HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-29, Page 8N'hw Sieh. .The Misses Sumer have hung out a new sign in front of their luillinery establishment.' Our village fatherspassed a by-law at their last meeting prohibiting furth- er burial within the S:illago liiteits. Catmg: KILxBn.-.-wring the past *eek there Were fwd' cows killed by 1'lle' l.a; W I3. , trains" 1iere on the erossihtg; One the property of Mr. New- Cetwh. A large number of our villagers went to Londesboroto attend the cricket club concert and dance on Friday even- ing last. They report having a good time, Our Civic Holiday is to be held on the 40 of Aug.,, at which time Mr. P. Kelly has in d'e arrangements for aeon, sten' excursion to Detroit. Fare, $2,25. Are eyou going'? The first internment was made in t ie English Church Cemetery on Tuesday last, in the person of a child ..of Mr; Joshua Ritchie, three years old. His death was the result of at scalding ae- citient. The f'tnerar was well attended. Some parties of 'ai light eharaoter, but dark in color, were drumihedout.of Wingltani and came to Blyth with the. intention of taking up .their abode here:. But as word bac( cotne;.ahead of then`, they were not allowed toltop here, so they had to travel on. TELEiiXt`oNg•Colt otitt'r,'--The telephone concert given under the niana'gement of Mr. A. Lawrence on Tuesdayeven- ing, 21st inst., was well attended and ,the audience• all appeared well pleased with the novel entertainment. Our .worthy Reeve occupied ..the chair on the occasion. Who was the young man who few days ago, haying been told that ?a, churl was going to cut him out of his girl, got into a passion anrideclared that alto. pian in this country could do it and as a elinel'fer to bis assertion, be trigwph antdy displa9ed a letter. to the boys he haat, recived from her. SHOOTING GALLERY. --A .party has opened out in this line' and is doing a rushing business. Some parties are complaining that it is against the .law to have it here and threatening to hal=e aiF who fire -.off guns ln.the corporation, brought before the J. P. However it is all likely to wind up in smoke, PERsoNALs.--Jonathiiii Ereig1z hats returned froth his trip, in Michigan and reports. hoeing' a pleasant finis. tlobt.. Drummond, who hasbeen attending the ieniinerclat College, in Londorf,. is. hone to his bo idays He looks- well. =C."Ifaiirllton,leaves nest Week 'for a trip to. the Algoma• District:. • Ike .will be away for a conpleof 'Weeks, '. The child editor of the Jllyth Eeview opened up fire on the auctioneer last, week, and in his ignorance imagines he has struck terror into .tire• heart of said actioneer by threatening' ere long to publish .his: history.' Try some other dodge, sonny, . the .auctioneer den:'t frighten worth a cent. , ,Suppose you' trot out "Brudder Horace" again for a change. . Couneth, DoniGs Our Municipal. Council met On.;the '22nd .inst. The Reeve presiding. Minutes of last.ineet- in read :� was a 1 and>approveri of; .. nloveci Cook,' by J.. Gook,' seconded by C..Floody, that a delegation consisting- of the. Reeve and Messrs. P. Kelly. and D, 13, Mekiunon, be appointed to .confer with the G. W.41.. R. officials. in 'reference to husmess.in connection. with • the iii wrest of the 'village -.-carried. .nosed by C. Moody, seconded by W:. Duncan, that in accordance with a' petition pre- sented to. this council praying that . a by-law be passed prohibiting' further lturills Within the. village, that the prayer of said petition bo granted .and a bylaw passed accordingly—carried. Ly -law No 4 was then •introduded and duly read. Moved by O. 1l'loody,:.see. by J, Cook, that fly -law No. 4 having been duly read be passed—carried. Council adjourned" to•'meet again 'on . the 26th of Aug; -h", Mteroa if!, Clerk. Our enterprising agricultural imple- ment agents, Messrs. Belfry�C'Gosinan, have cleared 'out all'their. reapers and - mowers and . the rush for Patterson' .Bro.'s reapers have been such . tita:t the demand exceeds the supply. t'Messi's. Patterson Bros., of Patterson; Ont., are considered to be a very stecing and re- liablo firfn, having been established•', over thirty years. . They built the first reaper that was ever built. in. Canada, and although their . start was on a small scale we believe now they build snore, agrieultural implements thati any other firm in the. Dominion, which may be attributed to their energy and their honorable manner of dealing, always turning out a good 'article. Below are a few of the names of parties, who have bonglit Reapers from their agents here, Meatsrs. Belfry iia Gosman:—Andrew Sloan, Thos. Gosnian,.' Jos. Frarey,' Robert Way, Duncan 111cOraig, and Wm. Garvey, Morris ; Win. Granger, Jelin McCallum, and Sanibel Barr, .ttulletti David McLaugillini ¥cKi11op4 t Eobett Medd, Fred. Robinson;. William Wilson, i o , Robert Rautaay, W. 11. Fowler, Wm. Magill, Patrick Hallahan, Ed- ward Terguson,, Wilt. Liddy, Henry LLawlor, Henry Holland, Amies son, Robert • Much, Time. Pentland, jos. Johnston, Jug. Black and Moore Boyd, Wawanosh; Wall. Bird, and AfidrewJohnston, Grey; Richard Jen- nings, Goderieh Township, Vrili moll', The. farmers around here are all busy cutting their fall wheat, The Bi.rcoala is becoming very pep- ular in this village and vicinity. A heavy shower of rain passed over here. on Monday last, not doing `flush'. good to the crops now ripe. The many friends. of Mr. Dennis Currie, of the 7th con,, will be glad to hear of his speedy recovery from a very severeattack of pleurisy. Mr, John Rutile of tile' 7th conces- sion; returned home from Dakota on Friday last, where he„took up land, and to which place he intends. returning, Mr, Geo. Hanley, Jr, returned the same day, he having taken up lancl also. • Goderien '.I oviraisbjp. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Herbison, form- erly of thie place, have returned from Dakota, whither they .went some tinge ago. • Mr. J. T. McGee; ofthe .9th conces- sion,'lias purchased a team of horses from a gentleman near Kinburn, pay- ing therefor a good sum.: Mr. Richard 1V)ilter, teacher of S. S. No. 1, is spending his holidays ill the County • of York,. near Toronto., An,. excellent time to you,, friend., A few days ago while -Mr.' Cuts= telon was ploughing on his farm on, the 9th eon., he ploughed ' up, an .old. time tomahawk which is supposed to have been used by the Indians a great many years ago.' ".[t is a, war weapon. • s Mrs. Meer and-tecouple of child- ren were driving to Clinton- one day - last week, part of• the harness broke, going down Pickard's hill, near Hollnes- wills, which resulted in Mrs, Meer l:e- ing thrown out and having an arm briik enr which will lay her up for.some tinto. 11(gm eta ber• the' -reduction and getyetir kip hoots at IA1tLANA'S. CLoice groceries for sate ay. twat at W. ° I. COTTIER's..:. Maple syrup. for sale :' at D CANTILON'S; : • Tlie . largest ;stock of Harvest Tools in town comprising Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Snaiths, and hinding:,witts is at the cheap hardware store of S. Davis. CIIEAro •UARDwaitE —Preserving Kettles in -the Celebrated granite and white enamelled Brass Kettles,: Fly Traps, laird Cages. A large stirck'to se' feet frons. --S linyls. DEPARTMENT 4P'TH>; I TE1IIbIt,< •OTrhwh, 2tth MAY, 1881. wttsnnAs eirotimstanees have rendered.. it expedient to effeet'certain ellanDes in the policy of the Goi:ern- ntdnt respecting the to admit "• 1 anti tlo g a n 0!7)om i " such Lands, YL'I I,IC; NOTION is botchy given :- 1. The Rogulatione of the 14117 October, 1879, ate hereby ceseindedeand the following Regulations for the disposal of agricultural• ]snits are- substltutotl therefor : • 3. The. rven-numbered sections within the C0n- 611au Pacitic Railway Belt—that s to:say,lying with- in 24 uiles.ou each side of the line of th0stk liWiway, excepting those wi ieh may bo required for wood -lots "in connection with settlers on prairie lands within the said belt, or whith may be .otherwise specially dealt with by the Governor in Council—shall be held ex. slusivofy far iiomesteads'aid pre-emptions. The odd- ' numbered sections within the said belt are' Canadian 'Pacific:Railway Lands, and din only be acquired from the Company. 3. Tho pre.em tions entered' within the-. said Best of 24 miles on each', side of the Canadian Paci,iu- Rail- way, tip to and including the 31st day of December noxt,'Hindi bo.disposcd of al the rate of 1:460 Per Sere; four -tenths of the pnitillase money; with interest on the latter at the nate of six per emit per annual, _ to be paid at the end *of three yo ire front the date of entry, the re oairder to be paid in six egoai instal:•• tnents annually from and after the said date, ]Kith in- terest at the rate atm.. c Inoftioned cu such'' portions ,of the purchase uWncyas may from Ono to time re:. •main unpaid, to bo paid with oath instalment. 4. Prom Mid atter the 'llstdlay of Deeemhcr . next, • tho price shall rte ndn the same—that` 14, 82.x0" per aero --for pre-emptions within the said Belt, or within •too corresponding !felt of any Manch lino'ef'the said Railway, but shalt be pail in one mini at tiio.,onil of three years, or at such earlier period as the eitiiuiartt May have equired elide to hisdoiuodtcacl quarter- a0ctton, ' 6: Ilcutlnioii lands, 51114 property of the Govern= assns,. within 24, miles of•any.projected file of Rail- way retogni,a1bythe Minister -of lbailways and of which he, has given' notice in the Official Casette as being d r'o jested lite at railway, shall he dealt with, as 50 Mice and terms, h.e.t011ews :-The:pro-emptions shalt be sold at the sante prieo and on the saline terms Its fixed in the next proceedi n; paragraph, and the odd -numbered sections shall be sold ut 82,80 per acre, payable by cash. tt. ,In all Townships open for sale and settlement within Manitoba or the NortdtArest Territories, out• side' of the said Canadian. paclfie ltailivat._y Bolt, the even-nttnihered.soctions, except in the cases provided for In Clause•, two of'theso Regulations, slinil be held exclusively for homestead and 'pre -.cm pii0n:, and 'tile odd-nutititer'ed sections for sato as publie lands. 7. The lands described 68pubiie Innis shall ho sold el the uniform price of 52 per acre, cash, excepting hi special 01804 where the hllnisteK of the U1t'enet., tinder the provision of section 4 o fhb auatendment.te the Dernifion Lands het, passed at the • last Session of Parliament, may deem ;'t expodlont•50 withdraw cer- tain fanning hinds front' ordinary sale and 'settle, Ment, and put them up for Coto at pubiie auc- tion 5o the highest bidder, 1n which event 'such hands shall be put up at an upset price of 82 per aero, Railway 1)1015 sh tlI beau soldo t 51* uCanadian ride of 32 por acre, to be paid fn ono SIM at the end of three years from the date of entry, or at such carter period as the claimant may acquire a title to 1114 boniestold quarter section 9....1'1xlep5don shall ha ineide to the provision of clsued 7,in to far he relates to lands in the province of Manitoba of the Noreh,walt 'rerri5ories; ),ring to the north of the Reit containing the PROMO Rai .way land, wherein n a person being an actual settler an an oda• numboreetsection shallhave the privilege ofpurchasing to the extent of Weems of such section, but no more, at the price at 41,25 per acre cash ; but no Patent sbalrissue for such land until after three years, of ae: teat residence uilon the sante. 10. .the prk'e and'tetms off payment` of odll nurn; bored sertions.and pre-e,eptlons, above set forth, shall not apply to persons who have settled in any one of tbd•several Belts ascribed 'M the said Regula. tions of tho-1lith October, 11370, hereby rescinded, but who have not obtainedentries Coir their )anuses and who may establish It right to purchase such .odd numbsred•seetions or pre -emotions; a8 the case may be, at theprico, tourer: the terms respectively fixed for the same by the said Regulations. Tannin Son .d8TTw ns. 11. The•system of wood lots in prairie towushfpp shall be continued—that is to say, homestead: settlers having no timber on their own lands, shall be permit. ted to purchase wood lots in area not exceeding 20 acres oath at a uniform rate of 35 per aere,.ts bo paitV In cash, 12. • The provision In the next preceding paragraph shall apply also to settlers on prairie•ebetions bought from the Canadian Pacific llaf&vay Company, in cases where the only wood lards available have been laid out on even -numbered 88 510ns, provided' the Railway Company agree to reeipttieate• Where the only timber in the locality may be found on their Linde. 13, With a view to Cneonraging,eettlement lis ebeapenimg the cost of building material, the Govern• meat reserves the right' to grant the licences from' time to thee, under and inuecordunce• with the pro- visions of the "Dominion Lands Act," to cut mer- chantable timber onany lands owned bytt within sur- veyed townships ; and settlement upon, 01' 0110 ot, any lands covered by such license, shall, for the time being, he subject to the operation of the same, SALES OF LANDS, TO IND1'mVA1,0 0a 11OEPOIAT1OSl 1'QW. 00tOsaATioN, '. 14. In any Case where a company or individual ap- plies for lands to colonise; and is willing: to expend capital to contributetowards the cnstructionoffaciii- tfes for communication between sash lands and exist- ing settlements, and the Government is satisfied of. the - good faith and ability of such company or MC video! to carry out such undertaking, the odci-hint' bored sections its the ease'of•lamisoutside of the C$11 - adieu Paolfic Railway Belt, . or of the Belt of any brown lino or lines of the same, may be sold to stien company or individual at half price, or 81 per acre, fn cash. in case the lands applied for be sit afed within the Grauadian pacific Railway Beit, the sane knrimbeesaeltl taaopnplyis 80cofnacrearneodn—ehaitf foot teoacshaye,xmohno one -halt of each even•nunlherotl section mar be' sold to the company or individual at the price 0181.28 per here to be paid in cash. Tho ;company or End n-idual will further be protected up to the extent of.8509,' with six per cont interest thereon till paid, i15 ease of advances made topion families on homesteads„ cinder the provisou of section 10 of the amendmentsto the Donninion LanclsAct hereinbefore. mentioned. 16. In everyone!: transaction, it shaft he absoiutoflk' coniitienal :--. (a) That the company or individual, as the case may be, shall; in the ease of lands nufside gf.the said Canadian Pacific Railway Belt, within three years of the d' to of the agreement with' the Government, place two Settlers . on. each of "the odd' numbered sae - tient), and 6180 two ori homesteads oft each of the e'en•nutiihereil sections embraced in the scheme of, colonization. • • 7. (f,.) That shoeld the land applied for he `situated witiiin the Clinarliiin•Pacific Railway • Belt, the company or individual shall, with- in three ,years -of the date ,of agreement wtth the Government,. place two settlera.on the half of each ' even -numbered seetien• pur- chased' under • the provision ' containersin paragraph 14, above, and also one settler upon eaeh,of the ' two' quarter sections re-, maining, available .:for •. homeateeds.•. in' 'such section: • (c.) That on the promoters' failing, within the period fixed, to place' the preocribeil number 01 settlers, : the (Governor. in Council may •cancel the sale and privilege of Solon- •izatioh, and resume possession of the 'lands not settled, or charge the full price of P1 per acre, or $2.50 :per ao.re, as the ease may be,,for snotlands, as may be deemed ex-• i pedent.• • (d,) That it be distinctly iudeastood,that. this policy -shall only,appiy in schemes for eolcnization et the public laude hy'Einieranta fron4,Great Britain or' the Esrdpean Cootie-. eat. .PASTURAGE' LANDS.' 16... The policy set forth as trollonag shat', govern appaications for lands for grazing pur- poses, and previgus to entertaining' any np. plication, the Minister of 't,ie Interior shalt satisfy himself of the good` faith and' anility of toe applicant to (tarry out .the .undertaking involved in such application; 17. From time: to time, as .tnny be. deemed expedient, leases of such Townships, or per tions f Townships, 98 may be,avnilable• for grazing 'purposes. shall he .put op ata- atgotion Y at an upset price to be fixed b. the Minister h fh r ofthe erior, Mid sold to the hlgho.t bid- der—the premium far suelt leases' to' be paid in cash at: the.ti'tne of tlie:8ale..• ".i'8? Snob-Atases shall -be ter•irperiorl-of twenty-one years,. and in accordance other- wise with•the provisdons•of ' See tion eigiy't of the Amendment to the Dominion Lando Act passed: at tho. last Session • of Perliiiiiient,, hereinbefore mentioned. 39, In ail eases, the area'lneduded in a lease Shall ho in proper jon•t0 the eeantity of live stack kept thereon, at the rate of ten nares of land to one' head of stook., and.' the failure in any case of the lessee to 'place the. r quisite stock upon the land 'within" three. years from the .granting of the lease,. or in subsequently maintaining .the pr"aper ratio df Stock to the area of the lensehnld, "shell ' justify the G) 'ernor in Cnitneil 'in catieell na much (ease,' grin diminishing proportionally tha area contained therein 20. On placing the required proportion of stook within the Ittriiti,:of the lessi.houl, the. lessee shall have the priaiilege at purchasing, and receiving a pater t for, a quantity of land covered by shell lease. oh Winch to con, street the buildings necessary in oonneetion therewith, not to exceed five per .cent (tribe urea of the 104sohb•d, which' latter shpt) iii no,single vase exceed 100.000 nitres. 21. The rental for a lertvohold shall : in. aA eases be et the rate of $10 per annum 'for each thousand. acres included`therei,, and the price of land which 'bray be purebasm d for the cattle etntlen referred to in the` ---1i e'xt'I preceding paragrepll, shaf'ie $1;25 per.aere, payable in cash.. . i''AY1teNTg or LANDS. 22, Payrn5nt5 f'ol . pnbrie lands and hiso for pre-entptione arty be. in oasts, or'in ser1p, or, in police ormilitery bounty tgarrants• at the option of the purohug•ar•, • 23. The above provisions shall not apply to lands valuable for town. plc's*, or to coil or ther tninornl tends, or to stone or marble gttiarrios; or to landshaving-w neer pairs). thVrenn t and' farther shallnot, of eourse, effect Sections 11 and 2t1 in tach Tow -treble', which ere public schools lands, ur Sections 8 And.23, which Ate Ma'son's Ilay Company's lands. J. 8, 1)EI4Nf,S, Deputy Anal& of lbs 1nlerfok. • r,tNnbAY llttal+ttl L, lJI1i'V yor•Qtnehtl, • ;t • JACKSON, IE "FAMOUS" HATTER Is Now in New York, PURCHASING HATS AND adlOs and Gentlemen's ingfoods, for the approaching season., The Stock, when it Arrives, • WTLL COMPRISE The Finest Seleotfona,�` foods EVER SHOWN IN THE COUNTY'. mn W. JACKSON, The Noted Hitter and Furnisher. .51.5