HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-09, Page 3HURON NOTES.. Mr. Wellington Oliver, one day last week, bound on lot 21, 3d con., West Wawanosh, 490 sheaves of oats in one hour, cut by the Imperial Harvester. — Mr, Robt. Grieve of Tuckersmith, lhas disposed of his farm to his father, Mr, Thomas Grieve, .of McKillop, for the sum of $5,520, and intends starting for Dakota in a few days, —Mr. B. Thompson of Hensah has purchased: from the Messrs, Pepper 13ro's their cider mill icor which he paid the sum. of $40 IIr. Thompson will no doubt, run the mill to its utmost capaci- ty. —Mrs. Mitchell has rented her farm •on the 6th concession Of Stanley to Mr; Augustus Luker, for the sum of $241 per annum, payable in advance, This 'farm .contains one hundred acres,. seventy of which are cleared and under cultivation. —The annual Celebration and games under the auspices of the Brussels Cal- edonian society, will be held in that village. on Friday, 10th of September. Over $400 will be offered in prizes, and most of: the bestathletes in .the proviuoe have promised to 'be present. —Mr. H, Voelker;• of the Brownson Line, Hay, 'has a peach tree which has ' glade the remarkable growth of seven feet in four months. The parent tree was killed by thesevere frosts of last win- — ter; ter,: and so was cut down last spring. Butas new tree began to sprout •up. from the roots about the first of May last, which is about one inch in ciian►-. titer at the base, and height above stated. —.A. serious accident happened near Winthrop on the 26th ult., which might !lave resulted in the death of Win. Nicholson and wife of the. 12th con., McKillop.' Mr. N. was driving a span of colts when they ran away :and threw •`then out of the buggy. A. Seaforth doctor was telegraphed .for, and -t' -when he arrived--he,foaalil that Mr. 11'(: had his collarbone broken and was other- wise seriously injured, while his wife bad .several ribs wrenched from her backbone, and was. lying at the hotel in a helpless conditioe. -On Monday of last week Mr. Edward Bradburn, of the. neighborhood .of Port Hope, casae to town on his way to visit his sister in Grey, Mrs. John Whitfield: Meeting with Mr. John Duke, a neighbor, of. Whitfield's, .who; was in Brussels with his team; .he took the advantage of getting a nide to'•his sister's. • •On reaching Calder's bridge, on the 12. concession, the horses rant :away, throwing both occupants out.. Mr. Bradburn,. was se badly hurt that Alii was carried. into 41r. English's,' a farm house at the bridge. Medical did • :was called in, but he died: early the next morning. • The deceased was a iteadv, industrioini ishan and unmarried. Mr. Duke the owner and the driver of the team escaped unhurt, It is report- ed that he wan the worse of liquor. The; deceased was buried on Wednesday. Co1,�:Biooded.11lurder,• • .A Y55U'vO MAY. *TABBED TO DEATH: BY ;WS tCOMPANION.' A'tterrible tragedy occurred at 'Pet= *where, oneday this week by which a • young;inaa named •'Larocque ,came to an.untiva:ely end.; Itaeeius that ..three yougg amen nsuied Larocque, Latour. . and. J aawan. had been carousing 'to- gether., and wereall more or less under ' the iufluerice•of• liquor. At a late hour they visited ra Mrs. Beruhes, at the south end of George street, • when ;La - fear and Laroeque were admitted, the other being shut •out. • On the reap- pearance of the two, a wrangle. ensued between 'Ilauuu. and.. Laroque, and ' when they reached tile' corner • of George and Charlotte -streets,, Haman suddenly pose his arms around the neck of Laroeue,,and with a sharp clasp ;knife nie. le a drive at 'leis • side, inflit tr ed an ugly gash, the force of •the blow being :turned aside, by' the rib. • At this Larocqute made •a desperate effort to escape from the• other, who tighten: fug his bold, repeated ; the blow' :with greater"force and murderous •and 'fiatal effect the knife penetrating the heart,. tle.4 blade breaking off short at tie handle. The vi tiro sank to the groand,. and the murderer, ''realizing what lie had done, made his escape. ' Lafour''at (ince raised, an (Jittery: and made after him. Messrs McI.7t.nald.and 11eNan1 • ara,who liappeneil to be hi this vicinity, • joined in the pursuit and succeeded.' ifr seizing him as• be was in .the af ct o : sealing an adjacent fence.. . The mu dt rer struggled desperately for fret. dont, and Iiituseit raised theory of: nui- der when he found liilr.self being : ove1- come. He was taken Jodie lock.:up and placed ina• constable's charge. Meanwhile the Victim,' after t few feeble groans, expired. Hifi body wt s fa':en to the lock.up.• rl'he prisoner was removed to the jail,, and, a ju y was em,pent lied on the following more - lug. Deceased is very favourably spoken .a£ 1>y 'those who knew him. •a N r n . a'. 1 3, zett•reopect is the .first step in all • refartuations, anti when your blood is. laden with impurities and you are suf- fering from biliousness: er.dyspepsia, , the first step • to a radical cure is to take Burdock Blood Bitters. Price $1.00, trial size 10 cents. The terrible disease, Canadian chol- era, is but little less fatal than real$ Asiastic cholera, and will require equally prompt treatment. Dr. Fow- ler's Extract of Wild : Strawberry will chore it as well aa all other forms' of bowel complaints of infants or adults if used in. proper tithe, - Many medicines check to. suddenly attacks of Bowel Complaints, induning dangerous inflammation, Dr, l'owler's. Extract of Wild Strawberry, cleanses strengthens andheals the diseased anti'. weakened nhucuous surface of the Stom- ach ant Bowels; and safely cures every orm of Summer Complaints, saw FOR SALE. • ALARGE Carriage and fflacl;smith shop on the Main Street, in the village of Blyth. There are two large shops, 402.0, emit two stories 1 a good dwelling and stable. This is tIjitiest opening In the purity nu ty for a carriage attufac ry and will be sold on reasonable teras; it not sold, soon will be rented.', Ad- dress, • C. HAMILTON, Blyth. Blyth, June 23, 1881. • • FOR SALE.' • Agood, one store and.a-half, frame, .house -.,6 rooms—well flushed, &c., with geed garden, well and pump, and all modern conveniences. • Lot No. 845, on Mary street, near the Great Western sta• tion, occupied at present by Mr. Wm. • David, Tho premises can be Inspected at any time. Terms Easy. A, I1. MANNING, Clinton 8th juts, 1881. Vender's Solicitor. rr OR SAE L. . for beam (new) wagon, 1 mill, die. . , I 12th and good', brick .I good orch• three of — prem• 0. a , y. .l T1IE undersigned offers the following articles sale; -1. set of double harness, 1 iron thist)e!cutter plough, 1 set of iron` barren's, manufactured by Miller Ss Tedford,, 1 lumber 1 hay rack, 1 pair ofbob•sloighs, one fanning whiffle treea,re d neck yoke, grind stone, forks, • . • ;III. W. COOK,• Clinton. Clinton,. Juno 2, 1881. . ,14-4,,, FARM FOR SALE OR TO BENT, IN TIIE Tr' OF • GODERICH. Ol.JOMPOSEI of Lot 36, llth con., and Lot 36, coin., containig 160 acres, 120 acres' cleared in a good state•of cultivation; the remainder is hatdwood bush. On the farm fsa commodious residence, frame bares, stables and sheds; two we11`s of never•failing water; also three acres' of and of selected fruit trees. The farm is'. situated miles troth the town of Clinton, the lwading arket the west. Title indesputiiblv,_.Intmediute . posession given. For turtlter particulars apply on the ides.tb • JOHN _DEMPSEY, or to • • .W. W,. FARItAN,: •• Clinton, P. 0oderich Township, Aug, 25, 1851, r ' FOR ;SALE. 1 gond eoh arden .l • con• Javid pros par.', , _ " ' IN TIE TOWN- ''OF WINGIL►lI. LOT No. 14 Sinter street, On the ion is a :frame residence, one alts a half stories high. Mining seven rooms; besides there is a roti l on the lot, with well, pump and other,ptodern t ententes. • The house is atpresent occupied by Grigg. •Will,be.Sold on roakonrible terms, as tit pniotorisgoing to the North•lt est For further tieultrs apply to. ' • ARTHURCANTELON, • Clinton. FARM, •FOR 'SALE. 4. aeras The two acre. , MITE North-oastpart of'Lot Ne 19, coif 13, Town. . ship of' Hallett, containing.50 acres 30 cleared 'nod, In a- good- state of cultivation. place is well fenced: The soil is first•ulass. It' is rifts from the village of. Blytn and'wiU he sold cheap. this: isa'rareehanceto purchase a tlrst•cfatss 50 farm. For tuft particulars apply to • • C. HAMILTON Auctioneer, Blyth.' Blyth, July 27, 1881. FARM .FOR ' SALE; .� acres ' gaud , of a , • 1. QOMPOSED'of W. I of lot No. 36, con., 4,.tow,nship, of 55181Yawanosh,'containing 100•acres; 50 :leered and clear .of stumps; in a fair state of cultivat• ion. The bush is good hardwood, There is a steam mill on the next lot. • There ft on the plasma searing. orchard, and three never • failing springs, ort dwelling and a franc ttaible. Will he solea cheap sn reasonable terms petvient, For full particulars, ;squire on the promises or tto • • .. :- C. HAMILTON, • • Auctioneer, Blyth. ,l?lyth,. July 7, Iii! FARM FOR .SALE; '1OMPOSFD of N. i of S. Lot loo. 37,. Concession 3, J .East wawanosh, 50 acres, 3$ acres cleared 'and in. good, state;' of cultivation, good rail fenced, good. baring orchard with choice •variety of fruit, a lag welling, two log stables and Small. frame barn, good 'ell and convenient to house, a living stream � •oum i ss the back of the place, the Neil .is black uns across sold with clay bottom, it is three•ntiles • from I31yth, nd convenient to school. This- is a flrst•elass place nd will.bo sold cheap. Apply to C. HAMILTON, Blyth.. Blyth, June IC, 1381. ' •IJTOWtERS'' EXTRACT '� F WI LC` Dei F 11 - of t«„ 'ortir .„ $TRAWBERRY Cures Qholera,Oholera Morbus, Dy- lentery, Crarn'ps, 'Colic, Sea Sick- less and Summer Complaint; also ;hoiera infant -um, and ail Com- paints peculliar to children teeth - ng„ and wilt be ,found equally ienefieial for adults or children. FOR.SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS, Ti. MIILBURN &-CO., " •Praprietoro, Tt0rontaa, SHORTHAND. A Full Course of Fonografy is published every year In the new monthly magazine; THE AMERICAN SHORTHAND WRITER and the Exorcises of alt subscribers corrected thro' the trail tree of charge. The only periodieai in the world from which: short- hand may bo learnt without a tutor. The Plan of In. structione is original and the Lessons compreheusiv. Those desiring to learn niay begin at any time, back. numbers to lesson 1 being supplied new subscribers, and exercises corrected whenever received. 8U55CRU'TfON; ONO Yr.la(Course of 12 Lessons,) - 81.60 511901.5. wanes, - 150. Antorlean Agency for Pitman's Shorthand books and Repartees Supply Deppo, Circulars sunt free on appll• cation. ItOWELL.& 11101{40:C, Vineland, N. J. LARDINE THE VERY BEST • MACHINE OIL IN THE WORLD, is manufactured by McColl Bros, t; Co.•, Toron to and for sale by all dealers. • Ask your merchant. for LARDINE' and , take no other. • . • This oil, :under the scveirost test and most active competition, was at the Toronto 'Industrial Exhlht• ion awarded the Highest Prizo;•also the Gold Medal at the Provincial Exhibition, Hamilton, and the high. est Award at the Dominion Exhibition, Ottawa- the Silver Modal. Fanners and all who. 180 Agricultural Machinery Will save money and machinery by using none but LRDINE, 8.Om.. Winston, Tindall & Gale, BANKERS, ALBERT STREET;' CLINTON, ONT. rennet- a general.ba,tking business. Money ad- anoed on Mortgages and Notes. of hand. Drains is• tied payable at par, et all the offices of the Merchants lank of Canada. New York exchange bought and old, Prompt.attention paid to Collections .through- out Canada and the United states, • ALE NOTES . BO UGEIT t close rates, and money advanced to farntention heir own .notes, for any length oftime to suit the orrowor. All marketable securities botaght and sold.• tankers in New York: Agents of the Merchant's • Bank of Canada, ' INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS 1. JOHNSTON, . J. P. TISDALL, T ,A, GALE, Strathroy. • Clinton Elora. J. PENTLAND TISDALL, Manager. • JOHNSTON, GALE.. & TISDALL, ]BAM'RERS, ELORA. • L. JOHNSTON, T.A..GALE, J P.,TISDALL, ". Strathr 3: Elora. Clinton. T A GALE, Managet, • Correspondents in Canada, .Tile Bank of Montreal lid all their agencies.. In New York, W. Watson tend . Lang, 59' and 61 Waif Street.., RANK'..M'ETCALF, B LYTH. . eater :in• ' Books. :Stationery, Clocks,' Watches, .Jewellery. Fancy Goods, Wall Paper, Children's Carrriages,• ' &6., &c. . . 0 'pectal Inducements for the Next 80 days, previous 'te stock taking, A'1ull line of the 'celebrated • ALTHA M W A;TQHES . at close prices for cash REPAIRING • Clocks..Watakes. Jewellery, and Sewing: Machine u dpceialty. . ALL. AMP GET P-1 ICES',: F. METCALF Blyth. TM/SiTRIWEN fres to inform his patrons and friends that li EMOVED --1115 ilor.a Establishment tottico teems 'or' L.Virenlee & Gracf'y's Furniture Store, T I_ re he will bo,iloasett io promptly attend: ti - any ra Lo may inn favorotS with. here. irHA eYOOU ; Steuensofi UNDERT4KER, am•scins to • AND bhA6Ra 15 Cantelo /s CROCERY ANO Provision Stora FiURNITURE, eMevell d1Firc. A Special Discount Sale FOR 30 DAYS.. "NEW FURNITURE- ARRIVING, . and movie expected --also, a Sue lot of new Collins, Shrolads, & Undertaking Goods. ' come, and see, in RACEY'S .OLD STAND lately occupied by Shepherd and Cooper, Albert Street, Clinton.. • IIIPL5IE11IT .■ f WARE -ROOMS. B. WEIR i. • PRO.I'RIEORR, Agent for J. ,.ELLIOTT &. SON'S cele- brated "McCortnack's Self-Binder,"'':head- •ow -Lark Mower and Reaper,". 0e. Triumph 'Reaper" .and "Warrior' Muwer ;" F. •T. • CRAIG'S as Strathroy Harvester" and '1 Hinnhnihlgbird Mower," ".New Canadian Thresher," with engine. All kinds of PLOUGHS anis other Iilhplelnenys. Consta>titlly . on REPAIRS' Island. Remember•the•placee .NEXT. DOOR SOUTH OF FAIR'S MILL. Clinton, May 13'81:. ` 93m; GREAT " Clearing Sale: I ' W Glass Setts from 400. to 51.00.. Celery Glassed.' I"ruit Biets, Keith Covers. French„ . Eureka, Ehrli,t, compact Butter Dishes and individual But - tors. Cabinet .Yapies. Goblets,' • Tumblers, .t c„ all very • CHEAP ta'clear out the • Stock. LAMPS complete, large size 380. each. •.4•Fttii dirsert- ment:of Groceries, fruits, &c. Coarse Moulins 't ib.' Tints Dfdck• eret, splendid. .e d BLYTH Salt works ad 0 psi bpi „:„ Z g, These Works are now in full .opera-' tion, and the undersigned aro enabled to of r any grade of &sit of Finest Quality for S'ale Tire npcessity,of Salt .for AGRICULTURAL PROPOSES Is now so fully established that every fa1'nier will neglect ,his own interest who fails to use ablaut five tons alitlu` ally. This Trade will receive our best attention.. • : . Cordwood,1. lul• Stave Delta 'and Basswood, delivered at the Weeks, for ,which 'Cask; will be paid. Grape Young & Sparring, D. Opposite Fair's MIL It pays me: to get my Groceries there;.•fife goods are socheap, and the quality is A NO, 1 / No old Goods all new and fresh l ' lar His' Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Prunes, Raisins, Currants,, Boneless: Codfish, Gold Flake and Fine Cut Chewing Tobaccos, cannot be excelled. -Some pew designs in Crockery and Glassware, Wooden Ware, and in fact everything you want. Farm Produce taken in exchange. D. C ANTELON. CLINTON, A Household Word ! THOS. CGOOPE.R'•S GROCERY` ITas become 'a Household Word as the BEST and CHEAPEST place fol Grocer,,es, .h'lour, Crockery, • Glassware, • rvc:, &Cc. -.V J in pints, quarts, and half•gallons. A SPECIALTY IN - 0 Cent Tea. ;,t 'Cash paid .for Eggs.. Farni. Pro . duce taken in eXcllange. •• THOS'.. COOPER; Corner Albert and. Battenbury Sts.,- CLINTON : ONT. • ard warc.. Eaue Trough •Conductor Pipe, •BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, MACHINE Harvest .IVI itts,, BRASS KETTLES, 5narneileci» Gis Best value ever offered. • PAINTS? S, WHITE : LEAD,,.. ;warranted genuine and LOW ; PRICES, Apple Parers, *Parer, 'Corer and Slicer combined, CANNOT GET OUT OF ORDER, Every Machine Warranted, deducednaro Prices Shelf»I ardyrare,,. MUM SUPPIIE' a specialty. Pbwitls l lock, of Ilnt.ozi, �utlta.;t;x: