HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-30, Page 3• HIJTtON Nous,, -John Denbow threshed 1,056 bush- ele of grain on the farm of Mr. Thos.. Miller,, 8th con., Morris, in Six hours,. tlF'ith bis steamer. John Beach, well known in Howick,. and brother-iwlaw of Mrs. Henry Per- kins of Corrie, was accidentally killed in an iron will in Michigan lately. A few nights ago, burglarit, invaded the residences of Messrs. T, Hamlin and W, Hawksllow, Exeter, taking a quantity of jewelry and money from each.. A fire Company has been organ- ized at Dashwood with the following officers.; Captain, John G. Soudan ; Vice -Captain' Sou. Alheuser; Seeretary- .Treasurer, Joseph Snell. —A lean named Mr. Railway,: oc-' callying the farm of Mrs, Clark, 16th con, Grey, as tenant, "skipper! out" !81st week, for Uncle Sanl's dominions leaving a large number of mourning creditors' behindhiw. 11 very successful picnic under, the auspices of the Orange Young 13ritons, was.heal in Mr. Slelnnlonn's. bush, !near Ethel, last week. There was.-a•goodly number in attendance, and a \fiery 1.81048 - rant tifne was spent. --The farm of Mr, David . Callandelt,• on the 2nd Cen,of Stanley, has been sold by auction to Mr. Thos.. Baird for the sum of $5.,510. •The farm egntaius 100 acres, and, is first-class land, Mr ,Callander is going to :the North-West.. On Tuesday of last week, while Mk. W. Fairhurn of .Exeter, was out shoot- i.lg he happened with what might have been 'a serious accident.. It appears the gun Was a Zips• breech loader, a;nd just as tile;oar'tidge exploded the "breech 'flew open, and the pieces of the car- tridge struck .hila in :the face, cutting it pretty badly. . -Mrs Brewer, an' old woman of 81 years, wlio resides in Rarpurhey Boar the boundary line of Seaforth, fell into the cellar and broke her left thigh bone Kti short distance ahove the • knee.. The broken bone has been set, but at her advanced age it is not thought likely union will take place.. The old.lady..is. cheerful and contented. A• few evenings • ago, ti, number of the lumbers of the Varna, Lodge of Good Templars, vinegar: tlie`residence of lir.: McAndrew, athat place, and presented Miss Maggie :McAndrew,, their late organist, ".with ea .address on behalf of the lodge, together •.'With a •beautiful set of crg.stal, on the occasion of her removing to Dakota.. Miss Me-' Andrew replied: in very feeliu• terms, °--The...barns, .'stables and ..sheds • of Mr: 11. Tyernlan, of Mehillop, " neer Winthrop, were completely destroyed by fire on ."Tuesday evening of last week. the barns contained the fall wheat crop of 40 acres of lianei; besides a. lot of oats,.hay,cud some threshed grain,together with a lot of farming iinplelnents, harness. and &c.. Fortunately none of the stook 'Were. !roused, or they .would have perished also. 'A wagon loaded with flax, wn'tch was driven into the barn that evening. and which it was intended to take to the !nill the following inorning, : was: also destroyed. Mr. Tyerman is a hard- working inclustrloua -man.; and he has lost the accumulations of years . `.Cine origin' of the fire is unknown, 'Tune• loss will amount to several thgusands of dollars, and there is an insurance of ,only $1200 in the Mckillop Mutual. Another pioneer of thiscountrylias crossed that bourne from 'whence no. traveller returns. Mr, Joseph Mills died at the residence of his son,' Mr: Thomas Mills, in the township Of Hul- ick, et the advanced age of eighty-three years. 'Mr. Niles. was. a• native of the county of Antrim, Irelancl,, He emi- grated to Canada when • a young man and settled a Hemminsford, Province of .Quebec, where he married and raised his family of whom survive hila : kir. -Pilgrims Mills and Mr. John Mills, : of `i-lullett ; Mr. Joseph. Mills,of Eglinton ; Mrs: McClure; of Mc1ti116p, and I11rs. Miller, yet living in fhe Province r Of Quebec. He .had ' been gradually bailing for sodic time. All' through his sufferings .he •nas very patient, resigning himself with trustand, con- fidence to the.'will of his Maker. His - remains were followed to their lava rest= int; place in Londesborough ceuletery, on Monday, Septelliber 19511, by a large concourse of relatives and friends.` .11,,taal Lal.boui !that.. Savannah, Sept 23.Tl striking stevedores .uiade •demonstrations in the streets to -day. The pecu r't •'e called out, and firing began en be''.h sides. '['he pollee, who were nieuntt 1, poured an incessant fire into thertri kers,'foe' eevel'al minutes, after; w1rjcll the strikers fled iii'confusion. tight • pee pie were killed.and a dozen .severely wounded. It is suppnsed othere were slightly hint Two p6lioemcn were ',wounded. the tnilitlrty ens et • gd put,.,t d ufl„lir wgtiles I• A Violent Storni.. Colborne, Ont., Sept., 23. --•-'Tile hares and stables owned by ,Mrs. W. H. Niles, at Colborne, were struck b5' lightning this morning about G o'clock and were totally destroyed by fire. Loss about $3,000, Napanee, Sept. 23.--A Heavy storm. of wind and rain, accompanied. by heavy thunder and lightning, passed over this place about 3 a. in. Bain fell in torrents, for over two Hours, and the 'wind blew a. terrible gale. Heavy showershave fallen at intervals burin; the clay. No further trouble from bush fires in this vicinity is likely to oevnr. Huc;!iia„n's' A:rila.= salve. MONY TO LEND. The CANADA LANDED CREDIT COMPANY, To, ronto, is prepared to lend on Mortgage on the secur. ity of Improved Farm poperty, Pt the following rates : N PER CENT. PER ANNIII, 'I, Payable half yearly. SIX AND A FIC,iLF PER ('ENT} rya, ANivuut, !'arable $earl}, For further particulars apply to r HANI LTQN1 BLYTH, BEAUTIFUL UB'RONO`.° • • The 13Gsir SAINR. iu the. world for' -� • Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt • R11enut, Fever lithe”, Tettel',:1,I11aI111e!ll llautlat,-C'llilblaiuu, Cores, and fall Skin Lreptions, milt positivttly • cures • Piles,I t- is guaranteed to.giv e perfect satis- faution or mont'y refetided. Price 96. perrbox, Per sale by J. IL Combe.. F'i R•- SALE. • A LANCE Cartilage. and.Blacksiuith shop on the 1\. lltln Street, In the vittaee of Myth. 'There line tw.. large shop, au'a16, each two stories ; a natal dtyellin tufa stably '!'his it the hest opening in. the county for a carriage n1.11./1111/1.1101'y and tt 111 bii sold•••oia letsolatble terms; it hot sukl sums will hurwtteit Ad- clre..g, f 41A MILTON„ 'Blyth, Juga 'FOR SAIA. TIM?, ' undersigned offers tlto followiuit+ articles for 1 sale :-••1 sot of double harness, 1 iron heaur • thistle cutter, plough, 1 sot of iron harrows, (now) •>uaniufaetured by Miller C Tedford, 1 lumber , Talion, 1 hay rack, 1 pair of bob -sloe gl's, one Punning mill, whiffle trees and neck yoke, ;rind stone, forks, & t. , Till: COo(-"1d, ilton.. oilmen, Junc Q, 1881. 14:4 FARM .FOR SrAL , QXt TO RENT, lIN THE TY'. OF GOD1 RiQiJ$, ,'y� o\iIPOSt) of Lot 86, 11th con.; and tot 36, 12th" 1 J con„ eontainig 160 acres, 120 urea cleared and to ft ;rood state of- cultivation; tile remainder is good lutrtlwood bash, On the farm tea commodious brick resiylanite„frame 1n5rn, stables and sheds; two• good. wells of never.failtng water; also three' acres etproh-. aril of selected fruit trees. The farm is situated three utiles from the town of Clinton, the leading.tnarket of the west. !title indespntable. liumediato pos6saton given. • Far' further particulars appl,y on the prem- ises to JOAN DEM St Y, ' W. A FARBAN ' ' Canton, P. 0.°. Goderich Townshi, Aug; 25,1831: • FOR SALE. ;lN THE • Toitrr or W1[NG'II,i M.: • ,OT No. '14, Skitter street, On the lot lea frame •residence, ono and a hall stories high, cna- taining•seven rooim4;bosides thoro••i.t a • good' garden on the lot, with well, pump and other modern :^con venieneps The -house is at, present occupied by` avid Griag.ti'Will be'sold oi� reasonahloterms, as the prod• ptia;tert is going to the .North-West. • i•'or further -par--: tiuniars apply io • • ARTHUR CANTELO \, CaInto's. FARM FOR . SALE. T�1'�HE North-east part of .Lot \o,' 10, 000 13, Town. ship of Hulled, con,alnhig 50 acres, 30 acres cleared and it a good state of eultivattam ' The place is ttellfenced. The soil is first-class: It is two since from the village of Blytn and wilibe sold cheap. this is a rare(dameo to purchase a firyt•t;lass 50 acre 'farm. For foil particulars apply'• to C flA1IILJOX, Atectionoor, Bli th, Blyth, July 27, 1881. FARC ,''>. FO . SALE, O11POStD of W. of lilt No.00, ton. 4, townsbip if l of East wawanosh, cont unui;t 100 acres; 50 arses elenied and clear of stuihi:s; in a fair State of eultiya. tion: The bush• is good hardwood; T110r0 10 a stsrun saw mill on the noxt.lot. Thera is on: the placea good bearing orchard, and three never failing springs, a: log dwelling and a' frame stuhle, Will be sold sareap ' on reasonable tome of payment: For full particulars ciigtiire on 1te pro 31505 or to , C. if AM1rJrON, •.\u,tioneer, Blyth. 'glyth; JnIy.4, 15SI.. FARM FOR SALew COMPOSED of N. k of S. Lot No: 37, concession 3; �l 11 East'wawanosh. 50 ucres,•36 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, gond rail fames, good hearing otohard with choice variety of fruit,• a log dwelling, two log stables and small flume barn; g>al bell a,d.pump ootvouictt to house, a. living stream runs across the back of the elude, the suit -is Mold with clay bottom, it is three tulles from "Blyth, and confuniunt to school. Tfi1;. is ci 5rat•elass place and will he sold cheatp., ;\pp;t to C. HAMILTON; Blyth, Iliyth,'June 16, 1s$1. Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dye sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick; ness.and Summer Complaint; also Cholera lnfantum, and all Corm plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will •be found equally • beneficial for adults or children. , FDR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS.. . ° ''. MILBURN & CO., r roprietorp.,1 ororl 9. A . LARGE STOOK WHICH 1 AMI SELL. o OFF CHEAP At from 3Q ets. to lir its. and 40 cts. per pair, for frame, glass ant]. picture. C`O:1LE AND: SEE TRENT, AT A. BALE'S, Two doors south of Beesle '8 llfltfliery Store, l'islor•itt Street, Clat}ton; Ont, • SHORTHAND. 'A Full Course of Fonografy is published every year in the now monthly Magazine:, SHE RMERICAN.SRQRTHAND WRITIrR and the Exercises of all scribers corrected thro' the mail free of charge. . The only periodical in the world m which short- hand may, bo learnt without a tutor. o Plan of Iln- strttctions is original and the Lessons co rebeusiv, Those desiring to learn may begin at an time, hack ntunh0rs to lessen 1 being supplied nowt •ubsoribers and exercises Corrected wltenaver received. • svnsranuIoi 0s n YIIAlt (Course of 12 Lessons,), . $1.50 SI\GLE NUMB*, . • . - - ' 150, American Agency for Pitman's Shorthan 'books and Reporter's Supply Depo:. Maulers sent free on appli- Cation. . • acnyn L HIC1CON, Vineland, N, J. THE YEW I3EST :POipigli OIL IN TI -JE WORLD, is lntinitfsetured by McColl Brots. c Co,, Toren to and . for sale • by . all dealers. Ask 'your ii,erchant for . I ARDINE '. and . take no niliel r . Toison, under the' severest test and moat aetivc competition,.: Wits at -the Toronto Industrial Exhibi• ion awarded the Highest Prize, also the Gold Medal' • at the Provincial Exhibition, Hamilton, and the Met - est Award at the Dominion Exhibition, Ottawa --the Sliver wash : t Farmers and all who;u,so, Agricultural Machinery • Will save money and ivaohinety;''by using none but LRbINE. 8.6m.'. Johu.ston, Tindall. & Gale, i3ANICERS ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ON. Tr,insact a -general. hankin business. "Money ad - Lanced on Mortgages and Noes of hand; Drafts is. Sued payable' at'par,at all the offices of the Mercliaint.5 Ba» k of 'Canada. New York,.exohange• bought .and sold. Prompt attention paid to °dll'ections, through. • ' out. Canada and the united states. •. SALE 'NOTES $O [7GIT' , at biose ratee: and money advanced to farmers on their own notes,' for any length of `time to suit the borrower. All marketable securities bought and sold. Bankers ri' .N,ew 'York.' Agents of ,the Merchant's Bank' Of Canada. I TEI ST'ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS • A. JOHNSTON, •J. P. TISl)ALL, ' T. At GALS, Stratil}roy. Clinton.- Elora. J PENTLAND TISDALL, Manager, J01111311 )11, • GALE & TISDALL, 1rA'vlKURs, ELORA.• A'"JOHNSTON, T..A..(3ALE, •J.P.9CISDALL, Strathroy. . Elora. Gnton. . A. GALE,, Manager: Correspondents in Canada, The 'Ban1i of •Montreal anti all their agencies. I» New:Ydrk, W. Wateois and A. hang, 60 and 01 Well Street. .14.1g1)E OF PETE Ar:A.LLE ,. ;tiI I:l)iOINF�. (Trade al•trk•Ttogisteired'ytluuh i'i81. T1,0 0i14 Utedhmi dist nets at the sante tint; on t1t 1 ra Live the. Set is arc) the lit rias 1 -nes •Great' r, na o d. e began+are the ntten•al ciusirtors of'i11c. 8:, stem. if they work Well health wilt bit ller•foet if they 1n wont. donne , dreadful diseases are stirs to follow, with +et• rihle si,Itering lydifousruiss, Headache, lh,+pvpsi14 Co'l t,pit'ion, Kidney Complaints, Itbeiiniatla i'euns aid Arhus are developtxl because the blood Is pais it ed wail the t,iunurs that sltouid have been expelled. natural, rmom 01, 11111'1, AaitAtr Medicitio is at p.,eitivo, care for the ahove. For sale by. all principal drug. gists: Can he /Mat J. 1f. Combo and at Watts Co.,s droggists, Clinton, and A, 3f Shrleves, 110 Bath',rst Street, London, 01t., Kole.proprietor Jot the United Stmtos and Cahuula. taus be hadd•wliuleeale at Lyman Bros.,.& Co.,,'1'. Milburn St t;0., anti Northrup,iynd Lyman, of Torehto; also Archdale • wilsten ,C Co...of,}Itun tflf!• Sau.ple 1 hu3edi.20. map, fivq for O1. Thos. Steuenson UNDERTAKER, .6.1ca lames ;a FURNITURE, CREIVei FICs A Special Discount Sale FOR 30 DAYS. NEW FUGNITURg ARRIVING, and ,lore expected -also, a fine lot of new (!o1iiiis,, Shrouds, S 1lllydert eking Goods. • Conte and see, in RACEY'S OLD STAND lately oceupgedby Shenheril and Cooper,. Albert Street, Clinton, CLINTON ILEIfi J. WARE' -ROOMS. B. WEIR,. FROPRIRTOR, Agent for J. ELLIOTT: tg5. SON'S eele.' orated "AtcCorllrack'sSelf-Binder,” "Mead..! ow -Lark slower and Reaper," " Triumph Reaper" and. "Warrior Mower.;": F, CRAIG'S "' Strathruy. Harvester" : and as 1;.Iulniiringlbir'd Moicer," ct New Canadian Tlireslief," with engine. All Muds of PLOU l}I aud•otdler Implements. .Const 11. rntl.y oi'®-iR• wind • ltemeiuber the, place, • NEXT DOOR 'SOUTH OF FAIR'S MILL. • Clinton; May !13 '8]. 31it. ' GREAT fearing a, Glass' Sets from ' 1Oc, to 81.00. Celery Glasses. Fruit Bowls, with Covers. • Prenelt, Eureka, Perlin, compact Puttee Dishes and 1etiivicivai ISut- ters. Ceibinat Naples Goblets, • , Z'uunbi8rs - . - all verg CHEAP to Clear out the Slosh. LOAM PS 0Gmpiete, largo size 885e, each, 1 Pttll Assort - ?lent of Groceries, Cearae' Homily!. .51b. Tin !lack erel, splbndid. g • ;44:VW ' . ":•�FlFt iw'.i 1'9 l < •C . `4 ettt.::t. • Cd E .¢4 oil THOS. TREVIIII nesires•so.Inform h'cs patrons and friends that he h --1111 • Tailo .ff Estilblisliifient to•the rooms ' (,ver Lawrence & Grae.y's Furniture Store, Oboe ho; tilt lie:It asca to ;pelometiy a� L)a,tQ•. II 11414 00 Where Are You Mug • am golnf; to D. onto ous GROCERY AND ?rovision Store 'Opposite Fair's Mill. pyys one to get my Groceries there ; tht goods are so cheap, and flee quality is A No. 2 / X10 old Footle; all new avid fresh i' His ' Sugars, Teas, ' Coffees, Prdnes, Raisins, 'Currants, Boucles;! C'odfish, ° Gold Flake. and Fine—Out Chewing Tobaceoe, cannot be excelled. Some new .designs' in Crockery and Glassware, Wooden Ware, and in lad everything you want. • Farm Produce taken in exchange. D. V ANTELON. CLTNTON, gonsehold THOS. COOP R'S GROCERY Has 'become a' Household Word as the • • BEST and CHEAPEST plaice fi>1 Groceries, . Flour, • Feed, :Crockery, (flcisewore, • cfie,, • . 4{c. In pints, quarts,•and halt•gallons• A. SPECIALTY 60 Cent ea. '1 "Cash paid for Eggs. •'Fares Pro- duce taken in 'exchange, THOS. COOPER,, Corner':Albert .andRattenbury Sts•, CLINTON- ONT. Eaue ,Trough Conductor Pial, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, •I,1AC111NE OIL, 0 Harvest 4,. .apASS.:•KETTLES, c Best: value .ever offered. • d. WHITE LEAD warranted genuine'and L0W. ' PROFS, gip.. .. ... le Pacers Parer, Corer and;Slicer combined, 0,4011NOT GET our OF ORDER, Every Naehine Warranted. ._r Reduise ' iliware. ,Prices Shelf . a/c awes --AND-- BUILDERS' .EIS SUPPLIES SES a specialty. ,S. iPh9414 1UL 1;ti Aus./00; t,futai Ie.