Huron Record, 1881-08-12, Page 1Olt
Voluthe 3, No 25,
TERMS :---$1.25 per Annum in Advance, }
AUGUST 12, 1881.
in endless variety, from
5 Cents a 1?oll.
Baby Carriages
• Cheap and Stylish.
moo, %Rine and Choiccl Meat
• And Cigargttes.• •
Cheap and First -Class •
W. H. Ransford's
City Book Store, Clinton,
The Rook Store where yougeit
. Value for your Money.
Home and Vicinity.
THE firemen filled the new tank
on Monday evening last.
RgriinNen—Mr: D. MaLerinan re-
turned from Manitoba last week, and
speaks very highly of the country.
KiNn.—Full inferinaticui 'on the
" cow nuisance " so ranch talked about,
can -be had by by perusing " Peck's
• •
IBIP49.15nENT..--Mr.McGarvais ba.s-
ily.efigag-Td2plittilig-a-new-boiler in 'his-
saltwell; and otherwise improving the
premises. •
STEEL llaits.Twenty, cars. of new
steel rails, ten tons each., arrived at•the
G. T. R. station on Thursday last, to,
be used on this
••• .
MIL W. R. More missed. the boat
at Goderich• on Wednesday last and
had • to remain . until Saturday. •He•
shipping horses to Manitoba. •
WE are told`that the very smallest
14.4t hair throws a:shadow. •A.nd so it does.
It throwsa shadow overyour appetite
• when you find it in the butter.
Davis,. M. Itacey, Thce. Jackson
and V.: Jackson have new advertise-
ments in this week 'm issue It Will pay
you to read them. •. : .
MEsSns. Geo B Pay and S... Davis
have returned to town after spending
thre week camping...They look.' much
. improved, and report having'.a geed
THE beautiful rain fell in torrents
last night.
Owing to a rush in our work, we
are a little late this week,
Boys, make the best of your time, for
school begins in a short time.
• A nit can have more fun with a
baldheaded man than six boys with a
toy pistol,
A.rtnivxn.—Mr. Bert Pay -has ar-
rived at Duluth and is enjoying his
trip immensely. .
MAI D. Dickson, we are sorry to
hear, rs still conned to bed, . but
we hope to see him,around soon.
Too LATE.,—Messrs. Harland Bros.
advertisement was handed in too late
for this week's issue, However it will
appear next week.
Tins is about the time of the year
for the average boy to be seen" wending
his way quietly into his neighbor's
corn -patch, after dark, hunting '.for
"coons " you know.
A. Western editor thus retorts upon
a Critic :—"We are sorry that you don't
like our paper. We publish it simply
to please you. We would ask you to •
come into the ,office and edit, only, if
IA Ler of waste paper for sale cheap
at this office,
STReoc.—A large tree near the res-
idence of Mr John Cowan, Victoria st,„
was struck by lightning on Saturday
A Doe fight on Albertstreet, created
censiderable dexcitement on Tuesday
evening last. We must have some ex-
1c0THibro, says thePhiladelphia News
" so takss the conceit out of the average
Man as to order his paper discontinued
and then seeing the editor going right
along and getting rich without Inin.
Nunsen of inen have been em-
ployed in erecting advertising walls for
W. W. Cole's great circus, Suring the
past few days. Their palace adyertis-
irig car is expected to arrive here to-
day, .
Hiau Sinoor,—We are requestetl
te, state that this institution will re-
open on Thursday, 1St of September,
with a full staff of teachers. All who
wish to. prepare themselves for teachers
or for a university course should attend.
CoNcteur.—Don't forget the grand
concert in theschool house near the
we did, some iniquitous idiot might cemetery, under the direction of Prof.
write and tell you how laug1i better he Salter, this (Friday) evening. There
hes been a splendid programme • ar-
ranged, and from what we can hear,
there will be a large crowd in attend-
ance. . •
could do it himself, and that .v� id an-
noy. a nervous person like you,"
C. M. CHURCH.—The following Per.
sons were elected last week as repre-
sentatiVeii on the 'quarterly Board in
connection with the Methodist church
here :—Messrs. W. Doherty, W. Tay-
lor, W. Jenkins James Twitehell, W.
C. Seaele, Boles and I. Dodds.
Bell, of LOndesboro, together With Mr.
. .
Wm. Snell, ot Hullett, started for a
-trip to the old country en Thursday. i , ,
:late._ .;,..-„itie 7theluteutiona.ietZIE. :BR: MigAMP..-PICAVIDIalirdeelm-(1-1-6fielvalTe-;-
to fettli-licnife'ictlio•roughbred . -stem; trine as , being -false.... Our friend- has
We wish them. a 'pleasant 'trip and a Since repented ofte- action and has
given as•his reteson, thathewaethinking
safe return.
aloud. Probably he was in a deep rev -
DON'T —.No don't leara a trade, el.-
le and woke ureunder the impression
young an ou rniglit soil your that hewas discussing the National
hatidk wilt your thireolleT• arid spoil Policy. If this be. the . case and no
yOur -complexion -perspiring, . Go. hang doubt it was, our brother•should, by all,
your chin over a counter ; learn td•talls means be excused under the eirenni.--
twaddle to the ladies I part your hair in statices. We .0,0effi ikdvise bile- bow.
ever, to have a little inere courtesy in
fixture. ', '' ;• . .
Too Punvions.—In a sermonon Sun-
cls.y morning last,. the Rev. W. McDon-
agh spoke of what the people should
de in support of the Gospel, and if it
Were needed, should even part with
some of the necessary comforts of life.
This was more than, the editor of . the
' Pew Ent could conscientiously bear,
and he: very quickly and unbecomingly
NEw Wnexr.--.The'firet load of new
wheat sokion the market this season
was broughtby Mr. J. J. Fisher, Col-
borne, and was purchased by Mr. Jas.
FairI at L15 per bushel.
Fon MPNES0T —Mrs J B Racey
and family,*of this place, left on Wed
mislay last by the G. W. R. for Owa-
tonna, Minn., where they intend resid-
ing for the present. •
Mrs. Jno. Koine, accompanied. by
-' her daughter, Miss Lucy, have been
spending the past couple of weeks with
friends and relatives in and about Clin-
ton.—Gorrie Enterprise. •• • •
°lemma. — Mr. John. Scandrett
of Belgrave, ha leasd the new hotel
lately erected by Mr, Merloy in that
village, and intendsovening it on.
Tuesday next. A.
jolly time is antici-
pated. "
1)7 Tow.—Messrs. G. K. . Barnes,
'General Passenger and Ticket Agent
otd Geo: Dew, General Travelling Ag-
ent Northern Pacific Railway, were
in town on Wednesday last. They are
makinga trip through this part of
MONSTER ExcunsioN,'— A. grand
Monster excursion will run over the
Great Westeril Railway tieLondon,
to the Falls and Grinibsy.Camp ground
on Tuesday, Aug. 23rd. Tickets good7
for three days on payment of $1 extra,
- This will be the great excersionpf the
year. ,Don't fail to be on hand.
Those who stop at Grimsby will havo.
a chance to 'hear the celebrated Dr.
Talmage, of 13rooklyia, Y. Train
leaves Clinton at 6.25 a. in. Fare only
• $1.75.
the middle : make an. ass of yourself
generally, • and work for wages that:
woeld support a Chinese laundryman
—just because it is more genteel'in the
eyes of people whose pride prevents
them from pounding rock or hewing
wood, and whom povertypinches more
than a, patent clothes pin.
PRES131TERY MEETING...- A special
meeting of the Huron Presbytery was
held. us, Willis ' Church Clinton; on
Tuesday 'Aug 9th. The object of meet-
ing being to consider "the al -from
Knox Church, ,Goderich„, to the Rev.
Jiio.' A..Turnbull, B. A, to be Collee,--
gue and successor to the B.ev. Dr. Ure.
The call which was unanimous and
'signed by five hundred members and
adherents was aocepted. Arrange-
ments were made for the ordinations
and induction to take place in Knox
church, Gl-ederich. on Sept I3th.
.engaged with a large class of our best
amateur singers preparing for a fide'
ausical entertainment to be held the
latter part of Aug*. In addition to
soine magnificent choruses, quartetts,
and solos, there will he rendered the
beautifulrepresentationof the " ten..
virgins!' who with their lamps and pure
'white robes are going to meet the Bride-.
groonT.L-A: most effective pieee Also
the "barren Fig Tree."' The Prof.
will be aided by some vocalists of note
abroad; also by Misi Webber of Boston
an accomplished Pianist who will be ac-
companist -of the eVeming. Posters and
programmes will appear next week.
EXCURSIOM.—The excursion from
Goderich to Brantford on Wednesday
last was a grand suecess. The train
left Goderich at 7 t in., when about
280 passengers got on board. Arriving
at Clinton the number -was increased
by about 60, and by larger numbers all
the rest of the way down , the line:
The train arrived at Brantford shortty
after 11 o'clock and the Huron En-
campment of Godericli was met at the
station by the Grand Trunk Railway
band' of Brantford and escorted up
town. In the afternoon the procession
was formed and was indeed very
posing, there being four brass bends.
The uniformed encampment of RoChest-
et were very attractive, and went
• through Seine excellent drill practise
on the ground in the afternoon.
Oerrtitiv.--,-It is. with ,feeling of
deep regret, that we this week, chron-
icle the -death of Mr, &dm Churchill;
Which took place at the residence on
the Gravel Road, Hullett, near 'this
place, on Thursday 4th inst., at the
age of seventy years. Deceased was
born in the County of Tipperary,..lre-,
land and emigrated • to this country in
1837. After residinga few years, he
removed to the township of ,Goderich;
in which tovvnihip be resided for 83
years.. He was for inany. years a mein-
her'a the council board, school trustee
end Justite of Peace'. Some few years
ago, he sold out his property. in Gode.
rich Township and removed' to Itullett
where he continued to reside until his
death. Being of a friendly and oblig-
ing disposition he was highly esteemed
by all who knew 'him The funeral
took place on Saturday _last, when a very
large concourse of friends and relatives
followed his remainsto theClinton cera-
PERSONAL.—Miss McDonagh, of this.
place,: left on Wednesday 'morning last
to visit her friends-in:Paris,..where she
intends staying about two weeks. --Mr.
Win. Donagh, formerly in the employ
T Jackson of this place is vi
iting his friends in town. --.Mr. John
Ball who has been employed in the
tailoring establishment of Mrs. Morley
for soree time past; left this . week, for
Palmerston, where he intends spending
a short time with his friends.—Mr. 11.
Henderson, Principal of Blyth Public
School, favoured us with a call on Mon;
ay. He was on his way to 'Toronto
to attend a meeting of the Ontario
Teachers' Association.—Mr. S. Stollen.
Sonofblyth, passed through here on Fri-
day last. Re has .been taking a tour
through the County of Perth visiting a
number df friends.--rMis. W. Spence,
of Nev./bridge, was visiting her sisters,
Mrs. Morley, and Mrs. Long of 'this
Place, this week,—Mr. Thos. Jackson jr.
arrived home on Friday evening fronk,
his holiday trip- looxing considerably
improved. Tom says he enjoyedhis tour
itninenscly.—Mr. D. B. McKinnon Afer-
chant of Blyth called on us on Friday
last mid reports business good. D. E. is
full of enterprise, and is a good man for
his own village.
.ON account of want of the proper
type which was in the*Voter's lists our
births, marriages and deaths were left.
Over last week.
CORRESPONDENTS are requested not
to seal their envelopes, and put only a
onesent stamp on each. We have late-
ly received a number of communications
with three cent stamps on the envelope
which is unnecessary.
Not always is it true that "a prophet
bath no favor in his own, country."
The peopie----or some of them at least—
of this goodly town have been setting
a better example. For now nearly the
eighth. part • of a 'century the Local
Editor of our contemporary, the New
gra, has from time to time been favor-
ing the readers of that paper with
some of the outcomes. of his poetic
genuis, muoh to their delight and sat-
isfaction. He may at times have been
somewhat discouraged .because of the
tardy recognition a his abilities In the
poetical line, but time, which so se-
Verely sifts all men,
has at last brought
justice to him. A few clayshge_some
of his young lady admirers believing
that a more substantial recognition
ought to be made for his labors on be-
half of mankind, and that in some way
his local reputation as a poet extended,
waited upon that gentleman, who was
at the time, we understand, in the act
of inditing e, burning poetic pliillipic
againsi the cow nuisance, and presented
him with a•maguilieent leather. medal,
engraved in the most splendid and
uniqu,e manner.. All that modern art
could io torender, it super had'
.been - done. On cite Side *ib bore
the simple •and touching • in-
scription in letters of gold, "Presented
to Robert Holmes for making poetry:"
The medal is one that ought to be en
exhibition somewhereler a little tine,
and we hope our friend will submit ;to
the public clamor, and nail it to a tele::
graph pole for a few Weeks. :The re-
cipient, as usual,' was taken..4ulte. by,
Surprise; and was so tOttched by the
-kindness displayed that he 'made 'his
reply 'amidst numerous falhng tears.
-The address accompanying the medal,
of course, bore testimony to the great
blue fits conferred on mankind by the
works of sueh noble 'men as Milton,
Shakespeare, burns, Longfellow,' and
the hero of the hour, and wound up by.
expressing the hope that he would long
live to wave the pen as Clinton's Poet
Laureate. '*:
East Wawanosh. •
.*Mr. John R Steep has been spend.
inga few days among his friends here
School commences in S. S. No. 10 on
Monday next, with Mr. E. S. Holmes,.
as teacher. " • .
Holmesville public school re -opens
on Monday .next.
• Mr. A, Knox is painting his hotel
which gives it a new and improved ap-
Mr. W. Colclough, living near here,
on the llth con., reaped 19 acres of
grain on his brother's farm in one day,.
.with one team of horses,
' Mr. R. W. McGowan has taken the
Manitoba fever and contemplates going
there shortly. •
Mr. John Gibion, left here last week
for Prince Edward Co. where he intends
staying for some time.
The farmers. about here are very
busy-wtItIlle-hanvest jiist now. The
yield --will likely be 'a great deal larger.
than was expected iome time ago.
• Mr. Wm. Cummings, teacher, is vis-
itingfrieiids here. He intends spend-
ing a Win at the Hamilton commercial
college and then remove to Manitoba.
Mr. David McGill has erected a large
frame barn; also, Mr. Geo.- MeGowan
has built two :large buildings ou his
place. both these gentlemen are de-.
ternuned to have every accominociation.
necessary. Mr, Welter .McGowan in
tends building a large two story stone
residence at an early data
*Free of Charge.
All persons sneering from Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, l3ronchitis, toss or
voiee, or any affection of .the Throat
or Lungs, are requested to call at J. IL
Combo's Drug Store and get a Trial
Bottle of Dr. Kings New Discovery
for Consureption,free Valle/Ave, which
will convince them of its wonderful
merits and show what a regular dollar -
sized bottle will do; Call early.
• Cr Remember the reauttion and
get your kip boots at IlAnwin's.
a' Wanted, 1,000 tubs of butter
.for which 16 cents cash or 17 cents trade
will be paid,—Mits. S. Moutsx.
. There was no service in Cole's chureh
oil Sabbath last,' owing to the circ
quarterly services being held at Bruce -
field. •
Mr, II. Cook, who some few weeks
ago,,. soot witE'theAaccident at the barn
raising is progressing very favorably
and will sem be able to be around
.again. •
Mr, A. T. Cluff, a student of Huron
College, London, and formerly of this
place,'occupied the pulpit of St. James'
Church, on Sabbath last, If we may
judge:of Mr. Clad's' abilities so far he
will rie doubt be very successful in his
Goderien Township.
Harvestinbe. -opere,tions on the lth-
eon, are about finished.
Miss liamilton, teacher of Seb;001
'No. 8, intends retiring from the pro- •
fession at the end of the year. -
Extensive preparations are being
made for the approaching camp meet.,
ing at Holmesville:
' The residence or Mr. P. Ceuk; 9th ,
,con' .is rapidly approaching completion;
andwhen finished will eclipse every-
thing on the
The Public. School.' for S. .S.• No,. 9
was reopened on Monday 'last, with
attennance.LMiglitjnstaswell glye.,
the teacher Six weeks holidiq.s.
'License Inspector „Yates 'is visiting,
the ,village in his offleial ,capacitY.
.A large. nuinber of lambs are being •
shipped lately by local buyers from this
TheG. W. R. emPloYees' excursion
to Port Stanley, was well patronized by •
our villagera.
Mr, Corbett'e effects were Sold on the
market en •Saturday last. The reaper
and other articles were sold cheap.
Oa 'Saturday 'last, there was VOiy,
heavy fall of rain, which put a Step,
alt harvesting operations for-Vtime.'
Was it stolen, or a joke, or a case of
mis-identity 'I What , Whv, thelam
mer we heard every one talking about
a fewdays ago:
Mr. Hector Buie left on Tuesday
for Montreal, to _take charge of a corn-,
mereial college there., Hector is tr-good
fellow, and we wishhim big luck in
his new venture. . •
PuethisTro.—Two of the citizens had
iniSunderstanding a few days ago,
•and the result was .a rough and tunible-,
fight. both parties claim to have come
out best. There was no serious dam-
age done.
Mesers, Gray, Young and Sparlines
new wind mill spoken of a few weeks
from. the creek for the use . of the .en-'
gaghole, been, erected and, •pre7ve n sla-
cesa. It is used to pump the water
', The farmers in this vicinity:
most through harvesting. The various •
reps will yield much better than ei-
Tected knit° time ago. Considerable,
fall wheat has been threshed, and the ...
sample is said to be good, and the yield
above the average.
NEW SIIOP.—Mr. Frani Metcalf,
jeweller and stationer, has rented one
of the shops in Carter's new blOCE;
Which is being fitted up in good style,
antl, when finithed, it will be one of the
best shops in the county —Messrs Lu-
cas, Tanner & Co., bankers, have also
secured a part of the same block for
their banking establishment..
Do pot be titoOeived
In these times of quack Medicine
• advertisements everywhere, it is truly •
gratifying to, find One' remedy worthy.
Of praise, and which really does as
recommended. Electric Bitters we can
vouch for as being a true and reliablu.
remedy, and one that will do as recoil -
mended. They invariably cure stom-
ach and Liver Complaints, Diseases of
the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties,
We know whereof we speak, and can
readily say, give them a trial. Sold at
fifty cents a bottle, by j. Ii Combe.
. . •
. • . . .
. • ..