Huron Record, 1881-09-16, Page 6Two Oversights One of the stall keepers at the Cen- tral market had a basket of vegetables to go to a house on Fort street east yesterday, and calling to a whitewasher who was hanging around for a job,. said to him : "Here, old man, take this basket to No.—Fort street, and I will give you a watermelon." handed him the two melon. "I promised c halves together. "But tier mellyon that would give you "Dat's so, boss, but reckoned dat it was a lumber yard till color of de nlellyo The colored brother closed his bar- gain at once, and upon his return, .after d suspiciously brief absence, the man halves of a green you .a melon and here it is," he lai1, as he clapped the hain't ripe, boss." "Can't help that I didn't specify a ripe one."' I didn't specify what time dis summer I should tote dat basket up dar, either, an' I . kinder best to leave it in I saw de size and n, 'Pears like I hain't much behind in dis trade." ' He had a ripe melon under his arm as he started off to finish his errand; Heavy Losers. " Pardon sire for troubling you, sir, but did you drop a $20'gold piece?" asked a man with an earnest look on his face and a memorandum book. in his hand of a well dressed individual on the corner of Jefferson and Wood- ward avenues. " The man addressed ran his • hand. into various pockets and replied : it Well, now,. I declare, Can it be possible that I was so careless'. as to drop that coin ? Yes, it's gone.:. I must have lost it right here,near where we stand." The elan opened bis memo-r'andum book, took from his vest pocket the stub of a led pencil and said : t -r Will you tavor me with your name and address ?" They were ,given, and the questioner - started on, when the well-dressed man cried : " Hi, there I Where's the money.? Give me my .gold piece." " Oh, I didn't findany money. 1 took a notion this morning that- in • a city like this, where thousands •and' thousands of dollars are handled every hour, there'm.ust be • great 1 sses, . and started out to investigate the' matter.. Between here and. the river •I found seven men that lost twenty -dollar gold pieces,. and I expect to run 'the' list.up,' to two hundred before I•reach. the City hall. Good day;'sir. What a Boy Did. ; A dirks, walking in his garden one 'day; saw a Latin copy of a• great work on mathematics lying on the grass, and and thinking it had been brought fro— lits library, ealled some one to carry it. back. • ."It belongs to me," :said the gard ener's soil, stepping up. " Yours 1" cried the duke ; ".do' you understand geometr-y.and Latin?" t° 1 know a little of then," answer- ed the lad, modestly. The duke having a taste for the sciences, began to talk with the voting` student, and was astonished at. 'the clearness and intelligence' of his ars ewers. • ' . But how came you: to .know so much 3" asked the nuke. •• ' " One of the servants taught me to read," answered the lad ; " one`does not need to know more than the 26 letters to •know' everything else one wishes," • But the gentleman wanted to know more about it. " After I learned to read," •said' the boy, " the masons came AO work at your house ; I noticed the architect`. used square and compasses, and made many .calculations: What' was the meaning and use of that ? I asked ;. and they told me of a science called arithmetic. 1 bought' me an arith- metic and studied* it . through. They then told me there was another science called geometry. Then I found' there were better hooks about these scieppes in Latin. I bought a :dictionaty:.•and. studied Latin. • I heard thews werb still better ones in French. , It. seems to we we uiay learn, everything •.whim we know the 26 'letters• of the alpha- bet," They are, in fact the ladder to every science. But how many men' are Cor - tented to .waste their time at.. the' first two or. three rounds, with not pluck nor pe•rseveranoe enough to clink higher ? Up, up, up, if you want to know. More,. a,ud see clearer, and take a high post of usefulness in the world. And if you are- epoor- hey -arid -need -a little -friend. ly encouragement to help. you oaf,. be sure, if you hate a will to climb, you will find the way, just as the ..a:•der el.'s son found it afterwards hi the Duke of Argyll, under whose parent- age he pursuer) his studies and boeame a distinguished mathematician, The good accomplished steelpens ie incalculable, but the cost of a boxy of Esterbrook's pens is only nominal. The stationers have them. .l'he trade .sup- plied by BatowN Bros., Toronto. Self-resecpt is the first step in. all reformations:; and when your blood is laden with impurities and you are :suf- fering, from biliousnessor dyspepsia, the first step to a radical cure is to. take Burdock Blood Bitters. Price $1.00, trial size 10 gents. The terrible disease, Canadian chol- era is but little less fatal than real Asiastic cholera, and will require equally prompt treatment, Dr. Fow- ler's Extract of Wllcl Strawberry will cure it as well as all other forms of bowel complaints of infants or adults if used in proper time. Many medicines check to suddenly attacks of Bowel Complaints, inducing dangerous inflammation, Dr, Fowler's. Extract of Wikl. , Strawberry, cleanses Strengthens and heals the diseased and weakened mucuous surface of the Stom- ach and Bowels, and safely cures every orm of Summer Complaints. Delays are dangerous. And none more so than to neglect the incipient stages of bowel complaints in infants or adults. Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the, most prompt and pleasant remedy to administer,. and is always reliable tocure cholera infer). tum, dysentery, cholic, cramps, and all summer complaints, Forsale by all dealers, —Bishop ,Hellmuth writes to the press giving a sketch of the establish- ment and\progress of the Flellmuti, Colleges and of the London University. With a viel, to firmly establishing the University he asks for funds, in addi- tion to the $53,365 already raised, mainly in England,and the $25,000 promised by the friends in and about London, In .a postscript he announces that 'since the appeal was Written sub- scriptions of $3,800 have been receiv- ed. FOR 'SA'LE. A LARGE Carriage and. Illacksmith shop on the. Main .Street, i11 the village of Blyth. 'Thorn are two largo' shops, 40x60, cath two stories; a goad dwelling end stable. • This is the best opening In the cotiety for a carriage manufactory and will be sold on reasonable tern's; if not sold soon will be rented, , Ad. dress, • • 'C.IIAMILTON, Myth. Blyth, June 23 1881. . PRIDE OF. TtE V11I�LEi' MEDICINE,' (Tiede hr trk,adeisterce March, IS$1. • The only medium that acts at the salve time on the Livor, aha BowelO crud the Kidneys l,h�ese Great Organs are thcnatiral cleansers of the system if they work well Health Will be perfect; if they bosom) cloggu , dreadflll.tlt8eiraoS the s111'e, to fellow', with ter- rible suffering. Ilillfousncas, tIoa11 tthc spcp,i,y; Constipation, kidney .Complaints, pneumatic rains, and Aches are devoloped.lectruse the brood is poisoned with. the humors that should 'lave been expelled. natural; 'Palms OF TOE V,si,1 vt Medicine is a positive coverer the above, For salt, •by all principal (ti ug• gists. Can be had at J. 11. Combo and at WattstC Ca.'s druggists, Clinton, Ana A. 11 Shi•ieves, 110' Bathurst Street, London, Ont., solo proprietor for the United' States and Canada. Can be had Wholesale at I t m ve Irros: iC Co., T. Milburn iC Co., and Northrup and Ly nnan,'ot'Torotito; also Archattle Wilson, & Co., of HIamilton.. Sample packages, 25 cents; five for ol: BEA UTIRIL Ch'R0A1O8.. • A LARGE STOCK WHICH I ,Elft. • .SELLING OFF CHEAP at from 2n cts, to 2Ci et''s.. and 411 cts per pah,lot flame, glass nixl picture. COME AND SEE THEg, AT A.- .HALE'. Two doors south of 1 t er.lcp'e.Uillinery Store, Victoria Streif, •Cleztrni,' Ont...• Boob an ci Shoo liaking. BEACOM \Vislaes.to inform the inhallitants'of Clin- ton and vicinity thlitlle i8 p' part:d to do • till kindsof shoo u•llia kii . &Rep -airing (� ► 1 e ,llcrtest l?osnteii:Ce:, Bost.French Kip or. C i Boots �if'l;k 11 Ids to Order, $4 to $4.50.. Qr-allau i 1 ? lleG o /reit' 1)rirr,:l, Place of Bensante,s—'.1qbitntenstle s Oltll'itand. (iliaton, April 2..th, l831. Mrs. Ira Mulholland, Oakville, writes ; "For several years f have suf- fered from ,oft.reeur'r)ng bilious head- ache, .dyspepsia, and .complaints pe- culiar to my sex. ,Since using your Burdock Blood Bitten'. 1 am entirely relieved. , • WSW Braadfaut )3Oxl Our stock of Undertaking Goods is very large and com- plete. Any person rr'quiriug anything in this line will filtd 'it to their advantage to call and see us, as we have just re- ceived a large stock of WALNUT AND ROSEWOOD CASKETS. Also COFFINS, of every des- cription, from the best Ameri can and Canadian manufactur- ers, also aStock of 'Robes and Trimmings,which we are pre- pared • to furnish at' half the price formerly charged for these Goods. 190, 77 BRICK BLOCK. , Whiter Mountain tire WILL 'PARE'CORE AND SLICE a bushel' of apples in, FII" rEEN MINUTES. t3 -• : -2r'oor-and:Hardware 'Merchai t,, • CLi NTON. RED BRICK STORE. 0 IIARfr1IARE AND STOVES. SP CIAL BARGARNS 7n Fly Traps,. Apple Rivers,. Barb Fence Wire, White Lead, faints, Oils and Varnishes, Win.tlow Glass, Brass and .>iivanu1)Iled .i'1•';.('r'ritlg Kettles, and Granite: ,Tran Ware. We will open 'up this week a line assortment of Lamps and Lamp Ousels, and al\ ex - b traordhiary low prices. Call and ,1•t) thein. OUR, TSTOCK O .STOVES This fall will be the largest and most complete ever shown iit the county of Huron, comprising all the latest designs and improvements in Cooking, Niall,. Parlor and Parlor Cook Stoves;; also a full line of Base Burner Cole Stoves, in- cluding the celebrated Radiant Home. Our prices and terms will be as favor- able as any house in the trade, and. we solicit a call from all intending purchasers. - 1Io not mistake the place, Red Brick Store, bign of the Padlock, Albert street,, Clinton, Ont. 'HARLAND, BROTHERS. THE WORST PLACE' in this Townie get your - Is at the Old Waterloo Clouse.. ROBS THE GROCERY Keeps the worst Stock in Tcwn. His prices are' higher than• any other Grocer; he is very inattentive to his customers; and. makes himself generally disagreeable to every person that does, patronize him, and lie don't want your trade—still, he 'keeps. open day and night." ' "Lear ore, how thisworld is given to perversion,' nearly EYERYBODY 'BUYS FRO\I• . • - HI11'I. There - Must be'SQrneMfstake Here for leis' Goods ire all New and IlYell Bought, and Don't You : Forget It I O�— - 'Remember the place - osrte Pit Ofco ' , in the Old'Waterloo' Hosni �. 0 331 Grocer. Y, ii qf {4� (�h r—seepq,ep. �1qq� p ,. L1Vt:8]i tiitil5i' 't�.�,.�i 5 Cl+i l rata 6n d for Purl yli,; trio 43tdoct. I 3t has been in use. for 21 years, and hits tr, preyed to bo 'the best) irersalation to the n -1 etfer SICU Ii 17 /Ai t, ,, PA1r1IN �F iLJf• SIDE OA , 'LIVER COM lr ]I�'T1J111YI:I$uUi4'x, E,1Y $. 1:iLA.' 1'ILES, and all L c a ca tr..tt f arise -from a Disordered Lrici c •an lr.•t ,q Imre bloc(' ''Sousa dsofourher'pco,e !� rake it r d gi a, it, to t"ieir ch ,.ti 1. eny qj sickens 1 c lir. achy: Those who:use it o'nee e i me ld it to others.. It is rade from VeUowDool T]nndu ras r r: p rtliat, Wild' Cherry.S ugia. L•rnrt ioz Sassafras \Winter rein, and Roots cher tt I is),own valuable Roots and ',I Ler Io'is strictly 1.ugetribl. arid can 11� rt L art t o mn^t t eats t, ^.trtrtrton. Ir i•, c: e c r Las bet n)c ll anus in use ter 1,-u!.1g ' ov e'•i It is's('d by all reznorrdhle druggists • at era d e, for a quart bottle et. say. p bo 'eto 1Roct,l t tj These who cannot rbtatn a bottle of 1! this inot `ne frrOrt _.: t n1 gs:5.tna33� AMA, us ) ('o:1a, anti\vo wuttloaver.ft to "'heel et at y that ;es, { t7. YQS;t. T71]4 CJ , .tan,rfictueern, Anlrrt::'•'413i1RG 0,N'.1%) 4.4 Sold by WATTS J CO Chemists & , Dru;rgists, ('l lntgn.• 11 • THE KEY To HEALTH,, Unlocks nit the clogged avenues of the Bowels Kidneys • and Liver, carrying tali' graduallywithout weakening the system,, all the impurities and foal humors of the secretions •, at the same time Correcting` Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ousness, Dyspepsia, ili_ousness,Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz- ziness, Heartburn, . Constipation; Dryness of the. Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ANS im, Ae .. of n Jaundice Salt ss Visio. i , Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart Nervousness and General Debility ; gall and nman other simi. , these n y lei Complaints yield to the happy influence • of BURDOOK BLOOD BITTERS,. 4 Sample Bottles 10e ;Regular site $1.1 For sale by all' dealers. T. luILB101tN at CO., Protrrietors,; Toronto 7r C o-ur' Choice bins of Foots an ..$hoer, Very 0:'ea • BIG DISCOUNT :IN P:RTJ•NELLAGOODS. Heavy arrivals of Sugar, bought bilore• the late advance. Heavy arrivals of General Groceries. Iieav'y arrivalsof Crockery Glassware,- .Cc. Breught direct 'from the .manufacturers,' very low. We . neitlier went to China or Japan to iinrcllttso ottr Ti blit, did the•next best tiling--;. 'ewe Luitol.t direct frons Bestir y importerw; . Any old; woman. in thu can ntiy who has trod our T will tell yen itis the best they can bey: ,Just try once, then 11lWays, '. CASH 'FOR; EGGS. 0RSH FOR BUTTER •[N • PACKAGES. Strawberries during their season to ati il orders for the same. • ply any TE M3.� S V N & BOLES. e :deiss Will make, for the next 6:0„days only, a Grand Offer of IANOS..AND- O q.. . $850 Square: Grand Pians for only $2415,. (('' 9: llfagniacorrt rdsewood ease.olc :1ntly finished, 3'Strings : 1.3 Octavos full patent cantan )7 L JuY1 t) ogresses, our new.patent overstrung scale, beautiful caritecl.legs and lyre heavy scrim iue and large 101103,. moulding round case, hal Iron Frame, Yranch Grund Action, Grind hemmers, in fn.t CVO improvement whish can In any >vay.tond to th'e'perfoction of the h,struutent has been added. tip„. Our price no this tnstrsmont boxed and delivered.ori hoard pars at,() f=- • . . :IoW York, with lime Plano Cover, Stool and Book, Only :IoW. This Piano will be sent on'test trial. Please send reference .if you do not send 1i1000y with. order. Ca sept with order will he refunded and freight charges paid by as both Ways if Piano {suet ,jest ;1s represent in this Advertisement. Thousands in use. Sendfortlata:ogue. Every instrument hilly Warranted for 5yea • 103 to y4,1O (with Stool, hover and Hook). AU sirietly Firstclass n sold -at Wholesale factory prices. These Pianos !rule Dna" of the flint " r� {y: 4 4+ ' displays atthe Culltennhal Esltibltiirn, end., were unanimously - sees `v . nionded.for the IlnntiSs•r hovel's, The Squares. contain our.New Fate Seale, t 1e greatest, improvement 111 the history of Piano ,ntal.hig. The Uprights aro, the finest in Ainori Positively we. nut to the finest Plano,, of the richest 0.1111) and greatest durability. They aro recommetbled tho hlgl est lrrusleal authorities in the country. Over -1.4,000 10 use, and not' ono dissatisfied purchaser. Pianos or O1t;uns sent on 12 days' test trial(•eight /too if lrnsatirr/•uctar•l/. Don't fail to write us before b1 ing. Fusitively 'o offer t io host bargains. Cotnlo ue mailed fres, 110081ome Illustrated and Ilosoript Catalog 10 of 48 1,•ig(st mailed for.•8C. stamp. livery tlatto fully Warranted for 5 vents: •. }.. t , n 'Our "Parlor Grand .11 h t lee Organ;' style 35, jtj L5E"tithofluralstret t � '• toned Reed organ a offered the nnisicnt;publie. It &tattles Five Ootayes; Fire sets of steeds, tour of 21 Octaves each, and Oa Three Paves. rlu teen Ste )3 with Grand Organ.- Diapason, Alolodia, Vola, Flute, Celesta, 'Dulcet. Eu :1loludia•1'orte, Calcarine, Violins, Fluto•@'ortei Tremolo , Grand -Organ and Grind -Stroll, Knee -Stops. Nei 74 Length, 43.1114 Wrath, 2410,; Weight, hosed, 3001bs. The ease 18 of solid walnut, veneered with eh, woods, and Is of an entirely now and beautiful design, elaborately carved, with raised panels, music cif lamp stands, fret -work, .&&., a I elegantly finirhmi. Possesses all tito.latest and best improvements, with gi power, depth, brilliancy and, svlliathetic.'rytiality; Of tone, Beautiful so10 effects and perfectst,•p ant Ilogular retail price 1285, '000 whotestele east 603/4 price to have 1t int,•udaccsei, with retool end bock, 0111^ s07 one .1,;141)11;61(180115 atl,ors. Cosisivc1'y nn dot l tti•n b1 price.. Nri pa} 01c nt regt,lt' d until , ou have fully tr the trg)1u1 hs your otvn 110tfie. Iva Bernd 01101 ens Oh 15 dei;r,r tett's'if't rind irx. freight both ways If 1'lstrnn Is not as represented, •/'ads)yirtrrrarltea for yearn. other 8tyius---Sstop organ only 505 ; 0 sb1p::, $85 stop5N11i Over $2tO^0 sold, and 00013Orgait 11us given the fullest 5atisff00010n. • Illustrated circular in free„ ,lenotary 0211) *arerooms, 57011 St. and 10th .lro, - �J r�O at Ona•thlyd price. Cltalogua of 3000 ch011e p50041306410 for 2 01 H ET U i i a staur(a, Th18 Cat l101nre inclnaos must of the 4)05111001(1(181410 day end 6Fbry" vnti0ty ottnusient composition, by the last authors, AdareSs, MENDELSSOHN ORGAN:. CJ., P. Box 2a58, New ¥ort-Gi