HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-02, Page 5Direct ..ImportaEions per State Line Steamship from Glasgow, via dew York, -to JOHN: Ii.ODGIN Ex Steamship State of Indiana, 4 Bales and 2 Case general bry .Goods, opening this week. Ex Steamship State of Pennsylvania, a Cases now in transit, will opeu next week. From Montreal, autt opening this week, 5 Cases. and G' Bales general bry Goods, also 10 Rolls Floor Oil Cloth, and 4 Bales Carpets, to open this week. Prean Toronto, 9 Cases ani 1'Bale"genera'ry .Goods, toopen this week. RT People of .Huron. County. We are this fall ready to show one ofr,the most°varied and • • Extensiv& Sto�k of •Drg...4'000s ever brouht,to the place. SOME LINES .OF DRESS GOODS, " FANCY GOODS AND SHAWLS are unusually attractive and beautiful, and will be sold at.priees.that cannot be beaten. by anyone. New'Plush Ribbens,'oiiibre sit rides. .New'Sash 1l-ibbous;..onibre shades. ,ern Zepluy Opera Wool Squares, in cardinal, light .Wee and wliite,:from. 20e. up. 1 ew• colored. Silk Plusli Fringes, 'oalbr..e shades, .lovely pods. New 131aeic-Silk Ptin,o,es. • New Colored Cashmeres, in all shades and pries,.. New D1acic Cashmeres, all prices. New.Winceys and'Prints , 1 ovely rich Sills; Chinell Girdles, in Seal Brown, . Mid. Brown, • Bronze, M'yrtle, Navy,.riniline; Gr•ena, Maroon, White; Slate,' and four qualities in,Blaei . New,'Novelties:in every department, anct selling. very eliealp,.at - THE GREAT DRY. • GOODS' -HONE Q -CUNT°; JOHN HIODGINS. '. I -HIGHEST' AWARD At the Centeinilal Exhibition: l The United States .Centennial Coiiiutlssion have, upon. the recommendation of the Judges of Group, No. XXV., have unaliimously.awarcled to SOHME•R' &•. Jo -mattu£acturers of Grand,, Square and 'Upright. Piano.Fortes, FIRST MEDAL OF ;11A..'ERiT:`and• DIPLOMA OF: HONORiy for the B sential Qualitiesof a Perfect Piano-iiorte,. viz :—Voiuwei Purity, and - Evenness of Tone, Elasticity of Touch, and Superiority of .Workmanship.7, ' . (Signed) „ A. T. GOSHORN, '. •L CAMPJ3ELI, 3. R HAWLEY, Director -General. Si crI tai y. • President. oherty Gibbi t3ave secnred...tlle•Agency of the above for Ontario,. and' will keep constantly o1: hand a FULL STOCK. In a word the SOHM]ER PIANO is'made to'stand, not uierelyas'an orne Mental piece of Furniture, but as a Musical Instrument ; mit for a day or a year only, but for a lifetime* It is honestly, made, so that continuous and severe use will not impair its. fine qualities of Tone and Aetion,'and'owing :to its atm and substantial case work, it will remain longer in tune than any other piano,' and endure as a faithful means,- the harmonious interpretations of the beautiful in music.CS' We will guarantee siitisfaetion in every respect. , N. B, ---The Company gives with . each Piano a Warranty, .to be a PERFECT INSTRUMENT IN EVERY RESPECT, made .of the Best.. Sea- . coned Material, and hold themselves .responsiblefor..the term of 6 Years. Secon tHand Pianos and Organs taken in Thchaige. DOHETY GIEBINOS CLINTON., Morris* I1r, Jas.. Armstrong and .Arabella A rtastrong -are slowly iecoveribir from their long anittserious illness. Most of the -wells in thio vicinity have dried up.and" .farriers are obliged to drive their live stock to the Maitland river. 'rnrtiL4r.--Mr. McGregor, a friend of Mr, Chas. Proctor, of the 4th con., has latety come out from England. He likes the country well, and is about to purchase one of our best farms. Groes.—The £allwbeat in this neigh- borhood is yielding much better than was, at first anti: ipated; the spring wheat in some places' is very poor,'• be- ing struck with the black' rust, while in other places, it is a fair price. Dungannon. Mr. Saunby of this place is running bis own flout mill not having a miller. Here is a. position for some cue. FIRES.—The Township of Ashfield is getting a pile of its timbers consumed and doing considerable damage. In some cases fences and the harvest has been destroyed, CoNvE1rr.—Tho I ucknow Methodist church choir gave a concert in the Orange Hall in this place, on Wednes- day the last day of August:,. Price of admission being 15 cents, REPAIRS.—MM.1r. Crawford has made a great deal of improvements, in his shop in tho shape: of getting new coun- ters in and boarding over the. eeilini 'instead of as before having it plastered. PSnsoNAi,—.Mr. Needleton, • tailor of London, has conte to. Dungannon to be employed in liis busirress, with Mr. Finlay, tailor of this plane, so you see, if there is no work for carpenters there is for tailors: ' G1tnCr•.1iv Slop:;. -,-Mr, Brown Mal - lough, of this' village ia about opeiiung out a grocery store. We bespeak for him a share of tho patronage, feeling satisfied that all those Who give him a call will not Tregrot. it,., BASE I a.ta,,—Thc boys of Lue now arrived in . Dungannon,. on - Suturday. last far to play, the•T3aso Ball, club. of Dung:ynnon a match." They diel so and bad the small honor of b sting tile• Dtrngannotiy . boys by two.. ruts.. The score- .being t . to 26, pintail boys'are also (:onnng•'ip'on Saturday 'lige :`aril day of".Septefnber to play a game with the boys. Lnrz.— lir. ;Toiopli Smith, carper - 'ter, of this place, left for Chicago,nct' being: able to stet work at his 'enplo� - ment. Word hits coins tarok, that 'be has not only succeeded iii getting work at his, trade, but best of all getting ,•$2,75- per day. This is good ,encour-; gement for clues to follow suit. Mr. Stewart of this place also. left -with; the ,intention, to go up the Lake to. look for work for.anothet• carpenter of the village. • This looks as ifbuild- ing was at a stand -still here. , �3'rl.sos. —In Lower Winghani; on the 28th` alt.; the 'wife of Mr. Peter .Wilson, • of a:daughter. ,MEATUS: MAnsum,1.:- In Lower Ziinrrliam; on 'the 26th,ult., Willie., ann.of gr. W. G. Mar-. Shan, aged 6 years; 5 months, 11: clays.' roRn.—ln:- Goderici1 Township, ' on the :27th Ult., Jenni-,'daughter of Mr. Thos. aged 23 years, %vlonths• and 21 days. " CANTEL(Y.—In Clinton, on the 26th.ult.,. •Earliev: C:tiiteloii, son of Mrs, _P. Cantel - aged 5' years and 9 months. CLINTON MARKETS..• (Corrected every. Thursday afternoon.) Wheat, fall'Iier bush., - •'81 27 to 1 30 Red, 115 to 1.18 Spring, Redehaff, . 1 27 to . 1 2s. 1 15 to 1 18 0 35. to: 0 35 •e - 065 to 070 'Peas, - • - _0 05 to 0 70. ricer, - 000 to '6 80 OLatoes, 0 25.' to ' 0 25 Bettor, • • - - 0 15. 'to 0 17 l%gGs, - -• 013 to 014 11»-,• 10 00 to 12 00•". iTldes,. 6 50 to 6 00 Sheepskins •;0 75 . to 125. Beef, - 6 00 . to 7 60 WPhool, nothy,• • 0 22 to 0 24 2 75 • to 3 00 • • life, • :Oats,, 8 . Barley, - x .. Mill Shows. lith tvntcnnosh, at Ilelgravo, Oct000r 11: Ilay r glAo8lety, at Znrich,' sept.. 20 and 2Q.• Morris Branch Agl. Society, Blyth, Oct. 12 and 13. South I;Iuron Agl. Society, at E,totor, Oct 3 and 4. - Tutntboriy Ag1,.Society,.ta`SViti;hili: 3opt 22 and 23 Tuckersn ith Ag]. Society); a'r8etttortli; Sept. 15 and l0i• tuliett Branch Ac]. Society et Clinton, Supt.. 20 and 21,, ' • - 11'est lturo,I A;1• Societyat °WWotsoh, oh. Sept 14 and 15. - - SEE REIM If you 'Want a GO Pair of Kip.Boots GO TO FARLAND'S. 4 ,'Good Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed.t• GEO. AtARLANti. AUGU Bordered Prints, R,egatta,. Prints, Black and. Colored Muslins, Shirtings, Ducks, Cottonades, White and Gray Cottons, Cotton Yarn, and Carpet Warps. 0 NOTICE. We will. always 'pay the Highest Market Price for BUTTER AND ECGC " EITI'EI TN CASH 0 TRAM. REMOVEDI The -subscriber begs to inform the•, Public that he has removed to MR. SPOO E 'S. NUM , next the. Market... Having settled with the Insur- ance -Companies 011 a most satis- factory basis, he begs to intimate that he .has. decided to clear out all his.-o1d' tot , at Greatly RED CED RATES=-- 2orne at HALF, and some. at LESS THAN ORIGINAL COST, the -whole to be'cleared out in the course of Two Months. Hats and.,• Caps at Hal 3Price. GROCERIES at Greatly Reduced :Rates A.'cal solicited. WM. COATS 1 , 7. 7. C • . FOR THS; ;MONT I .OF • AUGUST, 'REVIOUSTO PROCEc,DINC.IIITH REBUILDING PRAIA and extension of premises, WILL coo: iN' ALL )41S' 1''. GOObS,,: •e in order ftv make room for'theralterations and extensiotr.of remises,`'. R ONE: MONTH � ant• for WA ' T.��F� S P":t�'1�I'�TT �3°i�.T'T• Alllett-Street.,ClihTh '.