HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-05, Page 5A.LE of PRINT_ FOR JULY Adl'D .t1JJO UST. . • ,BI:... SALE OFiPARASOLS FOR JULY 4ND AU(J USS BTG SALE. OF STRAW GOODS. BIG SALE OE DRESS , GOODS. Bid;. Bargains in MUSLIN& ' Big Bargains in BUNTINGS, . Big 'Bargains in CASH11.LERES, , B g Barcmins in SILKS: BIG BARGAiN8 ALL ROfJ)D DURING JULY AND AUGUST, TO REDUCE STOCK,. F'O...I_--t . "maim= will pay ready casts for any quantity' of good butter, to any: farmer wantin : cash. 1 will pay. halfS;ash, if Wanted. pr pay all trade if desired, for • oiie to one. - - thousand' tubs of .butter: Fai' ors,':donY't toiget'this. JOHN,..HODGINS'...CliniOn HIGHES At the C'enfennial Exhr`brfiort l The United States Centennial Commission have, :upon the recommendation • of the Judges of Group No.. XXV;, 'have. unanimously awarded to SQHM1E1i, .&. t �o„ manufacturers of Grand, Square and Upright. Piatro-Fortes, FI RST MEDAL OF MERIT arid. DIPLOMA OF—H01\1OR, for the Essential Qualities .of a 'Perfect Yiano;,Vorte, vii :=Volume, Purity, and Evenness of Tone, Elasticity of 'Touch,.a id, Superiority. of,Workmanship. (Signed) A. T'. (. OSH ORN, J. L. CAMPBELL, J R',' HAIti LEI.,. • Director -General. Sewr:trrry. 'President. • Have secured the Agency of the • above for _ Ontario, and will keep constantlyon hand a FULL STOCK. ' - In a word, the SOHMEB. PIA.NO is made to stand, not merely as an orria mental piece of Furniture,.liut•as a Musical Instrument ,• not for a day or a year only, but for a lifetinie.' It is honestly wade, so that continuous and severe use will not impair its fine qualities of Torie and Action, and owing to:its.extra, and substantialease work, .it: will:remain longer in tune than tiny 'other piano, and endure as a faithful means, the harmonious interpretations of the, beautiful in music. *47'We will guarantee satisfaction in every respect. N. B: --The Company. gives with 'each Piano a Warranty;r. to be. a PERFECT INSTRUMENT IN EVERY RESPECT, made of the Best'Sea.. soned Material, and hold themselves responsible for the term of .Ci: Years: Second -Hand' Pianos: and Organ Taken in Exchange. OHERTY& GIBBIN CLINTON SPORTING INTELLIGENCE.. LACROSSE. The Wildman • boys worsted the Us - towel club .a few days ago by three straight games, AUGUST. Seaforth played Brussels on Satur- gonfered Prints,. Mgatta, Prints; day last and gave them.4 drubbing by three straight games, Bleck and Colored 1VIuslins,. Colborne. Bethel B. C. Sabbath School, which bas beeti for a time working under dif- ficulties, has been. revived. A full list of earnest, efiecient awl willing workers have been elected, and the school will no doYtbt be carried ou successfully. We are pleased to notathe improve* menns, which are being daily made at Cherrydale Farm. Mr,. LaTouzel is al- most Constantlydoing something to im- prove its appearance, Having excel- lent water privileges and good scenery we slotlld not be surprised tosee Cherry- dale become a leading summer resort. I odcrielt. • STOLE .—l1 r, J. Herr bad two gold watches and about $8Q in cash stolen out of his house a short time ago. A few days ago Drs. Cassady, Tay- lor and 111cLeaa removed a very large tumor from the neck of Mr. John Shanklin. . Dat.r4s Gtt ic Holiday, will. bo on Wednesday 10th August there will be an excursion over the Grand' Trunk Railway to Brantford.. The Mechanics Institute; will bo pleased to see a large turn out from your town.=lar: W: Chisholm,. of Colborne, solclathe first load of new wheat on' the Goderieh Market this season,, 1t was a•first class sample and the price paid was. A young. lad, Waters had four of his toes "nipped" oft by a 'number of cars at the station this • week. -06. Tuesday the Cadets of i'emperanee pec- niceu at the Maitland falls: • Good time, everybody satisfied. British Grain Ti ade. London, Aug..1. -The Jim* 'adze Empress says :—Tie temperature during the, pab`t'week has been on: the average 30 degrees lower than during -the late spell of heat; There . has been t;enerol rains .and local thunder -storms but the wheats are: not thick • enoughto take serious damage..:. The nights leave been colt' in England, and several night frosts in Scotland will retard . the., harvest there; Mildew . is' reported aiirong hcat in, •various parts of England. The decline in, temperature will not be of advantage.to. wheats, except in the north of. England:.; The Barley . crop will bo very,.good in some locations, but. in theieniainder it is of a very iri•.egular. growth anti ripened prematurely. • Oats are good in Ireland, andpai•ts of Soot, land, but variable and generally intlifi'er ent,. in,Englaincl• The -grain trade was unchanged,' except t1iat-sales'were made: with greater difficulty than last week but when made prices were maintained, although`on spot prices for foreign were nominally' unchanged. It 'was dififlcult to make.sales on Friday without some concession.! business was very iestriet- ed, ;but the. supply-.. was not excessive, andthe growing belief that the Europ- ean harvest urop-eanharvest will not equal :the estiuiates, • makes holders disinclined to force sales: The forward trade . was completely sus- ' periled owing to the different ideas of buyers and -sellers. 'The'off.coast mar= ket was •supplied, but only about a dozen 'out' of twenty-five- cargoes were.: cold during: the week. buyers have clone'. nothing since \Vednesdizy. The quantity. of'wheat and flour on passage to the United Kingdom shown ,a -ieduc tion of• .26,500 quarters . the previous Week'. Sales of Er glishwheatduring. the week' were 13,237 quarters at 47s .1d per quarter, against 13,75:'quarters :. at+44s 2d per quarter in the correspond- iiia week last—year. li�aacicllcii''s Arnica The'.I3rsT Sittv.s'in the world for. Cuts, Bruises,,' Sores, Ulcers, Salt Eheu•ai, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions; and positively cures. Piles. It is''guaranteed to give perfeot satis-• faction or' money' refunded. bike ` 2.0 per box•. .For sale by X. Ii• Combo. • SnIe .Register. OA.Saturday, Aug, 18th., the Rouse - hold furniture size,, of Mrs. J. 13•:Itaa.cey near the High School ;Chilton .JAs. Howson, Auctioneer: CLINTON • 1111A. U&ETs. • (Corrected every Thursday afternoon.) *heat, rat per bash., • .• • $1 18 to 1 20 Red, . - • • • , 1 16 to .1 18 8l,riog,' Redtdial7, . 1 15 to 1 18 Fife, • +- • - 1 16 to 1 13. ()ate, • • . 0 87 to 0 40 Harley, 0 06 to 0 10 x}daa;•0 (11 to 0 70 Nlour, - 0 00 Potatoce;:� t 0 26 Troter,^^ . 0.15 Ha, .• 0 13 Niece` •• •• •• 1101 0 • SheeSheepskins .. r • .:r..`•.' 075' 75 Ws t>fr .•I. • �... .4• 2 23 to 0 80 to 0 25 to 0 17 to 0 14 to: 12 00 tit 6 to 1 2260 to 7 60 to 800 *4 026 Shirt ngs, Ducks, Cottona,des, White .and Gray Cottons, Cotton Yarn and RCarpet Warps. NOTICE. We will always pay the. Higher : Market Price for BUTTER TND EGGS' EITHER TN. CASH OR TRADE; REMQVED.. The subscriber begs to' inform the Public that he has removed to MR. ._. POONER S BUILDINC, next the Market. Having . settled with the Insur- ance Companies on a most satis- factory basis, he begs to intimate. that he has decided to clear out all his old Stock, atGreatly REDUCED RATES ---some at HALF, and some at LESS THAN ORIGINAL COST, the whole to be cleared out in the course: of Two• . Months. Hats and Caps at Half Price. GROCR ISS at Greatly Reduced ° Rates. A Cally solicited. WM. COATS. • FOR THE:'MONTH OF AUGUST PREYLO.0 3O PR•OOEETJINC:,WITI I REBU.WLO.INC. and .extension:of `premises, IYILL OF1a EP sp.• 'IN. ALL LINES 'OF 'GOODS, iii order.to•uiake roonrrfor the,alterations and,extensibn of premises; QR. MONTH„ Agent for W ALKEE'S'PAT.ENT Y3UTTLIt'WORKER Albert Strese4. E'liik gin.