HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-09, Page 8.n
The Good Templars have let the job
of painting the front of their ball,
There was no. 'meeting of the school
board 1E,prd On -Saturday, a -s there failed
to be a quorum,
Mr, Samuel' Gilley, who ,has been
employed with Mr. Southcott, tailor,
has left for Detroit.
Most of the shade trees. have 'been
eat down on Queen street,, which greatly
iwproves its appearance.
John Thompson intends selling his
property in Wawanosh, and his village
property here in a few weeks by auc-
The Village Fathers have levied the
rates for the current year for all pur-
poses, at 14 mills on the dollar, which is
considered low.
(hie of our J. P.'s bad two or three
eases on hand during the past week,
()lie victiu.was called upon to contrib-
ute $11,10 in an assault case,
Mr. P. Metcalf has been appointed
as delegate to the grand lodge of I. 0.
l.. T. to represent Blyth and Loncles-
uuro lodges at the session to be held in
Barrie text week.
N Ew BLACKS:IITIi—We are to have
:t new blacksmith in tows} in the person.
f 'dr. Kirkpatrick, who comes, from
near Manchester. Ho is to carry on
Cosiness in the old Clark , :shop and
conies well recoumuended,
Niiw FILM—Mr. F. Metcalf, wbo
has heen carrying on the jewellery and
stationery business here :for the past
three years, has taken a partner in the
l,usiuess, in the person of Mr. . 1./.
4tephensou, late of• Hamilton; a"first-
elass watchmaker and jeweller, The
tirut shortly remove to Carter'srick
lapel:. Messrs. M. &S. are enterPris
ing Wren and we wish them snceess.
PensENTATlov.—A social gathering of
the choir and a few Q£ their friends of
the Methodist Church was held at the
residence of DIr.• Thos.•. Treivin, on
Tuesday evening last, to take a fare:.
well of the two Miss Hawkshaws,
members of the above choir, who leave'
for' Exeter shortly. The Misses 11.
were made made recipients of . an • aa -
dress and a handsomely bound .' bible
tach, as a small acknowledgement of
-their past services in the choir. '
Fic;IITI\(3 TIIE Fxm FIE v.Ix-Bush
Iires'are raging to an alarming, .extent
in this vicinity. :Orr the 5th hist. the
tire in Mr. Taman's slashing, to the
south west of the -village, was noticed
to be spreading with great -rapidity.
towards the village; and it. was 'feared
that unless prompt-nieasures were tak-
en to stop its course, the village.: would
be in great danger. All hands • were.
called out, and in a very_ • short titre.
about 150 men were mustered on • the,
scene. Ali available -.barrels
called into use and several tesuis:mere
kept busy drawing water _froont: the
river. Pails were plentiful, and. by a
uttitetl effort of the villagers the 'fire
was kept in abeyance Dir. Ales. Orr's.
watering cart cud good service in draw'
ing water. About noon the air beeanle..
very dense -with snioke; At 1,30
o'clock the lights 'bil.sl to be lit, and :the
darkness beame more dense'as the day,
advanced. At 3,30 it was as• dark as
midnight; and many.thoughth@ land of
the world was •at hand. Cinders and'
ashes fell like snow,. and I1t this, writ-.
ing (Thursday ;morning) it, is thought
that the greatest danger is. _past. Sev-
eral Hien have been constantly employed
watch the fires •since Monday noon.
COUNCIL Dotxus.—Th.e ]'Municipal
Council amt on the 26th inst. Meui-
bers present, W. Clegg," Reeve and
Councillors Floody, Cook and `Taylor,
The Reeve presiding. .1Vlinutes of .last
meeting was read and confirmed. The.
fallowing accounts were presented. and
° ordered to be paid, viz.: George hands,
for grading on Mili st., 20 ; Messrs
Slater & Sims for sundry repairs, • 60
cents. Mrs. McCulloch was • granted
the sum of $10toassisther•in,clothing
a deaf mute. The clerk received an
order for $20 on alt df salary. ; ..The
• estimate of the Public . School
Board asking for the sums of $1100
to be levied for school purposes for the
current year, was read and•accepted.
Tlie Comicil then proceeded to strike
the rates for the year's expenditure as
fellows : For schools, 7 4-10 ; enmity
sates, 1 3-10 ; salt , bonus, 1 7-10.;•
ordinary village expenditure, 3 6.10,
making a total for allpurposes of 14
Initis on the dollar. Moved.. by' 3
('ook, seconded by C.-- Floody,' that
any person or persons he. permitted to
rut any shade tree or trees • on Queen.
street, wlrioh may interfere with or be.
detrimental to any place •of business:
Carried. . Moved by A, Taylor, sec-
---- rrrrdnd by J. Cook, alar Mry Seim
Kruse be appointed collector of taxes
for the current year, provided lie give
t,lto necessary security. Salary to. be
as formerly. Carried. Meeting- theta
adjourned to . meet on 5,Friday, 30th
nay of September. F. METCALp,
Goderieu 'X'ownsliip.
Mr. Stewart McDougal, of Porter's:.
Hill, has. returned, from the North
West after. disposing of his load of
horses. Ho looks splenaid after his
Mr. George Elliott thrashed on the
farm of Mr. Eli 13atema» 7th con.,
1000 bushels of grain in 9 hours. and
49 min. George is doing good work
and giving good satisfaction.
Mrs. Peter Cook and, Mrs. Murray,
of Streetsville tirovisiting friends in,
this township. .
Mr. Geo. A, Cooper, Oth .coir., has a
grape vide •covered with blossoms and
at the saute time is loaded with.
It is reported that the farm build-
ings of. Mr. 11', Kedslie, lst con , have
been destroyed by fire during the past
week, • , .
The Camp -meeting opened with a
fair attendance. A good many hopes
are put forward for a successful meet-
ing. • .
The new B. C. Church, now in course
of erection, is to be finished shortly and
a tea -sleeting is announced to take
place in connee ibn'therewith, -•
Our vilka ;o poet, having proved a
complete failure at sonnet writing, has
given it up in despair, and bas assumed
the role of a critic. Being of an en-
vious, as well as of iti penurious nature,
he cannot subscribe for your ,journal;
but always takes the trouble to "borrow
it"• not only for the news, but for the
purpose of publicly• criticizing, the style
of the paper, should an opportunity be.
afforded. If be discovers'a typograph-
ical error, lie feels as highly elated as
if he had insulted a clergyman in cliur;h,
or sponged a treat for a brass band.
Let 'him criticize • these. statements 'as
much as he pleases; Ile pl'a,fed this mean
•little underhand game long enough,
and it is.high time you were aware of
some of .his sayings aiid doings; when
you can deal -him out his' deserts..
Ilarlock; ...
.The drought still. continues,, It bas
now reached that stare,"when the 'old-
st 111
�, Ali
Complete lett, with. all the latest gaods.in NECKWEAR,
est inhabitant oanntit supply a. parallel, EVERY BO
Some parties are getting their supply
for f'rnily use from a, -distance: Well -
diggers appear
ell-liggers.appear to be reaping. the• bene-
fit of it.: •
A good deal of speculation- was in,
dulged in, with reference, to the "dark-.
ness ; en Monday • afternoon, Some.
.mai i.tained the cause to be an eclipse,
others that the end was here and : did -
not milk their Bows in consequence A.
teacher, on .the. 13th con.,closed his
school, but whether on' account of ' the.
darkness; or that he considered his in
struotions were not to he any loner
required,' he ,does not :explain satisfac-
torily, •
Hallett was'favoied by a visit from
two Americans, buying horses. Mr.
John•J3rigl>,ain, of tate 14th con., soul a
valuable -mare at a good f��aitire. They.
also bouglit one 'from Mr. S. Gray,;' on
'the: 13th:con. • The.=eiact' figures we
have: not been able 'to abtaini.
' Many farmers have the ground .pre-
pared for wheat, ''and have` resigned.
themselves' to 'the • hopeless task of
waiting for rain,:.. before•. sowing.
Bush fires are raging on the boundary.
between Morris and Hallett.
Remember the redaction and
get your kip boots at Thututte's.
Iielgrave.- •
yphoi• • Francis Wheeleris very ill with ty-
phoid lever,.
d.-fever,. We Hope for Ms. speedy
4. Mr. E Livingstone has purchased
all of; Mr. Hallahan's. pine. ` He pays
$2,500 for.i.t,
Mr.: Morley's storeys now completed,
and he. moving in some of, his furn-
iture, this week.
Mr.. A. Embury• is busy erecting his
large residence. When finished, it 'will
be a credit toour village ,
Mr. Robt. Morrison.' bas • his "cage"
about finished, and we understand the
bird will shortly 'come to occupy it.
Win. Morrison has safely arrived
with his family in Winnepeg. He has
a job of teaming in the pity, at $5 per
Forhen. r�r. 'Hats The onlycomplete lete assortment in
the County.
Our Gfand Opening takes place on Saturday,
September y7th, x881.
JAQK$OloT, The Tr"air:ious :�Ilatt�r, .Clinton:
Mr, James Henry had a hive of bees
stolen froin him a. :short tine a•go,:and
having suspected the parties who took.
part in the act, was on their back, when
they left for parts unknown, •.
• While Mr. W. Duncan was building
a driving shed this week; he fell,. aid
bruised his shoulder and otherwise, in-
jured himself. With••good: treatment,
be will soon be all right again.
Mr.James Duncan, of Varna, vis-
ited this village ' last week, bringing.
Mrs.. W. Duncan -home. He also paid
ca visit to:'w ngliam,, and was well
pleased the country around here.
We notice in thb•••'iist for the fall
show here, there is a prize for honey,
Had not Mr. Henry lost his bees, ho
would, 'no doubt; have stood .a. good
cliance.for a prize: • 'But those sweet•
lipped boys have spoiled him for that.
A young pian hailing from the
country, vi.sitetl.our village on :Thurs-
day right, ati rdisgusted •our citizens
with ' his profane :'and insulting lan-
guage, being as he was und& the in-
fiueneo of liquor. He was treated to a:
'cold bath, and' left next .morning. • A,
loc'lc-up 1s ;badly needed for, such nuis-
ances. ` - •
, Tnosc "nous " A(.IAIPY,. On.:sunday
evening last about :two dozen boys as-
sembled on the corner and amused
themselves by kicking 'e; watering can
around the streets. It is a great pity
such boys were tot brought to punish-
ment. This is the third.time we have re-
ferrezl-to this, and if it occurs -again ;we
will certainly publish nanies. .
We are are glad to learn that Miss Sarah
McDougall has recovered from her late
serious . illness, andis.now able; to be
Mr. Simon:. Vannorman pullet: 8
acres of Peas' in two days with the as-
sistance of two small boys. Who can
beat this Z• .
Mr. B. McLean. thrashed 475 bash -
els of Oats in 4z .hours with his ma-
chine. • Thin is very good'work, butte
can,do;,a great deal better...,
1VIr. W. Duncan purposes selling out.,
his stock, : and renting_ his store, He,
intends removing to Varna to live.
-This is .ti geed -opening for some, per-
son. . . . '
Mr. ; Jolin Lawlor, Inn/viten') of
Algoma,.: is at t present visiting big
friends here. He likes the place well,
`and inter ds going back again in a. few
> Wanted, 1,000 tubs of butter
for which 16 cents cask or 17 cents trade
Will t o paid. --Miss. S. Mo#tu.wY,
b .
H og
t -E �.
p7? .0•.
In FlyTraps, Apple Perot's, Barb Fence Wire, 'White Lead, Paints, Oils .and
Varnishes, Window Glass, Brass and Enamelled P"reserving. Kettles,
-,anti Granite Iron. Ware. We will open :up this week a fine
assortment of Lamps and .Lamp Goods, and at ex-
traordinary low prices. Call and see them.
This fall will, be the largest •and most complete ever shown inthe county of
Huron, comprising all the latest designs and improvements : in Cooking, .Hall,'
Parlor and Parlor Cook Stoves -i also: a full lineof Base Burner Cole Stoves, fit -
eluding the celebrated Radiant Home. Our prices and terms will be as favor-
able os any house in the trade, and we solicit a call from all intending purchasers.
Do not mistake • the place, Red Brick Store, sign of the Padlock, -Albert street, "
Clinton, Otit.