HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-23, Page 10LIST of HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES
—AND —
Cures Fevers, Congestions and Inflammations, Heat, Pain,
Restlessness, Inflamm+ttion and Congestionot the Heart or Brain
Inflammation of the Eyes, Inflammation of the Throat or Quin-
sy, alone or iu elteruatiou with No. 15, Pneumonia er in am -
Specific matiou of the Chest or Longs, iuflatnmation of the Pleura,
N o. I. (Pleurisy) Inflammation of the Liver and of the Bowels, Fevers
of Children, Scarlet Fever, Scarletina, Measles, Inflammatory
L3ilioua or Oatarie Fever, Yellow Fever, Inflammatory Rheu-
matism, Sunstroke, Effects of being Overheated, Violent throb-
bingI Headaches, Sleeplessness from Fever or Fulness of Blood.
Cures Neuralgia and Nervou. Pains, Toothache in Sound
Specific Teeth, or in Otd Decayed Teeth, Toothache in Children, Face -
No. 2, ache, Tiedouloureux. Swelled face, Darting, Sharp or Stinging
Veins, Neuralgic Paine, Old Neuralgias.
—i Chiefly affects the Nervous System, Liver and Bowels. Is
Specific good for children during Teething, when irritable and fretful,
No. 3. in the Diarrieea of children, for Sleeplessness, Deraugemeutof-
the Stewed), eto.
Specific I Cures Sore Mouth or Canker, Nursing Sore Mouth ; Sore
Mouth or Canker in adults or children, MorningSickness of
No. 4. Expectant \Yemen, Indigestion.
Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, Rising of
Food, Water Brash. Rad taste in the M little Coated Tongue,
Loss of Appetite, Loathing of Fond, Constipation or Costive
Bowels, Scanty, Knotty, Sut•til, IIard, Dry or Insufficient Stools,
Biliousness, Yellow or Rarely Complexion, No Appetite, Drow-
siness and Costive Bowel+, Acid Stomach, everything eaten be-
comes S0111, Old Chronic Dyspepsia, when everything disagrees,
Headache from Indigestion, Old Chronic Livor Complaint with
Indigestion, Enlargement of the Liver, Chronic Constipation
and files, Flatulence turd iiloating of the, Abdomen after eating,
Offensive Breath,
No. 5.
Spc cific
No. 6.
Especially adapted to the female sexual system, cures all
hove ularities, Tardy, Scanty, Suppressed o}' Painful itilenett'ua-
tion, Leaeorrbeea, Deficient Secretion of Milk, etc., Indigestion,
Nausea from eating fat pork, pastry or other rich food.
No. i6.
cures Asthma, Old Ohmura Asthma with attacks of Oppros•
sed, Labored, Difficult Breathing, Cough and Expectoration,.
Dry Asthma, Humid Asthma, Stridulous or Sighing Tiespira.
tion, use in connection with No. 1,
No. 17.
Cures Coughs, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Influenza and Sere
Throat, Cough, with Pain and Stitches in the Side or Breast,
Cough with eakiiess or Emaciation as from Incipient Con-
sumption,CDough with Morning mut ant1 veningFever,Cough
with Pain or Soreness in the Throat and Bronchitis, -Hoarseness.
or Lose of 'Voice in Clergymen„ Old Chronic or Consumptive
Cough} Infisinmetion o1 the Lunns or Pleura, given after or to
alternation with No, 1, -Cbronie Bronchitis or Laryngitis, withCough, Hoarseness, Loss of Voite.or Weak Vpioe, Scanty Ex-
pectoration and Emaciation.
1 Cures Piles or llomorrl)oids, Blind• -or. Bleeding- Internal'or
Specific • External Piles with Fulness, Itching and Burning, Inflained,
No, 7 Ilot, Burring, Sore Tumors around the Rectum, Falling of the
i Rectum, Itching of the Anus.
Curve Cholera \lorbns, Asiatic Cholera, Nauseate and Vomit -
Specific ing• Sickness at the Stomach, Vomiting with I,)inrrbrott, 'Thin,
No 8, (, „c, Urgent or Rice -water Stools, with Vomiting, Coldness,
Paleness, Blue Lips and Crainps, Morning Sickuess.
Cnrew lieadriet to, Dillons headaches, Nervous Headaches,
and thele Headacheswith Nausea and Vomiting, Congestive
SpCCiflc Ilcadaehee, Vertigo or Dizziness, Swimming of the Head,'
No. 9. Il ' ines+s, Beat or Fulness of the Head, also in.connection
with No. 1. -
c_=Cures Croup, Wheezing Breathing, Hoarseness, Inflamma-
1)c CifiC
tory .\ ifeeti„ns of the Windpipe and air pastimes, in alternation
N 0, 10. with spt-citlo No. 1, hest known remedy for Croup.
—_— (,area 1)3nrrhte4 or Loose 11o>•els in children or adults, Sum-
mer 1'o!npleitit or Ch d -ra Meantime Thin, Loose, Yellowish,
PCCift (Ir , uish or Watery Stools+, 3)inrrloea from Indigestible Food,
NO. I I. I)inrrh"'° front OKI use of fruit, Diarrecea Ionia travelling or
c•hstee. rf wafer, Painful Diarrhoea, Chrouio Diarrhoea or Leese
Pe reels, 3)3,rrieua of ('onsmeptives.
Cures 1(111 rtmntism, Acute 1L1ietunation with Painful, hot
t,w•tdiin,_ of the pn•t, Chronic Rheumatism with Lamereas,
Specific Stillness tutu Soreness of the part, Sciatic Rheumatism, with
No. /2. pain 311 0,, hip, knee or leg of the affected side; Lumbago or
pain net's. -s 11)t• Loins or ilttck, Uhl Rltcutuatio Pains or Lauio-
ne*s, 11 oolliectiou with No. 1.
pecificNo. i8.
Cures Female Weakness* Leucoirboea or Whites, Yellowish+
Thick, Offensive or Corrosive Discharge,, Menses too soon and
too long continued, too profuse and Debilitating' Menses, Conte
stant Bearing Down, Prolapsus -Uteri, Old Debilitating Lou-
cornccea, Ringworm:
Cures Croup, -Hoarse Croupy Cough, Inflammatory Crouli,..
Specific Spasmodic and even Membraneous Croup, Croup with Quick
P Pulse, Hot Skin, Difficult, 'labored, Stridulous Breathing and '
No. 19. Hoare Cough, Laryngitis with Hoarseness, -Pain in the Throat,
Painful Cough and Scanty ExpeotOration, Chronic Hoarseness.•
{ ('ort 1Wortu 3)tsesses. 11 • rut Fevers, Worm Colic, Itching
Specific I of the
,>,0stn• \\'t•tt.in,g tiio Esti from \t'orti:4, crulftr or
N , 13, oapt ieio'tr ttpp tit.‘ or t•nu:c listlou from Wurtns, Lung, Round
Worms, PM \Voiles, Tapo \Versus, •
(`uses !i'•, 'nes of infanta or ectal altihhen, sit ch ns ('rake'.
Cryiter ;MI SL•t•ple-su+••:s, Irritation and ('once tion fromTceth-
itt;;, Slow ti 1 h and l'o,,ltlr•ne:s of Infants, !Tope War Teething,
Dtarrhena of Iitf.uiis, li tao eel Walking, Pelargement of the
Joints and hemline of the Long Bones, Sleeplessness of adults
fro"\ Nervousness.
! o. 14.
No. 20.
Cures Eruptions, .hll'yaipele.a with Hot, Smooth, Swelled,
Skin or Blister, Salt Rheum or Bough, Sealy, Chapped ET up-
tion on the Hands, or other parts, Pimples or Blotches on. the
Face, Nettle Rash like stings of insects, timid Head, Bar'ber's
Itoh, Old Ulcers.
Cures Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fevers, Dumb Ague,
Specific Malarial Fevers, Effects of Malaria, Old Suppressed . /voles,
Ague Cake, Enlarged Liver or Spleen or ether effects of badly
No. 2I. treated Agues, and of the Quinine, Cholagogue, Ansonia or
other drugs taken to Cure it. •
Cures Ophthalmia or Sore Eyes, Old Chronic Sore, Inflamed
S ecific or Weak Eyes, with Heat, Redness, Scalding Tears and Dread
P of Light, Painful, Red, Inflamed Eyelids, with constant seere-
No, 22. Haus of 14lumis, Weak, Dim,'Failing or Blurred Sight,. Acute,
Inflamed Eyes or Eyelids. ITge in connection with: No. 1,
Cures Whooping Cough ; given early this specific arrests
Specific development of the cough, and given at any stage allays the ir=
No. 23, citation, moderatos the cough and windsup the disease. Ohl,
violent, Spasmodic or Convulsive Coughs., Cti
Cares Diphtheria anti Diphtheritic Sore Threat, Ulcerated
Sp- S,rc, Throat, Quinsy Sole Throat., Malitrnant Sore Throat,
a cific Tunsilitis, Ulcerated or Fnlareed Tensile„„'•tiiifel, Difficult Im-
NO, 15. peded Deglutition, Old Sores antl`Uloeratecl Throats of Syphil-
itic Origin.
Cures Scrofula and Diseases of 'Scrofulous origin ,Enlarged
Specific or Inflamed Glands under the Jaw, around the neck of
No. 2 _ • the, Armpits,Jl;nlarged Tensils; Caldxnvete7atice s unci pileup
tions, Old Swellings -
Specific Cures General Dropsy or Anasarett, Dropsy .of -the Abdomen,.
Dropsy of the. Chest, Heart or. Head, • Dropsy with Tumid.
N o. 2 5. Doughty Swellings and Scanty Secretions. ,
Specific Cttres Sea -Sickness or Sickness from riditia in, a carriage or
P on railroads, .Headache from cariiage or car riding, Nausea and
No. 26. Vomiting, Prevention of Seasickness.•
• Cures Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary -Organs, Brighter
Kidney, Gravel and Isonal Calcuti, Catarrh of the. Bladder,
Sand and unhealthy deposits in the Urine, Thick'; Tutbid,
Frothy Urine, filled withreueus and Welt -dust deposits, too”
frequent discharge of Urine, Nightly Enuresis, Pain in the
regtouof the Kidneys and Bladder. -
No. 27.
No. 28.
Cures Nervous Debility, Joss .of Nervous. Fewer -and General.
Tone of the System, irresolution, Mentsl Gloom et Despoud
oncy, Weakness from lose of Vital Fluids, involuntary Nocturn-`
al Emissions, Seminal Losses at Stools or during Urination, De-
pression, Prostration, Mental Weakness, or other effects of Ear•
ly Evil Habits, Overwork,. Mental 'Strew, Threatened Impot—
ence, Enfeebled Powers, 'use in connection with speciliO N9. 21.
Specific No. 28, price, $1. Two bottles of No. • 28 and, one. of
No. 21 for $z..
Cures Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Itieont nenee of
Urine, too Frequent, Scalding, or Painful Urination, Inability
to retain the Urine, Catarrh of tae Bladder,Fsequent Scalding:
Urination with Mucus Discharge, Nightly Wetting-tho•Bed in
children, Nocturnal Urinary Incontinence. •
Cures Painful Menstruation, Menstruation with Painful
bearing Down, Menses with Painful, Proasive, .Cutting, Grip-
ing and esen-Spasms, too Profuse Messes •eritli Pain and 'Diis
tress, Itching and Burning Irritation'Of the Owns,. Puritis;
Cures Epilepsy, Spasms, Convulsions of children or adults •
with Lose of Consoiouaness, Spasms or Convulsions of Children
from the -slightest cause, St, ;Vitus Dance, With' Twitching,.
•Jerking or ,Strange Motions of Single Features, Muscles or
Parts, Hysterical Spasms or Hysteria. -
No. 29.
No. 30.
No.••3 3.
Cures Dysentery, Fall Dysente>y or Bloody Flux, Slimy,.
Specific Sennty Mucus, Greenish, Bloody Stools). attentler with Violent
No, 32. Colic or Straining and Tenesmus; Painful 'Diarrbasat Collo,
Bilious Colic, Hemorrhoidal Colin