HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-05, Page 3JIVRON NOTES. -.S1'aforth'.s c,ivie holiday is. to 1)0 on the 10th .of August. —Mr, Mr. A. Brown, of ' intlirop, got a finger and thumb cut off in Mr. A. iaovexhlock's saw Mill on Monday of last wleek. Mr A. McDonald, of Tl.eter,.11;t ,t ' l''k!ri`✓ sect the livery stable in that iplaee, formerly belonging to Mr. P. )teF;xi.11ips, —A large number of persons baye left Hcusall and vicinity lately for the Province of maultuba and the North- 'l1'st territory. —Mr. J. \V. Jolulston, of the 15th coir., (=rely ]las in his orchard a pear tree which last year blossomed twice:, and this year et has blossomed three timers, it king now its its third bloom. —Captain Joseph Alailough, of Dan - galloon, met with a very painful aeeid- eut at the raising of Mr William Stot13- ere' new barn Mst week; His hand got caught between two beams inflicting a very severe wound. —Mr. Wm. J. Carter, of Mor'ri�, cut With -a cradle, five acres of fall wheat ono day last week, Of .course Mr. barter does not make a " blow" of this, but appeals as though it'ivore only a common day's work for any mean, • —The Fall Show of the Smith. Huron Agricultural ` Society, will, be ]geld •at Exeter, oil the 3rd and 4tlx clays. of October net. The Veru handsome sum Of $1,250 is • offered AS prizes, and We may. expect from all appearances, that this' year's show 'will be a grand success. —Mr, Thos. Coventry', of Seaforth, has purchased a ] ease and lot in SVin- uipeg, opposite the Grand Central Ii.o-•_ tel for the suns of $2,500. The _place is occupied' and brings hint 25 per cent. of the investment just now. He lias also poiehased a. large tract of farming lands near the city. • —Mrs. R.oOL Coleman; of Tucker - smith, has met with an aceident which has injured her pretty severely. It. seems • as she was engaged milking, a young colt carne cantering amongst the cattle, causing , thein to run over N. C. in their .fright.• She has received. some pretty severe wounds, but will no doubt recover' all rigit•in time... —We regret to learn of the, death of Mrs. Flannah. Clufl; '.which took place at her late'residencc: on the 2nct Con cession of '111.e.Killop,. on Monday last. Slie was 65 years of ..'sge . Airs -G•1-tifi', will!` lter husband; -'ware`- aiir6xirtlii' first settlers of . the :township. •11er husband died several years' ago.. 'She has been suffering, from LI. health for several years, butt had only been confined to the house for a fele weks. She wa5a .good living woman and was:hi]y es- teemed for her many... goodqualities of head and Heart by'aall.who knew her. •. There died •in•Godoriel} On; tile 23rd ult., perhaps the oldest resident:in:flus section. of Canada;; in. the person Of 'Mit Splen, at the •a;e of 107 years. ..She. was a native of Ireland, and had a'viv-. id recollection of the troublous diners incident to the•lrish rebellion of 1.798. Seine twenty five years ago her husbarid died, and since that time she.had• lived tipon that share of the propertyrwhich. fell to tier portion,' About six years` .since she inv cest'ed 000 •i t Dominion securities; and';tnianagbd.,to live on. the income and part`of the, principal• of. the investment. pyo . economical was • the old lady, that.at her death it was foutid• that t.hers remained hivestt:diri :Dont- inion stocks • the.. stint of $200. Mrs. .hpla;n was a wonderfully. vigorous woui- an for her years, She'was a member of the Episcopalian- church, mill the regularity with which site: attended•.the. services, in i'aa.in or sultshfne, was. ,a standing ,reproach 'to many youthful • members.' Deceased it ayes five claught- ors, viz., 'Mrs. A.lthancler and '111rs. liudie, Goderieh.townslhip; Mrs. 'Black- burn, ;;tnith'ls 1+'alls; Mrs. McIntosh, Lucknow; and Mrs Robertson,. who re- sides in one of the'States. ,She was the Maternal predecessor of several grand- children, and also of several grerat. grand -children, . and great -great-grand- children. She was borne to her final resting place on Monday. of last week. very poorest kind of economy to slake use of cads which are risky or uncer- tain, as ten to one you will lose both labor and fruit, 17se no rubbers whdch have become bard or otherwise Wiper. feet from long use, Have good fruit good sugar, where you sweeten at :all ; heat enough' to eject the air, and fill, full but not, full enough to slop over., If any juice has been spilled or dropped. on the top of the can; wipe ib off careful- ly with a damp cloth. If after filling the fruit seems to contain. at bubbles, press a silver fork into the jar, and ';ring as many as possible to the sur- face Wipe the rubbers out of hot water, put on the cover and screw down. Winer your can has set half an hour or thereabouts, screw down the top again and so continue the ti'glxtening processttill cold, or till it can be made to move no farther ; then set away, in a cool, dry place, and do not molest till wanted for the table,—Ex. Tay B5iunocli &owI) Brruus, the great system renovator, blood and- liver syrup, acts.. on the bowels, liver and kidney's, and is a superb tonic. Da. FowI,Elt'S - EXTRACT Of WILD STRAWBERRY cures canker of the AO-. mach and bowels, dysentery, cholera. morbus, and all summer complaints. I( uelclea's Arnica• ;tive. The Dim SA:Lyn la the world. for Cuts, , Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped lianas, Chilblains, Corns; and all 'Skin. Eruptions, and positively cures Piles'. It is guaranteed to give perfect- satis- faction or looney refunded. Price 25 per box. For sale by I. H. Combo, • FARM FOR SALE. �1IIls3 . orth-we t.part of Lot No. '10, eon I3, Town. ,1, ship of franca, containing 330 acres, 30 acres cleared abd•.111 as );cod state of aatltivatlon, The place is well fenced. The torris tlrstclass. It is two utiles fponrthe village of Blyth pond wit' be '8041 cheap.. this in a rare chance to purchase- a first-class 330 acme farm. Ifof NU partial/lns apply to • • Auctioneer, Birth.. I3lyth, July 2r", 1881,. • FARM.: ..: FOR _SALE,. Qplpt7'SET) of til ' of Int \o. 30, ,on 4; township of Last R'ttwlfosh, containing 100 acres; 51) acres cleared and clear of stem ps; in a fair state of cultiva.- • Oen. Tire bush is good hardwood, There is a steam saw )hill on the nest lot. there is on the phloem good bearing orchard, and thre: never failing springs, a hig dwelling and a•framestable. Will be -sold cheap oh reasonable terms iif'payment:, For fun .particulars ,'enquire on tho premises or to 0. SIAMUi,TO\ ' 24.uetioneari VAIL s11 Stili r 7ssa r - ••- -....- The Canning of lig i uit� To the old and experienced house- keeper who has put up fifty, sixty, or• a hundred cans a year -for malty years; and has learned to do it with 'little. work and less worry, anything said on this seems a foolish waste of words; but to the novice, to 'whotn• it seculs.a tliflicult undertaking,:uncertain of sue- cess, a few sued :Woos may not come amiss, . In the first place before yeti heat your rooms with the fire for -canning, have the fruit look'cd over. and every - !ling' in very!ling'in readl,1100.s; the ,;cans (lean ;• covers, rubbers and table at hand, that you may avoid all hurry and•confusion rat the time of, filling and sealing:. Ilse only such cans as are reliable, with envers that aro not worn out, or bent or. turners. Op. at the edges,.. 'Nis Hifi FARM !0R SALE, • Olt[P051 n of N. (LSLot \e 3 r oneesSion 3, C(y• hast waWa.a0sI, 00 acre, SS ar44.s cleared and 18 a good state of cultivation, fiend; lou) fouces,' good hearing: orchard s h c•hpiac varier,‘ of fruit, ti let dNIOlipi;, two log stables and Naulall frame barn, ,,50041 lith and• .plg y.,nvenient to 3101108, 4e lis irl„ Stream runs :8Trfslio.lmek of the plaee, the still is +lark; niald aith,clur bottom, it is three milts froth Blyth) and elMrdnier 3) to set 51. This- Is a 11rst•eluss place hail will he sold cheap, Apply kis 4, 11AJ11I,TQ«`1x.131yth; Illytil, Juno 10 1851 • CLINTONr utrrp Factory Boot and Siwe TIIk1.unfirsignefl frogs to annoimee to.the in ham... tants of c'httton ;and snrronmlin Townships that Re has lt1 I.3'I'tl I.4 the above esthblish3talut, aa1'is now preparod•to mina(u:ture• all kinds of Well and Cistern Puins. . C1S'r1.1tNSl' and TANKS, 0n the shortest, possihl notice. haring; on blain a I. heavy stock, we are confident of giving 330041.'satisfaction . inlivery. erase: ;.1.11.UAii(1'S .110A1 a rhl. Orders by 1plal, promptly attended to., Aar your pltlona344 sulreited. ' JOHN ROSS. BEAUTIFUL. OHROMOS, ;.l I.A11fm^s'OCrt WJIiC1I I AIL •S'EL.LIG" OFF C@-AE.AP .ntirom 2O cts.-'to 25 eta., and '4(3 rts, per ' .• pair, for frame; glass ruin picture. COME 'AND..`SEE . TILE M, .AT A.e�L.IE'.,.' Tw'o (1,:kars. eeutktofneeslry',; lJitene t', Stome,•l'ictotia aireet, Clinton, OAt. Boot arid' 8110R' Inking, STORE, E, pro. TIARLAND Ilas Opened a hoot and shoe store two doors north of Swart s Hotel, where ile has on band air assort- ment of hoots and shoes whirl! be will sell cite.tp for cash. Ile Is also prepared to do all kinds of custom aeric out of the beat material. Five per cent. !IN - count made on all. purchases of Trip boots during the months of Jima and Jany. MR, BEACOM 1�'iriteatci inform the i lmbitantil of Clin- ton tlll_d'vicinity that he is prepared: to do .all kind, of .. : Shoe h al ing cg Repairing On tial yhcrtest pdiisilile notice. Best l~reneh: Kip or Calf .Skin Boots•. • Mace. to. Omiyt, c84e to .$4.50. o ('all (1ud ,yet other ),rice,. Place of Itusiniess—Mouniteastic's Ot. L$tand., Clinton, April 29th, 138L FOR A BL The undersigned has 011 hand a (quantity of. First 4 Glass Which. lie will sell very reasonable for cash, W. E, GRt1LA V1 • Contractor 4115(1 Builder. • CLINTON PLE ft ENT W.Alig'E=ROO S. J. B WEI PROM J.. 'or, • Agent for J. ELLIOTT & SON'S ,cele- brated "McCorm ack's Self -Binder "AMead- oi3 L 1l k. `llfowel. amici Reaper,", "'Triumph Reaper" and " Warrior ..'Rawer ; F. J. CRALG'S.:"Stratlaroy IIux'vester" 811(1 " IItunnlingbird Mower," " New Canadian Thresher; with • engin2. ,.All kinds of PLOUGHS and other Iuhplelncnts,• • 'Co stantlly on 1lelhhe 1b(1' •the place, NEXT DOOR SOUTH. OF FAiR'S MILL. Clillton, •11fliy:13 'S]:, 3111:: THOS. TRE N Ae •fres to inform his patrens;nnd friends that 110 'In ` a 1oi'i i . t ish nt Over . Lawrence ' c GracPy's ,I{uruittlre !tore, lwhoro he as til llo pleased to promptly attend t0: nit,: orders 1 c 8811 be favored with. CLANTON oolIeL' M1.11s A1'owrilnning full blast, and 4r'e:lprep1red, as usual, to d0 ALL KINDS OF . WORK in the Woollen Line:' t1-'LVY}INti, SJ'INNING, WIVAVING, and manufacturing oral' 1(11310 done • on Short notice, T=y".'1'I,VEE1)S,F LAS"NELLu, *. 11'11ANI(ETS, e&a.,: Milt 'co3xlc anile on hams, either to exchange for 1Vonl'or set for Cash, at • . - Thos,, Steuenson''REAR! Grand. uNDERTAKEIk i't,AAD 3111,31514,TT T I���,��1��' YF �r R I.TUR,i.�+ ,-.I1 RCII1OYeEI Fire. A Special Discount Salo FOR 39 DAYS. Brm es- Lower than Ever., G'lilxton, May 19,,1$81;.,. NEW FURNITURE ARRIVING, and more espectcd•—mise, a fine Icti of 1101V COMM; Slnronitls, .s& 'Undertaking . (goods. - taotue•and see, in RAQEY8S 01...p 'STAND lately occupied by Shepherd and Cooper, Albert Street, 0311iton.. Tf IIALLOO here Are You Going.? 1 nm going. to C a ni te0)11's GROCERY AND. 'rovision e tpre Opposite Fair's MM. • 1t'1aftys me to get my rr'1'9ce2'ies there; the. goods are so cheap, and'the quality is .A •.2V0. 1 .' • :'1'o old Goods.,• all Mean and fresh, `Os—Sugars,. Teas, Coffees, Prunes, ,Raisins, . Currants, Boneless Codfish, .. Gold Plaice and Fine Out. Chewing Tobaccos, . cannot be excelled. Some new designs in. Crockery _.and Glassware,''Wood'e:n Ware, and in fact evorything•yotl.wall t. Farm Prodvee taken in exchange.• D. CANTEL0:17. _.;GREAT', '. e ax in Sale Glans . -or- �Arr Si.morscers CHEAP STORE, (Corsoln's illock,): Great Inducements la w Splendid Suits from $1O.0O Upwards. Boots and, Shoes, AT ROOK BOTTOM PRICES Comeone, conte all ! and Secure BARGAINS 2 S. MORLEY. ". A. ous 1i ld Hord 1 T OS.OQO ER,'S • . veooveY Ilan laecOrtto 11 Ilouseliold Word as tilt: ' LIST and CI1EA:t'EST 1pll3ce fox C?°deep es, 97aur, • Feed, . •• C'o'ocres y, • , • Glasstcat c, M T Cv in pints, quern;, and halt gailotit. 1 A SPECIALTY 7$ e® .. . V � ' . M, Cash paad,forEggs:- 'Vann Piro-, duce taken in exchange. T]llttllS. CO PERI .. Corner. Albert'.'ancl Iiattenury Sts,,• c LtWrON .ONT Well's ,/`rade J,efC. to &1.00. 1 .1;1@ler,J t is es Pratt. J3ea'ls; with ° Qeaets I•'rrneh, I itrcka,' Perlin, p wpact I>a(30» 1)3(1(40)11)1(/ • l ndi virtual Bat- ters.'. Cabinet :Cola. Goblet+ l'trnlLlcrx, rill ecpg ARDWARE MERCHANT, . •. Flas been appointed. Agent for the jnstlly 'celebrated i. FIGURE .8 to clerrrout the . Stook. cn.epplete, large Size Jt.. melt. • A kItll lsun•t nreiteo (rtnuries,' Name 11044 (44 :i lb. Pins stack 'Cres, sple rdr(3. 0. 0 BLY 11::la-;3,ii : Thesc;\VorI s'are now in ftil'1 opera- tion, ands the .u.ndersigneclare enabled to offer any grade of Salt of Fineg.t Quality for.SaIe' ,The •necessity o7'Salt .for AORICULTDRAL.'.PURP.OSES Is now so 'fully established that -every. farmer • will neglt'ct bib own . interest who fatls•to use about five tons aiin a1Jy. • J": Tilts Trade will receive Qui' •'lest attention, • eordwoo(t',' 7tlm Stave. Bolts zxnd Basswood, delivered at the 'Works, ftiir which Cash will be pard Grays Youn Spar can 3)1/lt :Teak tee 'itIgilly of - As mer- its; 304 Testini011i11114 from all (parts' of the' cenihtr'y S]101(k ler themselves; )if its surce,f. over ell others. Also Agienit l'oi* the Empfre orse Cattle Food. This Food has bent used in England. and found superior to all t�°tiYi.trysy llrtnnlri4Itnre, I. ,/%'r' '.�u,TItIt1L SOLICITE1).'i& ..:.;' Builclert;'. Supplies;. Nails, .faints; Glass lines, 011s, Constatltly on hand. oya1 etmadian Clothes Wring- • Cheaper than evei'ofl''ered before. � U GUNS Zulu CONS4 Lawn flowers. Lawn Mowers. (S. D.l,Tlllb.'Phtenix llllirrbok. Clixttox? +