HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-23, Page 1• Volume 3, .dont, TERM8:--+$1.25 per Annum in Advance, 1, ALL. ALL CLINTON', ONT.,, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1881, AM, APES, in endless variety, from 5 Cents a Roli; aCarriage's �rri e Cheap and Stylish. Also,,a i•rna and Qlotco Line ot- ' ' MIS, 1O A CO2, And Cigarettes., Cheap and First -Class i� W. H. r4 ansfoid's City Book Store, Clinton, :The Book 'Store viae` a yen et 'Value for yoe x l�ticizae '. LOOAL 1. Etainrc and : Vicinity. 'DIE Hole -tans played to ;full houses on both Monday axict Tuesday evening last.bedroom sets, and 2 ;office sets, This 11Ir, Livingstone. ' of Pavfiol:.i speaks well -for the work of Messrs. g P 000nlpied the pulpit of, the C. 31. Church Isere •on Sunday evening last. Frans have been floating at half -least since Tuesday, as a token of respect to ate deceased President.. OoNCLIir.---Findlay' McGregor, the Scotch vocalist, performed in the Town hall on Friday night last, to a fair audience, • ENGAGED. -Mr. N. Grahar of Owen Sound, has been engaged as third tea- cher for the High Sohooi at a salary .of $425 per annum. • ON Monday last a man named Bul- let), while working at Perrin's now block fell from the top to the floor,sus- twining severe injuries, Mn, Anarts OALLAbrnnri, formerly of this place but naw of Dakota, is back here again .on a visit. He seems well pleased with the oountry up there. FARMERS :;advertise your stray cattle and farms for sale in the Itncolm. Our circulation is not ,confined to the town but reaches' the majority in the sur. rounding townships, Mr. Hodgins .with his usual inter - prise has embarked in the dress making in connection with his already large business and is determined to ren it first class, 'See advertisement._ • READ. -•--Be sure and read the ad ver•.. tisernent of Mr. O. Hamilton of Blyth, on the inside'. If you want money at a low rate of interest, give him a call. He means business and will give you satisfactory tetras. ' SOLD.—Messrs: Broadfoet, dC 'Bat Have sold to, Messrs. 73ishop,and Shel- ton, furnituto• dealers, Winnipeg,. 24 Micereso.—Mectiizg1 were started in the C. M: Church on Monday evening last, and will be coutintied' for spino time. ..• Miss Nettie Jackson, irettarned- from -her,visit to Fon de lac, oh Friday last.,, She . scorns to hrtve : enjoyed herself while. away. I%Iit. J;. 1Macwhirter arrived .tonne from Montreal ©x Monday evening last, .whither: he. has been'purcbasing the fall stock for the. firth. Toa LATE.•-•-,I4Ferlsrs. '11iotbpson cf Bole's ohange, was too late for insertion this week. They nvalat fire car loads of potatoes and ' will pay' the highest price. Mn. C. Gamble, formerly of .this plate, passed through Isere on 'Wednes- day for St. Mary's, 'where be intends :,rain; into partnership with Mr. ',7. L. '1Vobster, formerly in business in,: this place. • Qltnity' 1—Soure person in town . has .suggested to us that it would be a. food idea to have.apenny collection •taken up for the ,purpose of purchasing' a proper flag for the town .11a11. Wouldn't it though'?. NEAuLY 4 11U Aiynx.--:& Horse at- tached to a rig' belonging to Mr,. A. Churchill was left: standing in front of Young's Grocery one day this week, and bad it riot been caught in time, serious results might have followed. &3t7tINESS CII i an.—Mr. D. Cantel - on, grocer, of this town, has sold his business to his,brothers, Mr. W. Can- telon, of this piece, and:Mr. P. Centel -- on, teacher of Beumiller public school, possession tobe given seine time in November. Mr.'Cantolon intends gwy ing up his position as teacher of Ben-, miller school at the mid of the`.yyear, • NOT CoaPFCT,'-Ilse Seaforth Src2z blows Seaforth up as having givens a cent more. for wheat than any other plebe in the county and in its market report, quote the highest prices, at only: $1.30 per bushel. The sante•" week as high ;as• .j1.31 was paid in Clinton.. This would make Clinton 'market one cent higher! than Seaforth •a>d two cents higher than (ply other plaoe in the county. Seaforth might as well ac- knowledge the corn, • LerERArtr.-- Vo have been • shown a criticism by Rev. Charles Pelham Mul- vauey, 111. A.,. E'S. 13., of Toronto, en a book of .poens composed by Mr. A. M. Taylor,' teacher in the public ficbool .fere, • The critic has given .them the credit of being fully up to the i;tan- (lard and •reconinends there to be pub- lished, in reading the criticise), we find there are very few corrections and we• calrriot..l)ltit congratulate Mr. Taylor on his success. The work is now hi press -and will be issued in afew. , weeks. Broadfoot & Box - One. 11' IANuraortrarets.-Mr. R. Can- telon, the noted " Wagon maker " has received . an- order. for 35 pairs of bob. sleighs from Winnipeg. Clinton has now become the leading thanufacturieg town of the west.' •. E iii nrio::, ••.Mr * H. Snell, of Hui - lot, is exhibiting in the live stock de pavtlneut at the Provincial Exhibition,. at London. Mr. Snell was: successful in taking •a number of . prizes at Tor- onto wh•eu,-he also: sold:a nunrh,,r of enit.nals.• • Too WELL, Ori.—On,.Tuesday amen, named Relit. Taylor, from. iiullett, Was fined 'for being Drunk and tlisorderly,; and en Weduesday he " forked ovor". to the 'Mayor, for the - same offence,' 1'Io, secured anxious to get rid of his money. W IIILE the fireworks were in pro- gress on T'ue'sday night last a ball flew through Mr. airline's shop window, breaking the slide door inside also. Another ball. flew in, through the door. . • Looe Fon lateLook -out for,Messrs. Metcalf & Stephiinson's advertisement from. Blyth. next. week* They .are of foripg' special bargains .prior to their' removal to: their new preinises in -Car- ter's bleak.. Their "ad" was received. too late for thisissue.. ' Lear.—Ori .the show .day, a young. man went out, on a hunting expedition,• and in the course of• his shooting broke part of the gun, and. at the sante time,' it is reported that•the thing limited and. carried oil• what, he •wouldn't have .lost for anything=his nmoustache• - ELECTED..—At the inn eting of the Grand Lodge . of• the Independent Order of Geed:Tetnplars at Barrie, our old friend, Mr. . Frank Metcalf, of -Blyth was elected Grand . Worthy. Marshal, He passed through ;here on 'Sats rday :evening last Ari ..hies way home. ° Ivo or WAR.—Tile tug of war Ise- tweeu Mullett and Goderich Tow iihili which was to have taken place on show,. day did not come effort account of I.3ul let not being able to raise the .team. Mr. °d, W., Elliott 'With his men were on hand,, anda very, exciting Contest would have been the result ifit bad taken place. IZETt*nNED.--Messrs: Bell' 73ros., of Londesboro, and �Vrn. Swell, of Mullett, pa eed through. here yesterday •dn their way hone froin•the Old Country, with a number of fine horses and southdown. sheep,; lc -latter belonging to 141r. Snell. They hada rough voyage and we un- derstand that Messrs. Bell lost one of the .horses 'they purchased. ' Suconssron,--Messirs. W, Doherty k Co,; have received tho, following tel egrarn frein their wholesale agent in Montreal concerning the success of their organs on exhibition there: Etniritrtoii Gsotfsn. biorrnisA4., opt. 22nd 19sr.- We have redeived oxtrn prizt.on Aliso top organ, brat prize on Cahinot or Parlor organs, diploma on chapel organs and also calve troniolo 1lleasrs. W. Doherty e. Co. may well feel proud d the popularity of their organs, and we cougratulate thein on their success, (AMP ItilESTL fG. eudoesSS'UL TIME, Tho :Union Clamp meeting' which had boon carried on, at Iloluresville for Sometime past, carne to a close' on Mon: - last: For the few days •prior .to the closing of ' the meeting, rain' bad descended in ttrrents, and this, to a certain extent operated against the suc- cessful carrying on of the meetings, It was however decided last week to.' elm .the: meetings on. Monday last.- Very elogiueiit'and impressive sermons. were preacher.; by Revs. Messrs. Har- ris, Brussels, -• ':eDonagh, and Keefer of Gingham `rain Sunday last, Rev. Mr, Birks of:14317th? conducted the closing services On Monday, The corn- mrttoe have deoided to try and make arrangements to lease the ground if possible and" hold a camp meeting every year. Whether title will. lie, carried out er_net we cannot say.. However .we Ynay say that r -. better location could not be found, and if the committee wish' to secure .permanent' ground, their'decision..:is tv prudent one. . . iltBSIDE TH'libt After. Seventy-nine• clays sof' Suffering. 4ItTI.iUR TAKES VIE OATII or OI .ICE. • rlIs LAST bronmirS. Long Branch,, Sept. 19, 1 a. rn.— Dr. Bliss was the first one notified of the ..'resident's expression of pain, and upon, entering the room he at once saw that the end was near. The members of the family were immediately sum" moned to the bedside. All arrived, east 'pferfect quietness prevailed. Mrs. Garfield bore the trying ordeal with great fortitude, and exhibited unpre- cedented courage, She gave way to no paroxsyms or grief, and after death' became evident she quietly withdrew to her own room, There she sat, a heart -stricken widow, full of grief, but 'of so much Christian °enrage as not to exhibit it to those about her... She, of bourssl. was laboring under a terrible' strain, and despite' her efforts tears -flowed from her eyes, and her lips be- came 'drawn by her noble attempt to boar the burden with which she had been afflicted. When Vice -President Arthur heard the news he was completely broken down. The President after holding out so well and .beating.up so horoically under adverse. circumstances and With the. most painful sufleringit has succuin bed to the hand of death at last. On .the 2nd of July last,, he wts':e viotim at the hands of an.assassin, and since that. time the' people of the United •States, end its, fact,- of'all nations, Have •loolus(1 forward with earnest hopes•for his re- covery,. but, ,alash all those hopes .raw been blighted and he is bow numbered, with the dead:. The'followirig are the telegr tns announcing- leis, death Elberon, September 16. -The Pros- ident died 10.35• Frons 'coivvt;can bo ascertained his death' was from•tiheer exliaustlon.: Warne Young,: assistant, to Private Secretary I.iown,,• Bron l t the news frein the cottage• at ten' min- utes before eleven. • The first indica- tion that anything serious had occurred was the appearance of.a meisctnger at Elberon Hotel, who obtained a carriage anis drove rapidly ofl:: It is supposed he 'has' one to summon the •umriibers• 'of the :Cabinet, , who .left here about half -past Idea to -night. MacVeagh: has notified A:rthur of the President's demise: • .11.15 p. rn.---The -Cabinet has:just eeeriVed, and has gone in •a body to Franklyn" •Qb-ttage.' .All are here ex- cept Blaine and Lincoln.. MacVeagli has telegraphed to the latter two, ' who are now en route to Long Branch, of the President's death. G•reat excite - meet prevails here,. and particulars carr not be obtained. The guard around the "cottage` has been doubled, and no one is allowed to approach it The Government has taken possessionof the only telegraph wire which. is con- nected at Elberon.: .It Will be almost.. impossible to get further details to- night.; as we are:shut•off from all corn-, munications with the cottage atidits inmates. s ' The:news was heralded '• to all par�tss. of :the United States and Canada at once •and great excitement prevailed. The following'is the official telegram : Elberon, •1.15 a. ui., September 20: --The following ofiieial •bulletin has been. issued ;-7-11..30.P, in.—The Pres. 'idea died at 10,35 p. tn. - After the bulletin was issued at 5.30 p.. re. this evening'' the • President ,continued in much the sante 'condition as during the -afternoon, his pulse :varying .from 102 to 1O6,.with rather an increased _force and w.olunie, After taking •'uourieh- inent ho fell into a ,wleep,.: About thirty' minutes before his death, and tvhile •asleep, his pulse rose to 120 and was sonnewhat . more feeble. • Al ten ininutes after ten o'clock he awakened, cothplaining of a severe pain oi'er the region of . the hesi,rt, • and alined im- mediately became unconscious and ceased to breathe at 10:2b. • (Signed) Brass, Ham rubs, swoiirr is, Sept, 20. -Arthur was , sworn in l'residi:nt of- the United States this morning, The Jler. aid says that during the ceremony of taking the oath of•of- fioe, Arthur was deeply affected and immediately • taking. the oath he sank. into -a chair inn the room and buried his face' in hie handsthoroughly overcome. sinrlrnTrzrt trttobr CANADA. Government House, . Ottawa,: Sep- tenber 20, 1881., --:The ilags at .the Citadel. of Quebec, at Fort Henry,, Kinston, and at all military posts,and also on all,( verriment biilclingh and. n'ossas Will. be lsoisted, to t -k at half last high, and be so maintained each' day. front sunrise to sunset: until after tl o funeral of the late President of the 1Jilitc+il Stouts, General Jas.: Garfield and it is requested .by Itis Excellency the Governor-C•+eneral that the liege on all linblyd . rnunicipel Did private' build - loge, and on • all ships; be plececi.:ind Amin triined. in a li'lcn•inainner from'sun rise to sunset -during the same : period, in token of,thee sorrow fNlt by. Canada: and 'its people' for the calamity Which ltas befallen the ' gr tit. station . With wheel the .Dominionis connected by so many .ties:o£ friendship and of kiir- clrc*d, 13y,coumiand of His Excellency the Governor -CI eneral. Jour A. 11.lc oie-at . EDWARD FLOOD'Y„ Publisher. I%itoA'r „ Mr, Wm. Jewitt, 2nd cen., last week refused the sum of $150 for a two-year old colt, Mr, Geo. Reid, of Winglsam, started last week en route for the Thousand. Islands on a sketching tour, A. very successful sabbath nchool au- niversary was held in the P. M. Chureh on Monday, 19th inst. The proceeds netted $37.50, This rain 'on Friday and ,Saturday has done much good in this locality. The lately sown fall wheat is almost as far advanced as that which wee sown . half a month ago.` -.. Mr. Geo. Jewitt, who 'ter the past two months, lids been spending his sum- mer holidays • in this neighborhood, has returned to Mitchell High School, • Some of the fair damsels are anxiously' looking forward to .Christmas- week, when, he shall be able to "call again." Myth: Severof our villagers attended tho Fair its Toronto last week.. • There is a large . quantity of grain coming into our market daily Me0osh Bros. hare soli. :out ..their stock` to a.Mr. •Mackie, who takes pos- session shortly. ` 7rr, Jai Young -of Clinton, oc- e the pulpit of the C. M. Church on.Su day last. , • .. Mr. 0. E. Tanner hes left for home on account of illness. We hope. to heap of his speedy r•ecovery, • SErtENA.nit0.—The Band 'serenaded Mr. Win. Southcott and . his bride. on. Wednesday night Owing to the illness of the Rev. Mc- Lean, the e-Lean,'the pulpit of St-,Andrew's;church was filled by R. Henderson, -principal of the P,utic•, Sidiooi' i on . Sunday last. Mr. 3, Irl-', Stephenson,' of the firm' .of Metcalf& Stephenson; is :visiting the wholesale markets, wherohe intends' purchasing n largestock of clocks, watch -- es and jewelry. • .• • The bountiful showors,of rain, which fell lately •appear to have spade all nature smile. The almost • dried up pasture fields are again .clothed in green. The farmers are buisy, sowing their fall Wheat. (oderich Township. , The B. 0. Church of Holmesville will K be opened on Sunday next. Mr. S. Cantelon, of the 9th eon, lost' a valuable horse last week, the cause being unknown, • ashe was found dead in the:' field. Mr. Jelin O. Elliott is starting agents ere long to canvass the county for rights .. for his new patent fence.. It is a grand. structure, and only needsto be seen..lo be. appreciated. Mr. Stewart McDougall, of Porter's' Full, has disposed of a team"of heavy • draught horses for the . sum of $450. The span were in 'excellent' Condition and well worth the price. . TEACIrranw 11ir. John, Smith, teach . er Si S 'No: 11, has .been reer?igaged•at salary of $460. 3oltlriis a good prao." tical teacher, and lb well deserving: of 'a; -good salary .-111r. Eberhardt, of Bay;, .field;, vvhohas.been engaged to new,.' Ate Ainistrong's ,year in NO. 10, ha't. also been • re-engaged for next year. 111`. W. E. Evans .AS. .S. No. •9 iii tends_ giving. up the •:frofbssion 'et.. r at the end of the year. On Fridayeevening last, the barn of Mr. P 'Baskerville, 16th' con,, ryas. •burned. with .all . -th'ie season's grail].;,'' There was an insurance on theP rem.: ises but the policy was not'transforred, So that the loss . will be very Heavy, No cause' can be assigned fortlie fire, as it was raining pit the• rinse, arid' eovld not havo onught from the outside: It is thought that it might have been Mr. Frank Metcalf has returned from Barrie, ."where lie. was attending , the Grand Lodgeof I. 0.. G. T. The next meeting will, be held at Brookville. Mr. M. had the tenor of being elected to the office of G. '4V, M. 4,, J ,_, • The Matrimonial fever has struok our 'Village heerliy lately. • Since last ,report, our respected townsmen, Messrs. Fred Moser, and Edward Kirkpatrick .`arse ' ovorstept the bourne of single blessedness. 'We congratulate them and trust there are many years of happiness in stole for them, May all, their troubles be little ones. caused by the heating pi Some grain,: The loss will reach $2000. • Free of Charge:- All,: farge;All.: persons .suffering from Coughs, (folds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loess- of Voice, er ar,y 'affection of the p'liroat and. : Lungs, are requested to call at II. Gombes Drug Store and get it Trial Bottle of Dr. ) ing'sNew Discovery for' Consumption, free of ehnrgc, : which. will convince them of its wonderful merits and show what a, regular dollar- size bottle will do. Call early. llDo' not be. IDcceived. . In these tiinea of quack medicine ad-.` vertiseuwents everywhere, it is truly graw', tifying• to' find one • remedy• that' hi worth of praise, and which' really tloEs as r eoniinonded. Electric. Bitters We • can vouch for as being n true and reli-.. able remedy, and one that will do as re= con,rnended, They invariably curd `etorinach an Lir Compiaints, Diseases of. the kidneys nit Urinary difficulties. We know whereof we•speak,'arid cart readily sey give them a trial. Sold tit fifty cents a bottle by J. 1T. Combe. fr$,,,�.Rernnu'ilier `the. red notion and get your trip boots at Il'aitt,ase'S. • . e IIAitLAr1D Bite's. are • selling '• apple pearers, fly traps,' barbed fetter.), wire, white lead, paints, oils'. tCc., itt reduced prices in order to clear out . their stock. ' ' Gr To ALL. TO Whorl IT Art C'o •. ci:nti .—The Ontario Copper Lightning Rod Company,' Ilariiiltou, incurporaavd by letters pokutrd•of'Hamilton in 1874. do give to the said parties liming their copper lightning' conductors placed on their buildings, a guaranteed -policy under- the, incorporation seal, to iridt•nn- rrify them _ against loss • or damage Iry 'lightning to the' preinises .upon which • the said eonductors'are placed 'forth() • term of ten years hi the suns of ten 11111 tinres the sun paid for said conductors•, •Wra, I IT , Aosta, OLIr'!'Ur, •