HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-05, Page 7F.dSUON NOTE. Lace pins are much worn. Wide reel ribbon is worn for .sashes. Cascades of lace form the prettiest ties The latest artificiai roses have therus. Large - bonnets are very simply _ttionie d- Ginghaws, are very fashionable this Beason, Solid colors are west fashionable hosiery. Party -dresses are trio nied•with many flounces of lace. I ne11 lustre, and old-fashioned silky 1 ; fabric, is revived. The favorite hat of the season for children, is the gipsy. Tiny boots, with little gilt spurs,. are the latest caprice. -Stylish summer silks Colne ill clime stripes and checks. Shirred -belted waists are fashionable for summer • dresses. • The Byron collar is of embroidery laid over bright ribbon. Blue and bottle green are fashionable colors for riding .habits. ' Cream whiu satin surah is a fashion Able. ulaterial•for wl ate. dresses.' • .d„ Black silk stockings are worn with • Oxford ties on the street. enjoy, We cordially recowancnd 'tbelit to the confidence and the patronage elf the public; we advise thew to com- municate with the Company at itshead- quarters in New 'York, and look over their circular and price list. -Tl i Ztt- deponcteYtt. Tru GREAT TRII»wii of the 19th century is the great medical climax Bents. is B160013 BITTERS, cures all dis- eases .of the bloody, liver and kidneys, nervous and general debility;,and is the purest and best tonio in the world. Ct'flpes.of blank Spanish laee•requite no white lace at the throat. Claret, olive brown and seal brown. straw bats are worn for travelling. Cord t(cesel ant fringe lutist match • the dresses with ,whielh they are worn Seine of the evening 'bonnets are lit- . .tie more than big bows with long strings. The prettiest. imported mull dresses' are trimmed with small tucks- and lace: White muslin shirts, to .be worn with walking suits; 'are, milled to the waist. . Elegant embroideries for trimming evening clresseS. are, wrought in white • silk on soft white sural. • 19 rrefinnIRu Every Friday iday Morning, At the nt}ic0 Victoria Block, (near the Post. Office) CLINTON, ONTARIO, 8.. PLOODY, PROP, Ti itMS.-Ter. !lucerne will be sent to subscribers Onstage free) for 61 .25 if laid in tun glue • $1.50 if 30 paper diseuuttnwed till as arrears are paid. '• RATS OF A'I)veierISf\O -•-•1st Insertion, per line, 8e„ each subsequent insertion, 2c. Professional (lards, not (Acceding six lines, 64.00. per annum, • g2r Advertisements without speeitic directions will bo inserted until forbid, and charged aoeordifg11, known Our rura es' ffor eaarIV- contrasts will bo !Wade JOB PRINTING.-- Book"and Job Printing of .every description executed with neatness and despatcli, on the shortest possible lotto(. Orders by nihil itruntlit- ly attended to, Charges moderate. , paid' in 6 months; $2.00 if pad at the end of td,( year. VALWABLB YiUl a Lets for Ile, IN BYT H. 1. Part of Lot No. S, Sleek "A," Rueou Street, Mu- eon0wll's survey. This lot is in the centre of the business fart of tlta Ttllru,stnd hiu ..fronttli;e-enough for three stores 2. Part Nos. Two and Three, (luocu Street, Drutn- mond'ssurvey--very conveniently situated. 3. Lots No, 11 and 12, Block "0,"'McConnell's sur- vey --very suitable, On which to {trout private resi- dences. TEEMS EASY. For further particular's, apply to or to the 0. FLOUDY, Blyth. RECORD OFFICE, Clinton CII111tell !iii RECTORY. $1,000 FORFEIT hnntix Cancer Cure Depot, Coatieook, P. (t., (Jammu. ANGER OUR Canada Methodist. --Sort tees at 10 30 a; in. and 6'•3011. in. Sabbath Sehoal at 2.30 p. 10. REE. W)1. SieD01AOtr Pastor, Canada Pteabytcriau -- Services at 11 a iii and 6;30 p. in, Sabbath SehQOl, 2,30 p. m. rev,. 54as, Simi!. ARA Pastor. " . St, ,pail's (Episeop 1), -•Services oo 11 a, • in. and •7 p. is. Sabbath Scholl. and fhb!(. Class, 3 p. in. BIW. W Came, hector. Silas ('hristian-S9rvices el 10,20 it. ai. well 0.30 p, ln. habliitth Snhool, 2.80 hi. 01. lfsv, it.• Thenar, Pastor. . . Baptist Chur l0 Service at 10.30 a.m. and 0.30 p.m. Sabbtttit School, 2,20p. nl. lfwy. J. GRAY, I'08i;or, TRAVELLING GUIDE. Jail >e.tivery. Imam. PRISONERS SUCCEED IN PASSING DOWN AND, (tri"'o] T}IE 4QRRo\TQ BAS'PILL. Toronto, ..JulyJ. Williatn, slices. • c,Sq ankh" •i!I•it( !hell, , jibe,: Jacobs add John! Ailtlerso'li;, 'three mem awaiting" trial in Toronto jail on charges of -bur- glary; ekcaped at an early` hour this - morning. Before gaining the • .open air tliey.had to pick six locks, and the strangest P ar=t of .the affair is, that,they., had to- pass a guard stationed at their corridor 'door, One of the guards. was awak end at two• this morning by • hear- ing.a noise in the baserhent.'• On ping. down he found tthe'lloor leading to the 'b'ack...yard • open. ,'It .was quickly• ' learned . who •had escaped,'••• and . the neighborhood was scoured, but without: .fining the bird " The city, police were notified, and-;tiesoriptious• of the. men telegraphed: all. ,,over • the country, - A . stout piece of •wire, w.a4"found at the, •- basement door and a thinner; piece in one of tlie cells... Mitchell' and Jacobs are. 1'oi'onto• men, -and it is thought by . the police that they have `nnit left the • • eity.' On 'the 2,1st of March the dry gootlsstore ,of'13(<ruaid�t Suuua'ers,; Z�wg street, was burglarized and a.quantity. of'eloth taken.' The cloth 'Was after-, warddtraced to these prisoners. 'And- erson was arrested while.trying 440 Wet an entrance . to Slnlps.;n'S dry ._goods .st'ore, Yonge• street, by- way• of .a sky- • light.. His, captors ha(d a very severe struggle' on the roof .before he was sub- dued. Very .little is known about Biel as•lie is lately out from Scotland.:••;.. 'Grand Trunk EAST. •• Peas: , • 11x11 s. Mixed:. • Mixed, Goderiele..L' •7.00a m..12.05 p ..315pin,.0.04) a 01 holm"svillo , 7.20 " ...12.30 " ..3 50 " :0.40 " Clinton . ., 7.30 •" ..12.45 " ..415.: 10.00 " Setafortii .. 7.50. `r 1.10 " -4.4n ". 1015a '( Dullhi .'..8.03 " .. 1 20 " ..5 .10 "•• 11',''(" • llitcholl ,515 " 145., -0,35 . 1155 " soliringrille.. 8.35' "' . 2:08 ( ..010 " 12.8511111 Stratford.. Ar8,45 " .• 2-15 " ,.6 30 " . ' 1.00 W EST. • • Pass Ops Zinged Mixed. Striitferd:. Lv 1.20 p in -7;20 p 01.".7.00-0 In ..3 3 p 10 Sobrinry llo.. 1.30 " ..8405 30 ,, ..4 16 .4 Alitiltell' .,..1 Flu ' ._8.35 " 01, .-...4 11 ," Dublin ..1U0 " .:8.4o' .515 "5143" Selfforth 17 ' ..8.05 " _0,10 (' ..5,40 " .Clinton2.40 ' ..9a5 ",, 1U 00 " ..0.15 • " llolmcsvilla ` 2.00 ';' ..9,25 " 10 yl " .0.3.5 .'M • Gedenicll..Ar3,15..9.50 " ' 11.00 .7.15 u without tae use of the Knife. The only Permanent Cure in the World. For particulars enclose two 3 cent stamps to S. 0.• 5541T41; Coaticook, P. Q., Canada. .. iter highest references. CFRES SWIFT ANII' CERTAIN. Any paper (nut publish the above for 25 a year, with this note and paper regularly. R owu Pruper�cs FOR SALE. GOOD BARGAINS. 1 CLINTON age Works.. H. OANTELON MANUFATI; Iu>JR PROPRIETOR, QF BUGGIES, CUTTERS, TERS,, WAGONS, S ELGHS, &C r -.TT;IYmat AND MINGLES 'taken in exchange. (live aw a call' and I will giv you plWeO. that cannot be beaten in the County. J g. Repairing and ]Ierseshoeing(done with despatch. 1 That first -(lass lhrnt on the 11)11011 load, near Ilarpm)lo', Lot 33, in tho first conees'ion of Meg lMop, 101 lures, (90 cleared) adjoining the pro- perty of, L. Moyer, Esq. Log and Frame house, Fargo Lamin Barn,good 'Orchard, &c.' Apply to Ili', 11'11. WiIITELY, Iiuro1 Road, Tuukorsinoth--Or to the undersign ed. 0 Lot 29, 'in the TWo1Ith' Concession of Godorieh Township, near Ilohuosville,-80 acres,. about 40 : 'cleared, balance well timbered. !•'11144)0 house, acid stable. Well suited for a dairy or grazing farm. Only 8200 required down; or would bo exchanged 'ed for Town property. Apply to Mr. E. mouliTuAsTLE, .myth, or to the undersigned • 111c valuable Ilotol property on 1'totOrla Street, f) Clinton, k)le*n as Lane's Hotel, now occupled'• by Mr. George Knox, comprising 0 largo hotel build- ing, driving shed; four choice Town lots, &o • ,,i{ That elegant two story Salim dwelling -house on, #, Huron Street; Clinton formerly huki by J. C. Miller, now 04410nled by Mr. John P: Martin The conlfort3ble frame cottage on North Street, f).. which belonged, to the late John Pugh, MA' .noc. -copied by \ir. John nailer -with two 1•(rgo lots,' good garden, .'lo -neat the Flax Mill. Jubilee . Organs. There are : makers who seek to earn And fix a reputation for.first=class work which shall be for all time. Among ' these May be noted the Men(lelssobn Piano Company, malnufacturers'of the popular.Jubilae Organs, which are rap- idly•becoming known, and which do not, fail to hold - every inch: of •gronid they °neeoccupy. So 'thorough is the inspection of the various parts, and of the whole, that , 'vh.en an instrument goes out of the house a guarantee for five years -long . ' enough '4.o break down. and wear out, 'two common . organs= -is given the pur- chaser. • The Jubilee Organ is win,' eptly an organ for the people.. --•-Louis- ':vibe, gy. Cervzerciyttll • • 1 -laving bad occasion to. purchase organs. of this Company fox aur own personal friends, and having found them to 'lie all that was claimed for thew after years of thorough trial, -and having' repeatedly visited their factory h1 New Fork City, we are prepared to assert, trent our own knowledge of the mann- facturers. and there • Organ, that their 'work is not excelled byany manufac- ture. now in the market. In short, the Mendelssohtl Piano Company's instrumentsare eminently the peoples organs, and are :worthy of enviable reputation as they so certainly Great Western.. 5 'O h3'i'lh ASXPreSS4 Mail EainceS 1 Y • , 1" In ilon(inn - 7,40 s w 0 p m '.0 5.1 Iiy do 1 tu9(.. , 50; " 2.30 ' .....6.35 l`sttricic„...0 41. Ildertoln . 8.05 .' , 40, ( ..6 52 " 13ru(•nn . 8 15 " 3 00 " ..7 03 r' (!laudeboye, 8,20 " 3.11 " Centralia.:. 8.40 " 395 " Txuter.. •. 8.08 " ...3.38. Iil,ilsall 9.05 '' iCippe❑ 911 .` 3:7 Eruu•held... '0.21 " -4,07 Clinton;..., , 9.39 " 4.2,3 ' Londesborough 9.583, ".4 `41 . 111y•th:: 10.436 . Sulgrave 10.94. " -5.06. " -Witti;haus..' 10.40 ' 5 25 SOLT33. .7 28' 'r .(•. ....7.53 7 'n " ,;s08 '' ,8 15 ' .8.52 ": ....0.03 .9.'25 rhe good Frame cottage'and .large; lot No, 1)03, • }, on : Erie • Street, Clinton. Tho. hot is near the• junction of the two : railways, and •tuay' horcattcr be valuable as a factory site, . t0Ii Also oth(tr.lots and buildings for sale, Apply • t( f . H ALE : (,1h)t0n, :April ll; 1321, ■ y . ' Huron bty, Clinton F • olin Smit h. MERCHANT TAILOR i1. C Aa`4 ELON PHOTOGRAPk1ER, . Beaver Block, .. 'tr [17 LATEST 8TYL !NEST F.IN/SH, ! .S FINEST �.FLMNITURE.I.1' -- FURNITURE!!. i ' o -_ Clinton.Furniture W are -Rooms, No. 77 Brick Block., • Express Egpress \l ingbal t ., 7 00 a m ... 2';,, pram.. d.0 ,6 pi,n Ileigral . . 7' 18 313 .6 38 1311.4415.. 7 8 J 28 0 55' 'a Londesborough 7 44 " 3 36 . , 7 04 " Clinton ' . '8 02 " .. .8 54 1.24 nruoeleid:. 8 90 " .4 07 98 " Kippon & 30 " . 4 15 r 50 v f lcnsall... . 8 311' 'I v 4.190 8 06 . " Exeter882 .4 31 ...8 25 " Centridia..• •• .. 0 02 "' .4 4 r ' ...8 4 j •i, Clandemye 010" . 4004 < -•• 903 „ Brecon .927 ,t Ilderton • 9'38 " ,...813 " ...935' . Ettrick - • . 9 47 Ilydc Park .. 9 50 " :.5 26 " , . 10 00" London .:1005 ` ...5 35 " .. 1010 BLYTH SAW �Pf1LL.: GOSMAN_& DOoDDS1r Are now prepared to do .all kinds' of win the line. Having. put in a• grain (rusher, we are 'able to de chopping at any time and on the shortest notice. ...GOVAN .f•, DObDS. Birth nee. 17 1880. -. 32tt. AND fit ut �Or 7 G� (Oaisian's Block) .. . Ears for thee' Miiiio n. . Fon I'i><oo'S Blilsaili •of Shark's Oil, PositiI el?J 11?estot'e8 tate 'fearing, 'Hutt the On(j Absolute •Caul e for Deaf3tess Ii'130Wf.' . Tits Ott is o:ctractc(l.froni iiifoculier species of small WHITS 81141)11, caught. in the Yellow sea, known as Car(harOde.8 J2ondcletii. •Ty4ty Chinese lshernlau kno08 it. Its virtues 118.)1 restoriative'of hearing were diseevcred by a Buddhist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were 00 11/014010014 and 118x1 se 411 emssoi,' SilitAouOgt's that the remedy 1ra80110`11411} ,1lOelaimed over the entire Empire. Ito nae heuune to 0100ersal that for (Vain 300 11111444 so 1)oAr oro8 (14444 11x18980 Altol0 5)4144 0144)41144411,1.c(1001. Sent, charges pi:paid, to any address, at 31 per" ionic. Only Imported by • ; .1 AVi Tt R CO. • 440LE AOIi1T8 440A ASI9SitICA.. 1 7. I)ey 8t., New York • Its virates'ar0 )41153te,410104eand its curative Mar. deter absolute, as rho 'writer (ala ylgranuall3 testify, boih,front'ea5ierience 4)4)12 ebselw0ti(ur. • Among the twiny readers •qf tihe 110110W in one part and another of tbo'country, it is probable that 101141• 11014 aro laded with deafness, and to 811(11 it may iso said 1 "Write at once to liayleck & Co 7 My Street, New ill receive by re- turn are)1,0417' enclosing tltt w'11 citable' yollwto Bear like nap bony else, end whose cgrative effects will be perma- nent. 'You. will never regret doing' so." --Editor of New Pork .ilorc((ntile )le4lelo, Srrt, 23 '1350. ��lrble Works Glide iIURON STREE'r,.:C .INION. 141. r ;, Aiaiiiifitetiiter of end. (nosier in all kinds 01 Marble & Granite. for :Cemetery Work, tit figures that Clef; oompetitiou. Also mannfacturer of the,"Uilebrase1 ,(iILTII'ICTAL 5102455., tor.J3niltlin; pur- poses mid Ci iuetery Work, Which must be seen to be iippr(aci,tted.-All work Warranted to give satisfaction. Q- • , Owhlg to the increase of business during the past year, Oto doiluieiuoas;as formerly, ' Have taken out a new (case of No. i7, and will continue • the present time as Rue a• stock of Furniture as was ever. on exhibition n t`il'e n pec•Tkia , \l'o hwyo on knurl at ] which we ice scrl ht a gory SihAt.1I AU Ot)1)6 ON ('USM � NsY.than cairn be obtained elsewhere, Goods,. pared to give our Custonrurs BL:1"rElt GOODS for I,LS�S;�AIeUi/�G ' ALL DS WARRANTED. RANTE.Dr -f P. ager .. " , ' A. IREl%1NEI T,.Sa'1esutaIt • . . tar' i)on't miss the 1piece-No. 77'13riek.S1eek, telt. . 1 ClintonAKE country •' m (11(1 (1 Rtll lel -, et and 1 l leant :ie .• • the. iuha i begs� • t Ottlr 1L1 rr 440 ( he hos engagu(l h(" has engaged tllG ;:erl�icc s of cute of tll� bl,st bakers iu. the 'DOM -RA n, and that , keep. , rmistilnti U11.1itLll(1 th(:'1 r'ti('9t and b(+st lls.Qiel+tznint of cnlu.s in tolyn • t the p y tit}hn u'ulLlly kept in i first-class bakery, utclllulzes•by at,lct'attentlrsn o to nitrit.a•lidr share of lnatrouage. •.. R` WHITE AND: ;B OW'N .BREAD • l • ,• >„ b' convinced; Delivered dail,y'to al) parts Is of tL Rnperior. qualitlr.,. Cru u It a trill! and u use ` R Cati(lies Sze.' always on hand: Wedding Cul.es. L 4)40(1- - Own.. Bans, 13i. Cult -,.. , , I r L ,131 , Of thi, t., L l . , alty-iced and tilial11eiite(l+izt•tlie latest style and design,' . (rife 2110 15 -.cult. • Clint on, .April '28, 1881. • Harness, Light, TEAS . ! :.TEAS I T GREAT 1 ➢3MICTIt➢NS . Ilii TEAS. -AND.-..= • , Harness Hecwy1 Can always be; had at the LO W EST ..:: RATES, at .. NEWTON.-& DENNIS'. also a Large Stook of•. . .r Neuer Such Good !faille : as. at the Present : Time. e. i.,I• New season, iull'fllay.r, 'Y0un;; HY8on, '50 ecntg. ' -i. a ' 7\ewsuits(!,Spiint, -Sprint, Japan, (lilty::.pielciug)' G(),cult s • . Ne's beaso}I, Black Tea{Uon„ou) 50 00 . ' New season, Lngllali'• BIC kfabt, (i0 cent'(. New' season • Smelling, ..Congoit, OYmLna ,e Pekoe., Fongtai, ..hs0U1, . l' onios$a.. .: N'ew stock just Received, and put up in 6 Ib. Caddies, at City Prices, • Liberal.disl • count to dealers. e S. ALLISE•R & CO'., 99 BRICK.BLOCK, CLINTON'.-. ,. r Si Palliser, •. ' T. I1 lute. which will be -sold CHEAT.'. We are giving Special Bargains in. Trunks and Valises. $)ur stock is very much enlarged this . Spring. in all the above lines, All we ask is for the pub" lie to eall and inspect our stock and be convinced that we are selling Cheaper than ever before known. We have al- ways made Light Harness a specialty,' and warrant all Collars.• To the Electors of .the County of Huron. TV-ITOHEL1S ITARNE S S DEPOT 'is the best and elioapost place in the county to buy your • t i LIGHT.AND• HEAVY HARNESS, "4 hi11s, Trunks, Valises, ..c. GREAT I3A.R�`AINS'IN BOOTS ANDSHOES. NEWTON'S; 'DENNIS, • 1Cu Invite your inspection and very eordally soliclt your patronage. JAMES TIVLTCULI.L3 Victoria. 'Block, : Clinton, --Ontario. WATTS'& CO. CHEMISTS' AND DRUGGISTS, .'IIOJ'Y'TJtEIL. TELE OR.OPH OFFICE, T C L I IN T O IN , O N.T• , ALBERT aTRI~E , P • --DEAIill' Dye Stuffs, et'umerg, Genuine Patent Medicines., Pure Drugs, � � PrDrtl gists. Horse and Cattle, Medicines, and all'Articles Generally sold by g v ,EP i Y RECIPES CAT ITLLY PREPA,1:;ED, PRESCRIPTIONS ANDI�A.MII.1 Agents for I�arl'1J'i Glove CleUltler.. 5