HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-23, Page 5a cv • EW 1..PARTU. REI . MAKING. AR r-' L .:. , ..Y AXING. The undersigned begs to state to his customers and the ladies of Clinton and. vicinity, that he has for some time contemplated adding dress making to his bus- inetis, but delayed doing so, owing to the want of suitable room in whish to con- veniently carry on the business, and more particularly to. the difficulty expee'�i- eueed in getting a suitable and competent person to take charge of the depait- meat. Both these difficulties, he feels, are new fully overcome, and work is begun to -day in bath Dress and Mantle Makin,. .We have no doubt of giving to; good satisfaotibn as is to bo obtained in any town or city in tbo country, in these depttrtmeuts. The lady in chargo.is of long .experience in both the United. (hates and Canada, having.coimpleted her knowledge of- Dress and' Mantle Mak- Mg in Boston, Mx s., and held responsible positions both there and in Pember- ton, Ottawa, anti other towns in Canada.. She conies very highly recommended WI thorough in her business, and on these conditions the undersigned embarks' in the enterprise with large hopes of success, and asks the confidence of the ladies to a fair trial of getting their orders executed to, their satisfaction, if placed in our charge. heretofore, .owing to the limiteid, trade in Mantleuiaking we only employed a' hand by the season, This mode, of workinff always rendered it difficult to get a really good handl. as a person thorough in their trade, natur- ally wants a longer engagement. By having both departments in charge of;'ono person, and a permanent position offered, a good' and competent Band can 'gen- • (-rally be. secured, and we feel that in the course taken we will not be disap- pointed. Till the new store, with lots of room, being erected •by Mr. W. Murray is completed, atthe corner of the Market Square, and _which the uncle-.= signed has leased, he has ranted for the Dress Makin;, the. rooms over Mr... Robson's store, formerly used by hint as a dwelling; the, entrance to which caa he made either through my store, or from the lauo_in the rear., No occasion .t'o go through Mr. Robson's store. 9 • APPRN T OE'S . WANTED. 1/Y3 are getting ready rapidly. to make . our usual Milfinetg Display:' . . D1 _ We hold and are ready to Placa before you the most snperb stock of Mantle - Cloths, Dress (foods, Black Goods, with Satins, -milts, Plushos, Fringes, Trim- +:iinas, (.wirdles, Velvets, Ribbons, Litces, ,Battens,' Linings, c&e., ;o., to, match, and to which we i(,81, the kind patronage Of all wanting those goods. The Millinery Department is in charge. of Miss Robertson. The \'(untie and Dress Making is in charge of Mrs.. Wright.' Patronage,. solicited. ...HOf_GINS,. Groat Dry Goals` ilquse, Cliiiton. Hi T: E :A A 1 . At the Oentennictt The United States Centennial .Commission 11ave; -•upon the recommendation of the Judges of Group No. XX'V'.,;have unanimously (awarded to :SOIIMEI3..' £ Co., manufacturers of Grand, 84uare and ,'Upright Piano -Fortes, FIRST MEDAL OP MERIT and DIPLOMA •OF HONOR, for. the .iseutial Qualities of a Perfect ,Piano -Forte, •viz :7 -Volume, Purity, and Evenness of Tone, Elasticity of -Touch, and Superiority of ;Workwauship.• .y ' (Signed) ' . A. T, GOSHORN; J. L. CAI1P.flELL, d. R HAWLEY, Director -General, Secretary. ` President. Uave'secured the ,Agency' of the above for Ontario, and will keep constantly' on hand a FULL STOOK. In a word,, the SOHMEf. PIANO is made to stand, not iliertly as an orna mental piece of Furnitilre, bat as a Musical Instrument ,not for a dayor a year' only, but, for a lifetime. It is (honestly made, so that continuous ' and severe use will not impair its'iine_ qualities' of Tone' ato and Action, and owing its extra and substantial case work, it will remain -longer in tune than any other piano; and endure as a faithful Means, the harmonious interpretations of the beautiful music.' We, will guarantee satisfaction, in every respect. N. B. -TheCo. , . mpany gives with each Piano a Warranty, ..to be PERFECT INSTRUMENT IN EVERY RESPECT,, n'I1de of the Best Sea- 'And ea-s nod Material, and hold. themselvesresponsible for the tern- •of 6 Years.' • Second -Hand ' Pianos and Organs Taken in Exchange. DOHERTY & GIBBING VL3NTON uuilett Fal: Show, (Continted 1rom4tourtly,p gt.) i. Allanson. Four heads heads of caul. sower ,-,18t, S. .Cook ; nod Joseph Ewing, Peck of onions --1st, S,. Cook ; 2nd, T. Fear. Eeck'of-potdto ouicns-..-1st,. W, C. Searle ; 2nd, W. Morgan. 12 ears of corn----lst, J. B. -Lindsay ; 2nd,: J Salkeld, ,3 water melons -1st, J. Cunningham ;; 2nd, .11, Allison. 3 musk iuelons-.-lst, J. .13.1- lanson.. 3 citrons -lot, J.Allan- son ; 211d, T, Fear. Peckof .zed to- matoes-1st, J. Salkeld ; 2nd, S. Cook.. Pumpkin-0.st, J. Salkeld ; 2nd, W. Morgan, Squash --1st, J. Allanson ;. 2nd, 11. Joiner, Six root celery -1st, J. Allanson ; end, J. Ewing. Class 1.6. -Dairy produce -16 lbs, ofcrock butter --1st, .J; Govier ; 2nd, W. Robinson.. 10 lbs. of butter in rolls or prints -1st, J. Shipley 2nd, J.Collins. 1. -cheese, not less 'than '00 lbs-lst, J'. Murray. Quart of maple molasses--lst, W, Morgan ; 2nd, J. Johnson. Home-made chesse, not less than 12 lbs. --1st T. McMichael. Loaf of ]come -made bread -'-1st, J. Wise ; 2nd, Thos. Holloway. Loaf of baker's bread -1st, W..Loo. GLASS 17.7 -Ladies work--'-Tatting--- Mrs. auddol ill ; .2nd, G. Sweats. Crlrochet work, wool'-Ist, J. Shipley ; 2nd Miss, Payne, Lace work -Mrs.. Rudolph,; 24,0 Mrs. E. Jobuston. Embroidery on cotton or'rauslin-1st,. Mrs, l uddolph. ; 2nd, T. Me.Mieheel, Embroidery' on worsted ---1st, • Airs. Johnson ; 2nd, Mrs, Rudolph.. Etn• broidery on silk --1st, Mts. Rudolph ; 2nd; 1110, W, Jackson. Bead work - 1st, Mrs. Rudolph ; 2nd, Miss Payne. Iinittin, fancy--lpt, T .McMichael ; 2nd, Mrs. Iyutloh. Cotton stockings ---ist; Miss Payne; 2nd T. McMichael. Crochet work; cotton.--lst, J.' 'Wise ; `?ud, Mrs. .. „illorley, Patch work, in silk or velvet -1st, Miss Payne ; 2nd, ;hiss. Payne. • Patch work, in' quilts, all to be patch work-lst, Miss Payne; 2utl, W. Callander ; '.tv knitted quilt awarded'diplonna. Gents' linen shirt,: hand (horde---1"st, ''Thos, _McMichael ; 2nd, 411175. Stokes. Gents -. cotton shirts, linen' 1botro`tt---1st, Miss Nash ; 2ni1,: .ICI s. Stokes. Gent's fancy flannel shirt lt;t, ,l/is; Stokes. Hair work--lst, (eo,'Nott ' Berlin wool work, ,{lift --- 14, 2Irs. Stokes ;' 2nd, Miss Payne. Berlin wo 1 work, •raised 1st, . T. Me - ,Michael .; '.2nd,• hiss Payne,. Braid- ing on silk -lst, .(hiss Payne Twine work---lst, • J, •. Giltilour, 'Leather Work, done by 0. Robb---Ist,' T. rile Michael.. Flowers, Silver wire---lst,: Miss Payne. Farmer'(; .w eath.--1st,': J. Gilmour,. Fancy .chair inwool work -- 14, W. ,nirray.. Pencil drawing --:1st, II: Callander ; 2tid,: G. Stewart. Pen manship; boy under 13 years. i1 s5taiibury ; girl tinder 0, years olcl J Salkeld. Crayon Sketch --=1st, U.. Stewart. Pair of woollen .stockings--• 1st. Miss VanEgmond;:2nd, miss Nash. Pair. of .woollen soots --1st, miss Nash 2nd, airs Stokes ' . Pair of woollen gloves, -1st, .airs Stokes ; 2nd, W. Callender. Logcabin quilt--=xst, lass Payne: - Rag lila(.--1st; W.. Robinson ; 2nd, A. nicRenzie Collection of house, plants inpots--1st, W. hurray; 2nd, J. T..Walker, ;.lies(' collection of ladies, work .-J,st, Airs. "Wray ; 2nd,. Airs. 31ur-. ray Best collection -of pencil drawing 1st, Miss Robinson ;. miss- H., . 1avis; recommended.. 4)LIIT13 ' I:1A1 KE'll's. (Corrocto0 every Thursday afternoon.) During the 'past weak, .the market has been very active. • Large quantities, of grain are. being :brought in, t here being no less'; .thou. $3,000 . paid for. wheat by one buyer on Saturday last. Barley is beginning tocome hi, and.a; good price is being paid. . Paas" are very . scarce'. .>:Iay isalso very scarce, ,and brings a good price. There wasa. sliglit.rlse in the price of oats this weak although they ' are plentiful. Below are the prices:- . : Rent, d nt, fall per bush-,, •» 1 26 Spring, Redt:hatf, w 1 27 VP, ' • 128 to. i'•31 to.128 to 1 28. t0 1.30 oats, .• .• 0 '• , 0 35 to .0 37 Barley, - r . • 0.56 . to 0 65 Pens, •.; 000 50 0 65 Floor, • •• * - :',6 00 to '0 50 1'otatoos, . * •a 0.85 to' 0 10 Bitter, • 018 to • 010 Eggs, 0'14 to 0 15 Ilaq, r • . . 12 00 to '14 00 1lldee, ' - . :.. 0 50 to 8 00 Sheepslt--ins - 0 80 to 0 05 Boot, • i • (I'00 to .7 50 3Yluothy,: . 3 25 50 4 60 Wool. - • ;0 22 to 0 24 Fall Shows. Batt tl'awanoeh,. at Iielgrare, Oct000r 11. ' Bay Agl. Socloty,•atZurich) Sept. 20 300,20. ' Norris Branch Agl, Seoloty, Blyth, Oct,. 12 and 15. South Buren Agl. Society, at Exeter, Oct 8 and 4. Tahnborry Agl. Sootety, etWinghaul Sort 22 and 23 Ashfield and wawanosh branch, Dungannon,, -rest Huron Agl. Society, Oodorsch, en Oct, 6 and 0, , . . . FOR SALE. Agond, ono etory.abd-a•lialt, •[rains , house*:0' roo(i,s--wolf Botched, /to., with 'good garden, well and pump, and all modern conveniences. Lot No. 846, on Mary street, near the Brod western sta• tion, occupied At present by Mr. Wm. DAyia. 'rho promisee can be lnspecto4 at any time. `forms .Easy, A.. 11, MANNINO, • .0400 8Ah 40ly«1881. YcndolLe SollrStoi: FOR SALE, -"The contents of 4G cases and bales of - 17 At the Dry •Goods Emporium of PAY & WISEMAN'. DRESS GOOI)(S,. CASHMERES, WOOL GOODS, FRINGES, RIBBONS and NOVELTIES, • All bought at prices thatcannot be undersold, • The subscriber begs to infothe Public that he has remo ed to . SPOONER'S BUILDING, next the Market Having settled'with the i .sur - =toe -Co paries on . a'' most satis- faotor3r basis, he bei s t. intimatethat he has decided 'clear out ail .is old. tock at reatly REDUCED ,A .. iSsome at HAL and some Lit LLS THAN s -. . the whole to bei ' cleared ' out in he course of T e • o :t ,s. Hats .d. a s at Half rice. e : . ..00 .IS Greatly Reduced Rates. . call solicited. z i t o FOR TIIE MONTH. OF AUGUST, EV O4S TO PROCEEDING WITH. REBUILDING and.extension of,premises, 'WILL : OFFER ECIAL ARGAINS IN ALL LINES OF GOC ®5;, lin order to make room for the alteratiglls,atid extension of premises, FOR ONE .MONTH ONLY. Agent for WALKERS PATENT' .1itTTTEit WORKER. C+. WitiC1-11T, .4.lbert..Street Clinton,.