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Huron Record, 1881-07-29, Page 3
xt a s S ft fl a tt 0 T 11 3 sI h 1 it ti • it d, tl 111 ri U w w tl Av in tl in w ri st a • 01 ,c Tl tl 31 pt at si S s a 1 4 U T 13 S ttgl i,• S li F. 11 3 sic 1, C 1) r dt IVRQN NOTES. elves. oven re Icl els, }regi cillo Ic\iulkin,, eaforth nn, f f tire, (e Villiamson, go. Iary's, • side in this township most of the time ,, —NEW--. }"hos, FURNITURE, , ' UiV©EiRTIAi�IR° Stevenson F_.—� ., - is - - : sI `" J : S. (4.':it Grand Gralnd . " `�^ S'..-A.L.-P-1 .�,ta,.,,,,,,- fp'� �r! Son's 11110(k.) • C ro —A Young man Xiametl' Young, liv. .g on the Lake .Shore Road, nearPort 'der accidental' shot himself In thewas"' �day y tut one last week, Mr. Wm. Werry, lot 15, don, 7, his, fareMr. William until his death. Ile had been in del- Icate health for several years, and his demise was not at all unexpected. M. SloanAsn.nra4lttt tnananti tookllis day, quite a prominet►t a lively interest_ in. lie affafro. Ile was considerable of a it %� �ry , , " " t and . ^ ( ;i o:e ._� • - ���'R�. ,eplten, soli' to iel 1, of the London road, Ile leaves 1r Manitoba it October. . —Mr. Ilarry 'tables has so his ,rill on the boundary" between Morris 43500 .controversialist and poss€ssed;aooi erary ability, and was the author of one7 or or two published works. IIe was an ardent student, an extensiveireader, and \res possessed of nine'; more shall orciiu p rr ar 111te111 ( lice. lie had alamil ofinds 4 airs'two tlt1 n tet'S, ti; ow10,n survive 1111tt, analmonths, well and comfortably settled in life. -- . G -E0 1I &RL��D - 11•te(lpeneda. hoot ft al ea etora tno tlJors north of ';wart: a notal, lrhara l,u haw an head an aseurt- went of hoots arid shoes which he will sell Chao) for I preparedtif,,n, of June sod July,H�`•1 --Messrs, W. II. Stewart and Tilos. Ire was fatl``er of I)r. Sloan and Andrew sed of Iilucvale, have succeeded in Sloan, of Myth, also of ATcs. William 0 `',. SALE.. i teeing the recent examination at the Shell, of Mullett, anti. Mrs. John dela- ormal School, Toronta,.for `?;lel class son, of Roxboro, AIal illop. He was A Special Discount Sale <' -- Groat Inducements itt FOR DAYS, r • ;rtificates, buried oll'T'uescla Last in the ur- Tuesday ppleittlid —The of Duffs Church hey cemetery, and the, funeral: 'n'its qn0, Tl1e u111:1.1�11t'll lta.t fail .}alfa rd concession of IIcTCillop, have erect-• of the largest that has taken. place in of + �(y; a ,(yy•j� 1 a commodious and comfortable now the township for some time. • First -Glass for the of their i st — Mass jy����►yj 't11tat•tlty u, T� • g��;�\y _-- Sui01rom $10,00 _ ,�.lyw trds. tE4?t/ FURNITURE ARRIVING f ' tutu snore esp00ted.-also; h fine lot of nate COWS, rt9111•olla' , �� >G'itnlert.•ilc lt>z" 'roods. ' ..Cerro and see, in • -•Gonia ' D S �� � + ��.� '��� .lately omitted by Shepherd and Cooper„ Albert Litt .et, Clinton. , Boots .and Sl oes� AT ROOK BOTTOM PRIOE8. one, come .all, l and ocoure 4 .4ir p B R G A I _ s--, . O '�'" "7 . r' R " ted aGcoaiuiodation _ :. - _.. ,L IJ•11.Y1{ arses on Sunday. D. T+'owi,su'S ExnACT oP WILD —Un Sunday` of last week, as 11r. S'rllA\y)31 IUtr Cures canker of the sto- which' he will sell very re:lsan'blc mac Lawrence, of I..ullett, was driv- mach and bowe1S, dysentery, 'cholera • Cash.. Ig to church, width's wife and mother nt0rl)us, alit' all sumn7er cnmplaints, a le horse became unmanageable, break- y + °- T t , E..GR L `." 1Z11 America was discovered U Lief Be- Ig the shaft and injuring his mother:, ;aeon` the Icelander, ie the:year 100.7:, Contractor anll'l3uilder.. The birth the first in Bran- and 950 years afti,r, the Esterbrook !-l.LII.J for' Y1' t • ' of child m, N. W. Territory, took place on Steel Pen.Colupany turned out their to 24th ult., int' was uzian t lously first pen. Imed Wm, Scott 13raiulon Colles. IIAVB' CotniAtiF.You may' suffer is a grandson-of'•the late Sir '}Vin. from scrofula or some foul humor, yourl• olfr, of I3lytli. liver may be congestedt your lu• uas clis- _mi.: John Broadfoot, of Morris, eased, your 'kidneys derangt;tl, your Dints distorted with rheumatism, cin. as a passenger on the train going from J , y .ansas City to Winston when the train may be almost a walking • skeleton, yet as attacked by 13 desperadoes,' and " despair not, BURDOCK BLoOD B1'i'!1I.:lts has cured others --it maycure on.,..: ie passengers .•Debet; , . :Mr, Broadfoot y ,, 'i :i V ;Er • CLINTON � i v ,r 1 �` �� • r.» tT.1-.10SV ' i IIALL0C)'1 Are Y'ou. fl ptitling.e u610 Household. Word 0 . I aril gains to D. On lite GROCERY' AND �0 vg sv /gyp 7- � li o� 4i.�i Apposite Fair's IVlill. `I.t pays fne to get ?Iip .G(raeerics goods ore So • Chet; ).lane' thequality`r'c', / 1, -is A To, 1 / 1! o 1 o ci ` s �� � t ere;. tire' Goods • •• (� ��i �' 1'J1 L S GROCERY . IIas ltertime''a Household, 1iTord • as tl►�' (,,r . BEST and CHEAl.l•,aT placelca C;accceaies Flour,7c'eed, -. . . . G'7:pc1cenz J, , • Glassiort? e> •tfic" - as standing close beside Conductor ---- restfall when the latter was shot. • Arnica1Bneklen's"alvei :.. S' � —Miss $ay, who has been teacher . The Ben SALVE. iq the World for .,d• •;�, • . the Goderich High • School, for some Cuts, • 13ruiscs, . Soros, -Ulcers, Salt tst, was presented at the closing of Rheuto,. 'Fever Sores, '.getter, Chapped PROPRIETOR, e term and on the 'occasion o. f sever- Hands, Chilblains Corns al cl: all Skin i , , 1 her connection with the school,• Eruptions, and positively cures- Pilost• Agent for ,T. ELr1o'rr'' itlt a silver card receiver and napkin • It .is guaranteed to givli perfect. saris-. braced";sic(:0!10511::''"7,Ci-I3111du1�",`Meat'-. lig by the pupils, and ornamental inti- faction or. money refunded. Price 25 off\ 1,c11'1 M0tvcli and ileaper,', anti bythe teachers" accoin ani.ed b per boa. for sale b J. IL Combo.: Thaler': and •s War1IOr11,,'111 1 i? 3 p y CRAY1 S " rStratll0103 very. conaplinaentary.address,. I•tiL:i. ,,,__ , R SON'S "'1115 ;. �� Icarvester, . s cele-• 11111 1. J. and old • . ' EII2 � ezca anti- 1, Cele! �y-•• . • '' tT�i _LVJ_ U A i V;.o" . T'Iis Sugars,' .. Teas, :Coffees, In pints, quarts, tinctlJal[•gttlony, Prunes, • 1laisins,: Currants, Boneless ' --- •. Codfish, Gold' .I++ lake • .anti, .Fine- Cut . �» Tobaccos, ASP CI. LTY IN " .Chewing Tobaccos cannot be excelled. • Some new . desigtlS in. Oiotkc>.ry and • G1a5sware Vootlen Ware, and • in fact . ` W . �i • everytliing' you want . , : . :. p ' - �..... r" �` a. s,- - ROM .Pa.! 0... ,.. . . .... :._ , ;,` ��,, ash.:�aul for .[,n«, 1 Farm Pr . -c : take itt na ' g ' . &r. odcl e. III TIi 8 ha be.. duce taken to •e schano•e, - ,. ------ " Ruatimingbird \1.6wer;" --11r. Thomas Atkinson has disposed . 1,� Thtcaher twit'; en(iue. �� ���� �►� �„ his large of 225- acres, on. • the -113th 9 1! O•;f7GIIS rant' ot}ir.1 I"mplelnittut,. " New Canadian all }(Ill(1Y ; 51t Incession of HuIlett, to, Mr, Launcelot : o�tro,rn arw:1, of tot No. ac, Can. h, tnvnship esker, of Morris, for -the sum of $•13000 V of East watcanesh; containing 100 acres; Go rims . 'cleared and cleat,of stumps; in tl fair stato of .eultira. r. Atl.lesen has:also_pulc,hasetl" 4j.i,...tan ..r h,bush.t •orad-,ttrdwnol .:there s 7-- •, , i ., t, l st, 1 t., .t L steal 15ker's farm of 100 aci es, on the 4.tli saw .Amu on the mixt Int. There is on the Nano, gond ' bearing_orchard, atJ1 thrct, serer•. fniui7g• springs. a Illf'eSgittlt 0'f.ISIOrriS'otearsriS:Ullthbtlb-1,tJI-..dnntrtwillingan(1.a riloAsh10.: w-1 •1L tir,111:.•(:1Ha.'-- ie sell' of 4;000.. Eaclt art will'take ' um, ra t,“)."ie terl),1•T! l,rzt.nieut...:..1•trr will partictrlurs•-• party angttit'aan:theprainse+.a Gra )ssession of his new • farm In March .. e. lIAJIJf.!I'(tI1, • ituetia7lc•er, Illi til. _ \t. 'myth,,Joly `••• «` P A �4+ Renteniber .�_-. 1:--.....-.----,.-,---.._:.:>-- �{•EN�{'"-D0 ='' C111it0 , DIa 1 j Conestiantly 0 the 011111: F 13. '81. ; kala two.. _ place' 1 . , _--'' ...,e;.'-•-. -:_-.: FAIRS. FALL: sant., , ..,." .. .•.,_. ,.....,. 7�'liI•(15"rw ('(101(`l�il ;—,.--•....-..._-- ..•._-...-•—.-.: A • C � • Corner Albert t and lie tten'btl.r. j' Sts,, CLTNTON. CLINTON• • ONT. 7, 1883.- t Thtj followi>ag are the officers -e1 etei-t ` • a t� °'�'•- °FA.R �a �1T' ,y{ y y� �y ww,//--••.�.wv■ �� a arin • , ■ :a t .: `: i , , id )i` ' M f j` 0 connection with the tVroxeter F • .R SALE'`� HOS. G ell :—President,• A. L. Gibson.;..Vice- � � (�� i1 i1W'�A9' resident, Rohn. ' Evans, ; ' Se,c•Treas., 9 temrOsrn of a 3 ids t Jrit•1t 87, concession 7, , 1 - r ., .� ' .>L/ . }:asst 1l'11r17.soct> n t4(,rC3, :i5 7iei ie. iea tell '171,1; 141' • + _ �.. )s. C,ottan Directors, Jno. ,,antler 1 N geed Sbtte Of Clt1tlYU;tlatl, ja'00(1 lint fl'11 CCs, {�r00d'. In, Roft. '}}Miller, T. B. Senders,. W..- mr ilwuxn;; orchard witlt'choled •varies, of •fruit, a..• log: .'i rY„ .. ' ��. ..' (hvell! i ,tree loo s1al)100 a:itl.aniccil frnwc Uaru, onll , 1 :; "- honlpson. The conte act was let ., to ,ren. a itt IlJ,tl4 (.0114 ,lle,)t 10 home, ,a 114i;,r, �114.40l. r' " ` _.••••--01,41.-‘•-• :r. Brown of Petrol;• •who •is to' et t'11ila,t(O'OSS 113: b»a)r. 01 .rho', i1aea,, the soft is blade f ,;�1 ' . nit's' n:th el.x botto,jt,.it is tlntec•ntihs 1:001 .0!:1h;5-lei.y 1590 for the first 1300tfeet ; $1.3i -- er• a,71 eonrentent.to school, . ';"his ia.:t Jirst• ;lass phtco p .and ,rill tie sols;' eba;tii: 'ripply to . .. .� 1, i ,. front 1300 to 1500r'.feet, and 1 ,t0; \ C> lIit,IfITON, Blyth. >r foot from that depth to .2 Iilytb, Junelo, 1581,. 000 feet. :k ' :r. Brown will the � .. ) 11 ` i : :.• . ..i " 'i... Gtaes Setts ,/rant i3O.e,•to 11.00. •• eeterg. arises" : Iittit'8,,,,,i„,initis 'Flretu•k, J•1(rBka, >>e,ti,t, wJ„�,(,'t Butter Dishes ants 1,itttoi(inat.Bnt- term• Caln zet .VapleO GuGtatx; .. 2tentLle,•s,.. Leo', airverp - "� �” "...,..„.„,"4, to ftC(Er, 02tt i%TTS{. • ,SISk. ' 1� LA.IV{ "-5i CPA1p1GCLL t!L','�a :,(„each. }spit s;. 9are. .•.0.'1,044..01e:- men/ s..ra.,_ Cnime 11018t1(e.:a' e a Tow ,'tack- Cl ai, t(i,tel'.(tt(t. v r w in rrI> , ------•'A,, lI ' 8qt,'. RI No..r,`f N1 1.d: 3rrw• y cT J• ,r u:F`41 �: t ,.„..„61.,„ `•M,¢:i�' aids •,, , .� ll. t;• q1t s>>,' 00 r tw ` ,.,qr a sem' , • 41N,' �" %,"1•dtcc., , . ^, , �, +,t`rli ' ` siva '�" ' �ARDVYARE Etas' beeit appointed, - a++. ..1 ■ '. z • ��..t{ 0 --, Z �. i g • P'm i� _ ... �'. ' , (� 4 _ w' 01..eL'tlt...0. a �+ N�LRCHAP� I Agent 'tor the ",lustll�: . . a .. �� - . proceed with work- sitlkinn. the well at Once..- '.a, n •• o Ql 'INION ,.4 —At.the recent examination •• fOl"• .. 'mission to the Seaforth High Siltool Pum Fa.10. • • . IT: Deslhes to inform his patrons and Xty•five, candidares .presented. them- . . ✓ • • friends'sites• ho•11t Of these rile following. twenty, `` .. ' have been successful. The'nttmes ' II EJtoil:4'810Hl hogs to annonneeto the-inhaot. r tlints.oP '1"I'nou.ainct snrroiuldlpg Townships thet. ;;' - its, order of ,merit•. Required to. Ito tutsitlstrrne the ,hove esti- tihniolt, and is• naw prepared to anannfacture• all kinds of ass, 280 marks :•Jane I3awtinhammeli :' /•f p ussets, 461; Eliza Wright, I3.russels, w�il/an t!IS'tern F1'Al%?1�fis - 4 ; Newton Gibson, Wroxeter, 4074' ., .1.1; Pere C1ST7ilrfi aittt TA�1:S, on the shortest pasgilil '(��° udlc Hollnes, Brussels, 402 ; y y , ilQt110. ilavi'Jta Ott h77<1 74 1'CTt' 11C»ry stork, wa ttr y .y.a�lo ack50n, Brussels, 396 ; Janus TIarrio, eunlitIc, t of ;;;sins o1 1 till. fraction lu eccr3 ,lase. russets, 364 ; .1lotlert Reid,• No. --�, (.11.1101'1 11 0 1 11 11 4.11. orders by surd proutptl3"• ltttendu(i;to. ST Your' iat401.1, a whetted, , tau'(,v 389 ;flora McClure ' No. ". 7 7 .• y )' i < s r , y ; ,7 31r? �.pJ® r ; ' =ills— r j Ham; a 0 l(�:�'tF L^ .L1FsL11��ItiV Y : to the rooms • ..- ... .. illop; 387; Ernest' Geriy, I rue-..ai:e;3 Ernest': Daniel McVadzear, Wit).- JOHN ROSS. Over: Ltt��rence .Gfr�tet'y s 386-; 385 ; Betsy Dodds, No 2;..Mc- 382 Jessie Bonnett Brussels, ' + ., rlir111�,i11'0' S"rOre,, Y 76 \Vt 1. Ford No. 1,Tuckersmith k 1 , . , 'k, 68; Fred Armitage, Seafol•th.- P.ublie ...f igg eh0ol, 360 ; Wm. Sloan, Strafed' Pub= i' "' . c School 360:; I1Lllen Geunnell You can git �-� II �` [T q t >... 9 Where he wiii he pleased to prom•p•tly' attend to any all kinds ol .•.orders In e,1 7 . (ya' y 1; ; 15 l.t+ ,�� t .• l - Lmollclvjlle,, • _ 359 ; 'John,` }Me't'res*; ie;Iottoey,: •�t11(T;91ottc .ito:tr4! inii:tll ., Tali(', township of Ilay;' 359 ,: Geo. colrs,God 'itis'• .silver,.Berlin . ogie, Na—; `1 ucl.etswitli,.337 ;13icilie 11 ool Mer:ag►1i'ietutt•s, Bemis.. Seaforth . Public School, ,�10o1N,/,,e tis; $..111,Pocic� 19 1 ibbie Willson , :eaforth I'iiblio + et l �S, ABn aCltets; e tC. ; ' ' shoal, 330 ; Fred.: Pash;leys . Seaforth i ,. . its.. An kt:11la of Mauro 1'174111Ca 1(10(10 1001 dor. oldie School, 327 ; IlNaucls SVood, No.11 011 Tuckersnl•ltli, 314.; Aggio 111eIntyl e; Come and Seel. Public School, 305 , Sesair al'tier, IVinthro , 300 • i1 argalet 'HALE, �letpria Street; Clinton. Arerntuiilig full p blast, and.arl l ': F . t Ill a lireparell�/°� k :,• ! , :. , °� , • tl , •' ( 1 We c:tit'nnt speak toe hialllti of -.its int' itA,. as `Irestimonials, from ;ill parts ,til' the ��� enuuto spt etc 1ur'thciliselVeq, til Irk). success o�+er a,l'utllrrs.": t11so.Agei,tlitr the '- These•�1 tirlrs are now in tion and' the undersigned + o to offer ally grade of . •" ' Quality � tit o Fll�es..''o•r • full .Opera,. are'eimbled. Horse:1 �D [ �/ ISa/ a t�e Food, .)• claney, No. 13, McKillop, 300'; Duni- Wood, TCD.—, Tttckeistititlt, 299 ; �00 Cote Jackson Egniondville •2c > , J6 :..: he majority of'those•who-•failed were as usual, to iso 1•� Q r� qy� ani: ,Soe.[ULJI , ALL • KI NLD OF 0R ,ficient in Uletic or .gl•atllnlar, y' ,:moi �j•�', 111 —The T,•")os1tvl) says.: We have this rani. An. L✓ �V 0 iVi 4 T '!'Car'''d C1.%UIN. G, eek to record the death of,Tholnas : loan Es •one of the pioneer settlers Wi'lies tri iltrnrin the inhnbitantw of Clair, and mannl'a this township; .Mr. Sloan 340. at .toil anti V- 'ratty aid hes 1, prepared:. to (.lo a•• p:aril land, tat', le residence of his sail-in-la\v, 14Iid It 0 rei-1 'eneeSlinda last. -in- va.s 7;3. Criss.. '.• .,.."T.1V> cniy y c9hoe Makin c e art rnry ' : ane, ale was a native of Dumfries- t7 / ' .1 1Jr,tL:�1fI'i1i, ' Scotland, and carate to Canada ' • hand, either _IJn the shortestpossibl'e notice. id settled in Toronto, • then, known as for Cash, atr lludel Little York in the eat 183X: , t y ' York,." ` Best French Kip. or Calf` lin BO!tts,• resided there a` number of years, ,i (� 1• which tune- Ito married }Margaret Matde, to -Order 4` to, $Yt.50. �� � .• giCheaper who died about 1;3 years . , the'1VRr1111..n SPIivN11(1, l_ n•ino• cls " n• heft notice. F'1)"�, XII, ,N\?1 . Sic., 1a',11t t xcllnnge ' , .. , � � hlt1a:; 1CI`J�1.VI all'kinds cc. I.4, dtltlgta,itly fbr 140o1 Inn -• C1,. done VAUNTS; on or act � + The necessity of,Salt . • C R { C CTU -1Z AL P 0 Is now.so fully established' farmer will neglect his owri Who fails to use about.. five ally, , ? ' '}'his• Tirade will receive attention. Tli: 10(1:1 ]la been vat's' in 1'ii.,1 i ttl, tit's' '.11 111101 to itll 01113 t:9 Manufactured. for: I ' • R P 0 3 �' . • ? ^ A ItTc L S(3L,ICIT 1>. t:•t that eveity — .inter.•est. 1lllders' Supplies " Nally, Pants. , tons annu ; Class and Oils, - • •• - . t:'onstantly on hand. •, our best . " Ra a/ G?axlcxdir �l G'io u s Wring, ers, .Cordwood,, Elm 'Stave, Basswood, delivered at tile• which Cash will be paid,. . trap sunMowers., I .. Bolsa 'Works, ... .. f , • ... -. than ever offe red'' beferer, and Glii1 �.` C'Ll �{ for ZULU: 4! ftl` 4r u .LU: cul, , Lawn Mowers Lawn Mow rs.; DAVISDAV.1[s!+..PLtieittit,IIItiek, Cli (tt7 r, Tie left Toronto and canto, to St, Cite exist' got other prates.. in the county of Perth where • �, m, �y,ryy�t ' Piece 11Balsini q, lel.,. >isll s E# •. C e• resided for •several years, In 1842 •. e• removed to I#ullett rind `settled an . Ultil ;t.aii>tnl«w to 5 conaressis>ttonsi:e nfr itta .tit ta-. , 61ii yr►,,Aril. 2Jth,• 1881- C'utte'r, Minx 19,1:88X1,.