HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-29, Page 7CAA'NIHAN NEWS. A detieit of $3,500 is said to existlin a bank at Quebec. A packet of ttauk. notes of that Amount is believed to have been robbed from the .coulhter. Admiral IIalligath has sent the Mayor .of Quebec 9, very sympathetic tetter and the sumof $1.93.24 , •c al 'voted on board the frigates, fot the. sufferers by the late tire: _ A new comet has been: seen with the flaked eye. It will make its i erilielion passage about August, 1$tt11, when it will be twenty-five tinges brighter than when first 'seem Eight hundred foreign physicians are expected to attend tlielnternation- al Medical Congress at London in ,August, aud the aggregate attendance is expected to reach 2;000, Extensive ' operatiiius are being. car- ried on at Cape Breton oil fields. The Ilverness Oil and Land Co., the oldest company, have taken up 65,004 acres of land about Lake Tnsile, and `Dave a capital of $650,000, They purp,.se sinking ten wells at various points. - The work of arranging forthe Pro - Exhibition of• London. • goes swiftly • on. 'There is some .tall: of .crookedness in connection with the;get- ting of contracts for sheds but the com- mittee having it in cTtarge will call fresh tenders, and the work will _be completed in time. he was collared. Mr, Schram travelled about ;45.•niles to, make the :arrest, and feels justly prdud of being success- ful in the face of .so many difficulties. IIlorrilbie outrage. Philadelphia, L'a., July . 19, -Laura McGrath, aged 15, daughter Of respect. •able parents here, was enticed from home under promise of- Marriage by. • ...John Malone. The parties went to Wilmington, Del. After a few days Laura's money being spent, Malone took her to grove, pushed her into the river and absconded.; She regained the shore with difiiculty,andhalf crazed ' wandered through.the'woods. She was. captured by four notorious characters, who kept pier in the woods Several days and brutally outrage(' Ler. Vvhen res; rued by the police the girl was in a ter rible condition and. nearly .insane, She has been brought home. •• • Tel; GREAT Ti :writ of the ]9th century.is the great medical climax PI)RDOcii: 13.1,O.0n BITTERS, cures all (lis - eases of the blood, liver and kidneys, nt+tvous and general debility, and is the purest and best tonic in the world. THE HURONRECORD 19 r5na811ro Every Friday Morning,, At the oillee, victoria Block, (near the Post Ofllce) CLINTON, ONTARIO, -13Y- E. FOODY, PROP! T1:RMMS.•--Ttn, Iteconn will bo sent to subscribers Ono toge .free) for :1,25 if paid in adiniieo ; 5i.50.if paid in 0 months $2.00 if paid at the end of the year. No paper discontinued till all arrears are paid. RATES OP APVERTJSiNO.-lst Insertion, per line, Sc.; each subsequent insertion, 2e. Professional Cards, not exceeding rix lines, :4.00 per annum. V' Advertisements without specific directions will be Inserted until forbid, and charged accordu,„ly. ' • Rv' Our nates for yearly contracts will be u)ado known on applieatiun at the office, JOB P1tDTT1NO..- nook and Job Printing of every deseriptton executed with neatness and despatch, on the shortest possible uotlee. Orders by mail prompt- lv attended'to Charges moderato.' • - 'E 111 RCIII 11E111tE.c'1 QHty. S ash.up on the .€ u • Georgetown, July 22. -This' morning shortly after 5 o'clock, sui east bound.. freight train on the U T:. 1l,' ran. off the'. 'track at the ,1\T &N. W junction here Three cars are `a'total.' wreclr'and•sev=. oral others are • more or less .damaged. The engine and thirteen ears ran ofd; One box car, . loaded with •hardwood. • lumber, is turned up on the side and, ,piled against the N Ss N. W. Railway :bridge which crosses the G. '1'. •bremaking four heavy postsin•one. of the beirts of bridge.. The immediate cause of the . accident was owing to ri..rail ' bregaking' from not being properly supported by the ties, the two. ties•betw,een which the break occurred being over .three feet apart trom centre to centre. ' A tran-. shipmeut was affected between the' east and west bound passenger trains;. they Canada 'Methodist. --Services int 10,30 it. ti), and 0.30 p, tit. - Sabbath School at. 2.50. p, in. line. Wal. 111c1osAua, Pastor; Canada Presbyterian:, 5, rvtees at 11 a.m. and 0.30 p, tn. Sabbath Se4'pol, 2.80 p. m. lbw. ALi C. 87614, AWL Pastor, ' St, Paul's (Episcopal). -Services nt 11. a. m, and 7 P. M. Sabbath School and Bible Class, 8 p. ut, Mise, W OaA1o, hector• Rihlo Christian,-Servicesnt 10.30 a. mr and 0.30 p. h). Sabbath School, 2.80 p. m. ltev, It.. Taoat,ts, Pastor. Baptist Clntrch-Servleo at 10.30 a,ni, and 0.30 p.n, Subbab School, 2,30 p. m. Rev. J. OKAY, Pastor, TRAVELLING GUIDE. Grand Trunk VALUABLE Village Lots for Sale, IN BLYT1-1L 1. Part of Lot No. 3, Black "A," (Zneen Street, MQ- Connell's survey. This let is in the centre of the .tigs4ne*8 pastel the TQW1.4141141 baa frinituge enough. for three stores 2. fart Nos. Two and Three, Queen. Stmt, Drum- mood'ssurvey -very conveniently situated, 3«• Lots Nos, 11 and 12, Block n' 0," McConnell's sur• vcy--very suitable, on which to erect private rob, deuces. EAST. • • Pass.' • E3ps• `• Mixed. Mixed. Oocteruh..Lv 7.00 a 04-12,05 m, .3Spin 000aan • Ttolnnsville 7.20 ..12;30 " 8 50 .1i'3 40 t' Clinton : . 7.30 " 12.15 " -4.15 '( '10.00 ' a Sc aforth . ...7,50 " 1.10 " 4.40 " 10.50 " • Dublin • „ 8.03 " .. 1,30 ' ..5.10 -'n' 1.1..25 (' Ilttchell .,.8.15 " „ 1.45'." 5i 45 " 1L55 " Scbringviile 8.85 "` 3.05 "..0.10 • " 12.35pm .Stratford. -.Ar " 2.15 " ,.03l1 ". 1.00 ,. 'il. is'r. . rasa, I aps: Mixed. • Mixed.. Stratford: ,Ly 1.20 p in 7 a0 p m , 00 ani 145 p uI Sebringvillo . 1:80',, :.8,05 " , 7.30-`a ...Lie a 1l'It8l81l: 1 4a. " "i32U "`" 8,T3i t'' ,4,45 " . Dublin..2.00 " .8,40 " ..8.45 ,, . 5.10' S'e orth .2.17 'n .8.55 ".0.15 •' .5.40'"4 Clinton: 2,40 " „0,15 'n '10,00• " ,0.15 "• llohnosvilic 2.50'" ,.0.25 " 10,20." (iodorteh:.Ar315" ..0.50'" 11,00.•" 7.I5 "' Great il'esta;ini. ' TERMS EASY., For further particulars, apply to of to the C, FLOODY, Blyth. RECORD OFFICE, Clinton RM Tows Proiiert!e' FOR SALE. GOOD BARGAINS.. That arst.ctass Ferin on 'tete Heron Road, near Ilarinlrbey, Lot 33, In the first calve: Ion of Meliillep, .101 acres, (80 cleared) adjoining the pro. pert3 of 3.. Meyer Lsq. Log and Frame Meuse, largo Frame Barn, good Orchard, .1c, . Apply to Mr. 3'M. WIII I'I.dhY, Duren Road. Tuuaersnuth-•-or to the' undersigned. Ch Lot 20, in the Twelfth Concession of (Thnicrich. 4,i, Township, near Uohnesville-S0 mores; about 40. cleared, halnnce well timbered, Ft:une house and stable; Well suited for a dairy or grazing farm. Only . $200 required down; or would be exchanged for Town property, Apply to ,lar. P, MOCINTOASTLE, !Myth, or to the undersigned- 1j The valu(thie• Ilotol property on Victoria Street, o), Clinton,, known es Lane's lintel, now occupied by 31r, ((eorgc Iinox, comprising a largo hotel build- ing, driving shed, four choice 'r.iwn Iota, 4,e.. A That elegant two kala' franc dwelling.housa on •'1..'toren Street (lhito), formerly hotel by, J. 0. Miller, nosy oecunled b.y Sar: John 1'. Martin • eThe coinfm•table fraise cottage on. North Street, .. which belongedto the late John figs, miw.oc mimed by lir, John Bailey.- with two.1',rgo lots; good garden, 64.0.-11ear the Flax. 31.31h p The good Prelile cottage told large lot No. 0(33, aO, Om Pirie Street, Clinton. Tho lot is near the junction of the tvo rnilwai's,' and May hereafter -be sal(rtble us a factor) site. ' • 7Thi neat frame cottage (nearly new) of five roots, ,. with good. garden, 011 Cooper street, belonging t0 Mr. John Iloren, with right of purobasinj;'tbe adjoin. log lot: • to 52 Also other lots and buildings for sale. Apply H.' HALE, Clinton, April 11, 1881. Huron St., Clinton. NURTIi, ' • I epress \pail Express London.: 4.0 'a nt 120 p fa. -0.25 p io Il` do Park. 7.50: ' 2.30 " ..0.:30 llttriek.` "4,0.44 ndcrtunC0i " 2.41) ,•052 " 13aer0(i ;:. h.15 .' 3.50 7 03 " Clnndeboyc '8.26 3.11 " -7.14 "' Centralia. 8.40 " ....3.25 c .7.28 "- Exeter:: 1 Iter:i 8.53 " .. ,3.38 " .40 " '" Mensal.' ' . 9,05 " , ..3.02 " ..,.53 •• " Nippon 9.11 ' 3 57 " .. .7.59 "'• llruciIIeld.'. 9.21 ' .:4,07 " • ..8.x18 ' being delayed about ,two hours. The Clinton.... ,.`9.39 d..3 ` ..-8...0 '< 1 ontlesborouyh 9.58 ' ,4 41 ' 845, „ • track will Hardly be cleared before 5 i31cth.. .:10.00: ' 4.40 `' :, '.5.1 _ " 13eigrave . 10.24 !c ....5.011 •: ..0,00 " Wingliam.. ,10.45 " „5,25 'n . 0.25 •"• '. p. nig No interruption of traffic over the N &N. W. Railway will occur as long as `itis where it.is, 'as it bolsters:the bridge up. Three trains passed. over'it •this morning. The damaged track will soon be repaired. • Long Chase.,DETECTIVE SCIHRAM SUCCEEDS I1 CAPT(flt- INC A PRISONER' AFTER A-20mum. TRIP. One day last week, Detective 11... Schram, of London, brought: • from Point Edward . a: man hawed : C 'E: • Goodine, who is wanted on two charges. of robbing the mails at Parkhill • Post' Orrice. The information declares that on the 23rd and 27th of June lastthe prisoner appropriated two letters con taining $5 and. I . respectively. The prisoner was remanded by,Square Han nah to the 26th Detective • Schram deserves credit for 'this 'arrest, Which was not accomplished without a good deal of. trouble. He left for Parkhill' in the morning with . a warrant for Goodine, but on reaehirlg.tliat place he learned that his man' had become sus. picious,'.and left town. Nobody knew what direction lie had taken, but the officer resolved to try, Goderieb. Not meeting with any success there, lie started -back for • Parkhill, but..near Stratford heard some'train men talking; about the person, wanted,•and . learned frets' thethat that he' had .been seely in Point Edward. A freight train was coning along just talent the detective ,jumped aboard, and, found. at "Pdirlt Edward a opal" of Goedine's was e11- •ablitlg himto escape. The capture was finally accomplished • by the detective pretending to give up the seaaeh. Ire bid'himsel'f in the station building andpresently saw the friend make ' some signs and shortly, afterwards the two "walked off towards the ferry. Goodine had just got one foot .on the boat when SO( Tii: ..• • Express: ; Mall. • . Express. Wingham 700 a no.....255 p.'m.,.,620 j) :3 , m Belmar°, r 114 " 13 " .0 38 Myth..7 35 't .3 28 !' .(3 55 •Le0desborongh 744 " :,330 4 ..,:704 " • Clinton •38 02• " . 54 ' ...."r 24 " • llrlidellold: 320- " ...4 07 "' 7 43 " Iiippetr . ., • ' 8'80 •'! ..4.15 " .'.7 50 " Ilehsall.. .. 830:" .. '4 j0' " ..'.800 " Exeter' .. 85`2'" .,432''" ..825.'" Centralia,.' ., 002. " ...442 " .,842 4 landoboye • 0.10 " .: 4 54 ... 0 02' •i : Brecon + ., 027 " . 504 018 lldcrton' 0.38 ....513_, ' ..935 " Ettrielt ., 047'-'7 IIydo Park . 0 56 " :..5 26 " 10 00 ." London '...1005 ...,5 25 a7 ., 1010 '" Si,00- F.0RFE1�"_. Tnpntix C`uncor Cute Depot, •�. Coaticoolc, 1'..q.,. Canada. . AN GH CURE without tee use of the Knife. The, only Perm anent Cure in the World.. For particula'a enclose. two 3 cunt stamps to Sire:- Sauru, Coaticoolc, P. Q,, Canada. , • i1S''&Iighest references. CIJIIE11•S SWIFT. AND .C1IETAIIN. Any paper can publish the above for $5.a yens, with this note and paper regularly. Ears. for the Million'!: Foo Choo's Balsam .of Shark's • Oil, • • Positively Restores the IIearingi and is the Only 1Ib8ohtte Cure for Den :14ess . IC7aov.rn. This Oil 1s extracted from a peculiar species of small Wynn; Snnae,. caught in .tlhe Yellow sea, 01110w11 as Cdreharodoit L3o)ididetii. Every Clhinese 'fisherman knows it. Its viatica as 1. restorative of hearing were. diseovcred by a Buddhist Priest about the year it 1410. Itscures Were s0..imineroua and HAxy h0 hha1t1S01h" 3111u,3C0L0t s, that tete remedy 40138 officially* moutainted over the entire Empire, • Its use basaltic so universal that for oven 300 Times- Ales- SO' I AVNI1ss 11.19 • 581ST FID .18)010 0110 0(115201410001,11. Soot, cha1'gus prcpaid,.to any address at $1 par battle. • . Only Imported by Smith, John • TAILOR :�. EDC�LANi' .An) *General outfitter, Carson's 31oe1. • HAYLOCK ($c CO. 801.11 A0119T4 0041. A1114nlCA. .1 7 bey 50., NOV170114 • Its virtues are unquestiopalileand its (•In3tiun rho`. ado. absolute, as Ms -writer e013 porsiiiacttlg testify, bufh;frene 0113 arienee. a),4 obsc) t'atioc. • .Among the many readers or the noview In 000 part and another of the country,it is probable that nunj, hers are aftleted with deafness, and to such it may he said : "Write at once to Ilitylock A. Co., 7 1)ci Stroct, Neve S'or1•, ri.oloshlg $1, and you will receive by re. tint a remedy that will otinbic. yon to heir like any- body else, and whose curative effects will be perms• Hent. You will never regret doingso."-1S3ftor of Nets Turk Morten file Amino, Sept...25 1880.1. Clinton Illarblo' Works HURON STREET) CLINTON .W y.: c.o o PER; JY, Manufacturer of and(lei(lor In ill 1 indsof Marble &: 'Granite for Cemetery Work, at'Hgtijes that defy. competition: Alto snamt.thctiii'er of?the •Celelirattal AR'11rrc1A1, .$PONE ter • I3nilclitig pile- 'poses )OI(i Cemetery. Work, which hist .be seen to be a])prl'.Ciflted.--AIl work warranted to give sat151'itetioll, • CLINTON irr I alt e Works H. OANTELON,. MANUFATURPsii PROPRIETOR, or BUGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGQNS, SLEIGHS, &C. "ITAIB R AND SHIi1'.GLES taken in exchange. Cive inc a call and I will -give yau•pri,,cs that cannot be beaten in the County. Repairing and ]iorsesltoeing done with despatch.s Ii. CANTELON. Harness, Tight, AND- Harness leavy, PHOTOGRAPHER, Beaver Block, Clinton ( 'FINEST FINISH'! r LATEST STYLES FUR IITURE'I! .'FURNITUREar. Olinton• Furniture -Ware-Rooms •No. 77 Brick 'Block. . Ossing.to the inerce'e of bis iness cluing thepast year, BI0AD '0'0T' $z 1B0X 11at a trkenrout, a new leniq.of No 77,. and`wi11 continue to dq bnsiness 108 formerly, , ' 55 0 have oil hand, at the present time as llie n. tock'of Farniture as was eyes on exhibition in this Town, which 410 will soil at a very MALI, 41)5 5N('1 0'J (l(IS'P As we Manufacture all our own Goode, We are pre_ :pared to give our Customers BETTER (.GODS for LESSIONEY thee eon he obtained' olsc(vitere. • • ALL. GOODS WARRANTED P. OBB, Manager ' A. RL NE"T'T', Salesman -"ki7°'i1ra£`ii)isa the Acee- o. i7'13iwk ltlodi 4r3i"` Can always be had at the L0 W EST RATES, S, at NEWTON & ;:DENNIS'. ,.also a Large Stock of ■ i which -will be sold CHEAP. We ' are giving Special $argains '. in. Trunks. and "V`alises. Our stock 1s very much enlarged'. this', Spring; in all the abclve idles. All we ft,ik is for the pub- lic to.eall and inspect our stock and he ' Soilvillced that we are selling cheaper than ever before known. • We ]lave al - Ways made Light .Harness a specialty; :and warrant all Collars;.• NEWTON & DENNIS. BLYTH SAW MILL CAKES ! Cakes !. * • C' .B s.: !- ri The.undersigned begsto inform the inlhahitantl of Clinton and su)rounilin crnlntl'v that ale has engaged' the si rl'it;(s u:f . ol3e, tat' the be:;t bakers of the. Domini 'n, and will - kei p constantly on hrin(1' the lllirest: unl bl F51189o1'tnielat of cakes in towIl"and every- thing•ueually kept. in a fil'st eht'ss City bakery, and 110p08 by: atIiet tittentioil.to ba8iness to Merit a.fair-shareof 1)atronage.• • _ O J WIIiTE. -.. AND ' . B OWN , BRJAD Ts'rif a nu lel'ior. (.tlality. Give it a trial and he coiivineed. Delivered daily to. all pints of the town. 1;m1,l,.Biscuit , Candies &c.,.always on h{aid. Wedding Cakes a: aspeci- silty-'••ieed and ornamented in the .latest style (nid•tlesigll. G.iv . lane a Call,. 1:fi0�iV�( v'A�T N N & DODDS Are now prepared to do all kinds of work ` in their lino. !laving put ina grain crusher w'e are able to do chopping at any, tinluand on t .SD nest notice 1311.th 'Dee. 17 '1860. 42•tt,., Clinton, April' 28, 1881: T.L. .L. ._.. & I R I• O I..V .I •.`1..',_1..6! I and welt assorted:' We piny in the best market; .Our sfo' 1. ls' always kept FRESH. lcr:UASii, tui't w,tursnt to give. satist'8tctien. , P1101) JCI'; TAKEN IN L\.011A1\ (x]o S PALL.ISER Vic: 00y OS BRICK: BLOCK; CLINTON.. r 'To the Electors .of :the County of. Huron. TWITOHELL'S AI NESS `I I'OT. isthe hest and chniapoet place in the county to buy your HT A''D HEAVY HARNESS, Whips,. ns,. Trunks,. Valises,. &e. , y • GREAT BARGAINS. , 7:N BOOTS AND SHOES.: we invite your inspection mill very cordally solicit your p 1tr0nago' • JAMES • 'MITCHELL, Victoria Block, Clinton, Ontario,'. W AT S , e T$ANDDRUGGISTS; , liONTRE✓1L TEI EGI Jl1'H OKE1C4 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON,'. ONT., brAtMlIS IN* • Pure' Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Genuine Patent Medioines, Horse and Cattle Medicines, and all Articles Generally sold by. Druggists. PPESGEIPTTONS.AND FAMILY IdE(PES.CAIREFtILiYFLEIA CEV. • Agents for Voris' Glove • Cleaner.