HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Record, 1881-07-22, Page 4HURON RECORD.
: "Thereis no. truth i the
statement made by certain journals to
the effect that the Government has or.
tiered 10.000.000 postal cards from a
New York firtn. The story was menu
factured in the Globe office."
A large woolen mill near Charlotte-
town, P. E. I., which has been closed
for some time has re -opened, and the.
Grit editor is in ecstace hi. cOnse-
qu.ence. Industries may as Sir Richard
believes, be great curses, but even the
gallant warrior's own friends like...a
littleof the curse.
Sir Jelin Macdonald, according to
certain Grit papers., has converted
the Marquis of Salisbury to protection-
ist views. In yaw .rhe• fent of the
right hon. gentleman. cenVerted nearly,
every Canadian (Grit editors -and poli-.
.ticians excepted),. the fact, after all, is
not such an extraordinary.one.
After considerable valuable tiinebe-
ing spent, the New York Legislature
has at length elected. the administra-
tion caecliclete,, .Miller, for the long
term. They were not a little chagrined
by their failure te elect Lapham on. the
same balmt, out the withdrawal of the
disaffected Stalwarts left them in the
lurch. We have now had a sainple of,
how smoothly the political machine
works across the border, still somecry
out for annexation.
Mr. Gladstone folds his hands after
the sterotypcd Liberal fashion, • 'and
prays Heaven that no oeccasioe May
arise for interfering to protect British
interests. As the menacing a ttiti40
f France forces larger•and.larger see-
Aioes of the African Melionamedans
.to interinto the struggle, the. wav,es et
disturbance.spreaal to zetyit, to -Syria,
. to Arabia, and to Coesfautinitople.....
Egypt, in Syria, and in Arabia French
intrigues.are at work for • the purpose,
of. utilizinase of _need • local fac-
tious against the Sultan..qtaly .and
Spain desirethat the.Republic be firm-
ly informed that its' troops cannot
,vade Tripoli ; 'but the Englishpremier
refuses to move, and simply muuibles.
"Justice to, Ireland ; arrest more men ;
• cheap bresid4 let our manufacturea-
to the dogs." •
• . • •
Four suggestions .have been made. re: •
• •• ••
gartling the teachers' superannutition
fund :-1. That thefund be done away .•
•with 'entirely. This is advocated by
those who make teaching a stepning-••
OHALLENDE.—Aa the " Clipper
I3ase Ball Club of Brussels have defeat -
e& the clubs they have played with this
summer, they are anxious to meet any
club in the Ceunty of Huron, either a
picked nine or otherwise, in a friendly
game in Brussels during the next two
or three weeks, Who will be the first
to try literal
For some ame:IF:11;i% the competi-
tion for the Queen's prize at the rine
meeting it seemed, highly probable that
one of the Canadian team, Sergeant
Walker, would carry off the gold medal
and £250 presented by her Majesty.
ale was among six.others who bad an
aggregate of fifty-six over the two first
range, that being the hitthest on the
register. He rather fell: off at the
i,00q yards, though his chances of suc-
cess were brilliant at' the first two or
three shots: eel finished with 75,
which falls intoAlle tenth pitice; being'
eleVen.less than the winner, who made
three poiuts more than was-evei before
known.in the histtiry of .the cowed
tion, and twelve more than was made
last year: The name of. the winner is
private Beck. He belongs to the third
regiment of Devon volunteers. His
score was 86.
New Hantburg had their match for
Wednesday last canselled on Monday.
At Witigham On Tuesday last the
home club defeated their Palmerston
brethren by one innineliand 21 Tuns..
Griffitt's fine inninga. of 44 'runs was
greatly admired, as. was the bowling of
Webster and Procter.
On Monday afternoon last the Vie,
teritt Block defeated the Brick Block
at a eaine of criCket'by one inning' and
21; runs. •Before play commenced,. :Vie;
toriastock was rather beloW' pari: but
. when they retired their. opponents for
'19 rims, Op.:it went with a rush, :Mc-
Keown, for the -Victories, played a
very �arefii. inning. f not on.t ad
made things 'livelyfor, his
whileinthe scowl(' innings for the
3 rick, 4oh neton....nr.Green and:
s*Anoty..; n • . work the.
..scoring. department, • Jackson -and .Me.'-
lCeowu beWletretrai.gbt 'ett-tinCi'y lb lee tiit
for. the Vietorias,.while • :Harland,
though straight, .'as scarce so affective*
aswas supposed he would lie: ' Jehn-•
stone •ai7illse straight
• •,•,
-The .return erielret iate1a• between
the .Clinton and Wiegliam • JuniorS.,
was played on tite.:Agribuitural u n ils
.OD...Y.'edtlesday last, the home -.club,
'scoring a victory...by 1& runs,: the score:
• stauding,Clinton, Ist inniiigs, 28, '2nd
28 ; Wingliam, 3it inniega, 22; 2nd,.18.
The sniall score in• • a Measure he
aoceuuted fer,...when.we consider the
bowling mid ..fielding, of --both
the fielding especially we have tever,
we belieVe seen excelled'in even. firSt-
elass;nlatoiies. The- howlinget a Coats
and IV: Jackson, • 'for Clinton, 'am' of
Procter, Coreyn; anil McKibben ...for
the vtaitors, was well-chnected and very
dangerouss; *bile . McTaggart:. and:
Siminotids-at the wickets -.were. ready
• •
foranyt- entergeney. Thi a system •of.
tuatehea,We, think the best possible
niethodlob.tettching..eriekettin its ticiew-
titioeleinent,. as. then the players learn
to plaYncit for, 1ndvd.na distinction,•
but for the. advantage of • the,
a whole. A gond fe,ature.of the whOla.,
Was the entire absence of any tiutoward
remarks so common among juveniles, .
following is the _result •04
Cricket matchplayed here on Monday;
Iasb between the Gad:arid:nen& Clinton.,
••elubs•:.--- • ' • • • ' • • •
• G9PMICH: . ." • • .
• ist•Inmiads. • "
.14.iityriblhOnfid 1,, rad out. •
Wu mit lbw b Dtents., - I b wh Harland°
bun* th Hartund • 2..(:not out 6
(t..tpir.it Dennis ' e b UvIten0e; 0
baud rd'ata, out . 26 c-McIT:n!!gart b
•• • • . . bleiOnste
ats Demotic IA:40mb ' • •
beams. • b liteKeps1e• . 0
e.b 1111 ol<ensie • . 6 c• Forrester b
• ' • • • • • ltIc1Centic •
Att;Doug.LIT b. titcr.;enzie 2 b MA:Patin i•2 •
W., Ross c 11ittlautt..lb • c Forrester b-.•
Denttis • • . 1 1 Ear and 11
Proudhot c ilittinud . 0 c b Atelieuei.‘ 0 •
Currie, not out, . 1 tun out • - 0
Extrint • 11 •• • •
tstone to some other calling. 2. That
the Goverment should sunerarinate.
teachers without oalling- on thein for
snything. The only difficulty to this..
suggestion is to make the Goverament
see it in the 'mine light. 3. That.
teachers pay 2 per cent. of their aver-
agesalary to the fund, and after 30
yoars aerVice se -tire on one -sixteenth
.of their salary.; 4. That teachers • be
divided into four classes.. The 16.4 •
class to pay $:,1,0 annually, and retire
after 30 years' service on $5.00 per an-
trum, nie second tV. pity $16., and re-
tire on $400. The third to pay $g.2.,
and retire on e300; and the 4th $8,
and retire on $200, giving .class liberty
to transfer any member from one class
to another by fulfilling the requirements
of that clatut
,b,Pitarrov Esesock..
Sarnia, tOnt, July 17.—Abbot two .
o'clock then:naming the night, watch-
man heard loud :shouts for help pro-
.et-eding from the locality of the Great
Western wharf. Rushing to the spat ••• •• c
he foaled a man in.the river, clinging • . ,50 st&
for life toothe otniugers which rad
the dock. Assistance was prosured
and he was hauled out with :a .great
lieal of •difficulty. an reaching solid
footine lie ave his nmaForbee,ofga
we wish it to be distinctly understood, that w'
not hold ourselves responsible for ttto opinions
expressed, by Fair4rosresponOgati..
Editor flame &card;
I beg to express my thanks pbrongh
the colunme of your paper -to the Lan-
cashire. Co., for ate hooerable and
prompt manner they have paid my loss
• occasioned by fire on the 6th inst. My
claim papers were signed on the 12th
inst, before Mr. A. S. Fisher, the Co.'s
agent here, and paid on the 15th.
Ontarrott, July 15th, 1881.
Editor Ruraro Record.
July 9th, 1881.
Deatt,Sun,—Doan't it bate all whin
you think of the Division Coort sate
atune M. C. and A, D., both of the
clan Cameron. I new as well as I had
a head on me body that the Grits
i'vould elude an opponent, and DO
take. But fur an M. P. to •thry an,
ehate a brother chip is the divil intire-
iv„ and bates thinible•riggite to.paces.
Why didelt he press the note before
this, or wate till either '831 I 'sup -
Tories around • here arp laffinA' nt the
pose it was nigh run out.
exposura,and it is fine ,,fun for 'eat.'
The Grits hould down thare hids and
clottia•say word ; but ould Mr. Cam.
bil sap "Cameron wus mane . in the
extratnei, not to, stan' to his bargain."
• This.A. -D. Cameron (the lineist AS
they call him), ken' up to me, .when the
lastoleetion wus gone on, at •Varna,
houldite nut his hand an' sayin'-' "kin
man d'hon1,1.' instead of "cella . mela
Althq," portendiuL he • wur Limb, I
heti me tisk riz togive him a sogdollog-
'er, but Tom Johnston it posed Mad
towld me not to durty me hands on
Cameron's dOga•olloper, 80 I.let him Off,
fur that time. • An now, my•dear sur,
there are sum of the party, of purity
that we must get a. fire battle,. out oi
in.'83,- an how can you;. 3: ax, git a fare
fit. Out ofateli sthutras this?, I think
inehy M.. 0.' must be • hard 'op- or he
wud river expose himself tur a palthry
,$100 as he had dun in this interestite
Division C00,1t •sute. Anyway Ave all
•liope tile iingisi nifty. win.. Dear sur,
ax Hotties:; 5f-• the what be
thitth:s of the busines4 in -the 'Division
toort,.Canterep. vs, Capri" eiOn. • 'T wud
• • .
.11.1ce.te-ltear what oxeuse he wutl.meke
•for The - wife. has jut • sthrained.
the pctaties 'and. must go to.. dinner,
'so good-bye for tho-primint,••
.. •
P.64,10X ' • _
,••• Vitholesalt
. , .
• Winona.; July 19 —Pani
e!Swisii .tanierlint'wholiad lately
ought a -fartiiiilt • Ciek,':
became insane through. the failure of
eropaincl...home sickness. On *Satur-
dey miorning he wits.founddead in hie
house,' his -wife acid two...CM/firer; dead .
in. the next foom,..,thr.'ne children dead
in a bed unatairk,. and the ,:two oldest.
boYsle the litty jeftaiiertally,wetindecl,...
• all shot:in the
.• . • • °
A gOod,. one ltory.d.a-balf, • (ratite,' iionse-6
.roonis- wail &u.,•with good garden,
well and pumpranif all' inodern eonvemen Lot
No. 845, on :Sapp street, near the Great .Wes‘tern sta.
Mon, ocetipiiid peosent.by,Stes0Vin. The
prentisesean'he Inspected at any. TerinS Easy,
• • • • • fr. 11,..DANNINO, • . . •
• Vendor's Solicitor.
Clintbn 8th JOWL 1881.
Oraib, Nacwhirter
Spring and Summ.e.' .r. Go,ods 1
1TLLINERY at cost.
•• Iirivs STRAW HATS at cost:.
P.ARAgOLS ai cost
Big Bargains in all Iltpartments..
• are btasi preparing for •
and in •octder toseduce their stock as much as poseible before the lst of August
. .
Hicohest. , Price .for Butter.
" they haVe decided to offer the above inducements to intending purchasers.
' •
. • , . • . • .
• • • • • • • •
• •• I -• - •
• ONTAItIO. . ....---••.
• • •
• . Clial•71101\i.
There is 'still .
A Great Rush or CLOTHING
and WO 'are kept very busy, whiCh clearly showathat-this is
• .
• .
FOE SALE.- • ••• .• .
• •
• 11111E undersIghed'oifors -the folloWl ng articles fOr
j_ side set of double harness,,I iron beam -
thistle cotter plong14-4. set of Iron' barrows (new).
mantifietnred by & Tedford,' 1 lumber. gon
1 hay rack,.1 pair of bob-sioighs„ one. fanning •
, • •
whittle trees and neck .)voke, grind stone, fork; Atc.
• • • ;EL w; COOK,
; • ' Clinton.; -
Clinton, Ante 2,.1$81. • ; 14•4 0..111 offering. for. the baladeaof the' season;.. , • .
Petrorea a member of the Pebreleit
laittl;..aul on being,ask.nd as to how. he.
got in altutaivor, he de.dianad ho had not
i he sligitteet idea,. Ile Iliad, liad • •one
,011410 previous oveningv and
said thatialiter that time 'he dit not
know ,what, thappened. Ile Int idkitat
rand overcoattile tatter wail fountVoind
t lie Mayorgave 1.w.0 .a hat A.ad sent ;hint; -
law his 30.4.1.
M1 °Via b alk '0 c !tint rtl
Knot: c J •rolyn 1 e FroinNot
w)er c h Jornlyn • 2 b Jciniyo • 41
Del•nta rim mit • 2 eromitset 1
NiclCukz e .lanaefard 8 I, Stink. • . 1
ibtrin:tle I, Stark 7 e huff f A).
), J).)wp.) 1 1, $ ink
Ntattegart Pao 4trlt, 4 Hot out
Forteslet.1, 8,ark 2 d$ft,uil b 6' ArtiO
• ()nit,,,, al unit) 0
nn) net
6 reheat
4 b .1 volt ,
and where you willtalWays fiud s full and
O•mYm• i••1•.•••••
Dealer in Rooks, SitationerY,
Clocks, Watches, Jewellery,
Fancy Goods, Wall raper,
Children's Carrriageso
Special Indueetnees for tlib,
Next 30 days,..
prevIties tO stock taking.,
A fa line of the eelebrated •
• skidoo prleesfor cash.
kiiiING •
. .
44 Clocks, Watches, ',low& cry, en 1 Sewing .Uitilihie
• • ' spesialty. •
6,11, Ah 6R7' Bye.
CANADIAN•TWEED SUITS from $12.00. upwards ` •
HALIFAX ' . : " • "1 .. 12.00 upwards: . •
IRISH- 'A ' . " • 14.00 upwards:
SCOTCH •" • " " . 15,00 upwards.
ENGLISH •.• ' ' " • " • 18,00 upwards. •
• •
. .
Compiete, Range. of, Worsteds,
nvdifferent colorsi,,at all prices.
• Also a full and. • • • •
• node:Win needlif a suit would de .well to •
• and judge foe themselves,
No. Charge Made,' for Cutting'. tO those Purchasing Cloth here.
The "Noted." mower,
•• •
• ... .• . •
• • .