HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-19, Page 7•rt • • CANADIANATRINS. 001rtt iprendses splendid returtis Renttliis year. : There was frost one night last week :at Orangeville, Durham is taking Mecesseny steps to prccure a market sits. .$4. Cut worms." are ravagingthe corn delds of Nonkton, Quo, Bush dres have -been fiercely raging atoundlrilunder Day. Stratford people are becoming anx- ious about that promised postsatfice. A -Journalistic Association for Hal- ton and Peel is talked of. ' A prepOsal to bore tor salt is under discussionlet Collingwood. The amount of irotoore received at .1Bel1eville this week for -47 cars. Monthly cattle fairs on Manitoulin island during the summer months are proposed for next yea -v. It •is trumoured that s, branch of one ,of the ilargest banking houses id Paris will Iwo -established in (Quebec next .year. , • The crops in Prince Edward Island :are said to be all that. farmers can de- sire,•which is saying a good deal for the . • . crops. , • Whitby High School Board has en- gaged lir. .1- C. Harstone, B. A., silver • %medal, Toronto; as Mathematical Mast -1 er, at a salary of $l,000. The Owen Sound Council is elabor- :sting a Scheme for the Consolidation of the town's indebtedneas. The debenture debt amounts to $1311600: D. Fraelc, of London, who WIN. C0111- • 'mitt ed lately in default of sureties, for asstilting his 'vvife, exhibits sign* of in- • sanity, and will be examined for admis- sion to the asylum. .Mr. T. P. White, 41'. P., of Whitevale Who is building au %extensive grist null at Pilot Mound, Man., Was tendered complimentary farewell supper by lead- • ling residents of the4county. Monday eve - A tear days ago a3n eccentridpsddlar •:slanted Geerge WC/son, well ;known 4:1ent3ghou, the, coat/ of York, was Burdock Blood Bitters cures scrotal% erysipelas, salt rheum, piles and all humors of the blood. Cures dyspepsia, liver complaint, 'biliousness, coustipa- tianofirepsy,litiney complaints, head ache, nervousness, female 'weaktie,ss and general delollity. During -this month summer com- plaints commence their ravages. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, Dr, Fowler's .Extract of Wild Strawberry is the best known preventative and care for all forms of bowel complaints and sickness incident to the summer season. .1111.• THE- HURON RECORD as•runisala Every Wriday Wilda.* • At the office, Whiter's Block, (near the Post Office) CLINTON, ONTARIO, -By- FLE OODYPROP VALUAI3LE Village Lots for Said. N BYT H. 1. Part of Lot No. 3, Block " A,'"Queen Street, Me. "Colinello stirvey.- This lot 1 k %he centre of the business part of the Towu, and lhas frontage enough for three stores 2. Part Nos. Two and Three, Queen Street, Drum. survey -very conveniently situated, 3. Lets Nos, 11 and 42, Block "0,' MeConnells our - Vey -very suitable, 014 which to erect private rest. deuces, TERMS EASY. For further partiffillarth apply to or to the 0, FLOODt,Tilyth. RECORD OFFICE, Clinton. TIMIMS.-Tinc Racoon will be sent to subscribers (postage free) for 91.25 if paid hi itthalle0 ; 21.50 if paid in 80roritlis ; 32.00 if paid at the end of the year. ,No paper discontinued till all arrears are paid. RATES OF ADVERTISINO.-Ist insertion. Per naeh subsequent insertion, 2c. Professional Card, not •exceeding six lines, 2400 per annum, ger titivintromnento without specifie directions win be inserted until forbid, and eliarged accordingly. • tffinOtir rates for yearly contraets will bo made known on applieation atithe office. JOB PRINT/NO.-, So& and Job Printing of eaery description exemiteilAWffin lneatness tend despatch, en shortest possible notion, Orders10 Ma41PrOMPt- liT attonfleille. 'Charges malerate. •• CII1WC111. DIRECIIIIRY„ • ' 'Canada Methodist. -Services at 1016) a, ni. -and 6310 p. ii. Sabluith School at 2,30 p, im. RSV, 'WM. M01.IONA011, PaSt01% •lOana.da Presbyterian.- Services at 11*.m. and 6.30 pen. • Sabbath School, 2,30 m. Amts. Slaw. all7r, Pastor. , • • St. pauls (Episcopal).--Serdices at 11 a. In. and 7 Sabbath School and Bible Class,13 p. in. REV. W 'Casio, Reetiir. • •• - • Sible Christirm,-Services at 10,30 a. ;in. I.tand 0.30, Sabbatti•Sehool, 2,30 p. RSA% R. Twines, l'astor. •Baptist chereh.-„Serdeo at 10.30 air*. and 6.30 p.m. Sallbath School, .2.30 RKV. J. GRAY, POWS% Zead in a t. the residence' • •ef Mr. Bell, on the ..Oth coil. • "-Daili-was coiled by excess-I:VI. &eat,. • • A.,destructive fire 'visited Cornwall' ffOn the I lth inst.,conserning the eastern MeAdams' confectionary warks; a large wooden boarding house,•onined • lby the estate of the late A.ndrew _Hodge. • -the residence ' of Mr.. Denny; also the Iresidence and ouluilthngs of ...Mr.' Tenn, and. endangering several ether' buildings. Buildings were welt insured • therefore, tlte' loss wil1'. not be heavy. • NOTES: '- Watered rilibens ire the present taa- TRAVELLING GUIDE. '-'"' . 'ti-let,'Irti '..431 l'.1'1.1• ,V"' _.....,....,....,...........7"-t114.- :E'a' ,e.,, , ... --.7.•,..,,,,/...... .1.(.."4•021?"4, ': •Aa " • 4..,-;_ina'iw..j.ib.: ''' • .• Oran& 'trunk Pats. .Efsmit • •Mixed. Mixed, liwi„.i4V; ' *01 15)) ie 79.00 it 441 $I,000 FORFEIT. TininIx Cancer Cure Depdt, Coaticook, P. Q., Canada. ANDER GIME • withouts tne use of the'Knife, The only Ilermanent Cure in the World. For particulars 'enclose Owe 3 cent stamps to S. C, Swim, .Ceaticoolt, 1'. Canada. Of' Highest references., CIJItES SWIFT AND CERTAIN, Any paper can publish the above for 85 a year, with this note and paper regularly, Holmes - 7480 " -42.4o " . " • 10.00 • Seaforth 7.53 14,10 " -4,45 " • 10.59 053 "" .. 1 30 " ..5.10 " 11.15 Mitelioll....., 841, '„ -.-. 1.40 " „1.35 " 11.05 " Schrinirville.. 8.35 ' ... 2,05 ' -6.10 " 12.O5pin- $3attord..A5.40 2.15 " .630 ". 1.00 " Stnniner silks and washing silks are. • much in favor. • ' Thewaists of young ladies' dresses are very much shirred. Fadetted pearls are used in trimming the &Marsof bodices. • • . - More than ever the boots and gloves made ito match the dress. Crinoline is gaining ground with the approach of .the autumn toilets. • •Cashmere lice is still freely %used, ea- , • peoially on 'matinees and petticoats. • Mace and ,embroider' are the princi: pel zriminiug on the smellier dresses. Grenadines are so heavily brocaded - as ttetelosely resemble brocaded *Jaen. ifi andkerchiefs were tucked ilia the beat showing the enibroidered and fancy' deges. . " • • WEST. , • ' • , Pass. Exp's. • Mired.. Mixed. Stretford Ly 1.2O1 -7.50 p in -7.90 a in -3,45p. in 130 " ...8.01 -" , 7.30 ": Mitiffie.11 L45 " -8.25 " ..8.15 ". " Dublin " ....8.40 " , .8.45 " . 5.10 " Seaforth 117 " ..8.f • " 93.5 " _0,40 " 9.40 2 1,'". • 10,00 " 2.50*".% .9.25. " • 10.90 " ...6.35 •1' Gederich Ar3.15 " ..9.f4l " 11 00 " 7.15 . , r ens requesting pug' heals • are alining (the atrocious shapes presented to view ' • • Cliildrenlidresses show a co. mbination ' of checked material • with plain or • striped. . -• The •sliias made in either, black or white Spanish lace are exceedingly pop- ular in Paris. . • , ' Among the latest, vagaries of Paris- ianwomeu are velvet ear rings of -the same color as the dress. • • Small bouquet -holders are wornNak the left corner of the square corsage in the Shape of fern leaf. .• ' 'Old Valenciennes lace .outlined 'in silver thread is used as flounces on a sobe of yellow surah satin. Mack and white checked dresses are trimmed with small silver buttons, and • jewelry is in keeping. Black velvet grenadine worn ever a Skin: of -black .satin makes an elegant •snzinner toilet for lull dress ; 'The cream.white and ivory -white • dresses are not as fashionable as the pure or snow -tinted white unmans. A largeimsh bow is worn at the back �f basquesownd forms a conspicuous )feature in imported dresses. The word Falcon, the name of Ester- airook's well on steel pen, is derived from falx, areaping hook, suggested by lathe shape of the Palcon's -Beak. • Great iVstern NORTH, •. • • Expromii, •Express London, 7.40 a in....2.20 p m....6.25 pi Ifyde Park... • 7.50 " 2.30 " • .,..6.35 „• Ettrick„ • 6.44 " Merton 8.05 " -.2.40 • " .609 Brecen . • .. 8.15-." ....8.00 " . " Chuidaboye.. . 8.26 -------311 . • ..7.14 Cedtralia 8,40 " 3.25 " ....7.28 " Exeter.. 8.52 " " " lIonsall . 9,05 " .$A'2 7.53 " Nippon : 9.11 " " 7 F9" 9.91:" " . • ' • Chinton.. 9.39 " " .8.25 ' • • &tonilesborough 9.58 " 41 • " .845 •" 27flyth,. -10.00 " ", iiielgrave " " *Winglian4r.;-7 " " ProDertIez FOR SALE. GOOD BARGAINS. CLINTON Ca.tr.lage • That first•class Farm on the Huron Road, near 1. Harpurhey, Lot 33, in the first 0MP:cession of Nit:Sinop, 101 mires, (80 cleared) adjoining the pro- perty of L. Meyer, Esq. r.,og and Fnune Mouse, large. Frame Barn, gorid`Orchart't, &e. Apply to Sir. WM. WHITELY, Huron Roads Tuckersniith-or to the undersigned. 9lot 29, in the Twelfth Concession of Goderigh ,,j„, Township, near Hoheoville-80 acres, about 40 cleared, balance well thnhered. 'Entine house and stable. Well suited for a dairy or grazing farm: Andy 3200 required klowlizor woulkl bo exchanged for Town property. Apply to Mr. E. MOUNTCASTLE; Blyth, or to the undersitrued . • , _ 4) The valuable. TIOtel property on Victoria Street, 0,10. Clinton, known as LaileS Had, now occupied by lir. Ocorge Knox, comprising a large hotel build; Mg, driving shed, four 0101C0 T./WIT 4.Tbm elegant two.stery triune dwelling.houst on liWron street, Clinton formerly • held by J. C. Miller, trove occupied by .. Martin T comiortable frame cottage on North Street, sdhich belonged to the late John Pugh, now oe- cupledhiy Mr, John Bailey --with two lime lots, good garilen,Ac,-near the Flax Mill. ' 'Itie good Frame cottage and large lot No. 963, U. on Erie Street, Clinton, Tho lot Is near the 'Junction of the two railwas is, and may hereafter bo valuable as a factory site. • te Also other lots and buildings for sale. Apply to H.. HALE •• Clinton; Aprilll, 1881.. •Huron St., Clinton CANTELON MASUFATURRIt - Works. \MPRIETOR, BUGGIES' CUTTERS, WAGONS) SLEIGHS, lat ;TIMBER AND SHINGLES taken in exchange. (ive Inch call and 1 Will give you prices that cannot be 'beaten lathe County. t -4e,,, Repairing and lIorseshoeiq done with despatch. • • Express. Mali • Express Winghain .. 700 a m....2 55 p m....020p In Bolgrave. - 1/1 ". .313 • -6 38 .. • '7 35 " .• ..3:28 • "' .0 05 " Londesborough 744 " .. .3 341 " ....7 04 " Clinton .. 802 " .3 54 " ....7 24 " BruceflekL. .. 880 07 " • .7 43 " Nippon .. 880 " 15 J'.....7 11 ensall.. 1. 8 Z46" , 4 20 " .8 Off ", • Exeter .. 859 " ....4 32 " ....8 2.5 " Centralia.. .. 9 09 " ....t42 e, ...,a 42 Clandeboye . . 0 16 " 4 54 1'....9 09 •" Brecon .. 9 " 5 04 "' ....918 " Merton -,9 38 " ....513 " ....9 35 " • Ilyde -9-50 ....3 . 1000 di London. • -10 05 35 " .: 10 10 " • MYTH -SAW. MILL. GOSMAN & DODDS ohn mit MERCHANT TAILOR AND neral Outfftter, (Oaron's Block) LINT01:, ONT Are now Prepared 10 60 all kinds of work in their line. Having put in a grain -crusher, we are able - to do chopping at any time and en theehortestnotice GOSMAN & DODDS. • Myth 'Dec.1.7 1880.- •• • 411-tf, Oliiiton Yarblqlorks, HURON STREET, CLINTON. • •W. II: COOPER,. Jr._, • Manufacturer of and dealer in MI kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work, at figures that dety competition. • • - • . • Also manufacturer of the Celebrated ARTIFICIAL &ONE 101: Building put poses and•Coinetery Work, which must be' seen to be appreciated.-Allwork warranted togive satishetien. 11, CANTELON", -STE PHOTOGRAPHER, Beaver Blook, - Clinton* lir FINEST FINISH LATEST STYLES ! 14 FURNITURE!! FURNITURE!!' Clinton. Furniture 'Ware-Pooms,.No, 77 Brick *Block . • Owing to the Increase of busineos Miring the peat )3 1:?, 0 1-7. 00 W..' 8,Z .130 oual4vevtAkch outA IlaW.101480 of No. 77, and will eontinut to do business asfOrmirly Woe iiave n. (.1 at the preVent;tiiiie"iiii.ffitrei: Sthek 01 1'anstare-813 WitS pror 00exhibition in this ,4r0wn, ALLAN :ADVCE w ON COM', As o manufacture all our own Goods,. we are pre • Whi01 WU will sell at ear,44...,84MONEY than eau be obtained elsewhere. • pared to give our•CustoMers'PETI tit 00908 for LESS ALL 'GZ.).00 ,9S WARRANTED. • . P. mom% manager ." • .A, BENNiTT7.SalCsitan , Doitt ytkii tha plate!-..r7o. 77 Brick Block. `el . • Ears.for the MiIIion ! Frio Citoo's Balsam of Shark's 011, y osttivew .nescores me. izeareng • and is the Only Absolute Cure for ...Deafness .knoku.• • Tiii8 011 Is extracted from a peculiar species of small • Wilms Snafu:, caught in the 'OHOW Sca, known as Carehaiodon &added,» Exery " Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing wore . discovered by it Ilndithlot Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and MANY 80 SEKM100114Y MillAOUL008; tlutt, the remedy was officially proclaimed Over the entire' Empire. Its hoe Immune so universal •tnat fot,aviat:-1300" 'YEARN no -1nrxrunats TAN -Smarm,- Anosali CIIINSHIS I.N01148.. Sent, charges prepaid, to any address, at 31 per bettle. • Only Imported bY• * . • HAYLOC_K iff.• CO." 801.11AONSTIS Ftla Abigail:As 1 7 oey St., Nor York aro umerestionnbie and Its meatier char.. acter absoluits, as tit teriter can personally tesiify, jadkriaut experiehoe ubservaiien, Among the Many readers of the Review in Ono part rind another of the txruntrv, it is probable that num. bers aro afileted with 4-etsiness and to such it inay bo said : "Write at once to Ilayhick J. Co., 7 Dey Street, New York, enclosing 31, and you Will receive by 10 - torn a remedy that sett1 enable you to hear like an. body else, and whose enrathe effects will be mania. mint. Von will never regret doing se."- -.editor of New irork Neecantik !Mew% Sept. 84 1880. Harness, Light, --ar-fiess, Heavy, Can alwayebe had at the LOWEST RATES, at ' NEWTON & DENNIS'. also a Large Stock of • • Baby Cflages, Its Virtueti •which -will be sold CHEAP. • We are giving Special. Bargains Trunks and Valises., Our stock is very much enlarged this Spring, in all the aboVe lines. All we ask is for the pub Fie to call and inspect, our stock and be convinced that we are selling cheaper than ever before known. We have al. ways -made Light, .11arness a specialty, and warrant all Collars, NEWTON` & DENNIS. AKES ! 'Cakes !;OA • - The undersigned begs to infohn the inha . biaeps,pc Clinton and surrounch g cmilitry • • that lte lias engaged the. services'of 0111 of iltebeSt L.;....''''': 111 the Dontinii,n;' and.,. will , keep nonsttuttly 011 hand the largesi and best misortment ,O`. 03ke8 in tmvu ad nc\;61'. thing usually kept in a' firSt-class city ' bakerY, ma hopcs by ..tixet attention to business to merit a fail share of patronage. . . • OUR .WHITE. AND BROWN . li,RE Pe A „ . Igor a superior quality. . Give it a. trial and be Onvinced. Delivered daily i'.0."11.4parts of the temli: Rims, Illsbuits, C.:mulles &c,, alWays ' on bind. Wedding Cakes a peck alty-;•-ited. and ornamented in tile latest style and denian: Give me 8 Call. • - ..: ? • • ' . .. WAIL -Y701TN-C11...: Clinton, April 2, th81. .. . : , . " ....-.- .: - • . . . TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS ! GREAT REDUCTIONS IN TEAS. Never Such 'Good • at the-. Present New season, lull fi ts or, Young Ilyson, 50 cents: • eiv season, Sprino., Leaf Japan, (May- Picking) (,O cents . . NeviSeason, 131aCk Tea (Coitgou). 50 tents. Nov 811,inot4 English Breakfast, 60 cents. New season Souching, Congou,Orange Pek0e, Fongtai, Asstun, F011106818. New stockjust Received, And put u0 in 5 lb.•Caddles, at City Prices, Liberal dis. • • • count to dealers'. S. PALLISER & CO •99 BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON. • Si Palliser T. White., r • • To the Electors of the . County. of Huron. • TWITC4E1.„44'S, HARN. gSS 'DEAPOT • . 18 the best andcheapest pike in the county to buy your LIGHT AND .14EAVY.11-IARNEss,. . .Trunks. Valises, &c • •.„ •• ••• • GREAT BARGAINS IN BOOTS' ANP Sf10.E15... We invite your inSpeetian and very eordally 'solicit your patronage.... ' • • • JAMES rIVITCHELt, Victoria Bloch,. Clinton, ' Ontario. • , • WATTS & C O. , 'CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS; MONTREAL TELEORAPII OFFIt E, 'A.L.BERTvStREET; OLI.NT.0 onivro. -InALJ11S IN - Pure Drugs, Die -stuffs, Perfurnery,Oenuine ,Patent Medicines,. • Horse and Cattle Medicines, and all Articles Generally sold by Druggists, PRESCRIPTIONS AND FAMILY RECIPES CAtEPOIth, PREPAIED. Agents for Harris' Glove- Cleaner. .4 1. • ,,,i1111111 ‘- I •