HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-08-05, Page 1Volume 3, No 24.
'TERMS: -.-$I.25 per Annum in Advance,
_ s\
in endless variety, from •
5 Gents a Roll.
aby Carriages
Cheap and Stylish.
Also, a Finessnd Choico i i1TC of ,.
And Cigarettes.
Cheap and First -Class
W. H . Ran f ord' a.
City Book Store, ..Clinton; •
The Rook Store 'where 3`(►n get
Value for Y4en,r M0110%
V C AL _L.V E' W S.n .`,
Holme and Vicinity.
Soetat:•—Tho Lawn social at the par-
sonage on the evening of. the 29th ult...
was pretty fairly attended,'and a very
good time was spent.
The wife and fancily of l\tr: A. Mc-
Kee, paittter iia H.Cahteloil's.waggn
shop came to reside in town this week.
Lr.AVIvv Tow$.—llrs.' J. I3:. Racey
and family of this place, intend leaving
town next week, and 'settling down' itr
some of the states.
11INIssumaL,-Rov. A: Stewart has •
returned from his holiday trip.. Rev,
. W. 'Craig, incumbent' of St. Paul's•
ehurch, tvil.l assuine•liis duties on' Sag
bath next. • • •
Coltasa'riox.—Ira our report ort .of: the
Magistrate's Court in last week's issue
we stated that. Mr..W." Cantelon,
had paid a fine on a contra charge laid.
.against him by. Mr. ,A. Cook.. We
have since found out tliat'ther''•t us no
truth in the rumor, .as Mr. 'CenteId'n
has neither paid a' fine'lior•any •i ainaeges
POR Toltos rar 'ir. , M. R. •Elliott,
.a. student of Dr. ':Dowsley's, and form-
erly .a resident o this -town, :left here
yesterday wonting for Toroli+to whei.•e
he intends following' ;up .his studies.
He has been .appointed Clinical Clerk.
•of the Toronto_ General Hespital;urule•r
Prof. W right, which position. he will
take charge of immediately. We. ore
p ased to cs� ,eaurold friendsueceedtilg so
well, and have no doubt that he, wills
make a high mark in his profession,
SII1P31R TT TO, B1tttoE MINES.—Mr.
R. M. Racey, our. enterprising .1•,tird;
ware Merchant, )fade a large sltiipment
,of Iron, SVnodworkand Carriage Jlardi
ware to Bruce Mines this week. Mr.
Macey is now dory extensively engaged
in the Wholesale business as evidenced
lay many such shipments "as these, and
Ite only difficulty in the way of success
fully competing with the city wholesale
houses, is the want of a port -of •entry
in this place, withal) wccitpect.will soo11.
be established. • ,
C'rssus,-The census returns for: the
l)ontinion have been made out.• The
populatiolt pf o Dominion is 4.,350,
933, being an increase of ...4,337 over
the census of 1871. 'Tor the three'di-
.-visions of Huron, the figures .arc its
'follows : -'North Rulon, 26,127, •or an,
increase of •4,265 over '71; 'C9ontre
11 uron, 16,4 7 9, or an nlcrcase of 3;688
over '71 ; South Hujron; 2:3,:385,. cir an
increase of 1,873, over 1871... The
pol,ulatiou of Clinton is put :.';607, and
that of (soderieh at 4t564.
New Woiuc.•-•We have received
maniple pages of " Lovell's Business and
Professional Directory for the Province
of Ontario ' for 1'881--82 This work
is alphabetically arranged as to places,
names, business and professions with a
c•lassitie<l•dietionary of the city of i\Iont
real. It is to be issued in a few months
.and will no doubt prove a very invalu-
able work for business mien and others,
"1'lle publishers •cle'serve much credit: for
the enterprisb. 'They kayo lust issued a
{iazete(•r of British North America,
which is a'so a 'wort: of nluela impor-
RIaAn.—Read Messrs. Paliser & Co's
newou. thonsitie•tbis. week, IG
will be to your interest..
PATE of TflAILTIOr;,--'1'119 rate of
taxation for this town for the present
year will beat the 'rate .of 1•7 'utills on
the dollar'.
NOW IvvENTIo*—Mr. G. II,' Wright,
has in bis collar a new patent. butter
worker; It does good work midis far
superior to anything we Have seen in
this line before, ,
AT the sale of the effects of R.
Wiseman On 'Saturday lasts the, prices
realized were very. low, . Mr: J. C.
Currie, of Goderich, acted as auction-
eer, Mr., Dickson being unwell
Srrclessl vu. -I r. 11.13uie, of Blyth,
who has°beetr""attending a couunereial
college itt Chicago for som(it nee. past,
favored us with a call on Wednesday
last. Re leaves on .Monday next for
Montreal to take charge of n commer-
cial college there, he having e. ha'if in-
terest in it. 'lir, liuie's • career as
ii ti aelinr'in this county is a suiliuiout
guarantee; of the suceess of. the iustitu=
tion, . which he will aid in conducting.
.As a special train was ;oiug fromi hero
to (aderiell :on Tuesday eveiIng last,
ie of the 'cars broke loose from
rt ' train on' the other side of
Holmesvillo and Was following up the.
other part .of • the.traiu down grade,
until they : cable• to, bridge -which was
being repaired, and the engine and front
slackening up suddenly, the' other• eats
cn,nie Warr a •solid••"'bunt" and smash-
ed' up.several, ears. •Passage over,the'
•Road was suspended for some .time.
• .The, Star of last . weekcompliments
itself on, its report'of the 12tkof"July;
celebration, • and informs .. itt readers
-dere -tlfe Orrin, •.:15`Ltt.fcii•el coulee les tP-
port, (\vbich'no,d:oubt was the only one'
that parser had a chance to•copy,) 'and.
concludes with the clause -'that it risks
nothing in 'saying that tt was the best
report in tbeco i ity, It is always
.well. to have lots of •;'vind, brother, but
we 'would advise ;you :to .be better
formed,` before.• writing out another.
mach. 'report. • Tli'.e Rectal). ;ave flee eor-
uect report of the celebration which is
acknowledged by all isho saw it,
0LIPTTmaH'1t Sciooi.—Xt affords s.
greet •pli.asiire to: recommend the Olin,'
then High 'School topare'nts in search of
a desira'b'le ^establishment. toiinislt the
:education of ,their .children. Special
attention is. gir en to: the work pre=
scribed for athe Intermediate: and. Utii-
versity .Ma:trieulation • • exaniinatiotis.
Those desirous to study for those exami-
dations will do well.to start at the be
aiirnina "os the session. Where, is• ,no,
necessity for airy one' to go so far afiekl
tto be prepared .for •t'xaniinat'tons of any
sort, ' 'People should always remember,
that 'tlrere as'a great deal: of disappoint-
ment attending the search' for. ". those::
foreign cows that Wear inordinately long
kerns:"-417bir�ha ii .1�tii es.
• Pease \-4L.—Mr•. and Mrs, Harris:.o'f
Dungannon and: Miss Uobie, Teacher of
• of the sante placea were visiting friends
itt town during the present week.—Mr.
Samuel. Powell who4iar boob • for sotn.e
tint° past living near Bat rie, Co. Sint=
coo is house on a visit, -Miss Dickson,.
t<aelrei• in 7 loth .platrlic, School, .whhy�.,,
•visiting;. friends -in toter .this week,
- hiss
Nellie' Bay; • formerly of this
place, but who has lately'beeu residing'
in .Detroit, is home' oil a visit to her
friends,—Mr, Lawrence Scott, of Cleve•
land, and formerly,: snrployed'.in the
More of A..S. Fisher.of . this place, was
visiting friends in town 'this week.
11r. J. P. Lawrason, of Mitchell, and
of the. firut of Lawrason & Hamilton,
Blyth, paid a visit to our:saimtute on
\edvesrlay l,.st.. He intends.. going
on a, trip to iilaiiitnba in a feet/ days,
where he will- be accompanied by., a
number of .friends from � itoh-,Mell,-r.
t:leerg 1 Elliott•tvlin has been employed
its tailor:: hl Mrs,.,l.Toi;ley's forsortto two'
year,e, left yesterday morning for De-
troit where he intends working at his
tra(1e,-11iessr•s, W':•Jacksou and ltobt.•
Doan, .arrived. hoilo front' New' York
on Wednesday last. They had an lin:.
Meuse time and enjoyed thennsllves
splendid ly.—Mr.S. Krupp, wllq forsome
dine past has been employ'.lrti Cant-
elon's Carriage works left yesterday
morning for Detroit whet e be intends
enteric, ; a workshop. --The wife of 111r,.
James Young.; of: dais place, who 'is at
Strittoril, visiting. the Meribalr Mineral.
Springs for the benefit of her health,
is very steadily improving, awhile hope
to see her come Louie iu the Let of
health.. -•
'On Wednesday last•Mr. R. W. Moore.
shipped a car load of horses to Maui -
Ancinen, The body of a
man named. Hyslop was .taken through
here on Tuesday to Godericlt. Deceased
was a brakesntan on the Canada, South-
ern Railway and while engaged, with
his usual duties on Monday night last
fell off the train and was killed.
CrvIO i]:ounay.—The civic holiday
yesterday seems to.have been generally
observed. A large number went by ex-
cu rsion to Toronto, and also to Detroit.
The -band picnic was a grand success.
A large number was present, . and vat1
ions games and amusements• were in-
dulged iu, seemingly to the satisfaction
of all. .The Cricket match bntmeon the
Wanderers and the Wide -awakes • re-
mitted iu a' victory for. the farther .by
1 run and 2. wickets,.as follows; Wan-
derers, 1st innings, 33;'2nd do• 88, tot:
al 71, Wide.awakes, '.1st innings, 21;
gird du.:49, total 71. .
RECORD Cn r'ts.—SVorknien are bus-
ily engaged in putting another coat of
gravel on Victoria street.—...n excur-
sion train from Woodst„ c1: passed over
the Grand .'.trunk Railway ea Tuesday
last to (odorich, where they held their
.{ uun-fe cola"—Cole's Great. Circus will
visit this place on the 31st of the pros-
e et urou'th,,-1Ir. F. Htialoit of this
place,. had a valuable cow stabbed by
hneaits of some sharp instrument this
week. It not renown wli.etlier it was
an aocidetit, or the work of aetwe cvih.
disposed persons. With good care and
'and attention; it will lie all right again
—Messrs. Searle and Robson 'were on'
the warpath this week, -working up the
.annual fall show• •-N:cssri. ' Harland
..Bro'•s have. -removed -into ,•their nets
.stare:: Since being renovated it • pees-
eats: a fete appearance;—Miss
who rias. for anuniber of years been,
assistant teacher in the Higlr. School
here rias "resigned her position.'
TD:W11'f• PARLIAMENT,. 11ENT,. :•
The .estim'ates; • for 1882 ,are' Brought
rich 13tYD'.LT • SP131a011•
• The regularg.meeting of -the Town
a o
Council was held. on Monday evening
last. Members all: present ' except the..
Reeve, • Tlie•• report. of. the nuance..
comntittee.recommended that the fol
lowing 'accounts be paid: viz t- Jas.
Twitchell,• for charity, _ $7.13 , • J: Cal-
lander, quarter's salary, $37:50 ;,W. J.
Paisley, freight oh two carloads of lum-
ber, $17.35 ; A. .Heiuphill, cutting
thistles and work on tank, $7.00, ;' Geo.
Rentzen, \v.ork: on .cemetery, • $18275;
Geo;Rentzen,, work' mi. streets, $85.58;
J,' Wheatley, • ,quarter's salary ringing
bell, '$17:50; Secord ' Cozzens & Co.,-
• lunilrer les freight,.
1963s P.. Mc-
Laren, refreshments at Dieltl's iire,,$2.
50 i• John Johnston;.. part amount for
gravelling; $75.00 , expensos of Deka
gates to Ottawa, ., $G0.05. '
s I�1Acis not 1882:
County Rate, . $ 788
Interest on Deb.,. Railway,. 1080
Interest on Deb., 7:.ligh• ,School,... 300
Interest on Deb, Fire &. Water,: 420
Public School Estimate,. , , . . , 3000.
High 'School-Estiruate, . '000
Streets and Sidewalks, 1000
Sinking Fc and '• on High School'.
' and Fire Dept:,.... .... , pro
,Salaries;: • 1000
Fire Department,.: :350
Cemetery,. 100
Charity,, 100
Priuttiig.. .. . '7
.. '5
]{'.lection Expenses,.......... . 60
Lncideutal, 150
For seating ,and heating 13x11;. 1000,
Tgtitl., , • , , .10 7133
LESS roLLowl.No itut'C\t;is.
Licences; .. , .. , ... 700
Market Sealos,.; . , .. , 700
Statute Ltlbor,, , : , 150
Constable's foes;.. , , . .. . , 120
... v . - . • 20000
Boundary Line, „......:... 40
Clergy Reserve, ` .. ` , 40
Magistrate's . £ue , .. , .... , 75
Dog Tax,. , .. , ... , ....150
'la al,•..... . ,i•; . , , ... 2175
The accompanying Esthetes for t'he
year 1882, amounting to $6508 will re-
quire a rate of 1 7-10 cents 00 the (lel-
lar of the assessment of 1881 divided
as follower 1—Oounty . Rate, 20.100;
Special Rate, 50-100 School Rate, 80-
100 ; Town Rate, 20-100. Would ,ire -
commend that a by-law be passed levy-
ing the above rates. Mr. Corbett being
'chairman of the . committee acted as
.Finance Minister, and made a budget
speech explaining the different items in
the estimates which be claimed were
very satisfactory. The Railway Sink-
ing Fund was riot. included in this
year's estimates beintaken year about
IM. the School, ;sinlaipg .fund. On
motion the report was • ,then adopted.
Coun. (;Doper addressed the meeting on
the 'question of arranging the weiglr-•
scales on the market ground. Coun.
.Corbett asked if the 'by-law would pro•
hibit having a wooden 'building over
the weigh -scales, to which the Mayor
replied that it did, j't!. R. Ransford
appeared' 'before tho Council for the
purposo• of purchasing• a fire engine
from them. '•1'he -Mayor stated . that
the Council were undecided es to
whether they would sell it.or not, A
nuuilaer of the metnllcrs being in favor
-of leaving the selling of the, engine in
the hands of the Fire and Water corn-
mittee. It was moved by Conn; Cora
•liett, sec, by (.'oun. Stevenson, that •the
matter of :militia, the the engin°, be. left
in the Bands of.'the fire and water emu'.
mittee, they toreport to the'Couneil.—'
Carried. Mr. 11, Rtinsford also ap-
plied to the Council in reference to
having the sidewalk in front of lot 42,
Huron. Road,.near. Stapleton . repaired.
The Mayor replied that it wonhl )e tt-'
ten'tted to,• .Moved by C'ouii. Corbett,:
see. by.: Coun•. . •Stevenson, tllnt 11Ir.
Paisley have blinds provided for the
windows of the Council .room, -Car -
tied. Commit then. adjourned. '
A Trip. the \ 4•1•o* (1>:rtge
,Wriitpt for tat>e r' col .
Your. correspondent . embarked, for
• his trip; at the siding of the 7.'. CT, & 13 •
•Railway, about 'five notes north of the
town of 'Vinghaw 'phe.ytation heust'.1
a'; this,,' siclinb,''or'. rho buildnig called
one is tt; dt.sgt aceto the travelling: pub -
A stranger' passing through would
We apt to'Mistakp it for a:.cow• stable:
We left •this place'at:6 o.'tlocl::.' The:,
passenger:aeoaches o.a this liuti are.
shorter' and narrower, tharip on the
broad gizage roadsand will hold .about
25 spassengers. With crowding. There
.were six passengers_ on board until
'We reached the station between •Wrox-,
eteralit' Gerrie, on the bank of the IliVer
11aitlancl.' Here the number teas in•.
.creased to'sixteen;''incl kept at that nn-,
til we reached Orangeville, The sec-
tion. ot the.country. from the 1Vinghnua..
Wing. to 1iari stop is a good rich
agricultural" one, and, the crops. look
.well,partiealar'.y ih..&l'aIL wheat, which
was'priucipally all cut and in "stooks."
1+'rota, what.ntformation 1 could gather
'thecto -.;het
to 34 ,bushels to.the acre. Harr•iston
is ktotvu of 3000 inhabitants and . con-
tains some.. very handsome buildings.'
It enjoys the advantages ot three: rail
roads. The T..G. :A 13., train line'of
the W. G. & lig, and :the .Port Dover •
Stratforc! and Huron • Road. This
place will nto.doubt in tittle bbeeonie an
iniportant town. The -next. . place .of
ititportauce is Mon at 1{ Brest eoutaiuiing
about 2,500_inhaliitants, iii tin, apron-
porous looiciog town. The man Tine
of the 11., It. is about .two miles from
the town, but it has a•switch in anti`
forms a <.' V " for•tho purpose of Writ-
ing ..the engine. : Tho country- in the
neighborhood Of ,thi', 'pima?. and Artl'i ni
village is rather in feeler leo); ing, the soil
bein;low flat and sour. Afterpassing
Arthur the country along' the 1t. It. is
principally ;i tamarack swttutp, aiid
j.udgiii from:the looliwof the country
the only business for .a railway along_
.there would be to carry tatuar8ek poles
and huckleberries . both of tuhieh.ap•
neared to ire i11 great (tliirndanee. ' TIM
]hitt palace 6E note is Orangeville; the
new' county seat for ? )tifibrin. The
eottntry for some miles alongg here
good and the people ople scents to be is a •.
thrifty and prosperous, condition.
This appears -to be the main'station
main Lino from Toronto to. Owen
Sound. It is - here where the road-
branohtis off to Teestvater and all trains
are" allowed 20 minutes for refresh-
nients:, •The dining room is in the Sta-
tion and meals are served up i1t .good
style. 1 changed cars here -and took
the stain line to Owen Sound. ' After
getting about, 80 utiles from Orange.
ville, a poor stony, sandy, country
meets the eye, tttltil Owen sound is
reached, a distance of sixty miles.
{Owen Sotlliil is the county town of the
county of Grey, and contains about
5000 inhabitants. It has a beautiful
harbor, which for safety is not excelled
in, the province. ,There are some very
good blocks of buildings on the maim
street, 'but generally speaking, the
buildings are rattier inferior taking the
size t>f the place in consideration„ being
principally of the okl-£,•t.shioried style..
1 am now acting to tape tl>.e beat for a
trip up the' North Shore and will let
you knots how things appear step there
next ween • , Yours,
a Iin�1BLEit, .
New Featur(;s From°Australia..
Prost (ho Sip Frruiciuco,Dail :li,aminer.
C'ot.l s Crams —The pavilion at tin
corner of Seventh and Market' streets
Was filled to its seating capacity keit
night to witness the initial pre£oruiance • '
of thi, utamrnoth,show, ,The menagerie
Lias Wee oousiderably enlarged since it •
left hero on its tour armpit! the world
by .the addition of some,of..tln Wonder-
ful birch; ,and aninals of the antipodes, •
anal include a white buffalo'froui.Intlia .
the Maori tear -dances. .Arabian lith
lotus, kangaroos, a`striclteti;: and other
,Auscraliau cu;ieusities3• The grand en.-.
tree with •its•cantcls, elephants,, ladies,
knights iii armor,: and e lcctrie ;light
t$iuuig oil. tlle•spatigles and the brilliant ._
accoutrements, : was • a sight. which
-brought forth applause froru the audi-
ecce. The wonderful performance •
vhlc:h (eorge Couklirit; puts his trained
.elephants through, wa, well doiic: ` The
.mt consisting of r•utining a -bicycle on a
wire suspended across the dome. of the •
cfious; Cat$cd a thrill' to •'`tori througlt•
the spectators, andawaia;prefortnesl. key
John )Iurtz, George • Dunbar and A.dti- •
hide d' Attalit;.: The •battoute leaping: '
by the.:coops Of. athletes showed to What .
pt t•feetion.huwan allude ca.n 1I( brought
'by •trainiiig; several of • the 111en1brr,
•soniersault ;in: masterly. style. Wur:.
'Or gini. lsan.. ntrodueed.iliitrick-.horses,
Huniboldt•,`and . Iiluloo, ..the:;: fonts
doing some. wondhrftl j.utupiug:..` 'Thr., `.
eq-uestra.inae`ts of'WoodaUook find i\1lle,.
..dela;ide were well executed, It iso not
able freer that none but bare -hack rider,' •
tare engaged, and these are Champions of.
their eallnta: W. O'Dale Stevens, with
his- dm:ding globes and electric table
seethed ,to sleet . with approbation of
the 'audience. • • 1Lliss Liuda•Jeal did a
firing `'bear' -back Morello act leaping..
.with her" horse Salamander -through
great circles of`Ct•e, Thelitroupe of six
train'ed'stallioua made their how to; the
audlencenext andwereputtliro:ughtheir
part-ofthe performancehy �Vrrt,'()rgtii,.
which'i:ucludes:'waltzing on: their 1.' gs,
setting down on chairs and other diff-
cult 'aucl'iugcanlous tricks . tab .ii alto-
gether, the ..circus is the Most reritor'-
ictus ne that is r
boa bet,n .here e fora „g
marry years. The •tcrolat.ts.and rider,_
are excellent, the animals Well trained
and' the clowns:'have picked upcorpe
new.,fekes during their travels' 'in for. .
eigir lands: It'shoukl be rc,membere'I. •
that this mammoth and mighty exhibit;
tion -is to give ,performative ilia Clinton;
Wednesday; A'ugitst 31st,' •
@C onaolt's 'JZ'rraa a ieu4 '
A" friend in needis a, friend tetdtE'd
This none: eller, deny, especially whets as:
sistance i8 rendered 'whon: oee-is sorely
itillicted with disease,: n014.. particulariv •
those : cd_wpalaiuts -acid' weaknesses .ser ' •
court t u to . our female" population.
*very woman should �Ithowthat Mee
trio Bitters are women's true friend,
and will positively restore. her :to. health, ..
even wherr'all other:reuiedies fail.
single ,trial always proves our rise thou.,
.'I'heyare•.pleasant to the tante 011(1. only
'cost; fifty emits a.bottle, .Wold by J. if: - ..
it Vexed Qrler,iymanru
Even the. patience of Job Would Ire
come exhausted were Ilea preacher end
eieleii,votiring to intertest his 'audience
while they Were keeping.upe au ni,utssatrt
coughing, leaking it impossible for, hint
to behead. Yet, how •very citor.eint
:4).11 this be avoided. iy simply using 1)r.
Kings Neiv. Discovery for C otlsunil,,-
tion, Coughs and. Colds,' 'Trial bottles
given away at J. 11, Costrisfs 1)1'11
Store. •
i ir Remember tin' reduettnit (411!
.get your kip boots at I'IAut..ts0's,
a'-jr Wanted, 1,000 tubs' of 1 utter
for which 16 cents cash or 17 cents trade
will be 1,aid,- :111ts. S. M•lo>,taiv,