HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-05, Page 6IRELAND. Statistics of evictions in Ireland for the quarter.onditag on the 3001 of June 1881, furnie1 i uu . j,.titereatingfigures. In Ulster 4.40 falniliesnumbering • carried .out, and .,scow .experiences the consequonces -of' thestop. All that was known of her wits+rabouts to the family was that :she had gone to ,Oswego:... Since her .departure no' tidings were re- eeived as to where sliii Was. "nritil`1 innit' 2,029 persons, were evicted; and 24 two weeks atm- when her father re - families, or 1221 persons were readmitted as tenants,, while 270 families,, or 1,413 persons were readmitted as (t care tak- ers." In Leinster the number of fam- ilies evietoti was 171, or 7'56 persons, the families readmitted Re; tenants were 19 in nuinbori or 50 persons, and the caretakers readmitted were 62 families, or 296 persons, In Connaught 208 fainilies, comprising 1,570 persa0s were evicted ; only 3 families numbering 14 persons, were readmitted. as tenants, and the families readmitted as care- takers wore 118, representing 718 per- sons. 111 111uuster there.were evictions of 186 families, or 914 persons, With 11 f<lurilies, o,nlprising 71 persons, read- mitted as--tanants,-.and 89 families or 507 persons, readmitted as• caro -takers. Por the four provinces the totals are Evicted, 1,065 fautilies;or 5,262 persons readmitted as tenants, '50 families,. or 956 persons; readmitted as care -takers,, 542, families, 2,894 persons; leaving 473 families, or 2,112 persons, Who Were not re -instated, 11.FGJZAN1IST4N.. . London, July 28 ---The Globe naysit is officially informed that a report has reached the Indian office ..that the army of the Ameer of Afghanistan. has been completely defeated' by the forces under Ayoob Khan. The sane journal learns from another source that serious troubles has arisen.. in conse (pence of the defeat of the Amer, and the Indian Government is greatly con. earned at the gravityof- the 'situation. A I3outbuy dispatch says a,battle was fought yesterday , between the Amer. and Ayoob Khan, during which one' of the Ameer's regiments deserted,, and went over to the enemy. Tliereupen, lir;.Fowler's 1;,�trilct of Wild Straw • - the remainder of the Ameer's ,troops berry is auv, unfailing, remedy ...for all kiwi • s •o£ bowel complaints. • Tho golden age=the present --:-When Esterbrook's. popular Steal pens are within the reaeh of all. .: ..The stationers. Afghanistan has boon totally. tb feated cin supply .thein, Wholesale by 'the: at Kareziatta, All' .his' baggage and Ieading T'oronnto'stationers. I:tAvr Cot na ws,—Yen may. suffer. frow'soroftila or' some foul -humor, yoirr ••fiver tatty be. congested, your lungs easied,'your • kidneys. lys. deranged, •yotir joints distorted with . rlieumatism, you may be almost a. walking skelleton, yet. despair not, Ltrrtvo(Ic•131,00il I3rtT13itt3. has cured othci.5 it, may cure you. Tin Gil.fii'rls5t ..[iopul'arity. ,of. Ur. Fowler's .'1 ,Clrac,t'of Wild atraWherry as •where it has been longest know)). Qru tta, July 2S `A,yoob ,turned the' Tinto cannot detract • Rous:'.'its .'ni1:•r t,,5: left flank, of the`Auloer:s ar• my, latter' It is "the old reliab•le medicine-' for, all'' followed but dill not catch up. °•until; 32` 'bowel complaints incident to�tlio gush= miles from Gandahar, where the battle: roar season. , • ' . was fought, says ske-dk£oar to Ame(r implies..the OIIIJj�ot iiSdal ,8T Gala London, July 8:—The 1eleggrclle,'. • , complete -overthrow of the only remain-. •a)�• ring r'lresentative ofBritish influen a ;�,‘;Egs� • • in,tfglianistan, , • 1 �j1lEilT STIl 1''r,• (LT\ r0 \,• 0..T.; ` 1 'ri;osinet''n„ eneiitl b t d ilii, business: 'mono ad. • va1, 1 on 11 it t ,1„es awl 'Still's of hand. Drafts .14 s )vd y,t? ab u lit per, fit all the oilif es of the Merchant n uses. of (mads. Sow Yul•It e.i1Lu1„ a bought and Sold, l'rotapt ittteltion paid to 1 o1leetions through IIFTV 11N OF. rim )ELUDED 1 DED S 1L'AIl rno*P-. out Commie tot! the Cnited states. • • SON, OF uusL'r.ii.—...LA,. 1LLST'1 c1ARr,L•' SALE 'Ori'Lij . BOUGHT . sewed a, telegram, from, Budulo, stating that $he was seriously i11, and find been takento the General Hospital. The father's love for his daughter overcame his, enraged feelings at her conduct, and two weeks ago last Saturday he started for Ballo to cheer her through her sickness, She recovered so far as to be able. to return home the following ;.i onday, Raving seen an advertise• went in Saturday's �fT erc'tari, "Stirvatlt wauted," she mustered courage enough to apply for the place, leaving a reco- mmendation to be examined.. She has not yet called again for the recommen— dation, and the faintly entertain some doubts if she will. James, or. tt(GY" ALW.N'S (as he was known ]tore)irlquitoua pere- grinations iii Guelph have left more thanone triVie of a villainous career. Ile was a marble cutter by trade,. and while here worked first in Feast's ohs shop on Woolwich street, afterwards being employed in 11,1essrs, lticfLitil,iall & Hamilton d. works. Ile and a fair u oousin " with whom he lived reckoned themselves as singers, and executed some of the vocal music in one oft! e church choirs until he said things out= side which did not accord well with hits religious 'pretensions, then he was ot- palled. In the hotel where he 'boarded ho boasted of his propensities as a it woman killer," but his -conquests dill not find him any admirers among the boarders, who jostled luluabout with as much. indifference as they would a •yelping cur. .Ill fact, his whole aim was- to carry out what ha boasted of, and When he left the pity the only. mourners were -those • who fell a prey to his deceptions.. • fled, leaving their guns•aaul baggage on the field... • London, July 28. -,-The :Viceroy' of India telegraphs that the•'Ar ieor of eighteen guns wero• .taken. r1 I� halal. regii.Sent and his Canllaltar horse-deset t= (81 to Ayooli Khan. The Arrreer's Gene cral'fled towards.(f'Chul...' •Sirdl r Sliatii-' suill[in is still at Oanilahar with C'abulese and some pol>eP. In the ;onluions Mr:Gladstone read • tiro telegram confirming the defeat ....of thu Aiueer., IIe stated 'that there was an Anglo-Indialt • force in the neighborhood of Oarnlahar. • The Allan.Brattd. • t'AHILY wICTLIIIZI ), •• ht elosc-rates rust money, advanced- tr, farmers on ' their own notes, for any leigth of time to -sial the. rI'110g8 lvho know r on berritte'. Atllntr.'kettchle,icOititt(abnit!rllt•autls0kl;_ 'the ..7ihonx;t. 13.idca' in\er Yorl. A,tc,lts of the Nieeelnitni• Pahl: of Canada, • INTI-1t11'4T:4LT.011'I:1Y0; 1)1 POSITS A JOICiciTiE% J i aJsI)a1.r., T. A 0ArE; trntlru3`. ("Iint.nl. flora,, BBf1 ssh�yy ,1 1C g1 k'I'LA7t, ln ISDA1 L, llani%e Wi7i71'S ONi: GALE• �'.�1. IJYC L.�1 li_1\ 1x1 0S, is7 OLLil A JOf. stN, Stiathto3: Y;1e1,1, L'ifuton. T,•11.('A11; danrtgei. (.arrespontlentd to f,anaQa, Tin flit lk of ale treitl (1,110 all ttlut :Waite lig, 121 Ne11•'('or(1, V..11'atsuit and A.. Lanz fie anti 61 Wall Street,.' - family in this city, says the.• Guelph .ltae,,rvj; sympatlrize'with them .in ..the mien: itlblC connection.' in • which 'their : nage has been brought 'by the, villain- ous' conduct of James Allan, and the foolishness of the wayival•d girl 'Sara=h,. whose yielding to his fiendish oncls cies, pita the objootions , of': parelits and friends has led. to do disgraceful, .a :tor-.: initiation. A more respectable family than the Tlroprpsous is not' to be found on Alice. street,; 111. Whichthey ]i.e. The father is a,har'd-working,-1)011e8t roan, and his 80118 are imbued with the. same industry and upri„htne s,. There: - f lits it is a pity for their sake that the circumstances of the '; irl'.s c aaei''has received so much publicity; and nowt'• that it have gone abroad itis better t;i;tt the who[e.facts should he known. • SA RAH TI!p311'.80:1 is 1 young woman of.porhrns: 2201+' 23 years •nf age, of rather prepossessing ' 1,11 ,)(at•luxet1 anti oharaeter}zed by fond- II/n..8 for dross 'ritiell often displays a tri illy disposition, loot three yfars,slte•t Was ('un ploy ea- as a domestic servant by. , 1 -wt• 1 y family i r the art l l to do fact ,ly r p lif (her ;qty; And daring :drat ti(tie 1 -I.1 (lltvl sati fleet to live a. life of single • 1,1es1,1•rlr,ess until her unfortunate at In •Valent lvit.1I Allan, who stet 119r .fie- t (;t en ly, and fo'a'nd in her' a too iethy,,, inion to his vile illt4 11 0ns,, ',rho girl.' eriu1.1 rotresist the .1)((lucements licilrl tit b; 11 in to n I1ror ' 1 of ulal`i`iage,.. lied life''r a refusal of 11('r, ftlthfi''s' con - f'111 e ( < t, and ender th s," proposal., l tl . iscialiamainee td 11wr lirntll(rs 10 tile 'silt, she took thf, rosstonsit ility on her 0001 sllnn[ders,determined r tanned on leaving the by last fill to 11ttvre the oglrtrfict THE V. ,137. CHINE .*QL I '1'llli \\ (]1 Ll), i5 nnt1)tlfrtot1irj tt by.' :cColl res d Co,,,Toronto 111111 •fcir salty Iry all dealers. Ask N•eur nrer'ehant ,for gutty• mite- no ether. er• T /,jhis rift, tnlitru tile, sueesest test lila.-roust settee vlinpytitiu2l; wa.4' ar .tat. (artist!) Il(d.118tl ills Isxhilli•, sun atrtirdetl tllc Ili• h, t Prize, also ebc (11)111 11ed:d t the Pro•fnilallivbib.•iun,1hunUtnn,and the h11(11- ust'w.a'dallho,iwmiiatu Exhibition, 0tta$'a-the 4iitut Ai(', 11, T alma' ((1(1• ail „VOW ttso Agricuitural Machinery 1, ill v11e 1110(141 and rnnehlncrv by tlsblg delle -hut' r.'II'IN1.;• `8-0111. AVIAFl S r� r E►Ar� �(7►i� iFic- 1 F 0 NE �. fY,. [EN E9 S 5 ANO UR IN. RY OR-CA/VS. Broadfoot & Pox, limlori�C�S Our stock of Undertaking Goods is very largo and coon- piete, Any person requiring anything in this line will find it •to their advantage to call and see 13S, 1811 eve ]ravejust re - mired a large stock of lia'ALNIJT Anti ROSEWOOD BASKETS. Also'COJ!<'INS, of every des- cription, from the best Ameri- ean and Canadian manufactur- ers, also a stock of Robes and Trimmings, which we are pre- pared to furnish at half the • price • formerly charged for • these Goods. • . I'M 77 BRICK BLcICK, ese=2===ampaszerausaimmar .ON CHURN, THE BEST IN THE MARKET, Wholesale an : Retail Four Sizes; Donu't fail to See nem. l2 117. l'vt1 OEY,. iron au41 Ilaldwar0'3terchant Clinton.'' rho Yoga. 46447 3®11Ji 100;W S .. SARSkPARILIA. COM 11T, ; DYSPEPSIA, And for Purli'yina the; Blood. Jt has been in 11se for 20 years, and hits proved to -be tho best1 eparation in the inns l:et for SIM 11EI ,DACI11 '” P.6.111-11,-1 101 SIDE OIL I3ACI{ LIVER' C01(1 1'I AINT.l'7B1I'LFi,S.ON III): FACE, DYS- :'i,i'SIA. PILES, sand all Diseases that mise from a Disot:.dered Liver or an Ini- purebleod, 'I'hOusandsofour best people talc it iind giro tete their children. Pity sacians prescribe it daily. T.hose.lvhd use, it once rocommend'it to others:- - It is loado from:fellow Dock, Randal. rag .Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Stillungks Dandc:ion 'Sassafras, wintergreen, and ether weii•known valuable )Loots and, Ilerl.s. 1t is strictly vegetable. and can- not Lurt t_:o:mort'delicatit constitution.- -it is ono: cf the best medacllte , to use for Regulating the Dowels. 11 is cold by air responsible druggists at ono dollar for .a quart bottle, or six Odors. bottles for five • Those who -Cannot obtaf -a bottle of this medicine frotu their drugq druggist may send us oho dollar, and wcs,willdeliver 11 to thorn free of -any charges. 17.:0107.021 ;,k -CC., Manufacturers; AM1rIfu.RsTB:JR,! ONTARIO Sold by WATTS' tC 00., (yhe0iittts tC llru'gt fists, Clintau: I4'os no equal for the permanent- cure of. ttotilells, folds yoroThroat, 'AmIlli un. ('ro»r'y 4Visoo;ilrn5 1'oattat,'Bronchilis, Iu,d all flu ut5•Diseases. £2 T 'Every b0(le. guaranteed to givesatisfaction. 1".1ILURKL0 , Proprietors Toronto. SIGN OF THE PADLOCK. . HARD ARE; �A A E. SPECIAL LOW PRICES- IN Nails, . Paints, . Looks, Oils, . Hinges, • Glass. _ % 11 Poor Rollers, Patty, tet. 07 A large quantity of :Folur' 111lrTaell-'xalvanized Steel Fence Wire, at Reduced Prices, Spmles, Shovels, hales, Hoes, &., in great variety. Just received, a largo lot of 1 Royal Canadian Clothes Wrin ers, " at very low prices. • Best No, 1 Coal 011; also, the Celebrated Ame 'ie.ui.IIeactl i lit !lease Give Vis a Call. Prices Very Low ' HAL . Sign. of the Padlock,. Albert Street, 'Gunton. • to Dear ale) • 'TIME- W'OR T-. PLAGE. it. thistl'u+vtl to get your., •• a--R,—Q-C_- '— --T7.. -1t-y Is at the (9,14 tog' d1."1'i0O Nouse.: • ROBS , .THE "m $R O $ 1,eeps the worst.Stock in Tcwti. • ZF•i,t prices aro higher than any other Grocer; he is wry inattentive to his etbitomers, and l.kes.hiinself generally disagreeable to every person that dnee'z patronize hills; and 110. dont •Want' your trade—still, Ile• keeps . open day and aright.". ' how=this world isagiveii -to perversion, Nearly I VE1 Y13CP1: .BUYS FRt)3111111. • There Must be -Some Mitake Here For His Goods are all New and Well Bought, succi Don't You Forget It 0 -Remember- the '0D iosite ttt Off. e, ''Old latorloa:llouljei•' 79. 4. :..� C'oa Coe Lis o Pos n.os. Ver Ci e. pa • B Gf DISCOUNT IN :,_<PRU1 E��'LA 'GOODS . Heavy arrivals 'Sugar, 1loright before-thc late advance ' • •" 1lea.vy arrivals of General (>!rocoriev,'' Realty arrivals of Croelcrry CxlrisiwarP, &e. Brought direct from the manufacturers, very low. We neither n en't.to Chinn...or'Jq ran 10 rim (llasc (1.t1• T, lint - ail ilio next best tlii " t tiro e't i'O r 1 • ti y importerd. Any old +w 1111111 111.11)81 eolith rvwho bas tr cd cilli'. buual,ttliitc i n ut �. `k` will tell you. itis til(: best they can :my-. Inst try. pate,.:.11.ten ix11w1tyii: 01161.1 'FOR EGGS.'CASH •FOR` BUTTER' IN ..PACKAGES. • straL•t' x.ill ey during their SVl 1)n 10 Ripply '1,115 orders"fr:3"the Will •fiiike;,.fov the:next 60 clays: only, a Giancl .Offer of :IAN -0 S )..'..,D,. ' 0 - ' ., N -. . r$'850 8lluare. Grand Pian) for only yf3'245.• - . C(r r v.- 0 .31ai;niiieent r0sawnoifease elegantly finished 1 Strings 7 at:teees full patent enutatatc• - L)•'. 1 1 .1.-/13,4 0. agnates, one nor patent nrer'strungmstl0, beautiful carves legs' and lyre hetet acrpcnt-• b 841811 largufatieN iu)n1dh1 round -east, loll lion I?r1io4, 1'rmsch (.ran.I An -tion, (Ir018? 1hiumcrs,in fa.tever3' - • iomruvement lvi)ieh_tall Cb. any 3.,fo,y tuior to rho perrectimrof the iristrtilllent l Hy,}Gel, ridded,' • 1110; 0nr price for this inst11,,tls:a boxers nod 'dolivorot1 .on board .atilt 1(11 tp _ O O . . NOW 'Veldt, with II.1fe.Pinlro•Colet;, btuol assn nook, only ti? . • 1(1111 090 will he :'out on te$4trial, .Please t•end'refeto)rco"if' 3bu do slot 80)1.1lnoney With order.. Cash. 'vut•5ith o)•ttm••will be refnntled aria freight clashes paid I)3` :is birth wave if 'P19410 isnot lust as represented . 0, tid+,lavertisencn\ Tilellt,kmle 11) (ISO. Fetid for Cato 05,lle. 11)0)3 instrument fully 14 1rrstitcd 101 4:years. . 41(1; to *4 al (o'1tit Stool, (.'1,101 aunt 1i<ol•),, All 1108113 5ir•st-class sett . • y 1' w. gold at 14'.11 deistic 1,1e8,rly pacts. 'flier liar)))s made one of the Ihtuet. '( 1 ilia days 111 the (tetltello51 Exhibition, 111111 were 1110ilimous13' roe )111' : 1 ,• , . contain our l 1l tl. It • Squares K 1.) I�111 1 New L t r' )114. The t c. r c �( + I' 1e1 t r It.s L II r .l I ) r 'rid .toe the. r �. u u Sell t r '1 t n loll ro1'Oiiloltb1 the 'history. of Piano. 110111105/ The lyirights ace the. finest in .Llte'ic•1, Seale, by we t,t 1 Potttir0ly n•O m:iku the ihrost Phino'; of tile richrst:tuu. Anti ;;t•clttett dw;tlrflit3., '1'hcy ere r0couuuui0011 b}`, the highest 1ou1•frnt 1u tllorities ire the country,Over Wen in uwl, and nut 010)diss dissatisfied phrchaser. All 4( Pianos or organs sent. ill 1.3 (WS' tart ti31d—I)'vlf/fd,fr)0 if iematiui'natnrit., goo 1/ fail to (1-1(10 us' boforo line- • I. in;;, Positixolvweoffrr1h0best bartarils. (.a1 lu 110 11)9110)1 fi•t.o, Halal+mu(' fllttsttatcli (11)11 bose'ipth•e • • t.'otalogtm of 48 pages mil, 11 for lie. stamp. .Every Naito frills' warranted for r) ;tears, Our"1 Parlor Grand 3obi- t, r �' ! yro 1 t+ 1810 ore,,,,,,., ir +all vt}i. 3S, is ' "• ,a r" 4 r a h'r the finest and sweetest litisi-,f , n Fi 4., c' totals Beers or„nnt ever strieed the to.lsical ob icy It contains hive O, tt eei, Piet: sets of IttisiS 'four- of -ql , Octaves each, 51111'(110 of 'rfocc 31etav , °'rh?rtetil 8to is with ttr:usl 111 10' .Ill pason, 31eIo1it, Villa, !init.: Celeste, 1nth:et. I'c•h8, 3roh)t111;fort , Celestin, Vitt ilia, nut Porta 1 rt.nndn, (1notl•t) ;stn and 1l rand .tired, 1011,111 -~tops .1lraght, 74 Irl., Lelll ti 43 in.; 0 Wit, ') in„•151(4,5111, 114 ,) alis lb Tho case is of solid walnut, 4tnurud With rlwo'n woods, and is of an esti 1,13 my- 1aA9 4;1 beautiful 110,,,,,,n, elaborately: c il' 8d, with rois0d prior'.,. ankle 0).101,, ' lamp stands, ret -work, i'ou., all e:Ch:l'$tiv tni-ha4. 1'osncsses all Olt:latest 51111 best improvements, with great • tnaves • depth, brnli to 3' nod 1:y11i1xtth 1 e qualify of luno, Beautiful. solo effects and perfect t 5',utlml.. 1)05nter ratan lniee ssic. ('.tr (rldh,,,l(ef1 nil 191.~•1) firi5d to ilttle It intro,fn1-sl, wl'b.stool tubi ilire8, 031)1 1117•• 14 0118 04S1,11 5011 sells others. .F'osirir'e13' no deciat1.11 in price. No payment regolred 0ntil Son 11)11-0 filly tested' 00 organ in , our own heap, , 4 e send all of ao on to dues t:•0( trial a11(1 jtat, freight both trays if instrument is aur es represented. 1•"1tll a.tear ra ii 1"! for 1 years, 1)f ,4I• st,3 t0s. 8 stop organ 01)13 1113 ; it ) tops, ss(; 11' • . , Blest satisfaction 111tistratul. 011-,11)19 inel,t9Y' stn;x'llCi. 1wr111.0 oa01u'•nud elate Organ has the f 1 •z.. 1• ,free. Putter, and t'wltrero0nrs, 51 t St. sod loth Are. Emer t y �a 1tt ono -thin! price. Catalouno of 3001 droit o pieces soot 151' 3 vent. U S . grans)), Tills Cathlegue 8,0luda'8 llwst of the popular mIISIC of the,- . ME . t.StSQH QN.N.AN (, ° , P 0 �. Add -resit, day at1<1 ovw vnr'l(ty 0t' nttrstott campus ties, by the 80drantllor • BQx 2�5N N+rt.Y;arlrv•Qi:,