HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-23, Page 12Throw This Away ! —AND— TIM ANI)— Tui mu MS LOKfl1G T� FOR WANT ST YOU WILL 1BY-AND'•8Y This fiat of Specifics is put befure the public with the utmost confidence in 1 Year merits and shall make very little use of the usual means of adver- tising, as we know from experience that the beat advertising medium we have is our own customei e, ar.d we shall rely on them almost entirely to ex- tend cur trade, as we find they are not slow to advise their suffering friends wbee they have found a sure and quick cure for almost every disease they are subject to, and one so pleasant to take that children will tease for it: We wilt state a few reasons why you should try these medicines, which, al- though almost uuknown in Canada, in England and the United States have grown rapidly iuto favor within the last few years. 1. The cures effected by these are radical, certain and quick, and they du not leave the patient prostrated as many allopathic medicines do. 2. Instead of producing one disease to cure another, these specifics act directly on and through the nervous system, through the nerves of the tongue, prompting and assisting nature to throw off the disease, which it does prompt- ly and effectually. 3. These specifics will cure the diseases they are put up for, with the greatest certa'nty, and in so short a time as to surprise those who do not know the wonders they will perform. Do not judge them by the quantity of medicine given but by the effect they produce. r'u 1. They are pur`fectly hat micas and we will guarantee they will atot cure one disesie and produce perhaps a worse one to leave in its place, which is more than can be said of many allopathic medicines, as thousands -of wretch- es throughout the country can testify. Mercury, quinine, etc., number their victims by thousands, who are left invalids for life.. It is a popular fallacy that a medicine must be strong to effect a cure—a properly prepared medicine properly used is of much greater consequence. If the public knew the nature of many of the villainous or poisonous compounds that are sold tel them as patent medicines, or prescribed for them by some of the old ael.ted (haters, they would not let their dogs touch them much less take then' themselves. This is strong language, but far short of what the truth would warraut our saying. 5• Tuey are the cheapest medicines in the market. First, they will cure certainly and quickly, this alone would bu sufficient to establish our claiui ; but there are also more doses in a bottle and you do not bavo to take from one to twelve bottles, as some good selling (no wonder) medicines desire you to do, to effect a cure in chronic cases. It will not take one bottle or the right specific to cure any case of disease that is curable with medicine, but genii ally a few doses is su$icieut. 6. They are s.> safe and simple that any one can use them, and hundreds of cases of serious illness can be prevented by their ue., and many a long dort.er's bill saved. d` ;. If you are suffering from any old chronic complaints that every doc- tor you could hear of, or find money enough to pay, has had a trial at with out success, before giving up in despair try our medicine and you will not regret the day you do so, and wh.;n cured repay us by letting your friends know what cured you. 8. Some specifics that are put up in the United States are put up in one dram bottles and sold for 25 ceute,and three dram bottles for 5') cents. Wait's I komeopathic Specifics are put up in three dram vials and Bold for 25 cents, at least one hundred per goat. better value than foreign make. If your system has been poisoned by some powerful drug, it may be necessary in some cases to give the homeopathic antidote for the poison be- fore the specific will act. Do not use any other medicine or strongly seasoned food while using our specifics. These medicines are prepared with the utmost care and I keep a good assortment of homeopathic medicines in stock as well as the specifies I put. up, and doctors and others can rely on getting a geuuine and carefully pre- pared homeopathic medicine at all times and at the very lowest figure. Any specific in my list, or for diseases not included, will he forwardee' by mail on receipt of price, 25 cents, except No, 2ti and X., XX. and XXX. klyphil 'ids. Please send for manual (free). MANUFACTURED AND SOLD EY THE '!AiT HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE MANUF'Y, JOHN T. -WAIT, Proprietor. ARNPFIIIOR, ONTARiO. • * • Men are born with two eyes and but one tongue in order that they should see twice as much as they say. " Susan," said an Irisbmae to his fellow -servant, " what are the bells ring- ing for?" In honour of the Princess's birthday," was the rep:y. ''I3e easy, Jewel," rejoiaod Pat: " none of your tricks upon travellers; 'twas the Prince of Wales's on the ninth, and how can it be Lis sister's twelve days After, unless indade they are twins?" PATENT REASONS WRY A WMT - HOMEOPATHIC. MEDICINE CASH SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. We do not mean to advocate that the head of the family should assume • the role of family physician, with the dillies and responsibilities pertaining thereto; yet there are always ramming in everyhousehold numerous,. minor ailiments which are treated by the father or mother, and unless, the ease is serious, the physician is rarely called in. It may be a. headaohe or a cold, a colic, coustipation, or a bilious attack, These may be',. expeditii usly and effectually treated by the indicated ioutseopathio remedy. . Now, it is certainly very desirable to have in one's possession a ease of these' remedies, and to know how and when to use them. - A simple :-einedy, given in -time, may eurowhat, if neglected, misht de- velop into a serious or even fatal malady. Mothers anti. others will find tkiat all the ailiments pertaining to infant life and childhood can, be more eapily treated by Wait's Hoiuceopathic Specifics than by auy other remedies. - However, this can only be demonstrated by a fair trial, and that 11 all we ask for. A Case with Manual will be forwarded by express on receipt of Two Dollars, holding twelve three -dram bottles of my Homceopathio Speeiftce assorted as follows, or any other assortment imitable. to oar customer. (inc bottle Specific No. 1' Fever, inflammation. U 11 46 „ ,1 id 41 „ U It di 61 tt 3. Colic, Crying of Iafestts. " 5. Dyspepsia, Bilioasnees. Piles Headache, Sick Headache. " 11. Diarnceaeu in Children or Adults. Worms, Worm Fever's. " 17. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. " 20. Pimples, Hives, Eruptions. Dysentery, Bilious Colic. " 34. Catarrh, Asute or Chronic, Earache, Ear Discharges, Address : WAIT HOMEOPATHIC, IYIANUF'RY.. " 7. " 9. " 13. .. 32. I. 35. JUIIN T. WAIT, Proprietor,. ARN'1-:ttIOR, ONT. • CAUTION TO THE SICK. )mowing that there are many medicines m the market claiming to be • genuine Homeopathic preparatious. I would here caution the suffering from buying or being led into buying, by any uuprineipled person, .those medicines prepared by an unskilled hand, as they are so delic.ate>that the greatest possible care and skill is required to make them effective. If practice and experience added-ta a thorough knowledge of . drugs i' ` worth anything, I would kindly say to the suffering in all hodesty, buy no other than Wait's EIomeopathic Specifics, as they are prepared with the utmost care and with the experience of years, and, in conclusion, dear friends, • I would remind you that it is not always the best show, that has the most glaring pictures, not •always the best remedies that 'have the biggest-. puSfs. out, and I would confess to tbe•publio at large that my attention has - been. • more occupied with the careful preparation of the'beat specifics than . wihb writing their merits: My Homeopathic laboratory is entirely separated . from ail contamination with Allopathic drugs, is large, well aired and Varkened for the preservation of the msst delicate and sensitive medicine A trial is ouly required to convince the most skeptical..that Wait's*.Romeo- pathic Specifics are all that is claimed for them. - . . HAMAL;INE CQIL 1\111\\1\\i,,,,,,,,,,,,• ,,,,,L,.1,.11 This Oil is the .Triumph . -of Scientific Medicines. ...,,: Nothing bas ever been produced at all to equal or compare- with it•as a. curative and healing a; plication, The virtues of, $aixtrnelis ,have long been known and celebrated as a healer and pain surer. But when combined .. with other healing medicines and applied lit the furm.of an 011, its curative effects are indeed marvellous. ' By this mode of preparatidn the healing medicine is applied directly to • - the diseased or affected pajrt. In many eases, such as Inflamed or Ulcerated . Surfaces, Inflamed Tumors, Piles, Bails, Hot Swellings,.Canceis, dorroding Ulcers, no other method of application is so convenient or effective. The Ointment has been approved of for many years in the practice of eminent physiciausa-and thence has been more and more extended until in recent - times we have issued it in its present form. In the hands of thousands it will prove perf- otly invaluable—it never- fails. Anti whether used in an emergency for a Burn, Scald or Injury, -or for a Hot Swelhng, Boil, Carbuncle, a Cancerous, Maliglant or Corroding Ulcer; a Chafing, Harness Gall, Sore Sack, Quarter Crack, or other affection from the stable, the result is always satisfactory. The Oil never -fails to give relief and always sets tip a curative motion, and, when poeaible, a cure is., prompt, the pain allayed and the'ulcer healed,'and whoa -from the nature of• the case a sudden cure is nbt to bo looked for, yet au amelioration and relief is sure to follow the application. It never aggravates; mover is injurious it is readily applied, and leaves no stain or injury to the most sensitive part. PRICE 26 CEL%TS -A EOTTLE,. . THE WAIT HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE MANUFACTORY, JOHN. T. WAIT, Proprietor, - ENFRIO. ,•ON'i'�'