HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-12, Page 41 i i 1 11 u f i. P it .ba, tl Ii f n til fo •o 0 le th re in el r A 013 ti< th .of fi� HURON-tri t� �uvN RECORD. 1+�. Ib ends nly, nd uoed o ne-half.f A Tri to Quebec. I)aMerin Terrace,Grand and New Cathedral • Battery, French, Lava. . tgemer fell in iJnivarsit where•MonO found very.. barren linonu ie whereWolf€ell atluill the taking Qf Quebec in 1x69, and an old log n. where they .say he was t Wi►1# m3 as ente'I l gave a boy$ve•aonts to,get mea , piw ce of the the relate. He jumped the Old fence, .picked! up a boulder and: flung It at the mqunnlent: and handed us lots .of pieces. We had a walk through the Legislatiive buildings &o, I) ..we - • Cy�s�� . .. rk .. �O Y�F 0 ap.,.ti• toli • . A,'*— (J o ,4• A.}�' f�.14► �,A4/• ■ �iLINE} FRID�it, Auo1. 12TH, l$S , Written oa° ate Rtc!1f'd Going to Toronto bythe G. ' TPRXAN pT S,, - took the beat far 1lfontreal.TheD fir ac o an im trance we c$npe: st once # y .. po . SIR 1Tsu ort LAttTAl 11 intends tak- a .tour through Ontario, and making log . ' a•n official visit toseveral of the leading gowns, Ke will visit (ioderit:h on the tli lust;, and will visa Stratford, 'S .. don, the Seth inst.. to. was f~' ort Ro ei. which is; 03 na 1k small str aW miles trent Toronto. yam that flows into lake has •formed valley w 'oh theedsanthe hills be-• ,,a In hi Yond, the town is •situated. 'the bar- hour formed at the mouth of this stream is one of the best on the lake: fort Rope is a• very pretty town. The sun and then took the Q M. Or 4 0. R. IG: for -Montreal, arriving at 9.45 p, m. We did not see one field' of fall wheat from Quebee'ta Montreall, the country being ver poor, he farms narrow • a y P r, t , with log houses whitewashed at least in front. The crops consist principally of bay and oaks. We spout our fourth day in Montreal and took the R. Ry. for Ottawa arriving at 10 p. in. Ot- tawa is a very pretty city. The site for the government buildings, and the buildings are very Booz, Here we find. lumber • 'in9" and -,--OF----- summer Goof° s ,•was PE sln$NT Garfield underwent an- ither operation on Monday. last,, but aotwithstandi this additional tax an as constitution, lite is reported as doing veil. The position of t11 bullet has at.Victoria:college, 'list been ascertained, and there is no loubt that the liver .has been touched, ..............f.. setting when aur boat, called. Thwat ' boys were .out in their boats waiting forthe tide from, our large boat, The sunset was very Pett on . the waves, ti pretty Cebourg was thio next stopping phage, a town nicely laid out and containing Passing on we failiid the night upon us and enquired for flus state room. We were told that they taken tire:tend sleepy, 111P01 TA,NT, information concerning he condition of affairs in -Afghanistan tavebeen received by Calcutta. Incip- ant disconteur, is. prevailing among the ironb Khan and there is a prospect p P hat despite' all his recent success the ide will now turn against hint, The Lmeer, is rallying.bis forces at Khilat- •nlu1za}. • a SAN were all up, so we enjoyed the soft side of the pine board until 3 a. m,, when we found ourselves in Kingston harbour. We left the boat to view the old city. 'This old fort was one held by the I1'•rench and Indians,, but in 1762 it fell into the hands of the EngIisli from whom it received its -name. The build- Trigs are nearly all •stone—•old mossy buildings that have seen their best days. • The harbour is very fine. The Pine for,•mles• along the bank or the rivers, Rideau Hall looks old' and: moss y+ The buildings are aper- feet batch, and 1 don't bIaipe Princess Louise for wishing to live some ' other place, though the grounds are very handsome, and the flower garden is: very beautiful. We returned • to g g g sh ht seeing_ a Werysold sbm�e organs and left fox �arletan where we 'met a great number of country cousins waiting to welcome us. Here the,,. told they havethe best • , N TLLLNERY at Cost, ZEN'S S,T,RAW HATS • • PARASOLS MISSES'SUNSHADES•at. • . B� BaY'g •l •.s .1 ] a at cost. at cost. - cost M • . .. • • •then I Departmentso anti -free trade me etin was,lreld a London on Tuesday night, and was npotarit as'starting a crusade in• Eng- ind with the object of reversing the lubden principles. President 'Gar- : eld's policy o£ :protection was colo- tended tine America and ,France held than p as mare prosperous countries liigland, Military y • colleg9 on a beautiful i• ece ofi land)=; .is the -..only new building worthy of note. es Leaving at 5 a, m. we found ourselves entering amongst that wonderful, and beautiful colleo- tion of- isles known as. the "Thousand.. Islands:" These • islands . commence near Kingston ,and extend downward to • $rockvillea 'distance o£ over 60 ,. .miles; They form the most numerous collection of river islands in the world' 'woody. people me crops they ever had. A, great. quantity of the country is barren rocks. We sold some mare organs, bade aideu acid start- ed for Brockville on Friday noon. Here we•found more -friends and sold a show stook of organs: 'We'took the 2i55 a. rn, train G..T, . for `�,, onto, and spent a very please meat break-' fast ins, dining oar. ,We arrived in To- ionto• at 11 a, m., saw our customers, and arranged for the Industrial Exhi- °Aian. . We took the -3;45 p. m, train £or. •Clinton •• wllera we arrived ':- t 9:201: well pleased with our. • trip: Thank, T� CRAIR VIAL EEIRT R . (34 O. are bunny preparing for ' ' ""' / ne y� y' j Jay ! j� �{ �/1 //S1I+/�/fGfi�LISTO.V/4'''"" //6'�/:W 9 _ and. in order to reduce their stook as much as possible before :the lst of August •. the have deo}dad .t0 offer alae above: inclticelil.ants to: intending Purchasers. •pearanee y g P CANADA has had another .,victory mar y representatives for Herb her1 i England, the Canadian artillery ;am, connnanded by Col, Oswald, hav-' 1g carried : off the Governor -Generals rise at Shoeburyness for the best tine 1 unnnountng .and remounting • guns." eleven tearns:.of .British artillery and, olunteers completed. ' and consist of about 1800 mind MAY isles of. every imaginable shape, size and appearance. Some bein mere dots of roca '.few yards in extent others covering; acres, thickly wooded and presenting, the .most charming stip- of. rich '.folie.,0e oehceivabler At.times our vessel pa§,ssed so close to ':these islands that a pebble 'could*' be, :thrown on their. shore, while. looking. ahead it appears as though furtherpro- grass is impossible. 'Oben wending the. ing . ;yell;, •; Mr.. Editor, •for -your• many favors, I remain very truly,. •W. D.g,+es . '• • Price 'or �uttera. Norms. is wore.reiaarkablethan the 1ct that' which the 'Globe attempts to P fend ME: ]3lake it..its always feeble. id mostly foolish. It is, .heart in y • sendlrl'a'a n]ari te-work :: I•n fact after p, own to the. east td slyly write` 11,1r:• . ; - lake. into 'discredit, it ands it-impossi- „t0 AindO 1115 Qw❑ Work atld SO de- 'Mr,' Blake•^as_ -Co' lease him still ore open toiattac : :points 'amid•. whirling •, passages and ba s;the way is gradually •o eneci be-, > g p fore us.again, the river seenis:.to ,come to abrupt termination:; Approaching .the..tbr.eatenine:,sho>es;'''a-' inn iiilicsnc annpliitlieatre ` o£ lake:tliat is uo all • ap pearance surrounded. by. 'an 'inlniense green bank.. At our approach -the' mass is moved as i£ nri, a 'kaleidosco e P and 100 little isles appear in' its: place.. It is:a great sportine. place; plenty of wild' fowl;: splendid fisbing &c: • on ono • FOR -SALE.. -- IN TUL TOWl1r O.F ,WINC,, EA.III. ,, ..1r,„irl H-- TOT'Na,14, Shmiter Atreet. • On the lot is a`. good i. frame re dengo, ono and a Half stories high, con Mining seven rooms' besidesthere'is.a good 'garden on filo lot, with wolhpump and other. .mod8ra con. .varnliences. The house isat,presentocouliedby&rid.'..• O �g i it be sold on reashnnblotornms, as_tlro pro. prietorisi;oingto the Nortih•west Forfurther , `•- C R - I' "' f°� " .CLINTON',. { [ ONTARIO. •` " j��'` ..... ..,.• R . �q w- tioulars apply to ART1iURQANTELO?,1 ` c tiecit •. 1 • . , --,r---...•. - `.—,---'-' of these islands,(�•eo. M. Polunab Of People who,snfler•irpni hay fever are •FOR wing an. . unusually . bad •.tune:.'Mita • Pallas ear•firm; has .erected • 'a. hand- iThose w o inhale a n . 'r will. $once suinnle.t Villa ar, h, In e c i pilo v ell 'f'. b t the it ac-, Alexander Bay is the next port situ- t o tem orar r e u will P y, , y ated on the American' aide:' It is h. lire 'dyspepsia.: The use• of 'the gal '. ;upon a m•assiye • pile ' of. rocksand' hi tnie:battery, 'has been -recommended, romautie •and..picturesque. Brockville amine,: arsenic;:" ammonia' slid,; cod received • its . ' name• in. ' honor of the ,hero. General Brook, ;who fell at` ver oil have been prescribed; and the. Queeristou in 1812. It is on the . Can - an is<always to he found *holies -ab adian side and is a large town; l ere line "a.slure specific";f t the•exasper- we meet the: Canada Pacific for Ottawa.:•. ing disease j: but, so far, reed- . • . has We next came t0 i.1:eseott, a& town ',of' no . int. OrtalnCe Soon after A done much • geed; ..and frost- i8 the. p •leaving' thliig,that the person. vlho;has lisp Prescott. we •.found ...the . boat' tossed' about when the porter told us, we were ver can long • for.with any'degree of •. in the Long • . enl , rapids, • :a continued ith. ,; °Free PFsss. • ' ' rapids,,, this the ��'!'L�. __ L"AROl Carm$ags and 'Blacksmith shop .on the ' ;Main Street, in tlhe.villa a of Dl ithr There are' . two large shops, 40:60, casts two stories ; a good dwelling. andstable. Thisis•thebeat opening in' the ;:11121)3r0 anima; it not eolilt3oon'w,iii bw'rebicd°}dna dress, C. 11'AXILTON, Blyth... Myst, r ' • . ' , JAC1�.SO , �! , . Jabs 23;. 1881: ,.' • R. .SALE.: ' good,• •Ana story.and-a+halt, Promo, 'hd3se=B A rooms-well`:9ni9hed,; tie.; .with good garden, well and pump, Rud all modorp conveniences: Lot bo•:845; on Mary street, near the Great western sta. tions pccupind.nt present by Mr. WM. Darla.'The pr©pmises can be inspected at any time. .Terms Easy. a, IL ' ' '• iend'oes- solicitor: " L7ihton • Sth July,188L • : , ' • , . --pp FOR SALE . 1. . (as portion of .voyage IT is a fact not generau ; known that g y is termed) .is ' most exeitinb scene. e;nry friend, he having se-' e practice of feeding•cattl0 and: •,hogs Here 1 awok• rthe•markets of A.merioaand,E>;rope cured a Ytabte room and laid. dOtPn to-, rest. Lyin ••., on the plank d•id .not. i the refuse of distilleries prevails to, ,. agree with g him, (not, on account of liis L enortuous. extent .in rile States o£: L• illiputi•onai • proclivities),. but.' •rather. hie, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois; the reverse asmi lit' be ex acted., Wo' g P zobela wherever whiske • is ., pro- enjoyed the rapids.They., carried 'the : P y y. 'y. from-gf ain; •Ib: some pastas •it •is boat • a_len at the'yete of twenty„• miles leged that. 1'arinars. and•': graziers can. an ho • ur. Cornwall .a pleasant•.town, is below the .rapids at• -the .entrance to longer compete with distillers 'in the canal.oif the same name.: . Cornwall. ttening cattle and ,swine, and have appears•to be a good town, but rather. en compelled to . abandon the` busi.' too° far^ from: harbour for us-. to, forin.. '" ace®d ss: Iii a: recent lawsuit in Kentuckyany idea.of'• its buildings. 'Nil- on to Lachine, nine miles from;. n- e fact vacs shown in. evidenes that treal..: The Lachine rapids begin. just of. ..all the lie e•fed on distill- g `l g• .. Below thev%lla e. >Here; file torten t is ry slops in the:pens•- died, but that •so sM'ift olid wild • that; to, avoid it a e " business is.. p,,refita?ile---the ' feed:.eanal has been cut:: amend• the rapids. Illy costs nothin .--the moneycan be 'Opposite'to.Lachine ie tine Indian wit- g, loge,. tCaug~hnoetaga. Here lives tile.. We if' the other 'half' reaoh . the p In his Laughter canoe' our boat sto ed "Vit. u liter House alive. old Indian -pleb. HepP e� 1 us Indian ., RE ��• DUCTIONS . , .. 1,iEundersignedoffers the following articles for T. 'sale: 1 set of double harness k Iron beam thistle outtor plough, .set of iron h rgwe;•(do 1) manufactured y.Miller .&Tedtoid, 1 lumbor wagon, wr metredaunaird neck yoke, os fanning mill, • y , t, IY• W CI0.° i, • ... • '`liftmen. canton, June •Q;18si. '144 • '• . :L1iJ:,11J.1.�tC ': - ..;_jj1j;,.. • b • • n! V iL T H. rU j C jntA F liA N K m E T V.A L F,y ' in order t0: ke wayform 8 4 Y:T H,. Dealer inRooks. Stationer'''. clocks, Watches, Jewellery . ' • Fancy Goods; Wail. ' , . ' Children's . Carrriagctsy,. • ' &c. stet..FOR -:-----o---•,-� i'' ` Goods,. and Winter`'7f �0 '� - • - . • which are alreadydbought and an the way, -and , 011N, MONTH Special ff]GiUC8iY18%7?*S for the NXt:`0 •du s' ! : previous to stwk taking, . r -w:. !' SPECIAL. mithQea:in.need"o£ s BA clothing , , .. , G ��i .:.Wi L1. B t would lie well 'ta purchase at•a sniail•pr}ce. G1V:E 1, a good suit raise, from an )8mimicitt Organ -..bets on board and .takes [lie' wheel list. amid cheer. From here to •,•>4tantreal• four men and tine Indian mane the J..Hi Monsey, Organist of the Fifth >;+o venue 13aptist'C lUrChs days : g steam is ill boat mi st of, the 08 mud: weu are for refile. Ex'DEL8801iir' PrAko'..0., New Youu ; time • beim out of clan er. t'assing Gentlemen—t• must Compliment you under Viotoria bridge,.. we ' were soon , the success yen.. have achieved with 1lurlectou lerritfirnta• in • the city. 'of. ,, sir pianos of every, class, but parr .Montreal; • here 6e pieces of interest ',Wady. the 'Uprights • They have all are • too -numerous ta' mended?: The'. e,essentials requisite•iir•,tke • make -rip.-, noble 'loud, Royaf.isseen for 30 milts. . a perfect piano; ,in tone, touch And• before we reached the city, Monday . ash. Sasha pure,' even tori in eon, eve we:took ships for Quebec +cit and • goon with' sup great volume of tone, arrived there int he ri ning, Surprised? souiethingretnarkalile: W}sliingyou to seo,one of our cities surrotrndeck by snit prosperity, I am, • a stone well. I31 kfast being over Yours respectfully' we secured a cab and started• ito see dile +11:1 ° 111048W. i Oiteklel.t operno s esidence, Durham , f Mulilinooftheoolobratdd ' ' '% ]��+ A" /� •r/a/•�r�j "• 6) ' L.` • •;' ` :i' • 1 A —' '+ •---.-. b • at prose Woos for Leah, ', ,E 'AIRIT\T •: ' • . ttekclis; watched. tlIer• tvecii, and• Sowing tTaohlna • :�i i+;• .: - a . . i . ''�%�` ''� '"�' f"�1 � ' J.�.4 1ii : R.i �V- •g•�se �•� �y• CALL. AJY G T „ RICEi$'i. . F. M•E "OALtf, • ';lg" rrNoted" l UbthX+r i , . , 131;til.,, , i