HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-22, Page 5BIG ,SALE OF PRINTS FOR',YTmr AND Atuov$11'. •BIG SALE OP ARASOLS:: FOR JLILT' AND AUGUST. O BIG SALE OF STRAW GOODS. BIG SALE OF DRESS GOODS.. Psg? Bargains in MUSLIMS. Big Bargains in BUNTINGS. Big Bargains in CASHMERES. • Big Bargains in. SILKS. Stanley, A certain mother-in-law residing iq the township of Stanley presented her <laughter at the time of wedlock with a grand old English piano, but through [time she became so attached to her Iaughter-in•law that ehe'requested, the same piano to be rettrehed so she could snake a secondpresentation, A. certain party heating her request returned this ,beautiful piece of ,music to Ler door, . and to ,her great astonishment in the C /t P'CIl'i. morning when she opened her door this V11 .L=aA J.101 same piano was seeking admission at her .door and it was quickly admitted • LATS 8 CAPS,' • by her and her son carying it in and providing it with a•laee cover and a MANTLES newset of keys, Two Childrutl' Accidentally Shot. &C., &C. M BIG BAROAJNS ALL .'R.OIJND DURING JULY. AND AUGUST,; TO REDUCE STOCK. o` S ..HOT?, BTTTTE;Et_. ry -AY &, W#SEMAN —IMPORTERS• QF--- F_. Ij,.bo01is;, (1.0.tiiIng Z'4J.The Dry Goods En porium; lnton n - hard and his sister were ,shot. It ap- pears that the children were looking in at the door of Taltou'e News Depot,• ��T AT• D on Queen street,' the sister behind herBUTTER yV N ' brother, when a boy named Geo. Suth- erland; . employed 'there, took up a re- PAY & �~= S M . vialaer from behind the counter point - ••eel it at themii, and pulled the trigger,. REMOVED.• the bullet passing through the boy's shoulder,. and the outer part of the gir1'6 thigh. The boy now lies in" a precarious condition, British Grain .Trade. London, July 18.—The Ilfark. Lane E.zprese says :—=A week of tropical.heat has ',brought •on the crops rapidly to- wards the HIarvest, Wheat varies 04 good deal, The ears are generally short and some insect• injuries begin to be spoken of. Exceptional heat will doubtless permanently ripen the wheat. and barley. Certainly from want of rain im •she Southern, .Easters; and 1lid- land Countries .‘the •eat'crop tvill be Lost. Deliveries of native wheat during the the weed have been insignificant, only 824 quarters having reached London. Values are unchanged.' The he barley and oot traders have been totally. unchanged. Foreign breadstufFs hive beeu'in sample • supply, and the trade despite the weath- er, has• been firm' but extreainly quite, Stocks have been depleted to an unusual 'extent and sellers have the advantage. and imports dineinishing: Buyers toper=_. ate on • ar small 'scale... It may be said that the 'forwarding trade at, present kart ely exits Of tiveiityor5ooffcoast cargoes.whieh arrived during the week' -l. •-s' three .were, soleh floating. The colitin- l gent.•lias' beers-deor<eased 135,000. quer- tets 'The. decrease hi the iwports of •' , 0 flour and •'titre depletion .of stock° have, been :tile. Mainspring of tue present tlrin • 'ness of that. article:. Foreign:fiaur has clieke'd the •tratlii•-.all through theyear but ' the.' factories mow .ge. full- rates.. There was a better demand on Wednes- • day •1\lair-e has,'been firm; in better spot supply. Foreign barley -.Las• been unchanged. -The off': coast Market, at is clear, has been large ; supplies and val- _ .nes have fallen 'sixpence. . The sales of The United, States CentennialCommission havee..upon .the recommendation England wheat for the week are 15,271 of the Judges of Group No XXV.'y have•unauitflously awarded to•:SOHMER & qrs.,;.at 46s 2`d, 'against 16,699. qrs.„ at • .Co., manufacturers •:ofGrand',' Square and;., Upright Piano -Portes,: FIRST 43s• ld, the corresponding week 'last MEDAL OF. MERIT' and DIPLOMA OF .HON:QR,'tor . year. I will pay ready cash `for any ,quantity of good butter;. to any ; farmer wanting cash. 1. w111 pay•.balf cash,. if wanted or pay all trade if desired, for one to one .thousand tubs:of, butter. 'Farmers, don't forgot this, . • JOHN . HODGINS, Clinton. .S xaG.gEST At `the ` Genteri�ial • On spot the finest qualities are. scarce The subseriber• begs to ii forni the Public that he has removed to M R. SPOONER S BUILDING,next the Market. Having settlewith the Insur- ance Companies: on a most satis- factory basis, he begs to intimate that -he has decided to clear out all' his old Stock, atGreatlyREDU'CED. RATES ---some at RALF, and some at LESS THAN ORIGINAL COST, the whole to be cleared out in- the course. of Two Months.:. Hats: and Caps at Half Price. GROCERIES at Greatly. Reduced Rates. A call solicited: WM. GOATS. the Essential Qualities of a Perfect../fmno-Forte, viz:—Voluute, Purity, and Evenness of Tone,. Elasticity of,'Touch, a lid•Superiority of Workmanship.. • (Signed)i. A• T. GOSHORIv', • J. L. •CAMPBELL, J. R Director -General." . Stieretary President. • lrave seeniecl'tlie•Agency of the above for Ontario,' and will • keep! constantly .on hand a; FULL. STOCK..• • to fu.word,..tire SOHMER PIANO is tirade to •steed, not merely. as an orna 'tnental.plt:ce of'P1i+ernitmre, but' as aMusical Instrument ,• not for a day on a year only, but for a lifetime. It is honestly ma;de,so that. continuous and' severe use will not impair.its tine qualities of Tone. and Action, 'and owing to itsextra and substantial case work,:,it• will remelt) longer in tune thO any other piano • and endure as 11., faithful means, the Itaruiotiiou:i' interpretations of the beautiful in music.. ' We :will• guarantee satisfaction iii every respect. N. B. --The- Geitipany • gives with each.`Piano a Warranty, to be t,PERFECT INSTR'MENT IN EVERY RESPECT, made of the Best Sea- soned Material, and he 'themselves responsible for the:term of 6 Years. • Second. -Hand Pianos and Organs Teem: 1n Exchange. • LAROE carting° and lilactrsmith abut on the �. al BB1NGs •A Maln street, In trie villa •e of myth. There are Iwo) i`.. �two lntgo shofar 40z0A, cath tttc atones ; a Kaitti ' 'co °Minif and stabie. This Is etre lioat will a to the J� county for a twrrla 40 at0, each dory' end tOrl be sold on • • reasonable tenni: not sold soon Will bo rented.' Ad. dress, • bLJN Qli..." XAir9Y.111JItr E;* plylb, dr.9.4 iais. . " Sale Register, Chi Thursday; Jul, 28th valuable AISQ 1N -OW' PrihtS- New. Dress'- Goods,:' New Monde Cloths; . New Buntings',: EAP village. property in.Blyth; • •• • 0.. ' HAMIL7,"as, 'Auctioneer. IIIIRTlIS.- Cor s —In Goderich `Township,.' on :the • 15th inst., the wife o'f Mr: Th'es..C'ole, of ',.: • MARRIAGES. C t .Tsr ov-1'3oi D -• 1n . the • 21st lost,. by the Rev.: R. Thomas, :at tba f. 'o. • Parsonn;;e, Clinton, \1r.:«Tm: ;Uuutelon,. to Mrs•'Boyd, ate of Croton ' /?EA.: I Y MA D E :.0.L O‘774/1N G , , v_EATIIS; McCo3tnc.—In Mintu,: 'on. the 18th int., • John McConilic, aged ."r8 yelp's, deep y, bi►uight'et.much less than the regular' pride.' Sbeitlheni. regretted., .• . . ,aiTri'HEIVsON,—In. C intoe, • otr . the 1i'thr inst, Edith, infant daughter • .nf Jibes, • and Martha ephenson, aged 9 months,. WErnos.-Iii Clinton,..on the 16thiitst.x. Teresa wife 6i. ?drr. Andrew Wekdcilio• 'aged 60 years::.. ' .ell'ANT1/N IIISBBETS. • (Corrected every Tllurcxlay-•aftornoon,).. • • W1ie tf.faii per beah.. - $1 18. to 1 20 ilea„ 115. to 118 8gr1 i , Ue iehaff, 1 15 to. 1 18 1dfc, _. 1.15 ;to 1 is fhtta : 0 48 to 0 40 Barley, - . 0 05 to 0 10 Peas,. 0 05 to 0 70 Po klotatur,'• toos, 0 25 to • 0 25 .•000 to 080 tIlltKartfor, • 0 is to 0'17 '•6 . • 0 12 to 0 14 This, - . .800 to1200 Tlheopeidaskin8 . • •0 75 to 1 25 . 8 50 to. 0 00 4 Reef, 6 00 to 1 50 ' wain. •rihrothp, 3 Oil to 3 nn • 0 20 to 0 24 77: • Just to hand, anotherlot`orthese WHITS QVIL at- 75 cents •and $1, Also a lot o.. FOR SALE. Good . Tweed Suit four ' $7.5.0.. A GOOD WORSTED SUIT POR X1O. NEW TAPESTRY' CARPM, CIIEAP.: 'o---,—.._ All goods sold at close etteh prices;. ' • PRODITCE 'TAKEN AS CASH.. •gent for .WALKERS PATENT IUTTEE 'WORKER W Albert ;Street Unto..