HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-02, Page 6CANADIAN NEWS.
Braeebridge will be required to- pay
a. rate of 2.1 Os. on [tae dollar this. year,'
Chas: W, Syuronds was killed at Arn-
prior, on Satgrday light, while; coup-
ling cars.
A young man named Green was
drowned near Harwood, Ont., on Sat-
urday, by the upse.hting of arrow boat.
A sailor named ,Iehn Riddell, front
Duckhorn, Out., dropped dead on the
street, at rort Uolboeee, on Saturday,.
A collision ..eetweelt,two; freigllt trains
took place at Parkhill, Saturday, where-
by an engine and, several, cars wer(r
wrecked on the Ce., T, I,l'., .
A Southwolcl farmer has a steer
.which is, sig' feet-in,•hei;ht, and if prop-
erly fattened would weigh 66004,bs,.
Its present weight is 2,4,go lbs..
Walter Etiibury, etiiployed et tire•
hematite iron mine in Medea, fell to..
the bottom of the shaft, a depth of oven•
100 feet, yesterday, and died' a few
hours afterwards:
A spark from a G. T. B. lepomotive'
set fire to a twelve -acre• field of: wheat
in shocks, belonging to, F. 5, Gifford,.
of C'obourg, and it was. entirely de-
st royed, •
The millers of St, Thomas report that
the Fultz variety of fall wheat is full
tIf smut this season, and caution farmers
against it sowing it . the coming fall.
']'hey say the defect is more marked
this year this before,
On Saturday night, Mr. J'obn Ken-
reedy and his son, while painting at tite
mill, Port Elgin,, fell' ott1'oni a scaffold
on to some cordwood.. The son' had
his leg broken, and Mr. 7i;,ennedy, sus-,
taiuecl some severe injuries.
A young man named liliUiaw Brown
was attending a large circular saw at
Baker's saw -mill, near Waterdown, on
Friday, and in some manner •stepped
too near the machinery,• when it caught
Itis boot, throwing him campletely over
t°ile saw, cutting his feet, and leg in a
frightful manner.
The loss by the burning of the•Geoag,-
ian Bay Company's sawmill at Wau-
14shene is estimated at $200,000.
Amount of ' insurance is riot statltrd;.
This was the, largest and most complete
of the half -dozer} mills owned' 'by tine
• Darius- Campilere-Snii•tlty -who:-.is ac
cused of being concerned in the abdnc.•
tion of plait' Rupert; of Glenbta!nie, .
.has been arrested and admitted. to,;bail.
He alleges that when he drove the:par,.
ties around he supposed they Were.inar-
ri.r'd, Evidence.in the cizse a'i1i not be
heard for a fortnight. •
Andrew ltoshorouglt, of Freclericton,
and a .Mr. Elliott; •of Stanley,,
drowned in the Noshwaak • river at.
Stanley. They had gone out in ai'scow'
with a third man natited Reed
hove sotne logs that bad .,jafitmed..
against the piers of a bridge in course
of construction, but the current, was -so
strong that the scow was ,carried over
a mill dant.. Reed ,juinped out and es-.
raped; the others perished. Rosborouh
leaves a wife and three children.' 'El- •
liott was Unmarried.
A man nanied.Patrick Walsh, crazed
with drink and j,3a,lousy of his. •wife,
trade several attempts to,set fire.to the
house on Monday. night last, a small
frame dwelling just outside. the '.pity
limits of Belleville,and, owned;'liv .the
wife. The flames were. on -eedit occas
casio„n discoved and, put out .by. Mrs.
Walsh and .the neighbors; but this,
morning Walsh drove his wife and,
family out of the building and set lire.
to it, when it . was burned .to 'tlie'
ground. The loss is about. $5O0; no in
surane. The,
incendiary. was arrested
and taken iefore'• the Police Court.
1011atic NisFortune
Among the passengers that boarded
the western.bonnd, train, last evening
was QuangLong,R'., • the washer
,nen of Seventh street. Seeing the re-
porter lie became clamorous for. a "pet...
s slut " which he wanted inserted in
this issue without any "dant fooleo.'•a .-
tt Going far,' Quang.?" asked the -re,
" Going Bente,,." was the sensations
rep] v.
t0 Not to (_O11in .4"
'rite repc, rter looked-fr,t- uaug's-tic-
ket a.nd saw it was good for wlyn 1+rail-
'isco and on to tate port of Shatlghal,
the ('..Iestiall rnpire. The. 'rstgat) and
the reporter sat down to exehaage f ire-
wells. in there conversation ,_Quang
stated that he .hail 1011(10 enough in(')t'o
10 Erie to sepl tort hint tyn(1:'Itis family
in affluence the remainder ?it TiiiCh'e.
11 e had been nonrly six years in Amer-
ica and had worke(l't),nat indtistiip.tsly
10 at•tein the competence with which'
v05 now retiring ffton1. busrvess.
`tewll sup in the liningrof palt,t,s
)' ItAll ;209,.it4,bi11 of,}$10Q;tl, iptni:
nations, This sum he, will pay into: tcikte
Chinese'Bank, at California, in which.
he has aleady quiet a respectable sum:
deposited, and will get a draft, for the
whole on a Olkipese " money house," as
he terms it, In a little pocket near the
concealed bills. be wares a sharp
pointed dagger, and behind him be car-
ries an arsenal of assorted firearms that
not only impede his locomotion but will
make it risky for those who share the
same car with him,
Iia says the fortune he bas made in
washing shirts will be as good as mil-
lions, and henceforth he will be a big
Dian a bossamong his fellows. In his
satchel lie had .quite a collection of sur
plus; nickle bronze and silver coins
which bad been ('shoved" on to hint
by unprincipled patrons bafare lie be-
came civilized by the a stent of know-
ing, good from bad money, '
"Going to give these to your child-
ren when you have them, 1 suppose?"
remarked the reporter. Quang shook
lisp head any], looked knowing.
61Me going to.pass'ent on Ohin,eotnan
in San Fangisislio just come over.," said
he. And then,; the reporter apologized
for calling him a pagan,°—Et,'itl Do -
�Intch'; •
remedy that has stood the test
of time is 1)r, Fowler's Extrart of Wild
Strawberry. Almost infallible. to cure
dysentery,- cholera morbus, and' all
manner of fluxes, cholic cramps, cholera
infautunr, and every form of summer
The terrible scourge anion; children
may be speedily cured by Pr, Fowler's
Extract of Wild Straw.herry. All
forms of bowel complaints;, nausea. ato.
vomlEi•�1g, frou;.t}n ordinary cliarr cca
the most severe attack of Canadian
chel;era, can be subdpea'by its prompt.
use., It. is the best remedy known for
children or adults suffering from -sum-
mer complaints.
Hu•Yon : Re:cord
will be sent to. any address in : Canada
or the United States .from now until
the'° end o the year for 40c,
(Trade atle ltegiaterecl. Mare,h,, lSS1
The only medium that arts sit t•_h_p .tune time,on: the
Liter, the Vowels and the Kidneys .'These Great
Organs,tire the natural cleansers of the system. ' if
they work well health will be perfott; if 'they' become
(Ammo dreadful disanes are sura to follow, with ter-
•tible suffering IfItioityness, lloimlaehe, Dyspepsia,
Constipation, ltidnei' Complaints; Rheumatic Pans,
and Aches•aredeveloped Iteetuse tits blood'is poisoned
with' the humors, that should have •been expelled
..natural. Paws ow'rnf t'.uml•tw'\ledicine is a positive •
cure fur the 'above. For sale by all ptfneipal drag
fists. Can be had.at J. 11. Combo and ltt Wattsa Co,'s
druggists, Clinton, and A, M ' Shueves, 110 l.atbtm t
Street, Louden, Ont., solt•istopristor. for 'the United
Stat t1rld. (i,uuota. Co:,('an Lc bad wliolesale at 1,ymitn .Urns.: it: . T.
t1ilborrt & (Jo., an11.Nortltrnp and Lydian, of Toronto;
also At'e)tdale tt'ilson iv Go., of Hamilton. Semple
paelmg`s,' 26 ants; Ureter ter 1 1. -
A I It s,:: sxOt.'.e WIIIctI I Di
;SEL LIIN";'r OFir -0,14.EAP
atdrom 20tts.,,to 2,5 rti4, mitt 40 ctsper
pair, torf}';itut, [,ids,;tnd picture.
H'eAL. 'S
A Mrs. J', G. Robertson writes "I
was suffering from: general debility,.
want of appetite, constipation, etc., so
that life was a burden ; after using
Burdock Blood Bitters I felt better
than for years. I cannot praise your
Bitters to much,
BroadfootA. Box,..
Qtur stock of Undertaking
Goods is very large and cont-
. plete. Any person requiring
anything in this line will find
it to their advantage to call
and see us, as we have just re-
- ceixed
e---ceived a large stock of
WALNUT 41,11i )
Also COFFINS, of every .c1es-
cription, from the best Ameri-
can and Canadian nanufactur-
ers,.also a stock of Robes and
Trimmings, which we are pre-
pared to furnish at half the
_price formerly charged for
. these Goods,
:NO, 27 B111GK BLOCK,
White Nountain
a bushel' of apples` in
Iron'and hardware Merchant,
•C�.I NTON.•
8a�luli'Eitroct of, V
.. 331:7 xxlap
Ono of the Bests
It iris specific in the euro of all diseases
of the Kidneys,Bladder, 'Prostatio,Por-
.tion of the Urinary Organs, Irritation of
the Nock of the Bladder, Burning odes,
Gleet, Gonor ea ht all its stages.tr'uu
eons Discharges, Congestion of •the T>itd-
net's, Brick Dust Deposit, Diabetes In-
tiammatioa of the Kidneys and'Bladder,
Dropsy. of Xidneys,',ACid Urine Bloopdy
Urine, Pain in the Region of the Bladder,
PAIN IN THE BACK, Urinary Calculus,
Renal Calculus, Renal Colic); Retention -
et Urine, Frequent Urination, Gravel in
all its forms. Inability to retain. the Wa-
ter, particularly in persons advanced ii
fife. IT ,S°A KIDNEY 1NVT.y'1'1G1i1TOIt
that restores the Urine' to ,its natural
color,removes the addend burning. and
the efect of ilio excessive udp of •futbsl•
eating drink. -
PRICE, $1; or, ,Ix Bottles for $5.
riftend for, Circular.' Sold by,all Druggists...
Agents for the U. a met Canada.
bold Uy •
. Cheinh,ts & Druggists, Clinton.
Two (None$0ist/L e,f 131,4.5W ,Iillinr., N Store, Victoria .
S((:ret, Cioiluui (int, .
o Braking.
Boot ��. S �. o
,fit RM,• H. B; i ACOMi
1j'i',1tesMin frn:1 tBt':inhabit ltuta or. C'lin-
1 ?' •'. •1 1. do
tou:uitt tltatl'ilJ,;(attlt lit r. Prep/trial it
illy kinds 0f
!Shoed 'd Repairing
(.'tt,tIte shortest lirs.il R notice, -
. 1
B3st,f'l;e .els' Kip or Calf Skin Boots;
: a-gp Order, $4 to •$4.5O
or Cel41ttttil,rye].:olkt'r-peiees.
Stle'. ,
l lstc�:of l,usil><ca5•—llotiln•�trai.
400 ,ttand.
Qiittton, llilril.;2O1lr, 1661,;,
Unlocks all the clogged. avenuesofdhe
Bti.els; Kidneys# and. Liver. carrying
O gradually without weakening the system,
all the impurities and foul humors of 'the
secretions ; at the same time Correcti
Acidity of the': Stomach, curing °
ppsness; Dyspepsia,Headaches,
mums,Heartburn, Constipation.
Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy,. Dim
BOSS of Vision,JaRl
undice, Salteum.
Eryai�i'ass,. S:crofula,_Fluttering._of
'the Heart, Nervousness -and General
Debilitye1;,'alt•these and many other simi-
lar Centel:tints
imi-lar.Complaints yield to the happy influence'
am le Bottles 10C a ar
iiize $1.
For sale by all dealers,
i . tr....ILBURN CO,u• l'roprsc fdrfI, Toroid$ .
Have removed. to,, their new store,
l r.
Narth of the r Old • Stand, Ot
Reil Brick Store, Sign of the PaIllock,
• iil•thiaTowil to get your .
Is at thy; Old O atcrloo House.
Keeps the worst Stock in ',L'cwni. Tiis prices are 1iigliei• thiln•
any other Grocer; he is very u'attentive to bis customers, and
makes himself generally disagreeable to every person that does.
patronize.him, and he don't want your trade -7 -Still, .10e 'keeps.
open tlay and night'.:",
"Dear me, how this world is gs'v'en to perversion, nearly EVERYBODY
BUYS Fl -t011. IiI1I',
There.111 l st be SomeM 'stake:Hera
for Hits Goods' are all New and Well Bought, and
• Don't You Forget It!"
Remember the 'pl'ace—
posits P
i � 1 -hers o Eo. u o,'
sur Choice Lies o f Boots a�n Shogs, rt' FJIeap.,.
lIeaty nrri•vals of Sugar,'bought before the lite advance. '
Heavy arrivals of General 'Grocer Ins,:
ILea'.y arrivals of Crockery Glassware,
Lrought.dii-ettt fittani the mautifaclurers, very lost:•
\Ve neither went to China 'or:Jnpanito pttnilitse our. T, but,diil the'nex't bt5t.^thing* .; we
bought direct. from bettyins porta:+:'.• Any old,wonia)1 in the cou'irtry Who lute. tried our
v 1
'1' will tell• yon itis' the best they cane buys .3ttst try on o1 thea always.
'l 'l: •1hr the sole:
5tvit,icix�•riea,•�:ttun, their si.ayott,:•bo supply any ottlt. �
& , +' S..
THOMPf..�cc O,�0 ...
it7l��L'iss*h �'''
Will make, for the next; '60 • days only, a Grand Offer of
PIA..., �' O AD �+I 1.1 GA:N-S o
SN950 Square''Gral'd:-Pian: for only ;245.:. • • '
0 r[ 1'(T (' 'El 0 3Inl' finished, gniacent rosewood. ease eiagantlnished, 3 Strings i 1.8 ()chives fall patn,•nt eantantt: ' •
'J L 1 J.1.1ii • e) t,grldtu' , our ism patCltt o10;atrntl; scale, beautiful isirv'ed legs and lyre heavy 'serpent • .
1110 and large fancy- moulding round 1.151, full iron Fume; Fr:mh Grand Action Grand 11mi mets, to fa.t etery
Improvement which can in tiny way told to the itMcetiou of the instruuient.hasbeen added .
stn slur"pricc fol;tlils instrutuentboxed nnd.uleliv(srcil oil board CON 31t lA O0•
New 7 ork,.with 11ae.Pim•to Cover, Stool and Visor,;,only •tP •' . .
This Piano will be sent en test trial. Pl'eas0 sopol•of'renee .11 1•on •do nob sent] ntoaay with order. (a h
sent WW1 artier will be rcffniled and freight C1i tt turpald by ns tot Nays if. Pi(tlp inlMt Iltit 7iS rt pl l 't`tt(! i
it this Adveitlsctlietat. 'i housando• 10 use.; Semi f`br:.Oata oglle. b.T.ory instrument fmlly tt arnitited for. 7l yoxrs., • • '
.1.65 to 100.(with Stool, Cour and Book). All strictly t'`Itst [lass to d• -
jFx + t t;' 801, at A'1 9081i10.tattort Pri.tur..11,108a Rune's 1'.aule 010* of the linens
• tlfkplays at the Centennial )y\hibitiett,, and. '.0010 (ulii.uilaou8lt ,:seem•
mended fire the lliniobI • llooutis, Tho Slpltues eentahi-our New l'atot.t '
Seale the•n'safest,tmpmweitimltii thuhittory.of, Piano makinv,, rife Uprights art the 1lntl,t it America.
1'insitivel , we 1mi:;,e the 11ne t Phdio+, ot'tho ritli,wt tone fold greateatdurabilit} They ale recunsiuended by
a t to high •st nmisiittf authorities in the country; Over 11,800• its 11x0, mid not 01111 dissatiodetl,pltiLlhlppl', A.1,
limit's er nrtrnns s,,,nt (111 1F:days' test ts•i•tl-frnur 1 freely' onoatitfartarg. Don't fail to writs', us before lit'.
i lg. P'oaltiwely re ole, the hest bargains, ('Irt,.lo„tto mailed free,.. ibtndsoiue' illustrated and Descriptive •
{Catitlogueofosi,,,vtsinidIetlter do.'stain), )'.very;Pitinofltllww,tr'rantedlfey 5,aeevs.. -_. ,•_.:.._-.-..
`,, �. a a , v Our `Parierflrand,1Obi-
i' .y.. h ; .3 lee Orgnny"'style 811, 1s
i• i, f `il
the 111terpt and streettst'
n •wcr
• . ,'.. � � a , ..• • . , � toned 1 tu' n 'c
- _ Jilcct.. It _..
eftered.thentteivi*) agile. 1t contains Five nasi es ViCe'sets Qf needs, tour I f 11 OLtave'-Barb, nbd GUO c f
Three (ethyl.(, Thirteen Stens with llrt(I,d (11.•.cil• 11't1Als011, 11c1i.'dia, viola, Flute; Celeitei. nutect, 1:0110,
ylelndln.•Fort4, t'elestina,'V'ioline, Flute•L'orte,'It•cui01 , Grand -Organ and tirtntil-Swell,' iti,t:ta•Stop4. 1lcigbt.
74in,;Length, 1.310,;•Whtih,'14in.;11•oigitt.,1,01•vl,genlb' Thoetsmisoftoadwalttut,.temrgreil with choice
(woods, a nt,ib of all entirely new and ltolntlistclkiig ', elaborately carved, With raised panels, music closet,
lamp standfret•worlt, tin , till cleir ntiv-thriAlocl,,; Po8818808 all the latest and best improvements, with
tower,. me 1th, brilliancy. 'rind sy nlpat11(tie aiudtlty of :tone. )teluitifnl solo effects turd perfect Bin a action.
1teguTarr, t;dlpr"lc-
c 8t. slur?Motto:ate•lief,rsa`hprtc0ttiTItt1•eTt`im.roilrreci7;with steel' airs;,wok,onl}91' .0'
011P crg,.,,sold sells alums'. rs. Poslti'Cly no titviatl-n hr price. No f)ttyinent required rinds you have filly tustei
the 0ny,,tir is your 114011 110nte, We 'edit all'erg.1.119 ail 1.T flat/R 1A;sl ?Agit raid pay freight broth whys if listrntueflt
is not as represented. 1,1103,' warranted My; 5 years. 'Outer styles -8 stop organ only *1(i,,, 40 ttnliv, 1171 11
stup84115, Ovorn:,evrtt said, unit every Organ has given the fullest satisfaction,' lllustratetue1reular uta'ltrf
Jree. Factar,c and 33areroonts, hit11 St. 0*111 10,th Ave. °
at. ogre°this'd prkr.. C'al 3 bg'.l8 of t0f111•etiM ip.piCCas s ori tar, l rent
' �' T S' sunup.''chis Catalagin1 I etudes 111,15.0;.k1;p, ,opuhtr musk of bho
1011 eolupositio;it'by the bast altthers.,, ildres's
• t.at'. and a4ar • 4nglety n t tis, -„
3 .i ti
N-PEI.SW.W.�Id. QRGARI CO,, L, w11,., Bo... Now4Y.firlt,.0 t,1.