HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-23, Page 3• IIIIKON 1OTL".4. —lir., A Wolper,. has rented his two. hundred,.acre farm .near Exeter, to Mr. • - Penhele„ for the sum of ;7Q0 -per year Thos. Kidd, of Sea.forth, has , Worth -West. He seem well. pleased with the country. --The .cattip meeting. in connection with the Canada Methodist Church of Stratford district,: commenced in Mr. Alex Kirke bash near lir.irkton, oo Thumlay last: —The- residence. of Mr. O. .S. Exeter was entered by burglars oue evening last week while the family were absent,and. e..bout ten ,dellar& worth of goods taken. . The five ancient orders, of arcbitec- lore are the Tuscan, Doric., Tonle, Cor- inthianComposite.. The five lead inm pens of Illsterbrookis 'Make are the Pal - con, Baitlk, engrossing, Extra fine and School, , 4 —On Wednesday of last week the 'barns and out buildings . together with the entire season's crop • of Robert Brown,lot 34,eon,13,Gre,„were destroy-. ird by fire. • The fire originated from a busb fire. • —.A. young son of Mr.' Alm Ward, ntet with rather a severe accident on Thursday. While playing with a tur- ontha agricultural grounds. be 'had the misfortune to get his band under the knife, •latterating it pretty severe- ly. „. . Ilallett. Too lafilfor last, week's issue, PERSONAL. —Airs. J. Kitty, UM Mr. Ed. Kitty, her son, elm left for Hough- ton on Lake Superior a short timeago, arrived safely at their.' destination. They went by way of Detroit,. tasking tile steather; City of Cleveland, for the upper lakes. . Stanley. • 'rotate fer last week's Issue. • The barn and outbuildings of Mr. 'James Cowie Lake Shore Road, were •struck by ligittiling aud burned to the ground on Monday night last,' along with his entire crop and a. valuable dtolt. He had •barely time to,rescue ii•IS other horses. Loss $3,000; insur- ance$1,000,. . . , Asikadd.' To lateicr last week's. is.sue.„ Farmers are about' through: seed- • ing, , ' ". On . billek.U.O•iirlay,'a`y-90(ip n this vi- cinity said that the last day lied come. • Hearing the whistle of a steam thresher at 4 o'cloCkin the eveningisini exclaim -- ed. the last "trumpet "and • fell dowri.in a dead faint. . A young man 1.2oyd. ,Of. Kintail as drowned in the lake on t he StIt -inst....Hewes assisting to load:a • boat at the dodk when thecablebroxe and as Ike lake watf.a, little rough, the boat drifted out. While they were bringing the boat• back, again, it appears Beyd tell asleep on the dock and as the boat returned, the. captain ,called.. to hint to catch the rope, when he woke up con- fused and walked oVer the dock into the water.. His body • was found. on . Sunday. . morning...about 3 miles; from Xintail. He Was mush respected' by all who knew him • • • • -" . • tiNAWAY:-.-OB , Saturday the 1th .• nes ItEr. Mitelteles horse Was de-. livering eider to his customers,it teok frioglikand raised quite a .dust through the the village. -Forfutiately lie came to a • standstill; opposite Thos." Hill's black- ..emith shop, without .deing.nnich dam- age.. Who will say hereafter, that eld.wagons, sleiglis, 'lumber, bark, ikc, should trot be left on the .road, .oppos Ste.every blacksmith thop,as no. doubt. • they were the cause of' stopping the horse in his mad career. • . . Mr: D. McMillan, of ApPle' Tree - Notoriety, has just finished his: house, which said. to .be the best private residence • in the village: 'It.could hardly 'fail to be so. when Mr. Copp. . was contractorlor the brick work, Mr. Lyons carpenter work, -Aft. • Jordan,' . whose fame as -a painor, :is. of very wide reputation. On three sides are raised Gothic windows,. with slate...ro.A. built on the •Itigliest ground .letween- Seaford) and filgtuonclville,' has a, beau- tiful view of both .town .and 'Arr. Cooper, cit y baker, Clieton, who • litotsupplied nearly the whole village with his celebrated bread; has failed.to -make his,appearance for the. past week, There are a great many' long faces on that aecount. The meeting held at present.at Holmesville, may account - • for his ab301166,.. but hap° to see him :around soon again, • .A. score of'years isa. long time back blit when attended with • coottn- nal suffering, it Seems alinoska century; and all this pain Could have beenavoid- •orl if, wben your fiver commenced to trouble you, if you had taken Burdock Blood 13itters, Price $L040trial size " 11) cents. DOCklen'S Arnica. Salve, The BEsT Skr.vs ia the world for Cuts, Bruises, '$ores, Ulcers,. 'Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand; Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin ruptioltsj, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed' to give perfe:cf satis- faction, or money refunded. Price 25 per box. • For sale by J. H. Combo. • , FOR Skii. --- CLARGE Caritas° and Blacksmit1t shop on the Main Street, in the village of Olyth. There are twe large shops, 40x00,. eiii.h two etudes ; good dwelling and stable. This is the best opening In the county for a carriage inanufitctory and will be sold en reasonable terms; if not sold son will be rented, Ad. dress, • 0. Itstutirox, Blyth. Blyth, June • . FOR SALE. Agood, onestery-anh-whall, frame, house -0 reonis-well Am., with good, garden, Well and pumpandll m , eodern ,convenienees. Lot No. 845, on Mary street, near the Great Western sta • tion, occupied tit present by tSr. Win. Davis. The promisee eon be inspected atatw mine. Terms A. H. 'BANNING," •Vendor's Seth:Bor. .Clinten Sth' July, 1881. FORSALE.. • ..•*••••••••••.•••• T• ItHundersiimed carom the following articles for . sale t---1 set of double lial.ness, 1 'Ain bean' thistle cutter plough, 1 set of hen liarrows,• (new) nuipufactured by Miller 0; Tedford, 1 lumber wagon, 1 hay rack, 1 pair of bob -sleighs, one fanning Olin, *Mille trees and neek•yeke, grindstone, fortis, &e. • IL W. COOK: • . tiriaten. Clinton, J0002, 1881.. 144 • • ---------- — FARM FOR SALE, OR TO RENT, • IN THE IT.. • OF G00E111011. Qomposr,n of Lot 30, lith con,, and Lob WI,' 12th con., containig 100 acres, ISO acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; the remainder is good hardwood bush. On the farm is a eolumodions brick residence, frame barn, ambles and slualS; two good wells of never-fiiiling water; also three mires of orch- ard -of selected fruit trees. The farm is situated three Miles from the town of Clinton, the leading inarkck of the west, Title incitisputable. linniediate posession gsio‘s,14, . For further particulars apply on the prem- iJOHN DEMPSEY, or to ' •FARRAN, Clinton, P. O. Goderich Township, Aug, 25, 1881. ••FOR SALE. IN TUE .TOWN OF LOT No. 14, Muter street, • on the lot Is a good frame residence, 000 and a half stories high, con. Mining seven rooms: besides there is a good garden • on the lot, with limn, pump • and other modern • con- veniences, The house is at present occupied by David • Grigg, Will be widen reasonable terms, as the pre, • prietor h godng to the North-West. For further par. titulars apply to . . ARTHUR CANTELON„. • • • •Clinton, ' FAR FOR SALEu: MITE Nerthicast D' , art of Lot, No: 19mon 13, Town.- - *hip of. Itullett, containing. 50 acres, 30 items 'cleared and in s good state of emit' ration. 'TIM - place is well fenced. Thmli e soil is lirstnte. 'tWo. miles from the.village of Blyth and will be sold cheap. this is a rare chaotic to purchase a Artit-elitss 50 acre farm For tall partice/ars apply to ••• • *. • • • .0. HAMILTON, ' . • Auctioneer, Blyth; Myth Juty 27 1881 - • • • • . 'FARM 'FOR SALE, COMPOSED of W. of lot IS'e. 3(3, ton. 4, townetite . of East Wawanosh, containing 100 iteres;50 acres cleared and clear of stuums; in a fair state of caddy:1- 8pm The bush is good hardwood,' ' There is 8 steam saw 151110,n the next lot, There Men the p1800 5. good bearing orchard, lied three nev,er, spriugs, log dwelling andframe Stable. Will be sold cheap .00 reasonable tortes of payment. For full pardeulars enquire on the preadges or to •. • - •• 0. 1iAMILTON:07 Illyth.:duly 7, 1883, •A4"cli°11.6.."4 - , ' • FARM FOR SALE, COMPOSED Of N. Of S. Lot No. 27, concession13, . . , East wawanesh, 00 iterjs; .33 acres cleared and 111 a good state of cultivation, good' rail fence.s, geed - 'bearing' orchard with. choice•varlet3 of fruit, a dwelling, two' leg stables iind small frame liarn, good wen and pump convenient to house, a living stroani rues across the b.w.k of the elite% the. soil Is black •mold With .clay bottom, it is tlirce miles !rem lbyth, and convenient sthool. This is a firskelass place and will he sold cheap. Apply to • • , • . C. HAMILTON,. Myth. • Myth, June 16„ 1081.• . . OILMAN'S PADS Operate:, Through: the Naive Forces and , the ,CiroWation:_....._ • Holman's Ague, Liver & Stomach • . Pad. For matarti, Ague and Stonnitob •trounles, PRICE, • "11($,o!ini"1. mai.ril:113OS0n0804P. eic3la.51Pad.Adaptet to: • .11oiman's Spleen. Belt. For stubbern cases indented spleen and 1113yiGlablg 1.41Z*1 and Stomach troubles: • $7.;50„ Hannen's Infants' Pad. For filithentS. of I iirmits and Children. $24*. Holman's Abderni,nal Pad.. nellent• • me, ovarian and 1.0addertriiiimes. Holman's Renal or Kidney Pad. • gor.KA.11,,y th»uphtil.a.s. $.$O. Helman's Pectoral PFAC11.' FM' affecti this • Of 510 Chest and Lungs, Holman's Absorptive Mt dicfnal- Body Plaster. .r113: mist 141 ...torow tau en Rubber Inmis.. .Hoirrian's Absorptive • • aFnOdOsitumPoi6a1,Sutirettrohh oni.Or Col!rd.p:14:1;,),.21fsettithq Absorption • Salt for Medicated • Bathe. For Cidds,ltheinnatIsin ltd all tames where e medicated Bath is inward, also nit execi• lent foot bath (per 4a,. natiliego, 20a: •70a SALE EtY ALL MONISM Or rent by ova); logtrAtd, On reeelpt ot mem, The „AllsoltpTioN SALT is not "mailable,' and must, be omit by Express at.pitmlitiser's expeiise; •lieWare of all bogus nate Only made to 8011 on the reputation of the genitine. See that -each Pad hears the Private) Reye' n ue Stern p0Itia HOLMAN PAINCOMPAN .,with 0.1104*) Trail° 'Mark printed in green 'ell treatise sent free eit application. Adams, • KOLMAJM PAD CO.', 1. XING statliVWJ31, ToBorno; 6 ..N4 -444; SHORTHANI). A Full Course of Fonegrafy Is retained orgy Yea/ In the new ninthly magazine ; •' THE AMERICAN-SH(MTHAND,„)17gIna and the Exercises of all subscribers corrected tbro' the Mail free of charge. The only periodical in the world from width short. • hand mai bake:rid, without a tau. TbePlan of In- structions is original and the. Lessens cornprelmusiv. 1 These desiring to learn marbegin at anytime, back number, to lesson 1 being supplied now snbseribers and exercises corrected whenever received. inniseturrien; One VW (Course of 12 Leiniens,) — $1.50 515051Numisa, • - • - - 15e. American Agency for Pitman's 'Shorthand books and RePerter'a Supply Betio. Circulars sent free on anpli• - cation. ItOWELL MICKGOX, Vieeland, DINE THE VERY BEST MACHINE OIL IN THE WORLD, is manufactured by lifc00118ros.400.,Toronto and for sale by all dealers. Ask your merchant for LADDINE and take no ether._ • Tide oli, under the severest test and most active cornpetition, waslit• the Toronto Industrial Enhild. Ion awarded the Highest Prize; also the Gold Medal at the Previnbial Exhibition, Hamilton, and the high- est Award at the Dominion. Exhibition, Ottawa -the Silver Medal. Flamers and MI who' use AgrienItural Machinery Will save money and machinery by using none but S -Ona, Johnston, Tisdall & Gale, • BANKERS, • ALBERT STREET, .o.LINTom, ONT. Traneacti a general bathing businese, Money,md- vanced on Mortgages miti Notes of. band. Drafts is- sued payable at par, at till the offices of the Merchant s Bank of Canada, •New York exchange bought and sold. Prompt attimMon paid to Collections through-. out Panetta and the United spites. SALE NOTES, BO UGgiT at close rates, and motley advanced to tanners on their own"notes, for any length 01 time to suit the borrower. .All marketable. securities bought and Sold. Bankers Ite New York,' Ageots of ,the itterchativo Bank of Canada. •• INTEREST ALLOWED ON nEposip A, JOHNSTO.N,P. TISDALL, 'r. „oAttit, • Stratbroy. Clinton, Elora. J. PENTLAND TISDALL, Manager, • *JOHNSTON, • GALE & TISCALL, BANKERS, NLOItJt.' A, JOHNSTON,T. A GALE, J. I'. TISDALL, • Stratiiroy. Eloni. •• Clinton. Ir. A. GALE, Manager. . • (ierresponciente in Canada,' The. Bank of Montreal mid all their agencies. In New York, S. Watson and. A, Lang, 50 and Otwall Street. • ' • . • FRANK METCALF, ;ILYTW *.••• • . »ealei in. Books: • Stationer3', Watches, ifen, e1ler3r. ' Failey Geoids,' Wall' raper, Children's CairriageS9. . • s. Sze., • pecial •Inducements for .the • Next 30 days, • . ••preitieus to Stocktaking., • • 'A. ftiE line ef the celebrated WA 4 ThrAlif , • • . at close prices fOr ' PATEIN of Clocks, Watelies, JeWellety, and Swing Machine .• • -a speekilty. • • CALL AND GET. PRICES". • • 1 F. IVIETOALF, , Blyth. THOS. TREWIN Desires to Inform his patrons and friondS that h . OVED Tailoring Establishment to the recoils Over • law.nco 4 & :Grti,00y's Furniture Store, •3a. •"Z. ITfl Where ho will he pleased te promptly attend t�'n) *New to ausy 153 wow with. . • • tr/7045% Stet/One/017• 041,1400 I ifhere Are You Going ? UNDERTAKER, W0 1411115 AN FURNITURE D• Ca litel"'.8 an/ PIO; to GROCERY AND • - MOR1 4.1q1 Provision Stote Opposite Fair's Mill, it pap ino to get fay Groceries 4oere.the goods ore so . cheap, and the Quality • 4 iVo, 1 Good s ; • • all new and ,fres14 A Spode]. Discount Sale FOR 30 DAYS. 1W' His Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Prunes Raisin; Currants, Boneless Codfish: Gold Flake and Fine Cut Chewing Tobaccos, eannot be excelled. NEW FURNITURE ARRIVING, Soule new designs in Crockery and nnil more extiected-c1s, a fine lot of now ▪ Glassware, Wooden Ware, and in fact, everything you, want. . CallOns, Shrouds, Undertaking 1' . Goods. Come aRACEY'S OLD STAND nd see, in . Farm Produce taken in exchange, D. CANTELON, lately occupied by Shepherd and Cooper; CLINTON. Albert Street, Clinton: • 11 CLINTON ptEMENT wARE-ROOMS. B. :WEIR, P.ROPIZI,ETOR, Agent for J. ELLIOTT 64 SON'S cele- brated "McCormack's Self-13inder,""Mead- ow-Lia Mower and Reaper," "Trtiunplt Raper" and "Warrior Mower ;.$ F. J. CRAIG'S "Strtthroy Heti/ester!! '• and " Himuninghird Mower,!' "New Canadian. •Thresher," with engine. All kinds of PLOUGHS and ether Implements. REPAIRS Conraltaittili en ' • gemenaber the place, • •NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF FAIR'S MILL, Clinton, May 13. • 3m. • • GREAT. 0. .0].eari.n.g Sale Glass Settglfront /.dc. to $2.00. °Wert, Glagses. fruit Bowls, with Caen. French, .Flureka, Xerlia, compact Butter „Wilk& and • mtividital Vut tem. • Cebiits'f Nantes. • Galas, • all:ucry • . • HEAP mac... out the • Stock. LAMPS Aompleto, fate diZil 313 each.. A Full Asgorl Jnent Grocerieg, Fruits, j• • Doane lionlint 1.1.4 Ting Mack reel, splendid. • ••4 • 4 `+' 0 g o g 0 • BLY171EI 11;„t te 17 'it !s•• s • These Works are now in full .Opera- tion, and the undersigned are enabled to offer any grade of • •• 8alt of FinestQuality. for &fide. • The necessity Of -Salt for • AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES Is new so fully established that every farmer will neglect his own •interest wito,fails te use about five tons anpti ally. • • VP This Trade will. receive Mir. best attention. Cordwood, Bim Stave .Bolts and. 11aaswoodi delivered at the "iVorks,.,for. which Cash will be paid.' ., Toung Sparfing, ° A Household Word ! •9' Csii9PEJ . 4 GROORT . • Has becomg„, a aiouschelrilrorti as the BEST and OHEAIIESTStice fox Groceries; • Peed,• . . Crockery, Glassware, ' CdO.,• • %.TIVI JARS ” in pinte,..qinwis, and heti-gallons, . •• • . A SPECIALTY IN' ' • : .60 Cent Tea. it2reasli paid for Eggs., Farm Pro- duce taken 111 exchange. • T110$. COOPER,' • Corner Albert' and Rattenbury Sts., • CLiff,r0P1 ONT. , ard are. aue Ttough CondUetorPipe, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES MO} OIL, °IL; ,• Harvest Mitts, BRASS KETTLES Enamelled Guns 1343t value ever fferL ' .- f WHITE LEAD, warranted genaine.aml, , • LOW PIIICES, • Apple Parers, • Parer, Corer and Slicer combined, CANNOT GET our OF ORDER, Every Machine Ararramtecl, •-• • Reduced Tinware Prides • Shelf Iardware, BIJILDEIS' STIPPLIES • " • a specialty... • . • Phamixitiock, Clinton, ontariii,