HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-30, Page 5?Mc Wrecked 8e8'inf�. ].I.fl1:.I17 IJEIARTUUL P DRESSY MAEING IVEA.NTIM MAKING The undersigned begs fo state to his customers and the ladies. of Clinton and vicinity, that he has for some time contemplated adding dress making to his bus- i"ness, but delayed doing so,, owing to the want of suitable room in which to con- veniently carry on the business, and. more particularly to the difficulty •experi- enced in getting a suitable and competent person to take charge of the depart- ment. Both these. difficulties, he feels, are now fully overcome, and work is begun to -day in both Dress and Mantle ,Making. We have no doubt of giving as good satisfaction as is to be obtained in any town or city in the country, in these departments, :The lady in charge is of long experience in both the United States and Canada, having completed her knowledge of Dress and Mantle Mak- fag in Boston, Mass., and held responsible positions both there and .in Pember- ton, Ottawa, and othertewns'in Gannets. 'She'conies very highly reconllvended• lei thorough hi liei'istisiness, and oil these conditions the undersigned embarks in the enterprise, with large hopes of success, and asks the coniidenee of the ladies to a fair trial of getting their orders executed to their Satisfaction, if -placed-•imouz�-eharge.. •hIeretofore, owing to the limited .trade in Mantle making we only employed a hand by the season. This mode of working always rendered it difficult to get a really good hand, as•a person thorough in their trade, .natur- ally wants a longer engagement. 13y having both departments in charge of one person, and a permanent position offered, a good and competent hand .can gen- wally be secured, and we feel that in the course taken we will, not be disa�- pointed. Till the new.store, with lots of room, being erected by Mr. W. Murray is completed, at the corner of the'Market Square, and which the under- signed has leased{'. he has.rented for. the Dress Making, the rooms over Mr. Robson's store, formerly.used. by .him as a dwelling; the entrance to which can be made either through my store, or from the lane in the rear. ' No occasion to go.through M. Robson's store. APPRENTICES WANTED. We are getting' _ready rapidly to make, our usual Millinery • Display. 'LA�:•�.ES_ We hold and'are ready to place, before: you the most superb• stook of Mantle Cloths; Dress Goods, Blaok Goods, with Satins, Silks,. Plushes, Fringes, Trim- mings, Girdles, Velvets, Ribbons, Laces, Buttons, Linings, 4c., •Sec„ to .match, and to•which we ask the kind patronage of all wanting theseoods. The Millinery Department is in charge of.Miss , Robertson.. The i antle and: Dress Making is in charge of. Mrs. Wright, .Patronage solicited. • JOHN .HODGINS; Ge3t:Dry Goods Rouse, Clinton At the � Gentennia/ Exhibition 1 The United States Centennial Comni ssion have, upon the "rcconlnlendation of the Judges of. Group:No. XXV.; have' unanimously awarded to SO1L14,IER' Co., manufacturers .of Grand, Square and U right Paan -Fortes, 1FI RST MEDAL 'OF' MERIT ,and DIPLOMA: OF HONOR, for the Essential Qualities of a Perfect 'Biano-Forte, viz ;_Volume, Purity, and. Evenness of Tone, Elasticity. of Touch', and Superiority of Workmanship. (Signed), A. T. GOSHORN,:'' J. L. CAMPBELL, J. B. HAWLEY,y. Director•,euera. .Secretary,, -president. Have secured -die Agency of the, •above fdr O itario, and will keep constantly• on, hand a FULL -STOCK Ir► a,.ward, the SOHMERPI;tANO is made to stand, not merely as an•orna mental piece of•Furniturebut.as. apMusical Instrument ;nfor a day or a' year I only, but:for a lifetime. t is honestly made, iso that.continuous and severe use will not impair its fine qualities of Tone and Action, and • owing"twits• extra and substantial ease,wvork, it will remain longer in tune thau'.any other pianoand endure as a faithful means, the' harmoiiiens `iii er ions-.:of�the beautiful in music, We will guarantea<:aittisfacton in aver, respect, • •• • N .• B,---The..ComP any ' eves with each Piano :a'VVar�,tanty, to be� a PERFECT INSTRUMENT ILEVERY RESPECT, mad6 of the Best Sea- saned,.Material, and hold thelnselves responsible for the tern of 6 Years. Second Sand. Pianos:,: and 'Organs • Taken in Exchange.. DOHERTY & GIBBING CLINTON Owen Sound,, Sept, 29. --:-.The pro- peller, Jane Miller arrived here yester- day from Michael's Bay and ports on the south side of Manitoulin Island Captain Port states that there is a large schooner ashore about rive miles east of Manitoulin Gulf, but he was unable to ascertain her name. Mr;. Currie, the light -house keeper at Cove Island, has recovered the body of Cap- tain .Amos Tripp, who was, lostwit h the schooner Regina, The body will arrive here on Wednesday by the .pro- peller Jane Miller, and will be forwar- ded to his friends at Collingwood. J USt Wawauosh, Mrs S. McBurney, 10th con, E. Wawa josh ilad•a field.of spring wheat containing 4?acres which yielded when .thre he�.l1,.5if bushels, Last weoir a valuable cow belonging to Mr. Roche got her horns entangled in some bushes growing in tier pasture, where she • was held fast for over two day's.. In her efforts to extricate her- self, shewas injured so .severely that, she died shortly after her released On Dark Monday a man living in this neighborhood found the oharired leaf of a bible which had been borneto his yard. by the "winged winds." The leaf contained the account of the des- truction of Sodom, of course he was terribly frightened—and for some time kept this as a profound secret. BIRTHS.. THOMPSON,—In Bolgrave, on,, the flth inst., the wife of Wm. Thompson, dta son. COWAON, -In 5lueva1e, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr. Jas. Cowden, of a daughter, ROBERTSON --In Btuovale, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr. John Robertson, of a daughter. VIRTUE.—In Newbridge, on the' 25th Inst., the wife of Robert Virtue, of a son. IIEEATIIlS. ^SPENCE.--In Newbridge, on the 20th ihst., William, Infant son of William and Elizabeth Spence.. SMITII. -in Nowbridgo,. en the .28th inst., Frodorick Smith, aged 71 years. ;c.. • IRritish Gran Trade . Liverpool, Sept. 5.4.—A leading grain circular says; -"A moderate quantity of newwheat has appeared in the agricul- tural market,; but prices are lower and. irregularbecause of bad condition. Dry grain and foreign, however, are in' improving 'demand 'and. fully support or rather exceed• previous values, par- ticularly or extra qualities 'of white, which: are very scarce.. Corn'was more ally hold:. °A.t the niari€et• `to -day 'there ;lyas,averp.g0: attendance and a. -.firth tone: There was a' moderatede mand:.,for wheat, fine qualities obtaining: rather higher figures , ether q:ialities: occurrence. Flour wasp in generally ,better request a.t.'•tiler late.; ejuotations. Coin fn •sympathy with American cable advices, was in fair demand at un im- provement of :2c1 per cental upon Tues- day's pricer:" CiINTON 11iARIEETS;7 The markets during the past week have beenvery active. Fall .wheat is roaming in, in• verylarge quantities, and,.h ssadvanced: a cent in, -pribe dur- theweek; $}:32..being,paid. 'There, is very little spring. coming .:in and the. prices remain the same. • Barley has taken•aysuiiden •rise,. and 74 is now being:; paid for, the I common quality, whielris•very much colored. Peas 'are very' scarce, only one load being brougliti into 'the market during .the past'weelk .whieh'was sold at 70, Hay ranges front'$1.2 to -$15 and, is very scarce: Oats are plentiful and remain at .the same' price. (Correetdd every Thursday afternebni.).a Wheats"fall>perr. bush., ..$1' 3o4 td 1 81 • 131 01 132 Red,. Spriekk.ttddohaf, Fife, Oats,. • Barley; • Peas,:. Flour, Potatoes, 13utter,s Eggs, Hay, aides, Sheepskins Beef, - Tintothy, Wool, • 1 27 to -',1 28- . e 1 284 td' 1 30 • . , 0 351 to 0 35 •o,5d td 0 75• • 0 00 r t¢ '0 70 • .00 tb 6 50 0 35 `td•"0 40 -0 111 . td• 0 20 0.1t td 016' 1.2 00 td•'15 00 6 50 td' 5 00 0 60 td 0. c5:. s bo le 7 90 • 3 25 to 4 50 •-0 22 to 0 24' Sale .Register:`. ail MONDAr, eezanea lOTti.-The valdahle fa3ntt of 0. V. rloody, east halt. lot 10, 13th eon., Ifullett. C. HAMILTON, AuCt.., Fill Shows: Eust' Waivano'sh, at Belgravo,•Oct000r 11. , y. 'Flay Agf. Society, at Zurich;, Sept. 29 and 20: Iirdnig1irtnch Agl, Society, Blyth, Oct 122 -and 13, Siiutft Duran Agl. Society, at Exeter,. Oet 3 and 4. • T$ritberry AM; Sooiety, at W Ingham Sept 22 and 23 Ashfield and Wawanosh branch, Dungannon, Oot. 7. •W.eet Heron AM. Society at (3oderech, on Oct. 5 unit O. S1 RAYED ..: Catnb tate the pt'olnlaise of Ole subspriber, eri lot 20, con. 13, Hultett, about the middle of Aug., three spring calves. The woo* le requested to prove prop- erty, • pay e:cponeee and trace them away. a:'Fidonv. PORI: SALE.. good,.on'a'•,tory-and•a=half, .fra'in,' house -0 rooms --well :finished, fir., •with good garden, 61 and<f,ufnpyand ill modern conveniences. Lot -No, 845, on Mary street, near the Great Western sta. Goa, occupied at present by Mt. Wm, Davis. Tho premiss° can be inspected at any time. Terms Easy. . II. MAN NINO, V endee's 6ollcltsr.-. . 0I41R4,1E4:Jgiy, WE •E1IIPLOX ONE OF • �---,1 TLE 7. i O'aA,wlt, WE MAKE; t. ;, A F.1P JC.[ALrrY GIVE 1.'3 A TRIAL ' L ODER.. PERFECT -t.,rre" G VT_ .I l-�`'1r.1. tE 1..1x_.1 i. - i.... . . • • *ia AT TBE DR GOODS'1.:'^iii'LL I OP PAY i.; 1411,1 .... i • 777 V148tG SitLE' FOR. -THE .MONTH OF: AUGUST: PREVIOUS TO PROCEEDIJNL`WITH REBUILDINC and extension of'premises WILL • OFFER' Pn SC:TA ',A1G'AI.' IN ALL. LINES OF GOODS;.,' 111,' order to make rem:a fbr the.alterations and ektensien of 'premises; - FOR ON yo+ nt • for, WALKER'S PATENT BUTTER WORKER • oi 0 H ,. rn 1 • .Albert Street, Clinton.' Metcalf ce Steuenson,' BLYTH, • Will remove to their neW and extensive premises in the C ARTER • BLOCK, , on or about the 1st Of October, w hen We will show ono of the largest and most sal ect stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, - JEwrmez• • .BOOKS, _. STATIONERY, WALL PAPER, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, CYiC., &e., fn -the county. 'S01601 Books, and School, aagtiisite� ` a Specialty. • A full line of trio telebrat d • WALTHAM close-A.' i.� -- at EPAIRIN G Remember,' wo s ' largo quantic Blythfat- ouy direst tram man the iifacurere in tronbio et;,, And for cash. Tattles • visitinbr, the call and tae our �lisidey.— A ler goods.r IVitetCALIt ctSfEVENSfs1Pb,• • Successor. to FS }Ictesl.: