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Huron Record, 1881-08-19, Page 8
ColbU the. • While threslaitng on the farm:of Mr, E. H. Good, one day last,week, Mr. H. gable bad Lis wrist badly. rut by a a• band cutter, On Friday morning 12th inst., the barn, stables and put -buildings of IMIr, W. gill' lst con., were strrck by light- ning and• -entirely consumed, Miss Sarah Drlrst has been brought home from Berlin on the sick list. Typhoid fever is the cause.. Mr, Wm. E1•llin of the 11,'f. le, broke one of his ribs while doing something to his carriage one day.last week. Dr, Taylor attended. a Mr. E. H: Good, 4th con,, carries of the palm fpr early threshing &a, be having,finished on Friday 5thAugust. I.,-Iarvest nearly completer). Green harvest ,apples • and paregoric doing a good business. • etitelgrave, Mies. Sarah McDougall, 10th con. East Wawanosh, is lying very ill with typhoid fever, • • Rev.. Nr.111eQuarrie, of Wingliam, occupied the .pulpit of the Presbyterialr Church here on Sabbath first. Mundt. ENTE'ttTA;LAMENT: — The • entertain- ment given by Prof." Salter's singing class rn the school of Section No, 2 Hullett, was a grand success and was well attended, the school being full. ;$"11 eiijoye4 themselves and went to their homes mach pleased with what they had seen and heard. The young people deserve much praise for the manner in which they performed the dialogues and for the arrangements they had made. The music both vocal. and instrumental, provide,) by the class, was most excellent, and reflects much to the credit of Prof. Salter, showing his efficiency es a teacher of medie.. On. Sunday last, the infant son ,of Mr. Wm. Grigg, of •this place, died,.,of c;ysentery, with which •disease it had, ween ailing, for some time. ""' Bev, Mr. Wilicine, of this place, left last week to accompany his good lady home ,from Kingston,: where she has. ,l:een visiting f r-'tsbme time. 11r. Motley, ofcr; Clinton, ..vas out to Roe his new hotel east week, and seems • .1, well pleased with the looks .of it Mr- Scanclrett took possession on Wednes- day, 10th inst, The many friends of Mrs. McKibben of this place, will be pleased to hear of her. speedy recevery from her long and' ,severe illness: We lrope.to see her able eto be around in a few .days. ' Mr. ,Jno. • McLennan, of. Goderieh 'Township, is; at present busy repait'ing the bridge on t,Ire,10th con -Cast anosb, It ,.,will shortly be completed. ,He is snaking a good job of it. ' • I1r, T, McCartney has taken +tape e job .of pelti ig• '1:5 sores of peas °from Mr, 1lobt. Millen,. .at41.25 per acre. • lle_has,also the job of •G• aeres from ate .+ Sxeo. Coultice at , the same ,rate. • Mrs. Win,. Duncan.: of this place, is •visiting with the familyeif Mr. James Duncan, n r • Varna," Sim ;intends staying ifew weeks, 'during which f]r , a' pleasant %visit and, • Ceerfild.. Mr. Peter. Cantelon, of the 7th con., lost a very valuable horse last week, Mr. Thos. Cole, of the Oth con., sold a fine mars for which be reeeived•$145. Mr. John Marshall of the 13ay tori bas purchased an orguinette, • which gives good music and is very easily played, PEnsoN LB.—Mrs. Hannah, who for some time past, baa been residing in Pennsylvania, is home on a visit to her frienda in this pia; e. --Miss Lottie Clan- telon, of this place, is et present visi- ting her friends in Goderich.—Miss Sarah' Hanley and her sister, .left on Friday last, pr Harriston, where they intend stopping for some time. • • should be permitted to )reap when • they have not sown. The land of Ireland belongs to the people, • and if the land belong to the peoplewby in the name of common sense should the people pay such exorbitant rents, when a title reste. but on force, no complaint can be made if force annals it. Emigration is one of the ,changes of the great land bill to exterminate Ire- land and send all tamable bodied youug men and women away would leave the rest an easy prey to be gobbled up.: Many such schemes wero concocted to depopulate Ireland, Dean .Swift over 100 years ago, when the population was hardly half as mubli ets at present, pro- posed to relieve surplus population by cultivating• a taste ffor roasted , babies. and bring yearly, tosthe smanlbles as, dainty food for •the •iclr 10.00prlrish infants,. etVodericet Township. The •Holmesville •Bailroacl ,letidges. are said to have cost $4000 each. Mrs. Gray, of Guelph, and formerly of this place, is visiting her friends pear Garfield'. The Become is spoken , of as the best local paper that: cowesiinto this imp - ship for county news. • Mr. W =tfi. ZArmstrong, *teacher it► S. 5, Igo. 10, bas•resignecl his position and is •going Co teach cin Vain*. To. E. ;Katike, ,df the 1Oth Jaen. has Riven .up rferi ring, and intends :going into businese, `1WIr.. McMerudy.,,pf(Clin- ton,from whoui•he batt, the farm Tented sicntencls. going. back ito it. '<gn:Friday morning trhjQ1fnunx ee,11ir. Events since 318 i 0 have tended -tori-, pen public opinien on the land question. I wish to see my countryifreed from the' reproach of Agrarian crime. I wish iv see its people contented. ,t am per- suaded tthat :neither result .ran be ac- complished until there has been a thor-' ough•eliange. of the land system of the country, wlroh is the source of all evil, you may dam up for h time the -troubled waters and imprison by the hundred if then living some remain ,you.are pre- paring for a great disaster.. Egmundville, August 18,81, • ERIN, Wetrld'S every €neatest Sl ow. No. 323. Good for ,one Xantinuoia trip to-0ACKSaN18 ti• HAT' .STC?E;:where th,e Cheapest Hats in the ;county are tobe seen. :JAOKSON,., The Hatt'er.. EW FALL HATS. ;:Our New -York; Il ets,are'just,to sand and ipassed into stock. "rimy comprise the Jronijthc S}A Francisco Daily Dail: W. W. Cole's Stupendous Exhibition. .All••the ;week long, young and all havee enjoyed the 'varied' entertainieent at the vast .circus, corner of Mission and seventh ,streets. The preformers seem to haste grown stronger andmore alert bytheir recent ocean voyage to and from Australia.' They spring. with 'greater lightness than before, and hold their place on the horse's back with greater firmness, and, at the same time sway to the quadruped's metion assur- ed gracefulness. Linda Jeal is the "belle of the arena." With her jaunty hat, and fea'd er ;. through paper bal- loons and fiery circles the flies without g e ; She has muscles like ,1Tas. Lindsay; 16,ik o i,, was.struck by. lightning an totally destroyed hy fire with mos}•of the contents. ;Mr. Lind- .say only being successful in • saving a lbuggyancla:wagonl. There was an insur- ance of.seeo.en the building and 1$00 on the stock. A:A ber of A"' men of th'a- GUZIVITTTICATIONS.•: iplace, h we taken the •.hint whirl{ •,ap: peered in your journal two )cegy$ ago, ,and have given 'up the practice ee sit - Ting on the piatformete clsidewalks on Sunday. evenit%s :;A• few, however •+' :.rep up<the practieei and if tthey con- ;thee it, eStiey !May leave `their names. r pu .5 led. • . \ young ;Son ef.,>r.. 1To1an .©weirs near this place, • hada large _ dump' cut .- . out of leis 'threat a .few days.. ago, , by a Medical man from Lucknow...He has ,'another• lunip in his Lthroat •which the . doctor intends ;taking :etut soon...' The... ,boy bas suffered needle besides hav- isig a cough; and feels considerably re- lie,ved . since the ` operation • u;as per- ,formed. • Morley's;. new • hotel was form ally ,opened .by Scandrett. oh Tues- - tray evening last, with a grand social party: The building is of brick, and containns a large number of rooms, all of which are conveniently arranged. • It is to.- be called " The Queen's ." • It will compare favorably with the Hotels .the large towns and villages,• and Mr. Morley deserves. great credit for •the. ,;enterprise.: • In .the party were a large ;number from Wiiigltarn, Blyth, Brun= sPls *and othet•;'places; : and*Mr. Scnnt rott did all in his power to ententeele them.• The•' majority of those present amused themselvesby tripping. J'•tli • light fantastic'" to the exeelle,nt music which was 'supplied. . All ;separated • for their respective lion}es, satisfied with the kind reception • given.thcm by • • " thine host" Mr. Scandrett. Wm..Morrison has left far pants un- known. 'He started with' his 'p,mily and worldly possessions, bright ,and early on Wednesday morninglast, leaving several -to ni ngth. his departure... Some of the furniture was left hi 3,,1r. 'Merrifield's hall, and 'a few evenings ago, some partied climbed up a ladder to the hall to • remove tab articles,, bu,t. to their .surprise some " worthies' \vete "taking stook " •and removed the lad- ler over.the Tliey followed it anil•brought it trick, and went back for sonic more. articles, when the lad - was once more taken down. This ,time our heroes had to ,jump 11 feet wnicur was not very agreeable under the circumstancs Both parties then .watched the ladder like a cat watching mouse. ' It was ,p yery interesting •• eee climbers deserve credit for ., '" **VA etruggle. Mr. Morrison reaves et. .Duncan a cow •to apply on alis aecount. Mr. D. saysl,ieAaouild,be ?better satisfied with full payment.. , Wa virish +it :'to• bo distinetly understood.that we. do •:not holt ourselves,'responsible ter- the' opinions .epres8ed by our correspondents.. • steel, while she is as p tan .a.14%.„14z rod. The equestrainism generally.is of high order, and in addition to this there -are • wonderful exhibitions of horse training.: The stallions controlled by 11r. Wm. Organ, theirtutor,' are things. of beauty—of a sort of fearful, fascinat- `iiig beauty. One looks at those magnif- icent animals obeying the subtest nod 'and wordof ...their master,; ;and cannot help .'thinking what a pow,gr for niis- chief human intelligence thus holds .so• perfectly under , gmrnand:=Sultan,,rer• treating from the ring, erect on his hind legs, wpulil'be a: study for ()lark, Mills. Then there are the Clowns • that make the welkin roa,r'by their funny tricks and jokes ; and the tumblers clean -limbed. and agile, :mho fly through the air with ease ,thet'mimetic Crcesus in the ..dress circle 10014On with. envy, and would give,. half his wealth had• he sugh thew. and sinues. It is'.a.splendid ,et;hibitiou all through. •Not the least :interest ing•feature in the presence. of the orphan (children o n afternoon s: They are enabled .to •enjoy:. the show by 1VIr: Cole's r'ener osity in. giving matinee benefits to each charitable .association in the city. The fresh intei est the littleones take in the title into au coboy e;coep English 1 t • sights of the arena.is pleasurable.to see. It is the: opening. of a new world to them, and :tlie.nian, blase 'with: years and experieeiee, lives over .again his first young and innogent'delight. This world famous. and Mammoth interprise ,will give.prcformances in Clinton on Wednesday Aug. 31st. Arid the above i;ggnarks coupled with .the fact that this is beyond all doubt tlie grandest com- bination on the face of the 'earth will uflice Ito fill_ its (vast tents, . • Breland .711tator. slum::. Record. (Continncil from last week) • The:penal. Legislature .of Elizabeth's reign adds to antagonism of face ,that of creed. , I do not dwell on that :pant of the legislation which touched free - 'clout of Worship I'` leave these mattersto my superiors withwhite gowns and embroidered dress: •Tree," commercial Saws whichdeprived lreltyr>tl gf,all her• trade were the Aliost atrocious, the .world•.ev er knew—left her 'people .en- tirely depenclant tea the soil.' • In 663 the importation ,of any .European• arr . from England and hi )English ships Manned b'y :nglishmen was, prohibited' -169,6 ,by :an express prevision that no good any kind Sboulei be imported' dived from the: colonies into Ireland:: Irl fleeettle wasprohibi.tetl as,also hut - ter •ancl,cheese utter•and;cheese into England'. • ;Creat} ,this, Troland striving .to; •pit comoclate itself: to gids hars;i legieletion, tureted .,to exitensitaie sheep forming, heavy. export :duty as. -imposed on '.wpolle\4n goods, this failing tb crush the ,trade i>in woollens in 1699 were.proli,i• kited altogether- froth sending their goods to ;any coulitry whatsoever. The linen .trade had. now ailise}i :to great im- portance., • tliey were alinw,ed :to expdit • but not import any coloitie,l goods, Hof - land shut leer ;poets against Irish manu- facturers peed the then -Independent' •Irish Parl;tyouent,declared war against knollant), ,eveen ;the ,hili i qs in Ireland earrowly,escaped from being prohibited. jestrictigns were placed grin them as to the marrying on of treelq, and the ex- cleeion :of Catholics, from the freehold of the soil,. : T,oCatliolic coiald'biuy land or ,inherit it. The •history of 'Confisca- tions plays amore important part.. .I am notgoing'into: the early history of land tenure. Suffice it to say that it was; a' system well adapted in all its parts for the degradation of a nation. In coiielusionT, would say %hat the present land league agitation is perfect- tly justifiable irr the name of all that is sacred; Why are men put in prison for a;lvvocating their just riglsts, Why should they who su'ff'er from :hie injus- tice try to sweep it away l The shoot- ing of a few landlords tie no greater Crime than eiterving people to death who are Mee letedholders that they hoicest -ever shacoilid the caunty, 0 A GREAT LINE fO'` c1osiv out at50c, original price $2. The style is just.sIight1- outofdate and this'ils.,th r,eason of this great reduction. • FUR HATS 0 Leaving Town. 'As the, undersigned intends leaving town ina;Abort time, SPECIAL BARGAINS will be giiven in DRY GOODS, very Bo•, Man;,..,—�.;. purchasing a t s1iou1c1 go to WHO KEEPS " ount Asso�tmie,�ri` •rn •the . C u The ,Only .��plete y ; .. S1zES Fog LARGE AND SMALL HEADS.: Hatter. JAMSON, S010T Famous GROCJ RILES . BOOTS AND' SHOES, dee., circ.; Sc. i}T. B.—,x.11 parties indebted to me by book account will please call and set,ele. • MtRS. $ MORLEY. DIES` FANCY i:000s. BERLIN WOOLS, the most complete assortment in tows... LINEN COLLARS the latest New -York .shapes. LADIES' BELTS, new American styles. NECKWEAR) a large assortment. IOSIERY, for Ladies' and Children. A fine lime of WHITE COTTON UNDERWEAR. L:tCJS AND . EMBROIDERIES., KID ' GLOVES int,t',wo, three, •four and SIXrbuttons; • AOKSON, The Noted Hatter and Furnisher, Clinton, Ont.