HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-19, Page 4HURON RECORD., eLINTON, FRTDt1.Y, 'ALIO: 19TII, 1$81. .E.DITORIAL iY0.7%5 PaESIDEI`[T-C4-.4tatI'T'.D still lingers izl about the.. samel3t>itet,.w.itk. very little improvement. Ibis: medical attendants are still very hopeful of ,saving his life while among, .outsiders, the impression is gaining ground that be is gradually. declining;. The earnest hope of all is that a speedy chance. may take place for the betteio,and that be may,•be soon; restored to health. Tag election for Argential, came off on Wednesday last and resulted in the return of Mr. Abbott by • a majority of 106 with six places to • bear. from. Notwithstanding the prophecies of several Grit papers, 'ancl Mr. .Blake's tour througii'the Mist, the"evil and de• structive results of the N. P., the Syn.. dicate frauds and other 'short comings, the electors 'of Argentieul have put on their armor and elected the government supporter by a large majority. An, other example of the "great re-acticjn," SENATOR zi.i . ' ]3ULL,.Of' Ilafnilton, died very suddenly on Eridtiyafter- noon last, at the.age of 57 years. De ceased wasa•. native of Ireland, and came to Canada, while be was yet very young. He wai–fliit elected for "Went- worth to the •Legislative Council of Canada. in 186.1 and on the death of 'floe. Donald BleDonaltl in2.1870 he was elected to the Senate as the mem- ber for Burliugton. He. took a very active part in public affairs, and,held a number of important:publio portions. In politics he was a conservative' • SP3RTINQ I1TELLIQENCE. PEDESTRIANISM.! • In a race between Alex. Murdock, of.I3lyth, and a professiona] from Paris, at Sea£ortlle, a few days ago,, for $25 a side, the latter won.'. LACRO,S'SE. The Athletic lacrosse club, of Brus- sels, visited this on Tuesday last'and played a thatch With the Dauntless club of this place, resulting in a victory. for the. libm team k>y~ 3 :to 2 :..Brussol:i intron a strong team but they don't seem to have had muell .pritctice. • QRICKET The juniors of Seaforth intend play-. Ing a game with our juniors—the Wide' awake?. on the 25th inst.. A match was played• on.'V. eduesday,. . last, .hetrrveen the first eleven•, of the Climax club and a club made tip of apart of Victoria Block and others, resulting in the the defeat of the''latter by one innings. Following is the score Uliinax, 1st innings, 50; ViotQria, 1st' innings, 37; 2ncl, 13. British Gr:tirll,,Tr cls...• London, Aug. 15. --The Mark.: Lane 1;zpress, in its review'of_the graiutrade the past, week,. says ;—Rains have everywhere delayed the harvest.' Where the crops are'still :standing ripening, watt checked and the cnilclew which had gen- erally appeared. 'vas.tllereliy increased. The early crops, however, are free frons mildew, and are the cleanest since 18,63,. The first threshing results were distp pointing. on account of the thinness. .A feeling of doubt and mistrust as to. the harvest .has given to 'trade a tone of excited apprehension. Samples of native wheat have been growin ;:.scarce, the supply in London last week having Leen only 863 quarters, sed the'' rates-. advanced 3s to 3s per quarter., 'With. early and large . deliveries of the new: crop a glut was ekpecterl at. this,titne, hut tite ehn.nge ill the weather stopping thrashing from the fiele's and altering, the condition of the graift has prevented. a glut during,. August. • • • Eorward trade was briskand season- ril,le. Offerings were readily taken in all positions. .The floating bulk is'slow= ]y diminishing. In 'flour the best makes were Is. to 2s dearer.: .The foreign sup-•. ply very small. Rates:.ilnprc,Wed fyd Friday, mainly in acoordauoe with>•the• improved values .,of Anjerioan export. grades. The 'barley crops will bro'bably be fair. G•rinclitg samples inlpi•ovecl•6ti in sympathy with Jiore*. feeding., sfnfTh. Foreign! 'also inprOved £tri Natire, oats rra1'er•.ly,quota',�lo•-, Foreign, 1),1 clearer, 12iyr niaize:buyers oiilir.au• advance of 6d, brit sellerswwaut6d . • Sales of + nglanfd wheatoduting,, the, t, e'k, 10,892 qosr,•..against 1t002' gyri. at 44.a 4d per qr. for„ tico,00rrespouding weal: of last year. ' • Foreign trade off tli eoaat stands at. together ,iri.favour of . sellerar. White wheat arlvaniei 2s. pencil*. ` The Supply • ]:as been moderate. The .off coast sup - l' i v was a l_icargoes, of which h4 were, AT •0 L MT O N„. D E S 1: . , AUG., Sist /etruning from a Victorious Vogage in Foreign Lands Tlteadenttcal Supremely (treat mud w.orld•Famoua Consoli'datt n„ltaving perforated to applauding millions bo., yond the eras. Four tines Its former size; and five -times larger than our three shows In the world, W. W 11: O.OLE'S $2,000,000 New gigantic Circus, Maminoth Menagerie, Congress of Living Wonders and Acad- emy of Trained .Animals, Faithfully” representing and depicting the peculiar, striking and:varied marvels of every land under the sttn illustrating each nation°with hying examples and multiplied attractions, gathered during a journey through al parts the world, there exhibiting and gaining the unanimous approval of learned critics and royal rank. '�r�.rl,4,�itrKm'M=sem 0 The Only Show to . C rcumnau/`gate the Earth, • Retaining mammoth ocean steamers and many' railroad trains, thus enabling- um to brine back a perfect flood of amazing noroltics, a List of winch would noniron volume. Therefore t will .only mention .n few prominent and totally now features, such as you ilevcr.saw before, and whose counterpart all the shows of the earth can- not produce. • • Looe at -the Array of A 'ded Attractions, Headed by the alae of mid air ventures the daring AER1A 14 BICYCLE . !those reckless voyages in tate aerial soasotioug a slenaoratrand of wire, mounted -upon' a frail, narrow tread, bicyelo,.gofng. at lightning speed, and carrying. three, Mall and female aoriatites, completely. overshadows till prorona exploits hi atonic exhibltioua. Following this inspiring Climax will be. seen THE HEROINE HURDLE RIDER, M'I_LE LINDA JEAL, A TROUP OF MOAlii tded WAR�DAhe "tNCERS,. Tatoo4,I Natives of the South Sea islands, GENUINE BEDOUIN ARABS, • • Vaulters; Tumblers, and,Ilerculese Sonsnf1%1e01ne TH NECRO'MANC-eRS OF`I:N.DIA,:• 11.—Matd 51ondeeri, of a 'Mystic Saco. THE HIND00..ENAKE CHARMERS; l'i ho play. With Venemou, Reptilos. At>d•getI have to announce an enga;ehont'ivith and positive appearance of the ' ORIGINAL and only • AUST .T1 &N ••BLONDIN. Tho hero of all .notablo hnaards upon the Iofty wise and wearer of studded belts, Land heavy, Jeweled medals won by reason of •his daring.performanees and thrilling ventures at dizzy heights and over awful gulfs. I shall aloepresent a wit(' snow-white i:uffalo the first and only one over captured., The Mammoth Kansas .Ox, weight • 3e\ae,100 ptoids, a doosticated'ntastodoni. A held of perforining:l:lephants,.educated to,a wonderful ;lure° of • Twhe� domesticated best Performing : Sflllons in the World • • Beanttful hey.onduall con>parison, ELECTRIC LIG HT'Burping 'Night & Day, Lady,Ridcrs,'L idy �'i masts, Lady Acrolbnts, Lady Bicycle Riders,.. Lady- Vaulters, 1flllie ' lclrs.otF ll'c+rit:Il•Inylccs Alaii>taealy,Bight Champion Ila eback'Riiders• ,I our Very F nilnly Clowns,' ns,' h'blralaal School of Brute ; seitolan s; 1,000 d'tlighty iilarvels not Eimmerated. But don'tfail to Ito' our. - Great Free Street : agent, Speclaify elven to itluctriato Our supretirtoy' over all oth ors. A Gorg000i golden Cluaranteo et tfnennattod magnificence, positively surpassing all pootio.visions, Every morning et 10 e'clock rho Great Street Parade. Cavo pet•fortmneos daily. lyuersopebat i and 7 p. m. .. ONLY`. O'Ne .1110KET. REQ/VIREO TO AL‘. Admissiono p4R:e s. Children tutuder 10 laaig plri.t114 , Half -fare ' .Eircursions From all Stations , on.t e . .:W... .,,,. GRAND July Dernonstradiou. ..--A.T....,. Craib, Macwhirter ` Co.' CLEARING SALE • pringcindSum:mer Goods 1 MILLINERY at cost. { MEN'S STRAW H TS at Cost. . ' PARASOLS at cosh. A • MISSES' SUNSHADES at Cost: Big Bargains in all Departments. ORA'`•> y., M C' ` HI T . 00. elm aro b' uasy preparing for Annual STOOK- TARJ1VG', and'in order to reduce their stook as much as possible before .the ..lst of Augus they: have deeided to offer the above inducements -Le intending' purchasers. Highest est Pri for CLINTON, ONTARIO. CL;F T y jA0KpOrS:2•.• I am,• low offering REDUCTIO �i�T�. • ORDE9E0 OLQ7HlNG7 r •• lin order to ;make way for my all and Winter Goods, Winch are already :bought and on the way, and • .:'Or . ONE MONTH SPEOIALMwBARGAMNS WILL B e.: OPigN, '-so those in need of clothing would de Well to purchase a good suit ' at a small price. A0 3AC SO , Tlie "Noted'' Clothier.