HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-12, Page 3;LIMON NOUS. S. --The I3lrpssels Band has been ap- pointed as Battalion Dimd for the 33rd Battalion., ~Tr:nlilx9lliatns who carried on n banking business in Wroxeter for seine years, stared Jest week fey gani- ;obit --Oren hotel Wroxeter, : was sold 4his week to Mr. John Henry, of Forcl- wich. The price paid was' sonewltere near X2,000. • . _.. _. —Mr. Mex. Moir, of Osborne, has,' sold Ins. farm. of 100 steres to Mr. Swan, of Itodgerville, for which lr sewed $8,W40—cash down. --A son o£ 'folia Taylor, 4th .con.-. ,S'tephen, met' with an accident with the reaper, last week,• by whieh he came dear losing his•life. • —One day• last week Joseph dough, Hoiutesville cut 18 acres of wheat Inoue clay, and says he will looney he eau out twenty acres: —1 hi Ie• chopping wood. in Mr.• Burke's. bush, iiilburn, last week, Mr, James; Hogarth gave his foot a bad gash with the axe which will laid itim •up for a. few weeks.. lilt: Currie„ of Wawa nosh, near Dun- gannon, has sold'his property, compris- ing a farm of two liundred' and ninny acres and ar sawmill ,to Ma Simith of Chatham, for $4,00(1: —A few days ago lir. Thos: Stow who • has been engaged in the lune and shingle ' business of Reuss out in Leeti's milt. Bluevale, 11 bun es of shingles i1i one hour, •, • —A son. of Mr. Irwin: •Dougher Ashfield, • 'net with a' serious. aceid one day last week while reaping. leg got accidently caught in some pa of the Machine gear, altil wri,.5•piangl severely.. ' • Stowe' Sltthpg Run interlricwed, • Fort ',gates, Dak., Aug. 4. ---An ex- tended interview has been bad with Sitting dull. lie says be was born near old Fort George; on Willow creek,; blow the mouth of the Cheyenne river anal believes` he zs 44 years olds This father was the fahnouii Indian Chiefs Jumping Bull. He says - ;ri am cllipf by inheritance as well as•by deeds of• . bravery.". He' has with him two wives. and • aline cliitilren, including twins. After himself' he regards Four Horns the greatest of living Chiefs, When e re', asked• why lie• surrendered,..he denied having dense.• He says when he went to Fort Bit'rford, he did so With the in- tention orf remaining only' a few days and slid not understand lie , had given himself up lie shall ziow demand of the Government theft it shall set hint' free. He was asked' in what way he considered the Government wrongedt him, but -gave an evasive reply, saying that he bad never bad either nrisuncler- standings or agreements with the Gov. ern nellti-'irad-neYer• made. any treaties svith the whites, never sold then) any lands, and never' made war upon the United States, Without ever having core witted. any depredations• -upon the white man, or'the white Ulan's Country he had been driven' by force; frena lands whose. possession he had never'.yielded,. and had been'placed in a position where ell his acts WOO dictated. by necessity, :and not by any • desire•otz'his•part for, !vara Col - fall bet ber• els; L"ennor's Predictions ty,. X'orthismonth's ;weather, prepared expro'se1y for cut STODDART'6 REVIEW, !alts. Santptecopy frutfiedfurso. Stamp. J. 3t. Sropnnrtr, I'ttb.,New Yale, PhUa,, or Chicago l is• ed : FARM FOR SALE. :The basement of St, John chi Brusselsi. has just been •completed f Sunday School..purposes and was re t opened on Sunday Iast', Tile. room is+ �t 3fx x 6Q feet, is well lighted. and Cool, and: is one of the best+school-rooms int the'to,wzl. 'c' —11ir. Hugh. hove,; Sr.,. • of Hill's +green, Stanley, returned from the Old Country last- week. He brought with iul• oue two year old'stal1ion, two'one . ear o'ld4stallious and• one one year old filly.. They. are alit heavy era g t ` • Olycles,, and are for: breeding" purposes. --- —On 3,1oliday, A-signet-..l:st,.: is -.the ° %ewers -were=dralviri ..••sltin�'les•-• on O b John Little's barn; Mel£illop,: thestrap . which was. around:tile bunch of shin- gles broke, when ndel-the top cif the bars and the shingles .fell to the • gra' f d Lewis.Anges,'; one• of the. fram- ers was standing underneath . and' see- ing the shiirgtes coming jumped toget out .of the way:•aind_fell through' into'tbefotin • dation, hinting; his. arils' badly „anci., bruised other 'parts of his -.body, ;which lays hinntup from work for a while, dints we hope he will soon bejaround at'his- work' again., tell* :MID: : l\orth-west part of Lot No. 10i con 13, Tows.. ll 8111p of Hulled, oontaiiilng 50 aures, 80 acres OL ; clehrod and in a good state of cultivation. Tho Agee is; well fenced;The soil 18 Irst•ch s, It is two ides from the viilage of Blyth and nig bo sold cheap. this is a MI o charm to purchase a first-class 50 More • farm. For full particulars apply to U. HAMILTON, ' ' Blyth, July 27, 1831., Auettoneor, /Myth. h y FAR OE FOR SA•LE,. C OMPOSEn of W, k of lot filo. 30, con. 4, toWnsbip 1,3 pf cleared andst clear stumps; containing sE acres; cuit0 ivn 'cion. The bush is good henlwood, There is a steam sae mill an -the nest lot. There is on tlo Mama good bearing orchard, and throe never.' foil ing, s}iritr s, .0 log dWellmg and a frame stable. c1Vi11 he +sod e1 l'iu,li n reasonable terms Of payment ; Foiyy lYlrartlt,ulars ' ami uire nails premises or to • -, • . 111yth, Juiy.7,1881. Auctioneer, Myth. .•- —Un. Wednesday 3rd inst., shortly after 5 p. illi• a melancholy .occurrence happened in: Goderich, which rest=.ited, in the death•o€ Mrs..Jaules Young;..who resided down,, by the river'''bank;.. off North street,,, '.Cliodleceased, who!'. was in her. 63rd year,. had been oft.: weak. Mind `f6r about a year,..but had) never even, any'inoication of suicldalitenclen cies,,and in the light 'of 'existing• circum- stances the cause of het: deatli :seems. to he more:attri'butable. to accident than. dC'.?figii, Ill the afternoon in 'question ' :lits. Young .wend do ern the steps lead- iilg to the river on 'the east side of Mr. liacclernott'$'residence ostensibly to get cool; the Weather being extreanlly try. On arriving at the river,_ she.took off. her boote i atld lifting up her gar- ulents, ..proceedttd•: ta.walk into the river.. r.t:this poiut'tho •watewsitddenly deep- tens, and in stepping'forward tlie;unfor • tunate woman -fell and • was. unable. to'. rise. A. coupli of little boys'saw til/. occurrence and went and told their mother, and.the alarm was giveli,' Ac party of rescuorti, headed by Dr, ' Tit y4 ler, at once proceeded to the spot and recovered the • body, but.'iilthough''tnot snore than.twentyminutes elapsed fresnr the time of tile' accident' to.the fiu4ing. of the b'otly,,. ;vitality. had ...departed, Mrs. • Young,; had been a, resident'•• of (=oderich far, about ten months azul' lived with tear•', -us.baucl and youngest daughter.. Slifw'was lie Mother of ten children,. trtost't of 'whom lived in., the 'country, adjourning'Goderieh.' • The pubile will have them—the •*ns of the Edterbrook Steell. Pell C,o'snlake, awl all statioliers are ready to;: supply them. The suininer'se,ason now :•eaches its climax, and is, prolific intdeveloping • bowel complaints. Over -indulgence in fruit, ilnulotkn'ate drinking . 'of iced waters and su'ntmer•bevera ges, in a few liners produco••fntal.ravages-among the ehfldren mid adults. Dr. Fiiwler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry is the most reliable remedy for all forms.e.fSunu'ner complaints ua'fef•pleasant atad'prowpt_, iii.its ectir..:A lL cleal�3rx,ks$reptit.» • FARM. FOR SALE, (lostr651 n of N la s.4. Lot No; 137, concession 3; la, East wawenesh Dames, 08 acres cleared mid in a good state 'of cnitiratiin, . good ail fences, good - bcariug.orehnrd with choice'vorlety of .fruit, a log• dwclli r t•rra•log stables and Snutll Prune turn,. goon Weil knot f1Yne•eo,i eniti:t to Itottye, a living Streamrailsitcrnssthe back of the place; the soil is black paid frith clayhotteln, it is three miles front Myth, and con''orniont to so1Yoo1. • This is a first•class place and':W$41)4)esold;'cheap: Appir;to ; • C. 11A1f1LTOY, Blyth: i3lytli, Jt4tre 10,%2881, CLINTON urns �acta�y THE undorsigbed begs to amt°uhe rte the inham;' tants of Clinton and snrronniling Townships that he !tics O FITTPn silo ,bot a establishment, end '• is • now lirciiarcd tomanufacture all kinds of Welt ane' r CfSTinntNS• int.TAAKS5 on. the• shortest possibl notice: Having on hand a very heavy stone, We are - coat -lent of giving good sat'4trietietl in every case: CttAlictl S lltri)S1t1TL;, •tad -s by malt Promptly' ottend'etlto. i i'Your patronitgesrltertcd • JOHN Rods. •BEf_W77FUL cti of o . tAni}E . STOC1i 1VI;IC2i 1 <&II ., SE LCI .:0.F:+f t'GMCA;P at from 20 eta: tri 25 cts and, 40 eta. per Pair, lora fraise, glass anti picture,. }COME AND; SEE : THEM•, AT A. HA .E'$ ,i 2'w odnurs snYtUt of llerxier's,llillrncrr Slore Y' tr Street,. C1) wan U'nt. • ' is rrcaa . Boot and Shoeai' .,l; MR.- A. B EAOO M :wfiiesto inform the inhabitants. of Cully telt and vicinity ' hat•ll° is prepared to do Q • . all l:illcis of.• Shoe Making • ce RReparr�nrc r On t11e'nlrostest possible notice. ' Best r °e cIi Kip oi' Calf Skin Bootsi Macre to Ord.',,: $4 .to $4.50. - " Call and get other prices. Mare oil: il;*Lemuel—Moinatenatfe t,. Old titAin I.• Clinton, April 29th, 80o% aad ,Shoe STAR, GEO« HARLAND.. Hall opened a boot and shoe store two doors north of Swartz's frotel,.whore he has on. .hand an assort. ment of boots and shoes which its;dill Sell cheap for caa1M. Ile is also ptrpareato de ell. kinds of custom work out of the' befit material. Frvo nor cent. ats- eount made on all purchases of Irip'hoots during the months of June and July... O SALE.. The 2fllcle:signed, has on hand a quantity. of First - Class SHINGLES' which he will sell very reasonable for cash. /j' Y C . E. GRAHAM , Contractor and Builder. ' OyNTON I FL WARS.''1OO.ci S. T B. wpl EI, PROPRlETOI • Agent for J. ELLIOTT.1; SON'S' cele - bunted "ltieCornutek's Sell -Binder," "Mewl - ow -Dark Mower and lleaper," "Triumph Rea�per" and "' Warrior Mower ;." E. - J. CRAIG'S. "Sfrathroy Harvester" and " Hummingbird -Mower," " New Canadian ,Thresliur," with engine. All kinds oft PLOUGHS and other Implements. ��jj ae Constantly . fi' A 1 S :1tand. • lleniember the place, .NEXT . ROOR SOUTH :OF: FAIR'S MILT. f'lintort, !!itis 13 '£11, am T1S'TR.EWIN; r.• ;Desires to inform his patrdil3,and•fridnds -that he hi Ogit, Pal Ove --- 11•IS: ormg stablisliu.cnt „ti the toom8• r.. . • •Lawrence`' cT Glracf;y'S T•-uruittuio .Store, •tl`1iere'ho velli' be -pleased to Promptly attend: to Say" orders I o inns be .favored with. CLINTON oolle� Mil Are riulning Iitll blast, and are;prepared as usual, to do . ALL KINDS • OF WORK in the •Woolli:n Lira• -• CARDING, .. SPL\MNG;• and manufacturing of all kinds clone on sh0l'V1letiei3. ' , t TcvV'nims.tIT:A NELS,,TARNS, •1'LANEETr5, &&,.• kept eoilatautiy on hand, either to exchange i r,.ireel'-or 841 for (;gels, at• Prices Lour than Ever. era pplanwrr K, {Minton, ihy,lc9,. X86LL Thos. Stevenson': UNDERTAKER, �p ABA D$A4Rk fl( Rc A Sp o ai Discount Sala FOR 30 DAYS, NEW FURNITURE ARRIVING,• and snore expected—also, a Inc lot of new Collins, Shrolnd"ii, it Undertaking Go .oils.. Conte and see, in , RACEY'S OLD STAND lately occupied by Shepherd ,tad.' Cooper, Albert Street,' Clinton: HALLOO! Where Are You Going I al» going to Ca ntclon's GROCERY AND Provision Store Opposite Fair's Mill. it pays me td'ryut my Groceries there • the • goods are se cheap, and thee' quality is .d IVO. 1./ ..No old Goods all new. and j3'esla / • igr This• Sugars; Teas, . Cdffees, Prunes, • Raisins, Currants, -Boneless ,C`odlish, Gold,- Flake. afld-•Fine Out Chewing Ttibaocbs,' cannot be excelled!. Some new designs in Orockeryiand Glassware, Wooden Ware; • and. in f4;et everything you want: . Farm Produce taken iii exchange. •D C . ..EL' • .1�IOT T��T , CLINTON, GREAT ' fearing . Sale Gs:` Er Gslasr? : Uefht .flora celery Gfrteaes.' :Mien Bowls; with; ea IMPS. ''randy )Eureka, I t ft'arh,. bompaet Butter Diehrxand in divialual J3ui- iws' Cabinet.Napies. Goblets, 2'ttniblo) x;, • ;tell verk' , OIIEA ftl ele0)'0nt the Stock; LA M P S cogrplete,• large size ;lag. eaeh. .ii Putt 11 05 •t- )nent of (rneeriee, J raft, Ir. • o row.lrrnuina 5 tr Time Made, r,rel, s1)leudid, • Ce Z obull/ailed. S. M0121EW8 CHEAP STORE/. (Carson's_ Riock,) Creat Irrdueeurente in T MV M D 8 Splendid Suits from 0O.00 ' Upwards. foots Atid Shoes,. AT ROCK BOTTPIXPRIC s,. Come one, conte all 1 and secure BARGAINS ''��d 8. �9.LORLE t i. THU.0 O ' R'S, (x'ROC41.IRY Hat 1eeornd a" Household Word as. tilt: LEST and CHEAPEST place f'oi Groceadcs, '• .Tt'lour,, - Feed, . Crockery, Glaassu'tta'e, • A Iiousahold Word ! . in pints, dual:§, and half gdllons;", • • A SPEOIALT1S INw 60 Cent . Clish.paicl for Eggs:. Farm Pro- duce, taken in .exchange.: - THOS: CO�[l►"i�`>It, -Corner -Albert and Rattehbury CLINTON ONT, apOltareov: . • Eaue ' buph: •Conti ucter,Pipe RU•WLDERS'Su'PPLIES0 M.A.01C0'F4' 0 -IL, Harvest t '' itts • BRASS:'14ETTLtS . BLYTH Y .Tlielle'^'i 'orks are now iii full opera - thin, and the undersigned aro enabled to offer any grade of Salt of Finest •Quality, for Sale. • pl'io"iiecessitytof'Valt for AO;RIGUfaTU•RAt, P:0f•p;•AS"E,S Is now so fully estab1iidtft tlia.b'+i3vory. farmer :will •neglect"b's''own interest who fails to"uSe about five tom's allfnl ttll`y, Tli'W Trade ^willireceiveour best • attentliolit-:' , , ' • C6rtic rsorl," E1in•• Stavo'- felts and' a" wo�e,ttledeliVe{rcd•ht'thet•Works, for • wli' t VaStih'w 11'f pa-id.'1- .0raLlYounct ilea 'value ever offered.. *HITE LEA, r warranted gen.uine'and -M ,'PRICES; r • App1 mega Parer, Carer 'and "Slicer combined, CANNOT GET OUT OF oRpER, Every Mathifle-lWarrantoj, Htedi.ced !lwarel Bocce Shelf. Hard ar 1 RS' SUPPLIES a 8j3pcialty, • . p rtna ![i;iAlllookf •YClintonv On taz 0444* t•