HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-23, Page 7WIT AND 111131O2.DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT or WLLI
STRAWBERRY. Corea all forms of bowel
complaints in infants or adults. The
most safe pleasant and perfect remedy
known. Purely vegetable and free from
opiates or poisonous drugs.
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-
berry is the best 'remedy for infants
teething, it is safe pleasant ante reliable
and cures promptly all forms of,13ow.el
Complaints. For Canadian Cholera or
Cholic Dysentery of either, children or
adults there is no better remedy.
Leadville journalist has shot so many
hien that he is now spoken of ,as "tbe
eco 1 leaditor."
" Water -melon choly scene" said the
small boy when the farmers dog chased
him out of the patch.
"If you grasp a rattlesnake firmly
about the neck he cannot hurt you.
nays a western paper. Keeping a block
ahead of the snake is also a good sclleuie.
grs._I, t'Qw)•i§toile says that if she has
a dot;, she wants one of those greatara
Bernhardt dogs that dig those dear olid
monks out of the suow in. Switzerland.
At last it has been discovered bow
Vencor frames his weather predictions..
Getting up at daylight, he takes a wally
if the first woman he meets is light-
haired, he announces a spell of pleasant
weather. If, however, she is red-haired
be rushes home to announce the ap-.
proach of a frightfully hot wave,
"You make me think," Jelin William
said, dropping. on a•so£a beside a pretty
l;irl last Sunday evening," of n.• back
whereon wild thyme grows." " "Do I'
she murmured; "it is s0 nice, but that
:4 pa's step in the hail, and unless you
can drop out of the front whalow before.
1. cease speaking, you'll have a wild
time with -him, my own, for he loves you.
uot." His descent was rapid.
'35 riU111.1ntli5n
Every Friday 11Icr"ning,.
At the otfee, Victoria Black, (near the Post Of5c0)
Village Lots for Salo,
Said Mrs. Younthusband, "Charley
why is it you never talk with Me
as' you did before we •were married g
I notice that you talk fast enough with
other women." "Dearest," replied
Charley, without taking his eyes off his
newspaper, "don't you know that people.
talk to conceal their thoughts4 ..I.have
nothing to conceal from you,. love."
In another Moment he was deep in: the
stook market reports, while something
that sounded very much like "humbug"
trembled ou the lips of Mrs. Young -
Husband as she slowly left the room.
• 1. Part of Lot No, 3, black " A," (Neon Street MC-
business ppert ety, This the Towutis undin the eentre has frontage enough
For three .stores.
2, Part Nos. Two and Three, Queen Street, Drutn-
inond's Sarva, --very cunveniently situated.
3, Lots Nes, 11 and 12, Block "C,' bloCannell`s sur-
Vey -very gettable, on which to Omit private resi.
Ir . F L O O ii Y, PROP,
TEEMS. -Tint Semen will be sent to •subscribers
(postage free) for 31.25 It paid in whence ; 61,50 if
paid in 6 months ; 3.2.00 if paid at thu end of tho year.
No paper discontinued till' all arrears are mild. •
•BATES OF ADVF,W1iSlNO.-tat insertion,, per
lino, 8e.; each subsequent insertion, 2c, Professional
Cards, not exceeding six linea, 34.00 per annum,
ire Advertisements without specific directions will.
be inserted until forbid, end t.hargcd accordingly.
gar Our rates, for i'oltrly contracts will be made
known on application at the office.
J0i3 PRINTING.- Rook and Job Printinlbof every
description extended with neatness and despatch, on
the shortest possible notice. Orders by 01511 prompt-
ly attended to.. Charges moderato,
For furthor'particulat's, apply W , •
or to the C. FLOCDY, Blyth.
$1,0000 .FORFEIT.
Immix Cancer Cure Depot,
Coatieook, P. 4.,, Canada,
without the use of the Knife.
The o fly Permanent Cure iu'the World.
For partic dere enclose two 3 cunt stamps to S. 0,
Slam, .Coati o01t, P. ti,, Canada,
tar highest references.
:Any paper can publish the above for 35 a year, With
this note and paper regularly.
Canada 51ethodist.--Scrvic00 at 10.30 a. m. and
0,30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p, et. tiny. Wat.
SSQDoxmiii, Pastor. • .
. Canada Presbyterian.- Se'rrices at 11 a.m. and 0,80
p. ul. Sabbath School, 2.80 p. nt. lira: A> ax, STEW,
AttT. Paator. •
St. Paul's (Episcopal),-Serviees•at 11 a. m. and .7
p. m, Sabbath School and Bible Class, .3 p. ut Ring.
'1V CRAW, Rector
Bible Christian.-Servtees at 10.30 a. m. and 0.30
p. m. Sabbath School, 2,30 p. in. Itnv, • It. Tfto3tAs,
Baptist Church. -Service a t 10.30 a.m, and 0.30 p.m.
Sabbath School, 2.30 p. nt, RV. J. GRAY, Paster.
.. A fond young lover, who. grew pip in
the sentimental shades of Nortel Hill,
knelt at the feet of the girl he loved,
away out on North Fifth street,..alid
begged for a lock of her. hair. She
shook her practical head. "Can't do it
Harry," she cried. "Hair's hair this
season; $5 75 foe a. curled bang arid a
small fortune for a real 'switch. • But
.. ?sever 'idea," she added, seeing her tete;-.
der -hearted and • sensitive lover Weep,
"never mind, ,just wait here a' nilnute
and I'll run up and bring'.you•.down a
spoonful of my Sunday complexion',"
That comforted him. • .
Grand Trunk
A188,• • Laps, .. Mixed. Mixed.
Goderieb ,I, 7;0 a p ini.15nm. 9,00a01
liolnnsvillo 7.20. " .1230. ". 3.50 ." .9,40. 't
Clinton_ ' , 7,30 " : 1Q 45 " " 10 0O.• ".
Seaforth . 7.60 !" lb 'a -4.45' " 10,50 'b
Dublin $03 " 30 " 510 " 11.25 "
Mitehcll ,. 8.15 " 1.45 " :.6.35 " 11:55 "
Sebringpillo.. 9.115' "" . '2.05 " Mae. " 12.351301
Stratford.. Ar 8.45 " 2.15 '" .:0 30 "' 1.00 "
Soliloquy of the Watermelon. '
I am a. lonely watermelon, the first.
of the season. As I ,sit here in the
market, people come in and thump me,
to see if I aiu.ripe, and thee. go away.
It is very sad to be the first watermel-
on of the summer.. ..
Customers look at me with a saered
expression, of countenance, aiid buy two
cucumbers and .• an onion. Once a bon-'
anza mall took out his check book and
asked. the market man how Much be
wanted for me, and when he was told
he burst into tears and said he wooed
have to deny himself•the pleasn're of a
watermelon or put off going te,. Europe
till next year. One .man who owned
49,000 head of beef, got the news that
the stock market hat gone up a. cent
and .a half in Chicago, and he got so
reckless that he carne in and asked
what I worth, .intending to have Me
put in a setting as a 44tirt stud..but the
price frightened hi'w, and he '• went out
sadly and -bought ,a line of- .oceati
-steamers.. I wonld.eather be less.val-
uable and have moreinee.and affection.'
Now people look" on Me coldly, and
pass by on the other side. It: is mak-
ing _ me gloomy and melancholy. ..I.
.once hada pleasant Home among` those
who were good and kind to uie.. •
Boys used to come 111 the silent night
and steal away my relatives, and, carry
them away and devour them. :•But
even that was better than to be put. itt
.a glass case and to pine away the
lonely ' hours. People who couldn't
buy a fractional interest in nte•come
And criticise me. and call me queer.
Men who haven't.seen ten cents since
last election roll nee around' and ask
the price, and make me mad. '
.I've an all -fired good notion to slide
{off`the shelf and smash my brains out.
I'm•. so unhappy. -Bill Nye, Boomer-
All.unite in ,praise of Pr..F,owlerfs
Extrat or Wild Strawberry"who have
tried its efficacy in curing Cholera Mor-
• bus, Cramps,• Dysentery, Nausia, and
_-StonTach and ---Bowel - Complaints, gel-
erally in children or adults:. Every
• rson should. keep a supply. on hand.
• ' One who' has fairly tested Dr..,F+ow-
ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
though prejudice agaiiir3t' propi'ietory
medicines in general, writes.'."I would.
not rest over night without this reliable
remedy for sudden attacks Of Cholic,
Cramps and Cholera Meerllus so preval-
ent in the eu nnier[Sea6.of .1 keep a bot-
tle reedy at hand.
Carriage Works.
uwfl Propenes
Pass. F,xp's. • Mixed. blixed,.
Stratford .. Lv 1.20 p 1n a 5o p m..7.00 a m..3.45 p m.
Solrinb1.ville., 1,80 " „8,05 " , 7.30 ".:4,10. "
Mitchell .. 1.45 " ,8,25 " ..8.15 " -4,45 ""'�
Dublin. 2.00 ;.8.40 " 8.45 5.10 "
Seaforth . 2.17 " 8 35 " 9,15 " -5,40 "
Clinton 2.40 , ,9 1i"'e- IIi o0 ". u 15 •"
I-Ioltaesi'lile 2160 " -9,25 " 10.20 "" -6.35 "
Gorlerich...Ar3.15 "" ,.9,50,,` 1100" 7.15
Great Western • -
Express. blah Express
London.. ., 7.40 a nt ..2.90 p nt.. 0 25 p,. in
Hyde Park... 7.50 " ....2.30 "'6645 "
Ettrick. • -6.44
Ettrick. "
Ilderton " ." 8.052.'49 "
Brecon . 8.15 " 3.00 "....7.03.
Chindeboye 8.26' " 3.11 • " 714 "
Centrtliu., 8.40' .3.25 " 28
Exeter.. .8.52 " ..3.;19 ", ., .7 .40 ,f`
Hensel'9.05 " .3,5" " .. 7,53
Kl pen . 9,11...3 57 " 7, 59
Brucofield .. 9.21 " ...4.07 " ....8.08 ,'
Clinton.. , 0E39 " ...4.23 " .. .8.25 '
Loiidesborough.558 ",.4 41 "' 8,45 "
Blyth,. ,.10.06 ..4.50. " 8.52' ""
fletgravo , .10,24 " ,...5.00 , ..9,09.
Winghtnn.. ..10,45 " .,.5.25 ii :'...9,25 -"
�IMBEl AND SHINGLES taken in .exchange, Give tie call anQ dowill neve
you p21 C8 that cannot be beaten the C011llt) Bepal. ng nd e
with despatch.
That first-class Feria on the Huron Bead, near
3 . Ilarpurhey, Lot 33, in tho flret concession of
McKillop,' 101 acres, (80 cleared) adjoining the pro-
perty -of L. Meyer, Est(I. Log and Prelim' Douse, largo
Frame Barn, good Orchard, Ike, Apply to Mr. \V1I.
WI11TELA,' Iluron• head. Tueltorttlnitlfiner to the
undersigned • :
( Lot 20,"4n the Twelfth Concession of (odoriub
�.' Township,.natr Ilolinosvillu--SO acres, about 40
cleared, balance well timbered. Frame house and
stable. well suited for a dairy or grazing:farm. Only
8200 required down; or would bo uvrhanged for Town
property, Apply to .1r.•E. MOUNTG1A$TLE, Blyth,
or to the undersigned
t) -Thu valuable Ilotel. property oil Victoria Street,
e). Clhitoi., known as Lane's Hotel, now occupied
bt Mr, Goor„o'1inox, uo.apriising a • large hotel build•
ing, driving shod, four choicelots, i&c,
I' Ihatelegant two story fraud dw'ebbtg.honst.o"
it. 1lfuron Street, Clinton, formerly held by J. C.
Killer, now oceuulod by 'Mr. John P. ,Martin,
r ywhicomfortable
lr U longed to the lme ate Johttage n Pugh,„ now ow
i[uplod',bt Mr:+lube Bailey -with two 1trgu lots, good
t+arden, .Sc =near the Flax Mill,' •
"l Iia „onum:1
.'t' nt. cottage. and forgo lot No, 903,
, en Erie • Street Clinton. The lot is near, tho'
Junction of the two fatlways, ,aid may harming bo
valuable as a factory site,.
R20' Also other lots and buildings for sale. -Apply
to .�■ HESI.Ep"....„ -:
Exl)ress. \Intl . ' Express
Wingham .. 7 00 a tn..-.9.55 p',n. ,.620 p m
Beignive.. .. 713 "" .., 313 " ...0 38• "
,d .328 " .6 55 '
LondBlyth.. .:, .7.a5 ., ..
..sboreugh 7 44. ". _ ;.3:2a. ". ..�..7 04 •.'"
Beaver Block, ( Clinton.
Clinton, April 11,1881. IIuron St., Clinton
John Smith,
Are now prepared to di) all kinda of . work in their.
'line. Having put in a grain eruslier; we aro able
to do chopping at any Ulna end on the shortest notlee
General Outfitter,
Ears for the Million
the Only Absolute Cnire for Deafness
Clinton Furniture Ware-RoomS, No4177 Brick Block.
}i„ve,likan oa., a now lease of No, 17,, and will continuo to.do business as formarlY.
We have on hand at the present t11110 III4 fine ii. stock.of Furniture as was ever bil exhibition In this Town,
iwhich we will sell at a very SMALL ADVANCE ON COST. As we inanuftiettne all. our own GOOdripNVO rite 710
pared tegive our Custoiners BETTE1t O.UODS for LESS MONEY than can be obtained elsewhere.
ThiS hiextracted from peculiar species of small
tlITE SIIMO4, taught in the Yellow' Sea, knOwn
know it. Ita Virtues as a -restorative 02 hearing wore
diseovered by Buddhist Priest about the year. 1410. -
that the 'remedy Wriri officially, Proclaimed
over the entire Empire, . Its use betel= se vinlVenial
that tor ova( '300 vtaits No DiArtisea 1158 HD
Only Imported by
HAYLO Zit _co.
Sam Aonterli roe Amenlea. ,,l boy St., AOW York'
ton Xarble 'Works
Alatinfatturer of and dealer in all kinds of
Work, at figures.that defy competition. 1
Also manufacturer of the CeIelnated
kItTIVICIAL STONE for Building pup.
poses and. Cemetery. Work, which.' must
be• seen to be .appreciated: -All work
.warranteato give satisfaction.
Its virtues aro tnatuestionable and its ca'rative char.
actor absolute, as the 'writer . persuettity tangly,
Among the 'many readers Of the lievidw In ono part
and another of the country, It iri probable that num.
beta are aided with deafness, and to such it may be
said "Write at 01100 tO 715,l100( 7 Dey Street,
New York. enclosing .$1, and you will teethe by re.
turn retiledy that will enable yeu to hear like any.
bedy ehie, and whose cnrative effects- Will -be perms.
nont. You will never tegret doing so,"-.Etfifor
I -Tan -less, Light,
arness Heel' uy
Can always be had at the LOWEST
also a Large Stock of •
*ever .Such Good Value as. at .thd PreSint Time..
New Season full flavor Yonne. FIvson 50 cents: ''. , ...
"New season. Sonehing, Congon, Orange Pekoe; Fongtai, Assam, Femossa.
New. stock just Received, and put up in 5 lb. Caddies, at City Prices. Liberal clis, .
count to dealers.
Ta the Electors --of the' County 'of Suron,
is the best and eheapest place in the county te buy your
We invite your Inspection and Very eot:dally sollOit your patronage.
ure Drugs, Dye Stuffs, erfurnery, Genuine Patent Medicines,
Worse and Cattke Medicines, and all 'Articles Generally Sold by Druggists.
-Which Will be iold CHEA.P.
We are giving Speeial -Bargains in
Trunks and Valises. Our stoek is very
much enlarged this Spring„iri all the
aboVe lines. All we ask is for the pub-
lic to tall and inspect our stock and be
convinced that we are selling cheaper
than ever 'before known. We have al-
ways made Light Haroess a specialty,
and ,warrant all Collars.
Agents for liarris'. Glove Cleaner.
The undersigned. has on hand a quatitity
-First Oloss SAINGLE
which. he Will sell Nay reasonable for
Contractor and Builde.r.
PtitflP. raOtOrY
MUM tindersignedbegs 56 annennee 50 ilia (imam.
J., tants of Clinton mid stirroundin,g ToWnships that
he has ite.rrerne the abovo estabilstunont, and is
" • • flow pfepared to manufacture till kinds of
'Well and Cistern P
notice; Baying on hand a 'very heavy stook, tiie are
confident of giving gpod satisfactiois in 'every cam,
CHAII(.41:8 )10DIMATE. Orders by end' promptly
attended, to. ire Your patio:Ogg SUlleitrido.