HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-19, Page 5ax SAL,'or PRINTS Mt JULY AND A UG rir,S'T. IG SALE OF PARASOL S FOR..IULI' AND AUcr!UST, 13IG SALE OF STRAW. GOODS,:: BIG SALE OF DRESS' GOODS. Big Bargains in _ MU1SLINS. , Bi Bargaius in BUNTINGS. GS. Big Bargains in OAST -DIMES. ES. Big Bargains in SILKS,? 810' BAiVA/4'S AIY ROUND 1:XDING iN G J;l tLS' i14 I) .1ttrou'ST, .TO. REDUCE STOoIi<.,• V .A. S, 1-1 ' O' will pay ready cash for any quantity of good butter, • to ° any farmer wanting' cash. I will pay half cash, if: wanted orpay all trade if desired, .for one to ona thousand tubs Of butter.. Farmers, don't gorget this, JOHN HODGINS, 1into 6S HZG�iE�T :. At the Centennial Exhib/tion l The United. States•Centennial•.Coriinilssion have, upon:the recommendation - of the Judges. of Group .No. XXV•,, •have unaliiulously: a%varded to 'SOIIMEIi..& Co:, manufacturers of Grand,' .Square and' Upright PianorFortes, FIRST MEDAL OF MERIT. and DIPLOMA,Orc HONOR, for. the Essential Qualities. of a Perfect';Piano-Forte; viz :—Votuine, Purity, and d :Evenness of Tone, Elasticity, of. Pouch;and Superiority .of'Workuiansilip. (Sinned) • GOSHORN 4 . J. L.. CAMPBELL, J. I3 H•AWLEY, • Director -General. ' Secretary... President. lIai_e secured tie Agency of the : above' for :-Onta,rio, and wilier keep constantly on Band a FU r ., STOCK. In a word, the SOLDIER PIANO is made to stand, not merely' as an:orna. mental pieee of Furniture, but as a Musical Instrument; not for a day -or a'year. only, but for a lifetime. It•is'.honestly. made, so that continuous and severe use will pot impair.its fine qualities of Tone and Action,'alidoowing to -its extra and substantial case work, it will remain longer in tune than any other piano, and endure as a faithful, means, ,the harmonious interpretations of the beautiful in music. We will guarantee satisfaction in every respect. N. E:4—The _Com ali a. .. , p y. gives with each Piano a Warranty, • to lid' a PERFECT INSTRIJ1 ENT IN EVERY,RESPEC ',, made.. of: the Best Sea.. soned Material,. and hold themselves responsible for the term of 6 Years, Second-1Iand pianos and Organs Taken in Exchange: • DQHERTY & GIBBIN CLINTON-. A General Stampede., Never was such a rush made for any as is now at J. Ii, ,Coamps's for. a trial bottle of Dr. New Discovery ' for .con- sumption, Coughs and (;olds. All per- sons afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis Hoarseness, Severe coughs, or any affee.. tion of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bottle of this great remedy fa'ee, by calling at the above •Drug Store. .14,1L-S140WS• -•-- East-lVawanosh, at Belgravo, Octooer 11. • Flay Agi. Society, at Zurich; Sept. 20 ansa 20. • Morris Branch Agl.:Society, Blyth, Oct..12 .tad 13. South Huron Ag1, Society, at Exeter, Oct $ and 4. Turnberry Agl. Society, atWinghamSept 22 and 23 Tuckersutith. Agi. Society, at Seaforth, Sept. 15 and, 16. • nuilett Branch Agl, Society at Clinton, Sept, 2Q and21, West Huron Agi. Society at Godersch on Set 14 and 15. ` p C &P 1 THEr=.TEN VIRGINS. principally lm wall a view t.' correct erronious impressions awl ionrandabase thle eir actions as ded of a ' ii a twho heir eat ilpres 11ons Sion cofsthe facts to is thtbane ease'.' . would stateptbatrt) o above piece Is ori' that will not in the slightest degree offend the tastcclleolingsonaton. cientic43intellige t' and cuitivated people, nor will those attending the concert see or hear anything, they will regret. I have been years egg aged in this lino of work in Ontario and challenge the produetiin of a simple instance when I have in the slightest degree made light of things held sacred. No never. This is no' burlesque. Those who cannot with me engage In the rendering of a solemn piece with the proper heart feelings have no. Place , in my concert in such pieces for they could not lender them properly. The piece is composed of two simpcele- brated pieces itine icu.innate ctmnposer of en aSundayany Schooled by `music. my concert will beeen rendered ��itihiexpressian, and to aid that exprossion which is the soul of music, the ladtc:will l.e 1pproltriatoi costumed. Those who attend will sou nothing rave that which they will most hear- tily approve whale those who remain away simply be- cause they imagine it wrong to, go, or because some says It Is n rong,'vv411 lose an opt Ortunit,y of hearing a Aim thing{, and will afterward say • I wish I had gong misted me nd la but net-kthe ne w lk Q what they ' Those were talking' about This piece has boon given at Sunday Schee/. anuiversr'rs and with the strongiAt endorsomont'of the oilit.tattngoptistor and in towns anti 'cities furry tar- get, th•tn Clinton anti with a ctiltivatvd tRete and moral gnal.ttes quite its equal and never Ihed its piev'rioty questioned by an inteaigent musical end art -laving peop,4 nor will Clinton be an exception when they hayalteard it. C. J. norms. HomiEs.•=In.St. Catheriues oil the lith inst., R�reclejiek holies, aged GG years, NbrotherewEot'11'ir. E. Ilolane's, of tbe,Cli'11ton ra.. IktlltiTi[5:., "Mod' nritT9R In. Clinton, •on the inst.,.the wile of Mr.. J. McWblrssr, of Cf iNTOIV '1UARIIKLTS. (Corrected every Thuiydai• attuirnoen ).. -Wheat, eat, fall per bush., 81. 18 to l 20 Spring; Redchaff, 1 15 to 1.18. Fife, • • ' 1 15 . to 1 18 0 15 ' tb 1 18 Oats, Bnrioy, 0 37 to '0 70 ,pcas -• 0 65. to 0 70 .Flour, 6.00 to 6 70 Potatoes, 025 toto 0 25. Butter, • 0 15 to ,0 .17 EEggs, 0.13 to 0' 14. ry,Hides, 10 00 ` to 12 00 iepskhis 5.50 to 6'00 $Shef 0 76 to 1 25 Timothy, 6 00 to 7 50 ;Wool._ yd 2, 75; ^to :3 06 0 22 ,to 0 24 WANTED, GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, Applytit :this ptNoo, FOR SALE: . I1V. T11R'I:;*:TOIYN 41Q.'WINGRAM: LOT No. 14, Shtnter'street. oh the lot is , a good frame residence; ono and a half'stories high -con-' taring. seven rooms; besides there is a good garden onrtho lotovitit well, pump and other modern con- veniences. • The house IS'at present occupied by Oavid Grigg Will bb sold on reasonable terms, as the_ pro - ;motor is going to the Nortlr wcyt. 1'or further par.' Haulers :apply to •- ARTHUR CANTELOV, Clinton. FOR ' SALE.'. •A LARGE Carriage acid Blacksni`ith she'p� 'on the 2-1_ • Main Street, in the village of Blyth!. There are two largo. shops, 40x60, each two stories it good dwelling and stable. Tills is tho.bost opening in. the County fora carriage manufactory and will• he sold on reasonable tonna; if not sold soon will bo rotated: Ad- dress, . . Blyth, June 23, 1851, ' C. I1AmwroN,: Blyth. FOR SALE. gaol, one story -and a -half, Raine, house--0tt . rooms—well • finished,' &e., with good garden, wa11 mud pump; and all modern` conv'Oniences. -Lot No. 845, tin Bary street, near the Great Weitorn stn• tion, ocegpled at present 13' Mr. Wm.. Dayis. The .prendsos,can be Inspected at any tittle. Ter -ms Esay„ A. II MANNING, Olinton 8tli'Juli•, 1881, Vendors Solicitor.' FOR SALE. min!) undersigned offers the following articleO ler thistle•cuttor plough, to get ofble f iro,i liar barrows, (yew) manufactured by .hiller• & Tedford, 1 lumber wagon, 1 her melt, 1 pair of bob -sleighs, ono fanning mill, whiffle trues and neck yoke, grind stone, forks, &e. • • ;Eich . COOK, Clinton, Juno 2, 1881. 14.4 4 • + VOTE.r,S' LIST -1881.` Mranic parity of 'the Township Of'Goderich. VrortoE is hereby given that F have transmitted Or and fourth sectioered ns of'tlior"Voters�Listnthe third Act," the copies required by said sections to be. se transmitted or delivered, of the fists amnio pursuant to, said act, of all persons appearing by the last Revised Roll of the said municipality to bo entitled to veto in •the Bald municipality at eleetions for members of the Legislative Assembly, and that . said list was first poster; up in my office, in said township, an the Oth day of August, 1881, and remains there for Inspection, Electors are called upon to examine tho said list, and', if any emission or other errors are toned therein to teko imnnedlato pproceedings to thave the said errors correttod actotrling t0 law. JAMirA `PATTON, Dataa ode attc.dny.of Augpei � d �a ' �kyl'� • i• •i. s Bordered Prints, Regatta Prints; Black, and Colored Muslims,' Shilrtings, Dt cks, Cottonades,, Whitez. and G -ray Cottons, Cotton Yarn and Carpet' '4YalVs. 0 NOTICE'. We will always • pay the • Highest: Market Price for BUTTER AND EGGS` EITHER IN CASEI OR TRADE. P -AY tl WISMI/LA., — R• --- E VE —e_ The subscriber begs to inform the' Public that he has removed to Che SPO®NER'S H ,�. MR. UIL[INU, next the Market. Having settled with the Insur- ance Companies on a' most. satis- factory basis, he begs to intimate that he has decided to Blear out all • his oldrStock,:atQreatlyR] DUCED RATES ---sone at HALF, and' sone at LESS THAN 'ORIGINAL COST;•f the whole .to be cleared out in the course of Two:.. Months. ,.. Hats- ...:- ., -a��,� Caps ,at Half Price.:- GRO . atGreatly Reduced Itatew A.:call ori.cited. WM. COATS. SALE FOR THE. .1VI% ,N.TII• OF., AUG -VST. PREVI'OUS TO PRO&EEDINCWITH ~REBU LDIR • and ektension•of premises,. • WILL' OFFER . • IN' ArLL:LINES QF-'GOOD`S in orderto make room for the alterittions'ttnd extension of premises • ONE.. MONTH.. ONLY.s 0 elft for WA= ,KER'S PATE 'TL7 "WOI* L 1;'. Aibei4 'Stre,t, , Ckitto . .1 6