HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-19, Page 6IRELAND. Thcblin, A.ug. 1:2. ---Parnell. writing tothe editor of United Irelaaad' (news- paper), in the interests. of the Land eague, says am much, pleased, that you intend- to make a development. of the indo:stria), resources, of the coun- try,,anal the encouragement of native s,sl siufactures, the leading features of your paper, . I 'think the time is fast approaching when we might do much ° to assist 1n the re-establishment, of Ir- ish Manufactures by encouraging (Iv peo;1 i to use home-made in preference to English -made goods. I am disposed toy ne}to ard to ar. ticles.not cafe present manufactured any extent at home, we night use•the• products of American factories. This. would. tend •to induce protection to Ir - I'. manufactures, as it would encourage the organization of works for the pur- pose of manufacturing, such articles at home. The organization which the Land movement fostered would be very important, in assisting such >a move- ment,, iYIT AND 1101101/ 4. Pied, and bad thebody removed to a suitable place, where a jury was. em- panelled. An inquest is now in pro, gress. Death, is supposed. to havebeen produced% h5v a wound en tile'back of dis—left ear, caused by a blow from a stick or stone. The affair has caused great excitement in thio• suburb, and is the general topic of csnversation,. and the city police' are worlcin up the case. The Carleton County: Council being too mercenary to pay a county constable recently on the scope of econ- maa.y, they dispensed with the services of Officer, Gorman, an efficient plan„ and .since•tlhat time, roughs have had things their own way... No arrests have as yet been masse, but it is more than probable that the two young men will be in custody. shortly, I/ennor's Predictions i For this month's weather, prepared expreeS ly for STODDART'S REVIEW. Sample copy mailed far 4c. Stamp.. , J. M. S'roouMiirt Pub., New York, Phila., or Chietgo A fat job_Gathering; snap -grease.. Better one breach before marriage than a pair of breeches; after it—when they are worn by the wrong 'person. A Vassar girl defines a straw as a. ]follow thing.. with a ten -cent man at one end and a twenty -cent drink_ on the • QtJler. ' Detroit doctor says peopie•witlt, light eyes ands hair 44 -these who have warts, Now, ifsome savant. will tell ils what color of eyes and hair denotes hawing, many unhappy. marriages will be prevented. Four years ago, a young man, with- out a centb on his back; and only one suit of clothes to his name, entered. Denverr and 'begged his supper. Last week. bp- eloped with. his employer's wife. and ten, thousand of bit; cash. Close. application• to' business, coupled with pluck; ai<l.d enellgy, wins every time. • • Tlie• first drink makes 'a- roan feel anxious for . the second ; . the second brings a smile to his face; tlie•third ]las a Voluble • effect.; the:feurth, he is stiil —more -sociable -1 the fifth (produces dig-. pity the sixth a, stein, countenance that 'm ahs bew are the seventh he `be conies pugilistic ; the eighth, heti hts and gets thrashed; anctall, subsequent drinks 1raYe. no,effectbut to'delay the hour o sobriety. • A'.;11011 [ti[13L6 MURDER. • Dr. Fowler's Zxtract .of Wild Straw. Derry cures sungsner complaints, diar, rhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus, chol- era infantutn, sour stomach, colic, Nausea, vomiting, canker, piles, and all manner of /luxes. Nature's owa remedy fewbowel com— plaints, cholera morbus, cholla, cramps, 'vomiting, saa-sickness, eliolera infan- tum, diarrhoea, dysentery, and all ,dis- eases of of a hike nature belonging.. to the summer season, is Dr, Fowler's Ex- tract of Wildr,Stuewberro, which can he• obtained of all dealers in medicine. PRIDE OF' THE VALLEY MED MINE. (Trade, Mark Registered Merck, 1881. Tile only medium that acts at the same time on the Livor, the Bowels and the Kidneys, These Great Organs aro the natural cleansers of, the system. If they work well health will be perfect; if they become clot,*ge •, dreadful diseases are sure to follow, with ter. riblo suffering, Billiousnoss, Headache, Dyspepsia; Constipation, Kidney Complaints, )thoumatie Paimi, and Aches aro developed hooause,thoblood lopolootilid with the humors that should liave been oxl,elkek)• natural. Pawn or tun VAI,1,K1' Medicine is a positive. euro for the above. For sale by all principal drug- gists. Can be had at' J. 11. Combo and at Watts k Co. s druggists, Clinton, and A. M •Shrieves ,11li,Jlathnrst Street, London, Ont., sole• proprietor for the United States and %Canada. • ' Can be had wholesaleeat Lyman Bros..: dr. Co., T. Milburn t.,Co., and Northrup and Lyman; of Toronto; alsfo Arctulele WAsorS,, Co.. of DaMilton. Sampler pacltageo, 25 cents; frge ler $1. • Jhnsony; Tisdall & Gale, ALBERT- STREET, CLINTON, ONT... Transact a general *taking, busiuoss:: • Moiley ad vanced on Mortgages aiid Notes of hand, Drafts Is,. sued payable at par, at all the offices of the:llerehant a Bank of .Ctumda. New 'York exchange_ bought anis sold. 1'roinpt attretttion paid to Collections through•. o)ur,Caualla and the United statoa. FATAL ENDING' OF A CFIARIVAK NEAR, • OTTAWA. Ottawa August 11.—One of the; Most horrible murders known in the annals of Ottewa's•llistory was cotnnit- tod this,moriiing; in Mount Shenwood,.. fi soutliern,suburbof the city. The .tra- gedy,. wlis4 enacted about two, o'clock this,fiwrning,, but • nothing. was•.known, of tlie.loloody work until about seven, SALE: • ' NOTES BO LIGHT Broadfoot •& Box Our stock of Undertaking Goods is very large and com- plete. Any person requiring e,nythingtin• this line will find it to their advantage to call and see us, as we havejust re- ceived a large stock of R'iLN1117I AND' OSEWOO D CASKETS. Also COFFINS, of every des- cr'iption, from the,best Ameri- can and Canadian manufaetur ers, also a stock of Robes and Trimmings, which we are•pre- pared to; 'furnish at half, the. price formerly charged for those Goods. NO, 77 BRICK BLOttl , GII T— M :TLD.I:N� WHMESA.LE SND _at -%loco rtites, _an& none) .advanced to farmers' dn• their own notes, tor;m,y-length of -•time -to scut tiie horrowor: All untrltetaiile securities bought and sold. . .Bankers in New. York. Ageets of the Merchant's 'Yank. of Canada. when the disfigured body. was (Nov-_ A. JOII\scab T. A, 0 AI1:, J P TI$DALT, erect ea.the,•readside, just outside the ctp,thrQy. Mora. tlii,totr. city. limits, by a farther on his way to. • T. A.OALE, Manager. •. Correspondents %%%'Canada, ,The I3ank of Montreal" and all their agencies. In Now York W. Watson and A. Lang, 59 and 01 Wall Street,. INTEREST ALLOIVED ON DEPOSITS A, JOHNSTON,. .1. 1', TISDAP.L,.. T. A..0?ALF.,. Strathroy. Clinton. " Wore. J. PENTLAND TISI )HALL, \Iannger. 'JOHNSTON, . GALE & TISf • market. •The.particitlars areas follows: . For -some .time past, James Wetherell, agedi Thyoars, a, wiclower, and Merger - et •Dnugl ar ar- et'Dnugl erty;, /t,ividp v,, aged. .50 had been keeping :company witli,teach other, , the•outcon)e. •of the • intimacy •being ,a, • lynatrimoniel• union, whichrwas legalizetd last nightiet the ''residence,. of • a lady where the widow had been visiting,by the Rev. AIr+:tYl►ite, Presbyterian glili- ister•at• Rocikesterville. When itrwas ascertained, that:, the n'u'ptial knot had been tied, the :small boys : of the place • gethered•togetller, and,•armed with pots pan's, horns, •etc..,:caleulated to produce. discordant sounds, beaan;to denionstrate They kept, up a perfect •Paudenlonivan • fer severnl•bour's,,afteri ,)lhich the load- er,confr nted.,tlie aged bridegroom and' demauded`.a,dollar, 'He complied, and the erowd,•after being treated, dispersed af, •9.45> Everythieg . 'remained quiet for a while, and the happy couple con- . gratulated4theniselves an being let • 'off. . so' easily,, A:bout 10.30, however, a number.of,: grownup youths; . hearing af-the nucces~-af--t11s Loys in a de- mand for $qtr This.. was r` f used'I\ and the . rliarivull beans in' real earnest again, lasting, l}ltif'3;o'elo.k„tliifi morn-_ ing during„ .which tithe stones ' were • n, 2 1 . 'cl k ,,,the freely thrown, • AL ...1Q.1 0 � f... ..bride says .two nioo broke. in the door, end deivanded $+.).:;, Her liusbatolt',told' them to leave instantly, lv o rle.would ld ',trilre.thenl with a „stuck whieh he5he1'l nn tilt%,• liancl9 . with. 'hugs ed oI;"liini aiul,seid they wereuncl.to hold the' - fort,tintil�• ilte-•lnoney;` a was .fol th.cot fug, At this Wetherell raised the stick and Struck one of tbetn,over.thii shoulders. They both lefCt; and 'the`old ;Wali fol l wed thein,„ ' Nothing, nore of him of.hi» uiitil this morning, tvhi-u hi, lifeless ,form was picked up by a farnwr a short distance away'.ro.ti Mrs. TloOpen's house{ on another street. , ),for- owtr AellitaWQ w,a$ iBa,g>;ediately. note RDINE •TI•IE :VERY ]318T MACHINE OIL IN TM?, N\TORLD, is -Manufactured try McColl i$ios. &Go.; Toronto AT REMOVED TO RED BRICK STURE. k NBBIOS RETAIL„ R. • M. R A OE Y'S, IRON and, for seg- fid all dealers. s. •' .Ask 'our merchant fur A.RDINE antitakeno other: ' This oil, sudor the sevoroyt• test and most active competition, ,las 10 the. Toronto Industrial 1 xhibi• • ion awarded the Iliq'hest Prize, also the Geld Medal Rt the Provincial fixhibitton, Hamilton, and tltiiu;ih• est Aeard'at the Dominion Exhibition, O'ttata—the Silvol Medal. • 1 awuers and all who use Agricultural Machinery Will eco money. anis machinery by using noel: but LUDINE. 8 Oaf_ EXTRACT o F WI LID _— AW:13ERK T ,R 'Cures Cholera Cholera Morbus, Dy- sentery, ,Crartips,, Colic, Sea Sick- ness and SummerlComp/aint; also . Cholera Infantum, and ail --Com • plaints peculiar to children teeth - mg, , and will be found' equally beneficial for adults or,•c/li/dren. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ,,IIQII.BURN & :CO., o Preprietaos, ToconIQo AND--- h'IAR;DWARE, MZE>:ROBANT 01.1 NTOi�1.; 0a A the.Xear 40.. 3O7EDTSTON'S�°d SARSAPARILLA L19E& COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, • And for•Pur;fytng the Blood. It has been in ufte•for-2t1 years. and hits proved to b6dlissbest preparation in the mai ketforSieK' 11:ADAC11E.PAIPI.IN THE SIDE ,,OR DACE. LIVER COM I'LA1 T,IIMP.,d•CS4",ONT11 rACE,j1VS. I•is1'SIA, FILES.and all Diseases that arise fromiRiNsondered Livewoi• an im- ppureblood.' Ihoasands`o.our best people . take it and give itto their children I hr sfciansprescribe-it daily. Those Who use it once recommend it to others. It is made from Yellow Dock, Itondu• ras Sarsaparilla, W11d Cherry. Stilliugis; I)andc:ionn,,Sassafras. Wintergreen, and other wellknown valuable' Roots and Herbs:' It is strictly vegetable. and ctn. ret 1 rt the Mort delicate irastitutiou. It is coo cf the best medicines in use for Re„ttlat)ng the L'oivels, it is ;cid by all responsible druggists at onexclollar for a quart bottle, or Six bottics.for five dullars. Those who cannot obtain a bottle• of this medicine ...trent Rica druggist may Send us one dollar, , and we will l deliver it to them free of any charges. W. 3OIINSTO1 Of Ca, >itauufactiuers, AMFIER.STBUIIG, ONTARIO, 104,,Alga, ,,tSr:';,`1 •.}S•ta "'.,L Sold by WATTS' S CU.; ' w ed 0 0.' .lis Nave removed to t,iieir new store, 3 0 <, -0 eke Door - North of their Did Stand,CO Q ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. :0; 0 a �• - ,I1ARLA,ND i Red. Bricli.Store, Sign of the padlock. F THE WORST PLACE in this. Towil to get 'your • Is at at'tke Old ii itterloo Uouse. ROBIN THE GROCER, ICeeps the lyortt Stock hi Town. His prices are higher than any other Grocer; he is very inattentive to his customers, and makes himself generally. disagreeable, to every person that does. patronize him, and he don't want your trade—still, be keeps, open day and night." • •. Dear me, bow this world is given to perversion, nearly EVERYBODY?' BUYS FROM HIM. • someMistakallereThele Must be /'or His Goods. are all New, and Well EtOught..,card Don't . You Forget It I" . . Reieeunber the 'place rloo'if oua,e1 Office : in the- . Old date : Opposite P�st� Obi , B 4 'QCT ".. 13T Y . i 11 Cies Ver C ea .4' ��o�ar Choke L1ne�1:o� Boats a , Y , p C • SSG •PRO-NilLA GOODS, DISCOUh T � IN ivals of Boger, bought before tbe:late Heavy err D t � advance:; Heavy, arrivals::of; General Grooerries. Heavy arrivals of Ci'oskery Glassware, &c. 1lsougbt d reottifroni .the manufacturers, very T' T • We ris,ither wentvto Chinft or Sttplini to ptliclmse one, but,ditithe next beat thong ; `tve w 'botigl,i'cttlirt:ct 1'1'otitiheavy :itnporters Any iilitlyelliall.In tlie•cl,nntry who has,tlied our..^, T ' s ilt'tothiyou. it is the. bloat they catr:tliuy. • Jatst try poste%'; then always, • CA'SH`: FWI EGGS. 0A8H .FOR BUTTER IN PAPIM GES:': ,h'tlawbernies•during thbbr season to.sugilply any orlltlrs for the same? T HON' SO1 & BIOLES. eiidelssohn �`►:�uo Co Will inake,;:fom the next 60 days only, ;Grand Offerl-of-r 1�0 • .. ,. � GA•le�' S , • .A. . 850'uixre•Grand Piano for' only $245. Magnificent rosewood citso elegantly finished, 3 String&T.1•.1 O taxes full patent.aantentc - . I�1�T '' 4 •raffes our new patent overstrung scale; beautiful carred logs and iyre hearr,serpetit- {� ii 1 LiJ e' , > 1 i Gmnd Hammers, in tett every Inc nmd large fancy a ciendinb'rein:d ease, full iron Puttee, French Benxi Action, 4 iunirovenient which can in any ways tend to the perfection of,tho instrument;has been added. Our prier for this instrument boxed and 'delivered on board.+ears ata' X245 .0 Now York; with Site Plano Cover, Stool.andllook, ons,$ '. �✓ This Piano will be sent on test trial;`, Please send reference if) 0u 001 not send moneywith order. •, Cash • sent with order o,llbe refunded and freight charge,,4 cid by us both wni;s .itt'Pituto isnot just 'as •represented. in this Advertisement.. Thousands in use, SendibY Catalogue. E%sr,rin(trannent fully Warranted for 5:years.. x`510.5 to $dn0 (with Sto01, Cocnt cuts: t1i00kir • k1F' strictly b'irst•clnss and • sold at\wholesale factory pr)i TliO,vo Pianos mnd0;0110 of the deur% , displays at title Ccntounlal Ekhablti0h;. mol were ttnstdonousl) rucmn• A mended for the htmtxsr•Iioatuts: , Tho Squares eontatiOour New Patent hts are the. flhcst, fn. Amertet: n The..: i making. ,n' So sit file greatest the es t 1 in the 1 the ri a Plano i > Positively vvc leek. the finest •.:robs, Of the richOsGtona ami gn iiso, at, snots'..' They ere recommended by the highest musicanuthorities in theMountry..f)ver 14,090 iti use,eand.Mot 'teed to',isticd.11S helser. All, , 1— ` 1 lir +' mux alittthuGru,•w Don't.t it Wale' us before bur- Chenists Sr, 'Druggists, Clinton. ''[coos or Organs sent on 16 days test trill. freil, •ing. Positively we offer.tho hest bargains. Cat'ilogne'mailel free.' fliindsmno Illnstratod•:'nnd Descriptive - -• Catalogue of 48 pgges mailed for 3e,'stamp...Every IJancaully warrantmddor 6 years. __�. Otte i'PnrlorJU p L.EIE O.RGANS'U• cor • offered the {Bush•itl public.. It contains Five Octaves, Pleases Of Ueeds,i.fonr,of 2,l,outar'ea-eaeh, and One of 'Three Octaves. Thirteen Stops with Clrtuid t)tgan--Diapason, Melodiai,. Viola, l"lnte, `�'olester inert. hallo, ' ' Melodia•FOrte, Celestine \')tilina, Fhite•ForW, Tremolo ,,Grand Orgali and Grend•Swell, K,,00.Stops sleight, 74 in.;.Lon,,+th, 43 fn.; Wit111 24 in.; Weight, hotted, 300Ibs, . The ease is•of solid walnut, veneered with choitso woods, and is•Of an entirely nuwend beautiful design, „0laboratety tarvei},:' with raised panels, music closet, • lamp stands, fret -work, fOe.t,alk elegantly flhisltetf..Possesses all thorlatest and best iinprovemeato, with great - powes, depth, brilliancy iuisi svinpnthetie quality, of tone. Mondial solo effects and perfect stop notion. Regular Oita price $285. Ottr'irJ4, lexttic ,net cash price tahave It introdtfoed, with stool and book, only .*97• -as • one organ sold Solis others.,, Positively no doviathn in price, N1f:peyinen4 required until yon have rally tested the organ in your own home.. We Send all organs on 16 days test trial antllpay freight both ways if instrument Is not ail represented. l+'vilu irurranted for 5 years. Otlrcr,•stylcs-.a stop organ oniy $05 ; 9 stops, ;,Citi ;