HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-02, Page 8il Excuzwiox.GA excursion is spoken of to be next Tuesday from Goclericli. to Port Huron, and return, Jere 70. vents. Paoxtd—N'ortb Street Methodist .1abbatdi Suliool held their annual picnic last Tuesday in l3ingham's. Grove. :Dere were about thribor four hundred „hidden. children in atteTulance, anti all seemed to enjoy themtives,, although, t:tt+ day was very warm, the mercury showing 93 degrees in.the shade; • EARLY A i?iuu.-•-The roof of the old foundry caught fire on Tuesday.af- terrtoou front out of the ehiwney, and before it was making rapid progress, by the exertions of seine of the eon -a ployees was soon extinguished, If :the fire had.got any Headway, the foundry would certainly have.been eonsuured, as the largest part of it is frame and wat- er scarce. Nile. • FAR91 SOLD.—Mx. Isaac Ryan, Col- borne, 'has sold ,his farm to his brother, (GALLERY.—The photo gallery is non^ visitilig our village and is very well patreoixed, WATER ScARcn.—The water in wells and creeks is getting very scarce owing to the continued drought, NiexNi ss, — Miss Minnie Morris, Colborne, has been dangerously ill, but we are glad . to hear she is slowly re- covering. hoist: Dirn.—Mr: W. McKnight, 1st con., Ashfield, had ,a valuable horse died last week. .He con assign no reason for cause of death. PERsosArs.-Rev. L. 0. ,Rice has re- -turned hale and hearty After a visit of some weeks to St, Pail's, Minnesota; —Mr. Thomas Pentland;. sou of Mr. John, Pentland has left for .Manitoba. —.Miss Tice, from :Guelph, ' niece of Rev. L. 0. Rico is .on a. visit to friends here.—Mr. J. .Jackman is paying a visit to Algom. Stanley. • • The .council met on ' the' 27th inst., pursuant to adjournient. . All the mem- bers- present. Minutes of prevons meeting read and signed, • After care- fully estimating the 9expendituee• :for, next year, it vas moved by. Peter. Douglas, seconded by John McKinley, Le and is hereby instructed 'to .draft a 1,y•htw to raise off the rateableproperty. of this towngitipfor.the:ensuiiig: • year, the following' sums viz., for :county. purposes, $3574.54; for: township : pur- poses, 82019; which euin wit1 require a. rate of two snips _en the . ilpllar • for: county and one,aud one Half mills .on the dollar for township purposes. car- 'recd, Moved by John 'Torrance, sec. l,y Geo. Castle, 'that.the clerk draft a by-law to levy oft the.rateable property' of this township -for school, purposes, the respective sttms..asked , for, by the different school corporations. -c rlt� riet1. The said by=law were duly, read" and. signed.. Moved ;by .John Torrance; ai,Go. by Geo. Castle, that 'this council do. iimv-atl,journ to meet again on -the -firs% Saturday in November at ,one o'clock, p. tn,—carried. . ()TEo. STEWAnT,• •Clerk.: • Gorriie. • Misses Smith and T+'arrow ;oi Bl.uevale: have •been visiting friends during:the past week. • ,hiss Holman, who has been visiting friends here for the past few. weeks, re- turned to her home ,in Harriston, this eek. Robert McMichael left•here .en Mon•' Clay last for St. Catharines, for the pur- , pose of attending the Collegiate Insti- uite in that place.-• ,Misses Peffers and ,Allan, who have Leon spending a few -weeks with friends iii this ,place, returnees to their home iii (ilenalliu last week, . CttANrE IN BUSINEss.-,=Mr.. Wesley ,Tohnston is now carrying on the bakery 1 gusiuess in the stand lately ocoupled by; :Mr. Fred. ',Taggart, wile. has removed - to Detroit. . Mr. Jas, McGill, who left here for' 'Manitoba last April, returned a short time ago, and is so well pleased 'with • t he country, that he intends taking an• tither trip there next spring, 1loA'rrxc.—Quite a irtiizd er of our young people enjoyed a `:scpw.ride" on Tuesday, evening of last week. and had t- pleasant a time that they' repeated' the trip on Saturday evening last Miss .'Minnie nought who -has' been spending her vacation with her parents i r this place, returned to Cobout laze, e, tine week, and her sister, Miss An- nie, wl,o Tins also been home, returned to (7nMph to 'attend the High School bore. - PIr.xlr„—The English Chureb picnic .vl,irh was held in ,this place, on Thurs- tl.ty of last week,. was in every way .a grand success: A finer day• could not lin VP been Wished' for and a large mum=` l,or, including parties from N'ewhridge end Wroxetss,r tssetubled at the River" t(.lrove, where a ]pleasant afternoon was sent in various amusement p sand past imes, •and it was not until a late bour the picnicers: left the ground. Tu cersnultlir. Mr. Robt. Barber .of this •township" Who has been up in 1Ianitoba dor some time past returned home this week, He likes the countrv\and has taken up 320 acres of land. Spine of his sons in- tends removing up thha•o ere long. ,Godertelt 'lC.o.�w>trsIUj). man, from Colborno is to take pos- session of the Gallagher farm on the 7th con. Miss K, A. Cantelon,, has returned home after a 'mighty visit with her friends in Seaforth. Mrs, Connell and Cook of the 9th con„ have returned home from visiting friends in rS'eafortii. 111r, Thomas Cola, sold a horse last week, for $145. Tom is doing a lively business in " hots " flesh. ' The many friends of Mr. T. Walker, will be pleased to hear of his speedy, recovery from his late illness, Mr. George Miller of the 0th con., lost a valuable colt last week. It was found deadin the field. Cause un- known, 111r• George Elliott has been in. this neighborhood threshing with his steam power, and he is giving general satie-; faction. • Mr. 1). Welsh is leaving the Burnett estate ott',tlre 7th con,, and .Mr. George I3urnett is going to take possesssion of the sawn. . The cellar of Mr. D. Cook, 9th .con. was visited ono night last week by ,an animalpf the canine species, without satisfactdPSY results. 'Moral --keep your cellar doors secure. 111r. James Torrance, of the f th con.) whose wheat crop promised, in the spring, a yield of about 10 bushels per acre,wallnow probably exceed 30 bushels per acre. This is a good yield. • While 1lliss P, Smith was dipping water' out 'of a pond at Spring Creels' Mills,- slie over. balanced .and fell in. IIad 'it net been for tiinety aid she would have •been drowned, iElowever she is not much the Worse for the amid ent. We.un terstand. that the Episcopal uiiniste.rs of l3aytield, have just began a Series of revival services in Mr. Wat- sortis barn, on the 44 -con. ` The build-ing is fitted up in a commodious man- ner for the •. occasion, and ` being. ,in: a eentra1 position, is: pretty.'_ well filled' at the end of the 'first, week' of the meeting The ,.elergymen. seem 'en- thusiastic sir this., good"'work, and we hope.,and pray that the iugather'ing for Christmay be not few... The council met at Holniescr}1e-oir the 22nd nits, pursuant, to 'adjoin -n• anent. .Members all present: Minutes of last Meeting read''and-passed.: Mov: ed by John Beacom; seconded by Jos: Whitley, that two mills o_ n the .dollar be levied on all the real rateable •and personal property in th'e township for county purposes; also'a further sum., ot, one and one half Mills on the dollar for township... purposes, and that the aniount.requ,ired by the several school trustees be also levied, and a by=law' .drafted' for the same -carried" The clerk .read a letter from trustees of No 0, S,; S, . refusing' to receive Messrs Cox rind Edward . into., their section lli.oved by John Cox, seconded by Jos. Whitely, That e.21 be granted to No, 7 .volunteer, company, Porter's Hill, being 50c. for , each effective• volun- teer, for returning' arms and accoutre menta: into the arnionv.—.carried, file above motion resulted froin a. personal application. by Capt: McDonald who takes a lively interest in the corps. ,Letter'. from .F 'W. Johnstone, Esq,, asking a weeklyallonvance for. one John' "O'Grady, ilnd'igent, -formerly of. Gode- rielo township,. As the latter resides in,Goderich, the &emelt took no action tit the --.matter. Letter df advice front Messrs: Davidson '& Johnston,e- barristers, was read, .relating to the Side -line 3rcl and .4th con" A long dis- cussion, as usual, ensued, Moved by John Co; seconded ley Joseph : Whitley, that Mr. Bay be instructed to go to the side road between rd and 4th con. opposite lots 30and 31, and 'take all. the evidence he can get with regard, to the said side. -road, Moved in amend rent by. John 1 eaeoai, seconded . 'by Janws 'Peacock, ,that Mi•, Bay and Mr, Weatherall, surveyors, be Jot' to take -evidences upon .side -linin between' lots 30 and '31, hetween, 7th • Con, anti lake shore, and to ascertain if,thc .lite surveyis correct; the Reeve to be pies• ent to Pee evidence taken. --the Reeve 'declared the amendment •carried.:• Moved by John Cox, seconded by Jos. 'Whitley, that the account of Davidson ct Johnston for the letter of advice; -also.4fliV Reeve for going, to. Goderielr on township business he paid stmt, $7: Wm. Hartt was paid 020 for gravelling -.(in mill road near Goderich. The Coun- til adjourned to meet again 'ow tbp ist Monday in October. • AatIES PkrTONi Clerk;,, .WE ALL GO . TO ATS AND- F.OR OUR FURN1SHINC. GOODS. e most Complete Assortment .of , Necu York Novelties euer sheturt--ter-the-Oectrily; Every Fanner in Justice t®' himself soul , • see great 01 Fa mus . atter, Clinton. ColileorAAo.,, .. • Corn is in. good '.cooking condition. Seeding'• operations' are being rapidly pushed forward. .loots of all kinds,, potatoes.excepted wilbiiot yield an average trop this year. Su ar(Ap ber) cane is looking well, and Cberrydale Sugar Works have the promise of a 'good run. We believe "Outsider" has now re- turitecl to his business in 13enmiller, Wake up, :sir, and send in. ri, budget. We are always glad to hear from you, B13111. 3V7'iss Kerr, of Clinton, was visiting friends lit: this vicinity clurilig, •the. past week. • . . It is said that the matrimonial -fever is to strike our village ere long; and' carry offtenumber of our citizens. We:understand Mr. S. R. Stevens. has disposed .of liis,sadc'11ery business on Queen si;reet, to Mr. Jtilin Carter, who Was.formerly a,'resident of this place: Mr. Jas. Ilewitt,of tliis place,received a. telegram from Detroit, conveying the news of the sudden death -of his brother WIn Hewitt, a former resident of this place, :We have not yet learned the cause of his. death, as Mr. I{owitt started -off' immediately on reeei'pt of the'telegisttni 'The relatives of deceased in this place, have the heartfelt sym- pathy of'' the village and community, . • thtrl(ielr. - Mr. Thos. Nett has, it is rumored, re -rented' lot 12, con. 12, from Mr. Lear for the season of 1882. S,ouie fall wheat has been already sown and . is ; up.' From all .we•.,can learn nearly the same• acreage. as' last year will be.sown. . Messrs. Angusand'Alex; : Campbell left ori Monday on a prospecting tour ,through thea North-west. Tf pleased with the country, We believe it is their intention totake .up. hind. • , Considerable trouble, is being caused by the• scarcity; of water: Wells are. drying,up on every. side,, Ifrain'does not fall during the coining week it 'is feared that roots crops will be a partial: or total failure, , 1\h :W. Tamblyn shits• secured the 'right to,sell Burke's patent nsasher and wringer in the. townships of McICillop and,Tuckersutith. He has got a first- class machine and "being, l.a• good agent bave iia doubtf his success. • Poriter's li.til.:- . Mr. .Tames .:Elliott is leaving his large -,and commodious store—occupied by::-J.Bill—repaired, by takitlg down a. partition, thus .rendering the .sales- room niuoh.larger. As the fruit season has now arrived,- our . merchant is bus- -sly engaged in shipping them to 'Mon- treal, • • • Owing to the.suggestions made by. Inspector .Miller, and doubtless eetu- ated by their own good sense, our trust- ees, during the vacation,- had - the, school room enlarged, properly remodeled and tliafoughly cleansed, As the school-ro,Gm is tin placo•rvhere children spend the greater .part of tlreir youth, it should be, therefore, a model of clean- liness and tidiness, We are happy to see our children enjoying fresh air, and not .shot up in. an unventilated sohool- reeni, . WANTED.'. Ao0on aENt,ft4I, SE[tVANT« :.l.pply •'t: BOY' WANTED, /g, o Li.ARN P J tNG. Apply to E. D, CItA IiEtr- L LAIN, las•tl,.. WANTED. . A. 0001) S)LIRT BOY' WANTED- by the Int.of. September, to work in shop • .. JACKSON'S OLOTIf'G ,�.'I 110' . • • 01e Leaving Towa.. As the undersigned intends leaving, town in a short time,. . SPECIAL I3MEGAI'NS will be given in DRY coons; GROCERIES; BOOTS AND SEWER., &c., .Cc:, ke N- B-411 'parties indebtckl to" nor by book account will please call .and settle. MRS. 5w i nori.1LEY.