HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-09-02, Page 3RGG NOTES., ---fir. Fred. Rogers, Barrister, of Wingliaw, has opened up at law office, in Brussels. —Mr. Jas. Symington has purchased the ()owns property in. - the village of Maurbester for the sum of $704. —Mr, Thos. Skelton, of Morris, hie. rented bis farm lot 17, on kith'awt 0th concessions of Morris, containing 200 acres, to Mr. John Skelton of Mor- ris. —Mr. John Broadfoot, of ' Morris, has rented his farum, lot 27 concession 6 .'Morris, 100, acres, to. Mr. Samuel Walker, of Morris, for a term of five years. Mr, Walker now .farms 350 acres. —The ,farm owned by Mr. Samuel ltathwell, lot £r, 1.Zth. concession.,, Grey, was soli) lately to7Iessrs. John and Alex. l3uchanan for the sunt of $3,800. The situation ie good and the soil of excellent quality. —()Lie day lately, It r, Join Gall - Mall thrashed on the farin, of Mr, John Sohnell, on the 14th concession, Hay, 340 bushels in the short 'time of four hours, the work being well done and the wheat cleaned fit for the mark- et. —The West siding of Huron . fall tahow, which takes Place in Goderich,' has been. postponed until Wednesday and 'rh.ursday, 5th and 6th of October, Eo as not to conflict with the Toronto ludustrial Exhibition, • • —Three young men, Messrs. John f `onlmou, Jr., James Simpson, and; tlichard 1\ felony, bound on the farm of. Mr. Thos. Simpson,. McKillop a short while since,.256 shocks of oats in the space of a little less than three hours. and a half. ' • --Mr.11.•Gibbons, of Winthrop; has. leased Ilia hotel, to Mr.' Cokley; who basa brother residing .:in lHullett. Mr. Cokley has only been here a few weeks, but has in this time won the es- teem of the whole neighborhood,: and his reputation as a good landlord is already established, and •he deserves• to meet with success • • Clow to Take Care of'Harness' A. harness that has been on, a'horse•s 'leek several hours iii hot•or rainy xvea-• ther becomes. wet ;. if not- properly- eleawed--thrrIa'rlmge7ta—they leatiipHs irreparable. If, after being taken from the horse in this condition, it Ifi hung up in .a: careless•Me.tiper, traces and reins - t`wistedl in' knots, and. the" Saddle and bpitlle askew, tic, Ieatlher when dried retains tile-51'Iape given it. when wet, and when- forced iuto"its original form is done the stitehing; and the leather.• The first point to 'be•ob' served is to keep the leather soft. and pliable. ' This .can' be- done- only by keeping it well :charged with oil and` grease'; water is a' destroyer, of these, but mull and saline moisture frons the animal Q. re liven more destructive., It therefore fellows that, to preserve: a harness, the straps should he wiasbed and oiled- whenever -.it' has,-beeii illois- tened by sweat or siled by mud. If , a harness is •thorougly:cleaned twice a year, and when unduly : exposed;. treat-, •rd as recommended; the ':leather 'w •retain its softness and s.treneth Poi• many years. Making Butter.,. Feeling at hoiaie on the subject .of milking and citurniing .butter, we will. give some of some of . our . oxperieflce. I think the •same may be said of making butter that we say of fuakulg good- itread. We must have Coed 'flour to start with in the latter case;.aad'also in,. --making -butter, we must have a .;loos t:owand tie"... -t the right kind of iced; .1 think a great deal depends on -the feed.Tir\'kinter we use. corn coni foci der in preference to hay, with bran and torn -meal Mixed, half peek of bran and. two quarts of meal, twice. a. day, dm tuiii half a peck • of bran scalded,. min' fed 'in slops. I finial nothing'so:gond to keep up a steady flow 'of?ulilk, .no ference how cold the weather. Corn- meal will improve the creaul both in quality and quantity. It lifts beenar• - Cued that corn or iueal will. decreased e flow of milk, but 1 do.. eat find. it so.; Aid to such portions .itwould sav,"scn,ltl 1 lie ureal instead of the brllu, and I think you will have no trouble. ' I think it will pay better to .keep, one good cow well fed than two poor: ones•half fed. home persons think- there is nothing in the cote as to, the . making of good or tad butter, and are ..always ready 10 blame the 1 5 rookie g it 1 1 ie teri0 18 ll .. 'It1 1 . 1 leg' leave to differ with them. T'he mill. of some coag will make white, cheesy -fool -. ing butter, no platter how careful they utay be. We have hull expericuce with such cows, and ttd• thein, not only sev- eral years, and OVA becault8 fuliv iatisfie (1 where the faul,t•htyy,if, with the above- mentioned feed, they did 'Piot improve. With good cows, tad* : btltterinaki t g 4,.11l41,,ure instead ,0.1 i1 Macke,.-Ae.. 4 Burdock Blood Bitters cures all dire eases of the blood, liver and kidneys,. female complaints, nervous andgeneral debility, and builds up the entire sys. tem, when .broken down by disease.. The virtue of the• most of the patent medicines with which the market is flooded lies in the name, bat the vir. tues of Burdock Blood Bitters lie in the fact that they cleanse the blood of impurities) and cures dyspepsia, bilious- ness and indigestion., Pries $x.00, trial bottle 10 cents. . ILCklen's Arnica Salve. The BEST. SALVE. in the world for Cuts, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively "cures Piles. It is. guaranteed to give perfebt satin- faetioa or money refunded. Price 25 per, box. For sale by J. 11, Conibe. FOR SALE. LARGE Carriage and Blacksmith shop on the Main Street, in the village of Blyth.'i'Ii re are two large shops, 40x00, each two stories ; a good tlw cilias and stable. This is•the best opening in the county for a Carriage manufactory, and: will be sold on reasonahle fermi; if not solei soon will be rented Ad- dress, 0. HAMILTON, Blyth, nlytlt, June 2a;1881, FOR. SALE:" Agood, one storyand-a-half, frame,. house -0 rooms -•-well. finished, ;la, with good garden, well and pump, and all modern convodonees. Lot No. 845, om8hrry street, near the Great Western sta.- tion, tion, occupied at present by 5lr, Nut. Davie. 'Lha premises eau be Inspected at any time. Tonna Easy. 1t. II, MANNING; • Vendor'e Solicitor. Clinton' 8th' July, 1881, . EOR SALE. T118 undersigned offers the following artieles.for 1 sale , 1 set of double harness, 1 iron berm( thistle cutter plough, 1. set of iron harrows' (hew) manufactured by Miller & Tedford, 1 lumber wagon,, 1 hay rack, 1 pair of bobsleighs; one fanning mill, whittle trees and fleck yoke, grindstone; forks, Se. ...,IL, W. COOK, CHntolrr:,, t Ciinton,:Juno'2, 1581•. ' 14.4 • FARM FOR SALE,' OR TO /CENT, , IN TIME TP. OF. G.ODERICIii. 01IPOSED of Lot. 38, 11th ooh:, and Lot 30„ 12th- eon:, 2thu ni, contaime IOU acres 1.20 acres cleared and. in a good stato•of cultivation, the remainder is good hardwood bush On the farm, is a commodious brick rosidonee, frame hare, stables and ehedd; two good. wells of never -failing water; also three acres uf oreh- ard:of selected fruit trees. The farm is-situated:three miles lrolii the town of ClintOrt,.•theleading market of the wctt Title indesputablo: Inuuediate posesston t,•i'von,-.1br further' particulars apply on the -'grunt... Ices td . JOAN DEMPSEY, . or to • . 1\. W. FARRAN; ' Goderw t1 Township. Aug, 2fi, 1581: • • SHORTHAND.. A Pull course of Ponografy is published every year in the new monthly miso sine;. THE AMERICANRTHARiI WRITER tnd the Exercises of aubecribors corrected th he maii free of charge. ro Tho oply pericdlexrl In the world from which short. hand may. bolearutwithout a tutor. Tho Pian of In. strnetions is original and the Lessons compreheusiv, Those desiring to learn may begin at anytime, back numbers to lesson 1 beingl, supplied now eubseriber2 and exercises corrected whenever received. ' sveecmi•Tios: Oen Yana (Course of 12 Lessens,) • - $1,50 515012, N . • • - • - 14e, American ,Agency for Pitman's Shorthand books and Itcporter's Supply Depo. Circulars sent frge on appli- cation. „ ltf1'JiLL ,8 1IICKG0Y, Vineland, N. J, LARDINE THE VERY BEST MACH 1 NE OiIL. IN THE WORLD, is manufactured by McColl Bros. 4 Co,,., Toronto and' f le • by all dealers. Ask your t" niel ant' LARDINE and take no other. This oil, under the severest teat and Most active competition, was at, the Toronto Industrial Exhibl- ion awarded the i11'hest Prize, also the Gold Medal at the Provincial Exhibition; ilemllten, and the high- est AWard at the Dominion Exhibition, Ottawa—the Silver Medal. - Farmers and all who use. Agricultural Machinery Will' save money and machinery- by, using none but LRDINE. S -0m, ' Johnston, TisJal Gale, BikNKERS, ALI33 T STREET, CLINTON, ONT. Transact a general Making business. Money lid. venom" on.Mortgages and Notes of hand, Drafts is, sued payable at par, at all the offices of the Merchant's Sank of Canada. Naw 'York exchange bought and sold. Prompt attention pahl,to Collections through- out Canada and the United etates. • SALE ,NOTES BO UT3T nt dosarttos, and money, advanced: to: tanners on their own notes, for any length of tirie"to suit the: borrower. All marketable securities boughtund sold, Bankers in New York. Agents of the Merchant's Bank of Canada. • INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS A..JOHNSTON, • J. P. TISUALI T. A.'GAL1, . scummy, Clint�tn. ' Elora. J. PEN'I<LAND TISDALL, .Manager. JOHNSTON, 'GALE & .TISDALL, • BANKERS, ELOR A. A. JOHNSTON, T. A- GALE, .1. P..TISD iLL, . Strathroy. ' Eloga Clhiton.' -Correspondents in Canada,''rhe:think of Montreal. and slfiheir,itgeneies. If"N.eft•`Y'mi1t;'�1;,•lkifroiritli0'. A. Lang,. 50.4441 Wall Street,• Ctlntun,.I o. n i ,FOR SALE. 1 TILE, TOWN OF .•WINGiI ►9I. a .TOT•Ito 14,`•Shuter street On the lot, is a • good j� frame residertiee;'ant and a -half stories high won-.' tainin • seven recuts; besides there' is a 'good garden on the lot, with well, pump and other ',tiiodern eon, venicnccs. The hoose is at present occupied hy.t)avid Oiigg.' \ill be sold on'reaeoiable tains, as the pro. prietorisgoing to the erth.Weat. For further par- ticulars apply:.to .. AliTIICR,CAAELON, FARM ' FOR SALE. ft (IIE North-west part of Lot `o. 10, con 13, Town- ship ' own - ship' of, HuIIett, eottainicg 50 acres, 30 acres cleared and in a good state 'of cultivation. T.he place is well fenced. The soil.is 0rst•d2Ss:r-•-Tt is two' Hiles front the village of Myth and will be sold cheap. this .fs'a rare chalice to purchase a' first-elitsi; 50 aero' • farm. For full particulars apply'. to `_ - • Auotionecr, Blyth. ni, th, Juty 27, 1881: FAR f'a FOR, • SALE/ • �OMMPOSED.ot W. K of.10tNo. ha, ton 4 :totwr)ship j of East lt'awtetroali, ruutniningAtl0 acrts; 01 acres cleared iuid clear of stinal,.~ in it fairstate, of cultiva-. tion: The hush is good hardwood,, There is' a steam, saw mill on the next lot. There rs on thoplaee a good:. ',miring ordititl tied three never: tailing springs, .a. log dwelling and a: frnieatable, will bo sold cheap:. On _reasonable ferivt of payment.. For full particulars enquire of tho 3 (Noises or to •C.11d+1IJLTON, •Auctioneer, Blyth. liiytit, July i,,,rC4 FARC .FOR SALE, (IMPOSED of tr.; .S of S.:} Lot No.37, concession 3, VV I ast. iwitit ute>7i,.*0 acres, 38 acres Bleared aunt in n good state of cultivation,. good tail funcos, good bearing orcha rd v iib choice variett of: fruit, a log dwelling, two L, 1ta'tleS and small frtoe• barn, good well and pump can:mama to house, a living stream runs across the ha k of the place, the soil is black mold with clay bowel), it is three mice front' Myth, and cont•uiittit to eh'ool. This is a first -,class place and will he suld.chcap. Appty to • C. HAMILTON, Blyth, • • 13lytb. Juno 10, 1881.. . Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus Dy watery,. Cramps, Colic, Seaiok nos and Simmer. Complaint; a/soli Cholera lnfantum, and all Com—. plaints peculiar to children i' etb-' ing, -and-will be found .'equally benefloial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. • FRANK sNIETCAL.F, 13. IL I(1 Et. Dealer in. Books, Stationery,, Clocks, •.Watches, Fancy': Goods, ` Wall Paper., ' CIin1drea1's .0 21111ages, &c.; Special Inducements. for':the Next 30 dais, ' y • . previous • to-ktoektaking.: 'A fuil.line<tftfie celebrated W A'L. TH A; M WATCHES at closepi'ices for cash. I EPAIRING of Clocks, Wutdicb„Jewellery, and Sewing Slnulthie a spu•laity. • CALL A.i17) G:ET ]'RICES F..iVIETCALF, Blyth.. THOS. TRE.IN .Desires to inform IN patrons Anel fi4Gitbt that s,0 •-•�itfS�- ' Tailoring Esta%ji to the rooms Ovor Litwiencccc4 Orilci'y's Furniture 'Store, Ii' M I LB U R N &. CO., Where ho will be pleneed to itrnrnptly anguli ;t at11. P,rpprietors4 T COnOat, t,+111t'ln Lo gni-be favu exl,µ'itil, hent .r Thos. Stevenson UNDERTAKER, AND ARnh8R 12 I'URNITURE: 4 _ tr A Special Discount Oahe' FOR 30 DAYS. NEW FURNITURE , ARRIVING', and more a fine lot of new Collins, Shrouds, & 'Undertaking Goods. Come and see, in. RACEY'S OLD STAND lately occupied by Shepherd anti Cooper,, • Albert Street, Clinton,' WARE -ROOMS. J. B. WEIRE PROPRIETOR . .Agent for J, ELLIOTT 44. SOrN'S cele- brated ';11MeCormack's Self -Bin der,-" "Mead- ow -Lark 11Lower and Reaper,” •" Trnnalpll Reaper" iunl• " Warrior Mower ;" P. J, CRAIG'S " Stlatlaroy 'llaivester ", - and Huanningbird Mower," "New Canadian. :Thresher," with. engine, 411• ltiuds•.,of PLOL GHS and other Implements,.' RE COnstaii13 on' PAIRS Haiita. .• Remember the place, NEXT DOOR SOIITR OF FAIR'S:,'1�iLL. Clinton, May 13. '87 ani. GR EAT Clearing ' Sale Glass Setts ,frons hOo. to 8101).: Celer, Gidsaes. • Fruit Duicfa, kith Coml. • r'i i'neh,. Eureka, Berlin, coualtact Butter Dishes and :Individual But- ters. Cabinat \apiee. cubists, • • Tumblers, • alCvery CHAP • to clear out the . Stock.. LAMPS cuntplete," lame size 3;10. each_ it Full Assort- ment of Uroeeriaa, J.T. Cuarxe • Lioniine 18.. Tins Africk. erel, slrinnditl.. HALL® o Ara"arae Ga, .? ...on. to R' a me o ni's GROCERY AND Provision, on, -...tore Opposite: Fair's Mill, .4t pap mte la got m;/ Gracertes. dere A the goode are so, clleap,'canal tlee quality is Ai' ,11' 0 ,t 1 No old ("itooda;: (1 new and freell t His Sugars, Teas,. , C'of ees, Prunes, Raisins,. Currants, Boneless' Codfish, Gold .Make and Fine Cut . Chewing Tobaccos, cannot be excelled.. Soave new designs( in Crockery and Glassware,. Wooden Ware, and in fact everything you want. Farm Produce taken in exchange, BLYTHkS • `These Workt! are now in full .opera-: tion, ands/.the undersigned tare -enabled to: offer, any grade of ' SM.. of Finest Qccalityfor. 3.416'. The•uoee8sity of.S&sll.for. , AGRICU;L,TllRAL,Pi:RI�'OSES; Is 110W o fully. established that:.every';' farmer will neglect ilia, cosi interest who fails to(uso about• fi.ve.tons.allnu iaily:..`;t r," 1114 Trade svill'ireeei:vtitour beast atentionw. • Ora tg'r3oil, hila 'Stave..1,Alta 'and' Basswood, delivered at the..Wotks, for which Cash will boipaid.:. ay,thou •RNs 1.1n D. O A N TELON, CLINTON. , A Jousello1d Word r, THUS. COOPER'S: GROCERY /his beccene,,,a Household 'Word as the BBS'0"tt11d CHEAPEST the%fol. Ovoceries,. Thenar,, Feed; Crockery,, . . • G`lassufaa:c, cCCo. JTE M APf in pinta, eyiarts,,aud half -gallons, A SPEGIi.ALTY.•IN 6O Cent lea.. Weil& paid'fo'r Eggs.' Farm. 'ro. duce taken in, exchange, . TIIOS. COGPEId , Costler Albert . and Rattenbury Sts. CLINTON:ONT. :�rda�,ire. Eaue Trough ,0onductor Rise, BUILDERS' S.UPPLiE9 MACBINE OIL,. Hare , . st Mitts, BRASS,• KETTLES, Enanw/Ied Guiis , Rest value°ever'offered:: W]6THITE . LEAD, • warranted genuine and 'LOW ,,PRICES,, Apple, . Pagers: 9 Parmi.klorervaini.Bricer eomibined,. . OANYVOT -GET OUT OFT ORDER,, Eve y'Muel in°. Warrailtec R ethic d Ti l re` Prii eB: Sh ` Har4 are, —�11- B 1J llE SUPPLIES a specialty:.. S. DAVIS Phoenix, RI .&k, .4lllntott, O ft ,., •