HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-12, Page 6l►I Clauibetta.. Sf otr, or =A LIFE OF TUE, A 1 EAT FUN= 1r,EADER. • 11x Gambetta became legally a French citizen only ten years before, he was Director on the Loir. He was natur- alized by a, „formal adoption of •ttl►e .l±reiich nationality in. presence of the Mayor of his native town, when.be went about to set out for Paris to begin the. practise of his profession. ITN £atile`r,, Joseph,Gambetta„ was an Italian who: came from Genoa. in the early years of the.present century,. and settled as a ' grocer in the oink, Gabon •town of of Callors.. Callers is a small .place 'of some 14,000 inhabitants, the chief town of its department, and the seat of the district courts of law, of. bishop- ric, of secondary schools, of an excel- lent public library, and'of a fair trade in wine and woollen stuffs. Awes the birthplace of Clement Morot, the poet, and it once had a univerflty at which Fenelon, was a student, It was, hi its quoit and narrow streets that. Henry of Navarre, with 700 followers fought, hand to hand with the inhabitants for five days, and was so hard, beset with ' stones. anti tiles that his Wino/ would fain have retreated, till "Henry, set his. Mick rgait►st his shop and said :;"Aly only retreat from this town will be the iletreat of my soul, °from my body." � . shop hardly less 1/443rBStiBg.tllatl this to visitors at the present time is the "Bazar Genois" (a picture of which may be found in M. Sally's last . delightful book), with its door jambs. adorned with carved sugar loaves'* and its broad. sign -board indicating that Messrs. "Ganibetta, Jeune of Cie," provide "micros do Havre, Nantes, it Bordeaux:" at "1 . fr. ` le ' jail.'t Ioseph Gambetta, • prospered in his calling,. and in 1837; :married Mlle M. Massabie, daughter of a druggist in Cahors,, by whom he: ]las„ had two children—Ideon,born A.Pril ?. 1838, and a daughter, Benedetto, now, the wife of a functionaryin the • Tress-. ury. The elder Gambetta is ,still alive, in fomfortable retirement at :lice. He is an ordinary man. He• possesses a natural eloquence which his.son,.11as..in- 1►erited,•and hiS•;oouverSation„, which is. very abuilclant,.ie said to .be: so full- of picturesque images, felicitous .expres- :;ion, and ipprompt1.. mots,. that many of his, non's .friends . pronounce _ him to be the diner • and. better of the two, Gambstta.said at Cherbourg this autumn with 'dignity, "I have never for'gotte?,i ni,y 'origin;" and hig father, •waspresent with him at Grenoble when he nide' his famous declaration` about the new social class whoa had now ac 'called to power. ' A Bachelor's illefcncee,: Who is petted. to d'eatli,° by r ltlW?i'ts, with marriageable daug tersl The Baehr, elor. • Who is iivltpdl to tea; and pvenipS,.. parties, and . told l -to drop ;in, .just when it is convenient? •The bachelor:• " Who lives in elovor all •Itis days, and' when lie dies has flowers strewn across his grave by t the, hat. Could not. cutrap' hiMf. The. bachelor,. Whoyoes' to bed earl' because :the g time drags: h'ea'vily With ,hiin'.The• mai• riecl:ni i1i. Who has the,,weed'to split and the' marketing to do; the young •:•ones to wash, aiid the lazy servants to look of-` cert The.married man. ' ' 1V,jio gets a scolding: for picking out the softest'part of tllebetl atid:for wak- ing up the' baby le:, the morning3, •The, 1iiarried ratan.' Who is take up :for whippi»; his ,uiM The married roar,.. _ Z ho, get•divorcesl The tuarricd'.y Mottle Cheer at Warne. Do not. be ttfr>aitl• of a little• ;fti;n .at leoi.ne, good peoplo,. •bo not shlut up • your, house lest', -the sun shbt4d, fade your. oarpets; ;au(}') your hearts,; lest a laugh should shake .down a.'few•:clt the musty old cobwebs that are.. hanging: • lete., It you want , to ruin , yPif f;048, lettliem think,;that;all mirth aulllsocial enjoy ine it.hiustbe. left at the threshold without when they, coiue home at night. When once a home is regarded As only a pines to eat, drink and sleep,lin,,the volk is begun that 'ends in gm/114.11g 1141st sand reckless "1"outig; people muit•have • fun. .and relaxation somewhere;,;if they do hot' find it., at, t,reir own ;he•artlistou4 ,, they will, seek, it at othery. :and. less profitable ,placlls,.. Therefore, hit .the line burn briglitly,,ilt. . winte rt .and let the .doors' and .windows•. he chi; infti!ly'thrown open iii,suiituierr, and make the lionmatead delightful with all those little arts tilat prit'ettyr 80 .W(4.1 ulide►:vtal ll:; 1).o, not ri)'nre• ' 1 b 1 mut spirits of`. pith' childrenr lh::ij'rll,'I. hour of ntlailr%ulignt , .within doOrsy ai;d li flet t iute•;Itt of"a honif;,t,blots out the :e. ;1. X4,'3 t1t(% rely,.. ..,.. i tggUn • If there is any exasperating sound in the'world it is trade by giggling. it is natural with school girls, and we tolerate it in them; but, when wet with in.a young woman of 19 or.20, it is un- pardonable; Et is fregnently a cllar- acteristie,of young Alen with incipient moustaches, 'who think -that' qualify themselves for manhood by affecting, contempt' for what` their elders revere. They giggle atanything. If they catch the eye of an acquaintaince, they giggle;; if an. Old woman raises too soon for a hymn, they giggle; if msa, baby cries giggle; if tho.clergytnan coughs, they giggle;. if the plate •is handed to seine one who puts nothing in, they giggle; if the choir makes at mistake, they giggle. In fact nothing is.too small or insignificant to' arresttileirnotice and produce a giggle. The habit sAeuis incurable• Dr. Jietoyyler'sExtract of Wild Straw- berry cures. summer complaints, diar- rl}cea, dysentery, cholera morbus, chol- era.. ipfatittnu, sour stomaclf,, colic, nausea, vomiting, canker, piles, and all manner of fluxes. - 6 SU PRI. DE OF THE VALLEY DIED tCINE. (TradeMark Registered March; l$$1. The only medium tlmt acts at the wine tine . ontthe Liver, the Bowels -and the Kidneys. These. Great Organs aro the,natnral cleansers of the system. If they work well health will be perfect; it they, thiemile clogged, dreadful diseases are surd to follow,,mith ter: rible sutlucings.. Billiousness, Iieadache,_,vyspepslny Oonetipationr, Kidney, Complaints,. Rheumatic Paips,' and Aches are developed hceause•the blooe1 to poisonccf With . the. •hnnnors that sboeloz have ben. expelled natural. ;;1'xalns or Ttie Voter Medicine tga positit,o Imre for the ,above. I oesale by all principal drill gists. Can be Ind at), J.,,If, Combo and at Watts'. .Clinton, • A, M 'Shrieves, Yle Bathurst Street, Lon- don„Ont.rsole proprietor for the 'United States and Canada. Sagiple packages', 25 cents; five for ai., Can. be'hednvholesale, at ,Lyman Bros. , Co,, T, ,Milburn t4c co„ and Northrupland j.} man, of Toronto; also -Archdale Wilson 4t co„ of Hamilton. Johnston, Tisdall & BANKERS, ALBERT.STREET, CLINTON, ONT.• Transact :n general banking, busiiiese. Money ad- ,•anced On furtcagi s and Notes of :hand, . t)rtalt8 le .'8,10(1 payable at par,,at all the -Mikes of the:Merchant s Bank of Canadt4 , New York c ahang'rp bought nail sold. Pn)1, .attolltioln paid .to Collections through; ort emits rOuld,n t. •,f,; nibed .States.: ;SALE ' ' �TOiI: lad GTGHT. at eleise.tates and • nlortoy ttdvaneeil , to fart)rors oil their own notes, for any length of, time to Sint 'the. ,borrower. All mttrketable8eeurtties bought and sold: ''Bunkers in Now' York Ago„ts. of the Merchant's • Bank of.Canada. 'INTEREST AhtO\VED O�, DEPOSITS 7.•1 lISI)ALL T. A C 1.LE; • Strotliroy. ' • Clinton. Elora: J. 1 l?NTLANl7 TJSDi,J.L, Manage. ,Otltl.�°®l, • • •BANKERS, ET,Oi1A. :t1�JOIINSTON, T. A GAT,11, J P.i•TiSDAT.I., :, . StrathrO.:; ' Elora Clinton. T.' A. GAT E, Manager. .• Cerrospondents iiiC ata td i ' The Bank of \rontreal '•ttnlaplltbeit ,agenefos. in New York; W. Watson and A. bang, 59 and 01 Wall Street. • T1IIa.\ Il 1'$ST 1'ature's owns renielly for bowel com- plaints, cholera morbus,cholic, cramps, vomiting, saa-sieleness, cholerainfan- tura, diarrlima, dysentery, and all dis- eases of •of .a liikci nature belonging to the:summer season, is Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wibd,Strawborro, which can be obtained of all dealers in tuedieiner Braadfoat Bog, Uudelakerg Our stock of Undertaking Goods is very large and . com- plete:. Any person requiring anything in this line will find it to their advantage to call and see us, as we have just ro- ceived a largo stook of `iV,tLXVir AN ROSEWOOD CTAS T8. Also COFFINS, of every des- eription, front the best Ameri can and Canadian: manufactur- ers, also a stock of Robes uncl Trinimiugs, which we are pre- part.id tU• furnish at half the price formerly oharged for these Goods, • NO, 77 BRICK BLOCK, —GILT— ..i i 0 UL DINGS, WHO LESALE -AND • BET AIL,. t. M. IR AC E•Y'S AC:1 hl,•.E OIL IN THE•WORLD,, is mawufaetereel by M0001/8rost•cl Coif faronto and for stile by all dealers,, , Ask your merchant 1'ur 'LARD1N. 'and' dike Ito othea.' :. ° This oil, tinder the severest test aid 111054 active uoulpetttidn was a• the Toronto Iudustrtat Exhibi- fon awarded the highest Prize, also, the Mid Medal. at'tlie.Pruiineial Kxhibition, flautflton,:nal toe high' 'est Award at.thuDominiun.Exhibition,'.Ottawa—the Silver'Medlei-.: • t•ariner:r and all. who uao A.tiiunitural Machinery Will save money and innehinory by using none hilt l.It14INL•'. 8 -Gni, • r STD . • HARDWARg. our. Ch a s L es o oo s 0..T.Roos very Cheap, • . MERCHANT '•; . ., S1017,011 THE PADLOCK, ARDWARE, HARDTNARE, .SPECIAL, LOW PP4C ES IN• Nail's; Daunts, Loeksi, Oils,. IineS, Glass, • Barre Door Rollers, • Ptitty; cc, Ili A large quantity -of Four • Barbed • Gillvanize(1 Steel Fence Wife,. at Eeducetl' Prices, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, &., in great variety. • Just received, a large lot, of • ":Royal Canadian Clothes W'in..'ers.” 'at uerc low. • prices, Best No. 1 Coal Oil'; also, the Celebrated American ITeadliglit Please Give its a Call. Prices: Very Low.. LA Sign of the Padlock, Albert Street; Minton. "Dear tun, BUYfh,FROIvL There T WC. ►, RST PLAOE in this Town to get your. Is at the 014 iii'atcr1oo House. Keeps the worst Stock in Tcwn; His prices' are higher any other Grocer; .he is very inattentive to his customers, 'and=. wakes himself generally disagreeable to every, person that does. patrouize hin),,anll he don't want your trade -still, he keeps:: open day anld'night." . . how this world is given to perversion, nearly' EVE1tYBOD T • Must be Same /L'/istci/qe Here for His Goods,are •all New, and Well Bought, and. Thn,t . You Forget It t" , Remember the•place-' o - pllosit6.,Post oe In .the• Old W torlo rHou�e t 1.I Eng ich Extract of • 'LT C7a X 1F -T • Arneof the Bost '3NVESTIGAT6R3•IN' USE, • • it Is a s ecific in tho core of all diseases Oaf the Kiipey5s, Bladder, Prostatic Pox, tion of the Urinary.Organs, Irritation of the Neck of the. Bladder, Burning_Urine, f -UUteet–Gonorrhea ht-al=its stn,,es,"lSu- cous Discharges; Congestion. of the Kid: '; .Heys, IlriclieDust Deposit, Diabetes,. In. nammatiout of the Kidneysand Bladder, Dropsy of,ICidneys,'Acid Urine, .Bloody ry, TJ,rine, Paindn the Region of she Bladder, PAIN IN TIan'BACK, Urinary Calculus, ig Renal 'Calculus, Renal Collo Retention w¢. of Urine, Frequent Urination Gravel .in all its forms, InahIlity•to retain the Wa- ter,'particularly in ppersons advanced in life. •IT',S-AKIDNLIYINVESTIGATOR. that restores the Urine tp: its natural color, r urnoves the acid and burning,' and 'the effect or the execssive-use ij iutoxi• eating dt'kstk . PEICE;21;. or, sla Bottles for $5. amend for circular. Bold by all Druggists, W.A01INSTON &• CO. t1Pyt3STBUR4,• ONTARIO. "loots, for a 'he U. S' and Canada. • 44)4 'Cf b3 la ►,y W AT 4C Chemists'. &.. Druggists, ,Clinton, The only, Medicine .that successfully: 'purifies the.ii Blood, ' , 'acts u on c the .Elver, Bowels, _ and g1 p des. , m , Y w While at t$e same time it allays Nervous irritation', and strengthens the Debilitated System, perfectly:and, 'beadily curing Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Consti- 'pation, Headache, Rheumatism Drops lN ervous and Gen- eraleral DebilitY, Fempale ComPlaintsi Scrofula E sipp etas, Salt -Rheum, and every species of Chronic Disease arising from Disor4,f11 ed'Liver,, Kidneys, Stomach, flbwels;''or Blood. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFYING TONIC IN THE WORLD. . < ' le•Rotch 10c.H TS TORONTO. lteirnhir fitttrt;• 1$i.eo .Ipaeu111t•ttl►ce of m1t•n� jJa call, a»ti,.'antnoy.t 1 ; • • 13nmtn }� ., T. MIIBURN & CODO:, SOL! AC N ; , a,tep during the tiny;:find the hest safe' 1 and tit t til v Cali ta}t'e•with theist into. , " llltg. Pte n.en•x weir R.ras�der is.a safe and efrttau*t destroyer of worm.killicbitdref or gird k dt• itdults• Price iIn:cnw or 5 jos, tle tilts world is the unseen infltueucrl :Oft Utigtrht 1't l i Sa, vii ['e ,. NN Fr.•, ansv.N yGlMgotest1� 1Syetl..ala pe;f?et,:inferal,ointr.•.>~at pt;4s:,abdte. , 4.4.:.4 9. ..,. t! .0. as. • • •' x,1110 i 4 r' .giiricss,. io0; to., �. O:• BIG: _DISCOL NT,• 090D. 'Iieavy, arrivals of Sugavi houglit. before the late advance. IrerAry tat i ivala.of General Groceilles.. heavy" ari`ivals of Ci'ocknry Cllassware, _Brought cliziect'frou.the njanufactnrers, very low;,• d• ' T„ .. We Neither u i to Ch ala :lar Japan to puri-118se our Ti hitt dial'the next. best thing ; bought dire t- Pruni: heal rialparturs:' Any, old lvomaUI ni the country who .has triedour• ;'1` wall:ti:ll you itis the best. they buy. Just ;ry 0110e, then ali<<ays• • .•• CASH . FOIr EGGS. Sttanbuettie$ daring ,their semi:D. e snliplystu3r,oirders't0). the sane. ---:0 BASH' FOR BUUER ; IN PAOKA;GE5'. T MP$ . 4 B L a:. i •r + 69 1111. 01,S$ 11 1 ,CO. Will make, for tlie:liext 60 days only,: :;:Grand"Defer f PIAL 5 0•S,1A%1.'D :A.°'. $850:;Squra're• Grand 'Plena for only 02.45. teT1) \htgnificont rosewood ease elegantly finished, 3 Sta irs 7 1.3'Ouativehs hl patent tamtan WF ino and largo fancy moulding round owe, full Irma Frame, ltenon Crnr4Aution; Grand limnuis, in f:ut ovary t) ngrutfo , our now i,kent ovorstrunk scale, beatt Yl carved legamaid lyre,heavy serpent- , : improvement t1•lijuh eatt'itl.any way tend to the perfeetionpfthe instrument hos brmrudded, . • _ Vi., Uitr arise for this instrument boxed and delivered oft •.hoard Oars at i'(('�''j /� •� New York, with tinil.l'iauo'Coaer„Stool a,til Book, only ' ; - tP' 1:J' _i ' _ O Cy J. This Piano will be sent On tdst trial. Plen30 send reference if. yens do not sendthioncy with order.. Cash' sunt with mat:1' 111 be retinuted and freightcha res plaid by us both Nays if •Pitne..isnot ,just as represented , ' in tlu. Advcitiseliruat...'rhOtasands.ir uson Senator Ccttiuogue. •Ev.aw insti•tunc•ttbilly NIarraited for5years: 'aconite 8400 (with Stool, Cover- and Beek). s All strictly Fhst•chass oral •+ l I:. s Mitt Wholesale factum• prices: These Pianos made. Oho of the liricwt . � ' {�: • 1411day�s at the Centennial Exhibition, 505 were unanimously -recent- . ; mOndefl for the lfiot,Ssr ['exults. Tito StinaroS contain our Now.Pntcht Scale the greatest l$}ireyotutnt'in the history of Pilus making:; The t"prti,lits one the tinest.In America. positivel • we 11011 She 4host.Pi;ui0+,r ofthe richest tout: and grentost durability: They are recommended h,' triahighest ,lunsic;nkatuthpritlus in the country. r)rui•.14,030 in .vye, and not ono dissatr8acd purchaser., All Milos o lhwans.so(t on 11 days' test dint—,fro,L(,trev ytonatlendory. • prw,t'fntl.lo v situ us before bur Mir. Positively -4e offer the hestbargitlu4.' Cntalcgttc mailed free. llaidsome-alT otrtled and Deseriptire. Catalogue of 48 pages pagesuaiied Rh. 3e, rst,n p. • Evoa+ly t'lanao fully wanrr•anted tor ;oars: Oar "Parlor Cr tndJoh'. 1 y• ".f; (, jr ich e Olrugegu ansdyelewe33,esN toiaod, recd organ 0051 • offered the nogical lntiilc,n It'coati his 'Pi%&O taves, Five sets of heeds, fon* of 2,1•Qetngoseae1u, and One rat Three octaves,: Thirteen Stops with Grand,Urgui—D1tjnuyon, Ntelodba, Viola, Flute, Celeste,' Dulcet...Nebo, . Meledia}}.lr1rtiai CelestineVlolina, -1? utC:Ptl:cgl['remnlo, Gratntl.Orgatl end Cit;tiid Stvett, Enos:Stops. height; 74'in.; Li.tuuth, 43 iu.; Width, 24 in.; deigns alioxad, 369 lbs. The ease is of solid 'Walnut,xoncered with •rheic'. . woe:hi: l.uils. of an entirely new as bear, tel- JOsign, elaherately. carve t,.l.witlr raised Ilanels, nnusia. closet, litho stands, frot•wol•k, tic., all ologl ntly lhia+kitid,: Possesses a all the littust and best 'Improvements, with groat . ltotrntyi•clepth, brilliancy •and'syn pathdfie..itfalfty, of tone: lloautifitl solo :Weds and perfect stop action;• leintl tt,totaaq price 8285, Our lehoiexrtle'ttet oruth pr,ed,tcs.1,iaveit hared tad, tviffi stool and hook, only l+tt -•-es ' Mu' ill o,ktiC,sold sells others, POsitivuly no ileyiati-n in pride, No uayinunt required until you hate fuily tasttsl the or,:nla,i)) your Own home, We send alt d'rgtweota 35 nave Ira Trial'satin pal freight both wayv if instrument is not as represented. 1'tilI� ttarra ttul'fer to geaesr Other styles -S strip,•earQan only 1`003 ; 111 stops, ti•35 ; 14 . stops alit: Over 32,005 sob vaud.otcry Or4'+tii;5ali given the, fullest sa•tieinution: Illustrated olyditinr ttiaihut. • free: ,ISktturyald Waren,as)s, 67th St ainci•d04h, Ave, E yt�t ut;Peten•thlyd:prieb. Catalptuoof 300echoice piet;es•sentfor3cent # C ET1 •S' music. up, `.Chis Catalogue tb tiithtes most et the poie1'*rsiutdo el thee, never•everyranletp•onsiiitaleoniposiasl,ati) t00.best4othnrs,,A lies, 1 • •