HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-23, Page 4HURON RECORD. "Cr,Orrobt, SEPT-. 23ap, 1881. ;ME SURPLU8, It win be very gratifying to the in- telligent electors of our fair dominion, to hear the announcement of such an exceedingly large surpins--the amount being no less than $4,132,895. Thie lias.exceeded the amount expecte by a considerable sum. .After a reign of deficits, such a result cannot but be eucouraging to all classes. It shows conclusively that the National Policy is a success as a moans of raising a rev- enue, whie1i the emit party prophesied could ss ott rsably obe; agaiu, it is a .good pre:dreg means of raising the nat- ional •credill'of •the country. Stili with such a favorable working the opposition papers •are not at all satisfied. Had there been a deficit, there would have been ne end to their howling, and now Nichetl. we have a large surplus, the hteitin romains the. same. The Globe f•tr.iys it is too much money to take out of the people's pockets to lave 'lying over, and oomos down with great force on the men in power at Ottawa •fortaxing the people so unniercifullv. The people are. not so easily blind -fold- ed as tho Globe •wenis to think; they •know themselves that all the talkAbout the so-called taxation is nonsense; that they aro not out of pocket from the ef- fects of the National policy. It is a very noticeable fact that theMebelias a great deal more sympathy with the people now, than during the time 'of -Messrs. McKenzie 'and Co's lade, when they, were in need of it, both practical and theoretical. ANNUAL FALL SHOW. Mullett Brandi grieultapai Society A GRAND SUCCESS, . The annual - fall show of 'the Hullett Bra.neh Agricultural Society, •was laeld here on -Monday and, Tuesday ,..last. The weather was all that 'could bo.de- .sired, although fer a few days previetis seemed very suspicious. .the. first day Vs occupied in. making ontries and judging the artjelos of the inside flepartueent,,and wo must say in just- ice to this department, that it' was tho best-. display we have pver seen out- side the cities. The show of roots \Vas exCellent, and .in ..different Varieties was superior to the industrial exhibi'; tion at Teroeto.. •Although the • show of fruits and grains was not as large as we have seen ,at these. branch •shows, - the samples were good. ' The *ladies' departutea was -really- adthirable, arid allowed ranchtaste, which is very tired •itable to the exhibitors.' There was exhibited some good spearnens of draw-. lug; also a• few specimens of penntan- ship by pupils under thirteen years: The display of Mr: Wm. Jackson in -ham-. ishings,.and Messrs. W. If, Crich.& Co., Broadfoot & Box, J. Twitchell, and others in the manufacturing lineWere well worthy of notice. . '2 We noticed on theround something, new, in the .shape a a.' windmill for pumpitm . It . , is 'manufactured by Messrs.°Call & Mulloy. It NVOrk.f4.well and will no doubt be a great acquisi- tion to farmers and others. The man- ufacturers are deserving of success. . Tuesday was the "big day" in. con- nection with the show.... From early morn crowds from the country came pouring into town,. While. the trains. from each'direction brouglit loads 'of' passengers. Everything bikt lair for a fine day. As usual,- a large number of money vendors were on the streak' and satisfied a large number ef_protni. petit- individuals with their sharp game. Some were "taken in" to the .amount of five dollars, ethers, ten dol .lars, and we even heard of some who are -out of pocket.to .the extent of $30, the effects of trying.to make a 'fortune easily.. Of course it.;is•'well to have experience.in the motto of "1.,itio and Learn." Tho day.Was taxen up' -by the judges in l'itudging the Jive stook and implements. Tho show of horses, we .are • inforthed, .was tho -largest ever seen here, while the show -of cattle,• .sheep, pigs and poultry, was.up to the anark, and particularly the latter. In Ithe afternoon there could not'have,been flees than 3000 people on the ground,. The judges seem to have given general featisfactiefran :their work, as • we have. vet to hear !of itho .first complaint. Zetitythiag „passed off fluidly., with the exception of a little trouble with Pt, money vendor in' the evening. The fireworks at night were beautiful 'and were adMirod by hundreds on the streets. The following Is the • ,List or PRIZES. ° CLASS I. -Heavy draught' horses - Brood mare having raised foal in.,18.81 -1st, John, McMillan; 2nd, A. Lines. Spring foal-lst, John. McMillan; 2nd, 3. McMichael. Three-year-old gilding or tilly-lst, P. McGregor; 2nd 1). Mc- Gregor. Two-year-old 611,y -1st, Jas. Laut; 2nd, T. Me.Micheol, Two-year- old 4gelding-lst, Wm. Weir; 2nd, Wm. Shipley. One-year•old Win. Dale, One -year-old gelding- lst, John Govior; 2nd, Wm. Dale. Heavy draught teatn-lst, John Mc- Millan; 2nd, E. Batt. hest entire yearling colt, donation by T. Redmond, one neek yoke,valued at $1.75, and in diploma, JelGilmonr. ,.. • 01.,ass 2, -General purpose horses-, Brood mare having raised colt in 1881 • .Tohn 141eMillan ; 2nd, 4Volui Marquis. .Spring colt ortilly-1s'. A. Lines ; and, 1). Tiplady. 3 year old gelding or filly, donation by 11., Canto - Ion, sot of whifiletrees-4st, Thomas 'Walker ; 2nd, WM. Weir. 2 year old, filly-lst,' Taylor 2nd G. Watt. 2 year old gelding-lst, John Salkeld 211(1, CM°, Watt. 1 yearold fillylst, 5, Plummer ; 2nd, Wm. 141.1:e. 1 -year lcl gelding-lst, John Barber;- 2nd, Wm, Weir, Best. span of general purpose horses-lst, Thos. Shipley ; 2nd, Wm. Weir, ' • CrAss 3, -Road. or carriage horses -. Brood mare, having raised foal -in 1881 -Ist,. Doherty & Gibbings ; 2nd, J Avery, Spring colt or filly; ---71st, Thos, Moon ; 2nd,.S- McDougal: 2 'year old gelding -1st., John Brunsdon ; 2a1.: Fred Younghlut. 2 year old filly - la, A. Loma ; 2m1, JosePli Bother - land. 2 year old gelding -John. Moy- er ; John Govier. 1 year old .ist, A. Dines ; 2nd, S. lleDengall. Bost span of road -and carriage ,.liorses -1st, Doherty & Gibbings.; 2aid, T. Bissett, Buggy horse, mare or gelding -1st,' Thos. Walker ; 2nd, Thos. Bis - 'sett. • satiiio horselst, J. Rattiin- bury ; 2u.N Jelin Avery. Best• road or carriageanitnal, any age, diploma= • OLss 4.-- Thoroughbred Cattle-1\iti101 COW, having raised calf since last Snell ; 2nd, 11. Snell, 1 year old:heiferist, 11. Snell ; 2nd, 'A.. Elcoat,' Bull Elcoat Snell. : Herd of Durbarus, two foomies and onetnale---Ist, II., Snell, CLASS: 0: --Native or grade eattlet-=-- 31ileri now, -having raised calf in • 1.481.! Geo!Shipley 2nd, A. Danes,' 2'. ieer old heifer -74a, F. Godwin. year old heifer -1st,.. R. Ferris; 2nd, R. Ferris. 'edify SPring-T-1t R. Fer- ris. ; -2nd, IL Mdraggart.•LEoifer calf -hit, George Shipley ; 2ad, 4.. Innes, -3'year old steer -1t, Thonnei Starthnry ; 2nd, Thomas Stanbury. 2 year old steer-lst, Themes. :Stan- bury- ; 2nd,• W. Grant. • ' • • GLASS „6.--Leiceiters and their grad es-.---Shearli n g 1amb-4 H. Snell ; • Ram lamb-lst, .11. • Snell ; 2nd, W. Grieve Pair of aged ewea hexing raised lambs in '81 -1St, H. Snell; 2nd, W.. Grieve,. .Aged rani--. lst, H: Snell. Pair of slioarling ewes' -1$t,. Wm. Grieve; 2nd, 11....Snell, Pair of ewe lambs-lst, II, ; 2nd, Wm, Grieve. • OriAss 7.--Cotsweldi and • their grades -Aged. Ram-lst, Ely , Snell. Shearling ram -H. Snell. Ram' lamb H. Snell ;2nd, H. Snell, Pair 'Of aged ewes having raised lambs in '81 -1st, H. Snell. Pair of shearling ewes-,-lst, IL .Snoll. Pair of .-ewe lambs -H. Snell, ' ' CLASS: 8. -Large breed pigs -Aged boar -1st, John Stanbury; 2nd, 'Jas. `Cottle. Sow having littered in 1881--. John i Stanburye 2rid, J. Nett. Boar pig under 6 montliii old--lst. 3. Nott ; 2nd, j. Nett. . Sow pig under 6 niontlis old-lst, J. Nott; 3. • OBAS8 9. -Small breed ;pige- Aged boar--;ist, John Govier. Sow having ,littered in 1884 -1st, ; Win Stewart. Boar pig under •.1 year old --.1St, 3. Govier ; 2nd, J. Govier, 13bar pig under •6 mouths' old-0.st, 3. Govier ; 2ndJ. Govier. • Sow under 6 months old-lst, Wm. Stewart • 2»d, G. A. Cooper, CLASS 10. --Small breed pigs, Berk- shire -Aged boar--letjt. J. yurher. Sow having littered in 1,881--lst, John Meyer. Ionir pig under 1 year old -- 15t, II. Snell ; '2nd H. Snell, Sow under 1 Year E. .3.. 'Snell. Boar pig under 6 months old -484.4.: Rattenbthry .1 2ndi G. A. Cooper. Sow under 6 months -1st; S. Gray ; G. A: Cooper.' JUDGES. litigh Love, Stanley ; James Potter, Wawancish ; J. Plowes,,Goilericla.- .• • CLASS 11.-Poultry;---Blaek Spanish W..Grieve ; 2nd, W. Grieve. Light 13rahmas-1st, E. Marshall.; 2ni, R. 'W. Runciman. Dark Breit- tuas,--Ist, Thos. Cooper ; 2ud, R. itationian. „Golden....Pn1ands*4sts 7s-p=,;gleTtrtu.: tg24---"Ii•st,P,i'as.IIKQat; • 2nd, Jos, Koine. Silver pencilled Harebnrgs-4st,- W. Grieve. Plynv, mouth: Rocks ---18t, R. W. Runcinum ; W. Grieve. Buff Cochinft-lst, E. Holmes Grieve. Game Fowls-lst, S. Ewing ; 2ud, J. Ewing. Bantams-lst, R. W. Auncirna.n ; 2nd, B. Hodgins. Ducks-lst,Wm. Grieve, 2n1, Wm. Stokes. Museovy ducks - la, Wm. Grieve ; 2nd, Wu). Stewart: Geose-1st, John Hugon ; 2nd, John Turkeys4st, John Meyer ; 2nd, JoTin Govior. Collection of Bang- ing birds-lst, Wm, Murray ; 2m1, W. H. Cottier. Collection of pin -eons - 15t, H. Callander ;,2nd, Hodgins. Collection of fowls to comprisenot less than 3 distinct breedeomile and fomalo of each kind, donation by W. B. Oriel) & It. W. Runciman ; 2nd, E. Marshall. CLass horse buggy, open:--lst, T. & J. Storey. 1 horse buggy, open-4st, John. Bruns - don. 1 horse cutter-lst, John Bruin. don; Fanning McTaggart Jr Co. Gang plow --4.a ; 2nd, Wm. owney. . Set of iron liar- rows-L-Ist, T. Tipling ; 2nd, Jacob Miller, Democrat Wagon -1st, Henry. Cantelon. Turnip seed drill-lst, B. Wier, Turnip cutter. -1st, Sohn Brunsdon. Sot of horse shoes ---10, T. Tipling ; 2nd, ,Dennis Hegam. Wood- en pumps-lst, John. Ross. 'Weotlen axle patent skein ]umber wagon- let, John Ihmisden ;," 2nd, II. Camelot). Wooden T. Tipling ;. 241, J. 13. Weir. Wrought iron bean) plough, any width' of share-lst, 3. 11. Weir.; 2m1, -Jacob Miller. . Horse Ime Or scalier -1st, joules Young ; 2M1, B. Weir. Best and most eennetn- ical mill for pumping -la, Call & Mul- loy. lital•blo work -1st, W. II.Coop- er. Recent mendril-Artificial stone, manufactured by W. H. Cooper. -; also a: quantiiy, of bent ,stuff. 11, McQuarrio-Blyth ; Thos. Watson, Brusiielii'' David Cullen hayfield, ak• GENTLEMEN I r -1-314; TiOl\T • • - -OE- • AND INTER T EE'i Will §urpass anythiny ever seen in Clinton. 0 In Stock -The Lai st •Range _014_ • dr, liutolainson's Priie Tweeds, outside the cities. T., . t 0- UaueS 0- Scotofl Sir/UV Q I • ' CLAS'S 1 and frnit-fi bush. `,-= WAIT FOtt.TPIEll •.711 II7 els of wheat, winter---lst, Thom, Car- . QTM bat ; 2nd • j..Wigginton. 2 bushels . . • • : • . of fall wheat-lst, John Salkald ; 2rel; t • hos (arbett. 2 bushels of spring Salkeld ; .2ndp 1). Tip- - 'mg. 2 bushels of. ' white; hit,' J. Salkeld ; 2nd, Jas, -Nett. . bushels of six -rowed barleyjas. Sant - Collection o1 apples, 10 • variet-.' ies, 10 of each ; special prize of the iVcw Er for e your-l.st, G. A. Coop - or. our named varietien of falt ap- j. Johnston. Collection of pples, 41 -special prix,e, of tho -Ilitron Record for one year: -.1a, G. A: .Coop - 9 golden riissets-Ist,..W. Morgan.- ' Celleetion of -of open air grapes,' three bunches of eaeli.74.st, 0, .Searle. 3 _hunches of Concord grape -1t, • 0. Soarle, 3 liunclies of Roger's grapes, Ncr. 19 -1St, C. Searle: • 3 hunehes of .Hartford 'prolific grapes -la, W. 0. Searle; 9. northern spys--,Ist; W. Morgan. 9 Manutioth pippies---G. A., Cooper. 9 snow e.pples•-7.1st Thos. (Moyer,. 9 :anode IsISnq greenings7-, let, G. A,. Cooper. '9 SPitzenberg ap- ples--lst, • W. 'Moran. •. 9 Baldwin, apples,-Ist, George Middleton. 3 varieties of plumbs, 5 of caell-W. C. Searle 13. varieties cf.:winter peat's, 6.- of each -1st, W. Morgan. 3 varieties of fall: pears, .5 • of 'each --lit, .John• Salkeld. Plate of quinde--lst, J. Ewing. . CzAss, 14,--gaaufactiires--10 yds. of horno-made'cloth-,-.1'st, .3. Gilmour, 10 yds. of home-made W:, Callender ; 2nd, Mrs. Stoke. Pair of home-made blankets-lst, Wise. 10 yds,. of factory -made E. Corbett, Double set ;of forth liar- Twitehell: •Set of single buggy harness -a. 'tv!itch_ell. Pair of gents' -peoged-bootslst, Parlor sett-4st, W: 13..Crich & Co. *; 2nd, 13roadfoot & Box ; also highly recommended one sideboard. and one bedroom set. 3 bottles of grape wine Fear and J. Allanson: •, • thatis 15.--.-Vegetables--!Collection of. garden vegetables -1st,. J. .A.lianson. .2 varieties of potatoes-lst, Thos. Hol- loway ; •2nd, J. Allanson. Peek of .early rose potatoes---Ist, .J. Johnson• 2nd, T. McMichael. Peck of beauty Hebron • potatees-:lst, J. Salkeld. Peek • of snowflake potatoes --,-1st,. H. Joiner, 9 long mangold wurtzels-lst, T. Ste'venson'; 2nd, T. Fear. 9 yellow globe mangeld wurtzels---.1st, EL Snell; W. Pearson, 9 long 'orange earrots-- la, J. Allanson ; 2nd,. J. Salkeld. white Belgaan carrots -1st,- .3. Reyn- olds ;• 2nd, J. Marquis. '9 Swede tut, nips-lst, Thos: Stevenson ; 2nd, J. Allanson. 9 Gray stone ttireips-la, Thos. Stewart. 9 white globe turnips -4st, J. .Allanson.9 short garden, carrots-3.st, -Thos. Holloway, ;• 2nd, A.. Innes. 9 Long blood beets-lst, -3. Allanson ; 2.4d, S. Cook. 9 blood ttirnip beets-Ist,a, Cook ; 3. Allan• - son. 9 parsnips-lst, 3. Allanson; 2nd, Joiner. 4 heads of 'winter ctibbage-lst, S. Cook.; nnd, M. Kelly. 4 heads of pickling cabbage-lat, i(Oanninied-onintli.raate)' or` 1. pow ; iu the Tilt-vrtets :Completing our STOCK of .GE,NT,'S' I LINOS- • PS Ft HURT • CLINTON, ONTARIO. • • • , . • • •• LL 0 IIING. . , I beg to Announce to my many.customers that my fall•stock Of, 1tOor.ted..8Obtoh Tweeds .14/orsted..-Suitirigs,•..:• ;Worsted Trotiseringq, and: • . West. of: Eng/and TO -0d% is now ih and theyare the . ,u Finest Selection Ever Shown IN TEEM SECTION. IN CANADIAN TWEEDS the styles and patterns' are something entirely new, and are the NICEST RANGE EVER CARRItD BEFORE. • .'•••*1.... . . The pest time to leave your order is -.NOW while the stook is • Most Pornplete. . . . eireular will be out next week. I still have about 106 Vestleft•which • . I am seiling.off at $1 each. T.110.1VIAS JACKSON, 'The Great Clothier i 1 .... N.414.... ' %' 4