HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-22, Page 6St, eetersburg„ June 10.—Nimierou arrests have been made in Fairbour and St. Petersburg,: .on 'Tuesday nigh and Wednesday morning. Pistol shot were exeltanged. in many .Tilaces. ,One head:police oflizer • was.founcl. killed -in tin•oentet.ery near Samlen. A Destructive siorn• Broadfaat 86 Box s ; SEURAT, FISHING ITNOSNIA WRECKED OFF ; • d THE CO.A.tre OF LABRADOR. • St. Petersburg, July 15.—A Kieff newspaper publishes a telegram from Poutive, the Province of 1Coorak, stating that nineteen men and girls, shut in a barn bythe steward of the property for refusing to work, wereall burned to death by a. village mob settiug fire to the, building One person ar- rested confesses to a. share in the crime. mon oRrrior. Wimbledon Camp, July 14.—Intense heat prevails. The wind is light and 'Shifting, but on the.whole fair to good marksmanship, The shooting in the first stage of the Queen's Prize took place, two Canadians winning prizes, and qualifying themselves for compet- ing„in the second stage, viz., Adjutant- Sergeant T:11/itchell and Staff -Sargeant Wal ker. '<, London July 151L -The }louse of kmunons has eliminated. all mention; of particular localities front the Erni- gration Clause. of the Land Rill. The total amount, tobe expended on mid- gration is limited to £700,000—not more than one-third: to be expended in .a single year. The Anglo -,A merican Telegraph Corn. pany, the Direct United' States Cable Company, and the CoMpagnie Erancois tlu Telegraph de Paris. via New York, give notice that.on and after August ist the rate for transmission of tele- grams betwebn New York. an}, the United Kingdom and France will be re Tuned to.25 cents per word. A DOEBLE TRAGEDY. SEQUEL OF THE NIAGARA FALLS SUICIDE. Prospect House, Niagara Falls, JO:1y 14. of the most. complicated 'sui- cides that. Niagara,has ever chronicled has. just Come to light by the finding of the body ol 'Doctor E. R. HOYie, • a prominent physician, of Silver Creek,, N. Y., which was seen to -day. floating in the river in front of the .American 1.als,. and secured. by Guide t,<enroy and Ferryman McClay, who anciteren• it in the. same spot.whereMrs,•Sadie Stewart's. body-- was - -yesterd -The doctor's body' was very inaCh distigu'ered and was perfectly 'clestitate of &Ailing except a black silk necktie. Doctor Campbell examined it, and his opinion is the same as that expressed in. ref- erence to-111rs.d St-elcetrAtlie- body had been in the witterfOur'or fjsre'days, The 'legs and broken,: and the hips, and .sides badly -OW all the. wounds • beim/. reCeived. -after.. •cdeath. . 0 The body was readilyidentitied by Max. Amberg, of friends aint .brother Masons belonging to - the .sanie..lodge: most remarkable .part of the.trag, oily, front information•'gained, is that Dr. Howe:and•Mrs Sadie Stewart were seen at Niagara Falls together oft July Ttli, the last time they were. seenalive.. I rtidoubtedly they both met' their fate: in the rapids • froth the sained:spot: on, Rapids road; and..were carried over the American Alta. Stewarts body 1,einci recovered yesterday and•Dootor Howie's to day in the same preservation and in the saineplace, closely Connects'. these facts. Chief of. Police -Doyle tel.,. egraphed to the doctor's wife, and she with her friends arrived. thie.eveni9g.. She told Chief Doyle thab.*Jhst before her husband left.hotee.heSaid was going to take a step that would never le -recalled, and if Ids!bodY waS :found he wished' it to lie buried inthe States, The following day :bewas missing. These two bodies are the first known to have been found -that ever 'mum over the American falis. Tliose have come ever the Horse shoe falls have, with • • . very few-eXceptions, been recovered. • . , Coroner Cornell andiv jury will hold • . . . an inquest next Wednesday,w.hen no doubt further developments in the, case will came to• HAL Vie friends. of the • , • A. despatch at St. John's Newfound- -111• A :aN THE PADLOCK-.— •s HARD WA 1E, [A (4004 is very large andRO land, says Intelligence has been re- ceived from the south-west coast of Labrador of a terrific .gale,of easterly. wind that blew with destructive vio- lence throughout the whole of the 29th and aQth 'Tune, at Lance Au Loupe. Five fishing vessels were driven on shore there by the. tonwest, and, became total wrecks. Six others were clashed high and. dry on the beach and became partially damaged. Two large vessels, the Aurora and Guide belonging at Con- ception Bay,, drove from. their anchors and were wreeked among the breakers on the shore. The great Jersey tishilig establishment is almost a complete wreck most of the stages. and flakes having been swept down by the billows at Isle du. Bois. In close. vicinity. to Launce au Loupe the whole flashing fleet were demolished, not a single craft being left at its moorings to represent the thriving fishing industry of the place. Fortanately no lives have been lost by, this -dreadful storm. Alarming reports of greater destruction to fishing property in the Straits of Belle Isle have alfio been received, but these are not yet authenticated. . The foregoing record of disaster has been received from eye -witness jest returned, to St. John's The steamer Cainpana, with a general cargo and 18 passengers on board, bound from London tO-Montreal,,put in here to adjust some derangement of'the engine -department and procure fresh supply of • coal. The Campatia was twelve days out en her tn westervoyaffe and .Captain Holmes described the weather tempestuous. beyond all his past experience in the suminerseason. Coming out between ..the forty-seventh forty-eight parallels -of north latitude; he found an excessively barometer, and the thermometer; frequently descending almost' to the, freezing point.' When the wind . blew from, the north Captain Hs., olmes describethe atmosphere as snowy and - of a wintry chilliness, with every indicatioh. Of the near presence of a 'vast body of drifc-ice. • DR. FOWLER'S' XT.ItAfiT • OF WILD. STRAWBERRY Mires all forms. of bowel complaints' in infants or ,ati tilts.. The •rnost safe pleasant and perfect reuiedy known:. Purely vegetable and d free f rout tipiateSi Ot•--pcifadii-pus drugs:' • Nilo= :BeWslas ! As yon value yourlife; beware of Opiates in •'..liar- rlicea.mixtures. • They quell pain, hut, checking toe; stiddenly, the reU is iIt Qn- fla-nati .n Ur • • Few leekt-,-Extraet-4----:------ 'Wild Straw.berry, made from . the wild. Strawberry plant ..and 'other ll'ealing vemetables. is nature's. own cure for all 0 fortes Of, bowel ccliplaint. . . ..• . '— .... ..- .,.. - - - Our stOek of Underta clcing. SPECIAL LOW PRIcFQ IN _ oin- . plete. Any -person requiring 1' Nails, paints, , Locks, , anything in this line will find _i it to their advantage to call i . and see us, as we htavejust re- . Hinges, Oils, 1 ,Glass, - ceived a largo stock of Barn Door Rollers, nifty, cte‘ r., gr. A large quantity of Four Barbed Galvanized Steel Fence Wire, at ltocluced Price, • Sides, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Jz., in great variety. Just received, a large lot of WALNUT AND i _ ROSEWOOD CASKETS, Also COFFINS, of every des- -4 _ cription, from the best Atneri- can and Canadiau matinfactur. ers, also a stock of Robes and e, • Trimmings, which we are pre- : pared to furnish at half the - price formerly charged for these Goods. ND, 77 BRICK BLOCK. • "Royal Canadian Clothes Wringers,". at uery-lotu prices, Best No. 1 Coal Oil ; aise) the•Celebrated Ainerican Headlight Please Give Vs a. Call. Prices Very' Low. UNION* OHO. Al, 4. • THE BEST IN THE MARKET, Wholesale and Retail. `.• ARLA D Sign of the Padlock, Albert -Street, Clinton. • THE WORST PLAGE in this Town to get your Is at the Old waterloo Douse. RO BB THEGROCER • Keeps the worst Stock in Town. His prices are higher • than - any other Grocer ;•he is very inattentive to Ilia • customers,and.. makes himself generally disagreeable. to every- person that does patronize him,•and. he don't want year hekeeps open day and niglit." • 'Dear me, how this worldis given to ,perversion, nearly EVERYBODY . BUYS FROM III111. Folk Sizes. Don't fail to See Them. R- Al.•11A0EY; • • hen 4nd Hardware Merefianb Onto)). . • • • • Thore Must be Some Mistake Hem • • For H is- Goods are al I N ew. and Well Bought, and • , You Forget .• " • :4):: .- • 0 • :Remember:the place— • • • ••• • ••• Opposite: Post, Office,. 111 the " Old Ill'atelloa11011o0;" P. ROBB„ ..Grocer. • . . G our Ohm Lffies:of Boots. all Shoe%. Very nog, • 3E3 TT BTT • • Johnston TisdalI86 Gab : • ' • • •• • ItANIkERS,-• • ALBERT S'rgRET, CLINTON, ONT. . - Transact a general badking busineSs. Iifone3 a,d- raneed oti filertgages and Notes of hand. • Drafts is- sued payable at par, at all* the offices of the itlerehant s • Bank of Canada. New York exchange botight.'atid sold. Prompt attention paid to Collections through- ' • out Canada and the United states. , • SALE. NOTES d.. BO UGIT d • d d d • at closerates, and anoney axlvaneed to farmers on their own notes; for any length of thee to stilt the • . borrower, All marketable securities bought and sold. Bankers lit New.York. •• Agents of the MerchtinVs. Bank of. Canada. . • , • . , INTEREST ALLOWED ALLOWEDONDEPOSITS A. JOHNSTON, J.-.0".•TISDALL,. • T; A, OAI:Ei• • StrathroY. - ' Clinton. ' • . EIori • ...J.1'ENTLANHVISom.1., Noinor. JOHNSTON GALE & TISDALL, 1114,V1iitiRri, BbOBA. • • • .A. JOHNSTON, . 'T. A GALE, a. P. TISD ALL; Strathroy. , • Elora. Clinton. . • T. A. GALE, Manager. ' • • • • Correvpondents in Canada, The Bank Of Montreal . tinifoill their agencies. In,New York, W. -Watson and A. Lung, 50 and.01. Wall Street. 1111, 1 E • . . • . . • • t • • • • • . • • . • . „ • •••• • . . • • I • 6, • DISCOUNTAS: PEUNELLA GOODS.. ..• • • • ., ZE/0.x. • 'Eaglith,Extritct iFEI II C:4 11.-1:71s One. of the Beet NC.I3D n7C30 732" INVESTIGATORS IN USE. • It is a specific Italie cure of alt dfsea.ses A . of the Eldnnys,•BladderoProstatie For; tion of the Urinary Orgaus,Irritationof the Neck of the Biadder,Eurning - Gleet, .Gonorrhea in its stages. /du- cOusDischarges, -Congestion of the Kiti j. neys; BrickvDust .Deposit„ Diabetett.11).- airnation.of the Kitineya.ond Bidder, Dropsy 0 Kidneys, Acid Mine Bloody Urine, Pain in the Region of.the Bladder, PAINIE THE „BACK, Urinary Calculus, Rettal•Cilcalus, Renal Colic; ,Retention all its forms...Inability to retain the Wit; ot Urine, Frequent Urination, Gravel. in ter, particularly in persons advancedin life. IT ;BA KIDNEY INVESTIGA.TOR that:restores the Urine to its natural 11 coleivremoyes the acid and bUrning, and theeffect of the massive use of lutoxi- 1 eating drink. PUCE, Si; or, ,lx Bottles for Ad: 4 -..„-- rkselia 1'01;01nm:or. Sold by all Druggists. I! ... Heavy arrivals of Sugar, bought before•the late advanCe.. .: • - ' 'd . , 0 . .. IdeaVy`arrivala of General Groceries.' - . . • . • . • Heavy arriya?s'of .Crockery Glassware, tt.c.: . • Broueht directv. frOin the mannfacturers' Very loiv / .. . . • • 6 • • • • • •• . ••• •, " ' , • ; ; .,,, . . . ,We neither went to China dr Japan to purchase or T, but di,1 the riett-best thing i We., ' ' • ' ' ' ' ..... bonght air(,.et flora heavy.iniporters. Any old woman in the eoiretry who liar tried •ourt . . T will tell youitis. the best they can buY just try:once then alway's ,. . • . . , - . ! ,. . / .. . • • - - • .• • • • 4; CASH FOR EGGS: ;CASH • FOA BUTTER :IN . PACKAGES: • • Stin,wlierries'ditrIfig,their season to supply any orders:for the serne, & CO.,. ANHERSTBURG, 'ONTARIO. Agents for the U. S. one!, cetheuict. •-• ,.,i 4,1%; -. ,•4.1; uitt uy• .1,1. 4 i • Chemists Sz, Druggists; Clinton, ..TIEIOMPSON & BOLES • e delss la) o Co. Will make, for tha next 60 days only, a Grand Offer of. S AND ORGANS. kcei;i1B ros.&. o Toronto' M AC 11 -1 -NE ---0 IL IN '1111' WORLD, is ililliiiiiiiefUred by %'NllV BE02 0 AAk. ?' CTOR CYAR Ss .4*. , . ^ Now York, with fore Piano -Coyer, Stool and°,Book, only 4 : Our price,forthli instrument boa.ed 411(1 deliverecr.00 board ears at Thkvinno Wurhe sent on test trial. Incase send reformer-, if :i*ou do not Send neiney with order; Cash ' ag lriiIie 'more) omit akb Gut Indio* tt tendle the perfection of the instrument has been added. . • lac and forge fairrniouldng ;01111rd 1)7180, R11111'011 -Frame, Preitith Brand Action, GranT-Ilannuera,in,ftc.,t ever,* sent wiiliorder will bof refunded and.frelglit charges paid hp• us botir wars if Piano isnot jOst •as represented ; in this Adveltiscituni Tito aunts in Use. for Catit epic. /ivory instrument hilly Warranted fouli STYL'E-.,1 $850 -Square 'Grand Plani for only $245, te,Itgot,.,,,.r . . . deceased have , been interviewed; •but they declined to give any infortitatioli i!, referenceto the.deceased..parties, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTER,S, cures scro- fda, erysipelas, salt rheum, piles, and 3.11 rumors.of the blood.. Cures dyspep- sia, liver cothiplaint,biliousness,. eatisti jettion,, dropsy, kidrney cornplaintS, headache, nervousness, female Ageak- Lf,"•SS, and general, debility. PosiTivn FAor. —I t• is •flow uil le,•oed controversy that 1)r. Fow- ler's Extract of . Strawberry. the most perfeet.eure for all forme of lowot' aomplaiuts, • imel•uding• cholera interims, dysen try,. nfan- PI in , nausea, canker of the stoniach, iitd bowels, piles, • ke Beware of opiates andpoisonous dregs, that Only check, for a time qnd produce inflanitt- tion. Wild Strawberry is wife and etetaiititett4r.i. and for pale flJy• all dealers: %Ask. lone merttliant.• , lor LAIU31NEauud tuke n. ether. •' • • • • • . ,• This on, Undor The •toverest test 'end .1110011 active competition, was itt the Termite Industrial t lon,awarded the highest Briae, also the Gold Medal I at the Pitivineial J hihiiot, 1 Intuit ton, and the high,..1 est1 Award at the Ibitninion Jbii,itlou, „Uttairti•- the I Stier Medal. Partners. and all who use Attricititural 'Machinery 11111 save money and machinery by using none hut ' . T 0 RI( A ii.Cati&U.VAUR S 1E- ORE,M2SPECIFIC isEAsEs 0,:.L7K 1 DNEY,S R 1V,9 OR C 7NS. • r Has no equal- for.the permanent core of C•tiallia, Colds, Sore Throat„,,A141hula, ('roup,' Whipiiping Cough, . Bronchitis, and . • nit i,ung Diacona& livery bottleguaranteed to give stitisfactina. MiLlibiRN St. CO., Proprietors 'reroute.. • 1 N S dispialsoit the co/A.311sta ashibition, tueb.were unanimensly recont- , Sold at.Wholestde factory pyrites. These Platios made one of the finest • 5105 to sine (with Stool, Cover and Book). ' All strictly First-class anti '. ofk,... . • inendLdf.for the iliourar fiettetts. The Squares contain our New Patent.. Scale; the greatest linprevettient iti the history o1 .Piaito making. 'Phe rprights are the finest In America. Positively -we make the finest Nonni, of the retest bine and.greatest, durability.. They are recommended' by the highest 'musical authorities In the country. Over 1.1000 in use, .and not ono. dissatisfied purchaser, Al . . Pianos or Organs sent on lti days. tet trial,fravAf free Tteneathfacteev. Don't hate write us before buy- • ing. Posltively.we offorttie.best bargains. • Catalogue mailed free. ilatalsonte Illubtrated and Descriptive. . • Catalogue of -48 Pages' mailed for 30. stanip. Every Vilt:PO fully u•n•nted for 5 yenta. . . . ' Blir "triot flud tit.tiJubl. ' lee Organ," style 35, is, the itneit rind sweetest . tuned Reed organ ever • clored the mitsietil p iblie. It contains Five Octave. Me acts of Reeds, fou8 of q octevis each, and One of • 'Plinio OetaVes, Thi tacit Stops wit 1 Grand orton--Okipason, Sielodia, Violii, Pluto, Celeste, Dulcet, Bell(), . Meloillit•Forte, Coles. ina, Violl ia, 1 lute. Porte, Tremolo, Grand-Orgiti, and (brand -S.10, Knee -Stops, Ileight,,. 74 in.; Length, 43 in, Width 24 in. Weight, be,ted, 35)11)�..The.coo.is of sold walnut, veneered with choice - woods, and Is of an e ititely ;JO 0 an I. beautiful design, elaborately carved, Mil) miffed panels, 120110 closet, lamp stancbc•fret.iVoik, ,tic.; Id tha,alitly 11111,110d. PO8SeSSOS•rin t310•Illt0St imd best intproveutewts, with great , • rower, depth,. brilli Lucy lull sympathetic miality of tune, Beautiful solo effects and perfect stop action. - ReOilar retail price St54. Out who Mate net eash prieete larva itinteeda eed, with stool andbook;. only ilia- as one organ sell lions other& Posithety mrderiutkr in price, I/o payment required until you hate fay tested the organ ill Your traie home.' We send all organs on 10 days 410 Ethlt antlis.ty freight'noth ways if fostruniont isinot as represented. lentil teat -maxi tor 5 years.- Other stytes-S stop organ only t411, ,.' 5' stns, Ui ; ir stops $1.15. Hver,32,010 $0h.l, and evecy Organ Its given the tallest satisfaction. rilhatrated' circular. mouret Ate., Factory and Wm -grooms, Sit 1 St, and 10th Ave. 8,ay 1.4E -ET 13161U..4,,... at ond47fird prlee.. Catalogue of 3000 choice pidees pent Aifts3 cent. , . . raand eVeryoritriety 0i/unshod eoniposItionby t1 fe. hoot autlicsa. Address, , . . 141*.ir stimip. This Catalogue Includes *mat of the popularmusiteftatte ,totgliBELSSO.RN. Oftripl CD,t„ P. O. Box 2.05.8x. New York,aits„ . •