HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-23, Page 6M IRELAND, Dublin, Sept. 16. --At the National League •Convention, , Parnell, announced that he had'an interview ,,with the laborers' deputation. last evening, and agreed upon a common line of action 1n regard to the interest of the laborers, A telegram from New York was read, advising the Convention o£ remittance of $120, with the greeting of 800 American branches Gf the league, ab- juring the convention to unfurl the banner of "No Rent." The debate on the resolution regarding the attitude of the Leanne towards the Land Act was resumed. The discussion of the fourth resolution, dealing with the Land Act, will lase throughout the day, and there will be a division on the question of its adoption to -night. Dean Quirk, of Tipperary ; Carleton, of Derry, and.Father Ambrose, of Limerick,. spoke. Their speeches con- sisted of a violent denunciation of Cooreion and rent paying, and urged theabsolute submi'ssiee of the opinions of the delegates to whatever decision. the League may take. Father .Am- brose in his speech. declared ' that he was the. nominee of Father 'Sheehey, and was enthusiastically cheered, TOE LA.$11. A KINGSTON 11UPPhAN RECEIL'Es A SEVEL•E - SENTENCE. . Kingston. Sept. 17.—At the. Polies Court, to -day, John -Coulter, convicted of attempted rape, was sentenced to one year and 366 days In the Central. Pris- on and to receive 4S lashes, one-half to be given at the expiration of thefirst month and the balance at the end of six months. The Magistrate in sen• tenting the prisoner said it was • dread• fu1 to think that a respectable ..woman could not pass through the streets in daylight •without being stopped and an attempt made to ruin her•' _ The sen- tence is the severest the law permits. Coulter''s record is bade When. a buy he spent some time at the Reformatory at Penetanguishene, and. subsequently •served a term in the New'York State prison, ,A Disputed Will. . CANADIAN I1E11ts PREPARING T.0 'gram $3,000,000 want Ott. PROPERTY. , Wii nSQR, Sept. 17, -=It is: sad-- that• tate wall of the late Walter Harper; be- queath -haft 'this interest • in •the p°reset,t sate taf +the harper. Hospital, Detroit, wilkes'able business property .in Philadel- phia, and faring in Michigan to trus tees, . is about. too,,be contested. on, Ac- count, among .other things, of alleged. violations, of the trust, as well ..as ort. the ground that. the testator, at the time of making his Will, was notin his. right mind. Walter Harper had two. v;lihldren, At; son who died without 1s ,.. :sue, and a rlaugliter, •: E'lizabetly, tulle' warned George .Shipley, once•a mer - -chant tailor in this town:. , The• issue . •oF this marriage was a .son; George -- vow dead, but leaving children—and a daughter, now -.the wife.. of James Ale: Kenna, a G: W. R. 'engineer residiing. in Hamilton.' Mies. McKenna' is, cotijunetion with'the children of her brother, '-taking steps to secure the property, .worth, between 82,1300,000 and $3;000,000. These stairs hive consulted prominent Detroit lawyers; an6 offered one -twenty per dent.of the.- 4,state, an officer he is now considering.. Should he not accept, the case will be put in. the •hands of a prominent 'Can- adian firm of lawyers Among the ,grounds• likely to be adduced& to prove the testator was of t1nsound mind is the evidetice of an old 1,+rettchdoinestic• the who was in- Harper's house when will was medh, anl:lgill swear he was not in his right mind when the will. was made, for <souk:time' priviott .• Another witness will testify to Harper . playing marbles with street boys, and wranglingand quarreling- in true; schoolboy !style. As the success of the plaintives `would deprive Detroit' of one of its great benevolent institutious, the -tease Will be w:atolaed: with intereeten • that city, and also: -here; where most of the heirs reside.. To flnda better remedy for dyspepsia, indigestion, and purities of the blood, than Burdock Blood Bitten, Price $1.00, 'trial bottles 10 cents. Broadfoot Box, • lilitier Our stock of Undertaking Goods is very large and com- plete. A.ny, person requiring anything in this line will find it to their advantage to call and see us, as we have just re- ceived a large stock of WALNLT A1%D D. ROSEWOO CASKETS. • Also COFFINS', of every des- eription, from the best Ameri- can and Comedian mane factur- ers, also a stock of Hobos and • Trimmings, which we aro pre- pared to furnish at half the price formerly charged for these Goods. pot 77 BRICK BLOCK,' nwmanniamilit ()ROANS AND PIANO$ tL tl h '' , ^'tt"',twc ., Illi'trinu. lIInu°ISlnl 'u-rAi l,,,rt,ts,r_ Daniel F. Boa'tty's Manufactory, Con It.iitirrond Avletel tteatty'Mt., Washington, New JYrsey. Usual States otAmerica: Over three(3) poor of space with eleven (11) additional acres for Lumber Yards &c.) Th0Lareest end Nest (t»ntl]lete AStaD. llehment of the kind on the Globe. e VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. BEATTY'S BEETHOVEN 27 STOPS• GRAND ON, w O No, 5000, 27 RGASTOPSNe14 Sty Oct- eves of thoCete'pratod 00L - Is tN,Ae d nest orgaLnD9ever Made. A Caveat is Bled. at thet e X'atent•OjJfcc,topro tact it. Ne officer tnanstfaet- tc,'er eri]i itulhiZ flits Organ. Price with stoop l y... -di f10 510 and L'ookonly--- Cabinet, Parlor, Chapel& Pipe. Organs. $30 and onwards, in great variety. :ttult:yttAnt NUS?iI>1►Itl✓ideoWisit ntedncel+nototLatCB,t `'• attedUPRIG o send for Latest a Buy f;rigelsewhere: Dont direct with the man• ufaeturer and save middlemen's profits write for list a°CRRye'of urchasers. Annniss el ,a ttic ureic Wshington�, owLroF,.Un3EATTsof America RED BTC,: STORE. --**0 IIARWARE ANL. STO VES. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Fly Traps, Apple Parers, .Barbi Ftlhtce Wire, White Lead, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Window Glass, Brass and Enamelled Preserving IGettles, • and Granite Iron Ware. We will opeih up this week a tine assortment of Lamps and Lamp Gaods, and at ex • - traordinary low prices. Gall and see theta.. °D .STOCK OF STOVES This fall will be the largest and most complete ever shown' in the county of Huron, comprising all the latest designs and improvements in Cooking,. hall, Parlor. and Parlor Cook Stoves ; also a full lineof Base Burner Cole Stoves, iU-„ chiding the celebrated Radiant Home. , 'Our prices and terms will be as favor- able as any house in the trade, and we solicit a call from all intending purchasers_ Do not mistake the place, Bed. JSriek Store, bign of the Padlock, .Albert street, Clinton, (1ttt. HARLAND BROTHERS. *Wltite Plantain PRIDE Or x1IE VALLEY MEDICINE, Al* (Trade Mark Rogistcred.Mitrch, 1831. ' . The only medium thnteets at the same time ori the Liver, the: Bowels end tilt Kidneys. These. Grant Organs arcthe natural cleansers of the system. if they work 'well health. will be,perfeet if they become atogge I, dreadful diseases are sure to follow; with tor• rible suffering. Bdhousncss, licadtuho, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Kidney Complaints, Rheumatic Palos, and Aches aro developed beeatise thublood Is poisoned with the humors that should have been expelled natural: PRIM: or milli t t1,i.1Vi Sluditiilg is a positive0 aerefor'tho above. For.tl Bale by. alt prim:I drug- gists. Can he had at J. If..Combeand at 1latts'dlCo,'s druggists, Clinton, and AAI ••Shtiores, 110 Bathurst 'Street, •London;. Ont., sole proprietor for the Cnite;l States and Canada: .• den be had wholesale'tit Lyman Bros`. ,t Co., T. Milburn & Co..,and Northrup andLymao, of Toronto; else Archdale Wilson & Co.,. of liar Elton. Sample packages, 21 cents; tiro fog 51. • ITARLAND B1tos:: are selling apple pearei's,'tly traps, barbed fence wire, white lead, paints, oils &a., at ret1iiee prleee ie order to clear out their stock. ONEY TO. LENQ ,. 'Pita CANADA LANDED CREDIT COMPANY, To. tont'', is prepared to lend -en Jf i)rtgago un the 'wear• ity of improved Yarm poperty, at the following rates err ri �1, �7L�•�,�rn �ry.�yp . •.. r�.. ,.},. .p• .:i1� .P1E'li. ♦'1':ill itr I'tiIL A\.`ii11f7, P 'able half. 3'e _ e arl ' Y SIX ANI) yt ill alt Pt It i ilC,lG is ' P1:dt ANN91U, 1:4 -able ,yearly. For .f urther partietrbars apply 44 BEAUT/Fill CHROMO.rS , A • LARGE. •STOCIt.. 11 IilCii J '2tM ' SELLING ©f'1F C HIrAP. atalroln 20 cls. to 25ets..and •Ki'tt's per. Pair, for frame, glass 'and picture COME .%.ND ,SEE `l`IIE111; AT' A. HALE'S% Tod stool•; south of J.eestri/'s Aiilii iln2/. Stere, Victoria Street, loft,, Ont, ' Boot. and Shoe Idling,, ;MR. H. BEACOM • \Vi.lies to in furin the inhabitants of cm, toil and vicinity that lie, is prellare(l to do •till kinds of Shoe Making c0 Repairing On the:shcrtest potsi:hie flake., • Best French Kip or Calf Skin Boots, Made to rider, $4 to , , g•✓ i'- Call and get Weer prices. Place of fl u iIICS IdountC Stlems . Old Wtlut.d 'Clinton, Anvil 20th, 1881, ' CP H !/'o i:'1YC I LTo N ,,. ;. BLYTl-L. Cures Cholera,Cholera Morbus, Dy- sentery, .Cramps, Colic, Bea Sick ness and Cummer Complaint; also • Cholera %nfantum, 'and . all. Com» • plaints peculiarto children teeth- ing, • and will.. be found ,;equally. beneficial for adults or children, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ''i • T, MILBURN & CCs.; Proprietors, Toronto, WILL . rer, PARE, CORE AND SLICE a bushel of apples in EIF'IYEEN MIN UT,ES. RACEY, Izon and Hardware hlerthant,; r• . , . CLI RITON...; the Year 4014 . , �•/;.:.� ZOFINSTOITS, SARSAPARILLA LIVER CO1011114, 1111V 1, , YZPEPE , And for purifying the ?hood. It has.been in use for 20 years. and itis proved to be the best preparation in the market for SICK JtI A13At iIP, PAIN IN THE SIDE Olt DACK, LIVER COM• PLAINT:1'I11 0LES ON:'1 IL. F ACE. DYS• 1'E1 SIA, PILES, and all Diseases that arise from a Disordered Liver or an Int' Pure blood. Thousands of out best people take it and givoit to their cllildt•une- 'liy Wiens prescribe it tinily, Those who use it Once recomrraend it to others. • . • It is'mado frogs Yellow'Doek, Hondu- ras £arsaparilta; Wild Cherry. Stiltingia Dandelion, Sassafras, Wintergrcena ,•ad Other Well-known valuable Roots and Herbs. It is strictly vegetable, and can.: a n. t hurt the most ddellcato c t tut.on. ; 1t is one of filo best medlciar.s in. vse for Ile„ •lsti;lg the towels, It is sold by'all responsible druggists at 'ono dollar for a fplart•bottle, or.aix bottles for five dollars, Those tidho -Cannot obtain a' bottle df this medicine from thea dru gist may send us cue dollar, and we Wiltdeliver'it to teem f reo of any charges. r' 7.10lItt5T0i1 k 00., a faoufaetuesra,' A11iltERSTI1URG, ' ONTARIO 'Sold ▪ by WATTS tl Chemists S; • Druggists, Clinton. '9' I KEY" TO 'HEALTH. Unlocks All • the clogged avenues of the Bowels; Kidneys and Liver. carrying off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the Secretitini; at the same time Correcting, Acidity. 'of the Stomach, curing Bili - moos, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz- ziness Heartburn, Constipation,. Dryness of the Skin, Droppsy, Dila- ision,Jaundice, Salt h o mess of Vision, ErytApetas; Scrofula, T'luttering of Lilt Sears NervousnesB and General Debility ; all these. and mane other simi- lar Complaints yield to the happy influence of: BURpDOOKBLOOD BIT,TER$. • Sample Bottles 10c; Regtilarsize $1.1 rot sale by all dealers. T. IOILIIIIIit1Y at CO.. P roprletorilt Torfxte, "1/ear int', TE4E WORST PLACE - in this Town to get tyyour, ...rQjy1, Is 211t the Old Waterloo House. w ROBBY THE GROCER, Keeps the 'worst StoCk::•ill Tcwn. Iris prices are higher' than any -outer-Grocer; he is very itiatte'ntitre to his customers, anti ."makes himself generally disagreeable to, every person that does patrotiieht hits, and he don't want your trade—still, he keeps opet} clay and night," how this World is given; to perversion,: nearly EVERYBODY' BUYS PROM EUM-. There.. M USt be Some. M istake tier e For His Goods are irll New and Well Bought, and a Don't You Forget -It!" 0 Bernet -ober the place- :... �� � � -E f' t Ronal." Opp- o :te Post Ofho, In the Ol1 lKaX100 e B pGrocer. 4 PCT . , EZT-Y" hea .e . once Bines of Boots'a��l Shoes � r , . � �. 'BIG DISCOUNT `'INQ: PRUNELLA GOODS. 1 nc'. h . late e heavy arrivals of;.�ugar, hou�,ltt before the 1 e Heavy ars rvals of General Groceries. • Heavy arrivals of Crockery, Glassware, lc.. • Brought direet,from the manufacturers, . very lots. T T T We, iiCithe], went -to China .or Japanto purchase our T,llitt dill the- nekt-best thing; -1Fe, •bout+ht direct• from 'heavy imP orteyswoman, Any old woman all the.conntry who has tried. our. 7'. will tell:yen,)if is the best they can buy. 'Just' try once,: then aIti ass• CASH , .FOR' EGOS. CASH .: FOR, BUTTER I'f1:. •PAOKAGES..,' irawberries. during their 'season tri suliiilyany- pyitersflit• the same. :OPSOIT�+°, ssA �4 r, Will make, for the. next, 60. days only, a Grand Offer o1' IANOSQR°AS. $860 Square Grand. Pan) for only ,245. , O'Tiagnificentlosewood tatscole„.intly tiittshod,.3'Strings 7 1.8.0stave9 bill Patent, ' - [� r 1 i) agntlfc+,'our new pitett.everstrnng scale, tre•tutifwt carved legs and lyre heave serpent- . gv moulding round ease, full Iron I�ruuo, F.reueh (fraud Action, Oratltl 1tunituers, in fa,t every ism nod ,non fancy erfe iuiprevelirvnt which can in any way tend to thu,l " diol vet the tnstrtitnent has bun) added. t s1, Our price for this lustrunlontbaxed' and delivered on boatel ears atWG145 - C> Now Vont, with lite Piano Cover, Stuol.and Book, only W 1 `� -+ •This Plano tt ill•besent Ott test trial. ' Please send reference if you. db not sendmoney with ;dor: Cash' sent with order•will he refundedand frright chargc4 paid sty us Noah ways if Piano isnot jnst as re wanted fn this Advut+tisciuent. Thousands in use. Send fur Citta ogaei Etwry Instrument fully It erranted for 0 }•ears. .yy . } f r' 5105 to $i00'(tvtth ito`/tl,. Covoi and' Books. All strictly b'irest•elttss end sold at11 hulesnlo fa toir Ilial as 'Plicae Pianos made ono of the ttnest t^ r• 2�a' dlishttays at tI Omitoi"unt l sOitbith tl, stud ,wore ununiplousty. •rt eo st- dd� Inmadcd for the lltoatt a' Ilonuus, 'l`he Stlitnrav nos tadn ani raw 1'ntunt .Seale the rot:Most improvement in the history of Piano making.. The Uprights aro the lined in America. '�. 1'o*itlt cls are ting to the finest Plano ,.ef the richest tone grid greatest durability. They are recommended by the highest musical ltutlioritiott in the 'country, firer 14,000 in use,. and not ono dissatisfied purollaser...Ail Pia nos or Organs soot WI 15 drt tri ays'. toal : Ire /imf,fre l f ssinrttt,fect ny/. Iton't fail to Write us before but•- Mit, Positively vo offor'the host bargains.. Catalogue mailed 'free, handsome Illustrated and 1>eseriptt%e Catalogue of 481ages mailed for 3e. stamp. E1very Plano tally warranted for'S years. Our "Parlor r1ntnd.Iutii- ' . lee Orgalt," style 35, is the finest and sweetest lbw - tolled Recd organ ever • offered the 111 isicatpt)hlic. It umtitini filo Octavos, b'ivdsets'of heeds, four of 4'0utares each, and Ono of Throe Octavo. .Thirteen Sigps.with (Mild ()rir in—DiapaSoh, lfeiedbt, Viola, Flitch Celeste, Dulcet. Echo, Manila -Porte,. Celestite 1lotiita,;l"lute•Forte,'i.fenlo)a,'Unintt•()rgan and Grand -Swell, since -stops. sleight, 71tn.; i.oi gtii, 48 in. � w, de 54 in.f Weight, boxed, 300 lbs. . The oasa• is of Solid walnut, veneered with choler voaids, atul'is n1, an cntl'oly uew•and beautiful design, elaborately carved, with raised panels, anisic, closet, •1,tnr,f lauds, ret -worst, do., all elegantiy finishod. Possesses all tho latest and best itnprovLuton ts, with jut s power, (lendbrilliancy •anti sympathetic quality, of tont, 'lleautifut solo elfeetsand perfeststop netied.. Regular rotas prloa3285, Our irli,itrsate net ctth price to have it tntrodltcett, m'itb:utoot and book, only ;0t --as aloorgnn roll sella others. 1'ot+ltively Ito doviati••n m price. Ir`o pay+stent rt'tauiye7l+until you ':;`.0,1142,., ave falls testeit - the organ in •our.own holi+o. wo smut alt' organa e1315.ttn;gt tet tf triol ants p,ty freight hotit ways df if142, tent . Is not as iw'resentbd• Pasty warranted for 0 years, • ttber stylet---s•ettip Or,rtin anis 501 ; it stuiw,. • t35 ; L.s - 1 5,. v fy Organ has givwri the fullest satisfaction. 1Piustnitad nlrcular. Charted stops tttl a. Over 9_,(N0 solar and t tlr, gid ,frad, Feettsry Wird warerooms, 57th St. glia 10th Ave. 1LEE ■, . 1 r mum g j S i ^ at ono•thlyd prise., Cat;tlogwto. of 30f10 choice pieces sent !'or 3 emit �°"II 1 V 1'tamp. This C Waite° inuh'dus most of the popular music of lied lay and every variety of musket eompesttion, by the hest authors. Address, • ‘MEND.ELSSOHN. ORGAN CO., Pe 0 ..Bax 20581 New'York Cita.