HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-19, Page 1Volume 3, No 26.
TERMS .=-.$1.25 per Annum in Advance ,
in endless variety,, from
5 Cents n Roll.
aby aarria es
Cheap and Stylish.
Also, a rine and Choice Linetf
Mr W. Donagb, left yesterday for
:f ianitobs., where be intends working
„at his trade.
Miss 1HA.nrutEoxroN,lleft this place
on Wednesday evening last to 'take
charge'bf her se:iool in Mullett.
bers of the fire 'company are requested
'to turn out at 7 o'clock sharp, ttiis(Fri-
day) evening, for Tauk;avork,
And Cigarettes.
Cheap and First -Class,
W. H. Ransford.',$
City Book Store, Clinton,
The Rook "Atom ca; here you get,
Value for. your Honey.
Rome and :vicinity.: •
aitAtionD.—The Directors 'of the.
agricultural Society have the date of
the show chankedtfroni the 20 and 21st
to the 19 and 20th' Sept,
Rev. Messrs. McDonagh and Living.,
stone left here an Tuesday last fol the
Grimsby camp meeting, where they iuJ
tend spending a few days. M
WEATIiEN cool and. pleasant.
' REV. PETER. STRAITII iS • !iodic. Oris.
. ' MERCHANTS are.
Get up early in the`'rorning ,.and
' view the new comet.
REMs3tutatt the grand'toncert •in the;
Town Mall ou...tlie 26t1a alis'
Mrs.' E: -Doherty; Of 'Wit; is visiting
her .parents. and friends inthis
A citizen who had- been • eating• -un.•
ripe fruit 'said something -was- wrong
with the department of the interior:
ordering; their,fdll
,CoatrLkptD. The new barn of Mr.
Jas. Holland, Huron Road, has been
completed, The frame -work was done
by Mr.'S, Bennett, and the stone work
by Messrs. Cantelon Bros. The jobb
is a first-classone, and reflects great
credit on the contractors.
A MEETING was held in the Town
Hall on Monday evening last, for the
purpose of discussing the advisability•
of erecting a skating and curling rink,
After some discussion, a committee was
formed for the purpose, of reporting on
the site, and also on the probable cost
•of the building. A large an tint, of
stock was subscribed andweihave. no
doubt but the enterprise will. go ahead..
MR, Clens. E. CLARKE arrived home
from his holiday tour on'' Wednesday
-i g
:>nornlng last, looking much improved,
lie appears to have had a splendid time..
NEw FEATURE.—A. new feature at
our approaching fall show here will be
the tug of war .between Hullett and
Goderich Township for a prizerof.$10.
Miss Minnie Graham -left 'Beres on
Tuesday last for her home in Walker-
ton, accompanied :by her sister, Miss
Mice Graham, who has been "visiting
here fora short time.
Rans£tr1's malt,well has leaved in at
the depth -of 1700 feet, undthe block
'bas been shtit down in consequence.
A gentleman •from Petrolia is engaged
in'repairing it. , •
in a new country like this. His build-
uildings are about a quarter of atniile front
the road end remind one' df thereat old
English style.. He ;has also built a
small frame church at his own expense,
en his place for.%be benefit of the set-
tlers. His office is on the farm,ibut he
is two days in the village, and is al-
ways ready :t9 give all information re-
garding 'the
e-garding'the crown `'lands. This is un-
doubtedly.% file section' of countryand
I am informed that itis good for 100
miles back. It appears to the writer
that a poor man, or a man with a lim-
ited capital would do better here than
in Manitoba, The fare from Goderich.
or kiitcardiue by the Beatty Line of
boats is $4.50 deck passage or $9.00
cabin fare. It is, about 24 hours sail-
ing, There, is a good prospect for a
railroad here and then the settlers_ will
havenearly the sameadvantages'as they
have in elle county of Huron. The
clay is not far distant when this Al-
goma district will form a very im-
portant part of the province. •
Bruce Mines is an enterprising 'vil-
•loge»of ttbout 500 inhabitants, 'It has
e, good harbor,' being sheltered •from
•storms by St. Joseph Island for'thir•.ty
Miles and then forms a bay a mile long
by French Island. The Government
dredge is deepening the, harbor now, so
that in a short -tithe vessels will be able
to land drawing 14 feet of. water; The
•village. contains 1 large,saw and shingle
mill, 1 flouring mill. 2' general stores;
each having about 525,000 worth of.
stock, 3 small. groceries, .2 gond hotels,
and one in course'of erection,1 bakery,
1 wagon shop.'2'blacksmitti's Shops,
boot and shoe. ,shop, 1 butcher shop.
There is also a'doctor in the;place, who
has a large practice, and. is 'said to . be-
very Successful.. This place is a poltt'.
of entry and the.'G•overnntent liav!e.ai
custotn .house'ofi'icer' eniployctti.'T'his
was formerly' a 'mining! village. • . There'
• is- a vast: amount- of • copper ore here,
but owing to the expense of mining,
and •smelting,:' combined with the low
price of,eo,pper, the' company •have not
'worked ;there. for the last five years:
The. lamp:. now depends on the.inew
:country, which is rapidly settling up.
to :the back :of it; For at, miles
along .the shore ,it .is principally a flat
rock and has been purchased by a coin-.
parry .for'.a mining location, the country.
from that back is .principally good land
and well adapted •for: farming,- the• sbil
being of. a clay.iloam and In some.ptarts..
a: heavy clay.. There as some rock ,all
through butitlisgeuerallz in narrow lion-
its and ',probably. on :the whole ,woul'd,
.not be 15% of, the country. The town
ship' of Plummier, : iw mediately back of°
the Bruce Mines is well setalecl with a
thrifty class of farmers; ;who have leen
in there from.' three to five •years.
They seem in vied circanistanees, 'hav-
ing an average df 40 to 50 acresicleared
and.good buildings,. .a number of which;
are frame. 'The'ibowiishil .of.:Lefroy is'
also well Settled. The township. 4
Rose leas only been a few years on the.
market -and is principally taken up; still
•there ;are.some 13 or 14 sections yet to
be ta'hen, The,crops all over Algoma
disttiiet: are very' good and will excel
anything I have ever seen in the edits!--
ty, of -Huron... The spring wheat 'is
from four to'fiyeft.10 inohes high and
is 'thick 011 the ground. They expect
en average yield of ,from 25 to 30
'bushels to the acre. John McCrea,
Esq., who lift Belgrave about dive years
ago, is about the.:oldest settler in the
place and is looked upon as ha grand•
father to •that part:cxf•the country. He
.has •'50 •aures of Spring wheat"and ex-
pects to ;!rave 11400 bushels: The oat
crop is nllso remarkably good and• is ex.-
pected .'to yield from 75 to 100 bush-
els per acre. Peas are also good: The
lance is surveyed iii 'sections of one utile
square—i640 acres, and these are again
divided into. i sections, containing. 160
acres and from . te. r. a section is 'con-
sidered a'good farm. The price of land
is 20 cents per acre, which• you pay
.ele'wn on taking •up the land,; then you
,are ito•clear;10 acres for every 100 and
to'lauiid a house 16x20 in three years,
Wilted you will be entitled to your deed
ntwithout at fits
frons the Governnhe Y
thea expenses. The timber i princi-
pally • •li hal
in el
pine, hue ,
e 11 ,
maple, e�
pally p h p �
basswood, ,whitetvood,.poplar and a Eew
hemlocks. No: beech is to be found
here. The Crown Land agent, John
1?. Day, Esq., a fine old English gentle, -
men .Truce Mines P. O'., has located •a
'fine •suction: of land 'about 'five utiles
from the village and has a crop of
' wheat, oats, peas :and .barleywhich will
comparefavora'bly with any in Ontario.
He appears to know nothing about the
'practical part of farming, but must
.have'everything around him in perfect
order, in feet it is' is model farm, •sand
one that no person would expect„;to:see
THE managers. of (Cole's circus .have
acted very %wisely in:selecting Clinton"
as the onlyliiace in the county in which
to' bold •their circus . and shunning ;the
other-one).horse towns. •
11LR4„ 'W, DOHERTX, w110' has beer'.
vvisiting friends in Morpeth;'returned
'home last week, accompanied bybersis-
rter, Mies'.Clem Depew, who intends re-.
maining here a few' months,
:APPOINTED.—At ,the meeting df t'he.
Dominion. Medical Association 'last
week, Dr. Worthington; of veins place;
was appointed as one •of the•committee
on :Climatology, and Ptllilic ilealtli.
Tit; •.following, from an •eedhttne,
is real wicked, and isintended to'bring
reproach: upon,a quiet, :'retiring; dlass
of people: ” The man who afverties
call easily be distinguished from the
one :who does not. Theformer wears
out the soles of'liis'hoots, and the latter
the seat 'of his pants
As , we •g0 to press we learn of the
sudden death of ;Mr. A. C. Simmons of
Goderich, of erysipelas. :.Deceased was:
for many •years;proprietor df. the God-
;rich Star and only ceased has connec-
tion with „that journal ^ •about: nine:
amortths ago. 'The funeral''takes place
Mr. Geo. Armour,retarned on Mon-
• day. from his holiday4trip,lookiug much
improved. He- seems to' have• had a
.good time. • .
Miss I-IATTIE LANE is at presezt visi-
ting in ' Blyth • with her friend, i\iiss,
A.ggie Dodds.:May'she have a pleas-
.a,ut. tiiue
.Mr. Givens of Kingston, and form-
erly assistant.tsacher in. the High Behoof
here, is paying a visit, to bis friends
this place. .
Mr. L. P, Davis; of the ••Doherty.
factory has purchased .from Mr. John
Gibbiugs .au !lore of lend on •R.aglan•;st,,
for the sum Of .$375. • .
who has been visitii.g her friends. here,
returned on Monday, being well pleased
with her visit. •
Miss Nettie • Jackson and her sister
Maggie; left here on Wednesday' for
.Fon du lac, Mick., .where they intend
visiting their sister, 'Mrs.' Laing.
CALLED AwAx.—Mr. E. Huhn -es,. of
the New 'Era :was. ealled .atay to St.'
Catherines on \'t,ednesday,i last ton the.
sudden death of his brother:. '` ;
MISSES Hattie,and Jennie .Lawson
returned to their.home inDetrott, Alich,
this "week, after Having spent a.time-vis .
iting here, They .were .the'uests of
Mrs. T. Jackson. • .
SoLn.--The Whitely:limn on the
Base Line, Hullett; . was',xcild last week
to Mr. Lawrence Manning of Colborne,-
olborne,for .the sum of $4,000 cash, ,which, is.
,considered a pretty fate price. • .
FAX HAaivnsT,—Mr..D. t Forres-
ter is :busily engaged in pulling •i;he
large quantities of. flax , sown by hint
this season.. A. large number of hands
• leave here every morning for the:par-.
pose,of,doing'the work.
ENGAGED... -r, Dingman, forniet'ly
of the tirnt of 'Dingman "tw Humble;
spent a 'few slays visiting ' here last
week, and while here applied for an
advertised position in the _Free Prem;
office, Winnipeg, 'by telegram, and was
immediately 'engaged. He left ,on
Saturday 'last 'totake .charge of his new
situation. .
' Myth. .
James Beamish, Esq.. purposes tak-
ing a trip to .Algoma shortly:.. I .
The"following ares thea pan lidates who
passed the late teachers' examination
at the High School here as'•reported so.
far :—For grade B. —Annie Watson;
Helen Pringle, .'Wm. McJ3 ay, Andrew
Scott, lames'Diokson, George Ander-
son•antl iTolnn"Coyne :—Tor grade C7:•�
Robt. Sperling, John'Kerr, Is eil Beth.
une James'11IcLaughlin, James Ingram,
and •John:Botz.
A trip to Point Farm wasindulged
in by some twenty.of our citizens on
Wednesday. •
Our village . poetis hopeful Tibet he
may be presented .with a medal, teeing
that thetClinton...poet .did so well,
Mr: E. S. Holmes; teacher, has ire-,
'turned and• l000ks well after his hoi-
.days—Mr.' N,.'S. , Dever ;has returned
and resumed teaching. . .
Mr. Hugh Fraser is eredting .a nice
resilience on his_park; lot on boundary,
street, Which ; isaquite .aiiladdition 'to
'tliutipart•of the ;village.
Mr. Alex, . Beaks left 'here on Wed-
.nesday last, for,. St. Thomas,' to'take
„charge of his school nderthere seeming.
well trecruited, duringltis'holidays.
A wedding iii town ort Wednesday
last. Still they come, despite the ruin.
worked'by that detestible N.' P.
Mr. A. M. Taylor, of•Clinton, is no*
in Mr. i3recl Roger's. law office while '
Mr, Rogers is attending the court of
appeal in Toronto. .
A garden party in
St. Paul's church will be held
grounds of 141r. B. %Willson, sone day
ne7tt 'week.. ,A good turn out is: ex-
peoted. °
Messrs, Joseph :[leading and Henry'
Davis 'left on Saturday.. last for
'the prarin province -the former going
for'$he benefit of his health, the latter
to speculate.
We are pleased to notice -that our
young: townsman Mr. J, G. D;olmes pas- •
sed a highly successful• examination, at
the 'University matriculation taking
ihonorsiin to the depatttments.. •
large number cff oar wiillagers at-'
tended the Opel#ing' of Scandrett's new
hotel in,Belgrave; 'on 'Wednesday even-
ing .4&t. They -report” a'',gooll time.
. 'iUhe:holi.days are:over. • the teachers
leve .returned,. and now $.'ie: average:
boy ie'searching all+aver the house far.
his sebool books, and hoping' ie. won't
find then(.
• Fraser Broa are itovv •on'the road
with their new'steam threshing mach-
ine;they haveseveral week'•swork ,prou--
ised•aheid: °T..lie steam threshers will in
a short' time• supersedethe old: horse'
power. '
ashes erected a telephone from his:sanc-
tubi to the post office. We don't know if
the telephone Ii as heel( taught to spel l col.,
reedy -but if so it' will bee 'great`ac-
Mr.'W. `E•'Groves 'on Saturday.last ••••
received from Brantford Tris scholarship
Diploma whish lie won last summer on.
the intermediate examination. It 'is
very'nicely printed on parchment paper
and'pi esents a goon appeai.ance when '
The WrIbanaulikee Lacrosse te>' ni,
•play' at Brussels a lveek frhm'next •Sat- .
• t rday:.. At the '!last matdh between •
these clubs,' ont.'boys prtved 'too strong .
for their bretliern in ,arms and we only
lhopetheir :good 'fortt ne marmot • now-••-•-
'2lesert them.'
uRONZzv.E STt6CI{. AssncIATION=-
A. meeting .of the above association,_;
was held at the Rattenbury House, on •
Monday last, 'for the purpose of mak-
ing, arrangements 'for fall sale.. The
annual sale is to be held on .the 19th
of October, on .thevacant lot close to.
the ,residence .of, _3 os.. •Chidley,
Thiis'afl'le • Should 'Yee• encouraged , :and
all ,who : have -any live- stock. RI sell
should by all means attend. 'Thin as
sociatton h}1s now'loeen faiil,y established
and if•the farmers wish to keep it up
and -make it suceegsfttl, they must turn'
out and take 'part: in it.
LA.'ct;,—The night express frons Ter -
naas,two hours and a, half behind
tiiihe, on f5aturday 'evening last, in con -I
sequence of waiting :for' the through'
train from the east, lvineh't vas delayed
by the accident at°Preseott,.
ACCIDENT.—As Mr, tL V'. Cook, of
this place, :as '.engaged in Patting in
a new pump into ,Kennedy's well a few
.lays- agog he „mut with, an accident
which will, keep .hint front work for
some time. It appears one of the logs
of the pump was being' fitted on the
other, and Mr. J..was holding up the rod
and steadyiitg,the kgs, when the men
holdingu the upper log, let it down be-
fore 111r. Cook was ready, catching his
thand and braising,itae erely.
ERAMINAriew.—:phe examination of
tie candidates' papers for• the Inter -.1
mediate examination has been finished.'
' candidates was•
Of. The totalt
r 1050, or
about h
wll, d11 at
Per. Cent, succeeded' in passing. A
very. large;nuinber of those "plueked ".
have been sadly disappointed, .andcan
give no reason, whatever for 'their 'fail
tire. The following is a list of those]
successful at the'ltigh school there, with
grade of each :, Grade "A "— James
Mustard.' Grade ''�B"--J. C. hili
later. Fred, Pearen, John Alexander,
Fred. Corbett, James Buchanan, ltabt,
McDonald, Don Blas Frazer, Misses M.
Linklater and Annie Weir. Grads'iCi'
Alex.. Aclieson, Jas. Grant, John M.o-
Gregor, Wm, 1\leQueen, Misses M. 011 -
vet., Susannah • Weir, L'iurena, Moore,
13. Landedboraugh 'and M. Holmes,.
'The Mitchell • fii2snec2'te pitches into.
MIG: 'Fisherof the post .oihce ,anent a
postal card he (Mr. Fisher) sent to that'
offi:ce'with'r.eference'to their correspond-
ent sealing
orrespondent'sealing his eon1muriicabions Like
quisitioli to .:the 'establishment.
C. Hamilton Ihas returned 'from AI<1
goma, and' is 'well pleased .with the
country. He has taken up a section
•of land there—some 640 acres. He
think it will eventually be as' fine a
tract -as: the county of Huron. •
R,.EMovixo.—Mr: L. Thorne, moves
Ibis business into the Sheppard property`
ad hat, he:purchased: some time ago... He
is having great improvements in. the
'interior of the building, • Mr. W. South
cott removes to the:. shop. that Mr. T.
is leaving, Fair exchange is 110 robbery
INDIANS. --A. familly of the noble
red skins . are camped on ' the 'picnic
gtoundi3 to the:soutii of the village and
are supplying; our uveniles. with bows
and arrows. Uun Boys have 'dropped.
their other gages, andare 'now prac-
tising archery. '
Ots'ic1L VISIT.—F, 'Broughton; Esq.
general manager of the G. W. Railway•
and. Mr. ,Hobson, chief , engineer, paid
our town a visit on Saturday last and
were met, by.Messrs. Clegg, belly,.Mc-
Kinnon, Hamilton, Wilson and Thorn,
who urged the necessity of having more
room in connection with the station
grounds.' .7.t was
tothe smith,
. • 1 1100
switch t ;iiu thes
and to widen the grennds. salons the
new switch 100 feet. Theme is to bean
entrance on the west sidle 'of Ernigb s
hotel, t.wo •lota there having been 'p'pur-
chased frons P. Belly for that •object.
The council .agree to open Wellington
street to the pew switch, 'I.111rs Yip
prove a :great .convenience to .parties
slipping wood, lumber, torr hark &Ce..
The improvements that the Company
propose will cost between five and 'six
thousand dollars.
the Acltoccafe of old they stoop to such
mean insinuations as 'to be beneatli the
notice cif :.any'but'the lowest possible
Oi Saturday last ; the •party, to whom
we referred 'to ,a couple of weeks ago re-
rurned fratn their trip up the' lake.
They all speak'in the highest tern's of
their journey and look .;as though. the
wind. and 'weather thorouglily. agreed.
with thchir,Jiealth; if it did bronze their
coptpledtions to a greater or lesser..e^-
. ' Rev.Mr.' Anthony; Tnel]aii liiLisslSn
'Ivry of Tuscarora, preached 'in St:'
hauls Church on Stniday last:_both:.
'niorning and -evening to a.farge congre-
nation: The incuthbent Rev. Mr, Barr
lies been absent for a wedk.past prepar-
atory to moving leis family' into town.
A number of: our :young men about
town' attended the free dance and sup-
per• at the opening of the•new Belgrave
hotel on. Tuesday evening last. From
what we can learn, .at least one of the
number returned home with a shanty'
on hie head, the lumber of which cost
•him'iiothing, •
True .ttoler Trust
Too -much cannot be said of the ever -
faithful wife and mother, constantly
watching and caring over her little ones,
never neglecting a single duty `in their
.behalf. When they are assai1e1 by dis-
ease, and the system:S}tavern,thor-
ougli cleansing, the stomach end 'bowel h
.regulated, blood purified, ttnalarial pois.'
on exterminated, • she mast know that
Electric Bitters are the 'only sure rem-
edy - They are the 'nest and purest '
medicate •in the, world, and , only cost
50 cents. For sale by.' •J.• H., Coitnn.
Wanted, 1,000 tobsaf butter
.for which 16 coots cashier '1 7 cents trade
will be paid.111us, S. 1\Soit X.sv. . '
To ALL mo \Vicon IT iAv CoN-
fe.KILv.•--The, Ontario copper Lightning
"Rod Company, Hamilton; .incorporated
by lditoi's patented of Rami tali in 1874.
do, givo to the said parties having their
copper liglitnintg conductors placed on
their buildings, a guaranteed policy.
under the incort.oratiOii sal, to indent
Itify,tlhetn against loss or damage
lightning tin the plc11ntses upon whirls
the said conituctors•are• placed for the
terns of ten 'years in the sum of tett
times -the sum pale! ;Por said conductors,
Wit. ITT., flGCNT; CLINTa..
'Or" Remember the reduction and
get your kip boots at nAULANDIS.