ flitsorgom
Price with, Stoo1,111u.$9 0
sto and Rook only.--
--' Cabinet, Parlor, Chalice' & Pipe
Organs, $30 and upwards, In great variety.
undUPIIIGUT 51(15
%. to S1000. Warranted
it'you cannot visit inc be
euro to send for Latest
Catalogue 11 e for e
Bu y 1 sag elsewhere.
Deal direct with tho man-
ufacturer and save middlemen's profits, Writo for
List of names or purchasers. ADDRE,44 OR CALL uiON
Alialiiinlitop, Now low, United States of America
.. •
In Fly Traps, Apple Pitrers, Barb Fence Wire, White Lead, Paiute, 'Oils and
Varuishes, 'Window Glass, Brass and Enamelled Preserving Kettles.,
and Granite Iron Ware. 'We will open up this week a Lille'
• assortment of Lamps and Lamp Goods, and at ex-
traordinary low prices. Call and see them. •
This fall will he the largest and Most complete- S'ever shown in the county of
'twee, comprising all the latest desigiss and improveuretaP irr-Cooking,
Parlor and Parlor Cook Stoves ; also a full lineof Base Burner Cole Stoves, in-
cluding the celebrated Radiant Horne, . Our priCes and terms will be as favor, -
able as any house in the trade, told we solicit it call from tdl intending purchasers.
Do not misteke the place, ited.Brick Store, itign Of bite Padlock, Albert 'street,
Clinton, Out, • s
Rite Iffoulitaill
a bushel of apples in s
.. •
M. A. Q ...3)Z*1
Iron and Ilardware Merchant,:
IA 0)1, the. Year .1204
• And for Putlfyin* the Bleed.'
It has been inuse for. 20 years, and Mb.
proved to be the bestpreparation in the
PEPSIA. PILES, and all Diseases that ,
arise from a Disordered Liver or an Int•
pureblood. Thousandsof our bestpeople
take it and give (6 80 their children. Phy.
etching prescribe it daily. Thoso who use
It once recommend it to others.
It is made from Yellow Dock, IIondu-
ras Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry. Stillingia,
Dandelion, Sassafras, Wintergreen, and
other well.known Valuable Roots and
Herbs. It is strictly vegetable, and can.
not hurt the most delicate constitirtfon.
It is one of the best medicines In use
for Regulating the Dowels.
, • It is sold by all responsible druggists
e.•• at one dollar for a quart bottle, or six
.4. bottles for five dollars. .
Those who cannot obtatif a bottle of
this medicine from their druggist may
send us ono dollar, and •tve will deliver it
,to them free of any charges.
• W101INEITOR..44.00., Hatufacturtall.
'Li' -
Sold by WATTS ss Cue •
Chemists (3,:, Druggists, Clinton,
t1 l'dg
Unlocks all the ,cloggcd avenues of the
• Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying
nW gradually without weal; ening the system,
:all the. irhpuritiet and foul humors of the
• seCretitms ; at t he tame Utile Correcting
Acidity of the Stomach, curingIilx-
M1E111083, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz-.
ziness, Heartburn. 'Constipation.
Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Phu -
Awls of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheuni.
Erysipelas, 'Sabin's, Fluttering of
the Heart, Nervousness and'Oeneral
Debility; all these and many other sirnis
lar Complaints yield to the happy influence
• '
of 1317RDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.Samplo Bottles 10c ; Reginar
• iror sate by all dealers.
..x...:111,11111014tAn riPPrictaiVroonlilk
in this Town to get your
Is at the Old Waterloo Alostae,
p 3
Keeps the worst Stock tii Tcwn His Prices are higher than
any other Grocer ; he is very inattentive to his customers,' and
makes 'himself generally disagreeable .to every person that dr -4
pattoniee him, and he don't 'want.,your lee...keeps
open day and night!' . .
"Dear me, how this s erld is given to perversion, nearly gvERYBODY
There. Mustb Some, M 'stake Here
/or His Goodsareall. New and Weil Sought, .and .
• Don't You Forget it"
Remember the place— •
0.PpbSillaPostOfilee, iu the-J.!,014:Waterloo Hotta" '..
• P Grocer.
. .
. •
0 our Gli0i00 14.1ides of Boots aivi$1ioo, Very 011:ea
• • .
• . • • 0 0 " •
Heavy arrivals of, Sugar, bought before the late advance..
• .Heavy arrivals df General Groceries, •
• Heavy arrivals of Urockery,Glassware,-
• • ..litought direct from the manufacturers, Very IOW.
• •
' • 0'
sieithinweet to Chit dor Japan to pur.chriee-oin-T, bet did the nextbest thing.;
bcmght direct. from heavy importers.. Any old woman ie tlie ountry who has tried
T will tell youltis the teStehey 'dm bny, ..Just try Mice, then .ahstys. • • .;• ".• ,
riv e carloads or potatoes Weeted for whielf flu; liii;liest price Will be paidTHOMP.. •
. . . .
SON . pciLips..!.
Will make, for the next 60 .days only, a Grand. Offer of
0850 Square Grand Piano for only $245. •
..') TYLP i) .11Itignificent reseweed ease.elegantly flashed; 3Strings 7 1.3 Octaves fall faiont eantante
. •
I_ . ./ t) turrade4 airflow patent oVintrung scale, beautiful' tamed legs and lyre heavy serpent).
ine and largo f.ancy moulding round case, full ben Frame, Freireh Grand Action, Grand.lifuninets, in fast every
improvement Witle'll can iii an way tend to the pindection of the instrunieot has been added; '
• U. Otir pride for this instrument boxed and delivered on board cars: at
New 'Inrit, With fine Plano Cover, Stool and nook, only . . ' . cl-,,,C4"-=‘....P.,.; ii,,,.,,4144,.*./ •
, .
• . see. Plane will be sent ofh-hist trial. Please seed reference ti yoU do mit send money with otder,„s.h • ' ' :
sent with triter willbe refuntle.1 slid freight ChM:es Paid by 1181)°6 wa” It 1'4111° Is)" PI" 4818tePresorited
In this •Advertisenten,., • 'flhensandreinuse. Send for Catmogite.Every insteumentfullY Niarranted for g year% ,.
i ': °' 14411 LMtlgZitfltTiat6110VIt!I:;liiil , italitfietik=es.111PlaflosfJTienirlt' • '
ttispir*s faille Centennial Exhibition, told vote unanimously recent.
. • mended 0 n' tilos)] tou ocr IloN,,iO. 'rite Semites contain our NOV Vat( nt
Smola, t ut greatest im)nn omont in OM 10,10418 of Inc'o maltin, The Uprights are the finest in •Atnerko.
Positively we make the PIMA l'13116., 0181- rinhesjilune Sod greatest thrrahilit; . They are reetunmemted 1, •
the trigi est musical authorities in the. i.turtent... , 1 his. ti,son in use, and not OW dISERttSelitt piffillIftSet. A.
' Pianos f r Organs sent fin 18 d.o.s' test NM.. ki/40,,ref,, af .1, s via G. kffteto h7t, DotA 1'041 to ,writo.101 ,liefore 'ay.: .
ing. P( sitifely we Offer th'e hest bargain 1.'alsiogno Instiiril tree. ila.0 home Illustrated • and beictipti‘ 0
Catalogue of 4ti pages mailed for 3e, at:Insp. • •EN'er3 Plano hill,. a al ranted for r years. 0,:ur• ,,e.,..rio,,0,...0.•anshi..
, _ ..
iiiil U 'E3 1 LEI .46,z)
.: . . 7,,, ,
....,,,„ t4 ,..
, otc:rt:41(the'llinsieul nubile. It enntalos 141;%-.11..t:II,e-.., Ill e ',;.":0 sr ;fps si, tsar' id le o(t:(itttiTA cilaet°,1cir,..°artf,V.InIT -,,i •-
.. . . •
T .!. )1,,t./.VOS. „.'11)1q.eeti 1...topli wit ntiesnd organ Itiapa.4,n, ",19104414, Viola, Plutte, (..:eKle,steete-stionptisc.otv4hm.
Molodia Vette, CeliestinI., ‘ loliol., Ft tr,,,. Forte, Tremolo, f4rand ih.gan and 1:raial.SVell . . Q.
! 74 in.; Length, 43 I. i 1 , i i ig 0 Ioxed, a(k) tbs. Tile ease is of solid walnut veneered with. i oh
Wooda, and ls of allle'llif•irie(13t'ht:h2,).A4'1,1,6:41;:i:',1:;vthi,t..if,1.! (1.1/sitn„1/ cialloratrii • varied, with' raised'pancils • 1111114;O 11°10'F:ter
' ilti,0111.1eWrN,k4dlimi)If:V.th`liWiltlikttey't•la :II „ RI xtittisT. 1 1R1.1.. I. 044V8SNE OM 8110 latest and hest iniprovoinads. wab tau t
itogularotail pri. iesi. (,),,,,,,,,.4:1,441. ,.;,,,,,.et oritywelt t?neu.• itesetfiut 840 streets and perfect stop actidi.
otte.organ sold sells Own% Positively no detirittrir'in itAce.vr itIoLitIntitlbltitillerj'iWtli.tr)14t44111•11 nfrid'OliliolyioRkir,(2'ntn1118%1%°' 1'041-eh:NI
VinOtttt,1:14.1,C=O ipirie. We smid.all clans 0,n 85 *403/9 sti3erot8i-rittelt(41.1. f
Stops 41,16. .0..et 33 0* old, si"anic:tatv'el•4;•bkrif,'..triti ITtigiv(it'o the fullest sadder:bon,' I ustratee (arc lat. 74115;411
free. 440,04 and Warstoo4 n , 8781t .bto anti 1.0th Aro. "
at Otie.thltd prise, °swotted �f 8000 choice pieces sent tot 8 cent
dayS.H....F.ar,E,,,,,,I, 01101.,y,,S..11,90n, 4,, , ,... 00 . ... meat of the popular musiev400
stamp • Thlit Catalo I 1 d
. . • by . rod autbets. Address;
11E0E144011N ARCO CQ, 0 ;‘,1...,44 -40X ..aQ58i NQIN YOrk*