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Huron Record, 1881-07-22, Page 7
HERON NOTES, . •-.-Seaffrtlt's Civic holiday will be on the 10th of August, - *aim >Stanitoba.fever still lingers in and ar ind Crediton. Robert,,MoArthur, Jr of i'Tay had a valuable horse • killed by light- ning one day last week. • —Mr.. B. McLean ofOoderiah, made a very heavy sl ijmnent of cattle to the 0014 Country last week. —Mr, Thomas McFadden,: of McEi•1- lop, started cutting his fall wheat on Tuesday of last week, and reports it to be a good crop. • —Geo. Forbes, of Morris, has sold has sold his fermi of 100 acres, to Mr John Mason from near Iiinhurn, for the sutra of $4,000, which isa fair price. —Mr. Hugh Love, of Hiils Green, who is now in .Scotland, has. purchased and will bring out with hint; a young •Clydesdale stallion and breeding mare. John Glenn, of the Gore farm Lumley, recently sold• to .Mr. John Middleton, of Goderich Township, for; eonpl'e of very promising yearling thor- ough bred heifers for the handsome suer. of. $1450 each. —Mr; John Anderson,: of the 14th conoession of Hallett near Blytli, has sold this farm of 144 acres for $6,000. He retains 6 . acres and . reserves the right to all the firewood he requires -for' his own use. —Archie Scott, of Brussels, has sent parents of this wonlall were solieited to take her in charge but they have re-, fused too do so, casting her by this re• fusel as a burden on Mr. Dawson. To him this isa great hardship.--WP.ii;?yltant Times. BLTRDOClc Bl.00n BITTNPS euros all diseases of the blood, liver ani kidneys, female confplaints, nervous and general. debility, and buildsup the- entire sys- tem when broken down by disease. THE HURON RECORD td rUULIsmRD • Every friday 11 orniug. At tho office, Victoria Block, (near the Post Office) CLINTON, ONTAWI,O, • -BY- E . BY -E. FLOODY, PROP. T1;RMS.-=Toe Racoon will bo sent to.. subscribers VALUABLE Village . flats . for sale,. IN BLYTH'. 1. Part of Lot No, 3, ,B1ook "A," Queen Street, Mo- Conneli's survey. This lot is h . the centre of the business part of the 'Cowu, and has treillage enough for three stores 2, Part Nos, Two and Three, Queen Strout, Drum- mond's survey-- very conveniently situated.. 3. Lots Nos 11 and 12, Block •°0,"hfcConnett'e our- voy--vory suitable, on which to erect private rest. deuces, TERMS ..EASY,. For further partioulara, apply to or to the C. FLOODY, Blyth, RECORD OFFICE, Clinton (pattige free) for r51 25 it ,raid in adtance • 81 501f n o paper discontinued all arrears are paid., ' RATES Om' ADVERTISING, --Int 'Insertion, per lino, 8c.; each subsequent insertion, 2c, Professional Cards, not execetling'aix lines, 84.00 per aunmu. • tarAdvertisements without specific directions will "--` be inserted until forbid, arra charged ac,,'ordmgly. • 8'1' Our rates for .yearly centralEs +will be Made known on application at the olneo. • JOB PRINTING.- [cook and Job Printing of overy description exoetited with neatness and des Each, on the shortest possible notice: Orders by ulaif•proanpt- pai4 in 6 months 8;,00 if pa d at the end ori ho gear. N df tt l till li >J• attended to. Charges moderate - RM i...,. —ANI1•-- wnroperies FOR sage. • OOD BARGAINS. -- 1 That first-class Farts on the Buren Road, neer - , Harpurljoy, Lot 33, in the first ebncession'of C11i1Rl.II DIRECTORY. AtoKillop, 101, acres, (80 cleared) adjoining the pro- i�+oxty of 'L Dioyer, Esq Log an Frame House large Cenetio, Methodist: -Services at Ian a.' m. mid 43.30 p. tn. Sabbath School at 2.30 p, tn. 1tNP. Wm. entice Bart, good Ore tart, &(.. Apply to M. WM. A1LDosiou, Pastor, • • 11111TELY, Huron Road, Ttickersuuth—or to rho Canada t'rosbytet an _ Services at 11. am. and 0,30 undnrLot 20. p. m: Sabbath School, 2.30 p. ui. 1tay.'Asarx. STEW n. Lot 20,. its tho Twelfth Concession of Goderieh' AaT,• Pastor. !+, Township, near Ilolmayville-80 acres, about 40 cleared, habtnco well tinihored. Fnano house and NTO carriage a. challenge to meet any Canadian at11- , St• Paula (Episcopal).-Sarvtcos at ,t a. M. and 7 atttbto.' SVell suited for a dater or grazing farm. Only a TY ru. Sabbath School and Bible Class, 3 p.'an. Ray.. 8200 required down; or would be exchanged for Town late in a contest for •$iOQ and the chow'. 1V 00(10, Itoctor. property.. Apply to Mr, E, MOUNTCASTLE, Blyth, •piotxship of Canada, thirteen games to • Bible Christian.—Services•*t 10.30 a, •m, dna 0;80 -.or to the undersigned . p� m. Sabbath. School, 2.30 p. ,n, ltwv, It. TIIOAtdd, 0 The valuable Hotel property on Victoria 'Street, he the test. Rules of the 'Caledonian factor, • .J, Clinto,,,,know•n, as Lane's }Toto,; •now occupied Society to govern the•contest, Baptist Chttreh,-Service at 10,30 a,m, and 0:30 pm, by Mr. George 1Cuox, comprising a large hotel build. $abbath School, 2.:10 u in. 'Batu. J Oak?,Pastor. Ing, driving shed, four choice T.rwn lots, Ila ' �That elegant two-story frame tiwelltni,•-houst on , Huron Street, �Cilnton, formerly held t,y J: C. —A few c:ays ago, �11ere- was cttt.oa the farm of 111'. F. 1. stands, 4th cots- '`I' R AV E�,. L I N G GUIDE. AIi11or, now occupied 1,2• Afr, John P, Martin cession of. Hullett,1eacres of hay in six hours. " The -work . was done with one of L. D. Sawyer's iron Clad Mowers, :and the- grass was cleanly and properly cut. —Mr. Jas. Thompson, formerly .of Goderich, but whe lately settled in Dak uta, has recently so (fere a severe loss by.` having his barns, horses and harness and - �•• Tho comfortable frame cottage on North Street, e), which belonged to the late John Pugh, now oa . ,'lh{�T,1a^�iila�u H CANTELQN,' MANUFATURER Wois. PROPRIETOR, OP 'BUGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGONS, SLEIGHS, &C. copied by Mr, John Bailey -with two.Nigo lots, good garden te.—nonr'tho• Flax Hill. • • . �iTho brood Frame cottage and largo lot No. 003, FURNITURE ! ! .FURNITURE!! F U R iV I TU R E ! , • , qn Frio Street, Cfnton, Tho lot is .nearthc �y Junction of the: two r•allWays,, mod' teas' hereafter be sahiableiis n funtorJ' site.. , o . , . . . , .- ''Y Tile neat frame..cottage (nearly new) of five rooms, • • •Grand Trunk- • . ipiton•: Furniture .Ware -Renins, No. 77..Brick Block: -EAST. ' • ran''s Exp s. • Mixed Mixed, other contents, burned. to then ground' Ooclor}eft,.Lv 7,00anr.;12.05ptn.,3.15p'an 9,Ooa1i a days age, the tire ,lavingeaugat from: C`;Imesviltc 7.20 " 12.30 • ' .,3,no „g.�i0 '£ a3 q r —During a thunder _storm. Sunday _ 11:5.,, . n rnndnGt ict present 4411008 aiicmgtnck'of ltitdiell :8.15 " 1,4G '+ 5',ao c: r .<x• afternoon of -last • . 1, • l d 11 Sebrm6ulic 3'15 ' .2�t15• " ti lo -u• -1'' 85 Mohave o i 1 p l'urntturo us w•ns'eyer .on..exbib-noesis Mils 7'dit•ii,� - -- "'r•b'irnttford At 8.45 ^ 216 " 630 " \Ir, Jo'hni'oroi, witlisigh0 of purtibasingthe tu.1 of ins lot.. ,ITAIBElt AND SI IDfGLES taken in exchange, Give me a tall and 1 will give you pll:raa that cannot be beaten in the County, . li .pairing and liorscshoeing dons, with despatch, OST H. CANTELQN.. PHOTOGRAPHER , t R Beaver Block, - Clinton. U r FINEST .FINISH ! LATEST STYLES.! - . .42F.Also other•tots and. buildings for sale, • Apply r'•to •". H. HALE, . Y;iinton, Aprt111;1881. • Huron st„ Clinton 1 aton.. 7 30 " 12.45 " • 5,1/ 4' 10.00 " stall trios vire fa e, Seaforth 7,50 " , 1.10' " _.4.45 •" 1a50 Dublin • : 8,03' " .,: 1:30.. °' `..5.10 '" 11,251 " • Owing tL tho increase of Inisines during the pant year, •• 1B• 0ADI 00T Sr 330X Rave taken outa ,new lease of No. 77, and will coptinuo to do business as fornierly. • ohn smith;: Wee ' ' t 10 wl ism c .. ..--, .. ,.6 .• d j.ratt,_ ... I ...... . ON COST A manufacture all G d house of Walter. Fee, residing near 2ur �' c Which we will sell at a very SMAC s we mann 00000 8 onrown oo s; 200 are pin parts, to giwo our Cilstomers BETTER GOODS for LESb•MON1�.Y than can beobtainetl o1oohgre, • ALL GOODS WARRANTED ich, was struck by lightning. The fare= -vacs. ily had a uslrroiv escape;.:andl sonle•of i°uts,. Fxp's. - Mixed. Mixer .• stratlord. I v i,?O p m . fill 11 a,r..7lOO tt in .3:45 p in RCI IIVT TA i LO R p ROBB Manager -A: BE'NNETT, Salesman . them were . slightly hart. The )louse . SCIML, Ville„• 1;30 'S „sac : 7.30 ” ..4.10 " ' and attached kitchen were ' bad! AApi��i�bte�lytn.lL 1 4� " 8 v5 S.rfi " 4 45 Or Don't miss the pisco—No,' 77 Brick Block.' 0Ol y • aeatr6 M' e00 .,. ?.s io < �ljj,A�,, " " wrecked. - 2 it It ?• 5,55. ` :ft') ":Ill.:: ;, • ..,.at - cr ton i 2 4o " •9.15 " 10,00 " 018 is •„ }Iol.r.osvlile 2 50 « es •vt. 10.20 u ..6 ,35 '.. ; A . Wingbain Sensa,tiOn. . Godraeh] •Ara 15 " 950 '" lI 00," 715 ' . Genera ftu tfi.tter,• A case of the utter impotency .df the • Great Western • pew law as regards the right: of • Coron- ' .Ca1S- n'S Block ers to hold inquests in certain . cases NOtt9!ii where death has oocterrecl under suspi-, 1.sproas Mail _: Express cions circumstances,. has just `l}al4peneel Lonacy:.k ., 7.402k-2.20 p .m....6.`25 p 20 in Wingh .:The facts are as fo o Hyde Pat 7:50 ,..m-'-, , ,30 •'s ' ll ws ' `kttrick:. 6 Fr Maggie Thompson, arming weulan of 'eoon. 8:05 +� ;s,dli " 6:52 " tirecut) 8.15 800 ' ....7.6:f •' about twenty-eight years of •age,•and a •vlanaehoye 8.20 , 111 ,"• i a4. Cgttrsli0. 8.40 " .,x1..'i " - r 28 " , native of Whitechurch, hired as ser-. Paster,..•s,r,2 (' .,,3.38 ""'`.11 Ifeusail • : 9.05 " • _.. ,5,52 •"` Valli about tr7©,, n7011t113 ago With. Mr. ICatipen., " ,.,.357 ....ra " Alexander Dawson, ` a merchant tailor-.Bruceflola , 9,21 ""-:•44,42? .8.07 '� 803 on Josephine street.- 'She.erformed CJiatosb 9.$a ,_4 e•J ' s e5 " .,p Lon•Jysboron�•h 9.b8 4 41 '" 8.4fi '." • her donesticdc&tie4 well and was re- giyt11•; „10.06' '� • 50 " ' s 5� 'i• P , B�lfn•nve 70.24 r' i 00 "' 9;09. '• grassing pretty smoothly ,until • Satur- wi.rgmatn,.: „10.45 .. ,s �' a.35:• ":'. .fay morning, when she failed.to put in •• 801;Tlr, . an appearance upon -the usual theati"e . . • EXarOssr!" •MailExp. ress• of her duties. Mrs, Dawson,'Went up' winghau 70oaint,i..$,.620,pm ' .Belgntre ,5!",;r„.11.1.• 7.1;44"5.1 stairs to asNertain -the-cause-of her n011- B1 it . 735 <• ' , ..$ 28 "' .t. Londesi,duugh 7 44. " • ,,.:3 30 " . •704 " appearance and found she "had.'given . Clinton 8 0' " J birth to a :child which its •mother aver'• Bruceaol'1 , _ e 20 •. ,aor • � Kipper 830 ' ...415 ....7 red was stillborn. • Dr. Duncan was'. IlcnsaB.: s 3d ,'< .,. 4 20 • sats called in. He declared .the child Was Exetar . s 52 . .,,.4 32 • ,,s 25. Cetralia.,.4 4.2 -8.42 ' born alive, and reported the circum-• Clei,deboyc a 10 " „ 4 54 '+ • Brecon , 0 27 " 8 04 " 11111 ". stances to the Coroner, 0.. Tait Scott, . Jldcrton 1 933 'P 5 9.47 " who took steps to hold an i'►lquesty but • HydolEttricka ,`rk,; • ''r previous to itis doing so, asked :the dot: London _to 05 ' ,,.5 tf'• .. 1010 -." for whether in his opinion. tho child came toits death by foul :play ..or not. . 1 t 0 00 FORFEIT. . Cancer 'pure doctoe"s_opinion;was, that•although, "Colic, QCad the child +ereathed, it did not die -from • violence era the*part of its mother or ' IN 0 , ' R, was ... R: any else. The Coroner as not justiii- . ed, 021 heading this, to bold an inquest. without too use of the IGiife. o Tho only •remanent Cure iii the World. In .the interests of justice this 18 a clear •For particulars eaeloso rive 3 e1 1E atan,ps to ease for the iriterfereaiee of the County SNrrtt; Cotaretk, P Q:; Oatiada, Attorney. Were, this old Jaw in force, lltgheat referbnces. ' .. T. attorney inVe9tlgat1011 Would'be Set CE EES SWIFT AND CERTAIN. ;Any paper'ca,i publish the above for $5 a year, with on foot. • in this respect the Coroner; this note and paperregularly,, " - • . . is now completely ,handicapped. Her is' not justified by law in holding • an. ill ,Ears O l" the Nl illi o. n quest, unless the doctor or other person who reports the death, takes an oath that suspicious circutnstances exist which demand inquiry. People do net like to :do this, and • many instances have been lately reported where crime has gale nnpunisheti; The lad•empow- ers the County Attorney to order an inquest. We not snake these observa- tions with the idea of charging Maggie Thanad,sou with infantcide—far from it, But ill justice to herselfand the corn - Poo Choo's Balsam of Shark's ' . Oil, • • Positively/ Restores .the lfeoring, and ins. the Only .4.4olute (Iacre for Deafness ' Known, • This owls extracted frotu a peculiar species of small Winn Slteas, caught in the Yellow Sea, known its Carcharodoa ltondeletij.. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. :Its virtues as n restorative of hearing were discovered by a Bu441118t Priest about the year 1410, its cured %vete 8o ilntneto11s and MANY do BI(iiMI\oLv MIRACULOUS, that the remedy was officially proclaimed over the entire Empire. its -use became so universal • that for OVER; 300 vans N0. niavainis.1108 k\101rn A.ssov0 TIM 001Nltde Lxorwi. Sent, charges prepaid, to • muttity Nesse of the opilliotl that her any address', at rl per bottle. Only Imported by • acquittal should be-, pronourced by a, BOL',eoRsrs,>:oa.lUfl(IIYLi 7I)e slik C9ork tribunal which the laws of the :country . •, have established to try sueli eases. its virtues era rtnryu0Btionnbleand its curative char - That the child died through tate unto- "deter ftbacltrle, as ilio reinter dalrgersw.al" feeliftJ, bothIron expoimen and obseroatien, ward circumstances of its birth is all Alnong the marry readers of thollovtew in one part extremely likely event, but that it and another of the country, it is probable that num- bers are nifleted with ,.deafness, an to such it maybe Shouhl be publicly proved to, is what+ seta: "Write at (.kco to ile%leek A Co., 7 Dc7Street, the character of the oult wotnatt her. ' Net,' York•'"•restos tat) mrd S•Ou wilt 1'eceb)eba y - S' ' tun n ronwdy that w'i1l:nattble yon to hear ,ileo any self and the intentions of justice as fully boo} etc, and whose. onratire otrcrts will bo �erica• and as unequivocally' d'eman'd, % Hent.' Yon will neror 003700 doing 80 •100(01.0)' The i ew l ork 11lcrcc nine nevicw, Sept. 85 1880. , CASE ! _Cakes ! : CAKE S• • The•tnlder'signed hags to•infortu tlte.inhabittints of Clinton Mid surrounding count, v tliat,}2G has engaged the se150,68 Of one cif the' bcgt'-bakers 111 'tits DOnlilli+ n, and lilt. .keep.constantly on hand tlio•1targcst aril,test a:+B2rtnaealt of.cakes• in town •dud ever' `!`/ . thing.iitually kept ink a. first-class city bakery, turd hoped by strict attention to buSii}t,'t'+• • L T' „1„ . V �• to.Illelit.a ialr'sltttre of patronage.' . • OUR :IIT : AND,, :BROWN*. BREAD. ton garble Works, 1 HURON S.TREE'F CLINTON. W H:• COOPER; • Manufacturerof end dealt in all kinds of Marble &' Granite for Cemetery . Work, a f gurea that defy.compotitionr . Also manufacturer of'tike Celebrated AuTiFICfn.L Stems. for Building pur- poses lint, Cemetery Work, WhichMintliesten to be appreciated.—All. wink • Warranted to .give satisfaction. • Harness, Light,. r•A1 D • — Harness: Heavy; Js.oi' a.snperior quality:. • Give it'd Wel Mid he convinced. Dcliverecl daily to all :parts 4 of the, town. Bens, 13isciuta, Cn» dies:&cY; al-says'.ern,.hand. Wedding 'Cakes a ;speci- alty -icer, and .ornamented in the latest style and• design. Give 1110 a Call: ' -W- OTTN. • Clinton, April 28, 1881, ' T I IEE I ' C+ 1 .W Q 1.0 i EH PJ S - Our. 'stock . is always' kept FRESH fund well agsoited, . ' We tint in the best market forOA.SH, Mai warrant to give satisfaction. P1tODTIOE.'TA1 EN IN L+' \CHA.NUE. ,, S. PALLISER & CO., 99 CRICK BLOCK,•CLINTON Cali always be l,ai1 at' the LO W EST k To the'' Electors of the County of Huron: RATLSI, at • • NEWTON, -& DENNIS'. also a Large Stook of - d 81y Curillgs, whicii•:will be sold CHEAP, •- TWITOHELL'S HARNESS DEPOT • is tine best and cheapest place in the County to buy your , ---• ,LIGHT AND 111,at.AVY HARNESS, • . Whips, Trunks," Valises, &e, . .• GREAT BARGAINS . IN BOOTS AND SHOES. We .are, giving Special Bargains in. Trunks and Valises.:. Our stock is very. Much enlarged. this Spring, in all the• above`liness., All we ask islet' the pub-. • iic'to call and inspect our stock and he We Invite your htspoctiop and very cordally s05010 your patronage. • ,Ji M lS' TIVITC1IELL, Victoria • Blloek, •Clinton, Ontario; •: • convinced that we are selling cheaper than ever before known. We have a1 C H M I • •• y ways trade Light Harness .a specialty, ;V10NTRE:RL T EI.E:GAFiNOk l�'1C E,• and warrant -all Collars, -- NEWTON 3cDENNIS: 'ALBERT•• STREET, G UNTO•N', ONT., W A T.TS 4 . CO., • • • • BLYTH 'SAW MILL. GOSAN &C DODDS • Aro nsw unpaired tq do nit kinds of work In their lino. 1laving put In n gradin ertisher, w•o au a able to do chopping at any tine curl 00000 Shortest notice GOSMAN •J4 DODDS. Myth Doc, Y7, 1880. 42•tf, •--Di AL1 RS 17S -•a •. Pure Drugs, Dye Staffs, Perfumery, Genuine Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicines, and all Articles Generally sold by Druggists. ^_0 PIiDSI. a RIT'T1<ONS AND FAMILY' RECIPES CAREFULLY. PBEVA.ltl:l), Agents for' Ilf'altris' Glove Cleaner. 1.