HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-02, Page 4:1.,1rJc.
Vii. 2, 13.s1,.
iS a `fact`wlilch is alwaye' agreed'
to, that man. in public positions i1iould
not work for the benefit .of one party
but for the benefit of "the public at
las i'e. Tbat this rule will apply in
muni 1pal; afiaiirs, which are certainly
public affair o one will dispute, and
it is. to men in , „ positions , which
r lie ,,intend referi'iG 14 these columns.
4vibt 7` worthsiago, or about the time
;eve eskablislied this, journal in this
place,. ` we thought it .out duty as well
ae an advantage- to our su hers, to
have the.minuies of tIe,;C, "}ls of the
cjilFer..ent inunioipslities surrotlriding us
puolisiied in our.coluumnet W'o there,
fere took the trouble: of wi+j�tii g to. the
clerks of. the differentmuni,cipalities,
Where ourpapo0ttitply extent circul-
:,ted, for the est 'Q.E Iiaviug the min-
utes of the guide , t'to us, offering
inducements, ieiiiielepesi' paper.and, a
?opy of our. paper fft'eee ':All of these
.vespondediexcept,the (:leek of Hallett.
• We • took it for granted at that time,
that •tife- matter. had been- probably
overlooked, bat seeing• him in town we
asked hinl,..the reason of his failing to•.
• send us the minutes. " (ala i" he said,
`tI•haven't time and can't • take the.
trouble, you may copy theni "from.. the.
;• New Era ' or the'.F.14o tor." We re-
plied that• this: woald make them a
week: later, in our paper, but this had
: effect, and we' were given to.under
i# d that we would not:get them
to swine: Now ,we Must inform the
k' and"the public generally, that we
a large number of readers: in Hul-
w lith never;_see. the "New Eva"
ositvr, ",tee Hier, and who
1 entitled to known,' the
e(of tel fik g lcil as the 'readers
e two -papers ••.The ,.Clerk ;o£.
crick T1.,- and Who has..as . much
work as the Clerk of Flullett, supplies
the minutes, to -five papers . and only
gets a salary of one hundred dollat's
while, the man who has the salary.off
'$150 (so we are informed) cannot.send.
the minutes to at least one Conservative
paper because " it,is too.inuch trouble.
Why have not.the Oonservative .rate
payees of Hallett• as-� much right 'to
know the affairs of, tb,eir townsliip.as
�wellas the Reformer., Simply because
31r, Braitliwete,•the Clerk does not see
fit' to do. S0 011 account of his reform
proclivities . Mr. Braithwaite is' paid
with the•people's money and if he does'
not. see .fit: to• give theta;their• rights,
t;ie wili.•ask,.the-Counciil:to appointee
clerk that will.• • We have beein, repeat-
edly asked why we da net publish: 'these -
minutes and have given this reply,' aid
we hope Pier readers will be ''satisfied:
with, this explanation:-' Furthermore,
we can assure the :gentlemangn Teas-
tion,. that we do not Wend to let the
matter drop 'until we hailer aur' rights,
no ,matter what :time it takes us.
Ebzz'a r�r N.Oz' s
WHitn at Goderioh...the• other. day,
Sir Hector Lengevin remarked that,
probably. one of the -reasons th.e• people.
of Godeerich� had applied for improve-
ments in the harbor, was that the gov-
ernment would ,have a surplus.ofethree
and a half millientethis year.: •
TRE. President's condition has been
the subject of much anxiety the past
week. On Saturday • his coudition.was
alarming, but he had a ,change for the
better>age,iti, has since held held his own
remarkably well. Up to. the time 'of
going to:,ress,,he seems to be`improv-
ing and our hopes axe that he'allay so
continue. e
THERE is one riding i n this county
which should' all into line at the next
general election, and it only requires
thorough organization to .accomplish
this.-- i ew Aa, 1�'either : the orgs,n-
-ization, nor, a few t'Jitihiis" to 'acme
down handsomely" is ging to make it
fall into line. .• 7'lie stonevwi11 prehahly
he the reverse allareund •
Ti' le.k!litd; of pposition, jeteatiala to
.{1�y1,j;�e(p��i„,•thi�ettilo{�vetui[rieet{ up tortl>'- Mark ;
^Itautittboorkationalirolicy. If; a. lea&
pencil is imported frrom, the States, the.
Op,positiou precs at once' point to the'
Government aa recreant to the election
promises. It same particular kinds :of
'printing is done babe United States by
flee Railway Department the A inister
of Railways ia3 "brought up. with a
roped turn" at once.. And? so on all
throng& Oen Opposition friends are
doings. good work in thus fastening the
N. R. into. the .affections of the people
rifeettiag it in,»one may nay.
Wrrm heart put into the country \Ib�y
the salutary influences of the national
Policy, all, branches of industry partake
of the stimulus and all parts . of the
country e i . the benefit. In Nova
Scotia on the Atlantic to the east, and
its.western counterpart, British Colunt-
diia;, on the Pacific, a mining "boon!.”
considerable volume is reported, More
mel.`are engaged in the gold fields of
East Halifax than for many years past..
The gold map of that region is dotted
all over with gold nines that have an
actual, as well as a map, existence.
Recent exchanges from British Colum-
bia state that large sums of money are'
being; expended in gold mtniug opera-
tions, with every prospect of good suc-
belongingrto hems ile'sfated that be 1 ir^-t
!vas a brakesnin a and would be at
home very little himself but that his .,..�.
mother acid sisters would occupy the
place. On these representations the
desired • bargaitl was struck $5 being
paid to secure the premises, It now,
turns out that our• quandom friend is'
no brakesrnan and his mother and sis-
ters all a myth, but that the whole
gang is a band of prostitutes• hailing.
from Settforth, The owner of the pro-
perty is indignant but cannot see any
way of bettering matters.
Poem/ans.—Mr. Chas li.isdon, who
for the past three weeks has been visi-
ting his friends in around Winghani,.
returned to Detroitto resume hie
duties in the Western Union Telegraph
Ofilce, Charlie is aspushing little fel-
low and is sure to.succeecl wherever he•
goes.—Mr. Chas Ansley jr.,who for
the past three years has been a resident
of Algoma is in town calling on his old
friends, Judging frons the appearance•
we should say that the air of our nor-
ther;i district agreed with liitlt,- lllr..
,Levi Stocton who for upwards of a
year past has been employed, in Mr.
Daviclsotes tailor shop on Main St.,.
leaves tits week for Portage La Prair-
ie, there . to start for himself:. We
wish hits every success, •
SUDDEN Dea'ru Little• Willie loins-
shall son of Mr. W. G•., Marshe:l
Lower Winghamy is, now nrmbere
with those who have passed over th
temporal Rubicon and launched ups
the -great tide of futurity. On 'Blur
day last • be was at school as was h
*ant; full of life and spirits, euga ie
in him boyish position with more tha
Lolidesboro and Gunton played their ordinary zest. At the •after. Toon . rc
third game oil Monday last, the former . cess he remained inside complaining o
coating out victor ions Voile T nn and a headache, on which plea he: was ,tol
three wickets. . Tile :1 ondesbaro team • to run away home and get a sleep ala
bad the services of 11Lr.: H, Cameron, of come hack 11. the morning all rink
the Seaforth c1nbe: who. bowled and Mrs. Mar•shali'at once put' him to bo
hatted ' in sp.ertclid fon .Our house' and about dusk sent for the doctor, bu
team •played 'minis McTt t art, For- it was too•'late, about live o'cloc1 ui tli
ester, Ransford and Maiming and thus morning lie was a coir se. . Ho 'w a
nyade' considerable dithlrence, 'nitlinugh I seized with eoilvulsions•froul. which li
it was partly made up by Mr. J, Ifow ,.failed to'recovei••
son who was playing for the fib ct.' tilde •
in two years, ]lis howling !vas splen- AcctnrwTan ] newarxce --xt is ea
in to o bad the •gr bon
not been n so• ulelancholy'teak this n eek to cltronicl
lively lie Wcad l.liave made a line' aver- the death; by accidental drownieg o
age• Ili the•first intiliags ho siieceadecl ogle of our enos•t'promieing'- gird high]
ill tad ills. th first vkets With tli i e e balls respected townsnieli It appears • that
which is called the hat trick, and which all•SusdaJ .afternoon zilioiut.,sis o'clotI
en.titlee hint to to new gat from the! Messrs Jos. Beckett, • :glassy ,
club. • Foie Lends sUoro `the largest .ancl nilotIiel..=.young man na,m d lied et
scores were'izuleron 12 and 15 New -
relation '.to the deceased, \yep
ton !•arid 34,, nerd •Au1.es (l and 1.1,=. in 'fol• a bathe; in the north b; anch o
For Clinton, , and lvn 13;and .1., lleit- . the'.Maitlajlcl about e, ntilefrom thetown
nis 3 niid 'i3,'I-Iarlated 0 •atid l6, eti What itiforevitiou• wenn glean. 'is o
Master Laskey Kennelly • 13 ••null rig. the meat meagre ilesc:riptioe, Some o
were:. the largest • conlli!iu•orR. . The;the parties' it appears cotAld. swim well
totadscores Were, Clinton 48 and '63;
and thoa„ditl,•isiy they ventured into
Lh id"esbere• 43 and•69 for i wickets•,the hod. of the river where; the• wa.EPr is
between teu:'anti''14:..feet deep:,` The
deceased was noticed t& be struggliri
* the 'water and finally. Went, down'
'without: the ethers! being able' to ren
'der • the slightest; assistance; The..
others •eatne down' towli;:.secured.:as-
sistance and; hastened back. to 'recover .
the: body 'Mr Thee, Coreyn jr;"by
diving' bro.ilght the body to thesurface,'
• wh.ere-he .Was "relieved • of..Inc burden
by .parties iri the boats. Tile deceased'
was for some etinie employed ip 111 r.:
Holmes' bla'cl.smit:h shop where .he
won the. good opinion. of .all, tvltli.,vhout.
'he 'came. in. contact by• Iiis.unifortu,
cotertesy. and 'genial .disposition.: His
.friends .who live in .the 1leigbborhoocl
of I�ititail have•the profound'synipa'tliy'
of he entire community in this: their
hour sof affietion.
At.the open lodge held in Ritchie's
Halli:in connection with Eecelsior'Dt�-
islon: Gbod Templars a good time was
Rev: Mr• • Campbell, Missionary
.agent of`' tee Diocese of Huron will
preach in aid of the Algoma Missions
on Sunday next', both morning and
evening in St. k'a1i1's Chuech,
Quite a number=of' ,oure townspeople
availed themselves of the: cheap fares,
to"attend the railway picnic on Speer
day last- at .Palmerstot. Some unite
in saying that they- had a good time
while others espouse the opposite cause•'•
Position is everything l
The garden party in M. B. Wilson'si,
grounds in connection with. the Ladies
Aid • Society St. Paul's :Church on
Thursday of last !week was a grand
success. The grounds were brilliantly
'lighted and choice selections • of both
vocal and instrumental music were.
rendered,f during the evening. ' We 'u.n-
''der.stand. time somewhat over $60. was
1ealized`'a1. eve expenses, •
The flremen:turned out on. Tuesday
evening last .and merit -titled .Part of
Main Street,,. thus 'conferring a .great
Boon on .residents along that street..
We understand the mill-owlers. protest
against the water being token out of
the dam for any but lire purposes dur-.I
itig. the dry season. . We referred to
'this -contingency: when the waterwas
breathed in the spring and it turns out.
as we'anticipated, ,
eteorts,- rlo-day (Friday)• we have
tlie:• oppontultity of• - witiieicsiog the
rattler. novel, feature of seeing one mail
pitted against two at a match;, game of:
quoits. Mr. Chas Walkinehawe the
champion of the Dominion, plays.on the
Maize Street rink ,Messrs. W. Trelea-
ven and (,l•ieenwall, et Lucke -ow, inthe
fashion above 'mentioned. 'J his is a:
big odds Lute, still our townspeople are
inclined to.pin their faith to Charlie.
11Zr.: TAhn'Evans also plays shortly
a game with M, (reenwail.atid Charlie
sometime about the middle of Septeme.
ber plays Geo. Treleaven giving him
10 points on a garlic of 61.. .The games
are each far $50,0, side,
aetec•day lasts, week nx respectably
dressed young plan called.nn one of our•.
citii lib.desiiring�to:rcnt,a .vacantIpuse,
I3l nevale
Mr. Isaac Fern's new barn is com-
Mr. T. 'Reid takes charge,_ of S. S.
No. 8, for the•remaiirder of the year.
There is some talk of a butterfact-
ory being started in this place next: sea=
r• .Jonathan . Jewett . and. Miss ;
Ila�h, of Morris, 'entered the world of
Matrimonial felicity this week,
1VIr: J..H. Driest leaves his scliool in
11i'orriseen that Vet of Oetebor.to attend.
Collingwool Colibgiatc••lilstitute.
The• I'rimitvo` Methodists of Eb-
enezer Appointment, 2, cI-line, Morris,'
hold' their anniversary on Sept. 'OM
11Ir..'Eosryan'q ne-w. residence, incl'
line, and :also Mr, • Joel. .Seliars' aro
.finished and 'present •a. fitie appearance.
Mr. Titritnins, of ]3luevale, had his.
store entered last -week, and all hie jew
;ellry, .loose money and several snits of
clothes stolen.. • -
Q'ii �en Aviaty.
We can 'not help noticing the liberal
niado toell invalidsand suft'eeers by Dr..
Ding's Nev diecovoiy for consumption;
You are •regicisted to call at J. If.
Conthe' e•Drug store, and get ,a trial
bottle faee of cost, if you are sulli:rine
with Pell sumptioli, Severe Coughs, Colds
:Asthma;. Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Lose
•of 'Voice; Hoarseness, or any affection
of the Throat and .Lungs, . It .WilL.poa.
its .ety_curo•.you...
CamlPaig u.
Ire are fir active Preparation for it.
WWe are daily opening up case after case of NEW GOODS,
The whore house'is assuming a new and healthy appearance,
well cleared out It is, well known that
e will not carry over 91d Stock,
and the appearance of our summer stuff to -day warrants anyone in
coming,to that conclusion, - ".
Leaves for Montreal early next 'week, and we have no l,casitation, ii••liatever,
saying that whets our sleeksProm all sources is ei>llectid'togetlter,
• ive.ti ill be its position to place the
zsplay of Drycod
ever exhibited in the: "Tub.'?
I am now offering tlie balance of 'my summer clothing at
G R .o� U C TIO N ,
Canadian Tweed
Serge. '
Snits from410-up.
14 up.
1 5 up.
15'. up.
" ::., 1,g up ,:.
Ready-xnade Clothing'
• is very large and is ail Par own manufacture. We have 156 vests
(our own make) which are. worth from $2 to'S3 eagl,, .and are sel,.
• ` . ' lingthem off at $1 each which is long below costs • •
TIio ' NOtod'•.'' Cit thicr. .