HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-22, Page 8Sunshine. 11tell ra north of the Belt contend the 'Pacifl.Ratiwag lands, • cad• Irving is about euilsbela.in. this sec-. S. 1l'MEi ulriEr,n• liana new sign paint•'stunteredocetioneballhalsrtbeprivilegeefpurebening , .,� a ko the extent or sf?o'acres,0t such section, bet ea b roto,. tion. dfront f l' hotel. It ' quite ti t, I' t t • wherein a person being an 111.tgal settler on as e in ren O 116 is ui a alk at thi pride of SE2f) bar aero latah but ala, a eu r - - - aC uisition to- hit -,louse. - *hall issidence ponth a Mutt n tCr kllreq Yca1 af ten lilt: J. Rogerson'e Dais in full itltzst q _ ' _ tittal residence upon the aaina. ' Esa, doing a rushing business. G1:.Ass BtioWEVt. A citizen threw a 10. The price and terms of payment of oda num- bored sections mid pre omlof p , at nno set C t , A. now sidewalk has been ,lain Street, which is, quite: a. convelli- mark an(l sent it through sone .4£ the °Pe of aha several 13eltsdgsgrtbecl to the said itegula• U ms o[ the 14th October 187 fl hereby reseindcd, but ecce. • .store windows. Ile nolo says he° will wile• have not obtained entries for ttleir hunks, nod sin a base ball club eve he' throws ,it 3vlto May establish .a right to purchase' such odd - stone again. he, at .the prise minion the terms respectively u: ing a fresh coat of paint, which gives P brie townships •Corrie: •1 acres each at u uniform este of t pot auto, to be ,mid Mr J. Strong',, is erecting a beautiful for 1 30, This is considered a, good a COWL r1'sidelice at the north end of the village.' pricey but Jim knows how to please ' 1a. Tha provision in the next preceding paragraph shall apply also to settlers on prairie sections Nought i lie material for the most part i6 on his cu6ton}ors with good beef. from, the Canadian pnclfle Railway Company', in cases tho ground. I out on even numbered acct)one, pravl11c l e y PERSOvAL.—Bev. W. Birks, of l3lytll, who got 1)iS ,land splashed at I.Iell's saw (t:plat y agree to reciprocate where the ogly timber in the locality may be found on tlaetr laude, an(I 1\l r. Ale:. Birks, his Son, were in ,sill, some tinge ago, had to Kaye elle Cf i3 With a vivo to encouraging settlement setttem • Icnpen ng a C09 n „ went reserves the- right to grant 1110• oncoses iron; was stony' at a sheep but cane wide of.the + ' ar h t , t ,i built onshall nottipp)y to crsans oho hara'aitt1uf in nnyr The Methodist church here Is renew 1 t a. d for'the same by the• said Regulations. the place an improved appearance, ut1c11ASED. �- Mr. Jagless Tucker,. •nn utalt'ottal.'(9uutas. the Blyth butcher bauryht two three- n The ststetp of wood lots In prairie year•old heifers. front John McCallum ells,, lea°nttpued-.that is to say, homestead, settlers having Ito timber o» thole own lands, shall be )ernllt• at $67,anal one from Chas. IsjcCrea -ted Eo purebase wood lots in area not eines, ng ^LQ OPERr1TIoN.--Jacob Brooks the lad 'hem the only tvoonl bands uv:tilahl° havo been laid •( the Beltway town on Tuesday last..—Mrs, J. Kahle. his lingers amputated at the second .dl ► to t c building' ;uaterltl the aovurs. ie* visiting friends in Clinton. Colborne. Raspberries are in full blast. . harvest is rapidly progressing,, • Hungarian grass. has• been sown ill an(t.lounging ge 11 around the, hotels lately, • cou5ideiable quantities to take elle place paid out'. Village o visit this week and b1e,of hay. •. made .himself generally disagroeablP, r 'thl' .1(.111. toa]!•1• ea i t 1i elate the place, Farmers ill this township have sown gt p F 1 He a \vouldl not leave until the youilgst- over their turnip ground, as 'tile first 1 ers•treated hint to a. shower bath with about, twenty; pails of water, This brought him to his senses and sausetl Ilia tobeat hasty retreat, declaring i a 1 S t' d t Y- b ,point last week. The operation time tattle& unrlk:r and in aco0nittnee with the pro - very painful to. him, and more severe visions of the f1 Dominion Lands Aet,' to out #our• ehantaabletimber onany lands owned byitwithin sur - than when Elis hand was first hurt, veyed. townships ; and settlement upon, or sale of any o lends eorored by such license, shall, for the time being, GoaLED Os'o,—A. young Haan .she be subject to the operation of the saute. has been passing hia tine in idleness erne has failed to, grow. 'fall) singing class recently .organized ity Prof. Salter of Clinton, has turned wwanted,.T le what e' l«_ nut to -be 'use:that was •7vocse uuisllment than Z'Put .)1) e i . nr '. t list t St - 11L 11e l t f, St P ti lUtnbCC Of t 1 . S,0 + l.Ll ., I = 1111111 '1aCli-Up, Hit.; to his ability as a teacht:1 • .The 1.31irsrs. Henry Morley, ,'lass meets every Finlay. oveniu;; at 7 .of. Clinton, vitiiteil els Wesk,–•-.The cluck, in tliochurch at Fisher's corners. We hope to see yet, •-•a' large number -.dwell the list and fill• Salter's . pockets do iuuc:ll that ho nilly••be obliged -to try out " enlarge the vessel " Boyflcld. ()lir Canadian thistle- '-cutter was round and did good work,. but why leave the burrs tq stand. ;• they are a n ui'anoe too. • • All the fishermen of tlbiii village have. 1llauitoba. and ' matrimony fever appears to haveabated and tlie,people are now busy at haying and baryeht,—S, .Yates, Esq.; of Ooderieh, paid our vil- l:age a visit this Week. _.(!, G, 13e11 in- tends to take a trip.to Algoma District in a few weeks on a prospect tour,— Thos. Taylor and, Thos. Black have're- turned. :front -Manitoba. The latter speaks well of the country. 'and has taken up a section of land .there T;• 13rancl011 has been heard front and wilt' rni.cii their lists from tltis'place,. and. he 1(0100 :in three, weeks.—ThQS. Me- gone ncirtli to the Duck Islands,. for the rush of the summer's •lisping, -• MI'. Widdon's new -store is in afar .ray. Qf:cotnpletion, and Will, when tan -i • idled, be a grand: improvement to the' lower part of the'tllal ,.street of Bay- iinallI. Mer-Hewseli.our 11e11' druggist,. leas now fairly'openedout and is ready, to dispense to those wanting anythinb in his line. Cartney •alit, • Mat thew Owens 'has..re= turned from Algona and speaks highly of that district. • They.say ,that crops are extra good there this's ear and look .x11. though' the air of _Algotlln1agreed With- thein.--Tlie English OIiurcll S. S. visited the Blyth picnic ' and, were de- lighted jwith it. ;, V ima:0 gi ocerles tor sale as Cunt at W. 11 COTT1aR'S. ';'111/4);"'• . . -''� Maple syrup for sale . at . D. 11 •.- 'CAN'rsr.ost'S • • While Mr. J.. Shanahan anrl'ltwvo of l' Wanted, .1,000 ails of.bptter •. his- sisters were returning. frotai • 11I's. f01 which •16 cents cash or 17 cent,; trade. Scandlan's, on_the 4tll con.,. has ; horsetowncomill'be. paid. -----MRS," g::MoRLFDt. Itecaule unmanageable,. throwing ; out the occupants; ells 'overturning, tits ". ✓ 'The' larg'cl'iest• stook, of 1}Tarve',t buggy Tools 1 which was considerabt iil'uredi', 11 pllsin lzs, Rakes, '3''11n�(li cupalits ..received a . few severe (Ytlies, Smiths, and binding mitts is at bruises and Mr. S. had .his atlkle"badly :.the' cheap, Hardware store of S. 1)Avls: upraised, Which will render hiin unable 1 • Hyl" Cxrnp HAanw`Aiu.—Preserving to work for ft while, but we 'ate pleased : Kettles in . the'celebrated granite and ..to say they are all doing well. ,'.'• ; white enamelled' Brass 'Kettles, • Fly 1 NTFR'rs.iNMMrNT,—Anentertai iinent, ' :Traps, 13i1 d Ca es A lamp stock to.so • entisisting of, vocal arid: instrumental lent trom.---S.. DAvlis., . 71I0 -,(C, lllclltdilalg solos, duets, °lees'. .Lcs - y • -, - . a, :. a. - - -� tut( rsperst+cl • with well • 'selected and • 'i)L1 A•it1 A1ENi` 01 THI, UNTEItLUR, -. ,girth provoking dialogues, recitations,'.orr..wA,'srth dAY,•.151. and readings, also_ a feyvshort add resttes._ `1'11711"6.0.Tlth8tOn'C0sh11110.11444 1 it expIiliont to cgretr101•tain diam;e8 rat thu p. lis, of the 1 0)1.011 ,�_\1'i11 be glvotl in School IXouye. No,. 711001 (01)01tbly( the ItdIltInotl(1t1111 of Dmuhllun. U 0I0l5 1 t?i11 10 No'riO1•, id huroby n el.; - i ll•mr tint c+e,lletery)-by the, .,miler'; -a) i Tho •Rbg�nlntiuns'nf the loth aetober, i-ri;'nro Prof. Salter's.. singing • GIass,• on the.i ilololly rosoht(101, 1(11(1 th; tolloviul,, lin.gulilti°us fur t.Vonill'. of I+'rimy;.._Aujust'. 5tli. No*:'tiiel�`.11 Oral' 01 agriuuitnr:tl hullo., aril substituted 1»ti3(s will be,gj�are(1 to; itlai('C It a sit ... The ovou-numbered sections within the I:ati- e1's,. Several persons from. a dlstanCe ' it(1ian 1 11ltle i ulway belt -that is to say, lyu)., with- . - o' 24 MHOS On 010)1'3i(lo of the lint of tiro boll Railway, arc:'expected to 'take part; - .'°t('epting.these which Indy be required for wood -lots 1n connection with settlers on• prairie lauds within the. - said bolt, o1 which nlat 110 'otherwise spotinlly dealt i;orrit5. • i tt•itb b,v the Governor in Council -Audi be held ex- .( far holncyt0:uls and pre:enlptions.. 1he odd T!te Council :met' a.ccordilig t ' l a t itl t1 " i 1 It a ( r o 'ata • IUIlt )ere .ea". lens w Ian )L said )e re ulna( 140 ...Mein-. tt c tenmo,i,s• 13 • e 1 • 1100 Ltaailty t Lands ions eau on , heael uuul frons ,111nrnl-n1-int 011 '11111 July, `.ISSI: ' ker.; all present. Tho Z est' e 111 the 3. 'else pro pals entOrhd within tho'sti(i Bolt ''o ---11111109` f -11111109 07(7410111:11:7111t. of the •C;tu 1(liitn I'aciti0 Ila,). 41117)•, iGI't11u1;PR• Of la`it nh((•tilig 11,9.11 ! .1'14'. up; 10 andm the itlt sty oY Uec;embor 11111 pazsed. ri'he follo.wh accounts , next,. enthsall be ltlro pautrtso uut)tt (lv to• hiEufost ori A'nrn ocdet:od . to he pa111 11z.:— Johh the lilta'rat the roto of s1."put omit�)?r annuiii, 10 - 13,1lrlct'r, for ditching, $ -1'•37 ;E. bloody; 'l 1 . cl1'al'tl, oP the pgtdh tshanouoy Its n;ty Plum thus to bu10. ro• <� -r , m Iii ,ri, d; to ho paid 111th oaeh instalment ' ' 4• (''roil and after the list day of °DoeGmhor next, i i11111Un1 • (ilalltelol'1', `Culbert, 'I. 1 0 i the price shall rem.lhl the sain4•.-41774° 1s, x),50 per 1i 111 b Whiting 'Culvert 1,1.75 Ward 11ate fon procmption8 tvtthin the said Mitt 00 wi1(1111 \N 1 a7 ) g 1, $ i ? l tato 0otro8pnn11ing'1)a t he paid at thus tial 111 t7rud 30t...1' rotntho )tate;of meat, the ranatnd(r'(7 ho paid in:01X iitst1tt Ir money :iiinua l ftonuual,t a 1110 511) 1 ata, (0)01 l-. a, a i' I: a ln'lfldri• •',�, 2.i,50' GAO,. J1IC(iall pt )lei ig illi 1x50 Lewis ilhbv plankiil 1 y It s torose at thu t ate,above fi)uTttiOnod 0n such 7) 0 111011 8 8:i 0J Jaines Sharp, oulbert 1 12 t 5 It of any bruit ll lino II..j,ho said at: � aV ditching ills e ear my .out ro.L( Iladlvuy; hit shall bo Pahl in oho snot rat the std (11 S iti,,e ; debt Bloomfield lank' *s• three vests, or It s I 1) a ane}' hove a04nired 1 1 1.1 T R. I.t•a 5 tl st r'et)on Lands, this pro )erty of the Gova'r7• meat, within 24 m11e'r of any projected uo 01714'101f f !tun' hin,ry, (,train, • 1S.I 6 ;. it ... Smith, '' for ttety', V0X,111i 0c1 by thu yfinistet' of Railways, land of ]Umber 53.77 • 'D, DIC uarrie stone whlclls he al given, natica in theBidlwO Garotte as t t Q i bots • a oro este lino h ntfKvity', Miall ho davit witti 11)Lllt nl('C 5:) Cts.' Daniel_ 13(ill•ditehilirr a9 to liri0o uud•tertns, as foltaws :•�'Gho pre•omptions a ) 's0 1i lu r ) c 1.. t to oeeVe \VaS lflt{truC Pt O .:ts fixe/1 ii the next mocoedin'r larlatfrttph, and the, instructed to examine sideroacl between tt•itillll Manitoba or the North-1Vest Territari9s, O111- 07110 of the 511111 Canadbul Pueblo Itailtvay n01t, aIle I -its fi and 6, and report at next meeting , oven-ntis»hored sectloos, except in the 00800 p,wvidcd ta)t t0 I'epirs ileCessary, 1'4lovecl.by Mr. .tar. hi uhweo fwd of these d l'rintious, shall be held extlusively for honlostolul and pre-ol:It?'als, and the. -ll:iller, - oeconded. iiy 11. Mooney; that odd-Uunthured 8oetions for sale as pub ib 1i011i18. (7 Tho lands'deserlbe(1 as public' Tan Is sloth bo so1't1 11. (.rasnfau be .,instructed to have Sun attbanifermprieentsy3},erwra, e.ash, Capt• iOMa% 811iiie I)ridge put in a pi -open state of 's. e.pt1 casae where tato Minister of the I» torior, under r - the. pmv7si»ii of snutien 4 of fhb ratum)dttient to the man, .•--carried. 11'IoVe(1 "by XI .G0s- )O»,into» [.ands set,, passed at the lliatseysian of Dist,, itelontlell' by W. Wary, that Air, l'; ;‘1 may deem It expedient to withdraw ger. (ru., 1t ho notified to have Millers. drain + e Pisve,o it f ' a c ' ] lI i tthe 1 l i � 00 y po 1 I i Y' l70t Oar e1. 7)a'ai and ale(1x1110111 1) title to his homestead n}nartcr- 11'11 (rP, $ . ; a ry'. - 1, + ra. )om nlon . ing notices, ' ') 00'` J Stevensoli (sin- 1 1 It 1 1 l t (' 'i0 , 1 X' ' t ' ( t� sal 1110 1d t ease salt p leo ul 1 ata the same twins I 1 1 1180(1 a. -ditch Cut on s1(leron:d between odd•inmtbot'Od 8cotlons shall 1)0 sold ut.;n3,60 pct 11000,• })uyttblC lu ens11. ' lots 23 1C 26, con ,. 4. Mr. W'ray,1Va t It }n ill Township.$ open for 11(1)1 and sotUoi»ait fain farming lnid8 frotm ordinary 118)0 - and shttlo- tnCnt and put (boil up for snio at public Rue. '0 the highest bidder: In tvhfch evclit such 1 ids .1 nni ietecl en or before, the last da 'of, 1101, t p Y • 511x11 he put up at an nowt prloQ of dZ per such, h my otlrt�rwise the council will be 1 lintel, to relet the comp lettou same-- net 8. 0 alp•ser ndre to bo )aid in one emu at • the ohs of r •Gln )t ons outside a the C110114ian IhwiSo of the Itn00 y holt elan be sold at the 00110(070 pirToo of 0111,0001 CAC l . 11() eouoCII 11101'1 all' years 1ro11t'thc rialto of spry, or at such carter period jnuruell to inset again on the 2 of August n1Mt. W'. CLAIM Ole fitli clay as the 0lahnant 1,111,7 804»100 a titin to has honlesteud quarter section - 9. Exception shah he In7(lo to .1110 provision of rats clause 4,10 so tar ae rolatoe to lands In tho province 61 4fen{tobw or the North-West Terrltorleo, Vine' to the IALlte. ON LAt1Da 1'0 ISOIVInIrA46.'Oa matron:Allo is FOR. cotoxissaiox. 14, .Int any ease where a eonipany or individual ap- plies for lands to COIOI11201 and i9 willingwillingto,exl a1t 1 capital teeentributo towardstlie cQnstrueefon of twill - ties fur communication between kWh land•1 OJIII exist- rsettlements,and tt'e Government Is 511.1sal d the goodfafth'nd ability ofsu,lcompany n Y com Jany or in(il- ildmll to carry out such: umlerttktnr, the odd-ni m- bered sections in the case of lands outside of the (tan - radian, l'aeltle Railway licit, or of the Belt of . any' branch lino or lints of the samenay be soli to such company or Individual at half price, 0,0 Al Tier ar)•o, 171 cash.. 1(1 ease the lauds applied for ho s1'tuated within the CllladiaoTOIDVLy BM, the 'same principle shall nipl vs0fttl.as orahu f of each even- numbered t4n•n mh i section uoas cicernrcl -that is sit the ono—halfono-half of each ova numbered section mit b sold1 to the company or intimideal at the prlee of 81 -?1, pee acre to ho pthl In cash The company or individual will further be protected up to the extent of $109, with six per rent interest thereon W1 -}said, in ease of• advances Made toOwe fatuities on homesteads, undo, the p00vison of section 10 of the ainendm(.nts to the Dominion Lands Act liercinbofore mentioned; 16. In- every such trulsaetion, It nhtiil he absolutely .lion Mona/ ;-- (a) That the company or loth viJtlai,. nq Alm case may he, shall, in the C11149 of land outside of the said.(1anadintt Pacific Railway Belt, within three yonrs of the dto of the agreement with the Government, plane two settlers. on 00011 of the' old nnllihered son - tions, and ldno'twa'en homestead3on. each Of the even•nutfihprell sections enlnrnee(1'in the sehfine of eolouizatior.._ . (h.) 'I hnt should the 'and e'rpijtpd for be situated within the Canadian Fee he Iittilwoy ,lett, thireentparty' or individual 511011, with, three years of the date ot•ngre titbit wtth the Government, place 1,wo''sttlt•lees.on the half of each. even -numbered section ilur- e ., 1• under I 1119 provision ) P'1 O n e t(1 n Ql 11 11117 , 1 heal r .t t paragraph 14. above, 'and alvo ono. yl'ttler n1-ibn eneheelhe' two 'quarter =.epctiiia e -IP- mn11(ine available' for homesteads 111' t1.14;11 6ectiot4 - JACKSON, THE "FAMOUS" NATER, (c.) Thnl: on the,promnters tasting w{tt+ip. tlte.peikyl fixed,'' to p'nce.•3(1... pre-oribell nuinher•ot set :tli're, the Governor in Penial, may ennael the sate tti»i privileee, of .celorf- izal.ion, and Tesilme .p'08ee):1io11 •of the ,noels. ,jN per Bore, nr $2.50 per acre, as the ease may, be, •for suol.' latl+ls, a3: may bo 'deemed ea. pedien't.. - (d,) That it be distinctly uudenstood tbnl lint; „policy, shill only apply to;soheinee for 101) 0(z1ttnn,.01 the pebli+i la 1(18 by,Ilinittihirti' fcotn Great (he "Il 0Iupean (,ouiio eat, rAFTOBA,oTt 16. The policy Set birth ,ns fol3nws shill' • govern app iea1inns for land,, for grazing put. poste, and previ0ns to.,eiltertaining• any ap.; -plintatioii, the Miniot:er'of -t1.o lattorio' able l satisfy himself,, of the good faith nils. al)ilit}• of•tne'applic7nt to carry out the undertaking invirlvol in snail application. • 17:: From time to time, as May bo -deemed .Pxpedieut, looses of snoh.Townships, or 'Per,. 10719.01' ' 071901'Tdiwnslitps, lie missy he ;available 'fin, arazing'p•irpose , 811111 he 'put up at:- ano;tion. ar'art upset price, to be fixed by. the 11,nister 1rf'the [nt(ii0r. land 9)11t to the hll,1u' 0 hi 1 nler-tile premium forstiela lehOea.to he paid Ili Iba;•h rat.Ihe.titneo.f'the+(ilP.. 18: ' i u'1i ',leases Ph+111 he for a pert0l1 t;f twenty-one • years,, • an .1 in Iircordn):ur sdise.with the"pi'uvtsinns of se; lint) night. of !'lie AtttenJr)ie)it to the I7om•ruiou 'Lends A0P ensued lit the last Session i.(,f 1',ti'li)iment, here.i bhef0re mentioned. ' •1, LI 10:. In 11)1.0ase', the area. inelUd0d. in a len8e.' shall b 1 its proportion. to 1111 rpm tII' of live milt kept; thereon, et IIle rate Of. ten sores of 18tl-1 to 0110 11e7171 of 8100114' tlnnl- tow hailitre' in aiy.case (if the, irises 0, • pi Otte the •t• qui:410.8t00k Upon the la. d -within three years from t1i0 granting of the lease, or in subsequently •nveiritninmg the proper ratio of stock 10 the area. 8,f the lei+sohnld, shall ,justify the Coveirnnr in (mined in 017(1(111)11(1 smelt lease, orifi Bimini 11itig'proplirtiour,,ily the area Contained therein, 2}1.. On plaeingthe required ptoportioli of stock .witb',.tile limit. of the. lt011111001, 'the Leasee shall have tl.e privilege 01ptirel•ns1ng, al (1 receiving a pa toot ' for,: a; (luantity. of Inir11.eovered .hysuch le(tse; an.wh'.ch to eon- struet,1ie bu'lduigs Necessary ill 'onnrleeti,n1 therewith, not to e.reeed five per eeiit aunt area of the fe;tseho'd, w (81 ter. Phii11 iu• ne single case exceed 100,000 Here's, . • 21. The rental for a leagehlild shall in' all eases he tat the rate of $10 per annum for each thousand acres• iucIU(lpll th.ercna,• tipd, the prate of rand which may be puti:based for tho Pottle station' refereed to in - the next precedrng pnragreph, s1(1(1 be $1,25, per acre, payable in Cash, PAYJ16\T9 0r 1,9805. 22' Pityments for public lands anal also fot pre•enlptions may .he in cash, or in wrap, or in police Or !Mitt tett bounty warrants at•the option of the purolluser.. - 23; The shove provisions shall not apply to 181,18 valuable for town plots, 00 to coal 00 ther mineral lands, or to atone oe marble quarried; or to lands having w atol' flower tlrereno ; 111111 further shall not, t,f coarse, 'efleot Seotions 1.1 and 29 1,1 eaoli Township, • which are public. schools lands, or Sections 8htendose. 26, whish urs 1Indeou's13ay Cotnpaay'e • 4, S, nElvN1S, • •Dtputtj Mnfikr of Me Interior, Lii fl8AY 1<tespicLG, Surveyor General. ' CLI TQZ ,, is now clearing outthe balance of G FIT And Straw Goods, at tremendous low prices, � !i1i"4 ,iii , 1H 11.11.,,,,A._____10., ,1.111: 'l> ' i ills 1''t. 1` THAT . .' hi•iili,,: tv,' 1' � vtf . I, �� ��u V � L l ',U I'I r �• Y ..,04.‘y 1 N d I a T A'S r • It 'I i- • ,'t,.w•• Ha�5,1 (floc111 Fal • • • ttipS.Z A, C KS 0 1 7i0.clirve•GE THIS • fie arrive.in'.a fear dtayii, even Cases of Christy's Celebrat ed. English Stif Hats OUR . STOCK FOR .. THE FALL- .WILL BE— • ,. gun The Fin t n this s Soak .. p� JAOKSON- The Noted Hatter said Furnisher.