HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-23, Page 8• lliplmesvilIer Whey are said to ben very tauperior ar- Ir. Murch's new residenesr is rapidly thele in. that line: approaching completion,and bids fair to Paas. -Mr. John Robertson has a • present a good. pearance, o ---,lumber number of his thoroughbred pigs at the Special lrervices were started in, the Provincial ,Exhibition in London. ('.:1L -Church on Monday evening. last, and are being continued with good re- sults. - ' ,Toa. Holdsworth; of Holmesville, re- ceived a severe kick on his wrist from a young telt, which will likely lay hum. up for some time. A meeting will be Meld at Holmes- ville on Saturday evening, Oct. est, for the purpose of discussing the ad- visability of organizing a brass band in that village. Let there be. •a• good at- tendance. ..i ^Alt John has the name of having the best pigs in the county, and there is no doubt but he will succeed in carrying . off some prizes from the provincial., Mainers.--.k'all wheat, white, $1.28 to $1,3Q; fall wheat, reel winter, $1.29 to $1,35: spring wheat, $1.25,; $L30; peas, 60c., 70e.; oats, 32c.. 35c.: barley, 55c., 70c.; butter, 1St,, 20c.; eggs, 15e.; potatoes, 30c:, '35e.; apples, 35e., 400.; hay per ton, $10 $$il; wool per. lb., 20c., 22c.; hides per lb,, fic., 6Ne.; salt per barrel, 90c., 90. Mr. Marley and farnily have renlov- "ed here, and will open out an iliimense stock of general goods in a few days. The want of such an establishment ,has long been felt in this place, and doubt- lessthey will do a good business. We welcome them to Bei rave, and extend them the right hand of fellowship. Mr. 111, is a good energetic citizen. Your correspondent is creditably impressed that it. was ,the high taxation that caused &im to leave Clinton, and the domineering manner that your town official endeavored to enforce it asthey were moving their ,goods away is simply shameful and the legality of such a proceeding is very tquestionable, and is a'disgrace to the town that prac- tises It. However, your loss in this• ease of your sharp practise, is our gain. Bend us on some more.. . R1sraolovs.--Revival services will be held in the Methodist churoh, Nilo, ennimencing the first of next week. -lay much good bo done. SLC Nrss.--We are very sorry to learn that Mr. J. Carter is lying 'dan- gerously ill, of. diarrhoea. Nearly all the members of the family have been afflicted in the samq, way but are re- covering. ' - M , TR1yIONIAL.-Mr. Bennett Graham acting upon the Scriptural injunction,. at It is not good for man, to`be alone," lids taken a help mato in the person of Vliss G. Echlin. May our friends have much happiness. • Cc^RLos1TIt.--I hacl growing in- my garden this fall a natural curiosity in tiffs shape of an ear of corn. I planted. in the spring, sweet and common corn mixed this ear of corn and had the seeds of sweet and common corn grow- ing .alternately . on the same rows thrQughont the ear, SEED -DRILL -Mr. W. Morrow has on exhibition at his place,' Nile, the tinct model 'of a seed -drill I.bave ever teen. It is so simple in its arrange- Ment that a little .boy who is able'to drive the team can guage it SO .6 to stew any kind of grain almost instantly. `toxon ta, Co., Ingersoll; aro the manu- facturers: • Redgrave. - , a . Mr:. Andrew Enibury has moved Into iia."+'riew r residenci:: " . ILL. -Three of R. Armstrong's fain-; ily aro dangerously ill. • • ..W. Ellison sold tivo•p1gs,` five, weeks e i 1, that weighed 41 lbs. Gash Who tan beat this'? - estEVT.-7Ir: C. Hamilton -ship - _ 1, the first carload• of•.wlreat • this,. sealson on the 13th inst. \Vrn. Bengongh hay •.rctUrnecl• from ' Lis trip to Bayfield, ,,and reports having a splendid! time. • ' Mr. P, Brown of the 10th 'eon., sold a. calf two months old; whieh when. ,iresscd weighed -160 1bei. Miss Mary McUouatill is slowly .re- ds etsvering from her sickness. We 'hope to i:uu her around again shortly: Win. Miller is here from Algoma visiting his .friends. He looks Well and speaks highly- of that.country. • • Mr. 1, .Rogerson; shipped' two -ear . loads of lumber this week.- Thoq.•A; • new also shipped two car loads of -lum- ber. • • .John Lawler has left for Algoma, after a .visit of a few- weeks among his i rienrls here. Ile is highly pleased.• with that part. yliss Mary McCrea, of'A.lgoma, who' has been, visiting friends here, leas,gene to Colborne, from which .place, be leaves in a week for home. , • • Mr. W. Dineen has had several' otrere for hes store but has not rented' it. It is. one of .the 'most desirable places in the -villa;a ante has all cotl- veui euces. • flUILPNG.-Wni. -Welsh has' got,the stone work aids flew_ clwellibg house here completed. Mr.. Wm, McDowell had the contract, and made a first-class job. A •youth man who left liere last July: Las returned and received a hearty wel- tdale from the young men here; but a greater welcome from " The•bonnie wee eat ,ie that meets him at the gate." Eobt. Reid has' just returned home from Michigan, after an abscence of tour years. lin broke his leg in the 1';niher woods about 3 months ago, and i.; only able to walk now with the as- ,i:,innco of a stick. T'Easosan.--Mr. • S. Merrifield, of liritis4. Grain Trade London,.-Septe nbery19.--The Mark Zaire . 'xpross,. in %ta review of the -grain trade the past .week,. says :-Tho week's fine`t,weather has. greatly benefitecl.agri- etilture, buts it' is altogether too late to alter the position of the harvest in its relationship "to the • grain trade: Nearly everything offered is unfit to to grind without foreign admixture: Prices of native wheat have not ma- terially changed since Monday. A larger proportion of, the sibs were made for feeding purposes. Oa this basis the published rates changed from 22t to 35s per quarter, Trade in London and the Provinces closed deoidodly weak for all house des- criptions. Foreign bread stuffs were not quotably ohanged since Monday. The condition of the great bulk of native deliveries has created a demand for hard wheat not anticipated a month ago. These, therefore, have advanced is to 2s•tne past fortnight; The week's supply of foreign wheat in London was 82,350 quarters, of which 37,764, quarters were .A.tnorican, and of foreign flour 1,609 sacks. .The greater proportion was .A'nieticart, Strong • red wheat flours . are 'now in mush request at the -latest quotations, but weaker flours each as Californian and Australian,• are rather depressed. The price of Maize was rather against 'buyers at thecloseof tlieweek, being 29s 6d ex ship, whieh is in advance of .3d to 6d. Tito off -coast market has lost its tone since Wednesclay. Saturday's'quotations favoring buyers. .Tho 'arrivals 'up to: Thursday were seventeen cargorts, of which nine were reported as sold or withdrawn.: Daring the currentweek' about 'twenty-five wheat and flour cargoes are ,due. The 'bulk .of wheat, and flour afloat is estimated at the co. - responding time last. year: • Saturday buyers' offers 29s •6d for maize, cargoes wererefused. , Sales of English wheat last week, 43,- 796 qrs, at 51s per qi; against 44,524 qrs, at 39s lld per qt, corresponding week last year. • sir John e31aicdoni old. Return , A CORDIAL WELQODIE EXTENDED TO TIiE. liIOYiT HONORABLE osatrtnsraN ox me ARRIVAL AT QUEBEC, .. ' Quebec, September i7. -=Tile Sardirt- ian arrived at ].1 A. in,, and at ".once proceeded to the Wharf at L• evrs. ,•Tho members. of a small society, called the Cartier Club crossed over in the police . .boat, but the Saguenay steamer crossed with.: the • ministers , on board, and crowds of the prominent. Conservatives and. friends of the two 'verniers, to meet thetii on their arrival. ' As soon as- Sir. John Macdonald and All",. Cliapleau .lan- dedon thc3 aabaxf they were met by a '.arnn'rd of- ielitlri;. imitating Langevin; Iron. A. P. Caron, Bon. ares-- sers. Jlanehett, Loranger, • Flynni., Lynch;. Ross' and Paquet. Mr. , Con- te -are; Mayor of Ler is, ,.read two ail - dresses, ono to Sir. John Macilohsid, the other to Hon. .Mr. •Cbapleau, aurid loud cheering. ' ;s1 Tb.o - ails . }.atter anit urIie3. OTANItIT, P ONTS. Sir arolin relied in ,English and Mr. tliapleau in French. Tho , party then crossed' to Quebec a`lid' landed at the Queen's wharf, where the- members of the Cartier Club presented suitable ad- . drasees S• d•dresses: to the two Premiers; to Which. appropriate replies .were ..niad'e.: goad deal of enthusiasm pretniled, and the Government • •wharf and steamers ,were decorated profusely withbunting. Sir John way the guest ,A. P •'Caron. Leif• iiIIeacde.;ilai About tern year,, ago there was plengh- ing,iipon. the hillsides in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, a poor barefooted. hey. He was one, of a•large family and stood:but.a 'email show for a•share. Of this' world's joys.- • He: was forced to leave the'. paternal roof .and seek his. awn support. ile had the true. Ameri- can pluck and strove manfully to malts his mark inthe world. .Ho*, well he his succeeded will be understood when, we state that helms become to -day one of the most' influential manufaetur- ers in this country, Alone -be mapped -out:hiscareer which already shines con- spicuottsly:among the many examples of the self-made men of our tiniest . His name is the Ileas Daniel 1?. Beatty; Mayer .of Washiugon, New Jersey, mid it has become a .household word 'throughout the length and. breadth- of. this lance. His tnrded-enterprise'has been.prodigious-ins success plietionieu al.' He tnanufactnros and sells direct to the people from his mammoth lista 't ory at :Washington; New • Jersey, up- ward?) of one •thousand cabinet olg us every ;mouth Hiy • establishment ex- coeds in size • any srinilar factory upon. the globe and he is rapidly ,be coating one of .the great benefactors of :tete race,.'forbe has alolislicd in}cldle- hen's and. all extortionate profits and by reason of a vast. trade lie produce.'• instrureents very economically anal ,'ells them' at a small Margin . above.actual . thi,i place, has. purchased,McCutcheon's cost. Organ and Piano shown i•n an advertiscthetlt in this issue are of his i -.and is tneetng---wi-th -m wonderful . It should bo ordered at once if' desired for a holiday present • as Mayor :Beatty }las an immense trade., • and has to crowd•hfs'.factory•to its ut- most to Oil orders.', Readers should re= member that Mr. Beatty is thoroughly responsible and guarantees everything as represented. lIo }las boa three tires elected Mayor . of hie owrt. city whieh is proof. positive that. he is ton- orod arid respected at bis home:, . A score of years is a fon;:time back but when attended - with ' Contin- ual suffering, it seems alrnost a century; an<1 a°tt his pairi'coiilc� }i tvo :bet>n void - ea if, When your liver coniznenced.to trouble you, if you -hate. taken I3ilydbck- 131ood Bitters.:. Price tiI 00; trial sire l'O; cents, 4.. . ela s Jewell yo SEE JACKSON'S NEW YORK' PINS, . STUDS, • COLLAR BUTTONS, CUM, Sale Register. • az, to -iso r. Omni; 4th 'I`ho fann'etocic' and im. trh Tovroflii� . S1, r ,4 lot' 01, BayfieldCCW, Cod.. i • &c., S`UE'T' BUTTONS SETAL$, . RINGS,, . C}IARAIS, c,,:' &c. THE WWOICE T MOS I .THE IRADE„ MolrEE.=re Asbnoirr, on, the .15th.inst:, the wife of • M. Duncan 3 cicoe, of a ann. - EATpiSON.-io Morn:?, otz Ptiday hitt 4nst.,'..tho' wife of yir, Wnt, pattLLeu, of twin (Luightcrs. • ;STRAY OO L ¢n . Si j.t tvgD tom tho•prenilso4 of aloxc( boitI atnrt� 17 Buren itgaS; a 111.04k entt entai4 yt xia stere, with a whits spat in the Bice. 11.uy person lt•aviag inforcu:ation tat the I15C5AU•()Mee or on the iwoiniscs that will .ler a to tho racowry, will be stn„ably'. a CW ar-. del. W1LLI All .M.M.ICWLfa. Uoderieh-township,'tept. 23,1851. ' 1:ntel. 1Vingharn: He bikes possession on .tltc first of next month, We wish , ' 1'1,m RUC:cest in his new,place. IIs is;a ;;nod hotel keeper, and Wingh xm a good citizen as 13elgrnve's loss. N 1:w Enemas? -- Robert Sterling, carriage maker of this place, not being, nide to manufacture buggies -as fast as thr`v were required, has puisshased a 1 umber of very handsome ati0 front ilie celebrated mannfaetory of W. 11. :,l Wore & Co., w of Galt, and bas .them now oil exhibition at 11is shop • here. • i` saqs ' E-1 0 r. • 0 MONEY TO LEHI • Tho CANADA. i,ANn1:n eitEDr' COMPANY,- To: ro,tto, lelprepared fcrlcfd-nu Mort -Amon tip secuc-- ity of Improved b`artu poporty, itt tho following rates : . . - - • SIX 1riJC1iI SENT. PER AliirNII31,. Payable hill yearly. • SdX AND A 11.II11LF PER .CENT. • ?Yell ANNWitl, Payal,to yearn'. rot' further vertioulnrs apply .t6 HAM!LTCN, fLYT1L Eixr NOVEL STYLES. . IS1,11TETtMETO .0k our elecfa o a a 1 'Hat THE ONLY COMPLETE ASSORTMENT IN THE COUNTY, Grand Range of h u..d e 's Goods. O.. O IN FINE FURNISHING' GOODS. The Choicest. Assortment in the County, ,41;. Agent for AlcCall's • N w York.I azai� P ,tterus.--=•Full and conlpleie stock on .Band The Hatter awl Furnisher.