HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-16, Page 1• ' • Volume 3, No 2,9, TERWIS :---$1.26 per Annum, In Advance, ALL DAPER, ALL I APER, •in'enclless variety, from 5 Cents a Hoff Baby Carriages Cheap and Stylish. Ale% %Fine and Choice Line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, And Cigarettes.' Cheap and First -Class •C” OQUET W. II. Ransford's City Book Store, Clintq, The Book Store where you get Value for your Money, LOCAL. NEWS. Home and Vjelnity. • Dead our list of farm sales • this week, • • . , Some of our citizens attended the •Citladonian Games at Lucknow •en ' Wednesday last, Messu§. H. Snell Si Son, ,took '..large number of fine 'cattle through here • last week to the Toronto Exhi- s-bitione -s- THE committee will be at the agrictil- total hall;•te-day at 2 o'bTock to allot spag to those who make art exhibin tko 'Attend the fall .show at Clinton Monday and Tuesday next. It will, no dealt; be the most successful show ia the. Onnty. „ Ensroveb.,Mra. Morley removed the balance of her stock,furniture &c.,to Bel- -gra-7re this weeks.-Mr.f ES-Kaalre has inspired in and now occupies the, part of the house vacated by her. McGiegor, and Concert Coy will preform in the -Town Hall to -.night. This troupe sous- to have a good repiitetion, and We have nd doubt the will • have crowded louse. , •• A.00IDENT,—While 'Mr, Gee.' A.' Knox, wasl engaged in 'the County Cricket. match in Seaferth on Saar:. day, he was drink above the eye with a cricket 1301 inflicting an ugly gash.• MS.. F. 111etcalf, of . Blyth, 'passed through here on Saturday last on his way to. Barrie, to 4atteed the arand. Ledge of the Independent Order of 'doled Templar. :• • ' GARDEN PAVANY.—A. garden party, will be held at the residence of' Me. John Middleton, Bayfield Road, God- orich Township, on Thursday afterncen next. Proceeds in aid. of.St. Stephen's Parsonage. SERvroE.—There will be no ser vice ii the Canada.Methodiet Clittech, ern Sunday morning next, but then will be Service in the evening, as natal: Sabbath School services have also been caecelled, on .o.ccettut 'ef the cainpineet: 13,EnnivEn.—The first . number of the Rued Canadian, a new agricul ture' paper; published in • Toronto by Mr. C. Blackett Robinson. It is very • ably editeds_preserits .a good appear- ance, and will ne'cloubt. be a great quisition to the farming coni'munity,' • 'VOLITetErte 7 -Volunteer Companies • from Brussels, Wingham and Gerrie, posed through here on Tuesdey. •on their way to Goderieli. The Brussels band oecompanied them and discoursed • sweet musie-through our streete. Otir • town,Company turned out strongj. ,end Made a good appisaranie, • 1 • ' Roasts SUIPPED. — Hon. •C. P. "..Moore of St Clair City, Mich.; and •. Mr. T, L. Morrinori, of Detroit, Were •in town this week and stayed at the Central 'Hotel. They purChased a car load of horses and brood mares in this section, paying good prices. therefor., They are well pleased with thissection • of country, and intend coming back • ,for another carload cera long. • • CLINTON, ONT., FRID.AX, SEPTEMBER 16 1881. ENTERriusum—Mr, W. Jackson, the famous hatter" occupies the eighth page with a manmoth advertisement this week, Don't fail to read it through. Jackson knows that advertising in a pa- per with a good circulation pays, hence the " referred to. PERSONAL—Our old friend, Capt. Keine, of Gerrie, and Warden of the county, passed through • here on Tues- day on his way to Goderich to take part in the annual drill. The captain is a whole souled genial fellow, end the Gerrie Volunteer Company can congratulate themselves on being under a good efficient officer. ENTERTAINUENT.—,The Boston O1i- vette Opera Company, show - in the Town Hall, on Monday and Tuesday evenings, next, under the auspices of the Clinton Cricket Club, The opera is the latest New 'York sensation, and the music in it is grand. Seats shotild be secereecat Ransford's at once. Ilvatelsears—On Wednesday last, et the residence of ..A. Worthington, M, D9, Edward A. Worthington, of Cleveland,. Ohio, was married to Chris- tina, only daughter of Peter Nicholson Esq., Collector of Customs, Prince ar- thur's Landings., Rev. Mr. Craig per- formiug the ceremony, The proceed- ings were conducted without ostentation Shquld they continue thus • tesreeist, "the sin which cloth so eesilybeset us" of the present generatien, namely, that 'of puttiazg on, Style, their example will be one worthy ofadtniration. The hap- py couple started by afternoonitrain for their home in the Buck -eye State.—Cose Succasssut.—Messrs. W. Doherty & Co.' have received a brenee ineadal for improvements in, valve tremolo and a diploma for simPlicity Of construction and exellent quality ef tone and finish in their organs. Other, medals were •given 'but to different styles of manufac ture; from • those of which Messrs. Doherty & Co. had on Exhibition. Tney Joust therefeee be pleased to know and the people of this, town, that they, carried the 'highest leinore in the elms shown. • As aninstanee of the gedeving %popularity of elhjr organs, we may, state that all of•EN-5. seven organs were putchased on the ground by Mr. David Allin;, of Woodbridge. The Doherty caftuot be beaten, and the people all over the'County are certainly bccoMing aware of the filet, . • ' FA.SRIONA,Ri,E. WEimmo.—One •of those --ieteresting events, which " have such'a strange attraction foisthe tool place:in• Clinton on Monday last, it being the 1.11arriaei.t4 RON% J130. A. Turnbull, B A., of Coded* to Mise Anna Steep; of this( Pla6e. The mar- riage took place at the residence of Mr, 'John Steep, father of the bride. The ministers Who performed the cere- • mony' were.the Rot. Di. Tree, assisted by the Rev. Mr." Stewart, while the bridesmaids Were Mise Linnie EiPpey end Misa M. Turnbull and the m e groo , s: men Rev: R. Y. Thompsis, M. As: and Mr. Jno R Steen: The bride was, the recipient of a large number of beauti- •ful and costly .preseOts,...ormisting of 20 pieces of silver and1"4 other val., liable presents:. The ;wedding party which left for Goderich on the evening train were met at the station by a very large. number Of their friends and on their •arrival in Goderich were 'also met by a goodly number. The bride hae the best wishes of a large circle of friend in in this town. • Those_ who knew her, •are sorry to. lose her, 'but' What 'will be a lois to Clinton will be a gain for Goderich. :Ott Tuesday evening, reception to Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull was gicit by the ladies . of • Knox Church, G'ederiels in the form of .a peach social, there 'being a very lerge attendance. ;After partaking of • the goer; tl tin gs, add eeesets . were del i veis)d by Revs. MCCoy; McDonald, Fletcher Ure,'Mesgrave and Thomp8on. • Or Remember the reduction and get your kip boots at WTO:I ALL To'Wuos rr 114:V CON- CERE.—The Ontario Copper Lightning Rod Company, Hamilton, incorporased by Pte)%9 pdteitted of Hamilton in 1874 do give to. the said parties having their copper lighteing conductors placed on •their buildings, a guaranteed policy. under the in9orporation Heal, to indem- nify them against loss or damage by lightningto the prenitses upon which the said conductors are placed for the term of ten years, in the sum .of ten tithes the sun) paid for said conductore. Wra, KITT, AGENT, CSOrrose, 6 The Omni suoorssrm, MEETINO0.—TO BF OORTIN- •RED OVERsu•EDA " — • The Camp -meeting so far, has been well attended and much good is being, • done. The weather has been very fay - arable, which was necessary to it., suc- cess, •Services have been conducted by Revs, McDonagh, Hamilton, Birks, Harris (Brussels), Harris (Teeswater), Caswell, Livingstone and others. On Sunday last, no less than 4000 could have been present, when the best order was kept. Eev. Mr, Harris, of Brus- • sels, preached in the morning, Mr, Mc- Donagh hi -the afternoon and Mr. Her.- ris, of Teeswater, in the • evening. Since Sunday's meeting there has been • a powerful awakening, and a large number of penitents are to the front at each service, On, account of the good success attending the meeting, it • has-been decided to continue them over Sunday next.. We are Sorry that want (3f space prevents us from a lengthy re- port, but we hope to be able to do so next week. • COMMUNICATIONS, We wish It lo be distinctly understood that W( do not bold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents.. _Editor liVron Record.. Dean alldw me Specie . . in your journal to reply to a scurrilous article which appeared, in last, week's issue of the Blyth Review; . under the leading of Commit proceedings," 1 would not deige tq notice it, only it is well that the rate payers of our village should know the facts in the matter,. as I fill a public position. .'The whole article abounds. in misrepresentations and falsehoods? but in one particular the editor is Correct where lie states that I refused his employee a ' copy of the last Council Proceedings, but he' did not give the reason I assigned for withholding them. • Oh; ; that Would not serve his purpoee,. a -defile' erato misrepresentation was substituted for truth, .I:My reason e for .refusings to tarnishing him a copy a the minutes are as folloWs : I had furnished the. sainetes of .preyious Meetings. to , the Revive (although there s as nothing to compel' use to 'do 'so) but. elm last utes 1 furnished the' .4ceiee were, se mutilated irrid changed when published that iny• attention was called to it by a member of the Ocimeil... 1 ,at mice proceeded to the ROviewoffiee and .0,e1c-• ed why the minutes wore not published as given 'them. ,. 1 was told, by the able junior editor'tliat . the' nimutes Were not. correct So in his :wisdom he saw fit to chanee.thein to .sti‘t himself and had the audacity to place my name lemeath them.. I. Conseiniently. I felt justified in'refueing to 'furnish any .fur'; ther minutes until. the last ones were published correctly:. •• This. fact' 1 defy himOS deny, The charge of thy .coek- ing theeninutes is a diiect falsehood and is too ridiculous to. eiotic.e further, fromthe fact that 1113 ininbtes have always (without an exception) „been. passed without a single correction or objection by the Council, and 1 here defy anyone to point teti. eingle• action of mind since niy appointment to the • office of Clerk df the Municipality, that Would..reflect discredit to inc or to the office, • . • • ' The secret cause of all the vile slan- der that has been hurleds..at me from tune to time by the Retiees:hid it's ori- gin in January 1880, • at whiCh. ti in e 1 de: feated UM Senior Editor of the Review at the election ''of School Trustee, for 'which offence T have not yet been for- given, and this added 4) the f tot that I had the audacity wanks time agate re fuse the junior editor credit for a watch, 661y added fuel to treir hate,. henee the Many vile attacks thet.have been made • upon me from time to titne„both in editorials and ender assumed nemee, •but I neither court their favor or fear • their frown. I am willing that rate- payers. tray judge me by my actions, T must now thank you Mr. Editor for the space you have now granted me. I remain,yetirs truly, PRANK METO.A.LP,* Clerk of the Municipality of Blyth. • . Hassasto liaos. are Belling apple° pearers, fly traps, barbed fence wire, white leadepainte, oils &c., -at reduced prices in order to clear out their stock. . • 141111. • Rev, A, McLean is now quite ill, being confined to his bed, but we hope he will soon recover. ' LISEL SUIT,—What about the libel suit we'heard so much talk about some tune ago --is this another Review fizzle I , • On Friday last, Mr, A. Lawrence, of the firm of Lawrence & Graeev, met with an accictent hy felling into a cel- lar, bruising his thigh and tape badly, and otherwise injuring him. Oa account of Rev. W. Birks and a number of his congregation wishing to attend the campmeeting at ssolreesville, there was no service in the Methodist Church on Sunday last,• ' NEW SAW Mists—The new saw mill of Grey, Young and Spading, is now complete and is cutting lumber rapidly. Tina Makes the third steam saw mill in Blyth. . . Well done, J., T., publish a commun- ication' about a brother editor, and then put your own foot into the same trap. Too young to leave your ma yet, sonny —wait till you have more brains—the one thing needful, •• On Saturday last, our junior base Club Went to Londesboro to play a l'riendlY game with the junior club of that place, which. resulted' in a victory for our boys. „The. foils:awing, is the- ;3Core; LOndesboro 20, Blyth 25. ' :.11'esietizatis,—It is our pleasure this week to record the mare,age of Mr, W. Southcott, , Merchant Tailor, bf this eelaae, to Miss Oke, of•Exeter, on Wed- tiesday. They arrived here on Wed- nesday evening. We wish them much joy, and welcome Mrs. Southcott to our: town. •„ Sociats—A social' will be held rt t Edward Littlefair's' iesidence lot 3, con: 6, Morris, :on Tuesday evening next, Sept. 2.00; in 'aid of the building 'fund sof. Trinity chutele BlYth.• All are invited. A good time ie expected, as Mrs, Littlefair alWaYs has pleasant • parties '• . Nsw-Lasszoitbs-L-The -: ornmercial •Hatel changed hands on saday last Hebert lline, the nefves. toprietor, has taken possession and. is determined that the'Comtnercial will be second to no housein the oupty. Judging froni appearances, he iSithe right tuari in the right place. . • ••• • 9 o '. • VIRE.-On Monday evening, Mr, Chas. Jarvis' barn onslot I".5, con. .8, Morris, was .struck - by lighteing and berried. '- •He had all this year's crop and a number of „ his implements to- gether with eeed wheat that he had just purchased•burned. The less will Ile.Very. heavy on Mr, Jarvis..as Ite,had no insurance. : • 11.DKAWAYS. — Mr.. John 'Cumming's teani"got frightened at tlie wagon box. tipping back and upsetting a barrel of Water; and ran up the. village tor as short distance when they canto in eon Itai4 with a telegraph, pole, breaking the neckyoke and whiffiefighiS and bring ' ing them . to a -standstill, --.-•-• John ThoMpson's team ran away, in the vil lage last week -upsetting the wagon arid throwing out a barrel of ciddr. .. . I'Ssiestnars.—„Pe Kelly is shipping his fifth 'citr. lead of flour this week. Ile is manufacturing a new brand, called' the gem,. separately for.Messrs. Howland, Toronto, ' Since Mr. • K. has taken possession of the mill; it is giving good satisfaction. He isles it night ' and day. • Some people. couies 10 Miles tehave their gliristieg done here. He hes an A No, 1 millee.s-- Gentian & Dodds are„thipping five car loads of lumber this week and have more orders than -they gad fill.—john A, McDonald is' 'busy shipping tan bark to Buffalo:. . • PERSONALS. --111r. Hawkshaw and family hew) removed te ties L. and J. Drew of Exeter, are the guests of 111re. L., Thorne. --,Mr„ F. Met- calf is at Barrie. attending the *Grand Ledgesof I, 0. G, T., which meets at that place this week.—Mr. D. ,J. Mc - Cosh, of McCosh Bros., Lucan, was its town this week..sllev, T: Thompson and lady of Brucefield, are visiting 'friends here:• Owing to the illness of thRev, Mr. McLean, Mr. Thompson occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Clinch en Sunday last —Mr S. Grac- ey, of Wingham,. was in town•on Wed- nesday, - .LOT SOLO.—ri. M. Hamilton bought a lot here last winter for $60. • When going to Manitoba a few:weeks ago he EDWARD FLOQDY •• Publisher. 41.1111111Mismgme...a1111001111•11111. conlcl not dispose of it conveniently. On arriving at Winnipeg, he met a Mr. James Johnston, from the county of Sirncoe, and sold hite the lot at $80 cash. Mr. Johneton•seys he ^would, prefer having a lot in Blyth than in any town in Manitoba outelde of Win. nipeg. Good for Blyth 1 JOSEPH (JOBIDES has %surveyed the balance of the Combes' estate on the south side of the creek and will dis- pose of the lots by public auction on Saturday the 24th int. Visiss—Some colored females paid our town a visit last week, but Constable Kruse got wind of them. and gave them half as hour to leave town or he would furnish them with a brick residence, so they took the hint and left. .OYSTER SUPPER. --A complimentary • oyster supper was given to Mr. John Hawkshaw, prior to his departure front this Wage, on last Monday evening, at Emigh's Hotel. About thirty-five of Mr, II's. well-wishers sat down to one of host Einigh's splendid re- pasts. After ample justice bad been • done ,to the inner man, Wm. Clegg, Esq., was called to the chair and made a short speech, paying a high tribute of respect to Mr. H. The first toast was to the Queen e” a song, " Rule Brittannia ;" a toast, the " Governor- General," coupled with the new of • -Ws—Nyilson, Esq. ; then came the " guests of the evening f a song by the company, " For We is a Jolly Good Fellow." Mr. E, responded in. an • appropriate and feeling epeech. The " Dominion Parliament and .Local Legislature,'responded to by Dr. Sloan and P. Kelly ; the " Mercantile interests" coupled with the names -of D. B, McKinrIon, C. 'Hamilton, M. B. Mallory. and A. Lawrence ; " The • Educational Interest coupled with L. • Thorn, J. G-ostna,n and W. S. Dever ; a. song, " The Blind Boy," by Mr. Cann.; the "e Municipal • Intereete,"• coupled svith D MeQuarrie, J. Lath, am and J. McMillan ; a song, Red White and Blue," by. J... LaSham ; " The Pressrcoupled with J. T. Mit- the!' ; " The Ladies," responded' te•itt a Numerous style ily W. IL 'Watson, who frequently 'brought , down the house with •roars of laughter •' our • ',Host and Hostess," after, which all joined bands and seng " Auld • Lan,g SYne,"•whiell terminated the proceed- fngs, all feeling that they bad spent;a pleasant evening. at] were ' parting with a good citizen. , All wished him success wherevdr he May cog his lot.., • Nile. . • NEW Godos.—Mr, It. McIlwain, our enterprising nierchant, has received a„ fine assortment of new goods., • SEEDD,TG.—the seeding is about dons: pi etiA in this viciulty. The "beautiful” •of the last few days is making the fall wheat eoWn; preseut a beautiful • appearance. ' , • Feeeeas SERVICES. —The funeral sermon of the late Mr. Thompson, Col.'s' • borne, will be preached • in the Nile • church next Sunday at 10:p0 a.. in., by Rev. S. Caswell. • AresoSr 4. PIRE.—A fire broke out :in a little building used es a cook-honse belouging to Mr. A, Shields, Colborne', last Sunday night. The fire soon coint meeicated to the main building but with strenuous efforts they managedto save it after receiving some damages. •• .' A Vexed Cleraymang. •.• Even the pa:fleece of Job would be conic exhausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to interest his audience, while they were keeping up an .itices- emit coughing, making it impossible for bim to be heard. Yet, hew very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's New Discovery for con- •sumption, Coughs, and Colds.'Trial ro ties giv.m away at J. ITeCombe's Drug Store. ' • • Woman's Trno Friend. • A friend in need is a friend ;indeed. This none cendeny, especially wnen assistance is rendered when one is sorely' Afflicted evith disease, morepartmulerly those complaints and weaknesses so 'common to our feinale population Everywoman should know that Elec- tric bitters are wornan'ti true friend, and pereitiVelriestieWber to*, --11 ealtle even when all other retnedkA"fail. - A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taste and. only cost fifty cents -a, bottle. Sold by: J. IL Combe. r' • a .