HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-29, Page 6GREAT BRITAIN. A IRANDSOMB QI T To TFSF OANAAIAN WII BL1 PON TEAM. London, July 21.—Thegarden party git:en at the Canadian camp today was favored with beautiful weather.• The attendance was large, many mem- bers of the World of fashion being pres- ent. Among the most distinguished guests wore the Duke of Cambridge,. Sir Garnet Wolseley, Viscount Bury, Lord and Lady Brownlow, Earl Kiln- Lerley, Sir John Macdonald, Sir John Rose, Sir Hugh. Childers, Jon. 0. Mowat, Hon. Mr. Chapleau, and Dr, Grant. The Duke of Cambridge, after hav- ing inspected the team, complimented thein for • their efficiency, and congrat- ulated them on their success in winning the Kolapore Cup. He hoped that'll, Canadian team would be present' every year at Witubledon, and that they al- ways be as good as the present ono, The 'shooting den° by the mennbers•of the team who had secured places in the sixty in the second stage of the Queen's Prize. showed that rifle shooting was improving in Canada, and they might yet bring over the lunacy, man who, would carry away the coveted lienor of being first in that competition.. Speeches were also .made by ' Glirl Kimberely, Sir John Macdonald and, Sir John Rose, and the latter presented the team with a purse of £IMO. Lieu- tenant-Colonel Gibson 1 epliecl.'in suit- able terns, acknowledging the honor donne the club. A TRIBUTE TO THE CANADIA`i` A1,A1tI{$1IT N,: London, July "22.—At the_ garden. party given in the Canadian camp at Wimbledon, Sir John 11Tacdonald said that it had made' his Ark glow that; morning on reading that the Canadians had' won the Kalaporo Cup. .It was a gallant fight. After four years of. de= - :feat the Canadians had had luck again.. He congratulated the. team, and. es-. pecially Col. Gibson, on their success,: Although he sympathized. with ' • the English team, yet he=-thotiglit they, could afford the Canadians at, , Oe- ca;ional victory. They were all of one race, under one common allegiance,: and, if there should be any. rivah.y be• • ttveen the Militia and .volunteerseef, Canada .and Lnglat d,,, it should Uo as to. who could be most loyal, It was' gratifying to, find • that their pr:'ogress and the • efficiency of the niilitict forces were being steadily watched ray. the Commander•in--th. ief-. of }Ter. Majesty's' forces, Their militia would not desire to be.conside•red a Mere holiday •force._ lie _believed if. tho time :;howl,] eou,e when 'England was .involved in wiir. Canada would do her •fair scare,. mitt,. for man, fighting for the couvtion cause and 'the common flag. He should go back to Canada,. a..d tell the people'how proud - he. was this day, slid how the victorious team had been. honored by his Royal Highness and, the Colonial Minister. He hoped that this year's victo4y would not be the last. Canada would have; to fight for it,,'aud must send a good team every year. Surrender all Sitting Dull. • FnrtT 13caroltn, July • 2Q. -Sitting 'd)u11 and two hundred' • people arrived to -day, and surrendecl arms and poniirH, No speeches were male, as Sitting Bull and 11 is orator are.fatiguedand, hungry. They were placed in compartments'be- twoen the post and the landing, and are as secure in ` Major-Brotherton's charge as in irons. A correspondent visite/I Bull after. his lodge w&s erect-. rd and cheered the old man up by in-- foru,in • bit)) that he liad seen fns loS•t• daughter, whom the Canadians had told him was in chains, only a. short tinge before, ; that site was well and happy,. The expressed a. desire to -have: a 'talk after he rested and had something t'o. eat. The cavalcade, as it filed to the (larrison, attracted much attention. It consisted .of six artuy. wagons fillr,(1, with squaws and children, followed:by twenty-five or thirty caits loaded. with. hag, age. Much •credit is'g.i 'en Lenard for faithful service to the Government in finally indue>ng Sitting Bull to conte in. He used his own means freely, providing transportation.and provi- sions, 4,Itting Bull, and his•c1 fiefs,and headmen r„(' ponies and dit1 not (i - enunt and snake hands till they ar>;iv- eel at the place liked for their cant. (lull seems more, sullen and. insolent than any of his chiefs, butit is though,; kind treatment treatment .will scope satisfy him that. the • Government has, accepted his surrender in good. faith: A despatch. was forwarded to Standing Bock, informing Crow King and Low Dog. of Bull's arrival, and believed this! will remove any dnsirn the Indians I. there have of leaving the ag ney. Tax Fh1RDo'iC 13T.00D.tI TT1 tt1, tl'e• great system renovator,,blood and liver ;F1rup,,acAs on the bowels,, liver. and. .lCi:,l:ritqs,, tulcl,.Ls, a, superb The Albany Deadlock Rrokcln, . Albany, July 22—The Joint Conven- tion islet at 4 p. m. and voted for Sen» ator with the followingresult 1 ---Senate •—Lapllam, 22 ; Potter; 5. .Assembly —Lapbam, 70 ; Potter, 37. Total— Lapllam 22 ; Potter,. 42 - Necessary to choice, 68. Tine: Chairman an- nounced the election of Lapham, and declared the Joint Assembly dissolved.. Cheers were „liven for Layham, Miller; Garfield, Conkling and Potter. .Brooklyn, July' 22.—The Eagle's Albany special Says -Satisfaction is expressed on a11., sides.. The membera acted like boys, laughing, shouting, and singing. Dr: Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry is anv unfailing retnedy for all kinds of bowel complaints. Tile Americans have more politics to - the acre of canvas spread at Calupmeet- ings than any other nation, The Al- bany difficulty. and.. Roscoe Conkling •got worked into a revival `service), at the Northampton, 1'iias'acluisetts, camp Meeting .the 'ether day. The subjeet introduced by a reverend„ brother was, "Ministerial Courtesy." I cv, Air. Nichols declared that Conkling was a, iespeoin)en of iuiperiousnos w11i411 is the. very opposite of cot}rtesy.." .Rev. ,Fos eph Scott, with wrath,- characterized the remark as "the opposite of courtesy if not bordering on cowardice." . Dr, Rice replied that : "Conklin; has - been given along rope, and is making the best use of: it to hang himself." Tli'e •'partizans cheered and • counter cheered, • and bad a good time in giving practical exaulples of • "Miuist©rial. courtesy." • Ot)iniou of an igni'i»ent Cont>lecc- tor. Gotthold :Carlberg,' the celebrated' Conductor, writes AU.Nu LssoiUT 'Co,), NEW Yoarc ,Gentleman -.LT had the pleasure of trying several of your Your . Upright Pianos, and must pay 'you a sincere •compliment;fol.the power of tone and. eieelleut -quality of touch in year in- struments. No lessl,delighted I was" with one of your•G°ratict Pianos,. which' considerably, fully' entitled to take its rank among the very: best in . the country, and=_ hope --w111 Ue- -played.• in concert •halls frequently. I wish- you ala the'success you so fully deserve,and reuatn, Yours. very truly. GoTTIIOLD CA)tf:131;11G. Johnston, T sdall'86 ALBERT STREET, (.1,I TTON, ONT: L.n(sact gCncral banking - business.: Money ad t traced on 'Mortgages eges and Notes of hand Ur n'ts is• sualpctyablo itt p•ir, at all tbo.oilices of the \lerdptnt s Dank of Granada. New York exchange Lanight 'and • sold.. Prompt attention paid to ('olleetibtis tIerough- • out Canada and the United -states SALE . NOTES. ..PQ UG.HT • at close rates, and: money ndvanced .,te farmers o}i their•bwn notes,. for any loiegth of time to stat the: houottror. 11l marketable securities bought amtsold, Bankers in New York. Age, t•t of the. Merchant's • Bank of Canada INTEREST ALLO.wEI) ON DEPOSITS A JOLT\sro'-. 3, P,.TIED AI,L, T. A. GALE; • Stntthtot•• Clintini. • )•nota, J'• 1 L\'ILA\ 0 TISDALL, : hutag•ec: JOHNSTO111;:'_: GALE & •TISOALL, 13AN 1.1 [is, ET OR A. A. J011\ST0 , T A.GALE, . J. x'. T15RAm., • strathroy. )(lora, Clinton. 1'. A GALE, llhtnager. Correspondents in Canada, ;rhe ]bink of Montreal: and all th(h' agcnrlos.. Ia New York, W.. Watson and A. Lang, •LI1 mid (i]»Sall street.. • The VETT: 13EsT HINE ,ttga IN TIIE WORLD; is manufactured by M oColl Biros c Co, `oron t o, and for sale ),v all dealers.. Aare your Merehtillt 10i' LA1t.UINE' lanai take nu This oil,'Onder`tlie severest test and most active:: competition. i t «. ars t the Turoitn. Industrial ,f 11 ( stifal l:xhtbl•, ,tin awardethe ni ghost Prize, also the (toll, Media' ttttho'Ctrnllncial Exhibition, Ilandllon, and that high=' est Award tit. the Dominion .li.xiiilrition, Ottawa.-tha Silver ylucha:. harnieis'end' 011 who rise \gtacultntvtl ybrt]tinery Will save nlonoy- and ,ipaehinery by using none hitt Lttl)INE. • TIrE-4E¢,TBST popularity. of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is where it has .been longest known. Time cannot detract front its merits. It is the old reliable . medicine for all bowel complaints incident to the suns= ,nmr season, Broadfoot 86 Box, I IIE1 0111 akors Our stock of Undertaking Goods is very large and com- plete. Any person ---requiring ' anything in this line will' find it to their advantage to call and see ns, 'as. wot,1•>avo just re- ceived a large stock of ITAlbitillIT AND ROSEWOO D CASKETS. • Also CO%F'I,i INS, cit every des- cription, from the best Ameri- can and Canadian manufactur- ers, also a stook of IRobes'and Trimmings,. which wearo pre- pared to furnish at half the.. price formerly -dialled .for these Goods. • NO, 77 BRICK BLOCK, IN1ON OHO THE BEST IN THE MARKET, Wholesale and Retail • '�—�•'�1p1fi4L �+ cul o,1i IM. tl .11 litip l our.Sizes. Doil:'t tail to See thin: • It iiI. P,A C ir, Iron and Hardware Merchant' Clinton, l 2,11, the 4044 SARSAPARILLA . •—FOR-- . L1V11 COQ PLE:!lar. Z ' PEir!.fit). • ,Arad foie Purifyie ; the C).coct. It has"b1L+n in use for ea years. and hes proved. to be the best preparation atitnl en the .a 1 et.fcr SICK alit lit it•• -' :PAIN IN i11.11 SIDE Ott 13:1(K TIVEIt COM ILA.t. r, PIMPLES ONfrt 1'A (.r.]71,«S. i 1bJA, PILESgra tit tFi c ot.s that ElL est from a llisordtncd ',rem! or an IN: glureblood lhousnnd ofottt lar pe• t10 8 1 pitauiirieittoti}eurl h t i t; • 1f Bidet's pre et bt ittlaily 9 hnh(t a io uao • 'F`.t it once reeturrmond itto Others It is trade fio> Y 1iowDout TTonda• A: rtto 1 , ap t ill 1, til' (Merril,`•t it ugio. !;1.I rc.c..on. ca is ran, 1Vinteii t tt, and .'"ii c it r well:known rated 1e'. aW..Ots and if) 1 c -hs, It is rtoctly T,0,3—getable, arclean. i rct L, t t` zt n o t•seheato co+ 1 tilatt(0t1. q It in..ono cf t' ' brat nie(L(,>nes 1r. Inc rt C fo Itr l..t 7 th0•l.olvcl r; Itis sold by ail re •ton ,h,^ drug ast .+. ••.:.,„ ? ao� icsforilve or ard. art bottle, or -nix E,. thio •e w110 cnrinot Obtain' at bo} 10 1of : ,'• tilen chyI` e froth the (fru' l;lsi 416 131 't s.,.d no credo ar,s m1-wowILItog:vcrft F. t to th@m free.ot' any charges. " h CD: tla N 4 S7...11)/371IO2,;avt n c.ur., . _ ro �� A..,3rlrtzs'rAtit, ,,.,, ONTARIO Sold by. WATTS & cv, ,- '• '• Clletnit•,t'& Drtugists,`Ctinten. aril The . 'only 'Medicine - that . successfully urifies. the Y Y , p I Blood, acts upon the Liver, Bowels) Skin and Kidneys, while at the same tithe it allays Nervous Irritation, and strengthens the Debilitated,S stem er#'e tl � Y ,, perfectly Y and speedily curing Biliousness,•Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Consti- pation,. Headache, Rheumatism, Dropsy,]' ex'vous and'Gen= ammo tT ° ' • eral Debility, Female: Complaints, Scrofula, Erysipelas, l.. - • . every. , arising Salt. Rheum,. and a ry species; of chronic Disease a g fro In Disordered Liver, Kidneys,. Stomach Bowels or Blood. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFYING TONIC IN THE WORLD.• Sample Bottler tor. T. M1LBURN & CO., S01E AGENTS, TORONTO Itegular Size. SLOG Mrs. 'Freeman's Worm il'oW.ier is a safe sure and cff'ectuaLdestreycr of worn, in children ar edu1te. Price ss cents or $ for $1. • er nes. Frcomau'e Now lnnmostiM dyes Ara perfect in or color. 8okbritbtbeaY„ auc r ,ti,,i;t[i:lity, tt>sn! huil4.1K:awi L. E sss.centager tt>1c,1((iQoF..._ , x' . '� SIGN OF iTNE PADLOCK HARDWARE, HARD' :ARE, SPECIAL LOW PRIG ES IN 1Tcl llh, Paints, Locks, • Oil.;, Hinges, (lass, - Barn Door Roller;;, Putty, cit•. - A largo quantity of Four Bathed. (lath -anima Steel Fence Wp-ire, at 1:it'•(lu('C(l P1'iees, Sinal(',, ih()`-C'l:i, 'Bakes, Hoes,CQTi., 111 grqat 'variety: . Just 1'eceive(1, a largo lot or " Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers," at uery low prices. Bost No. 1 Coal Oil ; also, tho Celelarlted American, H1:eadtiglit. Please Give' ll'S a fltt.11.. ri°I'i('(!S Tees" Low L Sign of the P Bleck,, Albert: Street, Clinton. THE WORST PLACE • in this Town to got your Is itt Mile (l+rll(l faaterlao 12 ()tithe:. - `O ., F T. .. E : QYtr NSF ; )`ceps the worst `Stock in Tcwn, IIis 'prices are higher -than .a • any other Gr0e.ez , he is very inattentive 10 1(18 •-custoulers,. Antl P �'' 'makes Himself generally disagreeable to cia4eLy person that dot:;. ,welt ,patronize him,. and he dont want your . trade—still,, he keeps • open day and night." • "Dear tne,,.how this'world.is given -to perversion,, nearly E .PiltY:lt0D" - BUYS FRO,1i H)\I• Th�� Mirs�be Sorrre lUlistalse l�ere For His.Goods are all New aged'Well S,aucdh.t wwl' pont . Your Forget. B.emetnller the place 0 Opposite: Post.:O .ce, the P U1 [atefl o once l# 13 -1: - .PT.: C our Cho oe-tu yes of Boots and Shoo, Very Cheatp, BIG DISCOI7NT ' 1111: pRiTNLL1JA GOODS. IIealey ai4ivals' of_ Sugar, bought before the late advance. llealyarrivals of General G.roccli.s.. • Heavy arrivals of Crockery Glassweu e, Le. Brought, directfrom the manuftioturers, very low. We neither wen il'to"China or Japan•to purcha4e oar T., but did•.the next - best thing lee bought direct 11000 heavy itnperturs. Any old woman in the country who has tuned' put• T will tell you itis the best they can buy. Just try once, 'then always. ; " o .t • 67:A8.4 FOR' - .:CAS I FOR ..BUTTER (N.. P-1CKaGES: StrtaUer1•ics lot mg theft sc, as0r. to supply.any orders for the same. THOMPSON 1 & BOLES • ,Will make,. tor`'tlle next 60: clays oilly, a G and .0fier. of • A $850 Square Grand Piana for only 0245:. y ittt L 1J 1�, lehtgnificent rosewood ease 'ulc)atlu finished, tnl StrinRs 7 1.3 tbttves all patent ent eanto te )J agraffes, om• new patent overstrnna wale, beatlfel carved legs itud ire heavy Serpent.. bpi Inrgu f:a v nodding. round.. au full brane1rnntu,)Prtarl"trend Action,Grand Hammers, in fa,t etett mmo% anent which stn in any way tend to the prfectitt of tliu instrument it is bean uttled. • ' t1;,,(hr.' price for this instthn+lt:5tboxed And deliveteloon hoard ears at (h New York„ with fine Piano io Cover, Stool and Book, only ' cP � O ,'hisNom will LosentOTT testtrial.Please send, reference if con do not send ntoneywith .order. Cush sent tvitiomder will be refunded mid fr'eightc 1i u•gcs paid by us both soars- if Piano isnot just as represented,. esented,. in thls,ltivertiscmen•., 'Titonsanos in use, Send for Catalogue. Every instrtimenlrfttlly. Warranted for 5years. $1(15 to -4(0) (with Storii, Cover and Book), A11 rstrietly 3rhst class and sold iitWholesale fnetut3..1.01005 ''these Piano....ma io one of the fittest tlisplitts at the Centennial Exhibition, and 00111 nuanlat(insly rerotnt „, + ourNew tet , it. Tito Squares contain e Patent >t • the n s1 I[ua, s, Mended f lttt, u( 0 1 r ' finest - e t>terkoi ` /1 1tY art. the al U`i in Netto, thogrentc t•Tnra� neat nt.{it the history. of Piano making. The t) 'il,l 1 Pusttivcly the int a tits ffmtstr Piano+, of'the l iehest tone and greatest durability. They the reeoatnteitded by the highest tans! al authorities in the country. over 11,000in use, and not ono dissatisfied p treh:tser, Ail, Pianos pr Ortrarm sent ort.15 d Lys' test trig—freight ,fren if towatirifactorii. Don't fnilto write- us behiru bey. !n)r. Ilei ltleOS' .o offer the bust bargains, ('atoll gne mailed free, liandsonie lllestratud .and Descriptivv tatillirgtfoNtr. p tges lttailctt for 3t stamp, Every Piano fully warranted for 5y.cer.s. • �t n Our "Parlor Gtund.lubi:. n �;• t®F t t. �W a '«• rte. Organ, style i5, Is Ci }, • 'd Cf p. $ r ( "b the finest ltd sweetest toned lived organ etur offered the,tt>gyical1 i 0 i r, 1 contains 1•ioo:0rtavev, Five sets of ItectO, topr of 2i Octaves each, curd Ono a1' Three nett visa.. TIO eet 01,i,.with errand Orgtnt Diapason, 3lulaliu, 1'tbin, I9nte, Celeste, Inflect, Echo, 3ich flag•)'• rtei,('ele, l ta, i'folina, l lots Porta 'rromolo, Grand -Organ tog. (hmtd.Swoll, I(nec•Stops. 'height, 74 in,; Lengtft, •13 in, y1 idth, 2410„ 11t,lght„boxed, Su0•lbs. 'l:hu cash's' of send wainut, lo,tecrtxl with choke woo(1, and is lariat e t ,rely new and beautiiOl design, elaborately e 1100,4 with raisee#', panels, 111081e closet, druid shardri,,ftst•wo 1,,,Se., it 1 olegatitty finished'. Possos105 11 the httcstand hest improvements with great power, de tWt,, hrlll'rncy an 1 sympathetic finality of tone. 'Iteautitnt $olo effects and perfeet stop action, nog tilt, to alt ,erica 5.01. Our toliolesale net t:(te1 ps etS to have it ialrt;dtteed,.with stool :til book, only 8147• One organ sold'solls t t tors. Positively no dovlathn In -price. No payment required until volt hero folly tested ' the organ n your alt 1 home. We send all organs on 15 days 'tovt.wet and ply height betlt ways If !instrument is nob as re,resehted 1•Ytiltlararranted for 5 years. Danz styles -•.S stop. organ only 301; 0:.stolis, 55; If Pt0 s,,S115. Wet 321 0 sold, and every Organ has g11on tho fullest Satisfaction. Illustrated circular vtailal :fine Factory' nnd;Warpol�oo(inis,, t7th St, and 101)1 .Ave. . E ET , di/, r c aon,third pride,, Catalogue of 3000 choke pieces soot for 3 tent. stamp.This Catalogue incindes mutt of thapopulnr tpfisle 04 Dhet; `�tMS 4nd,ovorx v0rl5 0' of Inuits compositlotl, Olt We best t t.s4 ors, Address, [M.ENDEi.,.1.5011.1%. ORGAN. :O.,rl Rt (L Boit 2D. Not Y:Qrk:.Ciii* •